容 器 Containers
實 踐 大 學 工業產品設計學系所
實踐大學工業產品設計系創立於1992年,1998年因應設計趨勢演 變以及產業發展需求,設立研究所碩士班,1999年增設研究所碩士在職 進修專班;以大學部「專業化、國際化、產業化」與碩士班「實務與理 論並重、跨領域課題研究」為教育目標。課程規畫除了設計知識的學習 外,更強調創作性的操作體驗;透過對人文、社會與科技工程等相關知 識的理解、反省與批判,使學生在創作驗證中,領會工業設計的多層次 內涵與多面向的價值訴求,從而發展其具有獨特性的創作理念、方法與 能力。 實踐大學工業產品設計系創系以來,為了具體落實上述理念,更鼓 勵同學透過設計競賽與展覽,以增進國內外專業之交流與觀摩,其成果 摘記如下。 競賽成果:共獲獎829項,其中,國際獲獎190項。例如,1994 年SONY學生國際設計創意競賽首獎;1995、2001年分獲日本大阪國際 設計競賽入選及銅牌獎;1996年美國國際回收資源設計競賽優良設計 獎;1996年澳洲雪梨電腦展最佳產品設計獎; 1997、1998年義大利 They will be famous家具設計競賽兩屆首獎;1997年日本Koizumi國際 學生照明設計競賽佳作獎;1997年美國ID Magazine Annual Review傑 出設計獎;1997、2001及2002年分獲義大利SMAU國際青年創意設計競賽 首獎與入選獎;1998、2000年分獲日本名古屋國際設計競賽佳作與銀牌 獎;1999年日本Sakai刀具設計競賽第三名;1999、2001年韓國LG家電 國際設計競賽優良設計獎、優等獎與佳作獎;2001年日本OPUS Design Award評審特別獎;2003年德國iF Design Award Concept優選;2004年 通訊大賽Mobile heroes-Play Design第一名;2006年日本無印良品MUJI Award銀獎;2007年美國IDEA, Industrial Design Excellence Award銅 獎;2007年德國Red Dot Award分類首獎Best of the best;2008年iF Award Concept 第一級獎;2008年日本NAGOYA DESIGN DO!金賞獎;2009 年iF Design Award Concept優選、2010年iF concept award優選…等。 展覽/報導:1997年應日本名古屋國際設計中心邀請,參 與”Design: The Next Generation”國際邀請展;1998年應法國聖艾 迪恩市政府邀請,參與國際設計雙年展;1995年(台北)、1999年(雪 梨)、2001年(首爾)及2003年(漢諾威)參與ICSID之年會與國際設 計展;2000年義大利Interni雜誌以專題報導本系,同年受邀於三項國 際展中展出:新加坡國際設計展、義大利Verona市Abitare il Tempo國 際室內與家飾設計展和法國聖艾迪恩市國際設計雙年展;2000、2001年 兩度於德國漢諾威CeBIT Show中展出產學合作成果;2001年受邀參與北 京清華大學設計教育成果展,並於中國巡迴展出;2002年分別參與北京 科技大學「設計與文化主題夏令營暨展覽」、湖南「全國工業設計教育 展」及山東「第一屆中國青島國際設計節」展覽;2003年系所之教研成 果又獲日本Dream Design Magazine 專文報導。2004年日本東京設計週 (Tokyo Design’s Week)、2005年米蘭國際家具展 8th Salone Satellite、2007年米蘭國際家具展Tha’s Design - Zona Tortona及2008 年德國萊茵設計節Rhein Design Festival,四項皆為台灣唯一獲邀參展
學校;2007年於法國巴黎時尚家飾展展出產學合作成果;2008年科隆「 萊茵國際設計周(Rhendesign)」台灣首次獲邀參展學校、2009年日本 大阪藝術大學設計邀請展。 另外,實踐大學工業產品設計系為了拓展學習視野並增進實務歷 練,也推動多項產學合作計畫,國內外合作企業已逾60餘家,例如: 宏碁、明基、燦坤、力捷、聲寶、東元、三陽、微星、Motorola及法 國Alcatel巴黎總部、EPSON...等;並安排同學至企業及設計公司進 行實務學習,例如:飛利浦、明基、宏碁、燦坤、浩漢、世訊、GE/ FITCH、BOD Design;微星...等;並選送同學赴國外設計公司進行專業 實習。 實踐大學工業產品設計系碩士班招生對象除了具備工業設計背景者 外,亦擴及其他不同專業領域,以培養當前企業所需之多元取向人才; 為配合此轉型設想,亦積極聘請國內外專家學者參與授課,其領域涵蓋 哲學、社會學、心理學、企管、傳播、電影、舞台以及相關設計專業。 歷年來延聘之國外教授及設計專家指導密集工作營23場,包括:1999 、2005年日本設計師Mr. Toshiyuki Kita;2000年丹麥Design Nord負 責人Mr. Frederick Rickmann;2001、2004、2006及2009年德國科隆 應用科技大學國際設計學院(KISD)Prof. Michael Erlhoff與Prof. Uta Brandes;2001年英國Jam Design & Communications 設計師Ms. Astrid Zala;2002年美國Gordon Bruce Design創辦人 Prof. Gordon P. Bruce;2004年以色列Prof. Ron Nabarro;2004、2005及2007年德 國KISD Prof. P. Heidkamp;2005年並與德國KISD執行國科會計畫,雙 方共同舉辦兩場跨國設計工作營(德國科隆/台北台灣);2007年奧地 利EOOS設計公司Harald Gruendl 博士;德國iF Award評審團主席Fritz Frenkler;2008年日本武藏野美術大學教授Prof. Tadanori Nagasawa及 Prof. Hiroshi Imaizumi;2008年奧地利Linz大學Prof. Axel Thallemer;2008年日本設計師鄭秀和(Shuwa Tei)及F.O.B.A.負責人梅林克 (Katsu Umebayashi)建築師、美國Parsons設計學院Prof. Joel Towers、2009年德國科隆應用科技大學國際設計學院(KISD)校長Prof. Jens-Peter Grosshans…等。 1999年,於澳洲雪梨第21屆國際工業設計社團協會(International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, ICSID)年會,經會 員大會審核通過,實踐大學工業產品設計系正式成為教育類會員;期望 能藉此常規性、定期性的活動參與管道,增進會員社團間的專業砥礪和 觀摩學習。 為因應快速的時代變遷,俾使課程能呼應社會脈動與產業需求,實 踐大學工業產品設計系持續進行課程改善,並積極延攬具有多樣整合可 能的師資陣容。畢竟,教育是一種既嚴肅又快樂的百年大業,創系逾十 七年,只能算是一個起步,期望各方先進及同好,能與我們相互切磋, 共襄盛舉。
Shih Chien University Department of Industrial Design The Department of Industrial Design was founded in 1992; under the trend and demands of the industry, the Master Program and the On-job Training Program of the graduate institute were founded respectively in 1998 and 1999. The goals for the under-graduate program are “Professionalism, Internationalization, and Industrialization,” whereas “the combination of theories and practices and the interdisciplinary studies across all fields” are set for the graduate programs. The curricula designs are both concentrated on the learning and accumulation of design-related knowledge and the creativity generated through first-hand experiments and practices; other than those, the comprehensions, reflections, and judgments derived from discussions on humanity, society, and technology will also foster students’ ability in understanding the fact that industrial design in itself is a two-fold activity with multilayers inner framework and multi-facets outward appeals. It is under these conditions that each and every student will be able to develop his/her unique approach toward rationales, methods, and ability in the process of designing. In order to materialize the above beliefs, broaden students’ exposures to the outside world, and expedite the exchange of thoughts and information from people of other cultures, the S.C.I.D. has been encouraging its students to take part in various national and international competitions and exhibitions since its founding in 1992; just to name a few: Students’ achievements in national and international design competitions proved the hard work between the faculty and the students. SCID has won over 829design awards. Of these, 190 international design awards, including the first place of “Sony, the International Idea; Honorable Mentions of Osaka Design Competition”, Japan 1995 and 2001; the Best Design of the “International Eco Design Competition”, USA 1 996; First Prize & Honorable Mentions of “They Will Be Famous Furniture Design Competition”, Italy 1996 & 1997; Honorable Mentions of “International Koizumi Design Competition”, Japan 1997; Design Distinction Award of “International Design magazine Annual Review”, USA 1997; the Targa Bonetto Award of “SMAU Information & Communications Technology Design Award”, Italy 1997; third place of “Sakai Design Competition”, Japan1999; Silver Prize of the “Nagoya Design Competition”, Japan 2000; Honorable Mentions of “International Travel Stationeries Competition”, Holland 2000; Award of Excellence of the “2001 LG Electronics Design Competition”, Korea; the Special Prize of “OPUS
Design Award”, Japan 2001;the Best Design “If Design Award”, Germany 2003; First Prize, third Prize and Honorable Mention of “2004 Communication Design Competition - Play Design”, Silver Prize of the “1st MUJI Award International Design Competition”, Japan 2006; Bronze Prize of the “ Industrial Design Excellence Award”, USA 2007; Best of the best of the “ red dot: design concept 2007”;iF award concept 2008 ;NAGOYA DESIGN DO! Gold Prize2008 ; 2009iF Design Award Concept ; 2010iF Design Award Concept…etc. In 1997, the department was invited to take part in the international exhibition “Design: The Next Generation” held by International Design Center Nagoya, Japan. In 1998 and 2000, SCID was invited by Saint Etienne Biannual Festival of Design, France. In addition, SCID took part in the international design exhibition and conference in ICSID 1999 in Sydney, 2001 in Seoul and 2003 in Hanover. In August 2000, the achievements of SCID were reported on “INTERNI”, a leading design magazine in Italy. At the same year, SCID was invited to join three international exhibitions: International Design forum, Singapore; Arbitare il Tempo-International Exhibition of Interior Design Decoration Verona, Italy; Biennale International Design 2000, Saint Etienne, France. In 2000-2001, the department showed the achievement in CeBIT show in Hanover, Germany. SCID was also the co-organizers of” Pu-Tong Summit Conference on Industrial Design “Shanghai, with Tong Hwa University, Shanghai, and Hong Kong University of Technology in 2001. In June 2001, SCID was invited to participate in Design Show held by Tsinghua University. In 2002, SCID participated in three exhibitions in China: the National ID Exhibition held by University of Science and Technology Beijing, the Center Industrial Design Exhibition in Hunan and the Qingdao International Design Festival in Shandong. In 2003, the achievements of SCID where reported on “Dream Design Magazine”, Japan. In 2004 SCID was invited to exhibit their design projects in “Tokyo Designer’s Week” in Japan. In 2005, the department was invited to show the design projects in “Salone Internazional Del Mobile 2005: 8th SaloneSatellite” in Milan, Italy. SCID was also invited to present their design curriculum in “2005 AGIDeas International Design Week” in Australia and was reported on “Desktop” an Auatralian magazine, as well as the 2007 Milan International Furniture Fair “That’s Design-Zona Tortona” and the 2007 “Maison & Objet” in Paris, France;In 2008, SCID is the first university in Taiwan which participate “Rhein design week” in Köln. In 2009, SCID formed the team to hold the exhibition in Osaka University of Arts, Japan. In order to improve students’ practical experiences, the department has worked with more than fifty enterprises, including Acer, BenQ, Eupa, Umax, Sampo, Sanyang, Alcatel and other
international businesses. The department also arranged Students to have practical training in companies, such as Philips, Eupa, Acer, Nova Design, GE/FITCH, Era Design, BOD Design to name a few. Students of Graduate Institute of Industrial Design with industrial design background and those who are from other fields are welcomed, so that the variety can be expanded to address the need of total design strategies in the industry. The department also invited professors from different countries and from diverse professions such as psychology, social studies, philosophy, business administration, information science etc. Famous designers and CEOs are invited to provide project advisories, such as Mr. Toshiyuki Kita from Japan in 1999; Mr. Frederick Rickmann of Nord Design from Denmark in 2000; Professor Michael Erlhoff and Professor Uta Brandes form Germany in 2000, 2004 and 2006; Ms. Astrid Zala of Jam Design & Communications from UK in 2001; Professor Gordon. P. Bruce of Gordon Bruce Design from USA in 2002, Professor Ron Nabarro from Israel in 2004, Professor Philipp Heidkamp from Germany in 2004, 2005 and 2007; Prof. Fritz Frenkler from Germany and Mr. Harald Gruendl of EOOS from Austria in 2007; Prof. Tadanori Nagasawa and Prof. Hiroshi Imaizumi of Musashino Art University from Japan and Prof. Axel Thallemer from Germany in 2008. Prof. Jenz Grobhans from Kรถln International School of DesignHead of School in 2009. In 1999, SCID was admitted to become the educational member of ICSID in Sydney, Australia. In the ever-changing world, it is imperative for any teaching and learning organization to respond and satisfy the needs of the society and the demands of the industry, and the S.C.I.D is no exception! It is our belief that only through constant improvement in upgrading our course design and retaining outstanding faculty, can we achieve that goal. After all, in terms of process, education has no bounds and ends; the journey is, in essence, an never-ending one!!
