Science without Borders

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Offer – Science without Borders 2013 Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

Science Without Borders 2013 Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3 Packages ........................................................................................................................ 4 International Business Experience (IBEX)....................................................................... 6 International Business and Career (IBaC) ....................................................................... 8 Supply Chain Management ........................................................................................... 10 Contact Information ....................................................................................................... 13


Science Without Borders 2013 Introduction Below you can find our offer of educational programmes. As a Science Without Borders student you can choose one of the following packages. Each package is a full one year study programme of 60 ECTS (European grading system) or 1680 hours (contact and self-study hours). These packages are offered by the School of Built Environment, School of Commercial Management Studies and School of Financial Management as a joint programme for you as a Science Without Borders student. We hope that our offer will inspire you to join us at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences for a one year programme. We are looking forward to receiving you and showing you what Rotterdam can offer in the field of innovation and business. Bem-vindo a Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences!

AnnekĂŠke van Kekem Head of International Relations School of Built Environment Hans van Oudheusden Head of International Relations School of Financial Management Ria Slingerland Head of International Relations School of Commercial Management Studies


Science Without Borders 2013 Packages Package 1 International Business Experience (IBEX) + Supply Chain Management Start: 1st of February 2013 End: 31st of January 2014 Admission requirements:  2 years of bachelor studies if a 3 year programme / 3 years of bachelor studies if a 4 year programme  Basic knowledge of Marketing, Finance and Logistic Processes  Satisfactory proficiency in English

Package 2 International Business and Career (IBaC) + Supply Chain Management Start: 1st of February 2013 End: 31st of January 2014 Admission requirements:  Students in their last year of bachelor studies  Basic knowledge of Marketing, Finance and Logistic Processes  Satisfactory proficiency in English

Package 3 International Business Experience (IBEX) + International Business and Career (IBaC) Start: 1st of February 2013 End: 31st of January 2014 Admission requirements:  2 years of bachelor studies if a 3 year programme / 3 years of bachelor studies if a 4 year programme  Basic knowledge of Marketing & Finance  Satisfactory proficiency in English


Science Without Borders 2013

Package 4 International Business and Career (IBaC) + International Business Experience (IBEX) Start: 1st of February 2013 End: 21st of December 2013 Admission requirements:  Students in their last year of bachelor studies  Basic knowledge of Marketing & Finance  Satisfactory proficiency in English


Science Without Borders 2013 International Business Experience (IBEX) (30 ECTS) School of Financial Management Ever dreamt of attending classes side-by-side with international students? Ever dreamt of really improving your business skills? Then choose IBEX!!! In the near future you are going to enter a globalized world. Companies across the world are interconnected through the flows of goods, money and knowledge. Business is always international business, so you will have to be able to interact with colleagues, clients, investors and suppliers who can be everywhere. The ability to work and communicate across several cultures has become a key factor in business transactions. Can you adapt? Do you have the right skills? What are employers looking for?

Employers, when recruiting new young employees pay careful attention not only to the knowledge, but also to the personal skills of the candidates they are interviewing. The key question is: does the candidate have a well-developed portfolio of knowledge and skills that will enable him or her to make a positive contribution to the international workplace? An international semester can add much to those skills and provides a whole set of new competences. It gives you the opportunity to work with many people from different countries. That is why global businesses seek graduates who have a global awareness. In IBEX we receive students from all over the world; often there are more than a dozen nationalities in one class. 6

Science Without Borders 2013 The IBEX semester has a solid practice-oriented programme developed in consultation with the international business community. Our aim is to expose you to real-world business issues and to understand the nature of globalization and its impact on business practices in multinational firms. In other words: this international semester will provide you with the key knowledge and skills that multinational companies are looking for. The IBEX modules are structured according to a business model often used by big international businesses. That is why there is a strong focus on marketing and finance topics. You will attend classes side-by-side with international students and with other Dutch students from the faculties Finance and Marketing. The modules are offered separately, but interconnected by a real and highly interesting project. In addition, you will visit several multinationals and some international business managers will visit the university and relate their experiences and business skills. At the beginning of the semester you will take part in the introduction week. The programme kicks off with an international lunch, during which you will meet the other students. Furthermore, there are teambuilding activities. During the semester you can also take part in a field trip; depending on the semester the trip will be to either London or Berlin. For more information please check


Science Without Borders 2013 International Business and Career (IBaC) (30 ECTS) School of Commercial Economic Studies Why choose IBaC? Are you interested in international business? Do you want to work with a real company during your study? IBaC will help you take the next step from student to international business professional by exposing you to real-world business issues. During the semester, we also give you the opportunity to experience a multicultural city together with other students from around the world. IBaC is a truly practice-oriented programme developed in consultation with the international business community. The Programme IBaC has a strong focus on marketing, finance and business skills. During the semester you will form a consultancy team together with Dutch and other International students, and with this team your aim is to advise a real company on how to enter new markets. Our Dutch students are from the faculties of Marketing as well as Finance. This way we ensure that different fields of knowledge come together in each group. The focus of the programme is on project based learning. This is supported by the lessons which give you the tools to solve different challenges presented during the semester. Study, Laugh, Grow! At the beginning of the semester you will take part in the introduction week. The programme kicks off with an international lunch, during which you will meet the other students. During this week several excursions and team building activities will take place, which will enable you to get to know the other students and their cultures. During the semester you can also take part in a field trip. Depending on the semester the trip will be to either London or Berlin. In the elective European Business you will have the chance to visit Brussels, the home of the European Parliament.


