Holland Food Innovations 2 (2015)

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Changing the World of Bakery Using Organic Residual Streams Promising Innovations in Sports & Nutrition Following Food through the Intestines WWW.HOLLANDFOODINNOVATIONS.COM JUNE 2015


Publishing Company MYbusinessmedia Essebaan 63c 2908 LJ Capelle a/d IJssel P.O. Box 8632 3009 AP Rotterdam, the Netherlands T: +31 10 2894078 Publisher Suzanne Wanders T +31 10 2894017 E s.wanders@mybusinessmedia.nl Editor in Chief Carina Grijspaardt-Vink T +31 10 2894065 E c.grijspaardt@mybusinessmedia.nl Editors Dionne Irving (MYbusinessmedia) Florentine Jagers op Akkerhuis (Food Valley NL) Mariska Buitendijk-Pijl (MYbusinessmedia, copy editor) Inga Strydom (assistant copy editor) Translation Mariska Buitendijk-Pijl (MYbusinessmedia) Mischa Hoyinck (Food Valley NL)


Dutch lead the way in innovative bakery equipment

In Cooperation with Jolanda Wels, Food Valley NL Anne Mensink, Food Valley NL Sales Monique van Neutegem T +31 6 50449402 E m.neutegem@mybusinessmedia.nl Anneloes Veerman T +31 6 12707014 E a.veerman@mybusinessmedia.nl Marketing Job Scheepers T +31 20 4602237 E j.scheepers@mybusinessmedia.nl Design Colorscan, Den Haag – Alphen aan den Rijn – Doetinchem – Deventer, www.colorscan.nl Printing Company Drukkerij Roelofs, Enschede Copyright Copyright rests with the publishers. All rights reserved.


Longer shelf life with high pressure processin

This magazine is developed by MYbusinessmedia (MBM) and Food Valley NL. MBM is an established publisher of food trade journals, among which VMT, in the Netherlands and Belgium. Food Valley NL is a leading guidance and support partner that connects companies from all over the world to innovative companies and knowledge institutes in the Netherlands.



Umami versus salt . . . . . . . .



Innovation 4

Spotlight on Innovation

Technology 6

Driving Global Bakery Innovation


‘Knowledge Has to Be in the Machines’


Valorization through Fermentation

The Netherlands has been innovative in food proces-


High Pressure Processing

sing for many years. It is thanks to the country’s strong

A Solution to Every Problem

agricultural sector that the Dutch now take up such a Product Formulation 17

Adding Flavor with Umami


prominent position. Legislation on environmental issues, among other factors, has led to innovative solutions in a variety of areas. One could almost say that for every problem in the agri-food industry, a small Dutch company will be able to come up with a solution. This issue


of Holland Food Innovations will highlight several of


Best Friends Forever: Sports & Nutrition

these innovative solutions developed in the Nether-


Mimicking Digestion


Sustainability 24

‘Now Is the Time for China’

A good example is the bakery industry. Producers of machines for dough processing make sure that everything is done to handle the dough ‘stressfree’. On top of that, the machines are of the highest quality while being cost competitive. Therefore, it should not come as a

Event 26

surprise that they are exported around the world.

Dutch Innovation in Milan

Another topic discussed in this issue is that of using waste streams of agricultural origin. They contain valuable ingredients. The key is to get them out in an efficient manner. The Dutch company MicCell applies fermentation to upgrade these streams.

ng . . . . . . . . . . Together we are strong. This also applies to the food industry. In the Netherlands, athletes, nutritionists and businesses are working together to create special food products and innovative IT support for world-class sportspeople. This has led to the development of protein-enriched snacks, a sports drink with red beet juice and a digital monitoring system to track athletes’ intake of nutrients. In short, in this issue we present a wide selection of


Dutch innovations. Chances are you picked up this copy at the IFT in Chicago or at the World Expo in Milan,

Artificial stomachs . . . . . . . . .

where the Dutch are sure to present some of their innovations. In any case, we hope you enjoy this issue of Holland Food Innovations.

Cover: Cutting a sheet of dough on Rademaker’s Crusto bread line. NutriPulse e-Cooker




Spotlight on Innovation Dutch businesses are continually developing new concepts, research methods and packaging solutions. The website www.dutchfoodinnovations.com puts the spotlight on the latest innovations from the agri-food industry. Take a look at five of the latest innovations.

Milk Fraud Test EuroProxima’s milk fraud test detects

Allergen-free Herbs and Spices

bovine milk and can be

Dutch Spices aims to make tasty, healthy and safe food

used to prevent fraud.

available to everyone, including people who suffer from

The test is based on the

food allergies. To help achieve this goal, Dutch Spices

kappa-casein protein

has developed a full range of new herbs, spices and

sequence that is charac-

blends in specially developed packaging (sprinklers).

teristic of cow’s and

All these products, which are targeted at the food and

buffalo milk. It was

hospitality industries, are free from 24 allergens on the

developed in collabora-

LeDa-list. Moreover, Dutch Spices is the only producer

tion with RIKILT, Wageningen UR. The prices of different kinds of milk vary widely and the retail value of some types can be seventeen times greater than that of cow’s milk. This disparity might tempt manufacturers to fraudulently mix cheaper milk into their expensive dairy products. This is illegal and dangerous, as it poses a serious risk to people with cow’s milk allergies. The new laboratory test can detect traces of cow’s and buffalo milk that are mixed into milk from other species (goats, sheep,


camels, donkeys, horses) and in milk from other sources (grains, vege-

of herbs and spices in Europe whose products are

tables, nuts, seeds). The milk fraud test is an ELISA, and can show the

labeled based on the VITAL system, a tool that helps

presence of both intact kappa-casein and its denatured protein. The lab test

producers assess the impact of allergen cross-contact.

is easy to run and results are available within less than two hours. The milk

The Dutch Spices range of products is tasty and costs

fraud test has a high sensitivity; concentrations above 0.1 percent can be

the same as non-allergen tested spice blends.




Tracking Ingredients with Isotopes IsoLife provides plant compounds labeled with stable isotopes such as 13C or 15N. These isotopes can be used for various purposes in food and medical research. IsoLife produces the stable, labeled plant material under controlled conditions. Labeled plant products enable scientists to study microbial ecology in the gut and to monitor the bioavailability or efficacy of ingredients. Isotope-labeled metabolites have many benefits: they have high detection sensitivity and are edible and safe for humans, animals and the environment. The company’s new product line includes a wide range of nutrients such as saccharides and polysaccharides, proteins, flavonoids and terpenoids. IsoLife also supplies labeled, whole plant organs of various plants, such as leaves and tubers. ........................................................................................www.isolife.nl

Low-fat Breading NutraVit Technology has developed a dietary fiber that helps reduce fat adsorption to breadcrumbs when frying or deep-frying food. The fiber is used in a range of coatings for fish and chicken nuggets, drumsticks, schnitzels, potato croquettes and potato chips. Nutravit’s ORFI fibers reduce oil adsorption by fifty percent and enable manufacturers to create low-fat varieties of popular food products. The dietary fiber consists of indigestible, fermentable fibers such as pectin and non-fermentable, insoluble fibers such as lignin. In addition to reducing fat adsorption, ORFI fibers make production more cost-efficient and provide more taste and crispness.

