February 6, 2014 | Volume 6, Issue 5 | Athens, GA
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editor's note
Picture yourself -- you’ve finally made it to the end of what many consider to be the best four years of your life. You have your diploma in hand, and the world is full of promise. Your future now won’t necessarily be paved. You’ll stumble, pick yourself back up, and along the way, you will be sure to face ridiculous employers as well as the occasional dead end.
Danielle is a junior studying English and history. You may contact her at dweiner@uga.edu.
My advice: prepare yourself to enter into an involuntary “rat race” for the next few years. While often times you will feel as though you’re in an endless pursuit yielding low rewards with evasive goals, these sometimes overwhelming factors will above all else contribute to your overall future success. The fast-paced world that we live in turns on an axis of constant competition to achieve. After all, since grade school we have been taught that the American dream preaches this ideal. With the increased image of work as a “rat race” in modern society, this has lead to young employees’ desire to question their own attitudes and seek more harmonious options. Comparatively to our undergraduate years, while we are still met with endless opportunities existing at each twist and turn, achieving goals becomes more difficult. While these opportunities are readily available, in order to fully seize them, it is necessary to understanding personal skill sets. Not only does college exist at the time in our lives where youths mature and hone these skills, this is the first instance where we are presented with adult decisions that have the ability to affect the rest of our lives.
Among the thousands of paths your life is going to take, one thing that’s guaranteed is that it isn’t going to be easy. The circumstances that you choose to surround yourself with will never be handed to you. You’re going to have to work, essentially harder than you ever have to achieve your goals. Upon graduation, often times the name of the game turns into frustration. The idea of employers and the professional hierarchy becomes a new reality, where eventually you’ll stop being the “new kid on the block.” The world is a very different place than when our parents were seeking jobs. While there is a competitive job market, it’s become near impossible to manage. The transitioning role of a college graduate to a young business professional requires fluidity and the ability to become a chameleon employee. While your undergraduate degree is important, the real race has just begun. The world will expose you to a whole skew of unfamiliar faces and environments that will continue to contribute to your overall human experience. Not only is it difficult to allow oneself to transition, the results of the last four years require an alteration in characteristics and habits. If feelings of inferiority haunt your every step, remember that while you may have been creating waves at your former Alma Mater, you ability to compete will now expose you to a global competition where your skill sets and abilities will be simultaneously challenged and valued. This competition may be intimidating, but it is necessary in the further formation of your total being. Accepting yourself and your future failures are crucial to learning about oneself, lending the opportunity to eventually exist as a stand out. When you go above and beyond, take note of how it makes you feel when you succeed. Allow for positivity rather than distresses to provide the motivation to carry you on through to the next level. When taking the next crucial step, remember that the life you’ve lived thus far has been of privilege. At the end of the day, you are your own, existing as the sole determinant of your future. Your outlook will effect whether you sink or swim. Don’t hesitate. Do what feels right, and above all else challenge yourself to sprint in the midst of the “rat race.”
President Poulomi Purkayastha
Editor-In-Chief Danielle Weiner
Sales Executives Dilreet Kaur
Contributing Editor Giles Wasson
Rachel Hamil
Social Media Director Alex Iscaro
Sigma Sigma Rho
Delta Gamma Delta Gamma
Phi Mu
Alpha Tau Omega
Phi Mu
Photographers Dilreet Kaur Delta Gamma
Dana Heyman
Sigma Delta Tau
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feature story
WHaT’S YOUR DReaM JOB? rewarding and enjoyable to master something you loved?
GILES WaSSON Alpha Tau Omega
Maybe I’m just having my quarter-life crisis Giles is a senior studying because the career fair accounting. You may contact is this week, but to me, him at gtwasson@gmail.com. there is just something so alluring about supporting yourself doing something you genuinely obsess about. So, I urge you to not simply chase that paper in choosing a career. Consider the things in this world that you care about most and see if there is a career in it. If so, find out what you would need to do to get there. I’m not saying everyone go hippie crazy and throw all responsibility to the wind, but just examine your options while you’re still young and have the ability to change your major. Who knows, it might be the best decision you ever make.
