McKenna Ryan is Hoffman’s premier licensed fabric designer and has been for over 15 years. Her gorgeous signature designs, as both Hoffman Spectrum Digital prints and Hoffman Bali Batiks, have thrilled quilters around the world!
With her stunning fabrics, simple appliqué methods and easy-to-follow quilt patterns, quilters of all skill levels can enjoy her quilt designs.
McKenna Ryan’s Jinglebell Woods collection is digitally printed on Hoffman’s highest quality 205 thread count quilting cotton. The base cloth utilized for Jinglebell Woods allows quilters and sewists of all genres to create beautiful projects ranging from raw edge appliqué to perfectly pieced quilts. Hoffman’s digitally printed fabrics capture countless hues of color, exquisitely fine detail and brilliantly captivating texture.
MRD59 141-Pine | 35% scale
MRD62 531-Papyrus
MRD60 31-Emerald
MRD59 20-Natural | 35% scale
MRD63 161-Christmas
MRD60 36-Amber
MRD67 96-Olive | 20% scale 44” of continuous yardage
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
FIRST DELIVERY: May 2025 (subject to change)
MRD67 7-Blue | 20% scale 44” of continuous yardage
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
MRD61 91-Amethyst | 35% scale
MRD66 288-Clouds
19-Navy | 35% scale
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
FIRST DELIVERY: May 2025 (subject to change)
MRD67 76-Pewter 20% scale 44” of cont. ydg.
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
MRD68 76-Pewter 20% scale 44” of cont. ydg.
MRD59 141-Pine 1/3 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD60 31-Emerald 1/3 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD60 36-Amber 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD63 161-Christmas 5/8 Yard* 1 Bolt
MRD64 4-Black 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD64 10-Crimson 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD65 20-Natural 1/3 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD65 78-Scarlet 1/3 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD66 60-Hunter 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD66 78-Scarlet 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD66 258-Cerulean 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD68 120-Hyacinth 7/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD64 33-Cream 1 1/8 Yards 1 Bolt * includes binding
Finished Size: 30" x 30"
Quilt design by The Whimsical Workshop, featuring Jingle Bell Woods, a Hoffman Spectrum Digital Print collection by McKenna Ryan
Hear the holiday bell ring with this sweet quilt!
MRD59 141-Pine
MRD60 31-Emerald
MRD60 36-Amber
MRD63 161-Christmas
MRD64 4-Black
MRD64 10-Crimson
MRD64 33-Cream
MRD65 20-Natural
MRD65 78-Scarlet
MRD66 60-Hunter
MRD66 78-Scarlet
MRD66 258-Cerulean
MRD68 120-Hyacinth
MRD59 7-Blue
MRD59 20-Natural
MRD60 31-Emerald
MRD62 176-Ice
MRD64 60-Hunter
MRD64 190-Ice Blue
MRD65 6-Brown
MRD65 18-Royal
MRD65 20-Natural
MRD65 78-Scarlet
MRD65 176-Ice
Finished Quilt: 76" x 88"
Quilt design by Bear Hug Quiltworks, featuring JIngle Bell Woods, a Hoffman Spectrum Digital Print collection by McKenna Ryan. A classic Winter decor pleaser, this quilt will warm up any home in the cooler months!
MRD59 141-Pine MRD59 76-Pewter
MRD60 31-Emerald MRD60 19-Navy
MRD61 91-Amethyst
MRD62 176-Ice MRD62 190-Ice Blue
MRD62 531-Papyrus
MRD63 161-Christmas MRD63 261-Bluejay
MRD64 10-Crimson MRD66 258-Cerulean
MRD64 60-Hunter MRD64 4-Black
MRD65 4-Black MRD65 18-Royal
MRD66 60-Hunter MRD61 19-Navy
MRD66 60-Hunter
MRD60 19-Navy
MRD63 261-Bluejay
MRD65 18-Royal
MRD66 258- Cerulean
MRD67 7-Blue
MRD68 120-Hyacinth
Finished Quilt: 55" x 67"
Quilt design by Tourmaline & Thyme Quilts, featuring JIngle Bell Woods, a Hoffman Spectrum
Digital Print collection by McKenna Ryan.
Strip piecing makes sewing this plaid quilt quick and easy!
MRD59 7-Blue
MRD59 76-Pewter
MRD60 19-Navy
MRD61 19-Navy
MRD61 176-Ice
MRD62 190-Ice Blue
MRD60 31-Emerald
MRD60 36-Amber
MRD59 141-Pine
MRD65 78-Scarlet
MRD66 60-Hunter
MRD64 33-Cream
Blue Colorway
MRD63 261-Bluejay MRD63 161-Christmas
MRD64 190-Ice Blue
MRD65 18-Royal
MRD65 176-Ice
MRD66 74-Mint
MRD66 288-Clouds
MRD65 20-Natural
MRD66 78-Scarlet
MRD64 60-Hunter
MRD66 258-Cerulean
MRD59 20-Natural
MRD59 7-Blue
MRD59 76-Pewter
MRD60 19-Navy
MRD61 19-Navy
MRD61 176-Ice
MRD62 190-Ice Blue
MRD63 261-Bluejay
MRD64 190-Ice Blue
* includes binding
MRD59 7-Blue
MRD60 36-Amber
MRD62 190-Ice Blue
MRD63 261-Bluejay
MRD64 60-Hunter
MRD65 6-Brown
MRD60 19-Navy MRD66 74-Mint MRD68
McKenna Ryan’s Woodland batik collection is hand-dyed on Hoffman Bali Batik’s highest quality greige goods. Escape into the woods with these stunning designs and palette. Hoffman Fabrics are the first and finest in hand-dyed batiks with quality at the forefront of what we do.
