¡Exploremos el Español!

This program is our very first introduction to early language acquisition for the youngest participants, and it is as beneficial for those who have had some Spanish background, as it is for total beginners.
Our early language acquisition method reinforces learning in a social context through music, movement and play.
These elements will help the child identify with him/her self and their world around them. We work fine
motor skills through finger and hand songs, songs for the face, head, and all parts of the body while learning bilateral coordination and hand-eye coordination.
Using hand instruments help us reinforce tone, tempo, rhythms and other musical concepts, while phonetic sounds in Spanish.
We do activities that involve sensory stimulation by touching, identifying and playing with different objects and materials that vary from class to class, which aide in the process of building vocabulary, fostering the interaction between the children and the teacher during playtime. Gross motor coordination and socialization are encouraged through action and circle songs. Story time and some light drawing may be included. The class setting is in a circle.
Our classes have been carefully designed to guide children to build vocabulary and speak in short phrases while identifying basic concepts in their everyday lives.
The classes are structured in tiers that center on “the day’s theme” taught through original and traditional songs and music, toys, games, educational material, props, and visuals.
¡HOLA!’s unique sensory approach includes the use of materials that can be touched, viewed or listened to. The reinforcement and repetition of new words and phrases, makes the learning communicative and easy!
Story time, puppet play and circle time are part of the weekly classes, all while playing and having fun! Native speakers lead children into correct phonetics.
We create a learning environment at the child’s home in single settings or with a group of buddies for learners to feel safe and comfortable with the language and the teacher. As the child continues to participate, an atmosphere of trust will be fostered
With ¡HOLA!, children are given a space to express and create where language immersion through games, play, and socialization are cornerstones of our program
Children in this program will continue building vocabulary and reinforcing what they learned in the ¡HOLA! early childhood programs through a wealth of language resources and activities to make the learning comprehensible and fun!
Children will master the Spanish alphabet and sounds, and with continuous exposure and as the program develops, they will learn to spell words and short phrases on their own. Literacy is part of the focus.
Learners will be able to understand phrase structures in context, and will be able to comprehend, translate on their own, and verbalize properly the phonetics . Developing writing and reading skills by the end of this course are part of our goals too. Basic Spanish grammar concepts will become clear and children will be enabled to respond to verbal commands.
The programs were designed congruently to integrate the same words that they are learning through the different resources, such as workbooks, flashcards, worksheets, alphabet tubs and books.
A fun activity will include to form their “Animalfabeto”, which will be completed by the end of the course. Through this activity book we expand our knowledge of the animal kingdom through short verses or poems of the “animal of the day”
This program is appropriate for beginner writers and readers, or for children who’ve had no exposure to Spanish before and are between K-1st grades.
Our advanced learners will be taught proficiency through a conversational approach. Learners actively participate in challenging language activities, comprehensible grammatical instruction, vocabularyenhancing projects with an emphasis on proper accent, and pronunciation, listening comprehension and oral expression, producing the output easily.
Our objective is for our students to become competent readers, writers, and language users. Our carefully planned lessons include a balanced combination of traditional workbooks, worksheets, audio/visual material, literature, card games, etc. with some technology use that enhances comprehension.
¡HOLA! provides one on one support to Middle and Upper school students when needing additional help in their school work, or to enhance their conversational skills.
Please contact ¡HOLA! for more details, we tailor classes upon needs.