Healthier aging
HEALTHIER AGING Turn on your TV, open a newspaper or women’s magazine and you’ll be bombarded with advertisements for anti-aging products. While a miracle cream may deal with a wrinkle or two, healthier aging is not just about the surface.
susceptible to disease and wear and tear, yet many people are remaining healthy and active for longer than ever before. Figures for England show that a sixty five year old man can expect to live, on average, a further 8.9 years in good health, before the problems associated with old age, such as frailty, disease or dementia kick in. For a sixty five year old woman, the average healthspan is 9.8 years – just under half their average remaining lifespan. Unfortunately, the pandemic and its associated social and health problems,
ATHER it’s about a
combination of factors that can increase the healthspan – that period of life before the trials and tribulations of old age catch up with us. We look at the latest research and statistics to see how holistic
90. Fast-forward to 2041 and official forecasts suggest that there will be 3 million people aged 85 or over. As we age, we become more
therapists can help their clients enjoy a longer healthspan… Aside from a blip caused by the pandemic, there has long been a trend towards more people living for longer. Almost a quarter of the UK population is aged sixty or over, with 3.2 million over eighties and 600,000 over
combined with economic hardships mean that the average healthspan has started to decline. Around 4 in 10 people aged 65 and over have a limiting long-term illness or disability, and it is estimated that this will rise to over 6 million older people by 2030.