For many college students, choice of major is often based on superficial qualities such as starting salary and job availability. While important, factors such as these should not be the main criteria one uses when embarking upon a career path. I’m beating a dead horse here, but material wealth does not automatically translate into happiness. Don’t get me wrong, fancy cars, vacation homes, trophy wives, yachts, and general fine living can be awesome. But if you are stuck in a high-stress or unfulfilling job, would all that be worth the cost to your well-being? I guess you could afford the therapy and prescription drugs at the very least. I don’t think anyone’s sole mission should be to simply accumulate as much wealth as possible, but some people make that their ultimate goal in life. Money: the golden idol that humanity bows down to. Of course, without money, we would not have civilization, but because money is so coveted, those who have the most tend to call the shots. People desire that kind of power and will work those brutal 70 hour weeks to climb that almost never ending corporate ladder, like they’re chasing the pink dragon. Money talks and greed seems to be the language of the times as America’s income inequality continues to widen. But who wants to be poor, right? That’s why people go after the “sure thing.” Saavy college students want a major with high availability of employment and dollar, dollar bills, y’all. That doesn’t seem so bad, does it? But how many people do you know are actually chasing their dream? Instead of merely trying to make a living and accumulate some assets in some poorly lit office, imagine you had a career that genuinely excited you and was one of your greatest passions. Sure, you’ll hear people say, “Nobody loves their job. You’re not supposed to.” Honestly, I don’t buy that line. The way I see it, a career oriented person has the ultimate goal of becoming an expert in their field, so wouldn’t it be more
campus connections
OF a gReeK sororities and fraternities. Greek life is one huge community, and everyone knows someone who knows someone. Thinking about it now,
Catherine is a sophomore studying journalism. You may contact her at catherineschmitt94@gmail.com.
you might not realize that your frat or strat can benefit you even beyond your college years. Beyond the parties, socials, and fun, there is a strong bond between brothers and sisters that can last a lifetime and hopefully land you that killer internship right out of college.
Many people think about that sorority and fraternity stereotype and automatically think parties, socials, and beautiful dressed people. But in reality, it is filled with many smart, successful people. Frats and strats hold many opportunities for seeking advice, seeking jobs, gaining experience, and even networking. Who knew those 4 years of fun could turn into a post college mentor system. After college graduation, when you don’t know if you’re going back to your parent’s house or not, you need to remember all the connections you made in college. Your frat brothers and sorority sisters that graduated before you know a thing or two about the “real world” and would be more than willing to help a sista (or brother) out. Reach out to a brother or sister that is interested in the same field as you. He or she can give you advice on how to get started, give you some connections, and maybe even a put in a good word with their company, association, etc. Even if you do not personally know a brother or sister who is interested in the same field you are, you can still find connections with people and friends in other
philanthropy & service
I am a big proponent of serving others. There are so many people around the world who are less Sigma Pi fortunate than ourselves Chris is a junior studying and benefit greatly from MIS. You may contact him at even the tinniest donation. chrsfreeman181@gmail.com. But helping out refugees in Africa or hurricane victims in the Philippines by donating “25 cents a day” can seem meaningless and, quite frankly, futile when there are some many people in the United States who need just as much help. Thankfully, UGA is bursting at the seams with philanthropies like UGA HEROs and UGA Miracle who serve those in our community.
Philanthropies aren’t the only way to give back to your community. There are services organizations like The Arch Society, which gives back to the university and the Athens/ Clarke County community. The Arch Society “provides service to the University of Georgia as official hosts and goodwill ambassadors…[who] seek to serve the University of Georgia at all functions where it is desired to have students welcome guests and visitors to the University of Georgia.” Why am I telling you about these extracurricular societies and clubs that you already know about? Because your involvement in one of them could give you a leg up in an interview. These organizations provide students with not only an opportunity to give but also an opportunity to lead. The leadership skills you will develop with translate well onto you resume and into your job. During your interview you can talk about some touching moments you’ve had during your involvement, or you can talk about some trying times you’ve experienced as a leader and how you overcame. Basically, being involved on campus will give you the experience interviewers look for and it will also look good on a resume. However, it’s not just the experience you have in the club that can help you out in the future, it’s also the people you share them with who could help you out. Those who are heavily involved in clubs on campus are extremely motived, disciplined, and driven individuals. This being said, there’s a good chance that members of your club are already employed by the company you’re interviewing for. Nevertheless, being involved in an on-campus philanthropy will give you a leg up in the interviewing and job finding market. Plus, it never hurts to give back.