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
100% cotton. Bring the beauty of the woods home with McKenna Ryan’s latest batik collection, W oodlan d , in two Fat Quarter bundles in two colorways, Amber and Emerald. Each bundle contains 20 Fat Quarters.
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
Quilt 88” x 88” additional sizes available
Quilt design by Material Girlfriends, featuring McKenna Ryan's new signature Woodland Batiks collection. A stunning and lush design of perfect points and batiks full of natural beauty.
MR57 D12-Dusty Pink 5/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR59 185-Abalone 5/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR61 11-Mauve 5/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR61 185-Abalone 5/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR61 512-Paradise 5/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR62 D12-Dusty Pink 5/8 Yard 1 Bolt * binding FABRICS 1 KIT 8 KITS
MR57 D12-Dusty Pink
MR59 185-Abalone
MR61 11-Mauve
MR61 185-Abalone
MR61 512-Paradise
MR62 D12-Dusty Pink
MR63 66-Autumn
MR63 714-Fall
R2284 51-Chestnut
Finished Quilt 64” x 80” additional sizes available 1895 270-Hippo 1895 483-Fog
Finished Quilt: 99” x 99”
Quilt design by Quiltworx, featuring McKenna Ryan's new signature Woodland Batiks collection.
Stripped, curved and paper-pieced techniques. Constructed in 4 sections.
Quilt design by Quiltworx, featuring McKenna Ryan's new signature Woodland Batiks collection. This striking wall hanging utilizes curved and paperpiecing techniques. It is constructed in 3 sections.
MR61 21-Teal
MR63 714-Fall
R2284 521-Mist
Quilt design by Bear Hug Quiltworks, featuring McKenna Ryan's new signature Woodland Batiks collection. A quilt full of movement and soft contrast, this quilt is a crowd pleaser.
MR54 21-Teal 3/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR56 21-Teal 3/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR56 418-Chamomile 3/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR58 418-Chamomile 3/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR59 309-Viridian 3/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR60 418-Chamomile 3/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR63 272-Mallard 5/8 Yard* 1 Bolt
MR63 309-Viridian 3/8 Yard 1 Bolt
R2284 265-Oyster 1 3/8 Yards 1 Bolt
Finished Size: 20" in diamter
Quilt design by Quiltworx, featuring McKenna Ryan's new signature Woodland Batiks collection.
This pattern teaches basic paper piecing techniques and introduces the Quiltworx applique technique.
MR54 21-Teal
MR56 21-Teal
MR56 418-Chamomile
MR58 418-Chamomile
MR59 309-Viridian
MR60 418-Chamomile
MR63 272-Mallard
MR63 309-Viridian
R2284 521-Mist
Quilt design by Bear Hug Quiltworks, featuring McKenna Ryan's new signature Woodland Batiks collection. Find your way through the woods with this gorgeous Hoffman Bali Batik quilt using McKenna's finest Woodland batiks.
MR54 21-Teal
MR54 345-Fawn
MR56 21-Teal
MR56 550-Big Sur
MR60 550-Big Sur
MR61 21-Teal
MR61 402-Sea Glass
MR63 550-Big Sur
MR55 550-Big Sur 1/2 Yard 1 Bolt
MR55 704-Deep Earth 3/4 Yard 1 Bolt
MR56 418-Chamomile 3/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR56 550-Big Sur 1/2 Yard 1 Bolt
MR59 309-Viridian 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
MR63 272-Mallard 3/4 Yard* 1 Bolt
R2284 521-Mist 2 1/8 Yards 1 Bolt 1895 536-Aquarius 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
* includes binding
Finished Quilt: 40” x 40”
Quilt design by Quiltworx, featuring McKenna Ryan's new signature Woodland Batiks collection.
This striking wall hanging utilizes curved and paperpiecing techniques. It is constructed in 3 sections.
MR55 550-Big Sur
MR55 704-Deep Earth
MR56 418-Chamomile
MR56 550-Big Sur
MR59 309-Viridian
MR63 272-Mallard
R2284 521-Mist
1895 536-Aquarius
Quilt design by Material Girlfriends, featuring McKenna Ryan's new signature Woodland Batiks collection.
Simple yet striking and full of rich and lush hues to nature's prettiest greens.
Finished Quilt 64” x 76” * includes
MR55 704-Deep
MR58 418-Chamomile
MR60 418-Chamomile
MR60 550-Big Sur
MR63 309-Viridian
R2284 521-Mist
Quilt design by Quiltworx, featuring McKenna Ryan's new signature Woodland Batiks collection. This striking wall hanging utilizes curved and paperpiecing techniques. It is constructed in 3 sections.
MR54 345-Fawn
MR55 704-Deep Earth
MR58 336-Sandy
MR58 418-Chamomile
MR60 418-Chamomile
MR60 550-Big Sur
MR63 272-Mallard
MR63 309-Viridian
R2284 521-Mist
McKenna Ryan’s Jelly Fish batik collection is hand-dyed on Hoffman Bali Batik’s highest quality greige goods. Escape to the ocean with these stunning designs and palette. Hoffman Fabrics are the first and finest in hand-dyed batiks with quality at the forefront of what we do.
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
MR53 501-Sanddollar
MR47 487-Boardwalk
MR40 312-Atlantic
MR44 176-Ice
MR43 312-Atlantic
MR44 58-Earth
MR46 402-Seaglass
MR52 65-Denim
MR49 79-Seafoam
are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
MR1895 84-Wheat
MR1895 534-Hemp
MR1895 420-Ice Tea
MR1895 513-Volcano
MR885 288-Clouds
MR1895 581-Bluegrass
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
MR1895 550-Big Sur
MR1895 597-December
MR1895 120-Hyacinth
MR1895 276-Sea Urchin
MR1895 564-Tupelo
MR885 91-Amethyst
MR1895 591-June
MR1895 174-Seamist
MR885 503-Lagoon
Quilt design by Bear Hug Quiltworks, featuring Jelly Fish, a signature batik collection by McKenna Ryan.
