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Manifesting FOR BEGINERS

Manifesting is a way of attracting what you most want into your life through keeping your desires at the forefront of your mind. You’re more likely to experience positive results if you back up your desires with supporting actions that take you nearer to your goal…

WHAT do you want in your life? Some of your desires may be material – buying a home, some space of your own to meditate, setting up your own business or being financially stable - while other desires may be more experiential – perhaps you’ve always wanted to travel, learn to paint, find the right life partner, run a marathon or form a band. Each of us has our own set of desires, but sometimes we don’t voice them. If we talk about our dreams and ambitions, they become more concrete, moving from our daydream world and onto our to-do list. Instead, we convince ourselves that we are not worthy of our desires, that we don’t deserve material, experiential and romantic abundance.

Yet, in writing or talking about our desires, we can help to manifest them, to move towards attaining the things and experiences we want, rather than living a life where we put our dreams on one side until it is too late.

Getting started

The first stage is to decide what you want. This can be difficult to put into words, particularly if you are not used to putting yourself first. One approach is to create a vision board using words and images that appeal. You might place it by your bed or on the wall by your desk. As your desires are fulfilled, or new desires crop up, you can add to or remove them from your board.

Once you have chosen a desire that you’d like to fulfil, then you need to set a focussed intention. I would like to lose 20lbs in time for my summer holiday is a clear intention. I want to lose a bit of weight is not. I would like to of focussing your will and attention on opportunities that might otherwise be overlooked. For example, if your desire is a promotion at work, you may find opportunities come in the form of volunteering to take part in a management training course, or temporarily filling the role during someone’s maternity leave, thus changing the way you are perceived at work. Even small things like dressing for the job you want can make a difference.

Part of the manifestation process is about making yourself ready to receive what you desire in your life. That can involve clearing your mental blocks and baggage to allow room for your

have an extra £1000 in my bank account is a clear intention. I would like to be rich is not. You can use the SMART format that you use to set business goals to define your intentions.

One approach is to start by manifesting a small goal that is relatively easy to achieve. This can help you gain confidence and familiarity with the technique before you tackle bigger manifestations.

Once you have chosen the desire you want to focus on, set a positive affirmation that frames this as if it has already taken place. Examples might include, “I am so happy that X has invited me for dinner!” or “I am thrilled that I have been promoted at work.” Using emotion as part of the affirmation commits you to achieving your desires.

One you have framed your affirmation, then you will write it down three times every morning, six times every afternoon and nine times in the evening. Many people buy a special notebook for their written manifestations as this sets them apart from your day to day jottings. Repeat this 3-6-9 pattern every day for between 33 and 45 days, focussing on your affirmation as you do so. Look for signs that your desires are starting to manifest.

Manifesting is, on some levels, a matter manifestation to take place. You need to open yourself to your desires and help them happen. For example, if your desire is a romantic partner, then you need to make emotional and physical space to let this happen. If your bed is littered with soft toys gifted by ex-boyfriends, you will need to ask yourself if you are really ready to welcome a new love into your life. Similarly, going out and buying a new swimsuit will bolster your receptivity and help you pick up opportunities that will make that beach holiday a reality. Guided visualisations can also help you manifest more easily. Feel the warmth as you sit by the pool gazing over the incredible clear azure of the Caribbean as little rivulets of condensation run down the outside of your chilled cocktail glass.

Smoothing the path

Manifesting sounds simple, but there are several obstacles to be overcome if you are to master the technique. As well as setting a clear intention, it’s better to focus on one desire at a time. This means you are more attuned to potential opportunities that will help you reach your goal.

The key thing is to keep doing your 3-6-9 writing every day. You’re going to be thinking about yourself in a new way, whether that’s as a person who has climbed the highest mountain in the UK or as a desirable romantic prospect and this takes practice to become reality.

You can’t use the 3-6-9 technique to make someone else behave in a certain way. That person has free will and you should respect this. Nor should you manifest in a negative way, desiring others to fall ill, split up or fall into poverty.

Setting appropriate reminders in your phone will make it easier to keep up with your 3-6-9 routine.

Setting appropriate reminders in your phone will make it easier to keep up with your 3-6-9 routine. Making these fun can also give your positive energy and intent a boost. Choose a motivating reminder that reinforces that your desired outcome has already happened. So, if you want to become a singer, say, your reminders might be things like, “Congratulations, your album has just been nominated for the Mercury Music Award!” or “Ed Sheeran called to see if you’d be his support act.”

Take the time to explore different aspects of your goal in more depth. Let’s say that your manifestation goal is to receive £100 by the end of the month. You might find yourself thinking about places where you could have money you’ve forgotten about, like handbags or the pockets of coats and jackets you haven’t worn all year. In the afternoon, you might think about what this money will mean to you and in the evening, you might realise that you could raise money by selling some things you no longer have any use for on eBay or your local Facebook sales group. You can achieve your goal, but perhaps not in the way you expected.

Opportunities and ideas to help you manifest your desires will come to you more easily when you stick to the 3-6-9 method. You’ll soon begin to spot signs that positive outcomes are on the way. Some people find feathers while others notice that patterns of colours, numbers or words start to crop up in unexpected contexts. n

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