philanthropy & service
be the MiRaCLe:
uGa MiRaCLe
Although I may be biased, (Phi Mu’s philanthropy is UGA Miracle) I believe that Phi Mu UGA Miracle is one of the most influential, inspiring, Celia is a junior studying and rewarding organizations advertising and public relations. You may contact her at boyd3@ on campus. Not only are uga.edu. there hundreds of ways to get involved, you also get the opportunity to meet and greet with some of the kids’ whose lives you helped save. But getting involved doesn’t stop there. UGA provides students’ with a variety of organizations that are always looking for more members with new ideas and aspirations. What is UGA Miracle? UGA Miracle is a student-run philanthropy on UGA’s campus that raises money for the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Not only are they providing kids’ with the life-saving treatments that they so desperately need, you also get the opportunity to meet new people, join committees and take leadership positions, and make memories from college that will last longer than the parties you attend or the nights on the town you spend. Over 35,000 students on UGA’s campus are involved in several ways. It is not all just about raising money, either. You get to interact with people, go to fun events, and even create your own new traditions along the way. 5K Doughnut Dare Everyone loves donuts. Enough said. UGA Miracle hosts an awesome event called the Doughnut Dare sponsored by Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Each participant pays a fixed fee which goes straight to UGA Miracle’s total. Then the participant must eat a whole box of
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and run a 5K race. It is events like this that make getting involved on campus more fun than a hassle. If you missed the opportunity to get out there this year, mark it in your calendar for next year because it is so worth the calories. Dance Marathon Dance Marathon is a 24 hour dance party. What sounds boring about that? Basically, you make the commitment to stay up for 24 hours and listen to awesome music, dance with kids, and hear the amazing stories of Miracle children who have come so far. Some of the stories are tear jerkers, some will leave you with a big smile. All of them will touch your heart--so much so that you will want to do everything you can to help out these kids. This event is definitely the most satisfying and rewarding because you get to hang out with the kids and see proof that your contributions have succeeded. Why get involved? If the first two events weren’t enough to convince you, then consider all the great resume opportunities getting involved in any organization brings. If you are a leader, there is a committee that needs your leading. If you are more of a follower, there are plenty of awesome committee leaders that want more members on their team. UGA Miracle is not only a resume builder; it is an experience you won’t forget. How often in college do work and fun go hand and hand? Not very often. I can assure you that getting involved on campus might sound like work, but it is most definitely fun. UGA has a huge support for so many organizations, such as Red Cross, Heroes, Relay for Life, and hundreds of others. It just takes a little bit of research and desire to find what really fits you. Don’t wait until it is too late to get involved. It is something you will regret. I just listed plenty of benefits and not one consequence of joining an organization. It is up to you to find out what you are passionate about and dream big. It only just begins there.
campus connections
INTeRVIeW TIpS Wi t h s u m m e r a n d graduation quickly approaching, it is time to buckle down and figure Alpha Delta Phi out what you are going Isbael is a junior studying mass to do over the break or media arts. You may reach her at with your post-grad years. mimac92@uga.edu. Internships, jobs, and various opportunities are at the fingertips of many young adults. Unfortunately, before any plans are set you must go through the dreaded interview process. Here are a few tips that will have you prepared and ready for any type of interview you are faced with:
1. When going to an interview, it is very important to look the part. It is necessary to look presentable and put together. Depending on the interview, you may need to dress business casual or pull out your go-to professional attire. Wear something you are comfortable in, and a pop of color will make you a memorable candidate. 2. In order to avoid sudden panic that often occurs right before an interview, remember to practice the night before. With practice, you will be more confident in yourself and in
your answers. Think of potential questions they may ask you and know what you can bring to the company. However, if you do not know an answer immediately after they ask you a question, take your time and don’t rush into answering. Stay calm and the person interviewing you will be impressed with your composure and confidence. 3. The way you hold yourself and present yourself in an interview is crucial. Keep eye contact throughout the interview and always greet the interviewer with a firm handshake and smile. Maintain good posture during the interview, and your confidence will be obvious. Most interviewers know if they are going to hire you within the first few minutes of the interview, so make sure you are prepared to make a positive lasting impression. 4. When in an interview, it is very important to show interest in the company or organization. Be sure to know information about the company and have questions to ask. People love it when you are interested in them, and it won’t hurt to ask a few questions about whatever you are interviewing for. Many opportunities await you, and after you conquer the interview, anything is possible. Be your best self and let the world know everything you have to offer.
