Summer Placement Presentation

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Summer Placement Presentation

Agent Marketing (Liverpool)


by Hollie Dingsdale

What is Black Lace Clothing? Black Lace Clothing is a new and upcoming brand creating the finest quality garments in b e s p o k e c l o t h i n g . We w o u l d d e s c r i b e o u r b r a n d as chic and elegant, something that is perfect f o r a n y f a s h i o n c o n s c i o u s w o m a n o f t o d a y. We as a company are hoping to change the views on t o d a y’s t h r o w a w a y f a s h i o n f o r g o o d , w h i l s t making sure we never supplement the trends in doing so. Not only do we provide readymade garments in store but we offer a made to measure service to. This is to ensure we can accommodate for any design that any customer could possibly wish fo r, wh e t h e r t h a t b e o c c a s i o n we a r o r j u s t something smart for the office .

The Vision, Mission and Values. Our Vision

We aim to offer something completely new when it comes to bespoke garments and what they stand for. Black Lace Clothing does not want to be thought of for just a one off prom dress purchase; instead we hope to prove to women just how different clothing can not only make you look but actually make you feel no matter what the occasion. With this in mind we want to help stop the idea of just buying something to wear once, disposable fashion is basically promoting quick threw together garments, something we do not support. We want our clothing to be both environmentally and culturally friendly, meaning our brand will never be seen associated to any sweatshop made garment, instead focusing on British wellmade garments. Our Mission To achieve this we will ensure our costing is correct and never overpriced, meaning we can securely accommodate for our targeted audience’s price range. By making our prices suitable it means gaining not only customer confidence but trust in our brand to. In terms of products we shall create small capsule collections to aim at different audiences within our actual target audience, these small capsule collections shall be ready made and grouped in genre categories, such as; work wear, casual daywear, special occasions etc. This will also make the shoppers experience a lot easier and enjoyable as they will be able to directly find what it is they are hoping to purchase, therefore returning to purchase from Black Lace Clothing in the future.

Our Values One of the main values at Black Lace Clothing is to ensure each and every one of our customers is happy and satisfied with not only their purchase but the service they receive to. In our eyes, quality should always be more important that quantity. Although quantity may ensure a higher initial profit, a badly made garment is going to mean returns and a bad reputation for the company in the end. Another value of Black Lace Clothing is to ensure we as a company can be completely accommodating to the customer, this is particularly with the made to measure clothing. If something isn’t perfectly correct for a customer then we need to ensure to change it until they are truly happy and feel completely confident with their purchase.

The Offering

What can a customer buy from you? Black Lace Clothing can offer a customer a range of not only well handmade garments but something that is timeless in terms of trend and fitting. The customer will be able to choose from two production options; these being either ready to wear or made to measure garments. The ready to wear products shall range from dresses, trousers, suits etc. that a consumer will be able to pick up and buy straight from the rail. These ready to wear collections will also include a small variety of accessories including hair accessories, jewellery, shoe clips and small bags. Each of these accessories could be created out of the same fabrics as garments if the client wished, creating a full top to toe outfit. Made to measure garments will be a longer process mainly to ensure the customer is completely happy throughout each step of the production process. Once a specific design is created a toile/mock-up of the garment will be created and able for the client to try on, if approved the garment can then be made with the correct chosen fabrics, this process is to ensure we are not wasting fabrics when it can be avoided. Every garment within our brand is to be handmade and designed in the actual shop, all of which keeping without our strict levels of quality control.

Brands that inspire Black Lace Clothing

Customer Journey

from start to finish what process will the customer go through?

Customer journey in more detail: Step One – A advert may be seen by a possible client either online or in the press (newspapers, magazines, leaflets etc.). Step Two – A possible client may then visit the online website/blog or one of the social media accounts to gain an idea/ feel of the company and see if it’s something they would like to look further into or order from. Step Three – The consumer would then either place an online order or head into store to have a look. Step Four – If the order was placed online a confirmation email would be sent to ensure the order is correct as well as an opportunity to join the mailing newsletter list.

