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Meeting Calendar
by Hogrefe
EFPA News and Views Meeting Calendar
April 25–28, 2019 7th World Congress on ADHD: From Child to Adult Disorder Lisbon, Portugal Contact: http://www.adhd-congress. org/
May 13–15, 2019 2019 Conference of the International Society for Research on Identity Naples, Italy Contact: http://identityisri.org/ conference/
June 5–7 2019 19th International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations Patras, Greece Contact: https://ondiversity.com/ 2019-conference/call-for-papers June 20–22, 2019 26th International Conference of Europeanists Sovereignties in Contention: Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe Madrid, Spain Contact: https://councilforeuropeanstudies.org/conferences/upcomingconferences/2019-conference
July 2–5, 2019 XVI European Congress of Psychology Moscow, Russia Contact: https://ecp2019.ru
August 8–11, 2019 127th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association Chicago, IL, USA Contact: http://www.apa.org/ convention September 3–7, 2019 European Health Psychology Society –Annual Conference Dubrovnik, Croatia Contact: https://2019.ehps.net/
September 16–17, 2019 Aging & Social Change: Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference - University of Vienna Vienna, Austria Contact: http://agingandsocialchange. com/2019-conference/call-for-papers
What is EFPA?
EFPA is the leading Federation of National Psychologists Associations. It provides a forum for European cooperation in a wide range of fields of academic training, psychology practice and research.
There are 37 member associations of EFPA representing about 300,000 psychologists. The member organizations of EFPA are concerned with promoting and improving psychology as a profession and as a discipline, particularly, though not exclusively, in applied settings and with emphasis on the training and research associated with such practice.
The psychologists in the member associations include practitioners as well as academic and research psychologists.
The Federation has as one of its goals the integration of practice with research and the promotion of an integrated discipline of psychology.
What EFPA Does
• Representation, advocacy, and lobbying at European level • Promotion of psychology education, research and profession • EuroPsy certification • Test User Accreditation • Support for Member Associations • European projects • Advice on professional affairs, work areas, new developments • Publicity and information sharing • European Congress of Psychology • European Psychologist (Official Organ of the EFPA, http:// www.hogrefe.com/j/ep) • The EFPA News Magazine (http://efpa.magzmaker.com/)
EFPA Membership
Membership is open to the national psychologist association of all European countries but there may be only one member association per country. EFPA has no individual members.
In countries where there is more than one national psychologist association, the Federation should endeavour to identify the most representative organization and, if appropriate, encourage the development of a national federation in order to promote cooperation among psychological associations.
Membership is determined by the General Assembly upon presentation of the applicant association’s articles, statutes, and code of ethics plus details of the membership (see EFPA Statutes Article 5).
As a European federation representing the interests of psychologists in Europe, EFPA is committed to making contact with member associations of psychologists from European countries, which are not yet members of EFPA.
This is particularly the case in relation to psychologists’ associations from countries in the east of Europe, with whom EFPA is concerned to make contacts, to share information and to promote collaboration.
A member of the EFPA Executive Council has responsibility for developing these links and contacts, and the EC will attempt to help to support initiatives. A full list of all EFPA members associations can be found at http://www.efpa.eu/members
A full list of all EFPA associate members can be found at http://www.efpa.eu/associate-members
European Psychologist
Members of EFPA Member Associations and other European psychology organizations supporting the European Psychologist are entitled to a special subscription rate of
149.00 per year
The European Psychologist is published quarterly. Only calendar year subscriptions are available. Prices exclude shipping and handling charges. All subscriptions include print issues and access to full-text online.
