XXIII Congress • July 12-16, 2021 International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods (ISR) FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT JOIN THE CENTENARY CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE RORSCHACH AND PROJECTIVE METHODS (ISR) IN GENEVA ! The Rorschach test™ was first published in 1921 with Hermann Rorschach’s monograph Psychodiagnostik and 100 years later is still one of the most used tests in the world. The ISR will celebrate one century of the development, controversies, debates and practices of the test with very special events: exhibitions, scientific debates, video demonstrations, cultural productions, interactive sessions and other performances. The Congress is open to professionals from all disciplines who have an interest in Rorschach, including psychologists, psychiatrists, anthropologists, neuroscientists, philosophers, historians, and artists. Join us not only to celebrate this momentous occasion looking back on the history of the Rorschach, but also to think about the next 100 years of the Rorschach, projective methods, and psychological assessment. Presenters are welcome who use different systems of administering, scoring, and interpreting the Rorschach, and presentations are strongly encouraged that address the future of the Rorschach. 1st announcement Jan. 15, 2020
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT Dates and Venue Dates: July 12 (Mon) to 16 (Fri), 2021 [July 12, Workshops] Venue: Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Important Related Dates July 10, 2021: Executive Board Meeting July 11, 2021: Assembly of Delegates July 12, 2021: Workshops July 13 to 16, 2021: Congress
The Organizers The ISR Centenary Congress Organizing Committee
Registrations and Calls January 15, 2020: Call for Workshops and announcements of new projects August 3, 2020: Opening of registrations August 3, 2020: Opening of abstract submissions
The Congress Theme and Topics Theme: The Rorschach and Projective Psychology: 100 years of Fostering Human Understanding Topics: 1) Rorschach, projective methods, and trauma 2) Rorschach, projective methods, and psychotherapy 3) Rorschach, projective methods, and forensic assessment 4) Ethical considerations in using the Rorschach and projective methods 5) Neuroscience, perception, and projective testing 6) Research on Rorschach 7) New insights into the history of the Rorschach 8) Rorschach and art
Deadlines March 15, 2020: Deadline for Workshop submissions January 1, 2021: Deadline for abstract submissions (paper, symposium, poster) April 4, 2021: Deadline for early-bird registration June 1, 2021: Deadline for abstract delivery
Official Languages English / French / Spanish / Japanese
Next Announcement May 30, 2020: 2nd announcement (with Keynote speakers, workshops and more details with registration forms)
Congress secretariat Symporg: E-mail contact@rorschachgeneva2021.org HP www.rorschachgeneva2021.org Tel +41-22-839-8484 Mail at Symporg SA. Rue Rousseau 30-1201 Geneva, Switzerland