目錄 INDEX 序
……………………………………………………………… 001
……………………………………………… 002
容器們 Containers Polaris …………………………………………………………………… 008 GRID flashlight ………………………………………………………… 014 Power Camp …………………………………………………………… 020 Sugar Salvage …………………………………………………………… 026 Power Water bag ……………………………………………………… 032 EZ Point ………………………………………………………………… 038 Baby Bottle ……………………………………………………………… 044 EnergyPad ……………………………………………………………… 050 Air-Luggage ……………………………………………………………… 056 Energy-Suit ……………………………………………………………… 062 Put off and turn on …………………………………………………… 068 Concrete furniture …………………………………………………… 074 Cozy Shade ……………………………………………………………… 080 Portable reading illumination……………………………………… 086 The Hot inducting chopsticks……………………………………… 092 Inkstone ………………………………………………………………… 098 Fitness Generator ……………………………………………………… 104 Watchman ………………………………………………………………… 110 PLA Desk ………………………………………………………………… 116 GENERASHOE …………………………………………………………… 122 Vitallumin …………………………………………………………………128
附錄 Appendix 科技、技術應用
the Applied Technologies ……………………………… 134
劉 çś
Jerry Liu /
jerry134679@hotmail.com /
Product design / Problem Inductive& analysis / Concept formation / 3D modeling / Graphic design /
Alias / Illustrator / Photoshop /
我個人對於容器的第一個聯想就是保特瓶 ,這讓我不禁敬佩那些將瓶頸引申為一種形容 的人。因為我認為將瓶頸引申為在順遂中遭遇 到的困難,或是挫折是相當貼切的,這提醒了 我們一時的困難與挫折並不是一道代表結束的 ﹝牆﹞,而是努力克服後就能海闊天空的﹝頸 ﹞。
My first impression of containers is a bottle, and I can’t help to admire those people who make “bottleneck” an adjective for difficult situations. Bottleneck is a proper simile for difficulties encountered after successes. It reminds us that the frustration we endure now is not the end of the story. On the contrary, with our efforts, it’s a “neck” that leads us to a better place.
crane operation guide
當吊車起重作業時,操作員與吊掛物的角度差異使吊掛 物落點不明確造成操作的困難,也威脅到在吊掛物下方 人員之安全。
The operator could not get the right angle of hanging object that might fall at an uncertain spot when crane lifing. It will make lifting difficult and threaten safty for people under the hanging object.
crane operation guide. 利用雷射導引物體落點位置以解決操作員視角問題同時具備 警示下方人員作用。 主要材質為橡膠,強力磁鐵於成型時被包覆在其中,更易於 安裝至吊籠。 開關位於下方,當其接觸地面時即自動關閉電源。
Through laser-guided falling point that will resolve the operator’s blind side and keep underground man alert. The primary material of Polaris is rubber rounded with mega-magnetic when it is formed, easy to install. The switch is located at the bottom and will be automatically turned off when touching the ground.
若圖面欲為滿版請延展至少 內文請至於參考線以內。
Ruei Hong,Hong 洪 瑞鴻 Raymond Hong / jongs_kid@hotmail.com /
從最貼近自身的生活開始,去觀察、去發現 那些可能被解決的問題。也因此才知道,平凡 的問題並不一定最好解決,而解法也永遠不會 只有一個最好,永遠都會再有更好的解法出現!
Observing, developing the issues which can be solved possibly from our life. We can find that the ordinary problems are not usually the easiest ones, and “the best solving way” does not existed.
Kai Chi,Yao 姚 愷琪 Jamie Yao /
yau1127@ms65.hinet.net /
product design / 3D modeling /
Photoshop / Illustrator / Alias studio / Showcase / Cinema 4D / Pro/Engineer /
“好像確定自己在做甚麼,又好像有點不確定 。"已經這樣生活好一段時間了,將自己處在 問題與答案或是理性與感性之間拉扯的狀態, 直到調配出一個"平衡點",我想是設計讓我 變成這樣的吧!
I seem doing something but nothing. Living like this have been for a while. i place myself between question and answer or sense and sensibility till i find out a balance point. i think design make me so!
Power Camp
for long distance rider
隨著環保意識的抬頭,越來越多人喜歡騎著單車旅行,但是每當帶著 大包小包的行李時,都減低了不少旅遊的興致。因此試想設計出一個 專為長途自行車騎士所設計的帳篷,該帳篷可直接儲存自行車之動力 所產生的電,讓使用者出門在外,可自給自足所需要的能源。 By the popularity of environmental protection, more people like to travel by riding bicycles. But sometimes it may reduce the happiness of travel due to big-size luggages. Hence, the designer wants to design a tent which is particularly for long distance bicycle rider’s use. This tent can store electricity generated by the rolling wheels of the bicycle and this tent can be used like a battery when user is in outdoor activity.
將含有奈米碳管與奈米銀線的墨水,印刷在帳篷的帆布內,輕便旅行的裝備,該奈米材質比一般材質更 能傳導電,以解決多餘電力的儲存問題,即使彎折、捲曲、變皺,仍然具有儲電的能力。
The designer adopts a special ink which contains carbon nanotubes and silver nanowires printed on the fabric of the tent or other travel equipment. This nano-material is an ideal substance for electricity conductor that can store spare electricity even when the fabric is wrinkled or crooked.
帳篷內有電力輸出裝置,可供應更多不同的電子產 品使用,就如同在家使用插座一樣簡單方便。
There is a power output gadget inside the tent for various electricity appliances uses. It is as the same convenient as using electricity socket at home.
waterproof fabic
carbon nanotubes
insultion fabric
1. 打開上蓋,將帳篷與主結構取出,隨著收納方 式,反向展開帳篷,另將自行車前輪卸下,放置帳 篷前側,以做內部的橫向的支撐。 2. 帳篷與發電盒藉由主結構連結,經由騎乘自行 車所產生的電力,直接儲存在印有奈米墨水管的內 帳裡,而這些電源即可提供給車燈和照明等需求。
1. To open up the case; take out the tent and the main skeleton . To take apart the front wheel and place it in the front tent as the interior lateral support. 2. To link the tent and the power case; spinning wheels generate electricity and store power in the fabric that nano-ink tube is printed. The electricity can be used as the power of headlight and night lighting.
Ya Ting,Yang 楊 雅婷 Wuba Yang /
iamwuba@hotmail.com /
對於大自然有著豐富的情感與敏銳的觀察力 。習慣於平凡生活中的觀察和體會,作為創作 靈感的來源。觀察生活中自然產生的現象,善 用共同的生活行為,藉由經驗的記憶與產品做 最直接的交流,讓使用者享用最簡單的快樂。
In our daily life, we often make some little actions. We observe this phenomenon from improving the individual personal life style to treat the public and society with good intention.People can understand this concept of design unconsciously.
罹患糖尿病三年多的安先生,是低血糖患者。 有一次獨自去公園慢跑,低血糖突然發作,全 身發抖、飢餓難耐,光是拿出糖果,就花了一 分鐘,打開糖果紙又花了半分鐘,糖果送進嘴 巴,已經來不及了,整個人快昏了過去。
Mr.Ann, a three-year diabetic patient with. One day he was jogging in the park, suddenly his blood sugar ran low. He shivered and starved, and it took him at least one minute to take out the candy,another half minute to open the package. It was almost too late when he put the candy in his mouth. He almost faint and lost consciousness.
Sugar Salvage diabetes care 糖尿病患血糖監測與糖分補給工具
調查發現,高達八成的糖尿病患曾出現頭暈、盜汗、飢餓感強烈、全身無力虛弱等疑似 低血糖症狀,由於血糖控制效果不佳。低血糖症狀輕微者,頭暈、手抖,若未趕快補充 糖份,就可能意識不清,甚至昏迷,發生意外事故。
Diabetes is a disease that is slowly consuming the modern world. Diabetic patients are very limited in their daily lives, their lives are determined by permanent stinging but there are many new non-invasive technologies in this field.
Blue light: Healthy blood sugar,is defined as a blood glucose level between 70 to 100 mg/dl. 顯示藍光: 正常血糖值 70~100 mg/dl
Red light: A low blood sugar,is defined as a blood glucose level below 60 to 70 mg/dl. 顯示紅光: 低血糖值 低於60~70 mg/dl
顯示面板 Monitor 顯示功能:血糖值、電池狀態、時間 非侵入式技術儀器 Non-invasive treatment 每分鐘測量一次 腕帶 Wristband
機能代糖替換盒 Sugar substitute box
Size:53mm x 46 mm x 20mm
Non-invasive treatment & Impedance Spectroscopy
非侵入式技術作用原理是根據「阻抗光譜分析法」當血液中的葡萄糖量改變時 會伴隨明顯的導電率的改變,這個改變會使得許多細胞膜產生極化的現象。
-此工具可協助監測血糖狀況,採用非侵入式技術可連續監控血糖。 -當感測有低血糖症狀,系統會先以紅燈警示。 -血糖的資料會儲存在手錶中,可以傳遞到電腦供自己或醫師做更詳細的判讀與分析。 -內部的盒子裝有機能代糖,可即時提供患者糖分,快速恢復體力。 -機能性代糖盒為可更換式。 Anytime you suspect a low blood sugar, check it to be sure and, if you are low, raise your sugar quickly with glucose tablets or other fast carbohydrates. Your blood sugar data will be stored in the watch, it provides the patient instant sugar supply and helps patients to recover strength.
