Connecting Knowing Loving Growing
J A N U A R Y 20 13
Remembering 2012, Hello 2013! The year 2012 will be remembered as an important year in the life of Aldersgate Church. For after six long years of planning, praying, and projecting we finally began construction on Phase I of our Building Project. As this gets ready to go to press we have completed the work on the parking lot, which added 45 new spots. The sidewalks and retention pond are also done. The columbarium has been completed. The activity field is finished. And, now, the new and improved Youth and Scout room are finally ready to be back in use too. There are still a few odds and ends to do with the picnic shelter and the renovated entrance to the back of the Family Life Center. But the project is really close to completion. Bishop Hope Morgan Ward will be here with us on Sunday, February 17th to dedicate all of the new construction. There were some fears that our church would not be able to support its regular annual ministries when we took on these new projects. So far, that has not been the case. We raised and used $190,000 for mission work this year outside of our local church. That is right in line with collections we have raised in the past. Also, while it is close, our general budget looks like we may break even. (I’m writing this before the last Sunday of the year.) Some people don’t like talking about money, but Jesus sure did, so I’m not gonna shy away from it. We raised $560,000 for our construction project this year and yet had no significant dip at all in our regular annual ministries. That is amazing! And your generosity to your church and your Lord should be commended. So, what does this mean? What did we do with those dollars? Well, I mentioned the construction project and we’ve talked at length in previous articles about how these facilities will give us new opportunities to reach people for Jesus Christ. More than 60 people went on overnight mission trips this year. Together they literally served hundreds of people from the Triangle to Alabama to the Caribbean.
Without leaving home, hundreds of you got involved in ministries that make a difference, like the Shoebox ministry, Share Your Christmas, Urban Ministries, Interfaith Hospitality Network, Feed My Flock, and many more. We offered more small groups and classes than ever before. Just counting adults we had 311 different people participate in one or more classes this year. These folks got into the word in brand new ways taking classes such as Alpha, Disciple, and Financial Peace. Sunday School classes remain a wonderful option for people who are eager to grow spiritually, and our Wednesday night participation nearly doubled over last year. Vacation Bible School was another ministry that reached more people for Jesus than ever before. Well over 100 kids attended VBS at Aldersgate and each of them began Connecting, Knowing, Loving, and Growing as disciples. But are we reaching any new people? Yes. 44 new members joined in 2012, and 16 joined by profession of faith! If New York City is described as the city that never sleeps, then Aldersgate might very well be described as the church that never sleeps. The Trustees learned this year that the church books approximately 1,000 rooms a month for use by everyone from AA to Zumba. The Weekday School remains the largest ministry in the life of the church, as they reach out to 250 families every single week providing Christian based pre-school and afterschool programming for families in our community. Hey, this is just a small sampling of what happened in 2012. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us in 2013! Pray that God will use us in a mighty way.
Peace of Christ, Pastor Doug
CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)
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Inside this issue:
Page 2
New Winter Classes/ Page 3 Prayer Shawl/Caring & Sharing Rev. Lyon’s Pride
Page 4
Music Ministry
Page 5& 6
Special Music/Worship
Page 6
Handbells, Choir Trip
Page 7
Aldersgate Weekday School Page 7 Sunday Worship
Page 8
Lay Leadership Awards
page 8 –9
Community - Thank you
Page 9 -10
Aldersgate Gives Back
Page 11
Trustee Corner
Page 12
January Acolytes, Nursery, Altar Guild and Trustee
Page 13
January Lay Assistants
Page 14
Page 15
JANUARY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY MONTH ! Barbara Atkinson Jill Bosecker Mackenzie Hale Andrew Honeycutt Rick Kreiselman Sue Allison Vanessa Gordon Megan Hunt Morgan Ray Holly Fishback Marilyn Shipman Grace Herbstreith Lynn Wilfong Peter Lundquist Grant Muir Jennifer Reeves Ron Elliott Jeffrey Caudill Nancy Moore Jeff Artley Jason McDonald Jo’an Paine Jan Howe Steven Wilfong
1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11
Jane Rosemond Ashley Howard Allison Scott Louis Berini Jill Hanson Richard Riggsbee Jody Slater Audrey Turley Candy West Richard Moore Joyce Pendergrass Debbie Hunt Stephanie Nolte Elijah McCall Edna Wood Ruth Kay Jim Hanson Ed Osteen McKenna Colgan Ron Pendergrass Jack Anderson Zachary Brewer Sandra Reynolds June Gunter
12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 22
Chris Hall Mitch Moser Lynn Andrews Max Bingen Tracy Copley Debra Edenton Jason Newman Jack Upchurch Sam Edwards Lisa Johnson Carol Brese Rosalin Robinson Marie Currin Gary Edge Jan Hagerty Brink Hunt Ashley Cowan Allen Harrell Kirk Brown Linda Jones Jimmy Sykes Verona Gillispie
22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 29 30 30 31
Wednesday Night LIVE RETURNS - JANUARY 9TH The Meal Jan. 9th: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, veggies. Jan. 16th: Lasagna roll ups, salad, bread.
