Not only elder people suffer from such mental disorders even younger children suffer from such disorder the health coach Virginia provides child mental health services. The Holistic health coach aids in providing counseling, which motivate people to control their addictions behavior and complex mindset
Mood disorders people suffering from extreme mood disorders are generally referred to as Bipolar which comes along with depression. People usually suffering from mood swings have extreme anger, happiness and sadness. There mood changes within second and any small thing can make them extremely sad or happy.
Anxiety disorders Person suffering from anxiety disorders is nervous most of the time and are compulsive over thinkers they have a strong sense of fear in their mind that any situation may wrong and may lead to catastrophic results. This also includes post traumatic stress disorders, Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) and various phobias mainly claustrophobia.
Personality Disorders
An individual suffering from personality disorder may show strange and confusing personality traits that may vary from paranoid personality to complete antisocial personality.
IMPULSE CONTROL DISORDERS A person who is affected from such disorder may indulge in acts that may harm them or others. Stealing, compulsive gambling and spur to start fires are some examples of impulse control disorders such people do not have any control on their impulse and in some cases it has resulted in Suicide cases too.
Substance Abuse Disorders individuals suffering from substance are highly addicted to toxic substances such as heroin, cocaine, inhalants and drugs. Their addiction to such drugs is to such an extent that failure in getting the drugs may lead to death. These people usually take drugs in order to escape from reality and neglect daily works and responsibilities
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