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Experience J ULY 2016 C ONTENTS

One day, a young boy discovered a cocoon in his back yard. He brought it in and showed it to his mother and father. They told him what it was, and how a new life was on the inside of the shell. They explained that what once had been an ugly caterpillar, was going to be transformed into a beautiful butterfly. He got excited and could hardly wait for that day to come. After some time, he noticed a movement taking place, and a small hole was beginning to show at one end. The struggle seemed to go on without any progress. The boy became impatient, and used a pair of scissors, trying to help this creature emerge. He waited to see this new life take flight. However, with great disappointment, he waited for nothing. The new butterfly did not fly. Instead, it slowly withered and died. He asked others what went wrong, and he began to

realize that this creature had to struggle through the tiny hole in order to force the liquids into the Wings, to make the wings fill out. The boy's efforts at speeding up this process ended the possibility of this creature ever being able to fly and fulfill its creative purpose. The desire to speed up the process only consigned that creature to a certain death. Remember the words of Isaiah, "Those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, they run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind." (40:31 - Peterson) Rev. Dr. Homer E. Morris, Senior Pastor

July Birthdays Thank you VBS Children’s Sunday School Toddlers Sunday School Families Moving Forward Welcome to AUMC The Prenshaws Caring for the Caregiver Prayer Beads AGAPESHOPE4KIDS Music Notes Music & Arts Camp Backpack Ministry Meals on Wheels Youth Car Wash Christmas Shoeboxes Sunday Sermons Weekday School Financial Peace Sharing God’s Gifts Ways to Give July Lay Assistants Nursery Ministry Acolyte/Altar Guild Trustee for July

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J ULY B IRTHDAYS Shirley Bullock Anabela Mendes Margaret Ann Healy Wyatt Kimbrough Shannon Petry Debbie Fletcher Carol Lowans Rochelle Nye Lowry Caudill Thomas Harrell Ken Howard Carol Ray Ken Strupe Bette Baird Cathy Moser Michaela Nolte Sharon Collier Georgia Fishback Holly Hall Jodi Hughes Heidi Miller James Shipman Mark Haskell Ray Hilton

07/01 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/03 07/04 07/04 07/05 07/06 07/06 07/07 07/07 07/07 07/08 07/09 07/09 07/10 07/10 07/10 07/10 07/10 07/10 07/11 07/11

Linda Shaffer Rebel Umphlett Bob Wallace Van Anderson Robert Cox Nicholas Falise David Korest Steven Nolte Eloise Riggs Mason Riggs Jonathan Shaver Suzanne Elliott Alessandra Gauger Janie Howell Jacquelyn Andrews Matthew Jones Andy Parham Kaya Susak Jonas Daugherty Alex Teunis Joyce Mackin Cyndie Smith Doug Taylor Patrick Tomasic

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Joanna de Andrade Garry Bowman Joey Honeycutt Grace Yueh Pam Boatright Evan Deck Jerry Neal Madeline Hurley Isabella Mitchell Colton Stanley Judy Alford Kay Shaver Mike Williams Paul Jones Barbara Snyder Mary King Carol Newman Lawson Osteen

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To our Aldersgate Family, Words cannot express how truly blessed John and I are to have you in our lives. Your prayers, cards, foods and words of encouragement during my recent knee surgery meant so much to us. We knew we had all of you with us on this latest journey. Between John’s back surgery, your care and presence helped sustain us both physically and mentally. It is wonderful to be a part of a church that lets the light of God shine so brightly. We look forward to returning soon to join back in the loving, giving spirit at AUMC ! We give thanks and praise for how you let the light shine ! Love, Liz and John Crose



CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NEWS! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL A huge and heartfelt thanks to all of the volunteers who gave time and energy to make our 2016 VBS a HUGE success! From sets and decorating to Bible Story tellers, the Skipper and Crabby, Adult Bible Study leaders, cooks, cleaners, crafters and mission leaders, game leaders, music teachers, life guards leading the kids, sound, media and tech folks, planners and doers- it takes a huge group effort to manage and minister successfully to the children for five days. Our church pulled together, and God blessed with many happy children who have grown closer to Jesus. Thank you! Blessings