Each Wednesday 5:00 pm Sanctuary
Jan. 23rd: BBQ chicken, butterbeans & corn, salad. Jan. 30th: Spaghetti with meatballs, salad, bread
KNOWING (Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world. )
WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE - TWO NEW CLASSES JANUARY 9TH - FEBRUARY 6TH - 6:30PM When God’s People Pray God has chosen prayer as his channel of blessing and is waiting to answer us and supply our needs. He uses our everyday troubles to remind us that we need him to intervene in our lives and that we need to take prayer seriously and call on him passionately.
According to bestselling author Jim Cymbala, prayer can change lives and circumstances like nothing else can. What are the keys that will help you unlock its power, turning prayer from a mere activity into a vital link with God and all his resources?
face the challenges of our lives and how to reenergize our prayer lives. Its aim will be to inspire us to greater faith and hope as we recall the tremendous potential of praying to God. Group leaders will be Barbara and Jack Snyder"
This study will help us examine how we are approaching God as we
GIRLS GONE WISE IN A WORLD GONE WILD Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild is an intergenerational class for teens and women from middle school to 92+. Popular culture makes it easy to lose your bearings and no longer trust your internal compass that affirms what is
good, true and noble about being a Christian woman. This study of Proverbs will help affirm who we are and make clear our lifes direction. Teens and their mothers are encouraged to come together and other women are encouraged to come
for themselves but also to help be a mentor to other women. You will learn how to become the person your heavenly Father and Friend has always intended you to be! For all ages. Led by Judy Alford
OTHER CLASSES - SAFE SANCTUARIES TRAINING Sunday, January 27th 4:00-5:00pm - Room 202, The Family Life Center Safe Sanctuaries is our protection policy for making the church safe places where children, youth and elders may experience the
abiding love of God and fellowship within the community of faith. If you have not been to a session and plan to work with children and/or youth, please attend this training. Contact Jane at by
Jan. 23rd if you need child care. The training will be led by Jane Brannock and Rob Tucker.
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LOVING (Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.)
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY—BRUNCH FOR EVERYONE! January 19th, 9:30a.m. noon, - the Wesley Room Everyone is invited to the Annual Prayer Shawl Ministry Brunch! The purpose of this annual event is have everyone together to share our ideas for projects and to discuss plans. You do not have to be a member to attend. During our time together we will pray and discuss how God’s word relates to
this ministry. This is a great opportunity to begin the New Year with a fresh perspective on what God wants you to do. I hope each member of this ministry will invite someone new to the brunch; Someone who may be just waiting for your invitation. Youth and males are also welcome!
We will have a wonderful, joy-filled morning together so do come and be a part of it. Be sure to bring the following: Your Bible, current knitting or crochet project, a food item to share and a friend. Contact Barbara Atkinson at or 919 765-9784.
CARING AND SHARING - ALL LADIES ARE INVITED ! There’s a new ladies group at Aldersgate! We are the “Caring & Sharing” group. We meet once a month – the 3rd Tuesday – at 6:30pm at Bennett Point Grill
Restaurant reservations are required so please contact Cathy Sheffield @ or 919-383-9055 if you would like to join us.