Out and About in Athens
10 fashion trends
debate & discuss
gReeN TIDe: WHY We SHOULD LegaLIZe CaNNaBIS A green tide has been sweeping the nation. America has once again become the bastion of innovation it has been in the past. In 2012, both Colorado and Washington had a popular vote that made both states the first places in the world to legalize the consumption, cultivation, and production of marijuana. This is not only a huge step for those states, but a step in the right direction for all of humankind. What led to these drastic changes in policy towards cannabis use was the introduction of medical marijuana to these states many years before. Living in the South, I never thought I would see the day that medical marijuana would be even considered. But this week Georgia Lawmakers are planning on introducing a bill that would legalize a non psychoactive part of cannabis for use in the medical field. This is a step in the right direction, and what’s more surprising is that this bill is being introduced by Republican lawmakers. There are many benefits to legalizing marijuana. There are the obvious benefits, like relieving America’s overcrowded prison, as many prisoners are in there for minor drug offenses. But there are many economic benefits as well. The provision for legalizing recreational use in Colorado was that taxes gained from it would go to the public school system. Additionally, projected revenues from taxing marijuana can be anywhere from $2.4 Billion to $6.2 Billion dollars, depending on the level of taxation (normal consumer good vs. tobacco and alcohol level of taxation). Such tax money is greatly needed in today’s economy. Couple that with the money spent on marijuana prevention, law enforcement, and prison expenditures for those arrested with marijuana charges, and you save a lot of money. The combined tax revenue and savings from enforcing marijuana prevention is a whopping $10$14 Billion dollars. Industrial use of marijuana also has the potential to make vast amounts of money. There are over 25,000 industrial uses for the cannabis plant including green fuel (emitting 80%
less CO2 than fossil fuels and is as biodegradable as sugar), hemp paper (which creates considerably less pollution than normal paper, which is Sigma Beta Rho the third biggest polluter in the world in terms of industries), Zain is a junior studying agriculture and food (cannabis international affairs. is sustainable, needing no You may contact him at fertilizers, and at the same time hemp oil is a non fat cooking zabidi954@gmail.com. oil), clothing and rope (hemp rope and cloth is considerably stronger than normal rope), and cars (in the 1970s Ford made a car that was 70% hemp fibers; it could withstand up to 10 times the blow of steel without denting).
If the United States could harness the industrial uses of the cannabis plant it could gain millions of dollars in revenue and at the same time be a leading producer of many goods. The U.S has lacked in being an innovator for a while now, and investing in and developing cannabis as an industrial product can turn that around. Additionally, the medical uses of cannabis are many including helping with cancer recovery and treatment, glaucoma treatment, anorexia treatment, AIDS/HIV management, as well as many other medical uses. There are likely many other medical uses that are undiscovered, and pharmaceutical companies stand to gain millions from the medical uses of marijuana. There are many reasons to legalize cannabis, and the aforementioned reasons to legalize should overshadow the reason to make marijuana illegal.
12 fashion trends
From the first day I began recieving my own mail, whenever magazines arrived I would flip through Sigma Delta Tau their multiple spreads fascinated for hours on Mallory is a sophomore studying journalism. You may contact her end. My parents received at malmoss@uga.edu. an array of magazines daily and I would read through the lively pages continuously telling myself that designing for a magazine was what I yearned to do with my life. I wanted to communicate through layout design work.
The first magazine to catch my attention was Real Simple. I would delve into each issue, scoping out the way the editors could take a simple blank page and create a story solely through photo placement and color choice. I read the layout rather than the articles and noticed the effect the layout editors’ choices had upon me. Interest in the journalism field led me to a summer internship at a local public relations firm where I learned to use detail to control what the public saw and how they would interpret it.