Sandra Reynolds


FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: PART 1 July 3rd: July 10th: July 17th: July 24th: July 31st:

Love Joy Pease Patience Kindness

(1 Corinthians 13: 1-13) (Psalm 100: 1-5) (Matthew 5: 1-9) (Luke 18: 1-8) (2 Samuel 9: 1-13)


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY - TODDLERS * TWOS AND THREES FIRST CALLED CHRISTIANS BIBLE VERSE: ACTS 2:47 “THEY PRAISED GOD AND DEMONSTRATED GOD’S GOODNESS TO EVERYONE” I CAN HELP SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS! Are you grieving from prolonged loneliness, a debilitating illness, a broken relationship, or some other loss that leaves you feeling like you are losing your mind? If so, you may benefit from linking up with one of our Stephen Ministers. These persons are members of our AUMC congregation who are well trained and will provide you with encouragement and hope to help you heal from the pain of your grief. Most of all, they will listen to you as you unravel your feelings about your loss—all done in a confidential manner without cost. Susan, a recent participant, says that she felt like an orphan after she recently lost her mother. Being her only caregiver, Susan reports that her life was wrapped up in taking care of her mother. And when she died, Susan stated that it seemed there was no longer a purpose for her life. Though she tried talking to her friends, she soon realized that they didn’t want to hear about her grief anymore. Susan’s neighbor linked her up an AUMC Stephen Minister who met almost weekly with her. These visits proved invaluable, for her Stephen Minister encouraged Susan to be honest about her unsteady emotional state while helping her to face fears about her uncertain future. Most importantly, her Stephen Minister helped her to see that God was waking with her through the whole time. Now, when waves of grief strike, Susan tells herself: “It’s going to be okay; just walk through it, take hold of the people that are willing to help, and I will get through it with God’s love.” If you have experienced a recent loss or simply want to learn more about our Stephen Ministry program, or if you know of a friend or a co-worker who might benefit from talking through their grief, contact Jack Snyder at 919-477-0509 Ext. 303, or at: Jack@aldersgate.org.

EMERGENCY SHELTER FOR THE HOMELESS IN DURHAM Beginning on July 1st, Genesis House will officially combine with the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) to become Families Moving Forward – an emergency shelter for homeless families in Durham. Each family will be housed in the shelter for up to 90 days while they receive services and plan to find a job and a place to live. Families will each have their own rooms in the shelter at 300 Queen Street in downtown Durham. They will cook for their own families five days a week and on the other two days a week local non-profits will bring them a hot meal so that the parents can attend enrichment classes. Our church is partnering with our neighborhood church, Temple Baptist and the congregation of Duke Chapel to prepare and serve dinner on a rotating basis four times each year. Our first opportunity to serve will be on July 11th and July 14th and then again on Sept 26th and Sept 29 th. We are seeking AUMC members to cook and serve food and assist with child care for newborn to 5 year old children for 1 hour each night. You can assist the families by donating items for a Barrel of Joy with items such as paper products, toilet tissue, paper towels, cleaning supplies, and laundry supplies. Please bring your donations before July 11 and put them in the Barrel outside the Wesley Room. If you have questions call or email Mary 919-225-0528 (cell) or mary@aldersgate.org


