Taking pleasure
TAKING MORE PLEASURE INTO YOUR WORK LIFE Julia Paulette Hollenbery explains how to add pleasure to your working day…
great many people get no pleasure from their work. Many hate it, but as a holistic practitioner, you probably don’t just want to facilitate health, wellbeing, and happiness for others - you want to really live it, lit-up by your own inner smile of vitality, delight and joy. Whatever modality you practice, it is easy to fall into the modern normality of busy business, rush and stress. Working in a wellbeing practice can be
full-on, needing to attend to admin, marketing and bookkeeping, with the demands of time pressure and interpersonal dynamics, as well as doing the actual work of being a therapist, opposite a client or a group of clients. Culturally, we all tend to deny and delay pleasure until after the hard work has been done! Yet pleasure is an important aspect of life, a grounding resource, freely available to you at any time. You are worthy of enjoying every bit of your life, including your time at work.