Come join in, lots of sharing, caring, laughing, & eating – just great fellowship. Come check us out – you’ll be glad you did
The next gathering is January 15th.
Tickets will be $15.00 each
On March 2nd and 3rd, the play " “Reverend Lyon's Pride" , written by Aldersgate's own Baz Cunningham and John Howe, will be presented at the Aldersgate Family Life Center. Saturday, March 2nd will be a "dinner theater", dinner at 6:00pm. Sunday, March 3rd will be a
matinee repeat, 3:00pm with light refreshments. Tickets for both performances and table reservations will go on sale soon so keep your eyes open and mark your calendars! Plan to join your friends and neighbors at the show!
PS - Rehearsals for the show will begin right after the first of the new year. If you're interested in participating as an actor or taking part in the production, contact Baz or John
Volume 1, Issue 1
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MUSIC MINISTRY Children’s choir (Heidi Miller, director); you helped us set our appetite for a holy season. Many servants enhanced our experience through the month: we thank our Worship Committee (organized the weekly Advent candle lighting), the Altar Guild (decorating, Notes from Nan poinsettias), Gary James (facilities), John Hall and And you thought Thanksthe A-V ministry team, the giving was over! Not quite! UMM (Set-up team). Of Our Worship team and many course, our Clergy team brought us much to “chew others, through singing and on” with many excellent handbell choirs, praise team, sermons and lessons: we soloists, instrumentalists, must give thanks to God for drama team, youth ministry, them! Several memorable and altar guild presented a entrees still have our taste feast of beautiful music and buds rejoicing: we give inspiring leadership over the holidays, and so thanks-giving thanks for the ministry of the Advent Witnesses Cantata – must come once more! our awesome Chancel Choir, Thank you, all! Joyful Noise Handbells, and Drama Team (special thanks The first course of our feast had to be the joyful Chrismon to Tracey Coppedge for drama coaching), and Mila service! Thanks to Paula Alford (designer and recruit- Karamushka (accompanist extraordinaire); thanks to er), David Anderson & the Singles ministry (decorating), Cathy Cozart and Randy Gordon who organized our our Youth (leadership), traditional Love Feast, as Young Dancers (Anna Van well as all of our many Deventer, leader), and
servers and musicians who delighted us that evening; thanks also to all who shared in a sweet night of Hope and Comfort on Wednesday, Dec. 19th. Our evening of caroling was a delight for all who offered their love and welcome. And, finally, Christmas Eve was a wondrous evening of celebration, a delight which centered in the “good news of great joy,” a holy night, thanks to God! We thank our evening’s soloists, our children’s choirs, and all the youth who led, and the children who sang/ enthusiastically participated in our “Impromptu Christmas pageant” (organized by Tara Lain), and to the McAllister family for the special luminaries. This season’s feasting is one that we will never forget – we bless God and give thanks to ALL who shared their time and talents to help us experience and embrace this joyous 2012 Christmas.
“Impromptu Christmas pageant" The Sublett Family
Chrismon Service
Altar during Advent/Christmas
EPIPHANY RING Hosted by Aldersgate and featuring 9 handbell ensembles from around the Triangle sharing massed-ringing and individual selections, this festival features the music of the season. Don’t miss this.
The Epiphany Ring will tie up your whole AdventChristmas-Epiphany experience with a beautiful bow! Guest conductor is Mr. Michael Glasgow, a composer and music director at North Raleigh UMC. All are invited;
admission is free and a love offering for missions is received. Concert - Sunday, Jan. 6 at 7:00 pm Epiphany Ring Concert Sunday, Jan. 6th -7:00 pm
Volume 1, Issue 1
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YES. We. Do. Want. You! “You don’t want me in the choir. I can’t sing/ can’t read/ can’t be there every week.” If you’ve been invited to join the choir and haven’t, chances are this is the response we heard you claim. Oh, please think again! YES. WE. DO. WANT. YOU! If you can’t sing, we can help you with that! Actually, only 1% of people truly can’t carry a tune; the rest of us have just not used our voices enough to feel confident “carrying their tune in a bucket!” I’ve seen, time and again,
that with time and regular practice, the ability to sing, produce a beautiful tone, hold harmonies, etc. improves, especially as people sit next to others with more experience.