Skip rocks on the shore and make sandy-toed memories with this stunning quilt design.
INTERMEDIATE | 1 DAY CLASS Finished Quilt 72” x 84”
Quilt design by Colourwerx, featuring Jelly Fish, a signature batik collection designed by McKenna Ryan.
Forgiving Drunkard Path template shapes and detailed diagrams, directions and photos help sewists conquer their fear of sewing curves!
McKenna Ryan’s Sea Salt collection is digitally printed on Hoffman’s highest quality 205 thread count quilting cotton. The base cloth utilized for Sea Salt allows quilters and sewists of all genres to create beautiful projects ranging from raw edge appliqué to perfectly pieced quilts. Hoffman’s digitally printed fabrics capture countless hues of color, exquisitely fine detail and brilliantly captivating texture.
MRD35 462-Dewdrop
535-Purple Haze 25% scale
MRD33 79-Seafoam
MRD41 367-Aspen
MRD36 581-Bluegrass
MRD41 20-Natural
142-Pistachio 25% scale
25% scale
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
MRD43 483-Fog
MRD31 501-Sanddollar
MRD43 391-Blush
MRD31 79-Seafoam
MRD42 61-Turquoise
MRD34 531-Papyrus
MRD43 59-Coral
MRD31 3-White
MRD42 443-Seasalt
MRD34 77-Sage
Get McKenna Ryan’s newest collection, Sea Salt, in convenient pre-cut bundle. Instantly esacpe to a favorite seaside with this sunning fabrics.
MRD34 92-Slate
MRSSFQ 484-Seaside
22 Fat Quarters of Sea Salt’s fabrics full of seasidelike colors. 100% cotton.
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
*swatches shown at 25% scale and are 44” of continuous yardage
*swatches shown at 25% scale and are 44” of continuous yardage
| 1
CLASS Finished Quilt: 18 ¼" x 33"
Quilt design by McKenna Ryan, featuring her signature Digital Print collection, Sea Salt. A sweet wall hanging with a sandcastle fit for royalty! Let these friendly crabs warm up any entry way!
MR1895 199-Blonde Ale 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR1895 261-Blue Jay 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR1895 277-Koi 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR1895 307-Snow 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR1895 480-Creamsicle 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR1895 498-Monstera 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD6 55-Charcoal 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD27 445-Spearmint 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD30 73-Ocean 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD33 73-Ocean 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD40 16-Sky 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD40 20-Natural 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD40 59-Coral 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD40 443-Sea Salt 5/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD40 535-Purple Haze 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD40 606-Caramel 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD40 623-Umber 1/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD42 443-Sea Salt 5/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MRD45 521-Mist 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
Quilt: 26" x 26"
Quilt design by McKenna Ryan, featuring her signature Digital Print collection, Sea Salt.
These pups are all packed up and ready to go for the perfect beach day complete with buckets, balls and surfboards. Enjoy a sunny day with this sweet wall hanging.
MR884 477-Shaved Ice
MR1895 13-Orange
MRD33 73-Ocean
MR1895 199-Blonde Ale
MRD40 16-Sky
MR1895 261-Blue Jay
MR1895 277-Koi
MR1895 307-Snow
MRD40 20-Natural
MRD40 59-Coral
MRD40 443-Sea Salt
MR1895 480-Creamsicle
MR1895 498-Monstera
MRD6 55-Charcoal
MRD27 445-Spearmint
MRD30 73-Ocean
MRD40 535-Purple Haze
MRD40 606-Caramel
MRD40 623-Umber
MRD42 443-Sea Salt
MRD45 521-Mist
Finished Quilt: 38 ½” x 38 ½”
Quilt design by McKenna Ryan, featuring her signature Digital Print collection, Sea Salt.
Diamonds from the Sea features serene, coastal designs. Take your project to the next level with embroidery or thread work and use these art prints to practice your free motion quilting!
MRD31 3-White
MRD31 79-Seafoam
MRD31 501-Sand Dollar
MRD33 79-Seafoam
MRD33 146-Stone Green
MRD34 77-Sage
MRD34 92-Slate
MRD34 531-Papyrus
MRD36 79-Seafoam
MRD31 3-White
MRD31 79-Seafoam
MRD33 146-Stone Green
MRD34 77-Sage
MRD34 92-Slate
MRD34 531-Papyrus
MR851 592-July MR851 69-Jungle
MR885 91-Amethyst
MR1384 33-Cream
MR1895 250-Sahara
MR1895 368-Coral Gables
MR1895 511-Bluff
MR1895 370-Acapulco
MR851 81-Violet MR851 601-Easter MR884 135-Pastel MR851 203-H2O MR885 9-Yellow MR885 130-Multi MR1895 586-January
MR1895 519-Hibiscus
MR1895 564-Tupelo
MR885 448-Blossom MR1895 588-March
McKenna Ryan’s CongoBay batik collection is hand-dyed on Hoffman Bali Batik’s highest quality greige goods. Escape to the jungle with these stunning designs and palette. Hoffman Fabrics are the first and finest in hand-dyed batiks with quality at the forefront of what we do.
