March 27, 2014 | Volume 2, Issue 23 | Norman, OK | @OU_Odyssey |
Editor's note
MOM’S WEEKEND MUST-DOS If you haven’t already heard yet (probably from your mom calling you insistently to ask what your plans are), this weekend is Mom’s Weekend! Nearly every fraternity, sorority and student organization have planned a gettogether for you and your mom this weekend, so it’s hard to know what’s worth spending your time on. Here are a few of my favorites (in no particular order): Tea at D Bo’s House: You’re not actually sitting down, having tea with the big man, but it’s still pretty fun to go to this yearly event anyways. I mean, what’s cooler than getting to shake the president’s hand and creep on his house? BTW, the inside of Boyd House is beautiful! Brunch at the house: Any time you get an opportunity to show your chapter house to your mom, do it. One, she loves it. Two, you can show her all the things that need to be fixed. Maybe she’ll send a little extra money to benefit the chapter, and that’s never a bad thing. Plus,
who doesn’t want cute pictures with your mom in front of the giant wooden letters? Shopping: Let’s face it, as college students, we have limited financial resources. So when mom comes to town, what better way to bond (and restock your wardrobe) than to take your mom shopping? It doesn’t matter if it’s to Target or to the mall, guarantees your mom is glad to accompany you. Campus tour: It’s surprisingly fun to walk around campus with your mom. For me, I like hearing all of the stories my mom tells about when she was at OU. Plus, it’s a great opportunity for you to show her where you study, where your classes are, etc. etc., which will hopefully convince her that her tuition dollars are going to good use. Say thank you: I know this is probably the hardest thing for most of us, but take this weekend as a time to remind
HALEY MOWDY Alpha Gamma Delta Editor-in-Chief
Haley is a senior studying classical languages & English writing. You may contact her at hmowdy@
your mom how much you appreciate everything she’s done for you, is currently doing for you, and will do in the future. It is so easy to take advantage our moms’ unfailing love that sometimes we forget how lost we’d be without her. Whatever you choose to spend your time on this weekend, make sure you spend time with your mom while she’s here and thank her for always being there for you. Love you, Mom!
Rachel Campbell
Editor-in-Chief Haley Mowdy
Jessica Schaefer
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Chi Omega
Editor-Elect Annie Roach
Recruitment Chair Hunter Graham
Chi Omega
Delta Delta Delta
Contributing Editors
PR Chair Dea Pennington
Alex Bare
Delta Delta Delta
Alpha Chi Omega
Pi Beta Phi
OLYMPIA MEDIA GROUP 888.272.2595 | Managing Editor, Brittany Binowski Graphic Designer, Grant Hohulin
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To apply for a writing, photography or sales position, © 2014 Olympia Media Group, LLC All Rights Reserved. The Odyssey is a private entity not associated or governed by University of Oklahoma Greek life office. The views and opinions shared in The Odyssey are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Odyssey and Olympia Media Group.
Amanda is a junior studying advertising. You may contact her at
Even though the semester is almost halfway done, the adjustment period hasn’t quite ended. Spring break has come and gone, meaning midterms and homework are, most likely, the last things on your priority list. Sure, the slackers of syllabus week have already felt its wrath, but don’t let yourself fall into the spring slump. Strive to make this semester one of the best semesters of your college career. Yes, easier said than done, but here are some tips to help you can survive the spring semester. Write down all due dates for homework, quizzes, assignments and exams. Write them down in a planner or on your iCalendar. Write down when your assignments are due on the exact day and also a week
in advance so you have a week to prepare.
notes until the semester finally comes to an end.
Make lists of what you need to get done. Once your classes start, they move fast. Take it day by day and make a list of what you need to get done for that day, in order of importance. When you complete a task, cross it out. Seeing the list shrink makes you feel accomplished, no matter what.
Learn how you study most effectively. If you’re reading your notes over and over again and not retaining any information (like me), then maybe you’re not solely a visual learner. Studying takes trial and error. Try out new study techniques before your next exam or quiz. There are so many ways to study that you’re bound to find the perfect fit for you.
Keep your classes separate. Organization is the key to success. Keep the work from your classes in separate folders or have a binder with dividers for each class. This may sound a little OCD, but if you’re inclined to do so, give each class a different color. That sounds pretty extreme, but it actually helps. Don’t throw anything away. Not even the movie notes you took in your HR class for a movie that had nothing to do with the class. When midterms and finals come around, you’re going to be digging for even the tiniest bits of information from the very beginning of class. You never know when your professor will reference a previous assignment. Keep track of your papers and
Take productive study breaks. Do not cram right before an exam or quiz. Give yourself plenty of time to soak up information and give yourself breaks in between so you don’t go crazy. Take a walk around campus, work out at the gym or Skype your mom and vent to her. When you take breaks periodically, you’ll feel more motivated to study. Learning how to study the best way for you and managing all your work is, basically, a class on its own. It takes time to get back into the study groove. Be patient and don’t get distracted. Being motivated is the ultimate key to success.
HOW YOU CAN ENJOY YOUR PARENTS’ CAMPUS VISIT I get giddy at the thought of any campus visit. My parents are some of my best friends on Earth, so when they tell me that they are planning on making a weekend of it, I am a very happy girl! But I know that not everyone has the luxury of having the relationship that I do with my parents. When people hear that their parents will be visiting them, they have no clue as to what they should even do with them. These guidelines are to help you avoid wasting any unnecessary time, while not having to dread being the host or hostess. It will help you skip the stress! What’s not to love? Here are some general tips so you can get all of your ducks in a row, in time. One, clean your room. While your family is in town, you should make sure the area where you live is presentable and welcoming. Your family would most likely not want to stick around in a messy room. Two, do your homework before they arrive. It will be easy to focus on your family, since it won’t be be about procrastinating over your wor,k for once. Just trust me when I tell you that pre-planning your school obligations will make
your weekend much more enjoyable! Three, even if you don’t follow this agenda, make a list of things you would like to do while you have your family in town. Your family will appreciate that you took the time and energy to think about them. Now it’s show time. You just got your mom or dad’s emoji-laden text message saying, “We’re here!” Hopefully, you made a decent list of things to do while your family is in town during number three, above. If you are one of those kids who drew the short stick and can’t think of something fun to do, don’t fret! I have some fabulous ideas. The one my parents and I agree on the most is limiting social media usage. It is rude to always be on your cell phone when you are with company. You can tweet at any other time, just don’t do it the entire time they’re in town. Also, have mom take lots of pictures at cool places on campus. You might feel dorky in the process, but your family should love and embrace your dorkiness. I love all of the photos my mom has taken of me and my sisters on campus. Another good thing you should try and do is go shopping with them or eat at places that you normally can’t due to campus (or wallet) limitations.
Lauren is a freshman studying public relations. Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h e r a t
Get some steak! Or some groceries! Whatever suits your fancy. Just cherish and love your family when they come to visit you on campus. They came to visit for the sole purpose of serving in whatever way they can. And c’mon, if it’s family, you have to miss them from time to time. So enjoy your reunion time, the pictures, walking around campus, your family traditions in your new hometown and the random movie quotes tossed back and forth. By the end of your parent’s weekend, if executed properly, you will be asking them to come back and visit you again.
Ideas debate & discuss
Hunter is a freshman studying p olitica l s cie n ce & pub lic relations. You may contact him at
Men, women and children are living in rundown neighborhoods. The streets are so ridden with potholes it is reminiscent of jeeping in the Rocky Mountains. People are wary of opening up their doors. They live in homes filled to capacity and cram in more. There is a nervous hum in the air and the murmurs come in many languages, of which, English is seldom heard. No, this is not the description of a third world country. This is America to many people. The roads are not paved with gold and it’s not the land of opportunity. I love my country; I believe in the American dream. I want the United States to continue being the beacon of hope to the masses, but someone needs to make a stand. I have been sheltered from much of the real world. My parents have done everything in their power to give me the best life, but not
everyone has been so lucky.
I lived in. I was appalled that we could let our neighbors suffer.
I was first exposed to the grand divide while volunteering at Faith City Mission in Amarillo, Tex. I worked for two days over Thanksgiving at this homeless shelter that is a godsend. The great recession had just hit and I saw before me the huddled masses I had only read about. They sat eating the simple meal that I helped prepare with solemn looks of gratitude that were worth more than any money. People who had once lived in awe inspiring homes, driven beautiful cars and worked at rewarding jobs now sat in front of me in whatever clothes they could find in the donation piles. It was a sharp punch in the gut. I realized nothing is forever.
We give tax cuts to big business and create loopholes big enough to drive a CEO’s five Lamborghinis through, side by side, but we are disgusted when anything about helping the poor is brought up. Wake up, America.
