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January 30, 2014 | Volume 3, Issue 16 | Orlando, FL

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WhY hAvInG A GOOD TIMe COMeS WITh UneXPeCTeD STreSSeS page 3 TrenD ALerT: ALeX AnD AnI BAnGLeS page 10 #rIChKIDS page 12

2 editor's note


Hello Odyssey readers! I don’t know about you all, but January FLEW by for me and amazingly enough I’ve kept all five of my new years resolutions. Well… almost all five. I can’t seem to let go of Ben and Jerry’s Smore’s ice cream. I’m beginning to think it’s actually impossible for me to never indulge in that amazing concoction again -- but whatever. Nonetheless, January was an incredibly exciting month here in Orlando. UCF Football shocked the world, MTV visited some local bars and spring recruitment made all the sororities welcome new members. For all of the sororities who opened their doors to their new Spring PC ’14 class, congratulations and welcome new members! Speaking of people shocking the world, I still cannot seem to get over Beyonce’s new self titled album, Beyonce. I’ve finally had some time on my hands to listen and watch her brand new album, and I’m incredibly impressed with her work. Beyonce has always been the symbol of femininity, but this album does an excellent job of silencing all of her haters and sealing the deal for me as a Beyonce fan. Two of my favorite tracks on her newest


album are “Flawless” and “Partition.” Why? It’s simple. She does a fantastic job of fusing both sexuality and independence in her music. She’s both provocative and strong, which equals… FABULOUS.

CASSIE WILKINSON Zeta Tau Alpha Editor-in-Chief

Cassie is a junior studying Englishcreative writing. You may contact her at cwilk92@knights.ucf.edu.

However the most shocking aspect to her new album has to be her ZERO promotion of Beyonce. In case some of you didn’t know, it was as if she created this 14-track album overnight. Of course, the album jumped immediately to #1 on the Billboard Top 200, of course it did. IT’S FREAKING BEYONCE. She and Jay-Z should just get married already and have children… oh wait. They did, and I’m convinced they’re slowly taking over the world, which I’m completely O.K. with. Beyonce is life / life is Beyonce. End of Speech. Now that we’re kissing January goodbye, we get to kiss hello to February, which brings Valentine’s Day! Yes, Valentine’s Day brings love, but why can’t that mean the love you have for yourself? Instead of making plans with the irresistibly smooth Ben and Jerry’s, why not have a “Treat Yourself Day” and celebrate all the reasons why you love yourself. People always say, “You can’t love someone else, until you truly love yourself.” So if you’re single, take on Valentine’s Day with a completely different perspective this year and celebrate yourself! You’ll be glad you did.

The ODYSSeY AT FLOrIDA EXECUTIVE TEAM President Brooke Eubanks, Kappa Delta

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The Odyssey is a private entity not associated or governed by the University of Florida or UF Greek life office. The views and opinions shared in The Odyssey are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Odyssey and Olympia Media Group.


campus connections


Part of being successful in life is being able to prioritize your everyday wants, needs and responsibilities. School Zeta Tau Alpha should be at the top of one’s Stephanie is a sophomore studying list of priorities. Going out journalism. You may contact her at and socializing needs to come singinstar935@aol.com. second to one’s academic pursuits. Being able to say no sometimes in order to focus on one’s studies is important for ones academic success. I have found that the novelty of going out wears off when you see your grades slipping at a staggering pace. The amount of stress I felt my first semester of college was tremendous, as I did not know how to manage my time. I was going out way too often and therefore wasn’t putting enough time into my studies. When I finally started prioritizing what was important my grades began to raise and my stress level began to fall. The key to a successful and amazing college experience is balance. If you can manage that your college experience will be memorable for all the right reasons.


The transition from high school to college is a monumental change for students. In high school one is still living under their parents roof where they are to obey certain rules and regulations. However, when one enters college that is not the case. College is a wonderful experience that truly shapes individuals into their future, more mature self. Although college is full of amazing opportunities and everlasting friendships, it also comes with a great deal of responsibility and pressure. Peer pressure is an outstanding component to the typical person’s college career. Upon entering college one can only imagine all the parties and socials he or she is going to attend. What I find most common though is how a college student’s social life can overpower what they truly came to college for. That is to learn. The amount of social pressure the typical college student faces is tremendous. From going to bars, downtown, and socials, there are so many exciting things to do that one often forgets about their schoolwork and studies. There is also the presence of sororities and fraternities where there are ample opportunities to attend social gatherings. Balance is often what student’s lack when they come to college. They want to fit in and make the most of their college experience. However, they often do not know how to balance partying and having fun with their academic responsibilities. College students are faced with pressures in every direction. Stress can be a major factor among students. At the beginning of the first semester of college it is all about the parties and going out to bars with new friends. Alcohol is everywhere you go and all you want to do is party and with your peers. Grades are often at the bottom of one’s list of priorities. The average college freshman’s GPA often declines rapidly upon their transition from high school to college. Going out every night also affects one’s overall sleep pattern. The less sleep one gets contributes to the lack of energy and motivation they will have when it comes time to focus on their academics. When the realization dawns on them that their grades are slipping, the stress creeps in. They know they have to live up to certain expectations and maintain solid grades in order to be successful throughout their college career. This requires changes to be made in order for a student to balance out their social and academic life.



greek life traditions


GReeK OF tHe WeeK What’s your favorite thing about your chapter?: “We have such a diversity in the brotherhood, yet we’re all still so close.”