And, finally, if you can’t be there every week, understand that, with the number of singers our choir enjoys, it’s fine (and normal) to come when you can. We’re just glad to see you then!
If you can’t read music, you will be joining with the majority of our choir, who are also not trained to read notes. The ones who do, help the ones who don’t, and since we rehearse for about 6 weeks before we sing an anthem, you’ll have plenty of time to learn your part.
You are invited and welcome to join choir – no experience in necessary; the only requirement is a heart for worship and service of our Lord! Contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, for more information.
MUSIC REHERSAL SCHEDULES Chancel Choir: Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00pm Praise Team: Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30pm Children’s Choirs: Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30pm (This is a part of WNL for Kids rotation of Bible
Club activities and Music time!) Handbells: Praise Ringers (NEW ringers group! Starts Jan. 14th) Mondays, 6:00-6:50pm; Joyful Noise Ringers Tuesdays, 7:30pm;
Young Ringers (2nd-5th graders, starts Jan. 13th) Sundays, 5:15-6:00pm If you’d like to train and volunteer to run the sound board (esp. for 9:45 praise team) and prepare and operate our screen projection, please contact John Hall -
SPECIAL UPCOMING MUSIC/WORSHIP EVENTS Mark your calendars now for these special services and events. Ash Wednesday – Feb 13th (6:30 pm) Sunday, Feb. 17th – Special 10:30 Worship
Celebration with Bishop Hope Morgan Ward! Wednesday Evening Lenten Services: Feb. 20th- March 27th (6:30 pm)
March 24th-31st: Palm Sunday, Holy Week (Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services), Easter
Page 7
Aldersgate Experience
Carnegie Hall, New York City
Peggy Allen, Joyce Mackin, Judy Alford, Barbara Snyder, Rose Smith, Nancy Newell and Nan de Andrade are booked for a concert in Carnegie Hall, New York City!! Really! They are joining with a 150-voice choir assembled from Virginia and North Carolina to present a concert of American/ Appalachian Sacred Choral Music by
composers Pepper Choplin and Joseph Martin. They travel to New York from Friday, Feb. 15th-Feb.19th, with the Carnegie Hall Concert and Gala on Feb. 18th. While there, they will have time for lots of sightseeing, shopping, and a show or two, as they are staying in Times Square at the Crowne Plaza. Also coming along for fun are two friends -
Chick Hinton and Mitch Adkins. They are traveling with another small contingent from Mt. Sylvan United Methodist Church. If they can make it there, they’ll make it anywhere!! Please keep everyone in your prayers.
NEW HANDBELL GROUP INVITE If you love handbells, you are encouraged to give ringing a try! A brandnew group for youth and adults is forming this month! The reading and ringing skills needed -get them both right here! We will meet on Mondays from 6-6:50 (so if you have a meeting
you’ll still make it!); the first meeting is Jan. 14th. Beginner, or “starter” choirs, are an essential piece of a handbell ministry -- these people are learning the skills which prepare them to take the place of ringers in the more advanced group (who move or cannot
continue for some reason). So, help us keep our ministry alive – and enjoy making beautiful music (music doesn’t have to be complex to be a blessing!). Contact Nan if you’re interested.