If the customer had headed into store, then they would be greeted by a sales assistant who could tell them about the two different buying choices (either ready to wear or made to measure). Step Five – The online order would then be delivered to the customers chosen address and they would then have up to 28 days to either return or exchange the product online or in store. In store, if the client decides to choose from the ready to wear garments then they can try the product on in the fitting room, deciding what sizes and prints suit best. If the client then decides they wish for a made to measure product a small chat will be had with a assistant to agree pricing and take each measurement needed, once agreed a 10% deposit would be taken.

Step Six – If the online order has been exchanged or refunded then a full refund will be given within 7 days. Once a ready to wear product is bought from store the same exchange and refund terms apply. With a made to measure an initial toile in a similar yet cheaper fabric will be created, the client will then be called in for a fitting to ensure the fit, cut and design of the garment is correct. Step Seven – If the customer is happy after the first fitting the garment will then be made in the chosen fabric and the customer called back in.

Step Eight – Once the customer has had a second fitting, any changes or adjustments can be made to the garment. Step Nine – The customer will then have a final fitting to ensure all changes are correct and they are truly happy with the product before a full payment is taken. If they are not happy more adjustments can be done until the customer is completely satisfied. If all are happy a full payment can be taken.

Although the made to measure garments could not be returned the company would include a ‘ B a c k To B l a c k L a c e ’ o p t i o n , i n w h i c h i f anything needed changing, fixing, shortening etc. could be done free of charge within a month of the sale date, (after a month would need to be paid for) this service would be able to ensure we maintained the trust in quality from our customers.

The makeup of our team (job roles and responsibilities). Small Scale Team for Black Lace Clothing (in store): Business Founder: The entrepreneur, who started the Black Lace Clothing business. Job Roles: Ensure to keep a motivated team and encourage them to work well for the business. Be sure all goals and values of the company are being met correctly and satisfactory. Always be to date in terms of what’s happening within the company. Legal obligations, it is down to the founder to be sure any legal documents are correct about the company as well as been up to date, this including any taxes, rent, funding etc. (Unless they have a financial director to deal with such things, however that may be within time of the business happening not straight away). Be up to date with everything and anything that is happening within the company, leave nothing to be unexpected.

Shop Manager: In terms of a newly opened business a shop manager needs to be extremely trustworthy as they will be running the store when the founder is not around/busy. Job Roles: Planning the daily schedule of employees and the workplace.

Interview, hire, coordinate and discipline any employees. Ensure the store is stocked and maintained correctly. Making sure all aspects of the shop are clean and in proper working order, ready for customers to use instantly. Keeping up to date with any admin and events.

Supervisor: For retail purposes a supervisor would be in control of other members of staff as well as stock control. Job Roles: If an incident happened it would their responsibility to try and resolve the situation such as an accident or incident regarding theft, shop visitors, refund approval etc. Price pointing, placing and merchandising any new stock. Be sure to assist with any roles the shop manager cannot fulfil. Stock count when needed.

Sales Assistant: A sale assistant would need to be friendly and approachable looking to ensure customers felt confident asking for help and advice. Job Roles: Manning the tills& fitting rooms. Maintaining a high standard for the quality standards of garments e.g. sizing garments, putting back any tried on clothing, keeping the stock off the floor etc. Stock count when needed. Great customer service meaning they should be happy to help any customer no matter what their need. Refunding and exchanges in store.

Garment Designer: The designer will need to be capable of sketching quick and understandable designs to enable the customer to feel confident when ordering a garment from them.

Job Roles: Great communication skills. Be able to translate a customer’s vision into actual designs. Be confident and assuring to customers so they don’t feel nervous about their garment idea. Skilled and functional with fashion designing.

Garment Manufacturer: Manufacturers will need to create the designers vision into a ready to wear item, ensure it is of an extremely high quality. Job Roles: A wide range of manufacturing skills including pattern construction and cutting. The ability to cut and sew a garment correctly, ensuring a extremely high quality finish. Be capable of amending and altering any garments if needed. Trustworthy and reliable.