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
MR37 283-Giraffe
MR32 163-Zebra
MR30 610-Cappuccino
MR34 163-Zebra
MR30 573-Pecan
MR37 47-Gold
MR36 47-Gold
MR31 250-Sahara
MRCBFQ 44-Forest
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
Also offered as Hoffman Traditional Fabric Kit
Full Finished Quilt: 43 1/2” x 73 1/2”
Finished Month 1 Monkeys Block: 42” x 19 1/2”
Finished Month 6 Elephants: 42” x 19 ½”
Finished Center Scene: 43 1/2” x 50 1/2”
Quilt designs by McKenna Ryan, featuring her signature batik collection, CongoBay.
This quilt captures the playfulness and awe found in a safari adventure! Follow along with McKenna’s 6-Month BOM pattern series to create this stunning work of art. Purchase this pattern through pineneedles.com
extra fabric needed for individual wall-hangings -- pieced sashing, borders, and bindings
extra fabric needed for full quilt -- pieced sashings, borders, and bindings
Finished Quilt: 99” x 99”
Quilt design by Quiltworx, featuring Congo Bay, a signature batik collection designed by McKenna Ryan. The cool tones in McKenna's collection reminds us of rocky beaches, ice flow and the beautiful deep glacial waters and snow fields of Montana, proving prints in nature are universal and worldly.
Finished Quilt: 99” x 99”
Quilt design by Quiltworx, featuring Congo Bay, a signature batik collection designed by McKenna Ryan.
Take a quilting journey to the savannas and jungles of Africa in this fun, warm and rich color theme of Artic Star-Queen.
MR29 168-Nutmeg
MR30 573-Pecan
MR30 610-Cappucino
MR31 250-Sahara
MR32 96-Olive
MR36 47-Gold
MR29 168-Nutmeg 1/2 Yard 1 Bolt
MR30 573-Pecan 5/8 Yard 1 Bolt
MR30 610-Cappucino 4 1/2 Yds. 4 Bolts
MR31 250-Sahara 2 Yards 2 Bolts
MR32 96-Olive 1 1/2 Yds. 1 Bolt
MR32 319-Snake 2 Yards 2 Bolts
MR33 77-Sage 1 3/8 Yds. 1 Bolt
MR34 163-Zebra 1 1/8 Yds. 1 Bolt
MR34 305-Gravel 5/8 Yards 1 Bolt
MR35 60-Hunter 3/8 Yards 1 Bolt
MR36 47-Gold 1/4 Yard 1 Bolt
MR37 47-Gold 7/8 Yard 1 Bolt
R2284 253-Havana 7/8 Yard* 1 Bolt
885 256-Copenhagen 3 1/4 Yds. 3 Bolts
885 638-Harbor 2 1/4 Yds. 2 Bolts 1895 531-Papyrus 3 1/2 Yds. 3 Bolts * binding Also offered as a Hoffman Traditional Fabric Kit
MR32 319-Snake
MR33 77-Sage
MR34 163-Zebra
MR37 47-Gold
R2284 253-Havana
MR34 305-Gravel 885 638-Harbor
MR35 60-Hunter 1895 531-Papyrus 885 256-Copenhagen
Finished Quilt: 56" x 63"
Quilt design by Madison Cottage Design, featuring Congo Bay, a signature batik collection designed by McKenna Ryan.
Simple shapes and 2 at a time Half Square Triangle piecing make this a straightforward sew!
MR29 168-Nutmeg
MR30 105-Celadon
MR30 573-Pecan
MR30 610-Cappuccino
MR31 250-Sahara
MR29 168-Nutmeg
MR30 573-Pecan
MR30 610-Cappuccino
Quilt design by Madison Cottage Design, featuring Congo Bay, a signature batik collection designed by McKenna Ryan. Dramatic and fast, Fat Quarter bundle efficient. Tool needed, Creative Grid's Perfect Triangle ruler, CGRTMT3.
McKenna Ryan’s Jewel Basin collection is digitally printed on Hoffman’s highest quality 205 thread count quilting cotton. The base cloth utilized for Jewel Basin allows quilters and sewists of all genres to create beautiful projects ranging from raw edge appliqué to perfectly pieced quilts. Hoffman’s digitally printed fabrics capture countless hues of color, exquisitely fine detail and brilliantly captivating texture.
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
MRD27 445-Spearmint
MRD27 41-Aqua MRD27 D7-Dusty Blue
MRD28 16-Sky
MRD22 581-Bluegrass
MRD21 311-Lake | 20% scale 44” of cont. ydg.
562-Blooms 25% scale
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
25% scale
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
McKenna Ryan’s Into the Mist batik collection is hand-dyed on Hoffman Bali Batik’s highest quality greige goods. Bright the Winter mist into your home with McKenna’s gorgeous designs paired with soft hues. Hoffman Fabrics are the first and finest in hand-dyed batiks with quality at the forefront of what we do.
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
MR20 55-Charcoal
MR25 427-Gemstone
MR21 648-Geode
MR27 648-Geode
1384 174-Seamist
MR25 92-Slate 1384 584-Granite
MR21 76-Pewter
McKenna Ryan’s Vintage Farmhouse collection is digitally printed on Hoffman’s highest quality 205 thread count quilting cotton. The base cloth utilized for Vintage Farmhouse allows quilters and sewists of all genres to create beautiful projects ranging from raw edge appliqué to perfectly pieced quilts. Hoffman’s digitally printed fabrics capture countless hues of color, exquisitely fine detail and brilliantly captivating texture.
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
*swatches shown at 25% scale and are 44” of continuous yardage unless stated otherwise
McKenna Ryan’s Painted Forest collection is digitally printed on Hoffman’s highest quality 205 thread count quilting cotton. The base cloth utilized for Painted Forest allows quilters and sewists of all genres to create beautiful projects ranging from raw edge appliqué to perfectly pieced quilts. Hoffman’s digitally printed fabrics capture countless hues of color, exquisitely fine detail and brilliantly captivating texture.
