can create stress in our BodyMind complex and the negative habits continue. BodyTalk helps to find the unconscious issues that need to be addressed and allow healthy communication in all systems. BodyTalk helps us to access the 5% conscious thinking and teaches us to observe ourselves and therefore create a healthier mind and therefore reality. BodyTalk works on every level - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. It’s a way of working out what makes each of us tick - born out of our belief systems, creating triggers of how the world works, perception and expectation. If you think of an iceberg, what we see is the tip and a much larger part of this is under the surface, what we can’t see, we use this as an analogy to explain the tip as the conscious part, the symptoms and the part under the surface as the unconscious, hidden baggage, the causes. BodyTalk allows us to access what is hidden and facilitates lasting
Suzanne Brooker, shares this simple and effective holistic therapy that allows your body’s energy systems to communicate well with each other in priority order, so they can operate as nature intended…
THE ORIGINS OF BODYTALK BodyTalk was invented by Dr. John Veltheim, a chiropractor, traditional acupuncturist, philosopher, Reiki master, lecturer and teacher. The system was developed in the 1990’s when Dr. Veltheim ran a very
E each have our own
and acquired through our senses. From this,
successful clinic in Brisbane, Australia and
perception of how the world
we construct our individual stories, forming our
was Principal of the Brisbane College of
works. It’s something we all
unique realities and conditioning our thinking.
Acupuncture and Natural Therapies. His
develop through our own
Our minds unconsciously pick up these external
own post-graduate studies included applied
conditioning. Before we are seven years old,
signals, meaning that 95% of our thinking is
kinesiology, bio-energetic psychology,
we have deep routed beliefs created by our
unconscious. It can also mean that negative
osteopathy, quantum physics, sports
environment, culture, gender, race, family history
thoughts go unchecked and can lead to ill health.
medicine, counselling and comparative
and wider socio-cultural factors as well as our
holistic therapist 2020
Unchecked thoughts and unhealthy feelings
philosophy and theology.