Online Customer Support: From the second an order is placed the customer needs to feel confident that their order is secure and will arrive on time. The online support with assist with anything from an order confirmation email to refunds, exchanges and any problems a customer may come into contact with. Job Roles: Polite and have excellent communication skills. Be functional when it comes to resolving a problem such as refunding or exchanging.

Packing & processing: Packing and processing will be to process any orders received ensuring they are correct and done quickly yet efficiently. As well as processing the order, the parcel needs to be packed creatively and of a high quality. Job Roles: Organised and efficient in packaging. Have a creative flare; we want to almost achieve it the parcel looking like a gift rather than an online clothing order. Capable of adding a personal touch to an order.

For a larger scale team for Black Lace Clothing: Personal Shopper: A staff member who can offer an exclusive service to a customer in terms of their shopping experience. Job Roles: Styling and helping customers in terms of clothing and accessory buying.

Helpful and willing to go out of there way for a customer. The ability to be honest with a customer not just agreeing to make profit, we need to build relations and trust with the customer and staff bond.

Merchandiser/Visual Merchandiser: A member of staff who is specifically paid to focus on how the brand and stock looks at all time, this including window displays, mannequin’s, graphics, price points, as well as any successfully advertising any trends that are on by successfully promoting them. A lot of stock can be sold from it been displayed in a shop window, somebody who wouldn’t always call into the shop may see a garment/item displayed and take the time to have a look. With mannequins, a customer may like how a full outfit has been styled on a body therefore will to buy a more products creating more profit for Black Lace Clothing. Job Roles: Been able to create full displays/ styled outfits without the help from a layout guide. Keeping informed on the top fashion trends and translating them into the current Black Lace stock, (keeping a shop specialising in bespoke tailoring on trend can be hard). Knowledge of working with a price and space budget, sticking to the target market’s budget, there is no point just putting all the most expensive items on display). Have a flair for colour and design.

Trend Team, fashion forecasting: A member of a trend team will need spot the new and upcoming trends and be able to communicate them into a way to suit Black Lace Clothing’s audience. Job Roles:

Having a keen eye/looking out for new and upcoming trends. Not just knowing about current fashion trends be eager to know about all aspects of art and design (previous& future). (A lot of fashion inspiration doesn’t always come from other designers, usually its art, graphics, something in the street etc). Keep ahead of the trends. Be capable of filtering a trend into a store that will sell.

Promotion/Communication Team: Having a brilliant brand can only be so successful if nobody knows about it, promotion is a key element of getting the word out there about the company. Job Roles: Consistent when it comes to social media – Daily updates would need to be done on websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. A sophisticated knowledge of PR and event planning. Capability to develop the brand for the business in terms of seasonal changes. (season to season, occasions such as Christmas etc, the ability to create and run any promotions, offers, changes etc).

What is Black Lace Clothing’s USP? (unique selling point).

For Black Lace Clothing there needs to be something different about us, to make us differ from any other bespoke dressmakers. We have decided on a range of unique selling points to gain a reliable audience and allow them to feel confident when buying from our company. Firstly the offer of either made to measure or ready to wear garments been an option is something quite different. A lot of dressmakers usually sell what they have already made with no alternatives, however by offering the either or service we can accommodate what it is exactly each customer wants. All consumers have different wants/need as to what they want from an item of clothing therefore by having the choice means they can easily choose exactly what they want. If the Black Lace Clothing shop doesn’t have it then we can just as easily make it instead. Secondly is the option of ‘Back To Black Lace’, this is a service specifically created for made to measure garments. Usually once a dressmaker has created a garment for a customer and the final payment has been taken there is no refund offered as the client has confirmed they are happy with a payment. However Black Lace Clothing doesn’t like the idea of a customer being up happy and not wanting to wear the garment, this is why we offer ‘Back To Black Lace’. This service means if anything needed changing, fixing, shortening etc. it will be done free of charge within a month of the sale date, (after a month any changes would need to be paid for). We have created this idea as we do not wish for a garment to just be worn once and put in a dust bag, instead why not offer a customer the chance to change a bespoke made dress into a two piece skirt suit if it means then will wear it more and gain a lot more from their purchase. Not only will this service allow customers to feel confident when buying from us but also the individuality of the businesses values. Last but not least the height of quality assurance in each of the garments would be a unique selling point to Black Lace Clothing.