THE ALDERSGATE FAMILY WELCOMES ERIC AND CARLEY PREN SHAW! Hello everyone! My name is Eric Prenshaw and I am your new Director of Christian Formation and Education. Grace and peace to you all in the name of Christ. I am thrilled to have this opportunity to serve God alongside you all and I cannot wait to get more involved at Aldersgate UMC. I am passionate about helping people discover a deeper relationship with God. In my visits and interactions with all of you, I have been so impressed with your passion and energy for nurturing people of all ages in their faith. It brings me joy to offer my gifts and abilities and join you in this amazing ministry. I grew up in Knoxville, TN and attended college at Furman University. During college I had opportunities in the summer to serve God in both Zion and Glacier National Parks. After leading worship services for park visitors in such an awe-inspiring setting, I knew I was called to ministry. I attended seminary at Duke Divinity School and began my first full time ministry position at Sunrise UMC in Holly Springs as Children and Youth Minister in 2011. After my wife Carley was accepted into a Masters program at ECU, we moved to Greenville in 2014 where I served as Director of Youth Ministries at Jarvis Memorial UMC. My wife Carley and I met while we were in seminary at Duke Divinity School and were married in 2011. We just celebrated our five year wedding anniversary and are excited to be back in the Triangle area! Carley served for many years as a youth and associate pastor before feeling God’s call to serve in the field of Speech and Language Pathology. She will begin a position at UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill on July 1st. Carley is excited about being at Aldersgate too and looks forward to serving wherever she can. In terms of hobbies, I really enjoy running, cycling, backpacking, gardening, and playing guitar. Carley and I are also passionate about physical fitness and maintaining an active lifestyle. We ran our first half-marathon together in 2012 and after that, I have completed 4 marathons and several triathlons. I have hiked about 400 miles of the Appalachian Trail and hope to add to that number over the years. We look forward to seeing how we can share some of these passions with others. I am so thankful for this wonderful opportunity and we are so excited to be on this journey with you. See you soon! In Christ, Eric Prenshaw

CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER. MONDAY, JULY 11TH The topic will be: "Celebrating Freedom. Join us at 7:00 pm in the Family Life Center, room 206. Please contact Sandra Reynolds if you have any questions: se.reynolds@yahoo.com.





PRAYER BEAD WORKSHOP * FOLLOW UP In April a small group met on a Sunday afternoon to assemble prayer bead strands for delegates to General Conference in Oregon. We mailed the strands to Prayer Works Studios in Atlanta along with photos from our workshop. The designer of the strands, Kristen Vincent, was present at General Conference and recently shared these thoughts in her blog. The full text may be found here: http://prayerworksstudio.com/from-general-to-jurisdictional-conferences-or-how-methodists-love-the-prayerbeads/ “At every available opportunity we told people that you had made the prayer strands. It was a powerful way to remind them of all the people who had been praying for them - and were continuing to pray for them - throughout this process. We had a slideshow presentation of photos and notes you included when you sent the prayer strands back to me. Such a wonderful witness!” “We knew that not everyone was going to be excited about prayer beads. While I'm used to hearing from people particularly Americans - who think prayer beads are only for Catholics, we heard that people from other areas of the world had particular reasons to be concerned about prayer beads. I had the opportunity to talk to people from a variety of nations, including Congo, Nigeria, and Philippines. They explained that the indigenous religions in their countries often use beads to curse people, or in similar practices that have other negative connotations. No wonder they would be worried about beads in prayer! However, they also said they were intrigued with the prayer strands, since they had been presented in the name of Christ, had the cross and flame on the medallion, and were being used in Christian worship at General Conference. They planned to share them with the folks at home and were curious to see how people would react. Think about that: the prayer beads you made may just end up in a far away land and be used to offer new ways of connecting with God. So awesome!” “Prayer strands at General Conference happened because of you. Thank you for the faithful offering of your love, time, talent, and prayers. We are deeply grateful.”


Aldersgate United Methodist Church’s Agape Circle’s Semi-Annual

AgapeShop4Kids A children’s charity consignment sale Saturday, August 20th -- 8am-1pm Sunday, August 21st -- 12:30pm-2:00pm* *some items half-price!!! ITEMS FOR SALE INCLUDE: baby clothes, children’s clothes, maternity clothes, costumes, shoes, toys, books, movies, baby gear, bedding, furniture, and much more! Come to: • Aldersgate United Methodist Church Family Life Center • Umstead Rd., Durham • Call or email for information about being a Seller or a Shopper! • 919-818-0454 (Barbara Snyder) •Or request info through agapeshop4kidsaumc@gmail.com

** Please Note: All Sales Are Cash or Credit Only


MUSIC NOTES BY NAN DE ANDRADE Please contact Nan de Andrade, Music (nan@aldersgate.org) or 919-477-0509 x 310