Wheat Extract to Slow Down Glucose Absorption BioActor’s Naxus is a wheat arabinoxylan extract. Like other arabinoxylans from wheat, Naxus has promising immune-stimulating health effects with an important impact on both the innate and adaptive immune system. These immune-modulating effects may be caused by a microbiota shift that catalyzes an increased production of beneficial short-chain fatty acids in the gut. These fatty acids are known to play an important role in the support of the human immune system. Human, animal and in vitro research has shown clinically relevant effects on immune health; Naxus resulted in high antibody titers against influence and appears to lower the incidence of common cold infection. EFSA has approved a health claim for blood glucose control for wheat-based arabinoxylan. .....................................................................................www.bioactor.com ..................................................................www.nutravit-technology.com




Driving Global Bakery Innovation From Chile to China and from Malaysia to Mexico: industrial bakeries with Dutch bakery equipment can be found everywhere. The Netherlands has a relatively large number of key players that offer a full range of innovative, high quality and cost-efficient bakery equipment all over the world. HFI spoke to two of them: Rademaker and WP Haton.

duction lines all over the world. The company has seven sales offices abroad, production facilities in the Netherlands and Slovakia and a technology center in Culemborg, the Netherlands. Other important Dutch suppliers are the Kaak Group, Tromp Bakery Equipment and BVT Bakery Services. The Dutch equip-


The map of the world in one of the recep-

19,000 of them,” says Managing Director

ment manufacturers operate competitively

tion areas at WP Haton in Panningen is

Henk-Jan Snellink.

and at a very high level of quality, says Jaap

indicative of the important role the Nether-

And WP Haton, which specializes in pro-

Molenaar, who, as a consultant for Molenaar

lands plays in the global bakery equipment

cessing dough for bread, is definitely not

& Partners, travels across the globe to

market: each circle with ‘WP’ in it, repre-

the only one in the Netherlands. The list of

advise entrepreneurs in the bakery industry.

sents a production line or machine sup-

international players also includes family

“Especially in terms of cost of ownership,

plied. They abound on the map on all conti-

business Rademaker, established in 1977

the Dutch have reached a very high level;

nents. “About 92 percent of our machines

and one of the world’s largest manufac-

think about high quality switches and elec-

are exported and in the 65 years we exist,

turers of industrial dough processing equip-

trical components, for instance, or high

we have already manufactured about

ment. Rademaker supplies high quality pro-

durability and low power consumption. In

Cutting a sheet of dough on Rademaker’s Crusto bread line.

From ‘dirty’ machine factory to modern production facility: WP Haton’s assembly hall.

addition, our strength lies in the excellent

Since a number of years, Rademaker also

being able to produce 24/7 including good

reproducibility and verifiability of quality

offers bread lines with a similar sheeting

customer service are the prerequisites.”

combined with a high production capacity,”

technology. In ‘t Veld: “An important fea-

Rademaker’s lines offer that flexibility, while

he adds.

ture is working ‘stress free’; we handle the

the equipment’s design is also hygiene-

dough as little as possible and only carry

optimized and as easy to clean as possible.

Specialist in Laminated Dough

out the necessary actions. Everything is

To reduce costs, high weight accuracy is

Both Rademaker and WP Haton provide

aimed at reducing the amount of tension in

essential. To achieve this, Rademaker has

complete bakery solutions, but dough pro-

developed an weighing

cessing is at the heart of their business. Still,

system that determines

the technical solution they have chosen, differs fundamentally. While Rademaker’s equipment rolls out the dough in one large

‘About 92 percent of our machines is exported’

sheet, WP Haton’s machines immediately

and adjusts the product’s weight in-line, assuring as little of the product is unnecessarily given away

divide the dough into small balls. “This

the dough to a minimum. This allows us to

as possible. The remaining dough that is cut

means there are sheeters and dividers,”

create a homogeneous dough with a beauti-

off at the outer edges, returns to the dough

explains Rademaker’s Product Manager

ful texture, the right balance between elas-

bowl by way of a number of conveyor belts.

Henri in ‘t Veld.

ticity and extensibility and a high volume.”

In addition, Rademaker has ever more cus-

Rademaker’s choice of sheeting makes

tomers looking for turnkey production

sense, considering that the company spe-

Flexible Production Lines

lines. “Customers come to us for our make-

cializes in laminators for making laminated

High production capacities with the lowest

up lines – in which the dough is shaped and

dough. This allows dough to be folded into

possible cost of ownership and flexibility

processed – but expect us to supply the rest

hundreds of layers. “We are the market

are key customer needs. As In ‘t Veld notes:

of the factory as well, including for instance

leader in croissant lines,” says In ‘t Veld.

“Often, customers want to be able to make

the mixers, ovens and freezers. The advan-

Hardly any bakers still make their own

dozens of different products using a single

tage of this is that this allows us to create a

laminated dough, the Product Manager

production line. Moreover, they expect

line that meets the desired quality,” explains

adds. “Machines can divide all those layers

their range to have changed in ten years’

In ‘t Veld. It can, however, sometimes be

of dough much better and much more

time and expect their line to be able to

quite a puzzle to fit the line, which can

accurately at a lower cost while retaining or

change with it, albeit with an upgrade. A

reach lengths of up to sixty meters, in an

even improving quality.”

high level of hygiene, reducing waste and

existing plant.




many technical innovations come into being,” Snellink explains. “Our machines are filled with them. An example? Clients want a lot of water in the dough; the more water, the longer the shelf life and the better the taste and texture. But how do you achieve that? We have developed a continuous kneading process, Easy Toast, with which any type of flour gets the maximum amount of water in the dough. Atomizing the flour with water and injecting water into it with spray nozzles allows for this very high water absorption. Another example is our 0.5 percent weight accuracy.” The Blue Innovation Center in the heart of the factory, made of glass, is designed to be

Rademaker’s universal line is adjusted to making pastries.

a place to exchange ideas, where clients and suppliers are also very welcome. According That clients want to do tests before purchas-

defined our lines and created detailed models

to Snellink, they come to WP Haton at a

ing and again before delivery has now

for the preparation of dough and bread. Back

very early stage of product development.

become a matter of course. For this pur-

then, we also began setting up a digital bread

For instance, the company is now working

pose, Rademaker has a technology center

library, which now holds an enormous

on enriched bread for the elderly, while it

housing the latest equipment and a large

amount of knowledge and data.”

was also at the cradle of gluten-free bread,

number of test bakers and engineers who perform tests together with the customers.

which has allowed one of its customers to

Innovating Together

become the European market leader.

Innovation is vital, stresses Snellink. Who

From Steel to Bread

thinks WP Haton has established a large

Slow Food

Bread and dough processing are central to

R&D department for this purpose, is wrong.

Like In ‘t Veld, Snellink feels hygiene and

WP Haton, a member of the 135-year-old

“We have closed our R&D department and

cleanability are important features of the

Werner & Pfleiderer (WP) Bakerygroup

invested that money in facilitating the ideas

equipment. He adds to that, the trends of

from Germany. “We can create the ideal

of our employees. By doing away with un-

transparency and traceability. “Consumers

dough processing method and the related

important rules, we now have more time for

want to know what they eat and can see

equipment for any type of bread,” says Snel-

each other and innovation. We constantly

through the marketing,” observes Snellink.

link. That these are not empty words, becomes immediately clear upon entering the large central hall filled with every possible type of dough processing equipment

‘Bread is a very honest product’

and the smell of freshly baked bread. Just a


“For process equipment, this means even more data has to be collected and exchanged. Automation will soon be the largest department in our

little further, in the large assembly hall, this

ask ourselves what we have come up with

company. Fortunately, bread is a very honest

smell is mixed with the smell of steel.

today that will make it possible for us to

product, a slow food. The slower the pro-

“When I started here sixteen years ago, this

still be here in ten years’ time.”

cess, the better the result. We try to imitate

was still a traditional ‘dirty’ machine factory,”

Illustrative of the employees’ commitment

this with our processes and equipment.”

says Snellink. “Since that time, we have gone

and their innovative input is the company’s

through a huge transition from a supply-

latest moulder. A wooden prototype was

driven manufacturer to a demand-driven

used as a model, built by one of the assem-

service provider. Deciding to build a bakery

bly workers because he was convinced it

in the middle of the factory in 2003 really set

would work better. “We communicate with


us apart. We have optimized our machines,

our clients about bread, but in doing so,





‘Knowledge Has to Be in the Machines’ Traditionally, the Netherlands has a strong primary agricultural sector, which in turn has created a strong mechanical engineering industry. This industry consists of a network of large and in particular many smaller companies that export worldwide. This network boosts innovation, argues Theo Bruinsma, Chairman of GMV, the central platform for the Dutch sector of manufacturers of food systems, and Director Special Projects at Marel. Although examples abound, two companies from this network that are working hard to make it big abroad, are highlighted.

