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March 27, 2014 | Volume 3, Issue 24 |Lincoln, Nebraska | @TheOdyssey |




Editor's note


chili on the toast and serve it with ketchup.

Gamma Phi Beta Editor-in-Chief

6. In France, it is served as a dessert dish, not as a breakfast meal.

Jacy is a sophomore studying journalism. You may contact her at

7. S u p p o s e d l y, November 28 is National French Toast Day.

8. Gamma Phi Beta’s french toast is made with a secret ingredient that makes it even more delectable than any other french toast out there. Not only are you helping to support young girls understand and reach their potential, but you’re also getting unlimited and delicious french toast. For $4, you get a free photo booth, unlimited french toast and the opportunity to help make girls’ dreams come true.


Gamma Phi Beta has been supporting the Lincoln chapter of Girls On The Run with their annual French Toast Feed held during the spring semester. Many Gamma Phi Beta’s are also coaches and help with the end of the year 5K run. Girls On The Run was established in 1996 in Charlotte, NC. The program started with only 13 girls, but by 2000 the international organization was born. Now, with the help of around 55,0000 volunteers, the program serves 130,000 girls in over 200 cities. That means 130,000 girls get the opportunity to understand what a healthy lifestyle looks like and how they can overcome adversity that they will encounter later on in life. The motto of Girls on the Run is inspiring girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Here are some fun french toast facts to hold you over until 10 p.m. 1. French toast wasn’t invented in France. It has been around since way before France even existed as a country. The earliest evidence of French toast comes from a 4th century Roman cookbook. 2. The name of French toast in France is “pain perdu,” which means lost bread. 3. The toast has also been called German toast, Spanish toast, Eggy Bread (Britain), Gypsy toast (Britain), Bombay Toast (Sri Lanka and Burma) and Mozzarella in Carrozza (Italy). 4. So why do Americans call it french toast? Well the dish was popularized by French immigrants just like french fries were. 5. In India, people don’t make it for breakfast; instead, they put onions and green

Editor-in-Chief Jacy Lewis

Photographers Katie Miller

Gamma Phi Beta

Gamma Phi Beta

Social Media Director Christian Folsom

Caroline Amsler

Delta Tou Delta

Contributing Editor Brett Bergstrom Beta Theta Pi

Gamma Phi Beta

Kelly Kuwitzky Phi Mu

Sean Carney Phi Kappa Theta

OLYMPIA MEDIA GROUP 888.272.2595 | Managing Editor, Cambria Roland Graphic Designer, Grant Hohulin

We want a representative from every house!

To apply for a writing, photography or sales position, © 2014 Olympia Media Group, LLC All Rights Reserved. The Odyssey is a private entity not associated or governed by University of Nebraska Greek life office. The views and opinions shared in The Odyssey are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Odyssey and Olympia Media Group.

Self health & fitness


Kara is a sophomore studying English and communications. You may contact her at

I went and saw Shelly Tochluk talk about Intent vs. Impact. Her speech lasted about an hour followed by questions.


mainly wanted to ask the question, “Why is race so difficult to talk about?” I learned it was because of social media and our


his teeth bared in a shout and hovering forward

talking, to be motivated to make change on campus,

with a white woman hanging from one of his arms,

but the real change takes time and people need to

smiling. It held a scary resemblance to the movie

remain motivated to make change, even years after


her speech.

Tochluk also talked about how we believe being

Tochluk encouraged everyone at the event to go

colorblind or saying, “We are all the same color,

beyond the feeling that racism is “not as bad as

why talk about it?” is clear proof of how we are

what some people say.” She encouraged us to try to

racist. It makes people of color feel as though they

eliminate race from our view, not by colorblindness,

are not being recognized and as if they are less of a

but by talking to people of different races and seeing what they have gone through. She pushed

“We are all the same color, why talk about it?” is clear proof of how we are racist. It makes people of color feel as though they are not being recognized and as if they are less of a person.

upbringing that

us to hear their stories and try to make a change not only in our lives, but also on campus. Tochluk did not talk a whole lot about how to engage in conversation with people of different color over a sensitive issue. I would find it weird to go up to someone and say, “Have you ever been experienced discrimination? How can I fix this?” But, when people asked questions after the presentation, Tochluk suggested finding people

we view race as an issue. Even if our parents

person. This is because they have been taught since

like you—who want to make a change—and get a

wanted to raise us with no bias towards race, social

they were small to be proud of their skin color. They

group together. Talk to other white people about

media does it for them. Some of the commercials

often form a racial identity, which is discouraged

the issue and how it makes us feel and what we do

we see and ads we view are centered on race.