Target Market – Ideal Customer

Our current target market is a younger woman wanting to feel independent and individual in her choices of clothing. We a r e h o p i n g f o r w o m e n w h o d o n o t want just your everyda y high street clothes but something a bit different and unique to them. In terms of age, we wish for a broad selection ranging from e i g h t e e n t o e a r l y t h i r t i e s . We w a n t t o target women who are socially and culturally aware, meaning they know just how much difference a higher quality garment can make to not only them but on a much larger scale to. Although Black Lace Clothing would eventually like to be a global name, initially we will be targeting young women in the London area with their style lifestyle would create the initial a u d i e n c e we a r e h o p i n g f o r.

black lace clothing ;; bespoke, chic and elegant

we want to target women who are socially and culturally aware, meaning they know just how much difference a higher quality garment can make to not only them but on a much larger scale to.

What is their typical request? A typical request would vary depending on what they are hoping to purchase, if it was a piece from our capsule collections (occasion wear, seasonal wear, office, casual etc.) it would be something they could buy and decided what they would wear it for one the occasion a rises. However a made to measure customer would want something much more specific and suited to an occasion. A typical request could range from a summer two piece skirt set, to a smart sophisticated suit for the office.

Where do they shop at the moment? A typical customer to aim at would be at a level of medium to high society, shopping at not only upper end high street stores but designer and other bespoke services to. In terms of brands currently around we would be aiming to suit fans of Vivienne Westwood, Miu Miu, Marc Jacobs along with higher end high street stores such as The White Pepper, House of Hackney and Topshop Boutique just maybe with a lower end of scale style budget.

Do you offer any special offers/treatments to customers? Special treatments to our customers would include an optional personal shopper experience in which entire outfits including accessories could be styled and suited especially for them. We would also include a selection of beverages/sweet treats to enjoy whilst they use this shopper experience. As well as this we would offer seasonal promotional offers as well as 10% student discount& percentages off if a customer had previously attended a Black Lace Clothing event.

What would your ideal customer look like? Teens to early thirties.

Independent and individual. Not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Branding to inspire

Black Lace Clothing

Logo Design

How will the logo look and why? Fo r B la c k L a c e C lo t h i n g ’s lo g o I w a n t e d t o c r e a t e a n elegant and sophisticated looking design, something that w ill represen t the brand w ell to the customer, allowing them to instantly gain a feel and idea of what the brand represents. As the logo is aimed towards a mature teen/ older audience I wanted to keep it quite plain and classic, simple yet chic. I plan to use a range of pastel/neutral tones as well as a small amount of texture within the design. I don’t want the logo to be as literal as using an image of black lace fabric for the brand, instead something a bit more subtle. I have decided on a classic italic font to continue throughout the entire branding range, the logo and font needs to be Black Lace C l o t h i n g ’ s i d e n t i t y, c o n s u m e r s s h o u l d b e a b l e t o recognize the brand just by the font or logo.

Logo Design One

For this first initial design I wanted to use a range of neutral looking textures with just a small amount of font included. I have created the logo with both black and white typing to see which I preferred, (I prefer the white font ). I do think this logo looks quite elegant and almost calming due to the use of feathers and smoke spills, I like how subtle the logo is as it doesn’t say exactly what the brand actually makes/sells other than the word clothing.

Logo Design Two For the second logo design I wanted to create something completely different to the first, for this design I used pastel shades again only pink this time, with an effect to allow certain parts of the flowers to be black and white within the circle. I want this logo to represent how Black Lace Clothing isn’t afraid to stand out from the crowd with its products/designs and hope our clients feel as confident and bold wearing our garments as the floral motif logo is.