“The Netherlands ranks either first, second or third on every aspect of agro-food production,” says Bruinsma. He states the Netherlands has a specific ecosystem which has allowed it to develop so well. “Quite early on, standards were set for working conditions. Moreover, wages were higher. Because of this, the demand for mechanization was higher.” According to the Chairman of GMV, the relatively small

‘Marshmallows Are out to Conquer the Middle East’

tined for export. “We provide high capacity

cuits, representing thirty percent of the

process lines. Most of the demand for

company’s turnover. Another successful

Tanis Food Tec specialises in process

these machines stems from abroad,” says

machine is one that produces marshmal-

solutions for the bakery and confectionary

founder and CEO Peter Tanis. The com-

lows. “We are the only company that offers

industry, ninety percent of which is des-

pany is best known for its sandwiched bis-

a line that can produce 700 kilograms of marshmallows per hour,” Tanis points out. “This is twice as much as other machines currently available.” According to the CEO, this is the result of a more efficient cooling process and the ability to place more product on a similar belt width. The soft candy has become increasingly popular in the Middle East over the last few years, which is why manufacturers are looking to produce it locally, using Tanis Food Tec’s’ machines. Another popular process solution is a line which fully pasteurizes the fillings for cakes, muffins and cupcakes before injecting it. Tanis: “We supply more than machines. We provide a concept that also includes product formulation and product development.”

Tanis Food Tec’s marshmallow production line is the only one capable of producing 700 kilograms an hour.





areas available for cultivation have also benefited food processing. “The industry has always had to defend its place in society. To this day, this is still a stimulant for innovation. Legislation and concern for the environment are driving companies to innovate. When chicken manure causes bad

‘Future farms will be modern production facilities’ odors, a company is guaranteed to be set up to solve the problem. With advanced knowledge we can solve a lot more of these problems.”

Thousands of Possible Combinations Supply chain awareness is the trend, accordBruinsma: “The agro-food industry has to become the most technologically advanced industry, not

ing to Bruinsma. The primary industry now

necessarily the biggest.”

has the opportunity to become involved in processes that previously could only be executed on a large scale. Thanks to modern

Key Figures of the Dutch Agro-Food Mechanical Engineering Industry

technology, small scale production and effi-

• 1.1% of the global economy

allows for much more added value. As an

• 3.2% of global export

example, he refers to the automotive indus-

• Share in global export of food machinery: 11%, ranking third after Germany (20%)

try. “There, consumers can choose from

and Italy (14%)

ciency can now go hand in hand. This

thousands of possible combinations. This is

• Share in global export of agricultural machinery: 6%

also possible in food processing.” He is

• 335 manufacturers of agro-food machinery (excluding independent contractors)

convinced future farms will be very modern

• Turnover in 2014: € 4.2 billion (estimate)

production facilities which in no way

• Two thirds destined for export, including emerging markets, share in export to Asia

resemble the classic farm. And that is pre-

is 18% and export to Latin America and Africa is growing

cisely what is needed, says Bruinsma.

• Most important purchasers of food machinery: Russia and the US, but strong decline in export to Russia by 40-50% in 2014 • Dutch export has profited from China emerging; in ten years’ time, China increased the export of agro-food machinery from 2 to 6% of the world market 010

Source: ING report “Agro & Food-machinebouw”

Nine Billion Mouths Bruinsma worries about the challenges facing the world. “In 2050, we have nine billion mouths to feed. To do so, up to that time, we have to produce more food than we have

done in the past 2000 years. Sufficient food

machines or the seeds we develop.”

knowledge. According to Bruinsma, the

and water are the food industry’s biggest

“Connecting knowledge is needed to reach

biggest challenge in cooperating is doing it

challenges.” He does not believe these chal-

much smarter solutions,” states Bruinsma.


lenges will be conquered by organic farms

“The Dutch food processing industry is not

alone. That is why he feels the agro-food

just made up of large companies, it also

industry has to become the most techno-

includes hundreds of small, specialized

logically advanced industry, not necessarily

companies.” GMV wants these small com-

the biggest. “The knowledge has to be in the

panies to gain easy access to high-tech

• DIONNE IRVING • www.dutchfoodsystems.com

‘‘If It Looks Like a Potato, We Can Process It ’ Kiremko designs, manufactures and installs complete production lines for the potato processing industry. The company’s global network comprises offices in the UK, Russia, Ukraine, India and China and is supported by agents. Kiremko offers processing equipment from the insertion of potatoes to the packaging of the finished product, such as French fries, flakes, fresh and boiled potato products and potato chips. “If it looks like a potato, we can process it,” says Paul Oosterlaken, Kiremko’s CEO. Practically everything (95 percent) the company designs, is exported. The largest potato producers are China, Russia and India. “We can supply these countries, because as yet there is hardly any industrialisation for potatoes present,” says Oosterlaken. In these emerging markets, Kiremko focuses on production equipment

The oven’s infeed vibrator and a conveyor belt for French fries.

for potato flakes and French fries. “Chilled fresh products require a well-developed cold chain, which is still lacking in for instance South Ame-

not keep up. Sometimes we have to say no.”

“First, the Dutch are willing to support their

rica and India.” The company has a full portfolio.

Globally, Kiremko ranks first in production lines

clients. For instance, we take care of the entire

“Amongst others, we are working on a produc-

for French fries, says Oosterlaken. “World-

engineering of the production lines. Secondly,

tion line for potato chips in Greece and one in

wide, we design and install seventy percent of

the Netherlands is a frontrunner in machines

Albania. We are also installing a production line

the complete French fries production lines and

and processes that save both energy and

for French fries in Turkey and have a number of

for the others we often supply parts of the line.”

water. This gives us an edge over non-Euro-

projects in Brazil.” Oosterlaken indicates mar-

According to Oosterlaken, the Netherlands

pean competitors.”

ket demand is huge. “The supply industry can-

performs well in processing for two reasons.





Valorization through Fermentation Promising New Applications for Organic Residual Streams More than a third of the biomass in the food production chain is lost as waste. However, the resulting waste streams contain many valuable components such as carbohydrates. These carbohydrates can be upgraded into new products through for example fermentation. Still, to valorize organic residual streams, good planning and organization are also crucial.