in white culture.

that is wrong. Then, invite people of color to the

Touchluk made that clear by showing ads where

I enjoyed the fact that while I was sitting and

meetings and get their view on how they have been

African American men were compared to black

hearing what Tochluk had to say, I was able to

victims of racial profiling, for example. Through

bears. She compared an ad that showed King Kong

reflect on my own colorblindness and how I handle

this kind of process, it will be easier to make the

holding his white female victim and then a cover

racial differences. It was easy, when Tochluk was

UNL campus a more diverse and accepting place.

of a recent magazine showing a black man with


Ideas debate & discuss

APPLAUSE TO OUR GENERATION It is time for our generation to receive some appreciation. Our generation and those younger than us are often looked down upon and it’s time for some encouragement. I would like to celebrate our generation. Let’s give ourselves a pat on the back or a kind word for what we have accomplished so far. I would like to yell a big “good job” and “you’re doing great” to all of those ears that have ached to be congratulated. Why? Because we need it, we need some encouragement. Turn on the news and all you see is countless stories of our reckless, greedy and disrespectful ways. Sure, we have our faults and things we should work on, but we are so much more. We have tenacity, a desire to work hard and to be accomplished individuals. Maybe not by waking up at 4 a.m. to walk five miles to school or taking a covered wagon halfway across the country, but in a work-three-jobs-to-payfor-our-college-education kind of way. We dedicate our time to countless charities and clubs to fight for things that we believe in. We join organizations and network like crazy in hopes that when we graduate we might have a job waiting for us. We apply

for hundreds of internships hoping that we can get our foot in the door. All the while we are volunteering, going to classes, studying and, hopefully, having a little fun. Amidst everything we juggle, our culture has thrown social media on top of it. Don’t even try to tell us we could give up social media if we wanted to – we couldn’t. It’s now an integral part of our society... LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, the list goes on. And no, maybe we don’t need every single one, but depending on our future profession we better know a little of how each one works in order to be employable. We’re working hard, just not in the same way those before us did. Yes, our generation has issues. But doesn’t every generation? Maybe their problems weren’t broadcast around the world for millions of people to judge. It’s no wonder that some of us have buckled under the pressure, under the constant scrutiny to make ourselves worth something in a society that never seems fully satisfied. With every step there’s someone waiting to tell us how we could have done it better. And with every fall there


Bailey is a freshman studying fashion design with communications. Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h e r a t

seems to be a news story, or at least a few disappointed glances. Luckily, we’ve figured out that our failures do not define us, but instead make us wiser. Maybe we should thank Pinterest and all of its inspirational quotes for that. Despite all that’s been said and the stereotypes that have been pinned upon us, I know we are going to accomplish great things. Through it all, we’re continuing to learn how to navigate the world that was handed to us. So despite the constant pressure of the generations before us, I’d like to give you all a big thumbs up. Keep trekking.

TITLE missing article

Ideas debate & discuss



Self health & fitness


Marnee is a senior studying psychology. You may contact her at

Spring break is right around the corner and models in bikinis are bombarding our lives, from Facebook to the sweet new buses. I know I can’t be the only one rechecking myself and judging my own body a little too harshly. So what’s the deal? Why does society tell us what a “good” or “pretty” body/ person looks like? I’ve done a little research and self-introspect to discover the root of my own problem. be. People can bombard us with compliments, but it’s up to us to change our own mindset. As sad as this sounds, the more we stress about our weight, the more we actually gain weight. If we can all just relax a little, a few extra pounds might just slip off unnoticed.

We also need to realize the unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves. Models today weigh an average of 25 percent less than the average American according to a study done by PsychCentral. We can go ahead and blame the 1800s corset fad for all this. It promoted an extreme hourglass figure that has trickled down to today’s society. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, 42 percent of first to third grade girls already want to lose weight and 81 percent of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat. If your weight is consuming your mind by the age of 10, it’s only a negative cyclic way of life from there.