糖尿病患者出外活動感到不適,螢幕上即時 顯示紅燈警式患者血糖過低。
患者滑開上蓋,內部含有可迅速補充血糖之 機能性糖粉。
開蓋後直接以口吸入機能性糖粉,患者即能 及時恢復血糖正常值。
When diabetic patient goes out and feels unwell, the screen instantly turns red to show blood sugar is too low.
Slide out the cover, sugar powder is available to elevate the patient’s blood pressure.
Open the lid and take sugar powder to reach the normal blood sugar level.
Ya Fang,Cheng 鄭 雅芳 /
avondesign@pchome.com.tw /
設計對我而言猶如神奇的魔法,產品經由設 計師的詩意轉換,亦可將冰冷的器具幻化成 美麗的故事情節,締結使用者與產品之間的 情誼是設計師首當其衝的一個要務。產品最 終回歸於消費者,藉由設計使消費者可以得 到更多的驚奇與歡心,設計可以真實的貼近 他們的生活型態與需求,讓世界更美好!
Design for me is magic. The designer’s poetics transforms the product, and endows a mere object with enchanting stories. The first thing for a designer is to create ties between the user and the product. A product’s final home is always the consumer. With design, consumers enjoy surprise and pleasure. Design should truthfully define people’s lifestyle and need, to make our world a better place.
Power water bag
Mountain water storage.
Power water bag 是個禦寒用的良伴,使登山客解決飲水
Power water bag is a nice product for defending against the
cold,solving the water problem and sanitation issues,and
reducing other features to make lightweight luggage. Via
walking posture of the swing the puncture of the piezoelectric material will bring electric power. Electric power will collect in the caps which is the temperature control device so tghat the power will be provided in the UV ultrav
WOW! Water gone!! To hold water where the river.
Ultraviolet water purification function,90 seconds, the water will be thoroughly disinfected, like boiled water, no waiting time to boil water.
秒後將全面消毒,不怕腸胃被病 毒進攻,瞬間喝到有如煮過的開 水,不用等待煮水的時間,好方 便 !
太陽下山了,好累的一天, 全身無力,腰痠背痛,準備搭帳 篷,來休息一下吧。
按摩並熱敷痠痛的部位,促 進血液循環,紓解整天的身體的 壓力。讓精神更好,以挑戰明天 的更高峰!
The sun was setting, the whole body weakness, back pain, ready to take the tent to rest.
Massage and add hot water bottle deposited in muscle soreness the top, it can promote blood circulation, relieving the pressure on the body all day. Keeps you changed for the better!.
Energy collection 登山客行走所擺動的姿態將搖晃水袋的水,水袋的波紋 造型促進水的波動,它將有效擠壓奈米纖維材質發電。
Climbers walking posture of the swing will be shaking water bag water, water bag of corrugated shape to promote water fluctuations, it will effectively squeeze nanofiber material power.
Function 在此設計中,水可以提供登山客飲用外,水亦是一種能 量表現,能量水袋將呈現多元化的用途,登山客有效減少 其他配件,減輕背包重量。
In this design, the water can provide climbers drink, the water show is a kind of energy, energy water bag will show a wide range of uses, climbers will effectively reduce the other components, to reduce backpack weight.
Yi Shan,Hsieh 謝 宜珊 Lisa Hsieh /
lisa1206_tw@hotmail.com /
Idea sketch / Product design / Marketing research / Fashion trend analysis /
Photoshop / Illustrator / Pro/E wildfire 3.0 / Alias Image Studio /
設計是改變生活的力量,然而站在設計的原 點,認真體驗生活最是重要的養分,將體驗 內化成為體會,體會轉化成為見解與詮釋, 在這一連串反覆的過程中,我學習如何以自 己對生活的詮釋能夠實踐在設計中,與自己 、與世界溝通,設計是一趟充滿冒險的旅程 ,我享受著其中的體會與感動繼續走下去。
Design is huge power to change life, however, at the origin of design, enjoying and experiencing life is the most important thing. By converting the experience into realization, and the realization into opinion and annotation, over and over within this process, I learnt how to design with my opinion of experience, and how to communicate with myself and the world,Design is an adventureful journey, I will keep moving on with the enjoyment of experience and inspiration.
EZ Point
follow nature gesture presenter.
EZ Point 符合直覺式思考操作模式的紅外線簡報筆, 利用食指伸直指向重點的習慣性動作,即能啟動EZ Point觸碰感應開關,達到開啟紅外線指向遠方的功能。 此外,EZ Point 在表面處理上有防滑設計,當使用者 用一般握持模式時,能增加握持的穩定性及便利性。
EZ Point is an intuitive presenter based on human gesture recognition technology. The system mainly comprises of two components: Infrared rays, Capacity Sensor-based Recognition. The Ring reacts to the gestures and hand movement and enables the user to control the direction of the ray. You can turn it on when you straight the finger. It is possible to present in the distance. Moreover, Point Ring use skidproof material, gives certain added value to the overall presentation experience by engaging the user in a stable and convenient way.
EZ Point 在表面處理上有防滑設計,當使用者用一般握持模式時,能增加握持的穩定性及便利性
EZ Point符合直覺式思考操作模式的紅外線簡報筆, 利用食指伸直指向重點的習慣性動作,即能啟動觸碰 感應開關,達到開啟紅外線指向遠方的功能。
EZ Point
follow nature gesture presenter.
EZ Point is an intuitive presenter based on uman gesture recognition technology. The system mainly comprises of two components: Infrared rays, Capacity Sensor-based Recognition. The Ring reacts to the gestures and hand movement and enables the user to control the direction of the ray.
Yuan Tien, Hsu 徐 雲天 Sky Hsu /
tonysky7562@hotmail.com /
設計像是發現這個月發票對中上一期的號碼, 設計像是試圖在忠孝東路上找一隻野兔, 設計像是跟自己好好聊個天,有時發個脾氣打 個架,設計像是在跟它談戀愛,雖然沒有很懂 ,也不是做得多好,但總個來說,我很愛它!!
Design just like found out the Invoice in this month check correct number in last month. Design just like try to find a wild rabbit on Jhongsiao road.Design just like chating with myself, however, to be angry or fight with myself sometimes.Design just like fall in love with it.Although I am not really get it, not really good enough.but...I i love it!! keep moving on with the enjoyment of experience and inspiration.
寶寶適合喝溫的牛奶,但外出時對媽媽來說帶著熱水瓶又相當麻煩,BabyBottled可以收 集搖晃瞬間所產生的動能,再將動能轉化為熱能將水加熱至適合溫度,增加很多便利性。
Babies don't like cold milk, and hot water is hard to obtain outdoors. BabyBottle can collect the energy from shaking a milk bottle and use the energy to heat water to the right temperature.
Baby Bottle shake generate heat
基於利用人自然行為下的習慣產生電力的概念,將原本沖泡奶粉時搖晃的動作,進而將 動能轉為電能,再利用此電能轉為熱能最後將水加熱,所以每一個奶瓶都可以自己製造 出少量的溫水。
The concept of basing on use of the natural behavior of people to produce electricity.Using the original shaking behavior of making milk. Turning the kinetic energy into electric energy and into heat energy for water heating. So each bottle can create warm water by themself.
pour in water.
put in milk powder.
kinetic energy of the shaking movement is used to heat the water.
Thermochromic ink shows water to proper temperture .
The large entrance bottle let milk powder easy to into.
Using Piezoelectric Material to collect kinetic energy and heat the water.
Using Thermochromic Ink to indicate the water is warm enough.
The energy collector and the heater.
Yi Chih,Ko 柯 宜芝 Yi Chih Ko /
meganko1226@gmail.com /
best at ask different questions / design research / focus-exhaustive study-refocus / prototype / visualize / hand-made model / sketches /
2D and 3D software /
如果要為設計尋找一個容器的比喻 它會是一個玻璃碗的形象 有用且優美,但幾乎不被察覺
if "container" is a simile for design, its image would be a glass bowluseful and graceful, but almost invisible.
將EnergyPad放進鞋底,它會蒐集儲存能量,在捷運站 EnergyPad系統接收這些能量,以乘車優惠的方式回饋步行 者。
Put in EnergyPad inside your shoes. It gathers small amount of energy produced by individuals and contributes them to the MRT System.
walk and save!
能源短缺的未來,蒐集日常生活中既有動能,供應人類社會需求已成趨勢,將能源視為貨幣 走路產生的能量,交換大眾運輸服務,增加人們走路的動機,也減少公共運輸的能源消耗。
our demand for energy and the scarcity of fossil fuels bring a future when energy would be expensive and hard to obtain. Therefore, excavating energy generated by our daily activities becomes a plausible option. With EnergyPad, people can harvest energy generated from movements, give the harvested energy to the MRT System, and be rewarded with dicount in transit fee.
Energy Pad放在鞋底,
EnergyPad is for commuters, such as students and office workers.
EnergyPad should be placed inside the shoes.
l Va
= 10
At the station, you can give out the energy to the MRT system.
And in return, you get discount on fees.
It collects energy from walking and climbing stairs.
Energy Pad
walk and save! flexible material adjust according to shoe height 彈性材料 依鞋高調整高度
PZT stores energy 壓電材料儲存動能
value added, from the energy exchanged 走路的能量折抵乘車費
Chun Yen, Hsieh 謝 俊彥 Torch Hsieh /
u1302088@cc.ncu.edu.tw /
Product Design / Interface Design / Multimedia design /
Rhino / Illustrator / Photoshop / FLASH /
我好像修誇怪怪,可以控制自己身體快速的鬥 雞眼,心跳變快,腦充血,吐血與抽蓄等等, 如果這些對設計有幫助就好了。
It seems something weird to me. I can control myself cross-eye quickly, encephal emia, blood spitting and spasms etc. If these can help increase design ability would be better.
Air-Luggage Lighter and stronger boarding case
Air-luggage是一款外層以充氣式橡膠材質包覆之登 機箱,其外表之充氣層會因為飛機升空時機艙壓力的 改變而自動膨脹形成防護,因此相較於一般硬式登機 箱而言,air-luggage擁有更加輕盈且更能夠保護箱 內物品之優點。 Air-Luggage is a boarding case which is covered by inflatable rubber. The inflatable rubber will inflate automatically because of the different pressure in the cabin and ground. Air-Luggage is lighter than hard shell luggage and has better ability to protect personal belongings.