Bio-services in Doetinchem, the Netherlands. MicCell is a contract research organization specialized in microbiology and biotechnology. Most of the company’s projects are bio-based fermentation processes. In recent years, the company has seen a growing interest in valorization of residual streams. Next to clients in the Netherlands,

Many agricultural and food industry waste

fully exploited. This means recyclable sub-

MicCell also works across borders, both

streams are from plant origin and contain

stances leave the production cycle and have

within Europe, such as in Germany, Bel-

carbohydrates such as monomeric sugars,

to be replenished from other sources.

gium and Italy, and intercontinentally, for

hemicellulose and cellulose. Often, the high-

“Many valuable components, like sugars,

instance in South America.

valuable carbohydrates (as well as minerals

are lost in production chains,” says Marco

“Only some of the components from organic

and proteins in the waste stream) are not

Siemerink, business developer at MicCell

waste streams are currently valorized. Most

Using Models to Assess Waste Streams Upcycling waste streams always requires good planning, not only when fermentation technology is involved. As it turns out, almost every waste stream in the food industry requires a chain approach for the raw materials to be efficiently reused. This is why Friso van Assema and Frits Claassen of the Top Instituut Food & Nutrition (TIFN) are working on a Multi Criteria Decision Model (MCDM), in collaboration with the Dutch supermarkets and food services associations FNLI and CBL. This type of model allows companies in a particular production chain to better assess whether and how they can upcycle a raw material or waste stream into high-grade components. The models revolve around ‘exergy’. This performance indicator makes it possible to weigh widely divergent physical quantities, such as energy consumption, raw material streams, waste streams and water consumption. The smaller the loss of exergy in the chain, the more sustainable the use of the raw material or waste stream is. The MCDMs that have been developed so far also take into account other relevant criteria, such as product quality and cost. In principle, the models are applicable to every product chain. These models have been used to analyze the bakery and mushroom growing chains, with some surprising results. For example, reusing leftover fresh bread turned out to be more sustainable than baking off bake-off bread in supermarkets. Although the use of bake-off products creates less waste, fermentation-based conversion of leftover fresh bread into an ingredient that can be used to bake new fresh bread resulted in fewer exergy losses. The mushroom growing chain found that reusing the compost in which mushrooms are grown, would make it more sustainable. More information: www.dutchfoodinnovations.com. 012

Fermentation offers

round supply, in which pooling is essential.

promising new

More and more companies, such as smaller

applications in almost

SMEs, larger food producers, farmers as

every industry, from food

well as greenhouse growers, focus on this

to detergent and from

problem. ”If a company asks MicCell

chemicals to agriculture.

whether fermentation of a particular organic waste stream has potential, MicCell uses a roadmap to assess the economic feasibility and to develop a production protocol. This roadmap consists of six steps: biomass analysis, pre-treatment, hydrolysis, fermentation, purification of the end product and finally, scaling up of the entire process.

Big Steps “This roadmap is essential,” says Siemerink. “It really helps to create an overview of the complete process in order to divide it into manageable portions. Is also allows us to assess the feasibility of the various options. Firstly, the cost implications in a proof of principle is calculated, so that the next steps can be taken at the lowest possible cost. A go/no-go moment is included at every step.” Fermentation technology already exists for a long time. Up till now, it was mainly an of them are left unused. We are convinced, it

mer sugars from the (hemi)cellulose and

industrial process fermenting commercially

is possible to use more than ninety percent

HAN and MicCell contributed to the

available sugars and syrups. New technolo-

of the sugars in the various waste streams

knowledge about application and equipment

gies have changed this. Siemerink concludes:

using existing pretreatment and fermenta-

technology. The end products from these

“Fermentation of 2G sugars [second genera-

tion technology,” says Siemerink.

fermentation processes were bio-ethanol,

tion sugars, that is, sugars not competing

bio-oil and lysine. Lysine, for example, could

with edible sugars, ed.] is getting a lot of

be used to enrich animal feed.”

attention. In order to convert these into

Easy or Difficult to Obtain MicCell has handled a wide variety of pro-

high-quality fermentation

jects over the last few years. Siemerink ex-

products, we need new

plains: “We have worked on fermentation solutions for both relatively ‘easily obtainable’ sugars from conventional industrial

‘A go/no-go moment is included at every step’

residual streams, and ‘hard to obtain’ (ligno-

and cheaper technologies. Big steps have been made, generating new technologies that allow us to create

cellulose) sugars from beet tops and bell

Fermentation studies show that for a process

high-valuable end products from more and

pepper stalks from the agricultural residual

to be technologically and economically

more organic residual streams. Fermentation

streams. Last fall, a feasibility study using

feasible, the various links in the valorization

offers promising new applications in almost

fermentation was conducted to valorize the

chain have to be synchronized and

every industry, from food to detergent and

cellulose residual streams from the paper

developed in a unified manner. As Siemer-

from chemicals to agriculture.”

industry. We carried out that study in col-

ink says: “Planning and organization are

laboration a manufacturer of enzymes, and

often the bottleneck in valorization ideas.

students from HAN University of Applied

For instance, the use of agricultural residual

Sciences (HAN). The company supplied

streams usually means combining the waste

enzymes that can efficiently release mono-

stream volumes to ensure a constant, year-

• FLORENTINE JAGERS OP AKKERHUIS • www.miccellbioservices.com




High Pressure Processing Longer Shelf Life Opens New Markets High-pressure treated food products offer a growing list of advantages to food manufacturers. Not only are they as tasty and healthy as fresh products, they also have a longer shelf life. As a result, the products can be transported over longer distances. This creates new business opportunities and opens previously untapped markets.

Guacamole is not easy to keep fresh. The HPP treatment was a great success and it kicked off a more widespread interest in this technology for application to a range of different food products. As a result, special equipment was designed to comply with food industry standards and nowadays, the technology has found its way from the

High Pressure Processing (HPP) can in-

several minutes. This reduces the product’s

Americas to Europe.

crease a product’s shelf life without heat

volume by some fifteen percent and deacti-

The use of HPP to preserve food products

treatment or adding chemicals. HPP, or

vates common pathogens such as Bacillus,

has steadily increased worldwide over the

Pascalization (after Blaise Pascal, whose

Listeria, Salmonella and Clostridium and

past five years. An HPP system consists of

name is synonymous with the unit for pres-

spoilage micro-organisms. Smaller mole-

one or more high pressure chambers and

sure), is a technology widely used by manu-

cules remain intact, however, so taste, tex-

intensifiers that can generate extremely

facturers of freshly squeezed juices. But its

ture and vitamin content remain unaltered.

high pressure. Most HPP systems are

application extends beyond juices to many

Because the pressure in the vessel is divided

installed at food manufacturers’ premises,

other food products.

equally, the product is treated uniformly.

but some companies offer HPP services

“This technology is gradually going to

(tolling), which

replace pasteurization over the next few

might be an

years,” says Stephan Hulleman from Pascal Processing. “It is a wonderfully mild conservation method that does not affect the

‘HPP of processed meat can help reduce the use of salt’

products’ taste or texture. The market in-


option for manufacturers who would like to try out the

creasingly demands products without

That makes HPP a safe and reliable preser-

technology first, or for whom the invest-

chemical preservatives. This technology

vation technology for juices, ready-to-eat

ment is a bottleneck.

brings that within reach for a host of

meals, soups, sauces, fish, meat and dips.

products. HPP is also more energy-

No additives are used, so it is a clean label

Factor of Two to Ten

efficient than thermal pasteurization.”

technology. HPP allows manufacturers to

Many producers of fresh juice have recently

meet growing consumer demand for

converted to HPP preservation. The advan-

Clean Label Technology

authentic, healthy foods.

tages are evident. Fresh juices are very

HPP is a preservation method based on

The technology has been around for a long

popular. Supermarkets prefer to have fresh-

high water pressure treatment at low tem-

time, but is quite new in the food industry.

ly squeezed juices on their shelves from the

peratures. The pre-packaged product is put

The food industry started experimenting

day they were squeezed, so they have a six-

in a pressure vessel and placed under high

with HPP in the last decades. The first to try

day shelf life. However, HPP treated juices

water pressure (3,500-6,000 Bars) for

it was a guacamole manufacturer in Mexico.

stay fresh for up to two weeks. That means

untreated products. This creates a crucial advantage for juice producers. For example, longer shelf life makes it possible to reach new markets. “While the range of transportation for fresh-squeezed, untreated juices is three to four hundred kilometers, HPP-treated juices can be transported as far as fifteen hundred kilometers,” Hulleman explains.