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise
MR18 541-Peace
MR14 134-Parchment
*swatches are shown at 50% scale unless stated otherwise 20% scale and 44” of cont. ydg.
MRCAGLK 60-Hunter
Finished size: 20 ½” x 20 ½”
An original design by McKenna Ryan featuring her Painted Forest Collection. Kit includes all fabrics for the quilt top according to McKenna Ryan’s pattern specifications. Fabric for binding is included. McKenna Ryan Pattern Included in Kit.
Finished size: 43 ½” x 44 ½”
McKenna returns home to the woods with this classic and refreshing work of art. Our traditional fabric kit includes all fabrics needed for one quilt top. Binding and pattern set included.
MROBM1 604-Halloween
Quilt finishes at 46 ½” x 61 ½”
McKenna Ryan Pattern Included in Kit.
McKenna’s enchanting Halloween design will have your customers bewitched! A simple and fun five-block BOM, featuring McKenna’s famous cast of Halloween characters is frightfully delightful. Simply BOO-tiful!
This traditional fabric kit includes enough fabric cut to McKenna’s pattern specifications for one quilt. Border and Sashing fabrics are included. Backing fabric is not included.
Quilts finish at 25” x 21”
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kits
A sweet pair, these McKenna Ryan classic wall hangings feature a deer family as they begin and end their day in peace. Dusk and Dawn kits are sold separately, but can be hung as a two-part wall hanging. Laser kit includes all fabrics pre-cut and pre-fused ready to sew!
Traditional and Laser Kit includes fabrics for one quilt top, binding and pattern.
MRDUSKLK 742-Dusk (Laser Kit)
All appliqué fabrics laser cut and pre-fused
MRDUSK 742-Dusk (Traditional Kit)
MRWBILK 4-Black (Laser Kit)
All appliqué fabrics laser cut and pre-fused
MRWBI 4-Black (Traditional Kit)
Wall hanging finishes at 12 ½” x 31”
McKenna Ryan Pattern Included in Kit.
A perfect wall hanging for a warm welcome featuring fabric from McKenna Ryan’s Painted Forest collection. Laser kit includes all fabrics pre-cut and pre-fused ready to sew! Traditional and Laser Kit includes fabrics for one quilt top, binding and pattern. Backing fabric is not included.
Kits sold separately, but these hang together for a perfect two-part wall hanging!
MRDAWNLK 112-Dawn (Laser Kit)
All appliqué fabrics laser cut and pre-fused
MRDAWN 112-Dawn (Traditional Kit)
Escape to the sea with this magical, ocean inspired work of art. Each kit comes with all the fabric needed for one quilt top finishing at 37 ¾” x 47 ½”. Binding and 5-Block Patter n set are included. Walk your customers through this stunning work of art as a block-by-block class series!
Hoffman Fabrics is excited to offer NEW LASER KITS designed by McKenna Ryan. Each kit comes with all background and applique fabrics PRECUT and PREFUSED ready to arrange and sew. Each block’s laser kit is sold separately with a sixth finishing kit for sashing and binding. Each kit comes with the McKenna Ryan pattern. Walk your customers through this stunning work of art with a BOM style class series! The full quilt finishes at 37 ¾” x 47 ½”.
MRBFL 307-Snow
Quilt finishes at 16” x 32”
Welcome Winter in with these sweet bears playing in the trees! Each kit includes everything needed for one wall hanging, binding and pattern included. We have also included six laser cut snowflakes to add to your wall hanging as seen in the photo!
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
MRHA 161-Christmas
Quilt finishes at 16 ¾” x 33”
Bring Alejandro in to help deck the halls—he’s ready!!! Each kit includes everything needed for one wall hanging, binding and pattern included. We have also included nine laser cut snowflakes to add to your wall hanging as seen in the photo!
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
Each block finishes at 8 ½” x 8 ½”
Dance and play Winter away with McKenna Ryan’s Snow Bud creation! Each block finishes at 8.5x8.5” to be stretched over canvas to create a true work of art! This kit includes all the fabric needed for each block and McKenna’s 9-block pattern set. McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
Accessorize your snowmen with beads and more just like the picture.
Bring these friendly ocean faces into your home with this single kit that makes both Dudley and Doolittle and two Starfish pillow friends! McKenna Ryan’s Pattern for all Included in Kit. Stuffing not included.
Finished Dudley Shell Size (big turtle): 30”
Finished Dolittle Shell Size (small turtle): 15”
Finished large Starfish Size: 36”
Finished small Starfish: 17 ½”
Get McKenna Ryan’s newest batik collection, Jelly Fish, in convenient 21 or 24 pre-cut bundles. Each bundle is sold as a single-pack.
MRKC 488-Sandcastle
Wall-hanging finishes at 18 ¼” x 33”
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
A sweet wall hanging with a sandcastle fit for royalty! Let these friendly crabs warm up any entry way!
MRBB 484-Seaside
Wall-hanging finishes at 26” x 26”
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
These pups are all packed up and ready to go for the perfect beach day complete with buckets, balls and surfboards. Enjoy a sunny day with this sweet wall-hanging.
MRTOAST 44-Forest Quilt finishes at 36” x 9”
Pack your tent and s’mores gear for a fun camping adventure with your favorite forest friends! This kit includes everything needed for one wall hanging top including binding and McKenna Ryan’s pattern! McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
A baby quilt and growth chart collection
MROL 135-Pastel
Baby quilt finishes at 33 ¾” x 43 ¾”
Growth chart finishes at 13 ½” x 48 ½”
McKenna Ryan Pattern Set Included in Kit
A perfect quilt and growth chart to celebrate a new baby designed by McKenna Ryan! This kit provides everything needed to make both the baby quilt and growth chart. Fill the room with sweetness and joy with this lovely pair. Fabric for border and binding is included. Backing fabric is not included.
