HOW TO TAKE NECESSARY STEPS TOWARD PAPERLESS DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT ? Wouldn't it be just grand to be able to manage all company documents through paperless document management? For the average office worker, the printer jams and copy machine malfunctions that occur on a weekly basis obstruct them from getting necessary tasks done. The only person who benefits from such a mishap is the device repairman and even he isn't often all that enthusiastic about driving up to forty minutes or longer to fix a rudimentary issue only a professional such as himself could resolve. Begin with document transfer For many institutions, it's time for a change. According to Tech Radar, the transition to document management software may seem daunting to some businesses acclimated to old habits, but adoption will pay off in the long run. Many of the tangible files stored away in a seemingly endless line of steel cabinets need to be scanned. Sure, the task is going to be tedious and time consuming, but so is searching for misplaced paperwork on a regular basis. The news source stated that part of the benefit to implementing a paperless document management solution is that it's so much easier to locate digital files. For example, if a company representative is corresponding with a client over the phone and needs to review a record, he or she can do it from the comfort of their own computer instead of putting the customer on hold. The stress of frantically sifting through filing cabinets, knowing full well that an important business figure is listening to audibly painful background music, is nonexistent with a paperless system. Additional measures If there's one thing a good number of employees don't enjoy, it's change. Despite the fact that their workdays will become much easier as a result of an electronic workflow, breaking a routine is a difficult endeavor to embark on. Paul Mah, a contributor to CIO, claimed making a paperbased environment inconvenient will change the popular opinion of the office. Part of the strategy to go digital is rooted in executing what some would consider to be nefarious, but it works nonetheless.  Make printing a chore by reducing the number of machines in the office.
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Obligate employees to keep a record of how many pages they print in a day, which will incite a willingness to reduce paper consumption. For internal transactions requiring a signature, choose the electronic version. This will get employees better acquainted to a digital solution.
Mah listed several other strategies to help push electronic workflow. Eventually, performing functions through a computer will become much more perfunctory than waiting in line at the only scanner in the office. _________________________________ Ready to kick your paper habit? Register for an upcoming webcast! Learn More about PaperSave: Case Studies | Demo | News and Events | WhitePapers | Webinars | Videos | Contact Us Tags: document management software