Air Turbulence
Luggage collide
我們出外搭飛機時經常會攜帶一些如相機或筆電 等脆弱的物品,但當飛機遇到亂流或其他可能碰撞到 行李的情況發生時,這些脆弱物品便很可能損壞,因 此行李的保護能力是非常重要的。而在飛機升空至 8000英呎時,由於大氣壓力的改變,氣體體積相較於 地面會增加30%,因此air-luggage的保護層會自動膨 脹形成防護層,不需自行充氣。
Air-Luggage Lighter and stronger boarding case
8000 Feet
ďź‹ 30 % air volume
We usually carry fragile things like camera or notebook when we go on a trip on plane. But air turbulence or in other conditions might crash this kind of fragile things. The protection ability of boarding case is very important. The Air-luggage will be inflated when the flight is in 8000 feet high because the volume of the same air is 30% larger in the upper air than in the ground. You don’t need to inflate it.
Cheng Ying, Lin 林 承穎 Nathan Lin /
hollowcorpse@gmail.com /
Product Design / Graphic Design / Photography / Prototyping / Idea illustration /
Illustrator / Photoshop / InDesign /
容器 是方、是圓、是多變。 填充物 是固體、是液體、是氣體。 而器物與填充物之間的關係,是設計。
Containers can be cubic, can be round, can be vary. Infills can be solid, can be liquid, can be gas. and what connects both, is Design.
圖面與文字部份比例可以自定,若非滿版圖面請參照參考線範圍。 產品名稱請置於圖片內部,簡介可至於外部。
Safer Mountain Hardware.
主動式光源、內建OLED顯示GPS系統核可發送帶GPS 定址訊號的主動式求救信號發送器,以上這些功能組 合能帶給你更安全的登山體驗。而Energy-Suit的可充 電式布料設計可以提供上述功能所需的電力,你將不 需要攜帶額外的電源設備。
Active illumination, Built-in GPS system with OLED monitor and Distress Signal Transmitter that can send out active distress signals with GPS position codes. All that above give you safer experience of moutain climbing. With rechargeable Fabric Design on Energy-Suit, extra power is no longer required for the functions above. What’s even more : it is lighter!
Technology the combination of
FLEXIBLE SOLAR CELL . . .可饒式太陽能轉換元件 ILLUMINATE LINING . . .薄型可饒式發光元件滾邊 THIN BATTERY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 紙電池 PZT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 可饒式壓電材料
布料由紙電池、可撓式壓電材料 與可撓式太陽太陽能轉換元件組成 ,並且以薄型發光材料做滾邊。可 在行進間與太陽下對Energy-Suit 進行充電。
The Fabric of Energy-Suit is combined with Thin Battery, Flexible Solar Cell, and PZT. Using flexible illuminable material as Lining. It can be recharged with Electricity while moving or just being under the Sun.
With illuminating lining, mountain climbers can easily recognize eachother and makes it easier to get company.
發光材料滾邊提供的主動式光源 ,方便山友辨識與結隊。
倘若不幸落難時,可由操作區域 開
會改變顏色並以求救訊號供電為主 。
能源取得來自太陽能與壓電,不 須擔心求救訊號續航力的問題,更 安心可靠。主動光源與GPS定址求救 訊號,更可縮短搜救任務所需時間 。
GMT +3
13:20:40 61.396719N 44.780273E
If unfortunatly some accident happened, user can turn on the active distress signal with GPS position codes. The monitor will change its color and turn into transmitting primary mode to save energy for longer requesting.
The power source comes from solar cells and PZT, which transforms movements into electricity. No worries about the endurance of signal transmitting.The active illuminating and distress signal with GPS position codes even reduce the searching time of rescue mission. It is much more safer and reliable.
若為滿版圖面,不限圖文比例。請自行斟酌版面內容。 唯 字型與字級請比照設定。 若圖面欲為滿版請延展至少至出血線。 頁面主題不限置於圖筐內。
illuminate, GPS, and Distress Signal. 經由左手上的操作區域可以開
提供的資訊有Energy-Suit的能源量表和隨GPS定址 改變的國際時間以及定址資料。
Via operating area on the left arm, you can turn on/ off the illuminate function. You can also browse other informations through its OLED monitor. The informations provided are Energy meter, global time that changes along with your location via GPS, and GPS position codes.
GMT +3
13:20:40 61.396719N 44.780273E
Ming Ying, Lee 李 明穎 Mingming Lee /
minggie83@gmail.com /
我希望我有一口大箱子。 它可以裝得下我對這個世界所有的發現與喜歡 ,裡面還有永遠取不完的法寶,能讓我變出聰 明的設計,或者一些令人開心的把戲。
I wish I have a big case. It can store all my detection and love of this world, and there’re also many never-ending magic weapons in it, which can let me play smart design or some cheerful tricks.
Put off and Turn on Put off your cigarette and turn on our light.
據資料顯示,煙蒂是世界上最大宗的隨意丟棄垃圾。 這些被隨手丟棄的菸蒂,對我們的生活環境造成非常 大的破壞與負擔,如果我們能在收集這些垃圾的過程 裡,利用新式的科技與材料,也同時將抽煙者的動作 收集起來,或許就能把對環境的破壞,轉換為一種對 環境的回饋。
Data suggest that the cigarette ends is the casually dicarded garbage with the greatest quantity in the world.These thrown-away cigarette ends cause great damage and burden to our living environments. If we can use new technology and material in the process of collecting these garbages, the action of smokers can also be collected in the same time, so that probably we can change the damage of environment into a kind of feedback to the environments.
Smokers in twos and threes get together to smoke and talk.
After finishing a cigarette, smokers put out the cigarette in the central part of the top, and then throw the cigarette end into the cleft of the side.
熄煙時按壓的力量透過壓電材料與電池儲存後,當光感測元件感測周 圍光度降低至某程度之下,便能提供電力使燈發光。
The strength of putting out cigarette charges the battery through piezoelectrical technique. After storing electricity, when light sensor detects surroundings darken, the electricity can be used to light up the lamp.
In the night, the strength gathered from the public makes the lamp give light to the street.
Press to lift the cigarette ends gathering case hidden under the cover. 透過壓電技術使燈發光
The lamp is lighted up through piezoelectrical technique.
The arc surface makes cigarette ends easy to fall into to the cigarette ends gathering case.
Putt off and Turn on 將熄滅菸蒂這個微小的動作妥善地收集,即可聚合成對往來人們 的回饋,那麼我們就能在丟棄垃圾的同時,也為街道開啟另一盞 友善的燈光。
The energy collected from the action of putting out cigarette ends properly can feedback to people. So when throwing the garbage away, we also open another freindly light to the street.
Shih Yang, Chang Chien 張簡 士揚 Kirs Chang Chien /
www.flickr.com/photos/drysponge /
「無論我們是否情願,我們總歸是屬於我們自 己的時代,同時也分享的時代的意見、偏愛與 幻想,所有的藝術家都帶有他們所屬時代的印 記;而偉大的藝術家所帶著尤其深刻;無論我 們是否甘願,在我們時代和我們自身之間,早 已存有一個難分難捨的結。」 - 馬諦斯(Matisse)
“These latter are of no value to anyone, for whether we want to or not, we belong to our time and we share in its opinions, its feelings, even its delusions. All artists bear the imprint of their time, but the great artists are those in whom this is most profoundly marked...Whether we like it or not, however insistently we call ourselves exiles, between our period and ourselves an indissoluble bbond is established. “ - Matisse
Sheng Da, Li 李 勝達 Ted Li /
coughone@yahoo.com.tw /
在Douglas B. Holt 所著的《文化品牌行銷學》中談到品牌忠誠度時,他提 出了一個品牌擁有三種彼此之間密不可分的顧客群:圈內人、信徒和食客。我發 現這個原本應用在品牌經營上的顧客分析,也同樣適用在任何一種對大眾可以產 生吸引力的事物上。 設計雖不能稱為一種品牌,但是它和品牌一樣具有某種魔魅般的吸引力。設 計的圈內人就是身體力行的設計師。設計的信徒則是那些雖然不從事設計相關工 作,但是把設計當作一種信仰來生活,對設計界各種大小資訊瞭若指掌,並且對 品味有獨特和充滿個人特色的想法。設計的食客就是當設計因為圈內人和信徒的 耕耘而形成一股風潮之後,跟著追隨流行的文化寄生蟲,對他們而言設計只是一 種時尚和地位的象徵,而不是生活理念和態度。 我從一開始只是一名設計的食客,到後來變成設計的信徒,最後經過一番努 力和機緣巧合之後,成為了設計的圈內人。能夠變成某個領域的圈內人,就代表 我擁有某種可以言說設計的合法性和可信度,這幾乎可以說是一種奇妙的特權。 雖然我並不曾設計出什麼偉大的作品過,但是只要身為設計系所的學生,就有機 會被稱呼為許多外人稱羨的「設計師」,真是何其有幸。設計對很多人而言是一 種神話。我很高興成為這個神話中的一個角色,親身感受到它的威力與魅力。
When Douglas B. Holt talked about brand loyalty in his “How Brands Become Icons”, he proposed that a brand has three kinds of customer groups: insiders, followers and feeders. I found that this customer analysis originally applied to brand management can also be applied to anything attractive to people. Design is not a brand, but it possesses some kind of magical charms just like brands. The insiders of design are designers in practice. The followers of design are people who do not work in design business but live design as a faith. They are familiar with all kinds of design information. Their ideas of taste are unique and with personal characteristics. After design becomes a trend due to the efforts made by insiders and followers, the feeders of design simply follow their suits. To these cultural parasites, design is only a symbol of fashion and status, not philosophy and attitude in life. From the beginning I was just a feeder of design. Later, I became its follower. And now, with some efforts and luckiness, I am an insider. As an insider, I hold the authenticity and credibility to speak about design, a bizarre privilege indeed. Although I have never designed anything magnificent, it is fortunate that I have chances to be called a designer, a title envied by many, as long as I am a design student. To many people, design is a myth. I am glad to be one of its characters to experience the power and glamour myself.
溫壺器 渦輪箱
Cozy Shade
我們喜歡在一個難得的悠閒下午坐在露天咖啡座上享受 生活情調,然而我們經常會遇到夏天猛流汗、冬天熱茶一下 子涼掉、希望能跟朋友一起分享音樂等問題。這個產品藉由 汲取太陽能源,用環保方式來滿足大家的這些願望。
Many of us like to sit at an open-air café in a leisurely afternoon and enjoy our lives. However, we may get sweaty in summer, have trouble with hot tea getting cold faster than we want it to in winter, and wish to share our music with friends. Using solar energy to power its various functions, this product will meet our aspirations in an eco-friendly way.
Cate is an urban woman who likes to indulge in cafés, especially those in the open air. However, the summer heat often makes her sweaty.
The umbrella fabric of this open-air café table is printed with thin-film solar cells, which generates electricity to power the turbine hidden under the tabletop to produce cool air from the top through its hollow stand.
The cool air forms downward convection through the arc surface of the umbrella fabric, which brings air circulation below and eases the sultriness in summer.
音箱內,就傳來了MP3裡面正在播放的 歌曲。
In winter, Cate prefers to take a pot of hot tea and enjoys it slowly.