MRKOTF 162-Jewel
Project finishes at 49 ½” x 70”
McKenna Ryan Pattern Set Included in Kit.
We are capable of change with a little bit of extra love and care for our forest friends. Let McKenna Ryan’s newest masterpiece remind us to extend a helping hand to the ‘Keepers of the Forest’ so we can continue to enjoy their home that is full of serenity and beauty! Fabric for border and binding is included. Backing fabric is not included.
MRSNW 521-Mist
Quilt finishes at 53” x 62 ¾”
McKenna Ryan Pattern Set Included in Kit.
Do you see what I see? Said the Night Wind captures Santa on his cross-country journey on the eve of Christmas. Forest friends gaze at the magic and offer a helping hand. This kit features McKenna Ryan’s new Into the Mist batik collection. Kit includes all fabrics for one quilt top including borders and binding. Backing fabric is not included.
Project finishes at 43 ½” x 73 ½”
McKenna Ryan Pattern Set Included in Kit.
McKenna Ryan’s “Wild About You” quilt captures the playfulness and awe found in a safari adventure! Featuring McKenna Ryan’s new CongoBay Hoffman Bali Batiks, this traditional quilt kit includes all fabrics needed to make one quilt top. Follow along with McKenna’s 6-Month BOM pattern series to create this stunning work of art. Full pattern set is included in the kit so you are ready to sew. Backing fabric is NOT included in the kit - McKenna has chosen MR31 661-River Rock as her backing.
Feel the calm after the storm with this serene and beautiful four part series. This kit includes everything needed for one quilt top. Binding and pattern set is included. McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
MRSL 718-Mermaid
Finishes at 31 ½” x 16 ½”
Feel the deep embrace of a stunning mermaid and octopus with this gorgeous wall hanging celebrating the mysteries of the deep blue sea. Each kit includes the fabrics for one wall hanging, binding and backing.
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit.
MRBB3 92-Slate
Finishes at 28 ½” x 12 ½”
Feel the first mornings of Autumn with this recolored, McKenna Ryan classic, Beneath the Boughs. Each kit includes the fabrics for one wall hanging, binding and backing.
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit.
Each quilt block is an original McKenna Ryan work of art that has been digitally printed so all the work is done for you! Achieve her incredible applique technique without the tracing, cutting, and sewing! Each art print block comes packaged separately so you are ready to start your project!
Take your project to the next level with embroidery or thread work and use these art prints to practice your free motion quilting! The possibilities are endless now that you can get the look without the work!
MRDFTS 73-Ocean
Quilt finishes at 38 ½” x 38 ½”
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
This kit includes 9 art prints for each seascape block, the fabrics you need to complete the pieced sashing and borders, and the pattern to put it all together! Diamonds from the Sea features serene, coastal designs and finishes at 38 ½” x 38 ½”. The borders feature Sea Salt fabrics designed by McKenna.
MRWFG 161-Christmas
Quilt finishes at 52” x 52”
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
Waltz right into holiday bliss with McKenna Ryan’s classic, ‘When Friends Gather’! Pops of metallic detail and rich hues bring these Winter scenes to life in this fun and festive quilt. Each kit has everything needed for one quilt top with McKenna’s pattern set included.
MRH 604-Halloween
Quilt finishes at 44” x 44”
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
A true classic by McKenna Ryan with a breath of fresh fabrics. Celebrate the festivities of the spooky season with friendly ghosts, candy-eating spiders, and sweet trick-or-treaters!
MRWFGSP 161-Christmas: Digitally Printed Quilt Top Sample Panel is available. Limit 1 per store.
MRSF 727-Garden
Finishes at 52” x 56”
A McKenna Ryan classic is brought back out of the archives featuring the original Hoffman Bali Batiks that truly told a story paired with McKenna Ryan’s design. Each kit includes the fabrics for one quilt top plus binding and the pattern. Stores can purchase one, digitally printed quilt panel to make a sample in no time! McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit.
MRSFSP 727-Garden
MRWOM1 151-Sunset
Quilt finishes at 28 ¼” x 32”
McKenna Ryan’s Pattern is Included in Kit
A bestselling design of McKenna Ryan’s refreshed and recolored to capture the peace and serenity that we all need. A sweet reminder of loved ones watching over us as each day passes, this wall hanging is sure to bring joy to any space.
Finishes at approx. 25” across at the top widest point and approx 15” deep in the center
It’s a REVERSIBLE tote!
GQST 73-Ocean
The perfect beach, pool, lake or errand tote is here! Designed by the Gourmet Quilter, this reversible tote features an inside and outside pocket showing off the Jelly Fish Hoffman Bali Batiks designed by McKenna Ryan.
It’s a REVERSIBLE tote!
The Sand in my Tote kit includes all fabrics to make one reversible tote. Customers will need to add a batting of their choice to use as interfacing. Gourmet Quilter’s Pattern is Included in Kit.
GQST 151-Sunset
QWMT 718-Mermaid
Finishes at 68” X 68”
A magical foundation paper pieced
Quiltworx design paired with lush, underwater themed Hoffman Bali Batiks designed by McKenna Ryan. This oceaninspired quilt will take you away to your favorite waters in a sophisticated way perfect for any room. The Mermaid’s Tail quilt kit includes all fabric to create one quilt top with binding included.
Quiltworx’s Pattern is Included in Kit.