My understanding of wealth disparity in America has continued to grow since that day. I have been preoccupied by the socio-economic and political aspects of this issue and it has inspired me to pursue a career as a politician. When people hear the word “politician” a vision appears of greedy millionaires arguing over highly ideological issue while people starve. Politicians are nothing more than public servants. They should be held accountable. When I started my political internship and began to knock on doors in a South OKC district, I was taken aback. The roads were so bumpy, I could hear my father’s voice in my ear talking about having to replace my shocks. The overcrowded, underfunded district was not the America
If we are not careful, we will revert to the society that Upton Sinclair described in his magnum opus, The Jungle. When Sinclair wrote the book, he meant to hit Americans in the heart, but he hit their stomachs. I encourage everyone to read this work and let it hit you in the heart. Be moved by the reality of America. Let us be so affected that we get reforms implemented, like The Jungle did with the Food and Drug Administration. Let us give all Americans the protections that most of the free world already enjoys. I love all of the citizens of this great country and I refuse to stand by while they are disenfranchised.
This is not an article to slander big business, nor is it to slam the super wealthy. It is just one person’s shock at seeing what American society has become. I am ashamed that my fellow Americans are more okay with giving welfare to corporations than to starving children of hard workers, workers who slave away all day only to return to the poverty that pervades their life. It is not fair.
Katherine is a sophomore studying international studies. You may contact her at I don’t know if it’s being in college or being on my own, but I’ve noticed how much feminism is being pushed in our environment. I’m not saying I’m a feminist and I’m not saying I’m not. I guess, in most instances, I get confused by what exactly a feminist is. Webster’s Dictionary defines feminism as, “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities,” which I am all for. I don’t think in the society we live in is going to disagree with this statement. Where this gets lost is in the actual feminist movement we see today. I don’t know about you, but these women who are leading what I thought was supposed to be a push for equality seem to play the victim card. Let’s get this out of the way: I am not a victim just because I am a woman. Am I a product of my circumstances? Completely. Am I a victim to some less fortunate situations that have happened in my life? Absolutely. My gender has nothing to do with where I am in life and where I’m going. And frankly, I’m tired of people telling me I am. No, I don’t want you to tell me I’m a strong, independent woman. I’m strong and I’m independent. It stops there. That I need to emphasize the fact that I have these qualities because I’m a woman is an issue for me. Being a feminist shouldn’t mean that I have to fully support abortion up until birth, promote contraception
as mandated by a government, vote for Hillary Clinton or think of men, in general, as the enemy. Supporting any of these is your right but if you don’t, it doesn’t make you less of a woman. If you want to graduate college and get married and have babies and never work a day in your life, it doesn’t make you less of a woman. If you want to become the CEO of a Fortune 500 company by the time you’re 40 and never marry or have babies, it doesn’t make you less of a woman. But why should someone be able to tell me that to truly support myself and my gender, I have to think a certain way? I don’t. It’s not about women’s empowerment, it’s about self-empowerment and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we’ll all be better off. We need to stop making excuses and just live our lives. Women count as a minority group along with Blacks, Asians and Native Americans. Are we really so underprivileged as to compare ourselves to these groups who have actually suffered for countless years? I think that’s pretty presumptive, especially considering that when women had the chance to stand up and fight, they did, and they won. That was less than 100 years ago and we’ve come that far. We’re supposed to compare that to something akin to slavery? Please, get off your high horse and be thankful. Now I’m going to break some news that might just undo everything – women can’t actually do everything men can do. Shocker, I know. Please stop reading so I don’t offend you more. But it’s true, as is the opposite – men can’t do everything women can do. Let’s just discuss this for a minute. If it was between you and a large man and a 200 pound bag of flour (do they even come that big?) who would be better suited to carry it? A woman might be able to, but would you even really want to? Be honest, you could be doing better things than struggling to move that bag even a foot. Now, what do we have over men in this world? Well, we live longer, we’re cleaner, we graduate college at a
higher rate. Who cares if I can’t lift a bag of flour? Give me something to clean and I’ll relax and be a lot happier. Again, I can hear the whines, “I’m more than a domestic slave.” Hi, victim card, nice to see you once again. I don’t want to downplay the hardships that women go through, because we do struggle. But not nearly as much as we think we do. I have never in my life pursued something differently, or not pursued it, because of a man. I have never been intimidated by a man; I have never been aggressively competitive with a man. Why? Because, hold your breath here: I don’t think about it. Yeah, that’s pretty much it. The reason we’re not successful in what we choose isn’t our gender, it’s our attitude. Not only do we focus too much on how things could hold us back, we use it as an excuse. Yeah, I called you out. We say we didn’t get hired because it’s an “old boys’ club.” Really, is it? Who cares? If you had impressed him enough, he wouldn’t have thought about your gender for a second. When someone tells me women lack equality, I always laugh. I want to go into politics, the biggest old boys’ club, ever. I feel badly for men. Women have the upper hand in most things (when they aren’t making excuses). Read the lists, it’s pretty evident. If we actually started to utilize all our assets, we could run the world (like Beyonce) and then wouldn’t everything go a little smoother? So, let’s stop talking about women’s empowerment and start talking about people’s empowerment. We’re already divided so much as a people, let’s not add to that. Women, just do what you want, but stay a lady. Men, do the same and remain gentlemen. Signed, A Feminist Who Likes When Men Hold the Door Open
Ideas debate & discuss
Alexandra is a senior studying professional writing. You may contact her at It’s so important to make great first impressions. You can look your best, act your best, but when you don’t speak your best, things can go poorly. The words you use reflect on you more than you think. Next time you’re having a conversation, pay attention to your word choices. It’s so easy to catch on to trends, especially word and phrase choices. A lot of the time, we start using words without even thinking about using them. How often do you use the word “like” in a sentence? Is it so much that you’re driving everyone around you crazy? Don’t feel bad, it happens to everyone. Literally The definition for literally is, “in a literal manner or sense; exactly.” Sadly, there is now a second definition for the
word, “used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.” As a writing student, this breaks my heart. It’s amazing what slang can do to language. When you use literally incorrectly in a sentence, it gives a Valley girl impression. The slang form of “literally” might have a definition on Google, but that doesn’t mean you should use it. Try phasing it out of your vocabulary unless it’s necessary and appropriate to use it. Abbreviations This one is the toughest for me. Totes, perf, obvi and presh are abbreviations that have embedded themselves in sorority girl speech. I don’t know how it started, but it’s prominent. Using these words in professional and adult settings can make you seem immature and stuck in college mode. It’s time to take the plunge into adult life and use the entire word. This goes for “legitimate,” too. Social media terms I have a confession to make. I have a bad habit of saying “hashtag” in real life (#embarrassing.) Some of you might not have realized that people hashtag in real life, but we do. There’s a special group of us. Words like tweet, posted, tagged and poked are acceptable. But saying “LOL” or “LOLz” out loud is not. It started out as being an ironic joke, but now it’s a full-blown habit. Instead of saying “LOL,”
try laughing instead. Or if you mean it sarcastically, smirk instead. Ironic Speaking of ironic, it’s important to know what ironic means. There’s a difference between ironic and coincidence. It’s easy to confuse the two. Trust me, I know. In the professional and adult world, it’s important to use the actual word you mean. An example of irony: the fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. An example of coincidence: you call your boyfriend the same time he tries to call you. Faux cusswords This is more for adult life rather than professional life. In my opinion, faux cusswords should be left in middle school and on cable TV. I’m not telling you to start speaking like a sailor, but using baby words like “poopy head” is unacceptable. If you feel uncomfortable using actual cusswords, avoid using popular phrases that typically include a cussword. For example, “What the flip?” sounds elementary. Instead, just say, “What in the world?” If you can’t use the real word, pick a more sophisticated alternative.
FOR THE GIRLS “This one’s for the girls,” as the wonderful Martina McBride would say. It’s not only for the girls, though; boys can read this, too. I’m going to get a bit more personal with this article than I have in the past, so bear with me. It’s time to be real, to open up and to give my genuine and personal advice on a sometimes sensitive, but always trending topic: boys. The other day I was with one of my closest friends as we spent hours indulging in peanut butter cup ice cream (the ultimate comfort food) and analyzing a very short conversation I had earlier in the day with the guy I had been “talking to.” We sat there trying to figure out what he could have meant by the phrase, “I don’t know, maybe” after I asked him if we were going to do anything on Valentine’s Day. The fact that he couldn’t give me a straight answer as to whether or not he wanted to spend time with me on Valentine’s Day should have been enough of a red flag, but I obviously didn’t catch on. The relationship ended a few days later. Okay, maybe just a day later, so I obviously should have seen this one coming, but that’s beside the point! I was heart-broken. I went back to my sorority house and cried. Let me tell you,
when you’re sad the best place to be living is a house full of your closest friends. They uplifted me and made me laugh, but I just couldn’t shake it. When I was finally over being sad, I became angry. Not angry with him, though, he didn’t do anything wrong. He was simply being honest about his feelings for me and I commend him for the way he went about breaking things off. I became angry with myself for letting one single person have that much control over my emotions. Why did I let that one person ruin the rest of my week? Sure, I really liked him, but nobody is worth that much hurt. My question for you girls is, why do we get so caught up in the idea of having somebody care about us and want us that we give them so much power over how we feel? Why do we let them define our self-worth? Why is it we can overanalyze for hours, with our friends, what he meant by one single sentence? I’m not saying all girls are like that. Trust me, I get it; some of you are just “independent women who don’t need no man!” There is nothing wrong with that. I guess I’ve just never been one of those girls. Why? I’m not sure, but the way I felt after this “breakup” really made me evaluate how much control I give other people over my
Alpha Chi Omega
Emily is a freshman studying elementary education. Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h e r a t
own self-worth. This guy had no idea how much control he really had over my emotions. Ultimately, it wasn’t fair to him or myself to give him that much power. He shouldn’t have to feel bad just because I got so upset and I shouldn’t feel so bad about myself just because he couldn’t see himself with me anymore. Now that I’ve ranted, what I’m trying to get at is my advice for girls who can relate, is to not give somebody so much control over how you feel. Whether that person is a boyfriend, friend, parent or whoever, you are in control of your own emotions. Be a strong person and know your own self-worth. You are strong and independent and even though it’s nice to rely on somebody to comfort you, keep in mind that you are the only person who will always be there for you.