New Delicacy HPP is also suitable for treating meat and fish, although this is particularly true of cooked and marinated products. High pressure treatment can lead to slight discoloration of raw meat and fish products, which might render them less attractive. HPP can be used to treat mollusks and crustaceans, such as lobsters, oysters and shrimp. Exposing a lobster to 3,000-3,500 Bar pressure loosens the meat from the shell. This method is more humane than boiling a living lobster, and because the meat remains uncooked, it keeps its excellent taste. This pure, raw lobster meat is seen as a new delicacy. HPP also makes shrimp easier to peel and HPP-treated oysters can be opened without an oyster knife. For RTEmeats (ready to eat), HPP extends shelf life and guarantees food safety, allowing economic and safe export of these products.

Future Uses of HPP Photo: FruityLine

Not all products can be preserved using

HPP preserves taste, texture and vitamin content without using additives.

high pressure. HPP is unsuitable for the treatment of some fruits, such as pineapple and red fruits, and for products with encapsulated air, such as bread, mushrooms and marshmallows. There are some restrictions on the packag-

fewer losses in the production chain and no

containing consumer information about

ing of the food products as well. The pack-

loss of taste or vitamin content.

the technology (www.pascalisation.com).

aging must be flexible and water resistant,

“Informing consumers has been key,” says

And we have also made the logo and web-

which rules out paper and cardboard. Foam

Hulleman. “Therefore, we have started a

site available in Danish, English, French,

packaging is not suitable for HPP either,

logo program in the Netherlands. HPP

German, Italian, Spanish and Turkish.”

because it gets too compressed.

treated products can bear this logo at a fee.

HPP generally extends shelf life by a factor

Hulleman sees a great future for high pres-

We support the campaign with a website

of two to ten in comparison to regular,

sure preservation combined with heat




treatment, he says. “The current method

products can help to reduce the use of salt.

camel’s milk. This would require changing

does not kill spores, or not well enough. To

Salt is a well-known preservative, of course.

European legislation, so it is a longer-term

deactivate spores, we need to combine HPP

And there are many salt replacements on the


with short-term exposure to higher tem-

market, but consumers would rather not see


such additives on the label. HPP technology

Another development Hulleman thinks has

could be an interesting alternative.”

great potential is salt reduction: “High pres-

And finally, some players in the market are


sure preservation of processed meat

interested in using HPP to treat cow’s and



To Every Corner of Europe “If the shelf life of freshly squeezed juices can be extended from seven to nine days, that is real progress. Just do the math: 25 percent fewer losses. A big advantage for retailers,” says Bart van der Knijff, Operations Director at Fruity Line in Ochten. Fruity Line is the Netherlands’ largest producer of fresh, chilled vegetable and fruit juices and smoothies. The company produces premium brands and private label products. “Obviously, our customers are not just interested in the longer shelf life HPP offers. Preservation of taste and quality are major benefits too. We bought HPP equipment in 2009. When we first introduced HPP-preserved juices on the market, we put a lot of time and effort into explaining the technology. We took samples on the road so our customers could do taste tests. They were hesitant at first. But five years on, they are totally convinced and HPP juices are sold in more and more supermarkets,” adds Knijff. Thanks to mild preservation technology, Fruity Line has been able to expand its reach, Knijff says. “Paris was as far as we could take our fresh juices. Now we can supply supermarkets all over Europe, from Scandinavia to the Balkans.” HPP has enabled Fruity Line to transform itself from a producer of fresh fruit salads for the Dutch market into a modern supplier of fresh juices to customers in every corner of Europe.




Adding Flavor with Umami Umami-Based Vegetable Extracts and Powders to Target Salt Intake Food companies all over the world have salt reduction at the top of their agendas. Salt substitutes based on umami can be a tremendous asset in the fight to reduce salt consumption. New vegetable extracts containing umami can achieve salt reductions of up to fifty percent without losing the flavor and function of salt.

and AYE (autolyzed yeast extract). Adding umami extracts delivers reduced salt intake without any loss of flavor. The new extracts from Scelta and Cambrian are a great accompaniment to savory dishes, such as broths, soups and gravy, and (processed) meats. In addition, these companies

The Japanese have known it for a long time

In over fifty countries worldwide, Scelta sup-

have also developed a powder which effec-

and now the Western world is realizing it

plies billions of mushrooms every year to the

tively reduces the salt content of bread (but

too: alongside sweet, sour, salty and bitter,

leading brands in the food industry, food

also has other applications, such as potato

people can recognize a fifth taste: umami.

service and retail. The company is constantly

chips) without negatively affecting taste and

Umami is a savory flavor with a pleasant

developing new initiatives and collaborations

baking properties. It also has a beneficial

and long aftertaste. A possible explanation

with business partners all over the world.

effect on the yeasty taste of bread. The use

for why people find umami so attractive is

of small concentrations has already

the fact that a significant amount is present

Less Salt

achieved salt reductions of up to fifty per-

in breast milk. Umami is also found in

The new line of umami extracts are clean

cent. Flavor enhancers based on umami

products such as parmesan cheese, olives,

label, contain no added potassium and can

can, therefore, be a tremendous asset in the

tomatoes and mushrooms and combines

replace traditional flavor enhancers such as

fight to reduce salt consumption.

well with other flavors.

MSG (monosodium glutamate), I+G (disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate)


Flavor Enhancer The effect of umami is caused by the presence of the amino acid glutamate and ribo-

Umami powder can

nucleotides such as guanylate and inosinate.

effectively reduce the

Research has shown that these substances

salt content of bread

open-up taste receptors. As a result, umami

without negatively

has a taste-enhancing effect. Therefore, it

affecting taste and

can be used to maintain desired levels of

baking properties.

salty taste in salt-reduced foods. The Dutch company Scelta Mushrooms, together with the Canadian company Cambrian, has developed a line of umami-based vegetable extracts that can be used as natural flavor enhancers. Scelta is a renowned specialist in mushrooms with expertise covering every kind of mushroom product from frozen and preserved to coated and extracted.




Best Friends Forever: Sports & Nutrition Top-level athletic performance requires more than relentless training; it also depends on a well-balanced diet. In the Netherlands, athletes, nutritionists and businesses are collaborating to create special food products and innovative IT support for world-class sportspeople.


At the Papendal Innosport restaurant, athletes can order meals that have been optimized to meet their needs.

Behind every top-level athletic performance, there is a carefully devised nutritional plan. Aside from a basic, healthy diet, adding carbohydrate, protein and mineral supplements can improve performance and speed up recovery. “At the top level, winning or losing is often a matter of tenths of seconds, so it is important to pay attention to all the details. And nutrition is one of them,” says Maurits Hendriks, Technical Director of the Dutch Olympic Committee NOC*NSF and Chef de mission at the 2012 Olympic Games in London, the 2014 Sochi Games and the upcoming 2015 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Hendriks, a former head coach of the Dutch and Spanish field hockey teams, knows how important nutrition is in sports.

Maurits Hendriks, Dutch Chef de mission at the 2012 Olympic Games, and Jeroen Wouters, Nutritional Program Manager at InnoSportNL, see many opportunities for specialty food products.