COME, SING WITH ANDY Summer is a great time to join us in the loft! We continue to serve through most of the summertime, and even though we all are in-and-out, we can count on “Andy” always being with us. So, come join A ndy - all voices are welcome and needed!! Summer schedule: Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in the sanctuary. Though we’re leading each Sunday in June and July, Summer Rehearsals schedule is the following: July 6,13. The choir will take a vacation after July 24, and resume leadership and rehearsals in late August. PRAISE TEAM: New members (singers or players) always welcomed. We especially would love to welcome a second drummer to our group so that Ken Morris (our Ringo Starr) can go on vacation without leaving us percussionless! We have an electronic drum set that Ken will gladly help you learn to use, or you could just conga/bongo or use a Cajon. Our rehearsals will be held at 6:15-7:30 on Wednesday evenings. Our July rehearsal schedule is July 6, 13. Also, if you’d like to listen ahead to our Contemporary Christian music selections, give Spotify a try! It’s a free app, and you can access this month’s playlist by following “Nan de Andrade” and clicking on the July AUMC playlist. TIME TO COME OUT OF THE SHOWER!

Statistics reveal that 52% of our congregation sings in the shower. Yet, only 1% of us sing solos in worship. This is a tragic waste! Come out of the shower and share your gift with us! If you would like to share a solo or an instrumental piece this summer for special music, please contact Nan! She also has a library of music selections you might be able to use. And if you need some coaching, Nan is here FOR YOU! SING WITH YOUR SMALL GROUP! Your Sunday school class, work team, or fellowship group is hereby invited to choose a Sunday during this summer, and show everyone how much you love God by sharing a favorite hymn/song together in worship! Nan can work with you to resource/prepare, contact her today for more information!

WONDERING ABOUT HANDBELLS? More ringers are welcome – new groups will form in late August. PLEASE Email Nan if you’re interested in possibly joining a new beginners group or our advanced group this fall. Also, music reading skills are needed – and if you need some help with this, summer would be a great time to learn. See Nan for some FREE tutoring in music literacy! INTEREST AND TALENTS SEARCH Do you (did you) play an instrument? Would you be interested in playing with a band/orchestra/small ensemble to serve in worship and outreach here at Aldersgate? Let Nan know you’re out there!


THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT From Nan de Andrade. I have experienced the generous care and prayers of Aldersgate for my father, my family and me this past month, and it has meant the world to me! My father, Harry Zoller, who visited Aldersgate often, was visiting my sister in Florida when he had a stroke. Over a three-week period, his 94 year old body was overcome by complications. I was present when he died peacefully on May 29. When my heart felt like it would completely break in two, your prayers held it together. You have been gracious to hug or not, to send cards to speak comfort, and to listen to my memories and thanksgivings. Dad’s Service of Death and Resurrection is being planned for July 9 (2 pm in Linthicum, Maryland) and it will be a beautiful celebration of a life well-lived. This is what my dad wrote to conclude the introduction to his autobiography (which will be published this year): "God has always smiled on me and showered me with many blessings. I have loved God and my neighbors and have been loved in return. Angels (mentors and friends) have traveled with me. Miraculous things that I had never envisioned have happened to me and my family. I don't believe I have ever had an enemy. Above all, Love has ruled my life, for God is good." Dad showed me how to live a life of gratitude and grace and I hope to pass it on. Thanks again for being church at its best for me and my family M.A.C.- WEEK (MUSIC AND ARTS CAMP) DRAMA, MUSIC, DANCE, & ARTS come together with a camp full of talented kids to present: JUDGE JULIE TRULY and the CASE OF THE HOLEY ROOF! Welcome to the courtroom of Judge Julie, where Her Honor will now hear the Case of the Holey Roof (which you might recognize as the Gospel story of the Four Friends)! Look: the courtroom doors have opened and the Bailiff is calling the court to order! Here comes our plaintiff: a grumpy homeowner accusing the Four Friends of “damaging his roof – on purpose!” Here come the defendants: “Four Famously Faithful Friends” and a Star Witness who can testify firsthand that “nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ.” The testimony from the Gospel of Luke will lead to a surprising verdict! And we will all learn how our LOVE IN ACTION can lead people right to the feet of our Savior. (Watch a church performance on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIClLtHYHMc ) SPECIAL M.A.C. K ICK OFF PARTY - New this year! Sunday July 10, 4:00-6:30 pm. All “Stars” will come together to preview a video of the show, learn about the various casting opportunities, enjoy a pizza, and audition for your part! Assignments announced Monday morning. M.A.C.-INVITATION DATE: Monday, July 11 through Friday, July 15, 9-1pm (performance is Friday, 7/15 at 3:30 pm). Full day camp (7 am- 6 pm) is also available. For children K-8 grades! (Not for church members only – help us spread the word!) M.A.C.-SUMMARY At Music and Arts Camp we’ll be learning the musical “Judge Julie Truly & the Case of the Holey Roof!” from start to finish in one week! Through drama, dance, singing, games, set/props creation and art, we will learn and share this inspiring story of Jesus and some faithful followers. It is a fun week, but pretty intensive – younger children should only come if they are up for that! Sometimes we work in small groups, sometimes all together, and just the soloists, dancers, or charters will have special practice times too. At the end of the week, we invite everyone in to the show! Join us for a wonderful week of Faith-Meets-the Arts! MAC-REGISTRATION Please register for Music and Arts Camp now (or by J uly 1 please)– just email nan@aldersgate.org with the following info: Name of camper, Age and Grade Completed, Parent’s name and contact (phone, email). Also, let me know if your child is interested in auditioning early for a larger role (we’ll conduct auditions in early July) , and if you can help provide special snacks, want to volunteer for a day, or help set up or take down for the show! SUPPLIES FEE: $60 for the half-day camp (write check to AUMC, memo: Music and Arts Camp). This covers the costs such as our kickoff or pre-show parties, t-shirts and costume/set needs. Scholarships are available (see Nan). For full-day camp option, simply register through the Camp/Weekday School. If you have questions or want to volunteer your help, contact Nan today! nan@aldersgate.org

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THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THE COMMUNITY BACKPACK Thank you for continuing to support the Community Backpack Ministry. Your dedication and generosity have provided much needed meals for 67 hungry students of Riverside High School. The students picked up the bags of groceries and carried them home for the weekends. These students rely on the breakfasts and lunches served in school. Before this ministry began, the students had little or nothing on weekends and holidays. Now the students offer their great thanks to you; they appreciate this assistance, and some have shared how happy they are to be able to share food with younger siblings. “Remembering the words of Lord Jesus, how he said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ’’ (Acts 20:35) We also give thanks for the opportunity to work alongside our fellow faith communities. Grey Stone Church has many volunteers who package groceries on their church campus, where they have the Second Mile Ministry. This is their program to provide emergency help to people in need. They packed meals for Community Backpack Ministry once every three weeks. Bethany UMC has expanded their church campus. This allowed a storage closet to be converted into a pantry for groceries purchased specifically for Community Backpack Ministry. Bethany volunteers pack meals once every three weeks, but they are also present when Aldersgate packs. They allow us to use their facility and they deliver the bags to Riverside. We are very indebted to the dedicated congregation of Bethany! Aldersgate continues to bring a varied group of volunteers. We have all ages participating, sometimes three generations from the same family! Kay and Sam Edwards provide guidance and coordination of the group and keep up with the grocery inventory. They have been instrumental in the success of this ministry. To help with the transition into summer, we gave the students gift cards to grocery stores and restaurants. A list of community programs providing meals and groceries was also distributed. Although we cannot reach the students during the summer months, we can continue to pray for them and their families. We have always tried to convey to the students that we send this food with great love and support and prayers for their safety, growth, and future. The high school years can be exciting times. We wish all children had the benefit of security, sufficient nutrition and strong families. Sadly, we know that not all do. Thank you for being part of their larger family, and for supporting these young people by sharing your love, and prayers, and generosity. And for letting them know that they are valued, appreciated, members of our community.