Dea is a junior studying public relations. You may contact her at
Because the women of Pi Beta Phi support literacy as their philanthropy, they chose to celebrate Dr. Seuss’® birthday on Feb. 28 by reading to children at Jefferson Elementary School. The members of Pi Beta Phi visited the Pre-K through fifth grade classrooms at Jefferson Elementary School to host different interactive literacy activities for the children. Pi Phis and children, alike, were dressed as
Maxi is a freshman studying Marketing. You may contact her at Philanthropy has always been a subject close to my heart, but as my generation moves into the enigmatic future, charity loses the meaning it once had. The giving of one’s time to help others is a crucial part of life because altruism is the key to happiness. This long held secret was something I discovered recently on a mission trip, over spring break, during my sophomore year. I never understood how blessed I truly am until I visited to a small village in the Toledo district of Belize. Philanthropy has innumerable connotations, often referring to monetary donations, which is very important. Since I’m young, what I have to offer is my time. My parents have always encouraged me to give and my mom has told me since I was knee-high that, “Life is like a game of monopoly: once it’s over, all the money and pieces go back into the box, so why leave the box full when you can leave it empty?” For so long her words puzzled me and I brushed them off as nothing more than the incessant ramblings of a foreign-born mother. However, when I went out into the world and served as a dental assistant in Belize, the true meaning of her words finally unveiled. She was saying when you die, make sure you give everything you can to others and spend as much time helping as much as you can
their favorite book characters as they navigated the four literacy activity stations. Activities included reading to the children, helping the children create a reading buddy from construction paper. “Read Across America is something our members look forward to all year. Pi Phi’s philanthropy is unique because it truly gives us a hands-on experience with the cause we are so passionate about,” said Rachelle Lytle, Vice President of Philanthropy for the Pi Beta Phi Chapter. Every year, Pi Beta Phi sponsors a fraternity-wide event in order to achieve maximum impact on reading awareness and fundraising. Pi Beta Phi will celebrate Fraternity Day of Service in an effort to advance literacy on or around March 2 every year in honor of Dr. Seuss’®
because you never know what kind of impact you can have on their lives. My journey began when we left our festively decorated hotel, my entire family piling into a van to drive to a local village. We traveled for three hours down unpaved roads that seemed like an unkempt roller coaster. As the bright red and orange banners displayed in front of my hotel faded into oblivion, I felt an odd sort of anxiety. Perhaps my subconscious knew of the epiphany to come. When we arrived, the whole village greeted us with toothless smiles like excited children and were ready to lend aid to our group with the help of small children who ran in circles around the van. I have never seen children so excited in my entire life. And to think, their gaiety was derived from seeing someone they have never set eyes on before. When we finished setting up the clinic, I had the opportunity to visit with a little boy named Wilson and his twin brother, William. Although shy at first, it did not take them long to talk and run around, jumping on my back every chance they got. This eagerness filled me with amazement simply because I have never before been given the opportunity to quench a thirst for love and attention that intense. Their dehydration was both figurative and literal. Later that night, Wilson helped me hang my hammock, scaling the walls of the tiny, hot, stuffy schoolhouse like a small chimpanzee. In the short time I had spent with him, I knew – or at least prayed – that I had made an everlasting impact on his life. After dinner and the movie, Finding Nemo, Wilson walked with me back to my hammock and as he gave me a hug goodbye, whispering in my ear, “I love you and will remember you, so please come back next year.” Wilson then quietly disappeared into the night. The next morning, Wilson was there again, waiting by
birthday. Fraternity Day Of Service is a Read > Lead > Achieve initiative to inspire of a lifelong love of reading that can unlock true potential. Pi Phi’s commitment to literacy dates back 100 years to the founding of a settlement school in Gatlinburg, Tenn. Pi Phi was solely responsible for all education in Gatlinburg from 1912 to 1969. Now, Pi Beta Phi members support literacy in their communities through Read > Lead > Achieve reading initiatives such as the Fraternity Day Of Service, Champions are Readers® (CAR) program, Arrow in the Arctic and partnership with First Book.® Pi Phi also hosts Pie A Pi Phi, in the fall, and Dodge The Arrow in the spring to support these programs.
the van to say goodbye. I began to cry. It just amazed me how a single day of service altered my life dramatically. The next year, I had to go back and see this little boy. Spring break of my junior year brought excitement and anticipation as I was given another opportunity to return to Belize. Sure enough, when we went back to the village, Wilson was at the gate and I ran towards him with my arms wide open and he said as he gripped my t-shirt, ”Thank you.” That was all I needed to hear. I knew in that moment what pure, unadulterated happiness was. By giving my spring break to do mission work I attained a feeling surpassing logic. My life is so beautiful now and filled with happiness because of one little boy from Belize. He will never know the impact he has had on my life. Every day, I thank him in my prayers for putting my life into perspective. What is the point of living life if we do not give our time and money to people who actually need it? Yes, philanthropy helps struggling people and communities, but what most people do not realize is that you are the one benefitting most from the time spent with a stranger. That is the epitome of a win-win situation. I now crave the sight of that smile that curls on the face of someone I’ve helped. The problem with my generation is that most small acts of kindness are taken for granted. We take, take, take but never take the time to give. Giving changed my life because I was just like so many of my peers – lost in a haze of my blessings. It took a relationship with one little boy to flip my world upside down or, better yet, right side up. Everyone has their own Wilson in the world; you just have to take the time to find that person. Because of Wilson, I will set my sights on bettering this world anyway I can. Whether I major in business or fashion, I will find a way to make philanthropy a top priority.
Self philanthropy
Holly is a freshman studying journalism. You may contact her at
In college, t-shirts are like gold. They rank right behind free food as the most coveted and sought out parts of just about any event or organization. Free t-shirts will draw anyone and everyone to an event, like flies to honey. Most people don’t even care what they look like, they just want to add to their ever-growing collection. I know. I’m guilty of this because the concept of too many t-shirts is becoming foreign to me. I have an addiction. They are the day-to-dya uniform of most students, so it’s excused as a practical purchase. College kids have also gotten really good at designing quality t-shirts.
Greek organizations are notorious for “something happens, make a t-shirt.” We can’t get enough and that principle is starting to become profitable. They’re used as a lure, a prize, a bribe, commemoration and even fundraising. From the Moore tornado disaster to a sorority’s philanthropy event, t-shirts have become a fun, easy and effective way to raise money. Everyone wants them already, so when you throw in a good cause people are sold. Many organizations, and even individuals, are taking advantage of the college t-shirt craze and pumping out shirts to help raise money for their various philanthropic endeavors. One of the most prominent examples is the fire that plagued the Alpha Gamma Delta house, here on our campus. Fundraising efforts began almost immediately and a t-shirt was available for purchase within days. A link was posted in my chapter’s Facebook page for a cute t-shirt with profits were going straight to AGD. Several girls commented, straight off the bat, that
they were going to buy one and I can’t help but think that this method garnered much more support than a donation link or even a special fundraising event. Alternatively, something that has been advertised a lot over social media is an individual creating their own t-shirt design to raise money for their mission trip. Sharing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, GroupMe and individual texts and emails gets the word out to as many t-shirt loving people as possible. Usually, it’s just an easy link you fill out and the shirt is shipped straight to you. Sites like ID Solutions don’t even require an account; you just enter the code for a particular shirt and fill out your information. ID Solutions is also ideal for fundraising efforts because they don’t require a minimum order or charge extra fees. Sites like this and a creative mind make t-shirt sales a breeze, along with a college kid’s dream.