Melissa is a freshman studying anthropology. You may contact her at mprocko@knights.ucf.edu.

What are you most excited for this semester?: “Hearing back from a finance internship in New York. If I get a job there, then NYU for grad school is a possibility.” What are you looking forward too in Kappa Sigma this year?: “Hopefully receiving The Circle Award, which is the highest award from nationals.” Dennis is a well-rounded individual who works really hard not only when it comes to school, but also for his fraternity and that’s exactly why he was selected as this weeks Greek of the Week! Meet our Greek of the Week: Dennis Hooper. Most students take the syllabus week to just sit back and mentally prepare for the upcoming semester, however, Dennis has done quite the opposite. Kappa Sigma’s newly elected president dove straight into working hard for his chapter and studying for his full schedule of five classes. While most of the time you can find him studying in his room, Dennis still finds the time to get to the gym regularly and spend time with his brothers and his family. Year: Junior Major: Finance Hometown: Melbourne, Fla. Fraternity: Kappa Sigma Favorite Quote: “those who fail multiple times, but never give up, do succeed.” Favorite Place: Miami because of the family that’s there Fun Fact: He has three little brothers in Fam 3 (and one little sister in Zeta) Most memorable moment at UCF: Being elected president of Kappa Sigma Favorite Class/Professor: Financial Markets with Dr. Curcio Why did you decide to rush?: “I’ve always had a close group of friends and everyone went to different schools. So I was looking for a good group of friends. A small group of kids I met in my intramural football team went through rush together and we all rushed Kappa Sig.”


title missing article

greek life traditions



business career


The Over-InTern trying to outshine you, it’s time to learn how you can beat them at their own game. If a fellow intern does any of the following, you have some tough competition on your hands.


Kailee is a senior studying interpersonal organizational communications. You may contact her at kaileesmith21@aol.com.

1. Always asking your supervisor if they need anything, when it’s clear they are content 2. Always trying to do extra things without being asked 3. Making a point to introduce themselves to eVeRYONe 4. Coming in early, staying there late 5. Always wants to take charge

The temperature might be dipping to the 30’s, but if you’re like me (a.k.a. an intern queen), then you know the only thing on your mind is summer internships. Internships are such an important thing to take advantage of when you’re in college. Most students don’t realize that once they graduate, the majority of companies don’t take interns who are no longer enrolled in classes. Once February rolls around, it’s time to start sending out as many resumes as the ink in your printer will print. Although an internship offers numerous opportunities for your future, it also comes with a handful of downfalls that you have to look past and learn to cope with. So what is the one thing that makes your dream internship turn into an internship nightmare? The “over-intern” or the over-achieving, obnoxious intern who also got the internship that can and will do everything to look better than you. You show up to your first day anxious and ready to learn the ropes only to realize you just walked into the ultimate competition. This competition could easily be compared to “The Hunger Games.” Just replace the arena with an office and your opponents with an over-achieving intern secretly out for blood. These types of situations aren’t easy to deal with, especially for three to four months. Once you have established that the other intern is 100 percent

Not only are these things seriously irritating for anybody to deal with, but it makes you start to question whether or not you’re putting in enough effort. It isn’t fair for you to doubt yourself just because the over-intern put “outshining you” on the top of their to-do list this semester. Seriously, they could have used their number one spot for something with a little more substance. But unfortunately they chose you, so now you need to put your foot down and handle it like a boss. 1. learn that your supervisor doesn’t always have a task for you to do 2. learn that your supervisor probably doesn’t like being smothered by interns 3. Be open to learning about different departments but don’t over-step any boundaries 4. Don’t ask obvious, unnecessary questions 5. Have conversations with your supervisor about things outside of work and get to know them The key to winning this competition that you didn’t even mean to step into in the first place is being the calm, cool and collected intern. Do your job, be friendly and let your employer see how much you enjoy what you’re doing. They will appreciate someone like that a lot more than someone who is shoving themselves in their face at 8 a.m.


philanthropy & service


WhY IS The rUM GOne? 110 YeArS OF GASPArILLA PIrATe FeSTIvAL If you’re a college student and still don’t know what this day is all about, do yourself a favor and get a ride to Tampa on January 25th to experience the madness for yourself. Need some convincing? The event is free to the public, which means more spending money for you.

