Just like its counterpart HS 2549 Cashique Jackets, Cashique Suits has been woven from an intimate blend of RWS certi ed 15µ super ne merino wool, hand-combed Mongolian cashmere and the nest quality mulberry silk.
From a technical perspective, the main di erence between the two Cashique collections is the number of threads woven to each inch of cloth – this will determine the fabric’s end use. A suiting fabric will typically have more threads to the inch than a jacketing fabric, this makes it possible to produce the three suiting components: jacket, trousers, and waistcoat, without compromising durability.
O ering a range of superior luxury fabrics each with a distinctive charm that be ts elegant clothing, alongside their timeless appeal and luxurious handle, Cashique Suits is the only choice for the clothing connoisseur.
With an illustrious handle, superior lustre, and unquestionable drape, this unique and exclusive collection of fabrics is a must for those who appreciate the uniqueness and beauty of hand-crafted clothing; an investment that will last a lifetime.
Consisting of a wide colour palette of interchangeable designs, this collection is designed to inspire and motivate – initiating journeys and relationships, pushing boundaries, overcoming challenges and encouraging ingenuity!