TOP TEN THONS Many of you have seen posts on social media about Soonerthon. This article is about the top 10 THONS in the country, which Soonerthon falls under because it’s a dance marathon. These are the top 10 student-run philanthropies in the country. The totals are amazing! 10. University of North Carolina’s UNC Dance Marathon This 24-hour dance marathon requires each fundraiser to raise at least $150 by the day of the event. The funds go to support the medical, surgical and emotional care of patients and families served by North Carolina Children’s Hospitals. In 2013 they raised $430,181.68. The 2014 dance marathon takes place at the end of this month. 9. University of Michigan Dance Marathon Last April, they raised $516,707.13 benefitting several hospitals. Over $4 million has been raised since the first event. Along with fundraising, raising awareness for the needs of pediatric rehabilitation programs is a priority. This is 30hour event involves hundreds of students showing their dedication to children and their families. 8. Florida State University Last year, this 40-hour event, with more than 1,800 students, raised $701,493.16. This dance marathon benefits the local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital and FSU College of Medicine Pediatric Outreach Program. This program tries to engage students and the local communities to promote children’s health and happiness. 7. Ohio State University’s BuckeyeThon
The money raised benefits the Hematology/ Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant Department at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. The ultimate goal of BuckeyeThon is ending childhood cancer. $767,277.78 was raised in 2014 during the 24-hour dance marathon.
Maxi is a freshman studying Marketing. You may contact her at
6. University of Florida’s DM at UF This annual 26.2-hour dance marathon takes place every April. The funds benefit patients of the University of Florida Health Shands Children’s Hospital in Gainesville, Florida. This dance marathon has raised over $6.4 million since it was founded 19 years ago. In 2013, almost $1.25 million was raised with the help of over 2,000 volunteers. Over 800 students stayed awake, fundraising the entire time. 5. University of Kentucky’s DanceBlue Marathon This is a 24-hour dance marathon with no sitting and no sleep. They raised $1,436,606.24, this year, with proceeds going to the DanceBlue KCH Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Clinic at Kentucky Children’s Hospital. 4. Northwestern University Dance Marathon This 30-hour dance-a-thon has a team of over 300 committee members who work throughout the year raising awareness. In 2013, they raised $1,214,632! All the proceeds benefit the Danny Did Foundation. They have raised a total of over $13 million for 30 different charities. 3. University of Iowa This year they raised a total of $1,801,032.20.
This 24-hour dance marathon gives students the choice to celebrate the lives of people who have survived from cancer or to remember those who have lost the fight. A fundraising minimum of $425 is necessary to participate in the big event. Over the past 20 years, $14 million has been raised to benefit The University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. 2. University of Indiana’s IU Dance Marathon In November of 2013, $2,622,123.21 was raised during this 36-hour dance marathon. Proceeds go to the Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health. A committee of over 900 members and over 2,500 dancers is involved. 1. Penn State THON The Penn State THON is a 46 hour dance marathon that takes place every February to raise money to combat children’s cancer. The first event in 1973 raised a little over $2,000. Now, it is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world. THON has raised over $100 million! This year they raised $13,343,517.33! They are making a major difference in the fight against cancer. Many participants refer to this weekend of dancing as being one of the best weekends of their lives!
Self health & fitness
Kappa Kappa Gamma Matty is a sophomore studying journalism. You may contact her at
Even though spring break has come to an end and the fun is over, don’t let the business of school drag you down. This year, stay motivated and stay in the gym. Make it your goal to look good and feel good all year, not just for one month! Here are some easy tips to help you stay active. Set a goal. The most important tip to stay active is to have a goal you want to complete! Everyone sets goals for spring break, but what about after it’s all over? This year, set a specific goal for yourself. Whether it’s running for 30 minutes every day or simply walking to class
instead of driving – stick to it! Don’t let the busy school year get in the way of your success. Write down your yearly goal and follow through. The more detailed you write out your goal, the easier it will be to accomplish.
Reminders. An important part of being able to complete your goal is to have visual reminders and motivators. Find your favorite exercise quote, workout plan or picture and tape it on your closet door or bathroom mirror. The health section on Pinterest has a wide variety of quotes and workout plans for every level of fitness. Start a Pinterest board of healthy foods and exercises that you want to try out this year. Having inspiration that you see every day will remind you of your goal to stay healthy. If this doesn’t work, try putting your tennis shoes or running shorts next to your bed every night before you go to sleep. In the morning, they will be the first thing you see and remind you to fit in your workout for that day. Have accountability partners. Friends and family are two of our biggest motivators in life! Grab a few friends and write down your yearly goals together. Figure out
times in your schedules that you can workout together during the week. If your friends don’t want to join you, tell them your personal goals and ask them to hold you accountable. Most likely, if you are willing to stay active and healthy, they will want to! Activities with friends are always more enjoyable and meaningful. Journal. Although having friends to motivate you is very important, you also need to be able to motivate yourself. Try keeping a weekly journal of activities that you have accomplished. Writing down your thoughts and achievements will not only make you proud, but it will also help you keep track of your overall goals. Journaling has been proven to be a great way to relieve stress and tension. After every week, go back and see what you could improve on. This is a great way to reflect on yourself and monitor your progress. These are just a few simple tips that will help you keep your overall goal in sight. Make 2014 the best year ever by staying active and living a healthy lifestyle!
REASONS NOT TO HIT ON GIRLS AT THE GYM One big thing I notice when at the gym is that it is a completely guy-ish atmosphere. There is a noticeable lack of girlish influence and I think it’s because the vast majority of guys have this tendency to oogle. It’s a creepy habit we guys need to leave behind. Regardless, the absolutely worst thing you can do is ask one of these girls out at the gym.
gym is because it is, by and large, the creepiest thing you can do! She’s concerned with running off the stress of the week and you’re trying to be all smooth and pick up her number. Believe it or not, the majority of girls don’t go there to try and hunt down a date; they are there for the same reason you are, to get a good workout.
When you’re at the gym, (hopefully) you are there to work out and because of this you’re really pumped up. This is why you don’t ask that girl doing curls with the 5 pound kettlebells to your next date party. At the gym, you look at least 20 to 25 percent better than you normally do and so, as a result, if she happens to say yes, when you actually manage to take her on a date, you’re going to be much smaller and look much worse than you did when you asked her. She’s going to be wondering what the hell happened and, as a result, things will probably not end well.
The final reason is because asking a girl out at the gym will absolutely kill your workout. If you’re really working and getting a good pump in, then asking out the pretty blonde girl at the elliptical and then getting shut down will destroy your mood. There’s no way to really put up good weight and really get a good hustle on if all you can focus on is the sratty sisters doing abs. At the end of the day, you’ve got to decide if its better to get turned down by the girl you wasted the last hour staring at or if you would rather go to the gym and get in a good workout.
The next general reason not to try and hit on a girl at the
The path to a good fit life is paved with lots of reps and
ERIC PARSONS Lambda Chi Alpha
Eric is a junior studying chemical biosciences. You may contact him at
heavy weight, so the time spent in a gym is not for looking at the opposite sex. The number of girls who are checking out guys is miniscule, so take a note from their book – don’t spend your time at the Huff checking out the girl trying to burn a few calories. When it comes to starting a relationship, a girl met at the gym is almost as bad as the girl you meet at the bar. So, I encourage anyone reading this to talk to a girl at the coffee shop or flirt with the pretty lady in your lecture but, for goodness’ sake, leave the sanctity of the gym alone.
Self health & fitness
THE BEST CARDIO MACHINE AT THE HUFF When you walk into the Huff, you see a variety of equipment for strength training and cardio training. Since it’s currently the traditional cutting phase of everyone’s training schedule, I will share the facts of what I feel is the best cardio machine. I have recently experimented with the “Jacob’s Ladder” and have found it to be, not only the best cardio machine, but the overall smartest form of cardio available. The first line of consideration when evaluating a cardio machine is testing the machine’s actual effectiveness to burn calories. The Jacob’s Ladder is essentially a ladder version of a treadmill. Instead of running along a seemingly endless trail, you climb a slanted ladder that never ends. Climbing implements literally every single muscle of your body to move forward, while running mainly works your legs, which makes climbing a more effective muscular workout. Unlike running, you can rely on climbing to help develop your entire physique. The more muscles a particular exercise works, the more calories your body needs to perform that motion. Climbing implements more
muscles than running, which means that climbing burns more calories. Another aspect to consider when evaluating a cardio machine is the machine’s safety. The Jacob’s Ladder is very safe as it will only go as fast as your body allows it to go. They were able to develop that by installing a safety harness that you must fasten around yourself before you start climbing. Once the harness is fastened and you start climbing, the cable attached to your harness will pull the ladder and give you something to climb. The faster you climb, the faster the ladder goes; the slower you go, the slower it goes. It’s also a relatively low impact activity that’s dynamic and effective. One reason the Jacob’s Ladder is better than a treadmill is because your body controls the pace as opposed to having to push a button to try and match your pace. I’ve had bad experiences with treadmills because I have set the machine to a pace that I think I can handle, but it ends up being too hard for me and I end up injuring my knee. The cool thing
M a t t h e w i s a s o p h o m o re studying marketing. Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h i m a t about the Jacob’s Ladder is that even if you climb really fast and the machine is going fast, if you slip the machine will stop immediately at a controlled pace, which really minimizes the risk of any serious injury. I consider the Jacob’s Ladder as the best option for cardio. Not only is it a safe and effective exercise, but it’s also a good change of pace that will make your exercise more fun and interesting. I think it’s a safer alternative to the treadmill. It works more than just your lower body as opposed to treadmills and stationary bikes and it’s a more challenging workout than rowing. The Jacob’s Ladder is a new and dynamic way of training cardio. Go for it.