Close Cooperation “It is a generally accepted fact that, apart from physical training and medical support,

various projects that take a holistic

to investigate how diet affects blood levels,

nutrition plays an important role in athletic

approach to nutrition and sports.”

particularly iron and vitamin B12. Finally,

performance,” Hendriks states. He proudly

in collaboration with commercial enter-

talks about Papendal InnoSportLab, the

Fact from Fiction

prises, we will study how we can translate

Dutch testing and measuring facility where

One of the nutrition and sports projects is

this new knowledge into products and

top-level athletes receive support from a

Eat2Move. “This project started mid-2014,”

recommendations for athletes’ nutrition.”

team of nutritional experts who are up to

tells Jeroen Wouters, Nutritional Program

Another project currently underway is

date on the latest developments. “Further-

Manager at InnoSportNL and Papendal

‘Beet-ing your competitors’, which is part

more, there is the Papendal Topsportrestau-

InnoSportLab, one of the project partners.

of the national Dutch Sports Research

rant, where athletes can eat meals that have

“Eat2Move is a unique project that unites

Program. The project explores how

been optimized for them,” he adds.

drinking red beet

There are six InnoSportLabs in the Nether-

juice, which is

lands where athletes, businesses and knowledge institutes collaborate to test new athletic products. Papendal InnoSportLab is

‘We will find out if beet juice is all it is revved up to be’

working on various innovations, many of

rich in nitrate, affects athletic performance. “We will find out whether

which are food-related. Papendal’s nutri-

eight different disciplines. Our contributors

beet juice really is all it is revved up to be,”

tional scientists work closely with Wagenin-

are researchers, medical doctors, care pro-

says Hendriks. Separating fact from fiction,

gen UR, Radboud UMC, Arnhem and

fessionals, athletes, coaches and food com-

he notes, is one of the greatest challenges

Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences

panies. And the project will generate not

when it comes to athletic nutrition.

(HAN) and Maastricht University. Equally

only knowledge, but also innovative

“There are so many short-lived trends in

important are the short lines of communi-

products. The project does not just target

athletic nutrition. One day, one particular

cation to the business community. “That is

top-level athletes, by the way, but also

protein shake is really popular among

key,” says the Chef de mission of the Dutch

recreational athletes and medical patients.”

athletes and the next, there is an isotonic

Olympic Team. “New knowledge must

Wouters goes on: “Initially, we are focusing

drink everyone swears by. We need re-

trickle down to the business community as

on recording bodily functions, with special

search to found such preferences on. That

quickly as possible. But that is only possible

emphasis on the role of proteins in relation

can take more time than some of these fads

if we cooperate closely. Right now, there are

to exercise and recovery. Then we are going





Sports Nutrition in the Netherlands Eating sufficient carbohydrates and proteins is the basis of a good diet for most top-level athletes. The right supplements can help boost their performance. The number of food products intended to improve athletic performance or accelerate recovery keeps growing. Ingredient suppliers can help create more healthy nutrition. With the help of researchers and professional athletes, the companies are developing new products, technology and knowledge. Research and development on sports and nutrition in the Netherlands can be subdivided into three main areas, which have resulted in many new products over the past few years.

2. Food Preparation Technology At training centers, professional athletes want to be able to order an ‘on demand’ meal any time of day. This poses quite a challenge to the chefs at such centers. After all, the meals’ nutritional value must be high and its taste excellent. Preparation technology becomes key. Mild Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) technology enables chefs to prepare a healthy, customized meal at any time of day. PEF ‘cooks’


products like fish, meat, potatoes, fruits and

1. Optimum Nutritional Value

skating team in Sochi and the Dutch soccer

vegetables by treating them with high-voltage

Athletes need to perform at the highest level,

team during the World Cup in Brazil.

pulses. This does away with the need for

perfect their fitness and strengthen their

Another product developed during the pro-

extended cooking at 100ºC, while preserving

muscles. That is why they need a diet that

ject is Carezzo’s protein-enriched snack for

the products’ nutritional value, taste and tex-

consists of a well-balanced combination of

athletes. Consuming these new snacks

ture. IXL Netherlands and Papendal’s Top-

carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber and

increases protein intake between meals,

sportrestaurant have tested the preparation

minerals. The recently concluded Dutch

which is useful for many people who do not

of meals for top-level athletes using the

‘Sports, Health and Nutrition’ project was a

absorb enough protein during their meals.

NutriPulse e-Cooker. The athletes highly

collaboration between Dutch businesses

The snacks – bars, cakes and yogurt – con-

praised these meals, while the chefs liked

and knowledge institutions that generated

tain 10 grams of protein per 65 grams

the easy-to-use technology. The PEF equip-

several new nutritional products for athletes.

(single snack size).

ment has meanwhile been scaled up and will

The project was subsidized by the Dutch

TOP’s RE:Balance sports drink was also

soon be available to other restaurants.

Ministry of Economic Affairs.

developed during the project. This protein-

One of the products the project generated is

rich drink that undergoes only mild heat

a teff sports bread, developed by Bakels

treatment contains 25 grams of protein per

Senior, supplier of bakery ingredients; Millets

250 ml bottle. The fresh, chilled product is

Place, supplier of teff; HAN and Papendal

based on whey and blackcurrant, apple and

InnoSportLab. The bread is formulated to

beet juice. It has a high content of vitamins

meet professional athletes’ energy needs

(C, A, B2 and B6) and minerals (potassium,

and consists of a well-balanced mix of func-

calcium, iron and zinc).

tional ingredients like wholegrain wheat and

In the current ‘Beet-ing your competitors’

teff, linseed and sugars from cranberries, rai-

project, Maastricht University, HAN and

sins and bananas. The mix of starch and fruit

Papendal InnoSportLab are jointly experi-

supplies the right composition of carbohy-

menting to find the dosage, timing and

drates. The bread was marketed as ‘Sports-

source of nitrate that will produce the best

grain’ and used by the Dutch Olympic speed


3. Analysis and Monitoring Papendal Training Center and Papendal InnoSportLab are monitoring and analyzing professional athletes’ diets in several ways. The data gathered will form the basis for a new type of nutritional advice. For example, the Topsportrestaurant’s POS system is used to track what athletes eat when they are given a free choice of food products. But there is also a ‘Sports Nutrition Panel’ consisting of young top-level athletes who are asked to judge the taste, preference and user-friendliness of innovative nutritional products for athletes. The panel’s input is used to improve the selection of products on offer. Another analysis and monitoring project is the ‘Functional Nutritional Monitor for Individual Top-level Athletes’ (FIT). In this project, ways to digitally monitor professional

letes to match their daily nutrition to their

possible to give athletes just-in-time, indi-

athletes’ nutrition are developed. Currently,

individual training schedules and nutritional

vidual feedback and recommendations

an app is developed that would allow ath-

needs. This app should ultimately make it

about their nutritional choices.

Wide-open Playing Field

That is why we are also working with hospi-

both believe one of the strengths of Dutch

Wouters says designing specific diets for

tals and other health care institutions in the

sportsmen is the involvement of commer-

top-level athletes is a wide-open playing

Netherlands,” Wouters adds.

cial enterprise in sports nutrition. As

field. “There is plenty of room for new

Hendriks mentions another example:

Hendriks puts it: “The great thing is that

products. Just think of customized food for

Papendal InnoSportLab is developing an

both small businesses and multinationals

a certain type of sport or a particular workout. Businesses can find lucrative niches by targeting very specific needs. We see it happen again and again; you get the best results when athletes, researchers and

like DSM and Friesland-

‘It is an art to formulate the questions right’

businesses cooperate.”

