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Volume 230 / Number 3 / 2022

Zeitschrift für Psychologie


Editor-in-Chief Michael Bošnjak

Associate Editors

Benjamin E. Hilbig Andrea Kiesel Iris-Tatjana Kolassa Steffi Pohl Barbara Schober Birgit Schyns Christiane Spiel Elsbeth Stern Founded by Hermann Ebbinghaus and Arthur König in 1890


July 2022

Volume 230 / Number 4 / 2022

Zeitschrift für Psychologie

Editor-in-Chief Michael Bošnjak

Associate Editors

Benjamin E. Hilbig Andrea Kiesel Iris-Tatjana Kolassa Steffi Pohl Barbara Schober Birgit Schyns Christiane Spiel Elsbeth Stern Founded by Hermann Ebbinghaus and Arthur König in 1890


October 2022

Volume 43 / 2022


Editor-in-Chief Filippo Aschieri

Advisory Editor Sadegh Nashat

Associate Editors

Luciano Giromini Anna Elisa de

Villemor Amaral Patrick Fontan Gregory J. Meyer Tomoko Muramatsu Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach

December 2022

Tina Hascher, PhD, Bern, Switzerland Katariina Salmela-Aro, PhD, Helsinki, Finland (Editors) How Does Well-Being in School Matter? Effects, Influencing Factors, and Promotion

Zeitschrift für Psychologie, Vol.230, No.3 / 2022

2022. Approx. IV + 88 pp., softcover € 34.95 (DE) / € 36.00 (AT) / CHF 45.50 ISBN 978-0-88937-624-3

Zielgruppen: Educational psychologists, researchers, teachers, and students concerned with the well-being of students.

Birgit Schyns, PhD, Reims, France Susanne Braun, PhD, Durham, UK Pedro Neves, PhD, Lisbon, Portugal (Editors) Dark Personality in the Workplace

Zeitschrift für Psychologie, Vol.230, No.4 / 2022

2022. Approx. IV + 60 pp., softcover € 34.95 (DE) / € 36.00 (AT) / CHF 45.50 ISBN 978-0-88937-626-7

Zielgruppen: Researchers, teachers, and students interested in the state-of-the art research on the dark personality in work environments.

Filippo Aschieri, PhD, Milan, Italy (Editor) Rorschachiana

Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach, Vol.43 / 2022

2023. Approx. VIII + 320 pp., hardcover Approx. € 69.95 (DE) / € 72.00 (AT) / CHF 93.00 ISBN 978-0-88937-629-8

Zielgruppen: Psychiatrists, therapists, researchers, teachers, and students concerned with the Rorschach.

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