Jennifer is a sophomore studying journalism. You may contact her at jennifer.n.nygren-1@
In Oklahoma, the term “bedlam” is widely known as the Oklahoma/Oklahoma State football rivalry, every fall. The term actually originated from an adjective used to describe the intense meets between the two schools’ wrestling teams. There was also a “Bedlam Bell,” a trophy that traveled back and forth between OU and OSU, until the tradition declined in popularity and was soon forgotten. The Bedlam football rivalry began in 1904, when the playing conditions were below freezing at Cottonwood Creek in Guthrie, Okla. Can you imagine playing or attending a football game in the beginning of the twentieth century in below freezing weather? This game is notable because when the former Oklahoma A&M Aggies were kicking off, the wind
was so strong it blew the football behind the kicker. The play could turn into either a touchdown or a touchback based on who recovered the ball. The ball then rolled off the field, down a hill and into a partly-frozen creek. The Sooners, who played with as much determination as they do now, chased the ball down and recovered it to result in 75-0 victory.
Though the first Bedlam football game was very exciting, some think that the latest game is the greatest Bedlam game of all time. While both games had below freezing temperatures, the Sooners didn’t have to dive into a frozen creek for victory. The upset by the Sooners helped send them to the Sugar Bowl and prevented the Cowboys from making it to the Fiesta Bowl. The second most popular bedlam sport today is basketball. OSU is always recognized as the more serious contender compared to OU, but the Sooners hold the winning record against them and have gotten away with a Bedlam sweep this season. Both Bedlam games were very exciting, but the Sooners got the best of the Cowboys this season. Although football and basketball are the center of Bedlam, the rivalry surges into spring sports, as well. Next week, Norman will host two
bedlam games in baseball and softball. The OU baseball team will kick off the Bedlam week on Tuesday, April 1 at 6 p.m. OU is the reigning Big 12 Champion in baseball, so the Cowboys will be out for blood, as the threats from OSU have now turned from “wait until basketball season” to “wait until baseball season.” On Wednesday, April 2, OU softball will match up against OSU while defending their National Champs status. The game will be at 6:30 p.m. This will be your only chance to watch the bedlam game in Norman this season because the other match-up is in Stillwater. Unfortunately, OSU does not have a gymnastics program to compete with our elite men’s and women’s teams, who have been among the top five teams in the nation this entire season. Don’t let that deter you from attending OU hosting the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Championship on March 29. Teams from Stanford, Air Force and University of California will be competing in this meet. Bedlam, by name, brings intensity into every OU vs. OSU match up. We fans need to carry on this tradition. Boomer.
Scene on campus
Jeff is a junior studying political science. You may contact him at
It’s really easy to get used to how we enjoy Greek life here at the University of Oklahoma. So many other schools have a different notion of how to live the way of Greek that it seems like an entirely opposite world compared to our Southern way of life. To better appreciate the way we live, you have to visit other universities and experience their way of Greek life. As an archon, I am a national officer who serves as one of six undergraduates on the board of directors with four alumni national officers. Phi Psi truly is an undergraduatecontrolled fraternity. I travel to other Phi Psi chapters and help their executives optimize their operations, provide a direct connection to the national headquarters and get to know the brothers I represent so as to better serve their interests
on national policy. This has given me the opportunity to experience a weekend in their Greek lives. I have visited the University of Georgia, Iowa State, Texas Tech, the University of Texas, Nebraska, Minnesota, UNLV, Butler, the University of Indiana, Cornell, Texas A&M, the University of Kansas and many others. I have seen many different types of Greek systems and I can say, without any bias, that the South has it perfected. The Northern chapters are more reserved, the West is wild, the East is flashy and, of course, the South is classy. Even within a given region there are varying styles of Greek life from university to university. Some universities don’t have a Greek row and the chapter houses are scattered around the outskirts of the campus, like at Texas A&M. Several chapter houses are even outside the city limits of College Station. Their sororities have mixers with the Aggie Corp of Cadets, in addition to the fraternities. This, however, does not keep the Greek community from coming together and operating like other universities. At the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, they do not have a Greek row, nor do they have official chapter houses. Typically, the executives live in mini-mansions that their alumni have graciously purchased for the chapter. They hold chapter and
SUMMER SCHOOL OR BUST summer school.
You can take two summer classes at OU for “free.” That sounds
committee meetings at the house, but they rarely hold other functions there. Instead, they rent out suites at the casino hotels for social functions. I wouldn’t mind transferring for a semester to enjoy the life out in Las Vegas. Our Southern notion of Greek life is what most people see as the stereotype of all fraternity and sororities. The large tailgates on the front yard for game days, the classic giant white Greek columns and the old frat hound are staples of the Southern way of life. Each college has their own way of doing things, but that doesn’t make them any worse than how we live. We choose to wear curved ball caps while they wear flat bills out West. The Northerners wear Timberlands while we show our bare ankles in Sperrys. We may look different and live differently, but we are all Greeks. I encourage you to get out and travel to other schools to see how other Greeks live. They are all unique and fun in their own right. Take the opportunity of football and basketball away games during the year to travel to other schools and visit another chapter. With a better understanding of other Greek lives, we can appreciate what we have more and maybe pick up a few new ideas to make it even better.
go up to my professor instead of a TA made taking a class at a community college worth it.
Alpha Omicron Pi
like a pretty sweet deal to me. A downside to this arrangement
However, I’ve also heard horror stories about the professors
Kate is a sophomore studying marketing. You may contact her at
would be that most students take the recommended 15 hours
teaching the classes at community colleges. Sometimes the
of classes, which prevents them from taking “free” summer
professor is not ideal. That is obviously an issue when trying
to get a good grade over the summer. Maybe the biggest con
Ah, summer time, when it is perfectly acceptable to sit and do nothing. Unfortunately, we’ve all been told that sitting around doing nothing for the summer won’t help us get a job after graduation. Now, we must sacrifice a couple weeks of deserved leisure time to take a class in order to graduate on time. But where should you take these classes? The University of Oklahoma, as I’m sure you’re all aware, now bills us for 15 credit hours every semester. This new system is trying to encourage students at the university to take more than the typical 12 hours in order to get more students to graduate on time. Those extra hours taken are, technically, free. So, if you choose to take 12 hours each semester, by the time summer rolls around you will be left with six extra hours that have already been paid for. Those six hours can go towards
Summer classes at the University of Oklahoma cost more than classes taken at a community college. I’ve also heard from several people that these classes are harder than those given
to taking classes in the summer would be that even though you are home, you still have to work and can’t necessarily relax the way you would like to.
at community colleges. You also have the downside of being
Summer school classes, I’ve come to learn very quickly,
away from home for a few more weeks instead of going to a
are the way to go. Do you have a difficult lab you don’t want
community college right by your house. You wouldn’t have the
to take during the semester? Fine, there’s a summer school
expense of staying somewhere in Norman during your class.
class for it. Need to retake a class you didn’t do well in? Great,
Last summer I took a class at the community college down
there’s a summer school class for that. Even though you get
the street from my house in Minnesota. Everyone at OU said microeconomics was a hard weed-out class so, naturally, I took that at home. The class was taught at a slower pace than any of the classes I’ve taken at OU and the professor was awesome. Since the class wasn’t a massive lecture class with an attached discussion, I got to know my professor. She made it clear that she was there to help me. Just being comfortable enough to
less of a vacation, the feeling of accomplishment you have when finishing summer school and doing well in all of your classes is well worth it. So, don’t feel the need to stock up on classes during the school year and overload yourself. You’ve got a whole summer.
Lookbook fashion
Katie is a sophomore studying communications. You may contact her at
During fraternity and sorority formal season, the mostly asked questions are: “What do I wear?” “What should my date wear?” “Is this too revealing?” “What shoes should I wear?” “Jacket or no jacket?” Well, I’m here to help. Here are some dos and don’ts for formals. Do Girls, dress for the theme. Sequined dresses are only okay if your sorority or date’s fraternity is having a Gatsby or Vegas themed party. “Do a simple dress so, that way, if you want to wear it again you can change up the jewelry,” Julia Tully, Pi Beta Phi, advises. Buying a cute, simple dress will be better in the long run, as Tully advises. It can be worn again with different jewelry, shoes and hairstyle to look like a completely different dress. Also, know and dress your body type. Tight, sweetheart, sleeveless dresses are
not for everyone.