ALDERSGATE WEEKDAY SCHOOL - REGISTRATION STARTS Aldersgate Weekday School’s return registration for current students and Aldersgate UMC Members begins January 14, 2013. The 2013 school year will begin in September, and we will have openings in our Toddler, 2 year-old, 3
year-old and 4 year-old classes. Registration forms are available in the school office or click Fall registration opens to the community on Feb. 5,
2013. All church member forms must be turned in by Friday, January 25, 2013. Please call (919) 479-8686 if you have any questions. Thanks so much, Evelyn Johnson, Director
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Aldersgate Experience
SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Jan. 6th - Epiphany Sunday OT:Isaiah 60:1-6 & NT: Matthew 2:1-12 Title: "What Are You Searching For?" Message by Doug Lain Jan. 13th - Baptism of the Lord Sunday OT: Isaiah 43:1-7 & NT: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Title: "Becoming God's People" Message by Doug Lain Jan. 20th OT: Isaiah 62:1-5 & NT: John 2:1-11 Message by Tara Lain Jan. 27th OT: Nehemiah 8:1-3,5-6,8-10 & NT: Luke 4:14-30 Title: "Accept or Reject?" Message by Doug Lain
RECOGNIZING OUR LAITY We have a tradition at Aldersgate of recognizing members of our laity whose faith is demonstrated in simple ways. The guidelines used in making these selections are : Good Samaritan – someone who helps others, who goes out of their way,
or even against the grain, to provide assistance to those in need. Second Mile – who consistently goes ‘above and beyond’ what’s expected. Saints Among Us – often unnoticed, they consistently make things happen. Lay Person of the Year – someone who has con-
sistently excelled in their area of mission and ministry throughout the year. Below are two of the 2012 recipients. (next month we will spotlight: Good Samaritan and Second Mile)
Saints Among Us Phil Stancil
There are many Saints Among Us at Aldersgate. Our Technology Team is a prime example of people who are “often unnoticed, but consistently make things happen”. This year we would like to recognize one of the members of the Technology Committee who also served as a Trustee. From pulling wires, to
designing needed components, to donating equipment, he has been instrumental in providing tools for ministry in the sanctuary and Family Life Center. And while leading the many needed projects, including upgrades to computer networking and telephone services for our facility, he was never too busy to stop, and with his quiet manner
and friendly smile, he would answer my many questions about my computer or our new phone system. It gives me great pleasure to say “Thank You” and present the Saints Among Us award to Phil Stancil. by Regina Carver
Volume 1, Issue 1
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LAY PERSON OF THE YEAR Lay Person of the Year is awarded to a lay person who has excelled in their area of mission or ministry for the year.
daunting this can be. In this role, Glenn has actively managed the quoting and bidding processes and the coordination of construction contracts. Additionally, This year's award goes to he has served as the ‘face of Glenn Reynolds. Glenn Aldersgate’ to the architect, serves as the chair of our many contractors, the City, Construction Subcommit- the com-munity, and the tee, a part of the Building congregation, spending Committee. If any of you much of his time overseehave ever built a house or ing the work. Glenn's managed a cross function- extensive experience and al project, you know how expertise helped to
deliver phase one just before Christmas. Thank you so much and congratulations, Glenn! By Jeri Vincent
Lay Person of the Year Glenn Reynolds
THANK YOU FROM THE COMMUNITY The children in the CONDUIT Angels program send their thanks to the Aldersgate congregation for the wonderful Christmas gifts given. The children were so excited they could hardly wait through the games and food before the gifts were given out. There were over 50 children who were sponsored by Mt. Sylvan, Bethany, Duke's Chapel, Mt. Level,
New Jerusalem and Aldersgate churches. The party was held at the Oxford Manor Community room during the After School Program time on Dec. 19th. Some of the children's parents and younger siblings also joined in the festivities. The YMCA counselors brought pizza and the CONDUIT churches brought fruit and vegetable trays and homemade
cookies and punch. The YMCA counselors led the children in a game of "Who's Got the Bone/ and Rev. Alliger of Duke's Chapel presented the story of Jesus's birth. Everybody had a wonderful time and the children were thrilled with their gifts. Thanks again to the Aldersgate sponsors for their contributions.
On behalf of the missions team I would like to thank the Aldersgate members who donated gifts for the Reindeer Store program at Central Regional Hospital. Aldersgate donated over 200 toys, books, jewelry, clothing, snacks, cards, school
supplies, and home decor items. Anne Finch, Jane Bahor, Colleen and Cara Anna helped wrapping the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Claus greeters and Christmas musicians helped create a festive mood. The volunteer services staff especially wanted us to thank
Aldersgate for their contributions. At the end of the day our gift wrapping fingers were tired but our hearts were filled with the Christmas spirit seeing the patients happiness with their gifts. Thank you Aldersgate for helping make this happen.