For 364 days out of the year, Tampa, Fla. is a sunny city with nothing much happening outside of the ordinary, but on one special day in January, normalcy goes out the door. In walk men in feathered hats, women in corsets and strangers fight over who caught the most beaded necklaces.

Yes, I’m talking about Gasparilla Pirate Festival, the annual boat parade and festival celebrating the legendary Spanish pirate Jose “Gasparilla” Gaspar, who supposedly terrorized Southwest Florida in the late 18th and early 19th century.


Stephanie is a senior studying human communication. You may contact her at smgoenaga@knights. ucf.edu.

Referred to by many UCF students as a “Pirate Mardi Gras,” the theme of the parade is an “invasion” of Tampa by Jose Gaspar and his crew, which means lots of ships firing cannons, floats tossing out gold coins, and the occasional indecent exposure incident courtesy of overconsumption. The parade begins at Bay to Bay Boulevard and Bayshore Boulevard and ends at Cass Street and Ashley Drive, lasting from 2-5:30 p.m. For many, however, the celebration is a day and night long event.


“Every year, my friends and I make time out of our busy schedules to reunite in our hometown and spend the entire day celebrating Gasparilla,” says Alpha Xi Delta and Tampa native Nicole Minnis. “It’s such a great event, and I think it really makes Tampa stand out as a city. There’s nothing like it.” So, unless you want to be that person spending a beautiful Saturday afternoon enviously scrolling through everyone’s photos on Instagram, log out of your Netflix account and catch a ride to South Tampa for the city’s 110th annual Gasparilla boat parade and festival. Feel guilty spending money? 100 percent of the net revenue from the Gasparilla Charity Beer Gardens supports local Tampa charities. Under 21? Trust me, the people watching will be entertaining enough. Leave your excuses at home, and just go. You’ll be glad you did.

philanthropy & service



philanthropy & service



The classic charm bracelet has been simplified and transformed into the increasingly popular and trendy Alex and Ani bangle. Instead of having one charm bracelet with multiple different charms or beads, the Alex and Ani brand provide a vast collection of bangles with singular charms, so you have the freedom to wear your entire bangle collection or just a select few at a time. Some popular charms include sorority letters, initials, collegiate logos, birthstones, sports teams, popular places and simple symbols. With over 500 different bangles, you’re sure to find more than a few that you’ll love. The majority of the bangles range in price from $25-$50, so they won’t break your bank either. Stack them with other bracelets and a watch to create an arm party or wear them by themselves for a subtle addition to any outfit. Alex and Ani bangles are perfect gifts for you friends, families, brides-to-be and of course, sorority sisters.


Heather is a sophomore studying journalism and marketing. Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h e r a t heather51013@knights.ucf.edu.

Amber Hill, a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, received her first Alex and Ani bangle of a fluer-de-lis, one of Kappa’s symbols, as a Christmas gift from her big sister. “I love my new bracelet! I think it’s the perfect accessory to go with any outfit,

and it goes well with my watches too,” said Hill. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so why not get your valentine a personalized gift that she’ll love! For the guys, keep in mind that girls love jewelry on Valentine’s Day – you can’t go wrong with a bangle or two from Alex and Ani. For the single ladies out there, buy one for you and one for your best friend to give to yourselves as a little something special, just for fun. Chi Omega recently had a French-themed Spring Bid Day in Winter Park where their new and active members were excited to purchase their own Alex and Ani bangles. “We went window shopping around Winter Park and stopped in the Alex and Ani store. A new member was so excited to buy a Chi Omega bangle, and it kind of started a whole trend. At least half of the new members and active sisters bought the Chi Omega bangle,” said Sarah Simon, Chi Omega’s chapter president. This powerful brand was launched in 2004 by Carolyn Rafaelian and named after Rafaelian’s first two daughters, Alex and Ani. Not only are the pieces eco-friendly and made in America, but they’re also infused with positive energy and inspired by the wisdom of ancient thinkers. The pieces are meant to adorn the body, enlighten the mind and empower the spirit. The bangles have been featured in Lucky, Teen Vogue and W Magazine, among others, and have been seen on the wrists of celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Bethenny Frankel and even Beyonce! The Alex and Ani brand also sells earrings, necklaces and collections of bracelets. Keep this brand in mind when you’re shopping for yourself or a loved one and check out all of the pieces at www.alexandani.com or stop by the local Alex and Ani store in Winter Park.

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entertainment news


of Birkin bags (luxurious bags by Hermès that can range from $10,000 to $60,000 a pop). Roxy Sowlaty, a selfdescribed “Persian princess,” dropped $488,680 dollars on a single shopping trip.