Logo Design Three For this logo I have used slightly more colour although keeping them within the pastel theme, I have used this peach/pink colour as I think it will show that the company is very feminine and clearly aimed to women. I have layered the images of the small jumper as I want it to have this glowing/ not able to focus your eyes on it, this is to show that Black Lace Clothing isn’t predictable and that a customer should expect the unexpected.

Logo Design Four This fourth logo is a developed design from the third; I particularly liked the circular shapes as I think it looks a lot smarter and sophisticated. I’ve built up the layers using Photoshop to enable a lot of texture and tones to be used yet without over doing it, I think this is quite a chic design and would work well as a whole in terms of branding.

Marketing Materials


Researching into other chic and elegant marketing materials that would inspire the Black Lace Clothing line, I want the branding to create a complete look almost a collection that would clearly like the brand and business as one, something that a customer could look at a carrier bag/leaflet etc. &instantly know the brand for example zara is known for their use of simple eco-friendly paper bags.

Marketing Materials I have created a selection of shopping bags and dust bags for the Black Lace Clothing line, this is as I want to have a variation to choose from. For each design I have stuck to a neutral colour pallet as well as a small amount of texturized images, along with the same font and logo. I particularly like the small almost polka dot looking design which was done by creating a repeat pattern on photoshop. I think I would use a mix and match selection of the polka dot print and both dust bags.

Shopping Bags



Wrapping Papers

For tissue paper designs I would like to print our own to promote Black Lace Clothing and provide a quality finish to not only the garments but packaging and overall shopping experience to. I have stuck to the same colour tones for each paper design but made each one a bit different give mysel f options for when it comes to choosing my final product choices. Assistants could then tie nude ribbon around each parcel not only to ensure the item was wrapped but to create a smart and sophisticated finish to the customers purchase.

Along with swing tags I wanted to create Black Lace Clothing labels to be sewn to either a neck or waistband seam within the produced garments. I have created each of these four designs to choose from, each including the brand name and a small logo/motif. I would have these either heat transferred onto calico or digitally printed to fabric, to ensure to add an extra handmade yet professional detail.

& garment labels

Swing Tags Although I have already c r e a t e d r a n g e o f l o g o ’s I wanted to create a different design for a swing tag, this is just to continue the mix and match theme throughout each of the marketing materials. I would attach the swing tag with a small amount of nude ribbon (matching the tissue papers) with a small gold safety clip to secure it to the garment, these swing tags would also be printed onto fabric and contain the pricing and size information to.

Hanger Designs For hangers Black Lace Clothing would consist of vintage wooden hangers with the signature nude ribbon tied to the top a l l o w i n g t h e g a r m e n t s t o h a n g n a t u r a l l y. I would use the ribbon and hanger idea as a shop display hanging each ribbon from the shop celling (similar to the image shown). I have decided to use natural wood hangers as I think they look quite elegant and add a certain amount of class to a shop/brand also I feel plastic hangers can tend to look a bit messy sometimes.

Black Lace Uniforms

Staff Uniforms For uniforms I have decided to create a collection of different blouses for each level of staff ( as you can see below ), this will be so customers can clearly see which level of staff member they are speaking to, as well as keeping all staff members looking smart and representing the brand. I have created a male& female variations of each design as well as shoes that also have the Black Lace Clothing brand printed onto them. I would ensure the uniforms were easy to maintain in terms of washing and ironing to maintain not only quality but staff loyalt y to. As well as t h e p r o v i d e d b l o u s e ’s a n d s h o e s I w o u l d a s k t h e e m p l o ye e ’s t o t e a m t h i s w i t h a n a l l - b l a c k outfit keeping the sophisticated feel, I think a black t-shirt could also be an option to. I n t e r m s o f t h e m e n ’s o u t f i t s , I w o u l d m a k e this optional between the t -shirt or shirt designs below or a black suit of their choice. Although I want the members of the team to look respectable and promote the brand I would not want them to feel pressured or annoyed at the matter of wearing a garment they didn’t feel comfortable in, hence the all black option.