Campina are involved. Our wish list is very long and it is an art to formulate the questions right. Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition research findings are often

app that can advise athletes on the best pos-

continues to be a learning curve. Together

applicable to other types of nutrition too,

sible foods to eat immediately following a

we are achieving some great results.”

Wouters observes. “Many nutrition-related

workout. “Some other parties have shown

findings about recovery have proven valu-

an interest in using the technology behind

able for helping medical patients recover

this app to help urban teenagers improve

and gain weight. Senior citizens may also

their nutritional intake and so fight obesity,”

benefit from protein-enriched products.

Hendriks reveals. Wouters and Hendriks





Mimicking Digestion TNO’s Gastro-Intestinal Model TIM Refined Further TNO Triskelion’s advanced equipment makes it possible to determine the digestibility and availability for absorption of nutrients and food products. Micro-TIM and TIM-agc, the latest additions to TNO’s gastro-intestinal model (TIM), have further refined this dynamic human digestion model and allow studies, for example, on gastric viscosity.

human gastro-intestinal tract. This includes, for example, body temperature, peristalsis, variable changing pH values, realistic secretion of bile, and digestive enzymes as occurring in the stomach and small intestine. TIM is a collective term that covers various systems. TIM-1, TIM-2 and tiny-TIM have been around for several years. The latest

The food industry’s demands keep changing,

addition to the TIM family is a down-sized

as TNO Triskelion knows from experience.

TIM system, nicknamed Micro-TIM. Fur-

The company responds to these market

thermore, TIM-1 and tiny-TIM can now be

developments by developing new technolo-

equipped with the advanced gastric com-

gies. “One of these developments are

partment (TIM-agc) instead of the current

products made with nanoparticles as ingre-

one. With TIM-agc it is possible, for in-

dients. Food manufacturers want to know

stance, to measure gastric viscosity real

how such products behave in the gastro-


intestinal tract,” says Susann Bellmann, Pro-


ject Manager for in vitro Gastro-Intestinal

Dynamic Models

Research at TNO Triskelion. “Our existing

Meanwhile, there is over twenty years of

TIM-systems were not able to answer these

experience testing food products and phar-

questions, so we developed a new version

maceuticals using the TIM gastro-intestinal

called Micro-TIM, which is capable of

models. Bellmann explains: “This computer-

studying compounds that exist in very small

controlled system is very sophisticated,

quantities. These can be nanoparticles, but

because it mimics the dynamically chang-

also allergens or new pharmaceutical chem-

ing conditions as they occur in, for instance,

ical entities.”

healthy adults. But it can also be set to

Since the 1990s, TIM has been able to pro-

mimic deviating conditions of, for example,

vide insight into the fate of food and phar-

diseased individuals, such as of patients

maceutical products whilst travelling

with cystic fibrosis. In contrast, static in

through the gastro-intestinal tract. TIM

vitro digestion methods are not able to

makes it possible to study the digestibility

mimic these dynamically changing condi-

of food and food components, and to deter-

tions and for that reason are less predictive

mine the availability for absorption of, for

for the in vivo situation. The results obtained

instance, proteins, fats, minerals or vita-

from the TIM-system are highly reproduc-

mins. The model can also compare the

ible, which is difficult to achieve in vivo

release of an active pharmaceutical ingre-

because of the natural biological inter-

The results obtained from TIM are highly reproducible, which is

dient in medical formulations. The com-

individual variability. This variability some-

difficult to achieve in vivo because of the natural biological

puter controlled models use dynamically

times makes it difficult to identify effects of

inter-individual variability.

regulated parameters as they occur in the

the products under investigation and, thus,

TIM can be a useful tool to elucidate these effects. For many studies, TIM also offers an alternative to animal testing.” TIM-1 was the first system developed to simulate the gastro-intestinal tract. The system consists of one compartment that mimics the stomach and three compartments that mimic the small intestine: the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. This enables

There is over twenty years of experience with testing food products and pharmaceuticals using the different TIMs.

TIM-1 to accurately study the digestibility and availability for absorption (bio accessibility) of nutrients of complex meal matri-

New Questions

version is ninety times smaller than TIM-1,

ces or single ingredients. However, as Bell-

Most of the time, TIM is used for contract

so we nicknamed it micro-TIM.” Ham adds:

mann points out: “In practice, it was not

research for the food and pharmaceutical

“Micro-TIM offers extra options, because it

always necessary to use such an elaborate

industries, notes Martin Ham, Business

can also be used to test the behavior of

system with three small intestinal compart-

Development Manager at TNO Triskelion.

nanoparticles contained in food products.”

ments. So, a simplified model was devel-

But the feed industry is a regular customer,

oped: tiny-TIM. This system has one small

too. “Lately, we are getting more requests

Improved Stomach

intestinal compartment, which mimics

concerning substances that can be extracted

About a dozen TIM systems are installed at

average small intestinal conditions. As a

from waste streams, like protein,” says Ham.

companies, universities and research insti-

result, it has less sampling points and

“One example is residues from the wine

tutes worldwide and the resulting commu-

several experiments can be performed

nity of TIM users, the

simultaneously. As special application, this

TIM User Group, meets

system was validated to simulate infant conditions and is frequently used to test newly developed infant formulas.”

‘TIM offers an alternative to animal testing’

every two years. As Ham points out: “Those meetings are very useful to gain feedback and

To investigate what happens to products in the large intestine (colon), the TIM-2 sys-

industry. It is possible to extract very

exchange experiences. One of the users’

tem can be used. In this system, colon fer-

promising components, phytochemicals

experiences was that the TIM stomach

mentation of non-digested products is

for instance, from grape skins, but that

compartment sometimes does not answer

studied. These can be dietary fibers (pre-

prompts the question: are these available

all research questions. By exchanging infor-

biotics) or effects of probiotics that survived

for absorption for the human body?”

mation on the users’ requirements, TIM-

the passage through the upper gastro-

In addition, food manufacturers are looking

agc was created. We are currently at the

intestinal tract on the microbiota composi-

to test products’ allergenic potency. This

validation stage, so we are almost there.”

tion. A viable and active microbiota (bacte-

made it necessary to further refine the TIM

ria) is present. This can be of human origin

system. Bellmann clarifies: “Food allergens

or, for example, stem from animals, such

exist in miniscule amounts, which are not

as dogs or pigs, for animal fermentation

traceable in our regular systems. Thus, a


down-sized version was developed. This

• FLORENTINE JAGERS OP AKKERHUIS • www.tnotriskelion.nl




‘Now Is the Time for China’ Dutch Agri & Food President Aalt Dijkhuizen Targets Internationalization Since last year, Aalt Dijkhuizen heads the Dutch top sector Agri & Food. He has been pushing hard for internationalization, because opportunities abound, especially in China. Under his leadership, the Dutch food industry seeks to raise its profile and propagate its strengths. The Holland Center in China is one example. Yet, the Chinese have also found their way to the Netherlands, such as dairy company Yili. The Holland Center in China The Holland Center in Shanghai, China, has been established to strengthen business collaboration between Chinese and Dutch companies in the agri-food sector. Customised help is offered to businesses to help increase their chances on the market and to track down suitable partners for cooperation. The strength of the Dutch model is the cooperation between government, private industry and knowledge institutes, the so-called “golden triangle”. The Holland Center hopes to market this successful approach and to create more partnerships. Director of the center is Mr Edward Zhu, CEO and owner of the CHIC Group and President of the Agribusiness Association of CEIBS, the number-one business school in China. Co-director is Mr Aalt Dijkhuizen, former President of Wageningen University & Research Center and currently President of the Dutch top sector Agri & Food. In the time to come, the center will take further shape with the help of a, for now, limited number of companies: CRV (cattle breeding), FrieslandCampina (dairy), Hendrix Genetics (pig, poultry and fish breeding), Priva (climate control in greenhouses), Rabobank (finance and advice), Refresco-Gerber (soft drinks), Univeg (vegetables and fruit), VanDrie Group (veal), Qlip (food safety control) and Corpus – journey through the human body (educational attraction). Wageningen Academy is the preferred partner in the area of courses and training on the Dutch side, and CEIBS on the Chinese side. 024

Source: www.agrifoodinternational.nl

Aalt Dijkhuizen: “No matter how you look at it, future growth lies abroad, outside of Europe.”