On the tabletop are two pits which are just big enough to hold a tea pot. The pits are heated by the power generated from solar energy and preserve heat for the tea.
As soon as Cate plugs her MP3 player into another strip of pit on the tabletop, the music playing in the player flows from the table’s built-in speaker.
圖面與文字部份比例可以自定,若非滿版圖面請參照參考線範圍。 若圖面欲為滿版請延展至少至出血線。 跨頁時,內文仍請置於單頁參考線以內。
由於太陽能薄膜具有半透明性,因此可以在傘面上印刷成各 種圖案,既不破壞美觀,在發電的同時又能提供遮陽的效果 。
The thin-film solar cell is translucent and therefore can be printed with various kinds of patterns on umbrella fabric. The result is an attractive shade that provides protection from sunlight while generating electricity.
Cozy Shade
(左圖) 樹葉形/(右圖) 雲朵形。
(left) leaf pattern/(right) cloud pattern.
Zi-Fu , Weng 翁 梓富 Jeff Weng /
f007518@hotmail.com /
Interior Design /
AutoCAD /
設計對我而言,就是先將腦袋放空,才有機會 接受更多可能性。 好比容器一樣,只有維持在空的狀態,才有機 會填裝新物。
Empty brained for having access to more possibilities, it’s so called “design” for me. As to fill up materials into a container, it must be unoccupied.
Portable reading illumination Portable for anytime and anywhere, enjoys the reading pleasure
攜帶型閱讀照明,是一種具有自明性的薄片,能提供閱 讀者在任何環境之下採取各種輕鬆的姿勢,享受閱讀。 This is one kind has the self-evident thin slice, Can provide the reader to adopt each kind of relaxed posture under any environment, enjoys reading.
若圖面欲為滿版請延展至少 內文請至於參考線以內。
Portable reading illumination Portable for anytime and anywhere, enjoys the reading pleasure.
攜帶型閱讀照明,是利用摺紙發光片的技術來達到照明 的功能。夾子是電源開關也是充電器,與插座相連接, 可直接使用或儲存電源。
Portable reading illumination Is sends optical glass's technology using the paper folding to achieve the illumination the function, The clip is the power switch is also a battery charger that Connects with the plug, may use or store up the power source directly.
夾在書本裡的書籤是一個具有發光 功能但卻有如紙片一般輕薄的外觀。
夾片功能就像迴紋針,可固定在書 頁上方,方便任何姿勢的閱讀皆有 照明。 The clamp cover function looks like the paper-clip, may fix above the page,facilitates any posture reading to have the illumination.
The bookmark has the illumination function in the books but actually to have like the paper common frivolous outward appearanc.
Opens the bookmark,starts the illumination function.
放在桌面上立刻成為一盞及輕薄的 檯燈。
Places on the tabletop to become an extremely frivolous desk lamp immediately.
May move willfully, adjusts the suitable illumination angle.
Portable for anytime andanywhere, enjoys the reading pleasure.
Tsung hsiang, Ma 馬 宗祥 Pony Ma /
pony55x@hotmail.com /
設計是多元的,是需要符合生活上美觀及實用 為準則,過多花俏及不實用的設計,充斥在生活 中,有時讓人感到氾濫的地步,每做一件設計, 就必須要考慮到這些,不然就和製造環境污染沒 兩樣了。
“Design” is multiple features, Needs to satisfy artistic and practical is the principl. Excessively many fancy and the impractical design floods in the life, Sometimes lets feel that goes too far. I think when we design have to consider these, otherwise with manufacture environmental pollution not different.
這是一雙可幫你偵測出熱度的筷子,每當你在吃ㄧ碗又 香又熱的麵時,是否曾被那熱騰騰的湯燙傷舌頭呢?從此 你不需要再擔心,熱感筷,可以即時顯示出目前湯裡安全 溫度,讓你可以安心吃完這可口湯麵。
This is one pair may help you to detect the heat degree the chopsticks, whenever you eats the delicious & hot noodles, whether once by that steaming hot soup to scald the tongue? Henceforth you do not need to worry again! The hot inducting chopsticks, may demonstrate immediately in present soup safe temperature,enabled you to be possible to finish eating this delicious noodles relieved.
熱感應筷子 The hot inducting chopsticks
熱感應筷子的使用狀態。 The hot inducting chopsticks' running condition每個人.每個不同部位.與生俱來感 受度不同.相對的口腔內的燙感溫度從65度到80度每個人不同但實質燙傷溫度 , 只要80度以上進入潮潤的口腔雖立即能降到75度已內, 還是會燙傷除非湯液溫 度在65度左右才可喝! Each person each different spot born that way susceptibility is different.Same, in each person mouth cavity's hot feeling temperature is not same, but is quite dangerous from 65 degrees to 80 degrees,above although 80 degrees enters the mouth cavity to be able to fall immediately to 75 degrees already, but will scal. Only if the decoction temperature only then may drink about 65 degrees.
溫度在75度左右 Temperature below 75 degrees centigrade
溫度在65度以下 Temperature below 65 degrees centigrade
溫度在85度以上 Temperature below 85 degrees centigrade
未使用狀態 Usually does not use situation
A bowl just boiled noodle usually about the temperature 85 degrees Celsius.
一碗剛煮好的麵通常在溫度85度左右 .
當他毫不猶豫的大口的吃下媽媽綱煮 出來的湯麵,卻忘了吹一下碗湯麵,好 讓麵冷卻一下.
那粗心的小明,被那熱騰騰的湯麵燙 傷了舌頭,痛得哇哇大叫.
Ming cannot bear eats it on the wish when he sees the delicious noodles.
Actually Ming forgot to blow the noodles for cool when he without hesitation to eat which Mother just boiled.
That careless Ming’s tongueis scalded by that steaming hot noodles , he wah wah yelled for the pain .
當小明換上了熱感應筷子時,筷子很 快的就變成紅色了, 此時的狀態是在 85度的溫度,表示在吃麵時, 要注意 一點,免得被湯傷了
此時小明將湯吹一吹,試著將溫度降 低,當溫度降到75度時,便呈現黃色狀 態,但溫度仍然偏高, 怕燙的人還是 需要小心.
等熱感應筷子呈現綠色時,就表示溫 度在65度左右了, 已是較適合食用的 溫度, 也可以安心的吃麵了.
有了這雙熱感應筷子, 小可以觀察筷 子上的變化,去判斷何時是最佳的食 用狀態,而安心的吃完這碗麵了.
When Ming uses the hot inducting chopsticks, it changes into red in a second. The status is around 85 degrees Celsius, means you have to becareful while having the noodles, not to be burnt by it.
Ming now blows the soup and tries to cool it down. The temperuture is now at 75 degrees Celsius, the shopsticks now indicates yellow, means the temperuture is a little bit lower but still high, you have to becarefull if you are afraid of hot soup.
When the hot inducting chopsticks shows green, it means the temperuture is around 65 degrees Celsius which is more edible for foods. Now Ming can have his noodles safely.
When Ming uses the hot inducting chopsticks, it changes into red in a second. The status is around 85 degrees Celsius, means you have to becareful while having the noodles, not to be burnt by it.
Oliver , Huang 黃 盈碩 Oliver Huang / oliver.h.design@gmail.com /
GUI Design / Car Stereo OSD Design / Car Stereo Panel Design / Photoshop Rendering /
Illustrator / Photoshop /
如果"觀察與設計"是栩栩磨著松煙墨,那" 美感與造型"就是雕琢精美的硯台,兩者合 一就是下個美好故事的起點。 If the "observation and design" is grinding ink slowly, that "beauty and style" is a beautifully crafted ink stone. The two things is the begining of next beautiful story.
Inkstone 文硯
capture chinese character, display history and stroke order. 字的演進,是在幾千年歷史的中華文化下慢慢的演變至今。 如今習以為常的漢字,其實都有著深刻的歷史。使用"文硯" 讓初學漢字的人,透過擷取生活周遭的漢字,從中了解漢 字的演變,並且提供漢字筆順的展示,協助書寫漢字。
The evolution of Chinese characters, is the history of Chinese culture for tho-usands of years under the slowly evolving since. Now accustomed to Chinese chara-cters,In fact has a profound history. Use the "Inkstone" Chinese characters for beginners who lives around through the acquisition of Chinese characters, learn about the evolution of Chinese characters , Chinese character strokes display and offer to help write Chinese characters.
Captured in the life of the character you want to know.
Inkstone will be placed on any flat surface.
Projection historical evolution of Chinese characters.
Projector regular script of the stroke order.
了解漢字從甲骨文、金文、小篆、隸書、楷書演進的的歷 史,以及楷書的筆順。
Learn Chinese characters from Oracle, Jin, Xiao Zhuan, oďŹƒcial script, regular script the historical evolution and the regular script of the stroke order.
Jung Hua,Yang 楊 榮驊 Woody Yang /
woody@gigade.com.tw /
「設計師」是上帝差派來的天使 上帝創造天地萬物交給人類管理,有一種人類稱 為「設計師」負責發現,轉譯或呈現其中一切的 美好。 容器有三種面貌: 第一種有實體的樣貌,我們可以看到摸到。 第二種沒有實體,只藏在想像力中。 第三種 必須經由心靈尋找,而不是身體或是腦 子。 我喜歡葫蘆,因為它是具有這三種樣貌的容器: 它可以裝水或酒; 它的形狀像女人美麗的身軀; 它還可以收納妖魔鬼怪。
“Designer” is the angel which God sends. God creates the world myriad things to give the humanity to manage. One kind of humanity is called “designer” to be responsible to discover ,translation and presents all wonderful. The container has three appearances: The first kind has the entity appearance, We may see and touch. The second kind does not have the entity, only hides in the imagination. The third kind must search through the spirit, not the body or the mind. I like calabash, because it has these three kind of appearance: It may install water or wine . Its shape likely woman's beautiful body. It may also imprison the demons and monsters.
Fitness Generator The fitness simultaneously makes the electric power.
將自己健身運動的動能轉換為電力,健身的同 時為自己隨身的行動電子產品儲備電力。
Kinetic energy is converted to electrical power when we sport .Fitness at the same time for oneself mobile electronic products reserve electric power.
Fitness Generator
The fitness simultaneously makes the electric power.
現代人使用許多的動電子產品,大都使用室內一般插 座進行充電。不但產生許多的電力耗損與浪費,而且造 成許多雜亂的使用情況。
The modern people use many mobile electronic products, uses the indoor common plug to carry on the charge mostly.Not only has many electric powers to consume with wastes but also creates many disorderly conditions.
健身發電機 健身同時製造電力
其實只要使用「健身發電機」,我們健身運動的時 候就會自動製造與儲存行動電子商品所需要的電力。 易於攜帶的設計更讓我們可以方便與簡潔地為我們 的行 動電子商品進行充電。
Actually so long as uses 「 Fitness Generator」, our health sports time automatically will make the electric power which and the storage mobile electronic products will need. Easy to carry the design enables us to be possible conveniently and carries on the charge succinctly for our mobile electronic products.