EFPA Executive Council (EC)
President: Telmo Mourinho Baptista (2015-2019) Vice President / Secretary General: Robertas Povilaitis (2011-2019) Vice President / Treasurer: Christoph Steinebach (2011-2019) EC Member: Tor Levin Hofgaard (2011-2019) EC Member: Eleni Karayianni (2015-2019) EC Member: Josip Lopizic (2017-2021) EC Member: Bruna Zani (2015-2019)
EFPA Head Office Brussels
Director: Sabine Steyaert Office Manager: Julie Van den Borre Management Assistant: Valerie Boni Management Assistant: Ivana Marinovic Communication Co ordinator: Ruth Mozagba
EFPA Head Office Grasmarkt 105 / 39 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel.: +32 2 503-4953 Fax: +32 2 503-3067 E-mail: headoffice@efpa.eu Web http://www.efpa.eu/
For further information on EFPA events please visit the EFPA website: http://www.efpa.eu/allevents
Instructions to Authors - European Psychologist
European Psychologist is a multidisciplinary journal that serves as the voice of psychology in Europe, seeking to integrate across all specializations in psychology and to provide a general platform for communication and cooperation among psychologists throughout Europe and worldwide.
European Psychologist publishes the following types of articles: Original Articles and Reviews, EFPA News and Views.
Manuscript Submission: Original Articles and Reviews manuscripts should be submitted online at http://www.editorial manager.com/EP. Items for inclusion in the EFPA New and Views section should be submitted by email to the EFPA News and Views editor Eleni Karayianni (eleni.karayianni@efpa.eu).
Detailed instructions to authors are provided at http://www. hogrefe.com/j/ep
Copyright Agreement: By submitting an article, the author confirms and guarantees on behalf of him-/herself and any coauthors that he or she holds all copyright in and titles to the submitted contribution, including any figures, photographs, line drawings, plans, maps, sketches and tables, and that the article and its contents do not infringe in any way on the rights of third parties. The author indemnifies and holds harmless the publisher from any third-party claims. The author agrees, upon acceptance of the article for publication, to transfer to the publisher on behalf of him-/herself and any coauthors the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article and its contents, both physically and in nonphysical, electronic, and other form, in the journal to which it has been submitted and in other independent publications, with no limits on the number of copies or on the form or the extent of the distribution. These rights are transferred for the duration of copyright as defined by international law. Furthermore, the author transfers to the publisher the following exclusive rights to the article and its contents: 1. The rights to produce advance copies, reprints, or offprints of the article, in full or in part, to undertake or allow translations into other languages, to distribute other forms or modified versions of the article, and to produce and distribute summaries or abstracts. 2. The rights to microfilm and microfiche editions or similar, to the use of the article and its contents in videotext, teletext, and similar systems, to recordings or reproduction using other media, digital or analog, including electronic, magnetic, and optical media, and in multimedia form, as well as for public broadcasting in radio, television, or other forms of broadcast. 3. The rights to store the article and its content in machinereadable or electronic form on all media (such as computer disks, compact disks, magnetic tape), to store the article and its contents in online databases belonging to the publisher or third parties for viewing or downloading by third parties, and to present or reproduce the article or its contents on visual display screens, monitors, and similar devices, either directly or via data transmission. 4. The rights to reproduce and distribute the article and its contents by all other means, including photomechanical and similar processes (such as photocopying or facsimile), and as part of so-called document delivery services. 5. The right to transfer any or all rights mentioned in this agreement, as well as rights retained by the relevant copyright clearing centers, including royalty rights to third parties.
Online Rights for Journal Articles: Guidelines on authors’ rights to archive electronic versions of their manuscripts online are given in the document ‘‘Guidelines on sharing and use of articles in Hogrefe journals’’ on the journals’ web page at http:// www.hogrefe.com/j/ep
November 2016
Editor-in-Chief Claus Vögele, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Editorial Assistant Nicole Knoblauch, Luxembourg
ISSN-Print 2512-8442 ISSN-Online 2512-8450 ISSN-L 2512-8442
4 issues per annum (= 1 volume)
Subscription rates (2019) Individuals US $120.00 /€ 94.00 (print & online)
Institutions F rom US $326.00 /€24 9.00 (print only; pricing for online access can be found in the journals catalog at hgf.io/journals2019)
Postage /Handling US $16.00 /€ 12.00 About the Journal The European Journal of Health Psychology was founded to provide a platform for research in health psychology, and for its application in a wide range of contexts. Health psychology is the scientific discipline within psychology that aims to promote and preserve health, to prevent diseases and contribute to their treatment by identifying disease-relevant aetiological processes, and to improve health provision.