The CONDUIT Angels program send their thanks to the Aldersgate congregation for the wonderful Christmas gifts given.
Colleen Anna, Peggy Allen, & Lee King
Colleen Anna
Aldersgate donated over 200 toys, books, jewelry, clothing, snacks, cards, school supplies, and home decor items.
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Aldersgate Experience
This Christmas season over 100 members bought, wrapped, or delivered presents to 111 persons comprising 28 families.
Christmas is truly a “most wonderful time of the year” as it allows us to share God’s love with families in need in our Durham community. How fortunate we are to live in a community where such sharing leads many individuals and churches to provide Christmas gifts to children of eligible families through the Share Your Christmas Program. Under the sponsorship of The Volunteer Center of Durham, Department of Social Services, and the Herald-Sun newspaper, this program brought joy this year to nearly 4000 children and parents.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church, is an example of the generosity and kindness that make the Share Your Christmas Program so meaningful. This Christmas season over 100 members bought, wrapped, or delivered presents to 111 persons comprising 28 families. In addition, 2 food boxes filled with staples were delivered to each family in order to make their Christmas meal a delight. None of this would have been possible without the assistance of Food Lion and DeHaven’s Moving & Storage, who helped with the food and boxes.
Thank you to all members who participated in the 2012 Share Your Christmas Program. Once again it demonstrates that peace, love, and hope can triumph when we work together to make a difference. What a striking example it is of that important Biblical teaching which says, “Love is not real unless it is given away.” Richard Low Chairperson of Share Your Christmas
To see “Aldersgate United Methodist Church 2012 Year End Review, Giving Back Your Unique Gifts and Talents” click HERE
If you do not have access, the printed slides begin on the next page.
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 11
Share Your Christmas Sponsored 28 families Over 100 people Over $8,500 in gifts and food baskets Over 200 hours of volunteer time
Urban Ministries & Durham Food Pantry Collected 207 Christmas CONDUIT – Oxford Manor Shoeboxes for Operation over 200 volunteer hours Christmas Child Support the Duke Children’s Bone Marrow Over 50 people giving Clinic blood in 3 blood drives
Raised $8,195.00 For food donations
Fed over 250 people Several thousand pounds of food collected and donated to food pantries
The children raised over $489.00 for “Trick or Treat for UNICEF”
Over 840 Volunteer hours supporting IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network)
Over $560,000.00 was collected for the Capital Campaign
Over $670,000.00 in offerings so far this year to the general budget
Jamaican Mission Team $ 19,338.00 Youth Mission Team $ 8,096.53
Haiti Mission Team $ 30,205.00
$190,000.00 has been raised and given away to Missions.
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GROWING (Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.)
TRUSTEES CORNER 2012 has been a busy year here at Aldersgate UMC. There has been a whole lot going on here in addition to all the construction that has been going on around our church campus. The Trustees have tried to keep you informed of all the work that we as a committee have done during the year through this Trustee Corner. We thought we would close out the year with our Top Ten List of some of our work not related to the construction. #10 #9 #8 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2
Started a recycling program at the church The choir room was painted and new carpet installed Purchased first aid kit for FLC and installed new batteries for AED Updated our facility usage policy, wedding policy, bus policy, a new outdoor picnic shelter usage, as well as update facility to comply with safe sanctuary Purchased a church bus Allowed guide dogs to be trained here at Aldersgate ( have you seen them at our Worship services?) Completed a construction project at the parsonage Updated the Family Life Center (to help improve our worship experience) and installed a New big screen TV in sanctuary Installed a new telephone system and new internet connections AND THE NUMBER ONE ITEM THAT RECEIVED THE MOST CONVERSATION DURING 2012…...…….
#1- NEW TOILET TISSUE DISPENSERS for all restrooms! All this work was done in addition to approving all meetings and finally leading the charge to deal with some of our storage issues and room assignments. Thank you for your support of our committee. We did all of this and still came in under budget for the year. A big thanks to the 2012 Trustee team !!! The 2012 AUMC Trustees: Billy Cole, Chairperson, Susan Dernosek, Vanessa Gordon , Laurie Leeson , Kay Shaver, Randy Sheffield, Phil Stancil, Mark Thomas, Ron West.