Hsin feng, Lien 連 欣峰 Hsin feng Lien /
lhf0423@hotmail.com /
設計師就像魔術師一樣,時而製造驚奇、時而創造歡樂,不過 與魔術師不同的是,設計師巧用心思與創意解決人類在生活所 遭遇的問題,而非曇花一現的驚呼。更重要的,設計師肩負責 任。 呼應我們這本新科技新應用創作集的主題“容器“,設計師也 像是化學方程式裡的必要的催化劑,在A+B ← → C的方程式中,A 是生活中的問題,B 是新科技或新應用,設計師在反應過程中 ,巧妙地將A與B融合,產生解決方案C。
Deigner is like a wizard who sometimes perform humors, and sometimes create surp- rises, but the differences are that designers find problems in real life and exert skifully conceit and creativity to solve them. The most important, they have reposibilities. Corresponding to our this “New technolodies, new applications” creations book, desi- gner is also like a catalyst in a chemical formula, In a formula of A+B ← → C, A is the problem in life, B is a new tech or new application, Designer as catalyst skilfully catalyse A and B in the reaction, then produce solution C.
想像一群孩童聚集的畫面,尖叫聲、嘻笑聲還有哭鬧聲 ...你可以感覺這些的能量累積在空間之中,似乎隨時可 以把這個地方炸掉。如果愛因斯坦來到這裡,應該會改變 他能量方程式吧! “Watchman”利用聲波壓電材料,將孩童高分貝嬉鬧聲 的聲波震動壓電材料,產生能量轉換成電能儲存。
Imaging a group kids gathering, The sounds of screaming, laughing and crying are full of the space. These cumulated invisible energy almost blow up the room at any time. I think if Einstein come to this space. He might change his well-known formula. E≠ 2 n mc , It should be E=mc !!! “Watchman” is mde of sound piezoelectrics materials to turn kid’s sound wave into electric power and store the energy.
Energy saving watch for night lamp
Saving energy by utilizing Sound piezoelectrics materials to provide night lamp power.
Yes, I am watchman
LED 燈 LED Lamp
Energy saving watch for night lamp 釋電接頭
Power release connector
Sound collector/ Power display
Storage Battery 114
Kindergarten is a place full of
幼稚園是個充滿小孩嘻笑吵 鬧的地方,這個充滿精力的空間, 蘊藏許多隱形的能量。
Be quiet!
sounds of kid’s laugh and uproar. This high vigor place hides much invisible engery.
strainning the materials through
sound wave.
Utiliaing this materials to design
a watch, so that It can save
engery when Kids are laughing
、crying or playing.
儲存好電能的手錶,可在 夜間做為夜燈電能的來源。
The full storage watch can be the electric power source for night lamp.
Yes, I am Watchman
Chih Ching, Lee 李 知琴 Chih Ching Lee /
由服裝設計到工業產品設計 如淺水魚游進深水領域般, 進入寬廣無邊的海洋世界。 我喜歡自由自在的 慢慢的游著。。。
Designing Deeping into the ocean Freely’, Slowly I like it touring...
PLA Desk
環保生技材/聚乳酸工作桌 Polylactied
此設計是以環保生技PLA材質,一體成形射出的單腳湯匙造型工作桌,側邊的綠芽造型燈 ,可上下伸縮調節高度,用來照明桌子及桌腳裡種植的盆栽。
This design is based on environmental biotechnology PLA material, one piece injection molding of one legged work table with table spoon style. Side of the green shoot modeling lights, can be adjusted the height up and down expansion, is used to light the table and legs planted in the pot.
Take the crops corn, the sweet potato, the cassava, the beet and so on, produce the lactic acid after the modern biological technology as raw materials, undergoes the special polyreaction process production again the high polymer material, gathers the lactic acid (PLA) is one kind may biodegradation new high polymer material, is also called the corn plastic. 以農作物玉米、紅薯、木薯、甜菜等經過現代生 物技術生產初乳酸為原料,再經過特殊的聚合反應 過程生成的高分子材料,聚乳酸(PLA)是一種可生物 降解的心型高分子材料,也被稱為玉米塑料。 聚乳酸具有完全可降解性,在自然界中微生物的 作用下能徹底分解盛水合二氧化碳,因而對環境沒 有危害,在環保意識抬頭的今天,在石油危機日漸 加劇的未來,是替代化工塑料製品的首選之一。 由於聚乳酸具有很好的力學性質、熱塑性、成纖 性、透明度高,適用於吹塑、擠出、注塑等多種加 工方法,加工方便。
Gathers the lactic acid to have definitely may the degradability, under microorganism’s function can decompose into the water and carbon dioxide thoroughly in the nature, thus the environmentally consciousness, will intensify the future day after day at the oil shock, substitutes one of chemical plastic product first choice. Because gathers the lactic acid to have the very good mechanical properties, the thermosplasticity, the fiber forming property, the transparency to be high, is suitable in the blow molding, squeezes out, the injection molding and so on many kinds of processing methods, the processing is covenient.
PLA Desk
環保生技材/聚乳酸工作桌 Polylactied
The Life Cycle of Biodegradable PLA Material
Biodegradation 生物降解
PLA Polymer
PLA 製品的製作過程 The Manufacturing Process of PLA Product’s Biodegradable PLA Housing
Poly Carbonate 聚碳酸 Poly Lactied Acid 聚乳酸 Functional Additive for PLA 功能性添加劑 120
Extrusion Process (Compatiblity) 擠壓兼容性擠壓兼容性
Injection Molding 射出成形品
以環保生技PLA材質,一 體成形射出的單腳湯匙造型工 作桌。
An environmental biotechnology PLA material, one piece injection molding of one legged work tables with table spoon style.
側邊的綠芽造型燈,可上 下伸縮調節高度,在不同的工 作情境中用來照明。
Side of the green shoot odeling lamp can be adjusted up and down telescopic height, work in different situations to light.
Situation 1: sitting at work
Situation 2: standing work
情境三:桌腳裡種植的盆 栽,可綠化工作環境。
Situation 3: potted plants in the spoon shape of the legs, the work environment can be green.
Tao Jung, Liao 廖 道榮 Tower Liao /
b9010025@mail.ntust.edu.tw /
Transportation Design / Reverse Class A Surface Modeling / Sketching / 3D Modeling / Rendering /
Showcase / Patch work 3D / Hypershot / Sketchbook / Photoshop / CorelDraw / Alias / CATIA / Icem Surf /
如果你問我對設計有什麼想法?我會告訴你我 有好多想法,但是如果你問我一個好設計的作 法?我會很難回答你,因為沒有人能夠肯定自 己做出來的東西會百分之百是一個好設計,因 為好設計不是自己說的,是必須由大家所承認 的!所以我們能做的只是提高它成功的可能性 。
If you ask me how I feel about design, I could talk a lot. But if you ask me how to design a popular product, it would be hard to answer. Because of a successful design based on the users who admitted it. All designers just can increase the poss.
GENERASHOE self-heating boots.
圖面與文字部份比例可以自定,若非滿版圖面請參照參考線範圍。 若圖面欲為滿版請延展至少至出血線。 內文請至於參考線以內。
中文內容範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。 中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文 內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文 範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例 。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中 文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內 文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範 例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。 中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文 內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文 範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例。中文內文範例 。中文內文範例。 English content sample. English content sample. English content sample. English content sample. English content sample. 利用奈米銀墨水紙電池的特性:輕薄、可扭曲以及 重複使用的特點,製作成鞋子的大底、配合發熱絲 English content sample. English content 的使用,得以讓鞋子加溫保持溫暖的狀態,使用者 sample. English content sample. English 長時間在雪地或是寒冷的地區活動,避免低溫所引 content sample. English content sample. 起的肢體麻痺。 English content sample. English content sample. content sample. English UsingEnglish nano conductive silver ink to make the content English content sample. papersample. battery. With slim, light and reuse-able abilitycontent to make shoes sole generating heat to English sample. Englishthecontent keep user’s feet warm. sample. English content sample. English content sample.
廖先生經常於寒冷的高山或是雪地進行 長時間工作。
在雪地工作最重要的是要注意保暖,避 免因長時間處於低溫的環境造成傷害。
Mr. Liao always worked in cold mountains or snow field.
Working in such area the most important thing is to keep warming in case of getting injure by low temperature.
So he always wear a very special pair of shoes.
利用紙電池製成的鞋底,配合電熱絲線 圈,可保持足部的溫暖。
透過走路的產生的電能,可以將能量回 充至紙電池。
即使長時間在低溫的環境之下,依然可 以讓遠離心臟的足部持續恆溫。
With nano conductive silver ink sole and heating metal coil can keep his feet warm.
Through the electricity generating by walking, he can charge the energy back to the battery.
Even working in low temperature for a long time , he still can keep the feet far from heart warming.
GENERASHOE self-heating boots.
Da Hai, Pon 彭 大海 Dahai Pon /
pondahai@gmail.com /
Electronic Design /
要設計出讓生命感動的作品之前 要先懂得感動生命 就好像 成佛之前要先學會做人
Touch before Design Man before Buddha
將生命跡象以不同光色來呈現。試圖將生命 跡象以視覺的直覺性進行傳達。生命照護者與病患 之間以無誤差的訊息傳遞方式,提供生命強度的訊 息,以便讓生命照護者施以正確的手段以維護生病 跡象的品質。利用人體維生器官的集中處:胸部, 作為生命訊號的擷取位置。可以獲得基本生病跡象 的心跳、呼吸等訊息,利用化學換能器宇軟性電子 技術將訊息予以轉化與處理並且透過光電顯示技術 來加以顯示。整體裝置的電力來源係利用塗布於裝 置外部的化學材質與空氣進行反應所產生。
Use different light color to present the vital sign. attempt to convey the intuitive vision of sign. Between caregivers and patients with no errors in the information delivery, Strength of life signals will provided, so that caregivers who do the right treatment to maintain the quality of the signs of life. Device captures signals from vital organs at human chest. The signals including Heart Rate, Breathing and other information. By using chemical transducer and soft electronic technology to transform and process the message of vital signs. The vital sign information displayed by the advanced transparent display technology. The overall power source is from the chemical coating on the device, which reacts with air and generates electric current.
步驟 1 :
Step 1 :
Remove the back cover.
步驟 2 :
Step 2 :
Paste device on the patient’s chest.
步驟 3 :
Step 3 :
移去上層膜,顯示器將會自動啟 動。
Remove front cover, monitor will startup automatically.
組成: 1 上層膜 2 空氣電池 3 可撓式顯示器 4 可撓式電子設備 5 生物訊號感測器與黏膠 6 背層膜
Compose : 1 Front Cover 2 Air Battery 3 Flexible Display 4 Flexible Electronics 5 Biosignal sensors and Adhesive 6 Back Cover
藉由不同色光來表達患者的生命跡象,情強弱可 以讓照護者直覺讀取生理訊號的隱含訊息,有時候病 患本身無法藉由表述傳達本身生理訊號的異常。不同 於傳統生理監視器的數值,這裡我們採用色光做直覺 式表達。
Patient’s vitalsign can be visualized. Expressed by different shade to the strength of patients with signs of life situation intuition allows caregivers to read the message implicit in physiological signals. Sometimes patients can not by itself convey their physiological expression signal abnormalities. Unlike traditional patient monitor values. Here we make use of shade intuitive expression.