“Too many pearls can be too much. A single strand can be appropriate for date parties depending on the dress,” Tully advises. When it comes to jewelry, pearls are classic. Yet, too many pearls can leave you looking like a First Lady. Simplicity is a trend right now. Wearing a few simple pieces of jewelry looks classy. Guys, you have it a little easier than the girls, but there are still some definite dos and don’ts. Slacks are a formal must. Save the khakis for semi-formal date parties. Ties or bow ties are always acceptable neckwear. Just make sure the neckwear matches the color or pattern of your date’s dress. Button up shirts are a must. They can be classic white or a different color. Dress shoes are the norm for formals, but if you are super fashion-forward other fancy shoes may be acceptable. Suspenders are great. If you decide to ditch the blazer, then put on suspenders. They look nice and are a big trend right now. Speaking of blazers, if you are wondering if you should wear one or not, think of the occasion. If the formal involves a sit down meal, a blazer would be ideal. If the majority of the formal is going to involve dancing, then you may want to leave it at home. Blazers are always classy, so it is really up to you and your date.
Girls, like I said earlier, dress your body type. Tully agrees. “Don’t be Beyoncé if you don’t have the body of Beyoncé.” Allison Bock, Alpha Chi Omega, advises, “Nothing too short, too tight, or too low cut.” Is it okay to look sexy at a formal? Of course it is! Yet, there is a fine line between classy and trashy. You do not want the nickname “Boob Snapchatter” at the end of the evening. No dangle earrings. They will weigh you down and might fall out while dancing. Be aware that whatever jewelry you decide to wear might break, get lost or stolen if left on a table somewhere. When it comes to heels, Bock says, “If you can’t walk in them sober, you can’t walk in them drunk.” It is best to wear a pair of heels that are easy to walk in and won’t hurt your feet. I definitely wore the wrong pair of heels to my last date party. So, take my advice when I say that open toe, super high heels that are a little too big are the wrong pair of shoes. Guys, there are only a couple of don’ts for you. Jeans are a no. This seems like a no brainer, but I have seen it done. Also wrinkled pants, shirts or jackets are inappropriate. Iron or have them pressed. Hopefully, these tips will come in handy when your next formal rolls around. Stay classy!
The spring of 2013 was all about pastels, colored jeans, wedges and nude flats and, of course, the everfamous bandeau. Now that 2014 has rolled around and spring is here, new fashions and new styles are coming out. This season, it’s all about bright colors, floral patterns and wedges as far as the eye can see.
a white tank top with wedges or bright flats. The brightness and boldness of this outfit is perfect for any spring occasion and can even be carried over into the summer. This combination is easy to throw on to run errands, attend class and go out and enjoy your friends.
New York Fashion Week recently passed and, with it, we have seen some amazing space, edgy pieces from Alon Livne, great, flowy pastels from BCBG and some sheer and bold pieces from Vera Wang. This season, it is all about flowy and bold patterns by day and sexy, tight and bright statement pieces by night.
Another fun way to spice up your wardrobe is by wearing leopard print. Prints are everywhere this season and it seems like leopard is in just about everything. Leopard print is great for a nice lunch and even better for a night out with the girls. An infinity leopard scarf is sure to add excitement to any dull outfit. It goes perfectly with a pink, tight tank top and some dark blue skinny jeans with brown or black wedges. This pairing would be exceptional for any occasion or outing during the day and is easily transformed into a night look by simply adding statement earrings and a darker colored shirt. It’s easy to make this outfit appropriate for the evening by carrying a statement clutch and a couple of shiny or bright bracelets.
The 60s are making a strong comeback, not only through patterns and fabric, but also through design and structure. More dresses have a box cut with short folded sleeves and either a bright and wild pattern or a simple, one-color tone. Either way, you are sure to catch everyone’s attention with these always flattering pieces. The best way to dress up a casual tank and jeans is by adding a sheer cardigan with a bold floral print. This is sure to make any outfit look effortlessly beautiful. Not only can it be used as a daytime look, it can also be night time ready with the right pair of black heels or wedges and a bright lip. Another way to dress this up is to find a one-toned cardigan, similar to the one in the pictures, in a bright color such as yellow, pink or orange, and pair it with white skinnies and
Unlike last spring when colored skinny jeans were all the rage, this season it’s all about the white skinny jeans or bright, flowy pants. BCBG is the prime example of how to rock the perfect pair of flowy pants. Many of their options include single-toned pants, but the more popular look is to wear a bold pattern on the pants with a dark-toned top and nude
Abigale is a freshman studying public relations. You may contact her at sandals or gladiator flats. This season, it is important to have one bright or statement piece of clothing and let the other pieces of the outfit be nude or dull. This draws focus to one area of the look, preventing the whole outfit from being too busy. The main thing to avoid is having too many patterns or bold pieces in one outfit. This will make the outfit too busy and take the focus away from the main object – you. As we fade from winter into spring, the main thing to remember is not only wear the new styles and be fashion-forward, but to wear the clothes and not let the clothes wear you. Fashion, style and clothing are all a way to say who we are without having to say a word. Therefore, wear these new trends with confidence, composition and grace. Remember to let yourself shine through the clothes. After all, the trends we wear are meant to support our personalities, not be them.
12 LET THE MADNESS BEGIN Sports march madness
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Michael is a freshman studying Mechanical Engineering. Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h i m a t
It is time to print off your brackets, get your favorite pen and listen to your favorite sportscasters as they try to predict what will happen during this year’s March Madness. Lucky for the University of Oklahoma, our men’s basketball team has a fantastic chance to make some noise in this upcoming tournament. With a fantastic record of 21-8 and finishing 3rd in the Big XII conference, we are looking like a threat. The first games are played on March 18 and March 19. However, the real fun begins on the 20th and 21st when there are 16 games each day. Most people have heard of March Madness and have at least heard of the brackets and how to fill them out. Many
famous people fill out the brackets every year – Matthew McConaughey, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Rudd, Barack and Michelle Obama and Ashton Kutcher, just to name a few. Wealthy businessman Warren Buffet is offering a billion dollars to anyone who can correctly guess the winner of every game. The best part about it is you do not have to know anything about college basketball or even basketball, in general, to pick teams. Some of the funniest ways I have heard of people choosing are: most appealing uniform, best record, worse record and even by mascot name. It is a wonderful time of the year to have fun predicting the future and sometimes, if you are lucky enough, win some money. Our men’s basketball team has gone through a lot this year. Since the beginning of the season and the closely played game with the number one ranked Michigan State Spartans, I knew something good was going to come out of this season. Many sports personalities have commented on our team over the course of the season and have characterized it as a team that “lives and dies by the three pointer.” When people like Buddy Hield,
Cam Clark, Tyler Neal, Frank Booker and Isaiah Cousins are draining the long ball, I feel like we could beat any team in the nation. But, then again, when we are cold from behind the arc, we tend to struggle and lose to bad teams. I feel good about our chances this year. I definitely see us winning the first game and getting an upset win in the second round, only to lose in our first sweet sixteen appearance in five years. This is one of the best times of the year for college basketball fans and sports fans, in general. You get to witness everything from the top seed playing well to the Cinderella team knocking off teams left and right. It is the most fun-filled three weeks in basketball. There is nothing like cheering our Sooners on to victory or the other teams you root for. It is the one time of the year where you hear of teams like Florida Gulf Coast and you root for them to upset the big powerhouse schools. So buckle up because this year promises to be a fun and crazy ride.
WHY WE LOVE THE MADNESS: Growing up in Kansas, I always felt like the odd man out because I love the NBA, while everyone else devotes their loyalties to college hoops. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching basketball of any kind, but I always preferred the jaw-dropping skill of the NBA’s superstars to the NCAA. However, if there is one thing that college basketball does well, it’s passion. There is nothing in this country that compares to the passion and excitement of college basketball, particularly in March. Regardless of what one’s opinion of the sport is, there is no denying that March Madness is something special. It’s like the NFL playoffs on cocaine. Although a 68-team tournament may not be the best way to determine a champion, I still can’t get enough of it. Here are five reasons why. 5. Duke. For a team that everyone hates, Duke sure seems to get big ratings during March Madness and with Jabari Parker, one of the best players in the nation, this year will be no exception. Whether they are winning the whole thing or losing to Lehigh in the first round, Coach K always gives us March Maniacs something to talk about. 4. Jim Boeheim press conferences. What used to be one
of college basketball’s best-kept secrets is now being recognized by most fans. There is nothing better than watching crusty, old Jim Boeheim take 38 years worth of head coaching headaches out on the media. While nothing is a lock in this tournament, Syracuse is really good this year, which means we could get more than our fill of snide remarks from Boeheim about officiating. 3. Conference tournaments. While they may not be part of the NCAA tournament, they certainly play their part in making March as mad as possible. I get such a rush from watching a team that has been struggling all year rally behind the hot hand of a 3-point shooter (think Marshall Henderson or Gerry McNamara) to clinch a berth in the field of 68. 2. Cinderella stories. This one is obvious, but allow me to elaborate. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy watching Butler play Virginia Commonwealth in the Final Four. I prefer the traditional powers duke it out (no pun intended) in the later stages of the big dance. That being said, the first weekend of the tournament is a prime time for some crazy upsets and that’s why it’s my favorite part of the tourney. It sounds mean, but I love seeing the hopes and dreams of blue-collar programs like KU and
NATE FAIN Alpha Tau Omega
Nate is a freshman studying journalism. Yo u m a y c o n t a c t h i m a t
Georgetown have their dreams crushed by underdogs like Bucknell and Florida Gulf Coast. 1. Bragging rights. The number one best part of March Madness is that we get to watch the madness unfold right in front of us, on a piece of paper. Every year, we are all subjected to filling out our own bracket and, every year, we all forced to draw red Xs through said brackets. You have a better chance predicting the weather in Oklahoma than you do predicting what will happen in the NCAA tournament. But if you happen to be blessed with such good fortune, make sure you take the time to let your friends know how much smarter you are. It will drive them mad!
