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Hoka Bond
اشهد ان لا إلـًّﮧ إلا اللـًّﮧ واشهد ان مـכـمد رسـول اللـًّﮧ وَعَسَى أَنْ تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ وَعَسَى أَنْ تُحِبُّوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ شَرٌّ لَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ} و الحمد لله على كل شئ وان لله وان اليه راجعون . . . Hey ,I'm MaĦmoud EbráĦim FIRSTLY if you're fake you're getting remove.ッ [ Me iS 7oka & BonD iS Me bardoo :D ] I'm someone who can get your attention in a JIFFY♥ :Q! I'M NOT cocky !! .__. But WTF almost people feeling that once they see me! (: DAMN you, I don't even care what inside you, It's just my way to deal with idiots, regardless i looking gorgeous :P , Oh! sry My name is Mahmoud but u may call me as Hoka, I'm 18 years old, My birthday is 29/05/1993 well, almost people missing to estimate my real age, I know i look younger