HOUSING IN UTRECHT for international
Utrecht is a city of higher education. Students make up a considerable part of its population. This has a very positive effect on the atmosphere in the city, but it also means that finding a place to stay can be a real challenge. HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU) wants to assist its international students as much as possible in finding suitable temporary accommodation. HU has an agreement with SSH Short Stay, a local housing cooperation that offers temporary furnished housing. They reserve a range of furnished accommodation especially for international students.
Most students in Utrecht live together with more students in a student house. Most likely you will have your own room with a bed, a desk and a cupboard. Usually you will share a bathroom and kitchen with several others. A limited number of independent accommodation is available (with its own kitchen and bathroom facilities), though prices for independent accommodation will be higher. All accommodations are situated within travelling distance from the various university buildings.
You need to apply for housing through the following website: www.sshxl.nl/shortstay > please choose ‘Utrecht Hogeschool’ The number of reserved accommodation is limited, and the sooner you apply, the better your chances of finding accommodation. We therefore advise students to apply before: The 1st of June (1st/Fall semester or full academic year) The 1st of December (2nd/Spring semester) Housing can only be rented for a fixed period of 5, 10 or 12 months. Rental fees are between € 350,- and € 650,- per month, and include electricity, water, heating, furniture, services, household insurance, taxes, cooking utensils and cleaning material. Bed linen can be purchased from the rental office upon arrival (if needed). You are responsible for cleaning your own accommodation during your stay. You can find an example of a cleaning schedule on the website of SSH Short Stay. A registration fee of € 175,-* is required. You will also need to pay the first month’s and last month’s rent in advance. These amounts are non-refundable. Please note you have to pay the registration fee and rent directly to SSH
Short Stay. As soon as SHH Short Stay has received these payments, your reservation becomes definite. Rooms are available from the start of the semester/academic year. Please visit our website for more information about the application procedures: www.international.hu.nl > Living in Utrecht > Housing
* Please note this amount was for the 2010/2011 academic year and is subject to change.
Contact information SSH Short Stay if you have questions about: - The housing application procedure - The registration fee payment - The rent payments - The housing contract - What to do if you have lost your keys - Technical problems - Light bulbs, electricity fuses or dust bags - Urgent repairs/request for repair - Furniture in a/your room
Bisschoppen (Cambridgelaan)
Contact information HU International Office if you have questions about: - The SSH Short Stay housing application procedures - The status of your SSH Short Stay application Visiting/courier address: Oudenoord 340 (entrance 330) 3513 EX Utrecht The Netherlands Postal address: PO Box 13102 3507 LC Utrecht The Netherlands T: +31 (0)88 481 89 28 F: +31 (0)88 481 64 48 Email: io@hu.nl Website: www.international.hu.nl
Visiting address at ‘De Uithof’ Heidelberglaan 11 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Postal address PO Box 85042 3508 AA Utrecht The Netherlands T: +31 (0)30 252 57 25 Email: info@sshxl.nl Website: www.sshxl.nl/shortstay Please take a look at the website for more information and opening hours.