At my internship this past summer at Justine Magazine, my design layout work grew stronger. Between writing countless articles that bore my name and conducting interviews with celebrities, I taught myself design work and often times became frustrated that the magazine provided me no teacher. While my passion may not have been writing articles, one of the most crucial parts of my time spent there was learning about each aspect of the magazine. How could I succeed in layout design without learning about the balance of all parts? I felt empowered when my name was listed on the page with all the editors, directors, and contributors. My dream job is to do layout design for US Weekly magazine. Not only do I read it to satisfy my craving of the latest celebrity gossip, but also the layout design has always stood out to me. The bright color choices draw my attention to Hollywood’s favorite photos and convince me to read the articles. My experiences at Justine Magazine and a public relations firm revealed to me that design layout is the most important tool of communication in today’s media marketplace. Without these internships, I would not be working hard towards my dream job. Hopefully one day they’ll help me reach my goal and obtain the job!
travel & adventure
BROaDeNINg MINDS aBROaD strengthen your vocabulary, but your grammar as well.
Studying abroad is one giant opportunity to meet Gamma Phi Beta new people. Often there Madeline is a sophomore studying public relations. You are study abroad programs may reach her at madelinew315@ that are open to a plethora of gmail.com. schools, so you’ll most likely be around people you don’t know. Take this chance to make new and lasting friendships. Yes, as corny as it may sound, people stay friends long after the program has ended. Sharing your study abroad experience with others is half the fun! You’ll never have another chance to be young and free, so study abroad. Get out of your comfort zone and see the world that awaits you. Go complete that application and get ready for the best time of your life.
What’s better than the good ole college experience? Nothing, right? Well, how about attending college in a foreign place? I would say that’s a pretty sweet deal. Honestly, college is the time when we’re most free. We exist in this weird bubble that surrounds every university campus in America. For the most part, we are still very much financially dependent on our parents. The jobs we hold aren’t exactly corporate, and if we’re really low on funds we can always call on the bank of mom and dad to supply some extra cash. We have all the freedom of adults, but really without all the responsibility. The second we graduate, however, we’ll be thrown out into the actual-non college world without a safety net. This is the precise reason now is the time to travel. Our full-time job is to be a student, so why not do it in a study abroad program? There are so many reasons why we need to make the most of the four (five?) years we have and take time to study across the pond. It’s one thing to follow a person who travels the world on Instagram (hey I’m the first one to admit it’s a nice distraction from a boring lecture), but its quite another to do it yourself. Pictures never are the same as experiencing the real thing. Visiting in person allows you to create a better understanding of another culture; even further it grants you a better appreciation for the culture of others. Studying abroad throws you way out of your comfort zone, and by being forced to experience the day-today life of a foreign place, you learn to appreciate not only the culture of the place you’re staying, but your own culture and home as well. Studying abroad in college immerses you in not only the culture of a foreign land, but their language as well. While not all destinations speak another language, a lot do. In college we are still practicing and learning foreign languages, and through being immersed in a language your fluency strengthens. You will be able to not only
4. Accessorize. If you’re interviewing at a place with a little more creative Delta Phi Lambda leeway, consider having a statement piece, like a Penn is a junior studying publication management and English. You may vibrant necklace or an contact her at phansa@uga.edu. oversized men’s watch (this does not give you license to choose tacky gems or neon). Your shoes should always be closed-toed and scuff-free, so spend a little time the night before making sure your shoes are up to par.
5. Do a test run. As in, lie out your clothes and try them on. Walk around and sit down to make sure everything fits ok and there aren’t any rips or loose threads. And then ask your roommate or a friend if everything looks ok, just to get a second opinion. At a job interview about a year ago, I was waiting for the manager to call me in when another candidate walked in. As she checked in, I noticed something was a little off with her. She was so stiff – arms held tight by her sides, barely lifting higher than her elbow to sign the sheet.
And then I noticed why – if she lifted her arm any higher, her dress would rise and she’d risk mooning the entire office. I could only imagine what she’d reveal when sitting down.
Don’t commit a fashion faux pas in your next interview. Here’s how. 1. Know the rules. Unless your interviewer specifies that the interview is business casual, expect business professional. Ladies, that means a conservative blouse, a skirt (barely above or just at your knee) or a pair of trousers (not any longer than your heels), and a good blazer. Guys, that means a suit – and make sure it’s tailored. Never underestimate the difference a good fit can make. 2. When in doubt, stick to the classics. That’s button-down tops, pencil skirts, slim trousers, and sheath dresses, paired with a good blazer. Guys, just get that suit tailored. 3. Put in a little of your style. You’ve only got 20 seconds to make a first impression, so make it a good, memorable one. Know what colors you look good in and wear a flattering top (or tie) color. If you like prints, then keep it attractive but not distracting (no oversized prints!).
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