Sales Assistant Blouse

Supervisor Blouse

Manager Dress/Blouse



Website Inspiration

Business Card &

Letterhead inspiration

Business Card Designs

chic, elegant & bespoke garments

black lace clothing chic, elegant & bespoke garments WEBSITE; TWITTER; @blacklaceclothing

FACEBOOK; blacklaceclothing INSTAGRAM; blacklaceclothing BLOG;

VISIT US; 50 Ledbury Rd London W11 2AB Open: 9 – 5, Monday to Saturday

black lace clothing chic, elegant & bespoke garments WEBSITE; TWITTER; @blacklaceclothing

FACEBOOK; blacklaceclothing INSTAGRAM; blacklaceclothing BLOG;

VISIT US; 50 Ledbury Rd London W11 2AB Open: 9 – 5, Monday to Saturday

black lace clothing chic, elegant & bespoke garments WEBSITE; TWITTER; @blacklaceclothing

FACEBOOK; blacklaceclothing INSTAGRAM; blacklaceclothing BLOG;

VISIT US; 50 Ledbury Rd London W11 2AB Open: 9 – 5, Monday to Saturday

black lace clothing chic, elegant & bespoke garments WEBSITE; TWITTER; @blacklaceclothing

FACEBOOK; blacklaceclothing INSTAGRAM; blacklaceclothing BLOG;

VISIT US; 50 Ledbury Rd London W11 2AB Open: 9 – 5, Monday to Saturday

Letter Head Designs

black lace clothing

WEBSITE; TWITTER; @blacklaceclothing FACEBOOK; blacklaceclothing INSTAGRAM; blacklaceclothing BLOG; VISIT US; 50 Ledbury Rd London W11 2AB Open: 9 – 5, Monday to Saturday

copyright 2014 to black lace clothing

WEBSITE; TWITTER; @blacklaceclothing FACEBOOK; blacklaceclothing INSTAGRAM; blacklaceclothing BLOG; VISIT US; 50 Ledbury Rd London W11 2AB Open: 9 – 5, Monday to Saturday

copyright 2014 to black lace clothing

WEBSITE; TWITTER; @blacklaceclothing FACEBOOK; blacklaceclothing INSTAGRAM; blacklaceclothing BLOG; VISIT US; 50 Ledbury Rd London W11 2AB Open: 9 – 5, Monday to Saturday

copyright 2014 to black lace clothing


Before I began creating my ideas for Black Lace Clothing’s social networking presence I decided to look at some current brands of today and how they represent their brand online.

We b s i t e Recent trends and able to shop t h e m n o w.

Tw i t t e r – Hourly or so tweets. Behind the scenes images, on the spot information.

Facebook – Promoting new stock, sharing celebrity influences, exclusive offers.

I chose to look into Missguided as influence over a high-end or designer brand as I believe Missguided has a much strong online presence and in a way they have had to work much harder for their audience than a lot of other brands.

Instagram Reposts of customers images, new stock & behind the scenes. Pinning for inspirations and trends.

Celebrity Collaboration. Behind the scenes previews.

Social Media

What platforms will you use? For Black Lace Clothing I will use a variation of social media, these including; Instagram Twitter Facebook Pinterest Tumblr Blogger YouTube

What kind of messages will you send out? Instagram – Photographs of new stock, working sketches and designs, garments in the manufacture process, staff member wearing stock, happy customers, special offers, branding including marketing materials (orders ready to be dispatched), ways to wear a product, and anything that inspires us. Twitter and Facebook – Regular tweets about what would be happening during the working day, new stock and how we style it here at Black Lace Clothing, any customers or requests that we are working to that day, any events or promotions happening that day, blogger news/collaborations, recent fashion news (if an event was on e.g. graduate fashion week), what’s trending, basically day to day updates. Pinterest – Different boards for different idea’s including – Our inspiration, our stock, the Black Lace Clothing HQ (office, what’s happening etc.), recent blog posts (any photographs we’ve used on there). Tumblr – Reblog anything inspirational to us, any trends we particularly like, celebrity influences, our stock and how its styled (could compare to celebrity looks). Blogger – Weekly posts (maybe three or four a week). Inspiration of the week. How we’d wear it. What we’ve been up to that week. Our favourite trend (could be every two weeks) YouTube – Behind the scene style footage either of look books, any events we’ve been to, a day in the life/office style, how we created a capsule collection from start to finish (similar to the illustrated people), tutorials, easy DIYs.