附錄-科技.技術應用 Appendix - the Applied Technologies
微型雷射投影技術(Micro Laser Projection) 雷射投影技術應用微機電二維微型掃描面鏡及RGB雷射。具有不需對焦且畫面可達無窮 遠、可在非平面下播放、畫面清晰與色彩亮度,畫質達VGA等級 以及光損失少、體積小、耗電 低性(其耗能約為微型投影的四分之一)…等特點。 利用微型雷射投影技術的優勢在於讓檔案分享更便利,並能夠讓多人同時擷取資訊。目前 之應用有:車用螢幕抬頭顯示器、玩具、智慧型手機…等。
Laser projection technology use micro-electro-mechanical two-dimensional miniature scanning mirror and RGB laser. It needs no focus and can be projected up to infinity, can play on a non-planar surface, has clear picture and good color brightness, image quality up to VGA level, and optical lossless, small size, low power consumption (it is about one-fourth of the miniature projector)... and many features. Micro laser projecting technology offers the advantage of allowing file sharing more convenient, and allows many people to draw on the information at the same time. At the moment of application: automotive screen looked up monitors, toys, smart phone, etc. 出處來源:科普園地 http://www.fpd.edu.tw http://www.fpd.edu.tw/entry/content!newsView.htm?id=1692
雷射光應用(Laser) 雷射光具有光束高度平行、純色、同調及高強度等特性,起初是應用在遙測、科學研究、 工業及軍事等方面。時至今日,它已經廣泛地應用在日常生活中。依其介質可分為氣體雷射、 二氧化碳雷射、液態雷射、固態晶體雷射與半導體雷射。 目前常用於指示用途的為半導體雷射。在使用倍頻技術的產品中(如雷射筆),通常是以 808奈米的半導體雷射激發(Nd:YVO4)這種常見的雷射晶體,放出1064nm的紅外光雷射。
Laser has features like parallel height beams, pure color, homology and high intensity, and so on; it was originally applied in telemetry, scientific research, industrial and military aspects. Today, it has been widely used in daily life. The media can be divided into gas lasers, carbon dioxide laser, liquid laser, solid crytal laser and semiconductor laser. At present, semiconductor lasers are often used to indicate. When using a frequency multiplier products (such as laser pen), usually to 808nm semiconductor laser excitation (Nd: YVO4) conventional laser crystals, emits infrared laser 1064nm. 出處來源:行政院國家科學委員會 http://web1.nsc.gov.tw http://web1.nsc.gov.tw/ct.aspx?xItem=8152&ctNode=40&mp=1
非侵入式檢測技術(Non-invasive treatment) 非侵入式人體檢測技術主要是使用「阻抗光譜分析法」(Impedance Spectroscopy)的技術 而發展出來。我們知道,當血液中的葡萄糖量改變時會伴隨著明顯的導電率的改變,這個改變 會使得許多細胞膜產生極化的現象。 靠著在一段時間中釋放出可以在身體和感應器中產生交互作用的電磁,並透過此種釋放電 磁與偵測器接收的迴路來感應出血糖的變化。它所應用的感應器是特別針對用來監測皮膚表面 和皮下組織的交互變化而設計。Pendragon Medical Ltd.是第一個將「阻抗光譜分析法」的技 術應用在即時監測血糖的公司。 應用該技術使糖尿病患能夠不以傳統採血方式得知血糖數據。
Non-intrusive body detection technology Foundation is “impedance spectroscopy”. We know that, when the amount of glucose in the blood of change is accompanied by significant changes in the electrical conductivity of such a change would make a lot of cell membrane production. During a period of time in the release of the electromagnetic that interacts between the body and the sensor, the changes of blood sugar can be sensed through the circuit in the induction reciver. Its applied sensor is designed to monitor the cahnging interactions between skin surface and subcutaneous tissues. Pendragon Medical Ltd. is the first of the “impedance spectroscopy” technology application in real-time monitoring blood sugar company. With this technology, diabeticss can obtain blood glucose data without traditional ways of taking blood sample. 出處來源:medicalnewstoday. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com
LED技術(new LED) 現有LED問題: LED是採用氮化鎵銦做為活性區量子井(quantum wells)的材料,夾在較厚的氮化鎵阻障層 (barrier layers)之間。在兩種材料之間相應的片段(relative fraction)能讓光的顏色分成 紫色到琥珀色;兩種材料之間的偏振失配(polarization mismatch)則會導致電子洩漏,在應 用上降低LED的效益。使用偏振匹配的氮化鎵銦層來取代氮化鎵。 因此效率驟降的狀況能在高功率的情況下減輕到25%,透過使這些偏振場匹配,能提升LED 的效率,降低LED亮度不足的問題。
Existing problems: LED use Indium Gallium Nitride as quantum wells (activity area quantum wells), caught in the thick of Gan barrier layer (barrier layers). In the two materials between the appropriate fragment (relative fraction) can make light colors into purple to Amber; two materials of polarization between the mismatch (polarization mismatch) will cause the electronic disclosure, in application of the benefit on reducing LED. Using polarized matching Indium Gallium Nitride layer instead of Gan therefore efficiency drop situation can in high power is reduced to 25%, through these polarized field matching, enhance LED efficiencies, reduce the problem of inadequate LED brightness. 出處來源:電子工程專輯http://www.eettaiwan.com http://www.eettaiwan.com/ART_8800609714_480402_NT_7deb45cd.HTM
水泥板(Cement sheet) 一開始原本是被設計用於輕質灌漿牆面的面板。由於輕質灌漿牆是一種完工後不拆模板, 而以模板本身做為表面材的施工方式,所以水泥板「完全滲水」的特性便相當的利於輕質灌漿 牆中水份的乾燥。一般來說只要灌漿完成約兩到三週之後,整個灌漿牆即可乾透。隔間完成之 後,水泥板良好的吸水滲透性亦便於施作彈性水泥等防水劑,並可以直接在表面貼覆磁磚。再 加上其耐燃的特性,因此在超高鋼骨大樓四處林立的現代,這種適合減重設計的隔間方式乃應 運而生。 而水泥板平整的表面與水泥為主的成品,很快的就被室內設計師們注意。相較於清水模 板,其低廉但是近似的質感則大受設計師們的青睞,在引進了室內之後,甚至發展出摻入木質 纖維等易於木工切割的原料,純粹用於室內的建材。 發展到今日,我們可以說…水泥板除了仿清水模之外,已經自成一格,成為一種獨立而廣 受到大眾歡迎的表面建材。
Cement sheet was originally designed for light filling wall panels. Because light filling wall is a completion does not split the template to the template itself as the surface of the construction mode, so water seepage composed “completely”, would be conducive to the light filling walls of water in the dry, generally just completed approximately two to three weeks later, the entire filling wall to dry out. When cubicle was finished, concrete plates good absorption permeability also ease Shi flexibly cement and other water repellents, and can directly on the surface tiles. Along with its fire characteristics, super steel building of the modern era, this suitable for FES compartment way is. While the flat surface of concrete slabs and cementbased products, quickly by interior designers and note that in contrast to the low-faced template but approximate sense the great designers of all ages, after the introduction of the Interior, and even developed a mixed wood fiber and other easy-to-wood cut raw materials, used solely for the Interior of the building materials. Development to today, we can say that apart from imitation clear water mould concrete slabs, have distinctive, become an independent and widely popular surface materials. 出處來源:plasterwholesalers. http://www.plasterwholesalers.com.au http://www.plasterwholesalers.com.au/product/preview/fibre-cement-sheet/100
發光紙 (EL) EL背光系統是由EL燈片和EL驅動器組成。EL燈片的厚度一般小於0.2mm,是由絕緣基底上 噴塗了場效發光材料並夾在兩層電極之間組成。EL場效發光燈的供應商可以藉由使用不同的發 光材料,比如硫化鋅、硫化鈣或硫化鍶,再摻雜其他成份如鎂、釤、銪或添加螢光染色劑等, 來調整光的亮度和顏色。改變激勵頻率同樣能引起光的顏色變化,當頻率增加時顏色向偏藍 的方向變化,而當頻率減小時顏色會向偏綠的方向變化,EL燈片的原始顏色是指激勵電壓為 200V/400Hz時EL燈片的發光顏色。 EL燈片具有很強的柔韌性,在不折損電極的前提下,可任意裁剪或彎曲而不影響發光性 能;而且,EL燈片是一種‘平面’發射器,相對於LED點光源,無須導光板等擴散器即可實現 全表面均勻光;另外,LED是一個‘發光點’光源,局部‘發光點’往往會為精密的電子系統 帶來意想不到的干擾,而EL燈片則是一個冷光源。
EL backlight system is composed of EL link and EL drive. The thickness of EL is usually less than 0.2mm, which is insulated substrate sprayed with field-effect Phosphors and
sandwiched in between two layers of electrodes. The EL field-effect Luminescent lamps suppliers adjust the brightness and color of light by using different materials, such as zinc sulfide, strontium sulfide CAs, and blending in other ingredients such as magnesium doping, SM, EU or add fluorescent dye, etc,. Changing the excitation frequency can also change the color of light, when the frequency increases the color become more blue, and when frequency decreases the color become more green. The original color of the EL refers to the glow at the excitation voltage 200V/400Hz. EL has high flexibility, in terms of not breaking the electrodes, it can be cropped into any size or bent without affecting the illumination; also, the EL is a kind of “plane “ illuminant, and compared to point light source like LEDs, it could glow averagely on whole surface without Light Guide Plate. Additionally, LED is a point light source, which often cause unexpected noise to sophisticated electronic systems, and EL is just a cold light source. 出處來源:電子工程專輯 http://www.eettaiwan.com http://www.eettaiwan.com/ART_8800137252_617739_TA_ab57a7ff.HTM
感溫塗料(HEAT SENSOR PAINT) 感溫漆是由一種獨特的感溫顏料混合樹脂所研製而成的。它可以施作在大部分的牆面和木 材表面。乾燥後的表面會隨著接觸溫的改變,而顯示出手印、足印、手指印。 感溫漆具有綠色、紫色和藍色。依據熱源的多寡,感溫漆顏色而會有深淺的改變。改變的 顏色約在十分鐘後可以回復原色。每罐感溫漆約可施作2平方公尺,乾燥時間約4小時。
Thermal paint is a special pigment which is the blend of mixed resins. It can be applied on most of the walls and wood surfaces. When it is dried, the surface will change through temperuture and show the handprints, footprints, and fingerprints. Thermal paint has green, purple, and blue. According to the amount of heat, thermal paint will change the depth of its color . Changed color will turn back in about ten minutes. Each tank thermal paint may do 2 square meters, and the drying time is approximately 4 hours. 出處來源:台灣塗料網 http://www.carytrad.com.tw/paint/index.htm http://www.carytrad.com.tw/paint/product_heat.htm