While I didn’t find statistics on male models, I’m sure their body types are just as unrealistic. Young boys are having images of perfectly sculpted bodies thrown at them from every angle. Think of how

Try to stop fretting about it. Instead focus on something you have a better chance at changing like the extra little jiggle in the arms. It’s really all about perspective, here.

This may sound silly, but psychology is a huge root in the self-hatred tree system. If we constantly view ourselves as not good enough, we won’t

you’d feel if your daughter or niece came to you with these issues and thoughts. It starts with each of us learning to love our own body before we can preach it at others.

Our physiology also comes into play. We overeat when we’re stressed. Want to know why? Stress releases this little hormone called cortisol, along with glucocorticoids, into our system. At the onset of the stressor, the cortisol peaks and our appetite is actually suppressed, which is why when you have an exam or a speech to give and you are super nervous right before, the last thing on your mind is food. After the stressor is over, fortunately, our body is really awesome at disposing of the cortisol. However, it’s not as good at getting rid of the glucocorticoids. These stay in our system and actually cause an increase in appetite. This is why individuals with chronic stress, tend to gain weight or find it hard to lose weight. We also tend to crave really sugary or high carb foods (cookies anyone?) This is because our body is thinking we might need this energy for future use. So try to chill out or grab an apple instead of the cookie if you’re really worried about it. Eating healthier and drinking more water will help you feel better about yourself. Do nice things for yourself. Try and look at yourself in the mirror and instead of criticizing, point out everything you like. Even if it’s just your eyes, it’s a start. Try and add one thing every time. I’ve learned in my health psych class, just by tracking a few behaviors, you are more likely to engage in different behaviors. However, sustainability is key. If you really, really want to lose weight, don’t try and take every single sweet out of the equation. Instead, when you’re craving a brownie, have a smaller one. Or you can track your calories with MyFitnessPal. You don’t even have to change any eating habits, but by simply engaging in awareness, you’re more likely to change a habit or two. Finally, look at your family. Believe me, I know genetics aren’t all that matter, but there are some indicators. If everyone in your family has a little extra cushion on their toosh, it’s probably okay and totally normal if you do, too. Try to stop fretting about it. Instead focus on something you have a better chance at changing like the extra little jiggle in the arms. It’s really all about perspective, here. If you can find the things you like about your body and stop comparing yourself the minority, you’ll most likely feel better in your own skin.

Lookbook fashion


8 MUSIC FESTIVALS Adventure traveling

Soon, all of the hottest musical festivals will have tickets on sale ABBEY WALKER Alpha Omicron Pi if they don’t already. These festivals are, Abbey is a sophomore studying hands down, the best fashion communications. Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h e r a t experience every college student should have – a few days full of your friends, the summer sun and the trendiest fashion where nothing is too far out. Weeks after the best festivals, celebs will be analyzed on every page of the fashion magazines as to how boho a skirt was or if the seven inch wedges were just too much. We’re at the perfect age to go to these festivals because camping for days in a small tent with your closest friends without showering doesn’t fully gross us out yet and living like 1969 sounds like the most magical time ever. The first festival coming up is the one for the books: Coachella. It is like the dream of all dreams and the closest thing you’ll ever get to Woodstock. Two weekends in Indigo, California listening to the hippest indie music around with the warm, California breeze flowing through your hair is the closest thing to heaven I can think of. Haim, Girl Talk, Ellie Goulding, MGMT and Lana Del Ray are a few of the many bands headlining this festival. Coachella is for anyone who wants to see and be seen and is the party on the West

Coast. It is also the favorite for most celebrities like Katy Perry, Vanessa Hudgens, Emma Watson and Emma Roberts. If you cannot make it all the way to Cali in April then you can always put on your favorite pair of high-waisted shorts and jam out with Coachella’s live-stream on their YouTube channel. Bonnaroo is also up there as one of the best events for all 2014. June 12 to June15 in Manchester, Tennessee, Bonnaroo has a great mix of artists with Elton John, Kanye West, Vampire Weekend, Lionel Richie, Frank Ocean and the Arctic Monkeys. This festival is another one not to miss, if you love camping outside in the heat for a few days. However, the killer line-up and people you meet make up for the heat stroke. This festival will also be streamed if you just want to listen to one of your bands and don’t want to break a sweat. I could go on for days about the main festivals, but one that not many people know about and would be a good one to check out is the Sweetlife Festival in Columbia, Md. on May 10. This one-day festival is the best for newbies who don’t want such an intense experience, but will still want to see some outrageous headliners like Lana Del Ray, Foster the People and Bastille. Since the main message of this festival is sustainable food and living, they offer the best food around the country, which is always a plus. As you make your summer bucket lists be sure to look up some of the summer festivals and at least go to one. Even if it’s the smaller festivals in the Midwest, they are always the highlight of summer because it’s a great excuse to get away with your friends, relax with some good music and let the summer melt away.