D aily Breakdown of Social Media Tw i t t e r / F a c e b o o k / I n s t a g r a m 9 – 9.30am | Moring tweet could be featuring weather and feeling of the day or som ething interesting that has happened on our way to work, train ride etc. 10am | Prom ote an item of stock that could relate to the previous tweet (crop top & skirt perfect for a sunny day etc.). Instagram this. 11 - 11 . 3 0 a m | M e n t i o n a c l i e n t o r s o m e t h i n g t h a t t h e s t a f f a r e g e t t i n g u p t o t h a t d a y , w h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g i n production, if we have a final fitting etc. 12pm | Anything exciting over lunch e.g. a client may of brought a pet in with them , food etc. Instagram this. 1– 1.30pm | If a new blog post has gone up could prom ote this, publish im ages to m atch. Instagram this. 2 – 3 p m | A n y u p d a t e s o f w h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g d u r i n g t h e o f f i c e / s h o p , a n y d e s i g n s o r p l a n n i n g t h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g . Instagram this. 4 – 5pm | Any prom otions that could be used overnight b y c u s t o m e r s , s h a re w h a t w e ’ v e d o n e t h a t d a y.

5.30pm | Closing message, attach e-mail for any customers needing help. If weekend a chatty message a b o u t w h a t e v e r y o n e ’s u p t o a n d r e m i n d i n g w e a r e o p e n on a Saturday to. Instagram this.

New Collection Video Mood board

Something I particularly liked about the Phoebe X Illustrated People collaboration and use of media p l a t f o r m s w a s t h e Yo u T u b e v i d e o created to share how the collaboration happened and the process from start to finish, I think this is something that Black Lace Clothing could do well. This in mind I decided to create a video mood board for a new collection called ‘toxic mermaid’ as if I were going to create a new video for Black Lace Clothing.

Target Audience Press

Black Lace Press Release

London’s Ledbury Road, well known for its designer boutiques and unique brands will soon be joined by an exciting new bespoke clothing business that is doing things a bit differently. Black Lace Clothing has took a new approach on made to measure fashion and instead of been thought of just for the odd prom dress they want to eventually be seen as a popular household name. To celebrate the exciting new business launch, Black Lace Clothing will be hosting a celebratory open party to give the public an exclusive first look at their brand. The event will be held on Friday 20th June, in their new beautifully decorated London store including light snacks and beverages as well as an extravagant fashion show and a few quirky extras to. Attending the event will give you an exclusive chance to see as well as purchase any product from each capsule collection before anyone else, along with getting a huge discount off any made to measure garments put into order and an extra discount code to use either online or in store at a later date.

Black Lace Clothing is aiming to offer something completely new when it comes to bespoke garments, the company does not want to be thought of for just a one off prom dress purchase; instead hoping to prove to women just how different clothing can not only make you look but actually make you feel no matter what the occasion. With this in mind Black Lace wants to help stop the idea of just buying something to wear once, disposable fashion is basically promoting quick threw together garments, something they do not support. Not only will Black Lace clothing be environmentally friendly but culturally to, meaning the brand will never be seen associated to any sweatshop made garment, instead focusing on British well-made garments. When we asked the creative direction of Black Lace Clothing how she would describe the brand she described it as so “our brand is to be chic and elegant, something that is perfect for any fashion conscious woman of today, however we still want our confident customers to stand out from the crowd one way or another whether that being a bold printed dress or just something a little different for that particular person, Black Lace Clothing wants to inspire clients, not only dress them�. The new individual clothing company are hoping that not only do women still wish to buy well-made garments, but to change the idea of a bespoke garments been worn only for a school prom or attending a wedding, Black Lace Clothing want to inspire women to look and feel confident every single day not just when they have to.

Editors Notes Ledbury near Not the area street is boutique stores.