QWAS 69-Jungle
Finished Quilt: 99” x 99”
A stunning Quiltworx design featuring McKenna Ryan’s CongoBay batiks is a striking combination! This kit provides the fabric and pattern to make one quilt top.
• 5 and/or 10 inch squares of each fabric needed for appliqués and small cuts for backgrounds and borders for you to sub cut for each kit.
• Fabric Indexes: Color fabric chart for identifying placement and picture of project for reference.
• The Whole Kitting Kaboodle (shop instructions) for cutting and kitting.
• Purchase the Kits by the Dozen pack for the project desired.
• Separate the pre-cut squares, placing 1 in each of your 12 kits.
• 12 patterns included
• Cut the background and border fabrics as instructed on The Whole Kitting Kaboodle.
• Sell like HOTCAKES!
• Minimal investment with maximum profit
• No waiting for a particular fabric!
• Buy just what you need — a dozen at a time!
• Limited labor costs!
• Available for immediate re-order!
MRBJAN 586-January
MRBFEB 587-February
MRBMARCH 588-March
MRBAPRIL 589-April
MRBMAY 590-May
MRBJUN 591-June
MRBJULY 592-July
MRBAUG 593-August
MRBSEP 594-September
MRBOCT 595-October
MRBNOV 596-November
MRBDEC 597-December
Product name is provided for reference. When ordering, only SKU is required.
Pattern: HAPPY01 - Sledding into the New Year Embellishments: HAPPY13
Pattern: HAPPY02 - The Quilting Bee Embellishments: HAPPY14
*Embellishments include decorative Snow Buds wall appliqué
Pattern: HAPPY03 - Zippity-Do-Dah! Embellishments: HAPPY15
Pattern: HAPPY04 - Egg-Specially for You! No embellishments.
Pattern: HAPPY05 - Spread the Luv Embellishments: HAPPY16
Pattern: HAPPY06 - Mama’s on a Mission Embellishments: HAPPY17
Pattern: HAPPY07 - Lil’ Sparklers Embellishments: HAPPY18
*Embellishments include seven colors of Angelina fibers to make a number of the appliqué pieces
Pattern: HAPPY08 - Oh the Places You’ll Go! Embellishments: HAPPY19
Pattern: HAPPY09 - Oh Happy Day! Embellishments: HAPPY20
*Embellishments include decorative wall appliqués
Pattern: HAPPY10 - Beary Be-Witching Embellishments: HAPPY21
Pattern: HAPPY11 - Rakin’ and a Rollin’ Embellishments: HAPPY22
Pattern: HAPPY12 - The Perfect Tree! Embellishments: HAPPY23
Making Spirits Bright
MRMSB 307-Snow
Delivery: May 2025
Making Winter Friends
MRMWFK12 176-Ice
Delivery: May 2025
To All a Good Night
MRGN3 568-Red Velvet
Delivery: May 2025
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
Dusk til Dawn
MRDUSK 742-Dusk & MRDAWN 112-Dawn (Traditional Kit)
Product name is provided for reference. When ordering, only SKU is required.
MRDUSKLK 742-Dusk & MRDAWNLK 112-Dawn (Laser Cut Kit)
Laser kit includes all fabrics pre-cut and pre-fused ready to sew! Traditional and Laser Kit includes fabrics for one quilt top, binding and patterns Does not include fabric for backing.
Halloweenies II
MRH 604-Halloween
Includes fabrics for backgrounds & appliqués, borders, and binding, and patterns. Does not include fabric for backing.
Watching Over You
MRWOM1 151-Sunset
Includes fabrics for backgrounds & appliqués, borders, and binding, and patterns Does not include fabric for backing.
When Friends Gather II
MRWFG 161-Christmas
Includes fabrics for backgrounds & appliqués, borders, and binding, and patterns Does not include fabric for backing.
No need to purchase patterns
No need to purchase pattern
Included Pattern: WOY01
Embellishment: WOY12
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
Back Home in the Woods
MRBHW 44-Forest (Traditional Kit)
MRBHWLK1 44-Forest
MRBHWLK2 44-Forest
MRBHWLK3 44-Forest
MRBHWLK4 44-Forest
MRBHWLK5 44-Forest (Laser Cut Kits)
Delivery: April 2025
Traditional kit for full-quilt includes fabric for all the backgrounds, appliqués, sashing, border, binding and pattern(s) Does not include backing fabric. Laser Cut Kit includes background and applique fabrics PRECUT and PRE-FUSED and pattern. Each block’s laser kit is sold separately.
No need to purchase patter(s)
Bear Foot Lodge
MRBFL 307-Snow
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders and binding, 6 laster-cut snowflakes, and pattern. Does not include backing fabric.
Holiday Alejandro
MRHA 161-Christmas
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders and binding, 9 laster-cut snowflakes, and pattern. Does not include backing fabric.
Once in a Boo Moon
MROBM1 604-Halloween – Single Quilt Traditional Kit
MROBMLK1 595-October
MROBMLK2 595-October
MROBMLK3 595-October
MROBMLK4 595-October
MROBMLK5 595-October
MROBMLKFIN 595-October (Laser Cut Kits)
Delivery: April 2025
Single Traditional kit for full-quilt includes fabric for all the backgrounds, appliqués, sashing, border, binding and pattern(s) Does not include backing fabric.
Laser Cut Kit includes background and applique fabrics PRECUT and PRE-FUSED and pattern. Each block’s laser kit is sold separately with a fifth finishing kit for sashing and binding.
Once in a Boo Moon
MROBMB 604-Halloween – Border and Sashing Kit
Only necessary for stores order Laser Kits from McKenna RyanThis is the finishing kit to put the full quilt together.
