KEEPING TRACK OF YOUR PAPERLESS SOLUTION'S PROGRESS When transitioning to document management software, it can be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Although the technology is well-known for transforming enterprises, the process can take a long time depending on the size of a business because of the many steps it requires of its user.
The basic process to implement paperless and begin experiencing electronic workflow is as follows:
Notify and train employees on the necessary software
Analyze and scan all paper materials
Shred all paper once it's scanned and filed into the software
Rollout the solution and check in on employees who may be struggling with the system
For the project manager in distress, it can be helpful to chart the progress of a document management software with these whimsical, fun ideas. Track progress old school, elementary class style Surprisingly, staff is proven to respond to the idea that they are making progress in a paperless campaign by using a tool as simple as a charting device to show the user exactly how close the business is to fulfilling its rollout goals. Seeing this mapped out can be extremely helpful when it comes to getting a group of uncertain workers onboard with the effort and get them to want to actively participate in the process. Productivity blog The Simple Dollar explained why this approach is so effective. "Keeping score keeps your big goals front and center in your mind," the source explained. "Combining that with a visual reminder of your goal can be particularly powerful, as it keeps your goal front and center in your mind and also demonstrate your progress clearly."
This can be as simple as a classic "thermometer chart" but can be integrated into many cloud-based applications, as well. LifeHacker recommended a number of apps that can be useful for businesses looking to track their goals, including Goalscape. "The service arranges your goals in a large set of concentric "wheels," organized by type and with the relative importance of each goal indicated by how large a slice of the wheel it represents," the piece explained. "You can easily see at all times which goals are bigger than the others, and you can separate them out by category to see how you're doing with each one."
Include your customers in the progress as well If your campaign, which could be as simple as a "thermometer chart" or as complicated as a game-like structure, it can be useful to share the progress measurements with customers on social media. Consumers value the businesses that keep up with the times and makes efforts to stay at the top of their game, and they may respond to those things as positively as engaged employees. Though it may sound silly, using old-school tactics to ensure employees are aware of and engaged with the successful rollout of a paperless campaign is an excellent way for a project manager to boost morale and achieve their goals with more ease. As with anything in the office, paperless document management is best achieved as a team effort - staff and consumers will respond in kind! _________________________________ Ready to kick your paper habit? Register for an upcoming webcast! Learn More about PaperSave: Case Studies | Demo | News and Events | WhitePapers | Webinars | Videos | Contact Us Tags: electronic workflow, software, invoice automation