Road is situated ting Hill Gate and within known as Portobello, the well known for its and designer clothing

For further information about Black Lace Clothing send an email to head to the store opening or you could check out any of their social network links.

Black Lace Launch Party

E v e n t flo w o f la u n c h p a r ty. 6pm – Prepare shop ready for guest ensuring all is in place and ready to go. Review any last minute details.

7pm – Doors open, welcome drinks & small snacks. DJ starts. Meet and greets/ getting to know everyone etc. Photo booth Opens. 8pm Shops staffs introduce themselves of stage& a description of what they do. Runway show of latest garments made by Black Lace Clothing. 8.30pm – Photo booth and DIY stall open. 9pm – Guest are left to mingle& look/ buy any products they liked. Any questions could be asked etc. 10pm – Closing thank you speech. Guests are left to depart & given goodie bags as well as promotional vouchers/codes.

The Event In More Detail. The Black Lace Clothing launch party would be held within the clothing shop itself, this would give customers the chance to get a really look and feel of the store itself. A DJ would be hired to provide music for the evening as well as a small selection of ‘DIY’ style events that customers could take part in, this may be to customize sunglasses, an item of clothing, headband etc. to add an individual style of entertainment. A photo booth would also be included to print small polaroid style photographs of guest with added props such as animal ear headbands, oversized glasses etc. Another unique difference the launch would include would be an oversized prop (similar to the LV window displays of animals), with the platforms of social media now people instantly upload something that is interesting to them, getting a photograph with a huge oversized flamingo for example would gain a lot of tweets and Instagram’s from the audience we are targeting. In terms of foods and drinks we would offer the clients unique cocktails (alcoholic or none alcoholic) presented in quirky jam jar style glasses with a selection of edible flowers (mainly pansy’s as this flower is included in our logo). A variety of small pick & mix/finger food would be provided, something that could be easily eaten. (I saw at River Islands SS14 event small meringues that made many Instagram accounts)/. The food and drinks need to be just as interesting as the brand and event itself. The fashion show will be hosted in the centre of the shop with a pastel theme carpet spread for models to walk on; each of the models will be dress top to toe in Black Lace Clothing promoting each item to each customer. I would ensure a huge variety of garments to be shown mainly to target every member of the audience, everybody likes something a bit different and we need to accommodate this. Goodie Bags would be provided with promotional discounts to all customers that attended the opening, I would also add a 10% ‘friends and family’ discount that the customers could pass on to gain Black Lace Clothing a bit more custom and in a way free advertising. The goodie bag would be held in a tote bag with the black lace clothing design printed on the front (once again achieving walking publicity, if a customer was carrying the tote bag day to day, a member of the public make see/ask about it& therefore visit the website or store). Along with the re-usable tote bag the goodie bag would feature; Promotional Discounts A Black Lace Clothing accessory (shoe clips, earrings etc.) Black Lace Clothing business cards & a small sticker selection. Sweets/ Small Chocolates treat. Any relatable brand products that may have sponsored Black Lace’s event/ supported the brand.

Celebrity Endorsement I believe the perfect celebrity endorsement for Black Lace Clothing would be Alexa Chung or somebody similar, although she has an edgy ‘girl next door ’ look going on, Alexa is also always photographed in dainty dresses and floral print which I believe is a perfect clash for Black Lace Clothing. Her unique dress sense matches her personality and we want our customers to feel just as great as Alexa does af ter w inning Glam our ’s w oman of the year award this month. I believe Alexa Chung would be a perfect idol for the younger range of the target audience to as she is modest and almost polite with her fame. In terms of how Alexa could promote our company it would simply be by wearing/sharing any of our garments or brand name to her fans, this could be something as simple as getting ‘papped’ wearing a dress of ours or instagramming a new skirt we’ve g i f t e d h e r. I also think as Alexa has recently wrote and released her book ‘IT’ we could stock/ feature this within our brand/ social networks to (blog the book, post about it, share our favourite bits etc).

Sophie & Anna Maddocks Dressmakers (Southport)

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