500 words on food
WHAT STARBUCKS NEVER TOLD YOU Starbucks, oh Starbucks, I have been faithful. Ever since you made your debut in the hands of the “cool kids” at school, I have turned my back on Panera coffee and Jamba Juice. I choose you for all my coffee dates and even visit you multiple times a week. When I had a meal plan, I saw you every day. Even when I was off campus I would splurge on you. This is why I am sad to say that our time is coming to an end. You have kept things from me. Let me explain to you the things that I know you know that you never told me. Why have I never put sea salt in my hot chocolate? Starbucks, you know by far you have the best hot beverages. They are the best of the best. But when it comes to chocolate, why did you never tell me that adding sea salt to chocolate intensifies the chocolate flavor? Yes, it may sound weird and I may have doubted you at first, but you could have told me that my mochas and hot chocolates, indeed, taste better with sea salt. You cannot even taste the salt! Ghirardelli does it, too? Ordering a grande in a venti cup First off, thank you Starbucks for teaching me how to count in Italian. My skills are seen globally and are highly
respected by my peers and professors. But why didn’t you ever tell me I could order a grande iced coffee in a venti cup and just add the milk at the counter to get the entire bang for my buck? You know, just order an iced coffee with sugar and no milk and then add the milk yourself. I feel so betrayed, so lied to. That is like $2 I would have saved. I could have parked in the meter spots with that cash.
BREANNA BOBER Delta Delta Delta
Breanna is a sophomore studying public relations. You may contact her at
Get half the pumps Ok Starbucks, I know at one in time I actually believed coffee was not bad for me. Then I started drinking your coffee and you add all that magic called sugar and syrup and for the longest time I was wondering why I couldn’t drop that extra five pounds. I know I love my white chocolate mochas, and they are just the worst of the worst things on the menu. But why did you never tell me I could just get half the pumps of syrup? Like, seriously, it tastes almost exactly the same, plus I look way better. You have my city’s name on your mugs? Well at least everywhere but Oklahoma. Why am I so in the dark? I have my Chicago mug and my New York mug, can a girl just get her OKC mug? Please.
The secret menu Why Starbucks, why? How could you do such a thing like this to me, to us? Deliciousness like the zebra/tuxedo hot chocolate (white mocha and mocha) should not have been kept to yourself. What about the dirty chai iced coffee? All you would have needed to do was tell me to Google the secret menu and our relationship might have been saved. Starbucks, we have been through a lot, and I know we both wish we could take back some of the things we said. But we are never getting back together, like ever (until your holiday drinks and pumpkin spice lattes are back in season, of course).
HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN SPANISH TAPAS What are tapas? If you haven’t been to Spain, you might not have heard of these delicious treats. A tapa is an appetizer or snack that is served in the majority of bars and restaurants in Spain when people order a drink. Due to popular demand, places all over the world now serve Spanish tapas. Where did they come from? There are many theories on the origin of tapas. The most quoted tradition tells us it was Alfonso X (1221-1284) who began this practice when his doctors suggested he reduce the amount of food he ate at mealtimes. His chefs began to prepare small snacks for him and, from there, Tapas grew in popularity. What are some different types of tapas? In the south of Spain, there is a tradition of serving a small tapa for free when you order a drink. The quality and quantity differs from bar to bar and it is one of the characteristics that patrons use to decide where to go. Unfortunately, for the people of Barcelona (i.e., me), tapas are not free and must be ordered. Tapas are served cold or hot, but hot ones are generally the most popular. Here are two traditional hot tapas that you can make at home! Patatas Bravas (fried potatoes with spicy sauce) Sauce ingredients 3 tbsp. olive oil 1 small onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 227g can chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato purée 2 tsp sweet paprika good pinch chili powder pinch sugar chopped fresh parsley, to garnish Potato ingredients 900g potatoes 2 tbsp olive oil Preparation Prepare ahead by heating the oil in a pan, add the onion and fry for about five minutes until softened. Add the garlic, tomatoes, tomato purée, paprika, chili powder, sugar and salt and bring to a boil, stirring. Simmer for 10 minutes until pulpy. Set aside for up to 24 hours. To serve, preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and pat dry with kitchen paper. Spread over a roasting tin and toss in the oil, then season. Roast for 40-50 minutes, until the potatoes are crisp and golden. Put the potatoes into dishes and spoon over the reheated sauce. Sprinkle with the parsley. Serve with cocktail sticks. Tortilla de Patatas (Spanish omelette) Ingredients 500g new potatoes 1 onion, preferably white 150ml extra-virgin olive oil 3 tbsp chopped flatleaf parsley 6 eggs
Preparation Scrape the potatoes or leave the skins on, if you prefer. Cut them into thick slices. Chop the onion. Heat the oil in a large frying pan, add the potatoes and onion and stew gently, partially covered, for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally until the potatoes are softened. Strain the potatoes and onions through a colander into a large bowl (set the strained oil aside). Beat the eggs separately and then stir into the potatoes with the parsley and plenty of salt and pepper. Heat a little of the strained oil in a smaller pan. Tip everything into the pan and cook on a moderate heat, using a spatula to shape the omelette into a cushion. When almost set, invert on a plate and slide back into the pan and cook a few more minutes. Invert twice more, cooking the omelette briefly, each time and pressing the edges to keep the cushion shape. Slide on to a plate and cool for 10 minutes before serving. Both recipes are compliments of BBC Good Food (http://
ALEXIS HAMES Kappa Kappa Gamma
Alexis is a junior studying Public Relations. You may contact her at
500 words on entertainment
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Nick is a junior studying journalism. You may contact him at
Yes, boys and girls, wait no longer. Today, March 27, is National Joe Day in the land of the free and the home of the brave and I couldn’t even make this up. Joe Day has been around for years as a day to celebrate the name Joe. Historically, Americans have used the word Joe as more than a just a nickname for people named Joseph. With expressions like “Oh, he’s just an average Joe” or “I’m going to have a cup of Joe” and “Wow, that kid at the party last night was being such a Joe, the term has become part of American life. As a tribute to National Joe Day, and with great pleasure, I would like to dedicate this article to some of the most famous, and infamous, Joes in history. Joe Montana One of the most notable National Football League quarterbacks of all time, Joe Montana stamped his name on the sport of football. His incredible athletic ability as a passer and runner led him to four career Super Bowl rings,
Lone Survivor (in nationwide release as of Jan. 10) is an action-packed and heart-wrenching dramatization of Operation Red Wings, the failed United States Navy Seal mission in which a four-man SEAL reconnaissance and surveillance team attempted to track Taliban leader, Ahmad Shah. When the team was discovered by a small group of goat herders, they had to decide whether to let them go and risk their position being discovered by the Taliban or kill them and exterminate the risk. Their honorable choice to let them go eventually led to the deaths of three men on the team; others were killed when a helicopter was shot down during a rescue attempt. Marcus Luttrell was the only member of SEAL Team 10 to survive after he was saved by local Afghans who protected him from the Taliban under their Pashtun code of honor. The movie is based on Marcus Luttrell’s bestselling book, Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of Seal Team 10. As the only survivor of the mission, Luttrell’s words are powerful and his story inspired director, Peter Berg, to honor the fallen Seals by sharing their heart-wrenching story and sacrifice with the world. Although the book details Marcus Luttrell’s 1999 enlistment and training, as well as his deployment to Afghanistan in 2005, the film mainly focuses on the tragic events of Operation Red Wings in June of 2005. Mark Wahlberg stars as Luttrell, and worked closely with him to ensure an accurate portrayal. Taylor Kitsch plays Lieutenant Michael P. “Murph” Murphy, the on-ground leader and spotter of Seal Team 10’s Operation Red Wings. Lone Survivor was Kitsch’s second feature film collaboration with Berg, after Battleship. Seal Team 10’s communications specialist and spotter, Danny Dietz, was portrayed by Emile Hirsch. Wahlberg recommended Ben Foster to director Berg for the role of the fourth member of Seal Team 10, Matthew “Axe” Axelson. Eric Bana also has a strong role as Lieutenant Commander Erik S. Kristensen, Seal Team 10’s quick reaction force commander. Bana read the book