The incoming 2013 AUMC Trustees: Billy Cole, Kay Shaver, Susan Dernosek, Mark Thomas, Phil Stancil, Randy Sheffield, Mary Taylor, Mitch Moser and Ron Pendergrass.
Volume 1, Issue 1
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11:00am Service
Rebecca Johnson Tanner Reo
Mackenzie Hale Olivia Lain
Kaylee Eckhoff
Katie Leonard
Jacob Bosecker
Emily Lain
Hannah Fogle
Margaret Ann Healy
An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.
Each Sunday Morning: 815am, 9:30am and 11:00am Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis and Ellen Whisnant
Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant and Lynn Wilfong
JANUARY ALTAR GUILD Sharon MacLaurin and Alice Osteen Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.
JANUARY TRUSTEE Billy Cole The Trustees supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.
Page 14
January Lay Assistants Schedule
Greeters & Welcome Station
Lay Readers
8:15am Worship Service 1/6
Henry Atkinson
Andy & Stacey McCorison (m)
Barbara Atkinson
Carl Chmielewski Sam & Kay Edwards (o) Charles Andrews/Chick Hinton Welcome Station: Dave & Carol Brese 1/13
Colleen Puceta Doug & Carol Morris Garry Bowman
Beverly Jackson (m) Carl & Kathy Chmielewski (o) Welcome Station: Holly Hall
Burton King
Andy & Stacey McCorison Sam & Kay Edwards
David & Carol Brese Charles Andrews Welcome Station: Judy Alford
Curtis Gay
Paul & Linda Jones Mitch Adkins/Pam Boatright
Chick Hinton (m) Colleen Puceta (o) Welcome Station: Sam & Kay Edwards
David Brese
9:30am Worship Service 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27
Cathy Sheffield/Colleen Puceta Beth Menchini Welcome Station: Betty Wickham Cynthia Bell/David Shaffer Colleen Puceta Welcome Station: Cathy Sheffield Betty & Dale Wickham Lara Rowland Welcome Station: Holly Hall Dawn Eckhoff Dale & Betty Wickham Mary Taylor Welcome Station: Lara Rowland
April Perry Betty Wickham Cathy Sheffield Doug Taylor
11:00am Worship Service 1/6
Walter/Maryellen Finnigan Ashley King/Bill Smith
Anabela Anca Mendes (m) Betty Jane Upchurch (o) Welcome Station: Holly Hall Bill Smith (m) Brent Walker/Sarah McCorison (o) Welcome Station: Anabela Anca Mendes
Suzi Caudill
Cathy Moser/Ginger Hawkins Graham Nichols/Jan Howe
Joyce Mackin/Kelly Freeman Joyce/Ron Pendergrass
Carol Newman (m) Doug Taylor (o) Welcome Station: Jennifer McLamb
Ron West
Kim & Wayne Aiken Ken Strupe/Mitch Moser
Ed Osteen (m) Jim & Edna Wood (o) Welcome Station: John Howe
Peggy Allen
Steve Wilfong
To access the monthly church calendar, please click HERE : or click on This Week in Our Church - on the left side of the front page of the church website:
Operating Income Versus Budget YTD Budgeted Pledged Received
YTD Budgeted
$ 644,236
Unpledged Contri- Total YTD Contri- YTD Collections butions butions Budget $
Operating Income Versus Spending YTD Spent
YTD Spending
Pledges Received
$ 740,318
Unpledged Contri- Total YTD Contri- YTD Collections butions butions Spent $
$ 462
Capital Fund Snapshot 2011 - 2014 Pledged
Pledges Received
Unpledged Contributions $
Total Contributions $
Received Versus Pledged
Offered by Aldersgate UMC
Consistent giving
Automatically on your bank statement
No weekly/monthly check writing
Sign up once & its done (until you stop it)
YOU chose the cycle—weekly—semi-monthly or monthly
Contact the church office—(919) 477-0509 x 100 or to sign up now!
Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509
Address Service Requested
Follow us: TheGate27712