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Mental health
Emergency telephone number in case of suicide tendency dial
General Practitioner (huisarts)
Your family doctor can refer you to a psychologist or a psychiatrist.
GGZ Eindhoven
GGzE offers various forms of help. GGZE will receive you by appointment at one of our locations, come to your home or offer you a temporary admission if necessary. They are there for you and for your family and immediate environment.
+31 (0)40 297 01 70 www.ggze.nl
GGz Eindhoven Expat Poli
In the recent years, there is a substantial increase in the number of expats that are coming to Eindhoven. This increase reflects itself in our daily practice. Moreover, we observe it is difficult for the referring institutions to find ‘the right place’ for this specific group of patients. The expat group is not sufficiently informed about the mental healthcare services available to them. With our Expat Poli, we are aiming to bridge this gap as well as ensuring the expats are receiving state of the art treatment. For this we are striving to facilitate a good working alliance with referring GPs and other specialists.
Expat Poli is providing outpatient care only and is a department within the main health care provider GGzE, which offers state of the art treatment for people living in Eindhoven and the Kempen. We provide psychological treatment exclusively in English.
Who can benefit from the expat poli?
English speaking expatriate adults (18+) who have (temporarily) moved to the Netherlands due to work, study or relationship and who are suffering from psychological/psychiatric problems.
Our team:
We work in a multidisciplinary team that consists of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists.
Referral to the expat poli
Clients need a referral from their GP.
De Grijze Generaal Winston Churchillaan 75
5623 KW Eindhoven
+31 (0)40 297 33 00 www.ggze.nl/about-ggze https://sites.ggze.nl/articles/784
Humanitas Eindhoven
Humanitas Eindhoven for attention and support from one person to another. Humanitas offers free help and support to people who are unable to manage on their own. We do this by matching them to voluntary coaches for direct support. Sometimes there is a waiting period, but in most cases a good match can be made right away.
● Parenting support
With a little extra attention and help from our volunteers, we often manage to keep the family running smoothly.
BOR Guided visitation arrangement. For divorced parents who cannot agree on the visitation arrangement or have problems implementing it.
Wel Thuis The volunteers of ‘Wel Thuis’ give personal attention to families who encounter youth care.
Home Start Support for families with children aged 0 to 18.
● Participate
We help people build and maintain a social network, so they are not on their own (anymore).
Meedoen in de Wijken Helps Eindhoven residents of foreign origin to improve their Dutch so they can actively participate in society.
Gesprekken van Mens tot Mens en Belgezel
The volunteers of ‘Gesprekken van Mens tot Mens’ and ‘Belgezel’ support lonely people who want to improve their situation using their own capabilities.
● Growing up
By willing to listen and offering activities, our volunteers support young people to take control in facing life and regain confidence in the future. Get a Grip Supporting young people in finance, administration and debt issues.
Youth Support A buddy project for young people who have (had) to do with care assistance or who are in any other way facing a difficult period.
Dr.Cuyperslaan 64, 5623 BB Eindhoven
+31 (0)40 206 53 50 info.eindhoven@humanitas.nl www.humanitas.nl/afdeling/eindhoven
WIJeindhoven www.wijeindhoven.nl
Do you live in Eindhoven? And do you need (temporary) support in the field of living, working, meeting, raising, transport or income? Do you want to discover your talents to be able to use them for the neighbourhood? WIJeindhoven can also help you with this. WIJeindhoven brings residents into contact with each other, but also associations, foundations and entrepreneurs in your area.
+31 (0)40 238 89 98
Omnia Jeugdzorg
Omnia Jeugdzorg is an organisation specialised in Positive Parenting and supporting parents in their parenting task. We offer seminars, workshops and courses for Positive Parenting, free of charge for all parents in Eindhoven. When more intense support is needed, Omnia Jeugdzorg will provide individual coaching to support families during a longer period. Omnia Jeugdzorg is known for their culturally sensitive way of working and matching the best professional for each family.
Pastoriestraat 147, 5612 EK Eindhoven nl www.omnia-jeugdzorg.nl
+31 (0)40 202 71 29, info@omniajeugdzorg.
Youth Healtcare (JGZ)
Youth healthcare (JGZ) by GGD BrabantZuidoost monitors the developing child from birth up to 18 years. We are available for your questions regarding the development of your child. You can reach us not only for questions related to physical development, such as growth and motor skills, but also for questions regarding the upbringing, healthy food and psychosocial development. We also (advise on) carry out the National Immunisation Program. We invite you and your child for health checks and consultations and you are always welcome at our walk-in hours. Please note, that you can have an interpreter available to join these consultations.
Youth healthcare listens, shares ideas, leads the way and advises. We are here for all parents, children and guardians and actively work together with other professionals.
Please visit www.ggdbzo.nl/mijn-kind for more information on what youth healthcare (JGZ) can offer you and your child. You can reach us by filling out our contact form, available at www.ggdbzo.nl/contact. Prefer to call? Please call 088 0031 414. You can reach us by phone from Monday till Friday, 8.30 AM to 5 PM.