in three of which he was Most Valuable Player. They even called him Joe Cool. G.I. Joe In 1964, Hasbro struck gold after creating a line of military action hero toys that are collectively known as G.I. Joe. Sixty years later, you can find G.I. Joe merchandise everywhere – toys, comics, lunch boxes, video games and television programs. There’s even a movie franchise starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. G.I. Joe is more than a brilliant money making scheme; he represents the true “great American heroes” fighting for us, overseas. Joe DiMaggio I can’t talk about sports heroes without mentioning Joltin’ Joe. DiMaggio spent 13 years as a New York Yankee,and was a man who let his abilities speak for him. His 56-game hitting streak is a record that has never been surpassed. And let us not forget DiMaggio’s home runs off the field: he married Marilyn Monroe, the first Playboy bunny. She was probably yelling the name Joe quite frequently. Joe Camel Simultaneously one of the most effective, and messed up advertising campaigns of all time, Joe Camel was a cartoon character who told young adults, “Hey man, smoking will make you look cool, gain you friends and get you laid!” Sales and market shares skyrocketed, but not for long. The ignorant people who leave their kids in front of the TV all day and expect them to make smart choices, took Joe Camel to Washington D.C. and killed him. Years later, these same
prior to production and expressed interest in appearing in the film, regardless of which role he was chosen for. Even Luttrell appears in the film in an uncredited role – he is seen as a SEAL teammate lightheartedly hazing Patton in a brief scene where the rules of engagement are being explained, and later as one of the serviceman in the helicopter that is shot down when trying to rescue the team. In order to prepare the actors for their roles, Luttrell organized a three-week training regimen at a boot camp in New Mexico, where the movie was filmed. Elite military personnel trained them in weapons, as well as in military communications and tactics. Military advisor, Mark Semos, also trained the four actors in live-firing exercises so that they could feel the physical impact of firing military rifles. In addition, they practiced “shoot, move, cover” drills to build muscle memory and enable them to react convincingly as Navy SEALS during filming. Berg met with the families of the deceased and was motivated by them to make the story as realistic as possible. To further ensure accuracy, Luttrell and several other Navy SEAL veterans acted as technical advisors and multiple branches of the United States Armed Forces aided the film’s production. According to an article in the NY Daily News, Berg used actual autopsy reports to get the details of the team members’ deaths exactly correct. Berg also drew much of his screenplay from Luttrell’s eyewitness accounts in his book and from incident reports related to the mission. The movie has received largely positive reviews and was nominated for several awards, including the Writers Guild of America Award for best adapted screenplay, and an Academy Award for best sound editing and best sound mixing. Lone Survivor also won the Critics’ Choice Award for best action film and Mark Wahlberg won the same award for best actor in an action movie. Lone Survivor grossed about $122.5 million in worldwide box-office revenue, with $113.2 million of that from North
people sued McDonald’s for making them fat. Joe Jon Finley This list would only be an average Joe list without former Oklahoma tight end, Joe Jon Finley. Finley caught 62 passes for 775 yards and 10 touchdowns in his four seasons at OU and was an All-Big XII tight end for three consecutive years. He also managed to change up the Joe game by reinforcing it with a combo name and, for that, he remains a Joe legend. Joe Walsh Fight me on it, but The Eagles would have never been cool without Joe Walsh. The guy was a complete wild man in his prime and is still noted as one of Rolling Stone magazine’s Top 100 Guitarists of All Time. Just check out his work with the James Gang. If you ever get a chance to see him in concert, do it. Period. Cotton Eyed Joe I have no idea what this song is about, but I still dig it. Joe Wolfe He’s a pretty cool guy and shares my Lebanese heritage. Joe is the kind of guy who doesn’t always know what face to make when taking a picture and is always down for a game of 2K. He is currently studying abroad in England and we really miss having him around. Friend him on Facebook. This year’s “Not Joe” winners… Joe Biden, Joe Jonas and Mojo Joe-Joe.
Savannah is a junior studying professional writing. You may contact her at America. Big production companies, including Warner Bros., Sony Pictures Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks and Universal Pictures fought for the film rights in a bidding war until Universal finally won the rights for more than $2 million in August 2007. The estimated budget of the film was $40 to $50 million, but the producers each contributed at least $1 million each to help to finance production costs. In addition, Berg directed it for the minimum salary allowed under the Directors Guild of America rules ($17,000 a week) and convinced many cast and crew members to reduce their asking prices. Lone Survivor is a hard-hitting action movie that really opens your eyes to the heroes who serve our country. I strongly urge anyone and everyone to see this, with the exception of young children, as there are several violent scenes. It is a war movie, after all, and the cast and crew went to great lengths to make everything as realistic as possible to do the story justice. It is a powerful and moving display of courage and strength. This movie does not disappoint and, after watching it, I definitely want to read Luttrell’s book. These men are true heroes and if it is at all possible to do them justice, the movie Lone Survivor certainly comes close.
Humor lol
@kris_palilla “My pants are on inside out. So. That’s where I’m at today.”
@Joeytrypants “Isn’t it weird that people evolved from taking selfies in bathrooms to taking selfies in public?”
@ItsTheGrumpyCat “on the bright side I am not addicted to cocaine”
@AlexPreble “You know it’s time to leave a store when you can’t even afford the sale section.”
@Dory “Ellen Degeneres for president 2016”
@CoryWanamaker “Scooby taught us the real monsters are people”
@Ahlynnmarie15 “I have a serious obsession with the song Partition. I’m also obsessed with Drunk In Love. Beyoncé is queen.”
@Ryan_Verde “Lent: the season of too many Long John Silvers and seafood commercials.”
@totalfratmove “Nationals is serious this time. #TFM” @J_Tatty “Forever taking buzzfeed quizzes #addicted” @totalsratmove “My two favorite words: “paper chapter” #TSM”
@torrancecoombs “New rule: I shouldn’t have to spring forward if spring weather hadn’t arrived yet.”
@_Amandamendoza “SO HANGRY RN” @Fred Tesone “Two words: naps & Netflix.”
@amandabrooke123 “There’s actually no reason for pickleman’s to have a 2.5 hour delivery wait”
@3m_morton “Cane’s makes this horrible week infinitely better #fatkidprobs”
@maddiewiarda “Making dinner at home is great and all, but like who’s going to clean all these dishes..?”
@morganEc95 “Shout to my ID card for making it home last night”
Aimee is a freshman studying broadcast journalism. You may contact her at
Delta Gamma
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Clay is a senior studying sociology. You may contact him at
Salutations, mis amigos. Como estan? That’s French for “nice pants.” It’s been quite a semester so far. It’s hard out here for us pimps. But here’s a little insight from yours truly that may take off some of the load. So, your friends are “brash gentlemen” and what-haveyous. You’re not alone. Everyone has got that one buddy who takes things a little too far, now and again. The guy who gets a little too into FIFA and always taunts and yells at you when you lose. Or the guy who always love taps you in public because, hey, that’s funny. Better yet, there’s the guy who gets onto your Facebook and gets you a date with a three out of 10 girl from
your old high school. He schedules the date, when and where, and because he knows your number gives it to the girl via Facebook and has her send selfies to you with captions like, “haha, hope this works!” and all the while you have no idea what is going on. This actually happened. Thanks, Grant. I’m not writing this article to rail on the aforementioned friends. I’m writing this to commend them, or at least give them a little more credit and a better reputation. You see, my friend, it’s proven that people who are alike naturally gravitate towards each other in social circles. It’s science. I learned this in sociology. So, you know what this means? You are also a tool. In some way, shape or form you and your obnoxious buddy are actually very much alike. Maybe in your contorted psychology you’ve convinced yourself you’re the nice guy in the group. Wrong. You are not. That just makes you conceited. Okay, I’ll let off the reins a bit. Now that you know you are one of “them,” let me explain why having these people in your life is important.
Let me run through the scenarios I gave you earlier. You’re playing FIFA, and it’s a close game. I mean, it’s really on the line, here. It’s the last minute of the game, but you’ve got the ball and you’re tearing towards a one-on-one with the goalie. You do a little juke, and you let one rip. You miss. But your obnoxious buddy isn’t there. Instead, it’s your “nice friend” you just lost to and, of course, he says nice guy things like, “Don’t sweat it buddy. You’ll do better next time. All that matters is that you tried.” Lame. Your obnoxious buddy screaming into your ear, “You’re terrible! Terrible!” is actually what makes the game exciting. You need those guys to add a little flavor to your life. And without love taps in social places – well, that’s actually something there needs to be less of. But the Facebook hackings, as terrible as they seem, are actually funny, and it’s a good story to tell. So quit complaining. Bad friends are good friends. They add the spice to an otherwise bland experience. Picture eating chips without salsa, waffles without syrup or, God forbid, pita chips without hummus.