China has placed its faith for its food supply

extra land. To accomplish this, they need

to take the entire agricultural and food sec-

in the Netherlands. But why the tiny Neth-

Dutch companies,” comments Dijk-

tor to the next level. As the president of the

erlands, which is 233 times smaller than the

huizen. “The Netherlands is one of the best

top sector, he can try to do so. Profiling and

Asian world power? China expert and avid

in producing the most food per acre. The

communication are essential to achieve this.

visitor of this massive country Dijkhuizen

Chinese are particularly interested in horti-

“You have to make sure you are on the map,

has the answer: the Netherlands is a world

culture and our dairy and meat industry.

with consumers and politicians, at home and

leader in agriculture and food and the sec-

They are also impressed with the way key

abroad. On issues such as production, quali-

ond largest exporter of food in the world,

players in the food chain work closely

ty and safety you need to be able to communicate well, even though

after the US. “And for China, food is its first, second and third priority,” states Dijkhuizen, who has been the face of the Dutch top sector Agri & Food (see textbox for an explanation) since 2014 and thereby

‘The Dutch should knock on their door harder’

the abundance of certification schemes tends to make this difficult. In addition, I am a big advocate of modern

ambassador for the sector abroad. together.” To establish transfer of knowl-

technology. Take for instance the opportuni-

Increasing Food Production

edge, Dijkhuizen started the Holland Center

ties information technology, smart food and

The entire world is working hard to get its

(see textbox). One of the center’s activities is

smart farming offer to produce more and

food supply at a higher level. To feed its

an e-commerce website to be launched at

produce safer and cleaner. I also feel interna-

population, China buys a lot of land in Afri-

the end of this year. This site will offer

tionalization is very important: conquering

ca and elsewhere, such as in Ukraine. An

Dutch food products in China under the

foreign markets. No matter how you look at

expensive practice and precisely why the

‘Holland’ brand. “This brand will serve as a

it, future growth lies abroad, outside of

Chinese seek to increase their own food

sort of label representing food safety.”

Europe. Foreign sales and production are

production as soon as possible. And they

very important, I think. In ten to twenty

need Dutch expertise to do it. “Now is the

Be on the Map

years, I see all our leading companies have

time to do business in China. The Dutch

Dijkhuizen is a real expert when it comes to

partnerships abroad.”

should knock on their door harder. We have

China. Although he may have developed a

so much knowledge and technology with

passion for the country, his true love is still


which we can add value.” According to

the agricultural and food sector. “I was born

Dijkhuizen is not just involved with the

Dijkhuizen, the Chinese are especially inter-

and raised on a farm and the sector’s prod-

Netherlands and China, but also with the

ested in ways to increase and improve their

ucts matter.” After his resignation as chair-

European Union. The matter of fact is, that

food production. “If they can increase their

man of the Executive Board of Wageningen

the Netherlands still sells most of its prod-

own land’s produce, they do not have to buy

UR, it was a logical step to use his expertise

ucts to Europe. The internal market he calls a blessing. A big drawback is that Europe wields a zero-risk policy where marketing

Chasing after Knowledge

of new food and technologies is concerned.

Yili, a Chinese dairy company, has opened an R&D center in the Netherlands. Xudong Yan, R&D

“This inhibits the development of food

engineer, explains why: “As a top dairy company in China, Yili wants to work together with the best in

products, and especially those made of the

dairy science and research. Wageningen forms the core of the Dutch ‘Food Valley’, so establishing

more vulnerable animal products.”

the center there, will facilitate joint research and knowledge transfer. The Yili R&D Center NL is the

He uses his influence in talks with Europe-

company’s most advanced center overseas. Wageningen UR (WUR) is an important partner in Yili’s

an policy makers to remove these stumbling

strategy of global innovation networking. Right now, Yili has established worldwide innovation nets

blocks. So far, without success. Neverthe-

covering Asia, Europe, Oceania and North America, where we work together with global top institutes

less, EU requirements for new products also

on different research projects. We want to develop more new dairy products with these partners to

benefit the Netherlands. “The more com-

better meet consumer’s needs and to contribute to human health. We hope to learn more about the

plex the requirements, the easier it is for the

Dutch dairy chain and collaborate on food safety, nutrition, ingredients, dairy processing, dairy farm

Netherlands to distinguish itself with

management and sustainability. We feel integration of worldwide resources and collaboration on

healthy, sustainable products that not every

innovation will further the sustainable development of the global dairy industry. In turn, we will help

company can make.”

WUR understand the trends in the Chinese dairy industry.” • MAURICE DE JONG •




Dutch Innovations in Milan The Netherlands is getting ready to present its innovations at the World Food Expo in Milan. The Dutch companies will gather at the Dutch Court in the Milan Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci”. Expert meetings, seminars, matchmaking and an exposition about the Netherlands as a country of innovation, will make the Dutch Court the place to be for Dutch businesses and their international contacts. The Netherlands is known for its expertise

eating sixty percent more meat than in

in refrigeration and cold storage. Because

2000. To meet this increasing demand,

of the strong agricultural sector, Schiphol

other food has to be found that is rich in

Airport and the Port of Rotterdam, the

protein. Algae prove to be a good alterna-

Netherlands is a major player in agro-

tive. Dutch researchers have shown that

logistics. Fruit and vegetables require care-

algae can, to a large extent, complement the

ful treatment, because they are fragile

protein shortage.

products with a limited shelf life. The port

In addition, the Dutch project AlgaePARC

of Rotterdam is developing rapidly to

(Algae Production And Research Center) develops the know-

‘Algae can complement protein shortage’

needed to grow algae profitably. Algae can

links knowledge to the development of

serve as raw material

services and products, in cooperation

for food, feed, fuel and

with companies. Read more about this

accommodate this special cargo. At pres-

chemicals. The Dutch company Nutress

ent, there is room for 600,000 pallets in

processes algae in a sports drink. According

climatised storage and over 250,000 pallets

to the company, it tastes good and ensures

in cold storage (1 pallet = 3 m3). The stor-

fast muscle recovery due to high-quality

age areas are entirely geared toward the


project on pages 18-21. • DIONNE IRVING •

World Expo Milan

collection, storage and distribution of


The Dutch Pavilion at the World Expo.

ledge and technologies

fresh produce. Food logistics will be an

Healthy Food

Theme: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life

important theme at the Dutch Court in

Good nutrition helps the body recover

1 May - 31 October


after a performance. This is true for ath-

Find the Dutch court at the Museo Naziona-

letes, but also for ageing people and peo-

le della Scienza e della Tecnologia at Via S.

New Food Sources

ple undergoing surgery. Dutch project

Vittore 21 in Milan.

In order to secure food supplies for the

Eat2Move aims to promote performance


future, the Dutch are looking for alternative

and recovery in (elite) sport and care by


food sources like algae. In 2030, man will be

means of optimal nutrition. The center

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