Building a Foundation for the Future
Inspiring giving. Building community. College Pride. Donor Pride. Alumni Pride.
Building a Foundation for the Future
Inspiring giving. Building community. College Pride. Donor Pride. Alumni Pride.
To advance the mission and vision of Holland College and enhance student success through giving
We carry out this mission through the following activities:
Lead and champion fundraising efforts Build alumni and donor engagement Serve as ambassadors in the community Prudently manage donor gifts
Student success is at the heart of our decisions as we work. We strive to make a valuable contribution to the diverse communities we serve.
We appreciate every gift we receive. We aim to ensure our donors, volunteers, and the people who help make donations possible feel valued.
We aim to stay relevant, look for better ways of doing things, and adapt to the needs of our College, donors, and community.
The lens that guides our decisions and actions
Building strong, long-lasting relationships with donors, alumni, the College community, and the community at large is at the core of what we do.
We act with integrity, professionalism, and transparency and champion a legacy that people are proud to be part of.
We manage our donor relationships, gifts, and internal development with the future in mind.
Holland College Foundation plays an important role in supporting the strategic priorities of the College through special and ongoing fundraising efforts, initiatives, and campaigns.
Gifts received support the following:
• Modernization of facilities and campus (including technology and equipment).
• Scholarships, awards, and bursaries.
• Support for students in need (e.g., accommodations, accessibility, wellness, food security).
Powerfully and personally impacting student success
As the Holland College Foundation plans for the future, understanding the landscape is crucial.
Donor shift from traditional institutional support to innovative, larger-scale projects
Highly competitive, requiring distinctive appeal and exemplary donor experiences
Changing donor mindsets and intergenerational wealth transfers
Advancement of digital technology and the importance of effective digital communications and data integrity
Evolving College priorities to more accessible and adaptive programming
Changing post-secondary institutional environment, including student enrolment and barriers to accessibility
Increasing attention to the importance of equity, inclusivity, and social justice
Rising prominence of wellness and mental health concerns on campus
We will build donor pride and deepen engagement of our community of supporters.
• Retain and diversify donors
• Grow the number of active donors
• Grow the number of alumni who are active donors
We will build funds for today, commitments for tomorrow, and investments for future growth and development.
• Sustain growth in year-over-year funds
• Achieve growth in endowment funds (including unrestricted funds)
• Build a robust planned giving program
We will champion a culture focused on the importance of ‘giving’ to building the College’s legacy.
• Grow and sustain College staff giving
• Expand frequency and reach to targeted audiences
• Showcase leading practices
To support these goals, we recognize the importance of pursuing operational excellence. To achieve this, we will ensure the Foundation is effectively and sustainably resourced to deliver on priorities to maximize potential and become a leading model.
• Retain and develop a high-quality team
• Appropriately resource the Foundation
• Sustain an engaged and high-performing Board
We will build donor pride and deepen engagement of our community of supporters Indicators
•Retain and diversify donors
•Grow the number of active donors
•Grow the number of alumni who are active donors
1. Provide a meaningful, authentic stewardship experience for all donors that conveys our gratitude and the impact of their giving
2. Strategically expand and diversify our donor base
• Target employers, specific professions, and relevant industries
• Expand donor reach outside of PEI based on connections with the College
• Explore and define a list of foundations to leverage funds
3. Grow the number of alumni engaged in the work of the Foundation as champions and donors
• Track and celebrate donors who are alumni (individuals and organizations)
• Continue to define strategies to engage alumni as donors
We will build funds for today, commitments for tomorrow, and investments for future growth and development
•Sustain growth in year-over-year funds
•Achieve growth in endowment funds (including unrestricted funds)
•Build a robust planned giving program (reach to planned giving prospects, cultivation of known planned giving donors)
1. Ensure alignment between College priorities and the Foundation and ensure fundraising efforts are consistent with these priorities
2. Build impactful campaigns that carry a strong sense of purpose and connection to targeted communities
3. Strategically focus on growing endowments, including unrestricted funds
4. Strategically grow planned giving
• Engage and educate potential planned-giving prospects
• Strengthen connections and outreach to allied professionals (e.g., accountants, lawyers, wealth managers)
• Make the experience as easy as possible for prospects
• Determine development targets and how best to track progress made with planned giving
We will champion a culture focused on the importance of ‘giving’ to building the College’s legacy
1. Inspire a culture of giving throughout the College and celebrate staff giving
2. Inform, educate and inspire existing and potential donors by building internal creative development capacity and expanding our targeted reach
•Grow and sustain College staff giving
•Expand frequency and reach to targeted audiences
•Showcase leading practices
3. Strengthen storytelling about the impact of giving through the Foundation
4. Adapt and demonstrate leading fundraising practices within the region and sector
We will ensure the Foundation is effectively and sustainably resourced to deliver on priorities to maximize potential and become a leading model Indicators
•Retain and develop a high-quality team
•Appropriately resource the Foundation
•Sustain an engaged and high-performing Board
1. Foster an environment that attracts and retains top talent
2. Build a culture of performance excellence
• Ensure the Foundation is appropriately resourced
• Streamline operations with effective policies and procedures
• Build high-quality, accurate data to inform decision-making
3. Create a productive, collegial and meaningful experience for Board members that includes active involvement in fundraising, stewardship, ambassadorship, and governance