Christina is a sophomore studying advertising and public relations. You may contact her at christinamonroe@live.com.

I think this show can be best summarized by an article published by Jon Caramanica in The New Yorker, “In a commercial for this show, the narrator suggests that E! understands it has something absurd on its hands. ‘Every now and then, a TV show comes along that captures the voice of a generation. This is not that show.’ Which is, of course, untrue — this is exactly that show.” The show captures how millennials shape their social selves through technology and wealth, i.e. spending $200,000 on a bottle of Dom. After picking up my jaw, I THINK I can finally formulate words on the series premiere of “Rich Kids of Beverly Hills,” the newest show on E! Some 10 minutes into the first episode, BFFs Dorothy Wang and Morgan Stewart described shopping on Rodeo Drive as their cardio, while Dorothy showed off her collection

“Rich Kids of Beverly Hills” airs every Sunday night on E!, but, if you’re going to be tuning in, I suggest having a TALL glass of wine nearby to calm your nerves, because you will definitely be raging when you hear the things that come out of these kids’ mouths.

entertainment news


he’S PrOBABLY... of McDonald’s when he’s inebriated. Be better than $70 worth of McDonald’s. 4. He has excuses for everything It’s more of a guy’s night. Just woke up. Never got that text.



Alexa is a senior studying broadcast journalism. You may contact her at rodriguez.alexa@knights.ucf.edu.

Say it with me, ladies... BULL. 5. He dances around sensitive subjects or just flat out pretends he doesn’t know what you’re talking about He’s probably in the shower. He’s probably working out. He probably fell asleep. He probably forgot his phone. Honestly? He’s probably not into you. Actually, he’s not into you. Like at all. No chance -- just stop.

Heyy.. having a wine night with my girls and I was telling them about last night, and I remembered that girl you were talking to lol idk it was just a little weird for me haha lol what r u talking about?

I don’t know how much more I can take of girls chasing after guys that are clearly uninterested. It’s exhausting to listen to my girlfriends talk about a guy who’s blowing them off. Sweetie, I can’t offer you any advice because even a magical spell complete with unicorns and fairy dust couldn’t get this guy to like you. It’s sad and a waste of your time.

He knows exactly what you’re talking about. She’s probably lying in his bed right now. Stop this conversation before it gets worse.

We’ve all been there. I’ve chased after so many guys that want nothing to do with me that I should win an award. Therefore, I’m not judging. I’m simply trying to help you avoid another inevitable heartbreak. This will be harsh and blunt, so if you’re one of those girls that deletes a photo from Instagram because you didn’t get enough likes, please stop reading. Also, revaluate your life.

No, he’s not too drunk. He’s a douche and doesn’t care about you. Go kiss his best friend.

Here are some signs that he is in no way, shape, or form, trying to be with you: 1.

He doesn’t contact you during daylight

If the majority of your conversations happen between the hours of 1:30 a.m. and 4 a.m., I can promise you he doesn’t want to just “hang out.” He’s wasted, and you’re probably on a mass text list. Please do all womankind a favor and DO NOT go over to his place. 2.

He consistently doesn’t respond when you reach out to him

His phone is not broken or lost or on silent. He is not napping, working or studying. He is sitting on his couch, playing video games, watching your name light up on his phone and rolling his eyes. 3. When you are both in the same social setting, he doesn’t talk to you until he’s consumed at least three alcoholic beverages. It’s not because he “didn’t notice you.” He saw you. He is choosing to ignore you. He would like to talk to you when he’s inebriated, but he also likes to order $70 worth



He hits on other girls in front of you

His friends don’t know about you

You and your friends have over analyzed every detail of the five second Snapchat he sent you three days ago, but I’m willing to bet my Christian Louboutin heels that his friends just know you as that annoying but hot brunette from Tuesday night. Of course there are always exceptions. One of your friends is probably saying to you, “Well, Mike never responded to me at first, and we started out as just a hookup, and now we’ve been together for like three years.” Now that’s great for her, but that’s not going to happen for the majority of us. It’s time for us to stop wasting our time with these guys. I can assure you that he is telling his friends you are crazy and to some extent, we are. We’re chasing after guys that couldn’t give us a more obvious sign than if they hung it on a banner in front of our sorority house. If you’re crying, stop right now. Know that you are not alone and that one day the man of your dreams is going to treat you like the princess you are. Unfortunately, you’re not going to meet Prince Charming at Knights Pub. So if you’re dead set on finding him, go to the library and read a book or something. Maybe a future doctor will take notice. Just promise me to drop any guy that has any of the aforementioned tendencies. They are not good for your self-esteem, sanity and overall well being. I can assure you that you will feel better about yourself. You might need the help of three pints of Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food and a few cries in the shower though. Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything…


sports talk



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