Margaret Ferguson Books
Text and illustrations copyright © 2023 by Hope Larson All Rights Reserved
HOLIDAY HOUSE is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Offi ce. Printed and bound in June 2023 at Leo Paper, Heshan, China.
The art and lettering in this book were created using an iPad Pro, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator.
First Edition
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Larson, Hope, author.
Title: Be that way / by Hope Larson.
Description: First edition. | New York : Margaret Ferguson Books/Holiday House, [2023] | Audience: Ages 12 and up. | Audience: Grades 10–12.
Summary: Sixteen-year-old Christine keeps a journal of an eventful year of her life in mid-90s Asheville, North Carolina, which she records through prose and illustration.
Identifi ers: LCCN 2022027040 | ISBN 9780823447619 (hardcover)
Subjects: CYAC: Graphic novels. | Diaries—Fiction.
LCGFT: Diary fiction. | Graphic novels.
Classifi cation: LCC PZ7.7.L37 Be 2023 | DDC 741.5/973—dc23/eng/20220903
LC record available at
ISBN: 978-0-8234-4761-9 (hardcover)
The excerpt that appears on pg. 164 is from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë.
is is SO not a true story (but it could be).
Dear Diary,
Heo. My name is Christine. I’m fourt n years old, I’m in ninth grade, and my teachers a think I’m me ed up in the head. at’s why I’m starting this journal.
What ha ened was, last month in art cla I did this drawing of a girl with scars a over her arms. It wasn’t even su osed to be me; I’d just read an article in Sevent n about girls who cut themselves, and I was trying to be edgy, or d p, or something. But my art teacher mentioned it to my English teacher, who was “concerned” because I’d wri en a “morbid” story for her cla –which I thought she’d like since she a igns stuff like that old “Owl Cr k Bridge” story where the protagonist gets murdered–and a of a sudden, there I was in the principal’s office for an “emergency m ting” about my “cry for help.” It was ho ible: they caed Mom at work, and she came in, and we both cried. No one should have to s their mom cry in the principal’s office.
I was able to convince everyone that, yeah, my dad died, and yeah, I’m sad about it, but I’m not about to off myself. e guidance counselor–she was there, t –thought an extracu icular would help me get out of my head, and she suggested the Cougar Chronicle because they’re always l king for writers. I was, like, fine, I’ write for the paper. I’ do an hing to get you a off my back.
But it turns out I love writing for the Chronicle. I can go to the office whenever I have a fr period, and there’s always someone in there, hanging out. e first i ue I worked on just came out, and it was c l to s my article in there. Mom was psyched, t . I’m also learning to fly under the radar in my cla es. Like, now I s that when they te us to “be creative,” they actuay mean, “Make some bland, nonthreatening crap I can put on the buetin board in the ha.” Write an e ay about the time your dog ate the anksgiving turkey. Draw Marvin the Martian, or leaping dolphins in front of a sunset, or Sinead O’Co or from the cover of Roing Stone. Whatever–just be normal, like everyone else. e fu y thing is, trying so hard to be normal is starting to make me f l crazy. Like, if I don’t empty out a the murky g p swishing around in my brain, my head wi eventuay explode. But I’m not about to upset Mom again, or get sent back to the principal, so I’ put it a here–every strange, secret part of myself that no one can ever know.
No one but me, your best-est friend in the whole entire world.
I leave the r m for a SECOND and you read my diary?!
So? I already know a your secrets. And I’m the bad one, not you. Did I te you I got detention today?
No! Why?
Jack was staring at my b bs so I threw a tampon at him.
A USED tampon?!
Ew, of course not! It’s so a oying. They didn’t even make him apologize. No wonder high sch l boys are so unevolved.
U m, that sucks, Landry, but this is a private space for Christine’s Sad Girl oughts ONLY.
Until two w ks from now when you decide you’re sick of journaling, like every other time you tried to k p a diary.
Whatever. Are you sl ping over tonight?
Can I? My parents are yeing a lot this w k.
Sure. Mom’s grief group is coming over, but she’s going to rent Prince Bride and order a pizza for the kiddies and me.
C l.
Great. Now give back my journal and KEEP OUT.
I want to bang Westley.