1 minute read
by hogylureco
I just love the highly interactive nature of light tackle inshore fishing When casting, you’re likely directly targeting fish that you know exist in the area or at structure known to hold them. The “eats” are highly visual, and the action is often hot!
Casting Factors to Crack the Code:
Range vs Accuracy: If site-casting, obviously lures that are designed for accuracy like Epoxy Jigs, small plugs, and weighted softbaits are key Other situations like blind casting, range trumps accuracy, and often goes hand in hand with noisy top water plugs
Matching The Hatch: This is an easy enough concept for example if they are eating sand eels, small and skinny does the job This “usually works” but sometimes you need an attractor, likely in a situation where you are competing with too much bait
Depth: Take the game to where they are.
I leave the dock each morning with outfits rigged with different lure styles In a perfect world, I would have six casting setups as follows: Multiple Imitators: Varies shapes, sizes, and colors. e g , softbaits, poppers and sliders At least One Attractor to call them in, e g , big poppers and dog walkers All levels of water column covered: Top water and sinking e g, Hogy Epoxy Jig Lure and Pro Tail Paddles.