有機電激發光二極體(OLED) OLED為Organic Light-Emitting Diodes縮寫,中文譯名為「有機電激發光二極體」 。OLED係一種自發光的顯示技術,與目前主流平面技術TFT LCD不同,不需要背光源,使用有 機材料塗及玻璃基板,當有電流反應時,即可令有機材料發光,因此使得OLED顯示螢幕更輕 薄,最薄可至0.3公分。 與TFT LCD技術相比,OLED反應時間快、可視角度更大,同時能更省電,製程也較為簡 化,未來甚至可以發展成可捲式的電子紙。缺點是大尺寸化不易、產品壽命較短,且仍在發展 初期,量產成本都比TFT LCD高,目前僅被少數應用在手機螢幕、MP3播放器或PDA。
OLED is the contraction of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes. OLED is a self-luminous display technology, and is different from the current mainstream technology: LCD and TFT. OLED requires no backlight, uses organic coating and glass substrate, when electric-
ity runs through, the organic material emits. Therefore makes the OLED display screen slimmer, the thinnest can down to 0.3 cm. Compared to TFT and LCD technology, OLED has faster reacting time, greater viewing angle, lower power consuming, and the production prcsess is also simpler. It can even be developed into electronic paper in the future. Drawback is that it is difficult to be made in large scale, shorter product life, and still in an early stage of its development, production costs are higher than TFT and LCD. Currently, OLED has only been used on several mobile phone screens, MP3 players or PDAs. 出處來源: DIGITIMES http://www.digitimes.com.tw/ http://www.digitimes.com.tw/tw/dt/n/shwnws.asp?CnlID=10&id=0000049487_ B578R45G627S4J58BGW62&ct=2
鋅-空氣電池(Zinc-Air Battery) 空氣電池是普通電池與燃料電池(fuel cell)的組合體,所謂的燃料電池是以氫氣為陽極 (氧化),以氧氣為陰極(還原),其淨反應即為氫氣與氧氣作用得到水,這種燃料電池是現今電 池研究很熱門的東西,適當的金屬能很有效的吸附氫氣以做為陽極。 鋅空氣電池:被視為汞電池的替代品,結構上與鋅錳乾電池以及鎂乾電池都相似,所使用 的陽極材料為金屬鋅,但陰極則是空氣中的氧或為純氧,電解液為氫氧化鉀水溶液。
The air cell is a combination of ordinary battery and fuel cells (fuel cell). The so-called fuel cell is using hydrogen as anode (oxidation), and Oxygen as the cathode. The net reaction of full cell is hydrogen reacts with oxygen and produces water, which is the most popular stuff in battery research nowadays. Proper metal can be very effective on the absorption of hydrogen as anode. Zinc-air battery is considered the replaccement of mercury battery, its structure is similar to a battery and magnesium batteries, that is why we use zinc as anode, but the cathode is oxygen in the air or pure oxygen, and the electrolyte is potassium hydroxide solution. 出處來源: 台大化學系 http://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/chinese.html http://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/~genchem99/chp11.htm
電磁感應應用(Electromagnetic induction) 當電流流經線圈時,會在線圈內形成磁場。若是電流隨著時間發生改變,則線圈內的磁場 也會因而發生變化。
When the current runs through a coil, a magnetic field is formed inside. If the current changes over time, the magnetic field in side of the coil changes also. 出處來源:國立臺灣師範大學物理學系 http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/ http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/demolab/html.php?html=everydayPhysics/radio
壓電材料(Piezoelectric materials) PZT壓電材料是由鉛、鋯、鈦等元素所組成,壓電現象是機械能與電能之間的能量轉移現 象,當壓電材料受到壓力或張力時,表面會產生電荷,形成電場與電壓,此種現象稱為正效 應,若加入電場使其產生形變,此種稱為逆效應。舉例來說,手機將使用者說話聲波轉換成動 力,讓手機持續運轉。
Piezoelectric materials are composed of such elements as lead, zirconium, titanium, etc. Piezoelectricity is the ability to transform mechanical energy into electric energy. When piezoelectric materials are pressed or stretched, their surface generates electric charges, which produces electric fields and electric potentials. This phenomenon is called positive effects, while adding electric fields to produce deformation is called negative effects. For example, a cell phone may transform a speaker’s acoustic wave into power to maintain its function. 出處來源:科學人雜誌網站 http://sa.ylib.com http://sa.ylib.com/news/newsshow.asp?FDocNo=1510&CL=63
奈米壓電纖維(nano Piezoelectric fiber) 奈米壓電纖維是將壓電材料製成奈米等級的纖維狀,它可以透過各種機械能,腳步、聲 音、氣流甚至心跳產生的低頻振動(低於十赫),都可以積少成多,充當電力來源。這樣的電 力雖然勉強可以供應一具iPod,但還無法點亮一個普通燈泡(六十瓦)。
Nano piezoelectric fibers are nanometer-level fibers made by piezoelectric materials. Electricity can be generated from various kinds of mechanical energy, such as footsteps, sounds, airflow, and even low frequency vibration of heart beats (lower than 10 Hertz). The electricity produced in this way is just enough to supply power to an iPod, but not enough to light up a 60 watt light bulb. 出處來源:DIGITIMES http://www.digitimes.com.tw
可彎折式太陽能板(Origami boosts solar panel productivity) 日本夏普(Sharp)公司在2004年6月巴黎的國際會議上,發表薄如紙張並且能夠彎曲捲起 的太陽能電池。新開發的太陽能電池的轉換效率為28.5%,比14%的住宅用多結晶矽太陽能電池 在效率上提高許多。另外,國內外的廠商都在開發薄型的太陽能電池,除了主流的矽之外,還 有利用花色素等的色素增感型,但是轉換效率較低。新開發的電池若能夠裝設在手機、衣物及 車上等地方,在移動的同時還能供應電製品電力的話,就能夠很快的流通普及。 為提高轉換效率,應用了使用於人工衛星的「單結晶化合物」太陽能電池技術。通常單 結晶的厚度為200微米(微米為千分之一厘米),但夏普研發出不需埋入半導體配線零件及基 台,但只要一旦裝上後,拆除亦可以發揮半導體功能的基板技術,厚度縮減為1~3微米,重量 也只剩100分之1,取名為「化合物可彎折太陽能電池」。 兩張名片大小的太陽能電池重量約1公克,發電量2.6瓦特,足夠供應腳踏車的車燈所需的 電量。只要接上電極,將其製成窗簾或帳篷的材質就能同時遮陽並發電,還可以貼在車子外面 或者捲在圓柱外面來使用,將來接上蓄電池還可以充當手機等的充電器。
Sharp boosted its paper-thin and foldable solar cell on an international conference in Paris on June, 2004. The energy conversion efficiency of the new solar cell is 28.5%, far more improved than residential multicrystalline silicon solar cells. Companies around the
world are endeavoring to develop thin solar cells. Except from the popular silicon, other materials include anthocyanin, with lower conversion efficiency however. If the newly developed solar cell are installed to cell phones, clothes and vehicles, so that they can produce their own power through movement, it may become popular before too long. In order to increase conversion efficiency, this solar cell use single crystalline compounds, a technology applied to artificial satellites. The single crystal is usually 200 microns thick (one micron is one thousandth centimeter), but Sharp developed a substrate that needs no semiconductor wiring parts and sub-mount. But once installed, the substrate can fully function as a semiconductor. This technology makes the thickness decrease to 1 to 3 microns, and the weight to one hundredth of the original one. Two pieces of business card size solar cells weigh about one kilogram, producing 2.6 watt of power, enough to supply a bicycle light. Curtains or tents made by this solar cell can provide sunshade while generating electricity. It can also be pasted on the outside of a car or around a cylinder. By connecting to a battery it will become a charger for cell phones. 出處來源:Technewsdaily http://www.technewsdaily.com
印刷式CIGS薄膜太陽能電池元件(lithium ion paint)- CIGS 太陽能電池發電是一種可再生的環保發電方式,發電過程中不會產生二氧化碳以及其它有 害氣體,每瓦發電的成本不到 1 美元。使用的半導體複合物為墨水式的 CIGS (Copper, lndium, Gallium, and Selenium,銅銦鎵硒),這種材料可印製在任何基板上,長期在太陽光照 射下效率不但不會降低,而且發電得到的電流值比目前其他的薄膜太陽能電池大 5 倍。
Solar power is an eco-friendly way to generate electricity. It produces no carbon dioxide and other harmful gases during the process, and the cost of generating each watt is less than one US dollar. This technology uses paint-like copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) as compound semiconductor, a material which can be printed on any substrates. Long-term exposure under sunlight does not decrease its efficiency, but on the contrary, its current value is five times more than any other known existing thin-film solar cells. 出處來源:台大智活 http://insight.ntu.edu.tw http://insight.ntu.edu.tw/zh-tw/node/1273
智慧衣(smart clothing) 運用比頭髮細20倍的超細不鏽鋼絲製成衣物,藉由控制電流電壓,讓衣服實現各種開關功 能,舉例來說,可播放音樂、發光、照相、偵測人體生物訊號,因應環境改變衣服本身的溫度 或質地,按壓鈕扣或圖案可發出不同聲音。 可透過電池供電,透過USB對搭載的音訊等資料進行編程,純布開關,可照正常程序清洗 或烘乾,看起來與一般衣物無異。以不鏽鋼絲可發熱的原理,讓智慧衣著隨外在環境變化而改 變溫度,適合冬天使用;平時柔軟,但當遭遇外力時,便會自動硬化。如預防老人、傷患或是 一般人在運動時跌倒;排除過去穿戴式醫療照護用品的不舒適感,直接穿在身上就能偵測並傳
The clothing made by stainless steel wires that is 20 times thinner than a hair, can function as various kinds of switches by controlling current and voltage. For example, clothes made by this clothing can play music, give light, take photographs, detect human body biological signals, change its own temperature or texture according to environments, or produce sounds by pushing buttons or images. Smart clothing provides power through battery, and users can program audio data equipped on it through USB. A switch made of pure clothing is as washable and dryable as general clothes. Stainless steel wires can be heated to adjust smart clothing’s temperature according to environmental changes, which makes it suitable for winter. It is commonly soft, but will harden when it encounters forces, which protects elderly and injured people, as well as general people doing exercise. Because smart clothing transmits biological signals by simply putting it on our bodies, it prevents discomfort produced by wearable medical products. Protective clothing that isolates people from microwave radiation has been under mass production. 出處來源:電子工程專輯 http://www.eettaiwan.com
指導教授 官 政能 丑 宛茹 編輯人員 總編輯 林 承穎 美術編輯 楊 雅婷 謝 宜珊 姚 愷琪 鄭 雅芳 張簡 士揚 文案編輯 劉 維 洪 瑞鴻 李 明穎 徐 雲天 參與人員 柯 宜芝 謝 俊彥 李 勝達 翁 梓富 馬 宗祥 黃 盈碩 楊 榮驊 李 知琴 連 欣峰 廖 道榮 彭 大海