The European Journal of Health Psychology strives to promote theory and practice in the analysis of psychological approaches to health and disease. Its aim is, therefore, to publish high quality empirical or experimental research as well as sound practiceoriented articles, current methodological developments, and comprehensive critical reviews of the scientific literature.
The journal has been publishing highquality, innovative research since 1993 (until 2016 as Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, ISSN 0943-8149). Associate Editors Verena Klusmann, Bremen, Germany Arnold Lohaus, Bielefeld, Germany Britta Renner, Konstanz, Germany Christel Salewski, Hagen, Germany Silke Schmidt, Greifswald, Germany Heike Spaderna, Trier, Germany
Call for Papers The European Journal of Health Psychology invites you and/or your working group to submit papers on all aspects of the field!
Manuscript Submissions All manuscripts, including Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM), should be submitted online at www.editorialmanager.com/zgp, where full instructions to authors are also available.
Electronic Full Text The full text of the journal – current and past issues (from 1999 onward) – is available online at econtent.hogrefe.com/loi/zgp (included in subscription price). A free sample issue is also available there.
Abstracting Services The journal is abstracted /index ed in Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Social Scisearch, Journal Citation Report/Social Sciences Edition, PsycInfo, PsycLit, PsyJOURNALS, PSYNDEX, Scopus, IBZ, IBR, and European Reference List for the Humanities (ERIH). Impact Factor (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics): 2016 = 0.909
Assessment methods in health psychology
David French, PhD, Professor of Health Psychology, University of Manchester, UK
Yael Benyamini /Marie Johnston /Evangelos C. Karademas (Editors) Assessment in Health Psychology
(Series: Psychological Assessment – Science and Practice – Vol. 2) 2016, vi + 346 pp. US $69.00 /€ 49.95 ISBN 978-0-88937-452-2 Also available as eBook
Assessment in Health Psychology presents and discusses the best and most appropriate assessment methods and instruments for all specific areas that are central for health psychologists. It also describes the conceptual and methodological bases for assessment in health psychology, as well as the most important current issues and recent progress in methods.
A unique feature of this book, which brings together leading authorities on health psychology assessment, is its emphasis on the bidirectional link between theory and practice.
Assessment in Health Psychology is addressed to masters and doctoral students in health psychology, to all those who teach health psychology, to researchers from other disciplines, including clinical psychology, health promotion, and public health, as well as to health policy makers and other healthcare practitioners.
This latest volume in the series Psychological Assessment – Science and Practice provides a thorough and authoritative record of the best available assessment tools and methods in health psychology, making it an invaluable resource both for students and academics as well as for practitioners in their daily work.
So that’s how my mind works – Now I get it!
Kennon M. Sheldon, PhD, Professor of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Johannes Storch /Corinne Morgenegg/Maja Storch /Julius Kuhl Now I Get It! Understand Yourself and Take Charge of Your Behavior
2018, vi + 248 pp. US $34.80 / € 27.95 ISBN 978-0-88937-541-3 Also available as eBook
Using the example of four colleagues working together in a small company, Now I Get It! shows us the main personality types and their strengths and weakness in such a way that we gain real “now I get it!” insights into what is going on in our own and others’ subconscious.
How does my mind work and what kind of personality do I have? When we can answer these questions and have come to terms with who we are, then the solutions to many issues that arise in everyday life will fall into place. What sort of people do I get on with best and how can I best deal with the others? Are there recurring stressful situations in my professional or private life, and how do I resolve them?
This humorously written and illustrated book, by the world’s leading experts in personality systems interaction (PSI) theory and the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM), gives us profound insights into our and other people’s subconscious thoughts – so we can adapt our own behavior and interactions to improve our quality of life. Cartoons and worksheets help us on our way.