Science Without Borders 2013 Once you have finished the IBaC semester you should be able to apply international relationship management in an international multicultural context and provide your clients advice on how to enter new markets. You will know how to set up international marketing and export plans and you will be able to meet the needs and wants of your international customer. You will acquire the necessary skills to achieving profitable winwin situations which are logistically feasible, legally sound and which can be implanted operationally. IBaC will also help you to gain an open-minded attitude towards multicultural influences and easily cope with uncertain circumstances and unclear situations. The contacts you make during the semester will help broaden your network and help you with your future career.

We guarantee quality! The IBaC programme first started in 1998, so we have over a decade of experience in working with international students. This experience has enabled us to start working together with real companies in order to offer the students real life and real-time projects instead of using case studies. For more information please check


Science Without Borders 2013 Supply Chain Management (30 ECTS)

School of Built Environment

Why choose Supply Chain Management? Are you interested in logistical processes within organisations? Do you want to study in an international environment in a modern business city with the largest port of Europe, Rotterdam? Then Supply Chain Management might be the programme for you! Most companies have good ideas about how to organize their primary logistics. Each company, however, is part of a network of supply chains that may need a different approach. In these networks all kinds of individual goals are pursued which may lead to sub-optimized products and services. Supply chain management considers all the stakeholders’ goals and in particular those of the final customer. In this minor, supply, production and distribution processes are analysed with a variety of methods and tools and are assessed on predetermined criteria which meet the needs of the stakeholders of the supply chain. Rotterdam plays a vital role in many supply chains. The port itself needs to be able to process the enormous volume in bulk and TEUs as efficiently as possible. The correct choice of strategy and the correct configuration and control of processes is of high importance. The minor SCM closely cooperates with the research centre Sustainable Solutions RDM.

The programme Theoretical programme (15 ECTS): - Business Process Management and Certified Supply Chain Professional are based on the curriculum developed by the APICS organization. - Methods and Tools is based on the Lean Six Sigma theories and the SCOR model developed by the Supply Chain Council. - Efficient Consumer Response and Service Management - Logistics and Management is a module based on the strategies described and developed by Martin Christopher, Professor at Cranfield University.


Science Without Borders 2013 Practical programme (15 ECTS): - SCM in retail: development of a commercial and logistics supply chain for a retail company. - CMI Six Sigma is a project based on a distribution case study, in which the lean techniques and Six Sigma project methodology have to be used. - SCOR: research a supply chain in an existing company in a distribution, construction, or healthcare environment. Projects are done in close cooperation with research centres. - Contemporary issues: A wide variety of external activities need to be done and guest lectures need to be organized and attended (per team of students).

Contemporary, Innovative and International The field of supply chain management is constantly changing. Therefore students are challenged to actively participate in external activities organized by branch organizations such as Dinalog, VLM/JLN, EVO and others. Internationally the minor has connections with APICS and the Supply Chain Council. A membership of JLN (fee approx. €25) and SCC (no charge) is required for the minor. The students take part in contemporary research studies initiated by the minor itself or the research centre Logistics. By using the SCOR method — currently version 10 — part of a company’s supply chain is described, analysed and assessed. After research, in which innovative tools are applied from the Lean Six Sigma toolbox and the most recent SCOR developments, advice and recommendations are presented to a board of professionals. The minor is open to international students who study together with the Dutch students, who will give them additional support. The minor is part of the international exchange programme. Students from Belgium, Germany, Finland, Sweden and Portugal have already attended the program. The minor seeks international relations with other large business and port cities. Projects are situated in international settings which reflect the actual field of profession. Exceed expectations! Studying the minor supply chain management means you need the practical, innovative and hands-on mentality associated with the city of Rotterdam. After completion of the minor you will be able to use tools of Lean Six Sigma and SCOR to analyse supply chain processes. You will be able to develop logistics concepts and you will have obtained excellent project management skills.


Science Without Borders 2013 You will understand the different objectives of the supply chain partners and the changes needed for supply chain optimisation. We strive for all our students to be competent in the professional field of supply chain management and, like the slogan of Rotterdam University says, ‘to exceed expectations’, both during their studies and in their professional life.

Extra qualifications: After completion of the minor you are well-prepared for passing the CPIM certification programme of APICS. The certificate is internationally recognized in logistics. After completion of the minor you should be able to pass for the Six Sigma Green belt certification based on the lean tools and techniques used in the six sigma project in the minor. For more information about this programme please contact Hanny van Hoeve, international coordinator of the programme of Logistics and Economics, offering the minor Supply Chain Management.


Science Without Borders 2013 Contact Information International Office Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences P.O. Box 25035 3001 HA Rotterdam The Netherlands +31 (0)10 794 60 05 +31 (0) 10 794 62 95


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