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SANOMENTOLOGY: the healing power OF DREAMS
Martin Rothery is the founder and creator of Sanomentology. Here he provides an introduction to this increasingly popular therapy…
What is Sanomentology?
The Sanomentology programme relies heavily on the power of dreams; not the random muddle of thoughts and mixed-up perceptions of sleep, but guided, instigated and controlled dreams. The ability to dream is the most powerful process we possess. When it comes to healing our minds and bodies, the simplest solutions are often the most effective. Sanomentology is a therapy that harnesses one of the most powerful innate processes our minds are capable of. Our dreams are the conduit through which our physical bodies are connected with our minds. There is no denying that our dreams also connect us with our spiritual side; whether we recognise it or not. When we dream, our subconscious takes control. There has always been debate among scientists, spiritualists, and everyone else about what it means to dream and the significance of dreams. However, there has never been any doubt that dreams have healing power, enabling us to resolve internal issues and conflicts.
Since the days of Ancient Greece, philosophers and theologians have sought to harness the power of dreams. The modern practice of lucid dreaming is anchored in understanding the unique power and possibilities that our dreams hold.
Some of the biggest life changing inventions and discoveries were made due to this innate power; the sewing machine, DNA, the periodic table, Einstein’s theory of relativity, Google, the list could go on. This is something that evolution has developed to help us, and other animals to make sense and deal with the world around us.
The problem today is the world is changing much faster than evolution can cope with. In times when we lived in caves, we had a limited sense of purpose. Mankind had to look out for a small group of people in his tribe, and think about the basic needs. Dreams back then would have been focused and clear, dealing with the limited issues that were current.
Nowadays, people worry and fear too much. We are driven by the media and the world around us to fear, worry and stress over too much. The constant bombardment from social media and other platforms, and the sheer bustling activity of the world overloads our senses and in turn our amygdala. Television, films, video games and the like further this cataclysmic overload, the amygdala does not realise that zombies are not real, so it suddenly (in evolutionary terms) has a lot more perceived danger to filter and sort. It is not built for that level of information, so dreams become randomised, chaotic, confusing, and muddled. The amygdala cannot do its job properly, and this leads to an increase in anxiety, fear, illness, and other maladies.
This overload of information creates change in the brain, the Reticular Activating System and other elements start to raise the awareness of danger and threat, increasing the information that the amygdala has to filter, and we suddenly have a vicious cycle.
And this is where the magic of Sanomentology lies. The protocols and processes all utilise this ancient ability that we all possess. It uses the power of the dream.
Rather than letting the dream run randomly as happens usually, Sanomentology carefully guides them, setting the scene and filtering out the unnecessary elements to allow the dream to resolve each issue systematically and methodically as it needs. The client’s dreams are their own, and run in the best way to suit them safely, but the muddled and confusing overload is removed.
With this process, a person can be guided to heal, think clearly, resolve problems, and build their future in ways that are natural, effective and fast. Physical, mental and spiritual issues and problems can be resolved and cleared quickly. And as this happens, the amygdala clears out, allowing it to continue its job with clarity and purpose.
This is dream architecture, with each one carefully crafted, designed and managed depending on the issue at hand. By taking control of the dreams, and working with clients in a content-free manner, they have worked successfully and consistently with people suffering from issues, such as chronic pain, anxiety, depression, addictions, PTSD, weight management and much more.
They have also helped clients move forward in life with clarity of thought, helped solve problems, boost confidence and belief in themselves, and enhanced learning and processing of information.
The processes within Sanomentology are completely content free, with the key healing processes being created within the client’s dream, making it faster, more versatile, and more effective than many standard hypnotherapy techniques and models, with many of the current practitioners favouring their new learnings over their previous way of working. Many issues can be resolved in as little as a single half hour session with little or no prior planning or discussion.
The program is made up of many individual elements, each one taking the client deeper into their own subconscious mind, and moving across the physical, mental and spiritual planes depending on the nature and severity of the issue. Consideration must be taken on the physical and mental condition of the client. The lighter protocols are perfectly safe in all circumstances, whereas caution must be exercised with the deeper ones if dealing with clients who are pregnant, have epilepsy or diabetes, or have conditions such as bi-polar disorder.
Certain pain conditions must be checked before commencing with our therapies, conditions such as migraines, organ pains and the like. Once the all clear is given by a doctor or consultant, then therapy can go ahead.
Sanomentology training
The Sanomentology program is continuously being updated and evolved, with new protocols, theories and ideas being added regularly. To ensure that trainees get the most out of the program, and to allow them to develop along with the program, we offer a unique training opportunity.
Sanomentology is proving to be one of the fastest and most effective therapeutic and selfdevelopment programmes of its kind, and as the team grows, it will continue to change lives exponentially. When a new practitioner signs up, they become lifetime members. They can then attend training as often and whenever they like, they can access all new material and training as it is developed, and also become members of a private support network where they can seek advice on client issues, practice with other team members, and have therapy themselves to ensure they are constantly at the top of their game.
All training is offered via zoom globally, in person at our training facilities in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, and via recordings. The current training time is 15 days, and we have regular training groups throughout the year, usually running one day a week for 15 weeks. n
iFind out more by visiting www.sanomentology.com or searching for Sanomentology: Dream Architects on Facebook.