Faculty: Granting an Extension to an Assignment

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Granting an Extension to an Assignment There are two reasons extensions can be granted: to allow the student additional time to work on an assignment without having it marked “late� or to re-open the assignment for editing after it has been submitted. To grant an extension to the entire class 1. Place a checkmark beside the assignment you wish to grant an extension to. 2. Click the Grant Extension button located at the top of the list of student assignments

3. Choosea new date/time later than the original due date. 4. Write a comment in the comment box. 5. Click the Grant Extension button. To grant an extension to an individual student: Option 1 1. Open the assignment containing the student work for which you wish to provide an extension. 2. Place a checkmark beside the student to whom you wish to grant an extension. 3. Click the Grant Extension button located at the top of the list of student assignments 4. Choosea new date/time later than the original due date and write a comment in the comment box 5. Click the Grant Extension button. To grant an extension to an individual student: Option 2 1. Open the assignment containing the student work for which you wish to provide an extension. 2. Click on the student name to open the assignment and assessment tool options. 3. Click on the Extension sub-tab found on the right side of the split screen 4. Click the Grant Extension button. 5. Choosea new date/time later than the original due date and write a comment in the comment box 6. Click the Grant Extension button once more.

In order to grant an extension, the assessment must not be submitted. If you have already submitted your assessment, you will first need to “Revoke Assessment� and then grant the extension.

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