Once in a Lullaby
MROL 135-Pastel
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders and binding, and pattern. Does not include fabric for backing.
Snow Buds
MRSB 307-Snow
Pair with Pepperment Lane (MRPL 75-Peppermint)
Includes all fabric needed for each block and 9-block pattern set
Product name is provided for reference. When ordering, only SKU is required.
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
Included Complete Pattern Set: OBM10
Complete Embellishment Set: OBM20
No need to purchase pattern(s)
Included Pattern: OL10 (Complete Pattern Set, 5 Patterns)
Baby Quilt (4 Blocks): OL01 through OL04
“Love Grows Here” Growth Chart (1 Block): OL05
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
Embellishment: MRSBEK 759-Embellish
Storybook Farm
MRSF 727-Garden
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders and binding, and pattern. Does not include fabric for backing.
MRTOAST 44-Forest
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders and binding, and pattern. Does not include fabric for backing.
Diamonds from the Sea
MRDFTS 73-Ocean
Product name is provided for reference. When ordering, only SKU is required.
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
Includes 9 art prints for each animal block, the fabrics you need to complete the sashing and borders, and pattern. Does not include fabric for backing.
No need to purchase pattern
Beneath the Boughs
MRBB3 92-Slate
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders, binding and backing, and pattern
Dudley & Doolittle
MRDD 73-Ocean
Includes fabrics and pattern
Poetry of the Sea
MRPS 73-Ocean (Traditional Kit)
MRPSLK1 73-Ocean (Laser Cut Kit)
MRPSLK2 73-Ocean (Laser Cut Kit)
MRPSLK3 73-Ocean (Laser Cut Kit)
MRPSLK4 73-Ocean (Laser Cut Kit)
MRPSLK5 73-Ocean (Laser Cut Kit)
MRPSLKFIN 73-Ocean (Laser Cut Kit)
Traditional Kit includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders, binding and backing, and pattern
Laser Cut Kit includes background and applique fabrics PRECUT and PRE-FUSED and pattern Each block’s laser kit is sold separately with a sixth finishing kit for sashing and binding.
Sea of Love
MRSL 718-Mermaid
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders, binding and backing, and pattern
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
Wild About You
MRWAY 69-Jungle
Product name is provided for reference. When ordering, only SKU is required.
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders and binding, and pattern. Does not include fabric for backing.
Included Pattern: WILD10 (Complete Pattern Set, 6 Patterns)
Individual Patterns: WILD01-WILD06
No need to purchase pattern
After the Rain
MRATR 521-Mist
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders and binding, and pattern. Does not include fabric for backing.
Beach Bums
MRBB 484-Seaside
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders and binding, and pattern. Does not include fabric for backing.
King of the Castle MRKC 488-Sandcastle
Includes 6 art prints for each animal block, the fabrics you need to complete the pieced trees and borders, and pattern. Does not include fabric for backing.
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
No need to purchase pattern
Keepers of the Forest MRKOTF 162-Jewel
Includes fabrics for background & appliqués, borders and binding, and pattern. Does not include fabric for backing.
Christmas Around the Globe
MRCAGLK 60-Hunter (Laser Cut Kit)
Delivery: June 2025
Included Pattern: MWF01 (Set of 9)
No need to purchase pattern
Laser Kit includes fabrics for one quilt top, binding and pattern(s). Backing fabric is not included.
Welcome Bear Inn
MRWBI 4-Black (Traditional Kit)
MRWBILK 4-Black (Laser Cut Kit)
Traditional and Laser Kit includes fabrics for one quilt top, binding and pattern(s). Backing fabric is not included.
No need to purchase pattern(s)
No need to purchase pattern(s)
HOFFMAN FABRICS HQ (800) 547-0100 orders@hoffmanfabrics.com
STEPHANIE VOLMER (605) 515-0535 stephanie.volmer24@yahoo.com
KIM DENEAULT (804) 852-3934 kidzsew@gmail.com
MARET ANDERSON (907) 317-1968 maret.fabricrep@gmail.com
BOB ADAMS (214) 704-9228 adamsrl@swbell.net KATHY BEAL (541) 279-4563 kathybealtextiles@gmail.com
CAROL BRANDON (405) 765-4908 dbtextiles_carol@aol.com
BRIAN COX (407) 257-0145 bjccotton@yahoo.com
MICHAEL DEL VECCHIO (202) 270-8404 medelvecchio@gmail.com
CHRISTINA DUGAN (518) 321-4148 christinaldugan@gmail.com
SHELLY FAXVOG (507) 479-3992 smfaxvog@gmail.com
CHRIS GARDNER (330) 888-9084 cgfabric@yahoo.com
KIMBERLY HUCKABAY (+ Reno) (916) 826-2402 kimberlydhuckabay@gmail.com
ANDY JACOBS (415) 793-4101 jakeasales@gmail.com
MARGARET JONES (+ Las Vegas & Pahrump) (303) 913-2855 maggiejones112@gmail.com
KIM LOPPNOW (414) 232-0333 kim@directlinerep.com
LINDA McCLELAND (773) 930-8519 linda@needleslovefabric.com
ERIN PRATT (360) 430-2392 nwfabrics@yahoo.com
ELLEN PRIMACK (949) 212-8123 ellenbrella@aol.com
BOB VANN (305) 519-7098 bobbvsales@gmail.com
JESSICA WELCH (978) 435-1135 jessica.welchllc@gmail.com
CAROLYN WILLIAMS (307) 673-4350 carolyn@307onthefly com
KIRSTEN HEFFERN International (800) 547-0100 (949) 770-2922 kirsten@hoffmanfabrics.net