When organizations make the decision to go paperless, there's a substantial amount of preparation that generally needs to be done before the solutions can be implemented completely and successfully. Document management software can make the office environment much more organized and result in accumulative savings for a group, but eliminating paper isn't always easy. There are many mistakes a business can make when moving away from physical materials and into the digital landscape. Some are simple changes in employee habits that need to be embraced over time, but others require setting the framework for an infrastructure to support electronic workflow. Here are some of the biggest errors enterprises can suffer from when adopting a paperless solution for the first time: 
Rushing the process - Businesses that expect the transition to be swift might have another thing coming, according to The American Genius. If leaders believe the whole transformation can be completed in a matter of days, if not weeks, they should consider the extent of the changes that will be made. Many essential functions and processes will be affected by the adjustments, and if companies want them to be made correctly, they can't rush them. Any benefits paperless solutions can bestow may be eclipsed by the inefficiencies of a rushed implementation, wasting any investments already made.
Not planning for the worst - When companies remove all the excess paper from the office and convert important files into digital copies, they need to ensure they have the necessary back-up systems and data recovery plans in place. If a problem
hits a business and the office is compromised, having vital documents stored in a single location could be a catastrophe if anything were to happen to it. When important documents are stored electronically and power goes out, daily operations could grind to a halt and cost enterprises revenue, asserted Small Business Opportunities. Organizations need to have their files backed up at remote facilities to ensure business continuity. 
Free of paper, but still chained to a desk - If a business is adopting a paperless solution, one of the main goals is usually increased mobility. Digital files can be sent and pulled up anywhere thanks to modern technology. Wait times are drastically reduced and companies can conduct business at a faster rate when they don't have to wait for documents to come in the mail. However, if groups don't have mobile devices involved in standard operations already, they limit the advantages paperless solutions can provide. Groups need to use the technology that best complements the style of their office to perform on par with industry expectations.
A hoarder of a different kind - It's always good for an organization with a hoarding problem to finally accept responsibility and take action to combat the problem. Although, if business leaders simply exchange one type of hoarding for another, the problem doesn't really get solved. Companies that get rid of the packed filing cabinets for terabytes of unorganized data on a hard drive haven't made any real changes. Every employee needs to follow the same procedures for storing digital files and scanned materials so they can be found much faster than if they were stored in paper form. Going through countless files can take up just as much time, if not more, when materials are saved in no particular order or format. By developing guidelines for all staff members to follow, businesses can guarantee that workers always know how to find what they're looking for.
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