Humor lol


It’s here, one of the worst times of the school year.


It’s that awkward Chi Omega Danielle is a sophomore studying time between spring broadcasting / journalism. break and summer, You may contact her at when the weather is warming up and you can finally pull out those shorts that haven’t seen daily light since October. All you want to do is quit, but there’s still have a whole month jammed packed with projects and exams before you can even think of summer. Survival is tough through this last month, but very crucial. You can’t let some sun ruin what you’ve been working for all semester, but also remember this month is the last bit of time you can see all of your college friends before you go home. So how do you juggle school and friends? Here are some tips to help you survive this bittersweet last month. Don’t let the sun fool you. It may look really tempting to go outside and soak up some rays instead of sitting inside, writing a paper and hating your life but, trust me, if you put off that paper for some fun in the sun you’re going to regret it and writing will only be that much worse. So don’t let the sun fool you. It’s not always


the best choice, but do enjoy sometime outside with friends. You don’t want to miss out completely. Create a balance. Don’t forget about your friends. Yeah, classes are important and you have a lot on your plate right now, but this is the last month you’re going to be in the same place as all of your friends. It may not seem like it now, but two months from now, on some random June day, you’re going to miss living with 50 to 70 other girls or guys. So, take advantage of that and make some memories. Keep Calm and Count Down. It’s hard not to get stressed when you have 100 different things to do, but that will only make things worse. Don’t ruin the last part of the semester by being a worried mess all the time. Take a deep breath, everything is going to get done. Keep a countdown to see exactly how much time you have to get things done. It’ll help keep you on track and get you pumped for summer! Have Fun and make it count. It’s easy to get caught up with life especially in this last month. There are classes for next year, friends, jobs and internships. Everything and anything is getting thrown at you. Don’t forget that you’re in college and you don’t need to have everything figured out. We’re only here for four years so make some memories and have fun. Just don’t get too crazy.


Self health & fitness


Meg is a junior studying business administration. You may contact her at

have only three months, but then I remember- it is

walk home. Meet the other awkward twenty-year-

only three months left of enjoying this experience.

olds. You’re bound to catch them on the outskirts

There is no other time in my life I will be accepted

of the dance floor, on the side of the chaser table,

in a grungy basement full of pledges. That leads me to my second rule. Forget your surroundings. Ignore the fact that you are in the North Bottoms on your Saturday night. Explore some really strange

At age 20, I’m in that awkward stage of “I can’t

rooms with too-short ceilings and crowded corners.

go downtown” and “I’m too old for froshes”.

Enjoy that you’re there with YOUR sorority or

I’m stuck in the middle of officially feeling like

fraternity. Once you hit downtown, it’s an array

an upperclassman and being a cougar even

of people. This is your chance to mingle with the

introducing myself to a freshman boy.

freshmen, laugh at the funny things they do, and

So where do I go from here? I know I am not

act like you’re still 18 with them. Be risky. You have

alone, and here is my social advice: Remember

a for sure ride home! Continue doing whatever

you’re still 20. You’re not old. I keep thinking, I

you’re doing, because you will not have to brave a

or maybe even blending in with the rest of their chapter members. Once you realize you’re both juniors, your night will officially be okay. We are not alone. So, go to froshes. Stop feeling like you are “too cool” to be there. You’re not. These socials are set up for you to attend. It’s normal to get ready for a 9:30 ride. It’s normal to wear heels on a Saturday. It’s even normal to come home at 1:00am, even when you know your friends won’t be in until 2:00am. The hype of froshes is all it’s cut out to be-they are fun.


Sports local

PLAY HEATS UP FOR THE NBA PLAYOFFS If the NBA season ended today, well, honestly many people would be extremely sad, myself included. However, the playoff m a t c h u p s m o re than make up for the inevitable end of the regular season.


