1 minute read
by hogylureco
For busy people like me, “over-packing” is deceptively easier because you don’t have to think Just load a bunch of stuff and go But that’s a trap!! You'll be all over the place A ready to go “perennial” system will save prep-time and fishing time because you did all your thinking at the beginning of the season which is why I love the "golf bag" analogy to the Mesh Crate system It's just "grab and go" knowing that you have a complete set of clubs but in our cases, we're better because we are talking about fishing! :)
The Hogy System:
Fishy: Should speak for itself here!! You want the best lures that catch the best fish
Simple: Gear that is so simple that a novice could use with 30 seconds of coaching but more importantly, completely understood by you to the nth degree. Like a golfer’s relationship to clubs You want to focus on the fishing Not the gear
Automatic: Like an inventoried arsenal. Ready before each trip. Your “go-bag”.
Durable: Gear that stands up to monster fish and lasts all season in your bag
Pros: Cons