Christian is a sophomore studying broadcasting. You may contact him at

With one of the worst performances ever as a conference, the East only has two teams that have made it to the 40-win mark: the Indiana Pacers and the Miami Heat. The West, on the other hand, has six teams that have already hit the 40-win mark, with a strong possibility of three more teams winning as many. There are only ten wins separating the top Western team, the San Antonio Spurs, and the eighth playoff team as of now, the Memphis Grizzlies. The East however, has twenty wins between the Indiana Pacers, who are the number one team in the East and the Atlanta Hawks, who only have 29 wins. The Hawks will probably become one of the rare teams to make the playoffs with a losing record. If that doesn’t show how weak the East is top to bottom, then then I don’t know what will.

500 words on popculture



Coen brothers, the creative team behind such hits as

Just take a look at the plot. Hopelessly convoluted and


Fargo and No Country for Old Men, The Big Lebowski

intentionally confusing, it features little-to-no resolution.

was released in 1998 to little fanfare and even less critical

The entire movie, in fact, plays against the expectation

love. But now, 15-plus years after its release, the movie,

of the audience, so the normal rise-and-fall, climax-

Brett is a sophomore studying journalism / English. You may contact him at

starring Jeff Bridges as an unemployed stoner and John

dominated idea of a story does not apply. In addition, the

Goodman as a violent frustrated Vietnam veteran, is

entirety of plot structure and filmmaking convention is

considered one of the greatest cult classics in the movie

turned on its head, from soundtrack composition to the


expected audience cues and norms. The Big Lebowski is

Beta Theta Pi

“Let me explain something to you,” says the Dude,

highly analytical, satirical, surreal and completely belies

the protagonist of The Big Lebowski. “I am not Mr.

This is no mistake on the part of our generation of

Lebowski. You’re Mr. Lebowski. I’m the Dude. So that’s

similarly stoned and frustrated youngsters. No, The

what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness,

Big Lebowski is a triumph, through and through and

Coming off of a calendar year in which America saw

or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole

this is evident the moment Roger Deakins’ magical

some of its greatest historical and modern tragedies

brevity thing.”

cinematography plays out on screen, accompanied by

come to light (think 12 Years A Slave, and Wolf Of Wall

an even more perfect soundtrack, courtesy of T-Bone

Street), it is fitting to slip The Big Lebowski in as a worthy

Burnett and crew. The Big Lebowski is a classic precisely

addition to your movie queue. After all, its message is

because it bucks convention at every turn, exudes

exactly that of all historians: without studying history, we

surrealism and escapism in a world increasingly beset by

are doomed to repeat ourselves. And without studying

limits and boundaries, and pushes viewers to be further

film history, movies will be content with recycled tropes

aware of the norms and constructs upon which our very

and the same trite conventions that The Big Lebowski

ordinary lives are based.

so scathingly apes. It’s a masterwork.

And so begins a whirlwind of kidnappings, mutilated toes and drugged-out dream sequences that make up the fabric of one of the richest movies of the past few decades, a movie about a man everyone calls “dude” who must navigate the murky depths of early 90s Los Angeles. Penned by the always-careful and always-brilliant

any concepts connoting “normal.”


500 words on

@totalfratmove: America using an Irish @totalfratmove: Taking a personal week after long, it breaks off, and you wonder why bad holiday as an excuse to party. #TFM

spring break. #TFM

things happen to good people.

@totalsratmove: Talking about Elsa from

@itsWillyFerrell: Mom, Dad, don’t worry,

@tothefreshmen: We need a standardized

Frozen as if you know her. #TSTC

everyone failed that test...

definition of the “hook up” at this school. I’m

@CollegeTownLife: Let us all have a moment

@CollegeTownLife: Put some whiskey in my only familiar with one, while some of y’all

of silence for the girls in the world that are

coffee because it’s Ireland somewhere

have like nine.

“literally dying right now” because “they just @totalsratmove: Getting anxiety over which

@CollegeTownLife: “I wasn’t completely


blackout, but let’s just say I accidentally posted

size t-shirt to order. #TSM

@tbhjuststop: people who bite ice cream with @itsWillyFerrell: That depressing moment a few tweets that were supposed to be texts” their front teeth are on a whole different level

when you dip your cookie into milk for too

@tbhjuststop: I have abs...........olutely nothing

Humor lol



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