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EMPTY! Meals on Wheels is trying to collect enough food items to help feed their clients thru the weekends and holidays, especially since children are out of school for the summer. WE ALL WANT TO HELP CORRECT THIS FOOD SHORTAGE FOR MEALS ON WHEELS. You can help by donating food items from the list below. We will collect every week starting June 20 thru the end of July. Of course you may donate for as long as you desire and can.

FOOD ITEMS NEEDED: Fr uit cups-unsweetened-individual serving size * Applesauce unsweetenedindividual serving size * Soup-low sodium with pop top lids * Tuna and Cracker packages * Canned meals ie: Spaghetti, Ravioli @ pop top lids * Peanut Butter or Cheese crackers-snack size * Granola Bars, Breakfast Bars or any Nutritional type Bars-chewy or soft *Juice Boxes or Fruit drink boxes...(NO GLASS) * Canned meats, small, ie: Tuna, Vienna sausage, spam etc-10 grams of protein * Ensure. As always, Meals on Wheels will also accept monetary donations. Make checks out to 'Meals on Wheels' and drop it in the offering plate. Food items may be dropped off in the collection box outside the Wesley room. Collection and transportation of the food items will be every Thursday. Any questions, please contact Paula Veasey (Missions), Bill Smith (Durham Food Pantry Network), or go to www.mowdurham.org. Thank you for your support.


Come get your car washed and support our youth missions! We’ll begin washing cars in the AUMC parking lot directly after the 11:00 Worship service! Get your car cleaned as you leave church or leave your car here and we’ll clean it while you’re at lunch! Jesus cleans your heart, we’ll clean your car! Come out to support the youth missions with your donations!

THE ARMENIA CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX MINISTRY - Project AGAPE Christmas Boxes is a unique mission of the NC Conference and the Christians in Armenia. For many children in refugee communities, this is the only Christmas gift they will receive. These boxes are a small gift containing a mighty message - the priceless love of Christ. A copy of items needed with instructions will be in the empty plastic shoeboxes located at each Welcome Center (outside the Sanctuary and in the Family Life Center). Pick yours up TODAY! Because of strict customs and import laws, please do not wrap the shoeboxes and only use items from the lists. Secure the shoebox with a rubber band around the box. Our official dedication will be July 31st - 5th Sunday, feel free to bring them in sooner and place them on or under the tables where the empty boxes are located. Please contact Charlotte O’Brien charlotteobrien61@yahoo.com or 919-383-8734 with questions or concerns.

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SUNDAY SERMONS - Rev. Dr. Homer E. Morris July 3rd * “The Fixed Heart

Psalm 51:16-17:11 ; Isaiah 26:3-5

July 10th * “The Vessel Was Marred” Jeremiah 18:1-23 Guest Pastor: Rev. Bruce Taylor July 17th * “The Hardened Heart”

Psalm 95: 7-11; Hebrews 3: 7-8

July 24th * “Believing Heart”

Romans 10:9-10; John 20:26-29

July 31st* “The United Methodist Men will led this Worship Service”

Sunday, July 31st * 5th Sunday * One Worship Service 10:30 Family Life Center The United Methodist Men will led this Worship Service COVERED DISH LUNCHEON IS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE WORSHIP SERVICE. PLEASE BRING A COUPLE OF DISHES FOR YOUR FAMILY PLUS ONE MORE. AND THE SURVEY SAYS… Thanks to all of you who filled out our Services survey last month. Our Leadership teams are learning a lot from your responses and are considering several steps to help Aldersgate “Connect, Know, Love and Grow” even better. Receiving feedback like this, or through conversation with the lay leadership team and especially our Christian Formation and Worship teams is KEY to our being most effective. So, please continue to share your ideas, concerns, and appreciations in the months to come, as we begin to experiment or implement new actions toward service and growth!

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Week 4 July 4-8th CLOSED


Week 5 - July 11-15th 1:00 pm Music & Arts Camp * FINAL PERFORMANCE: Friday, July 15th at 3:30 pm For K-8th graders – spread the word! $60 for half-day participants; full day camp registration also available. JUDGE JULIE TRULY AND THE CASE OF THE HOLEY ROOF! “Order in the court! All rise for Her Honor, Judge Julie Truly, who will now hear The Case of the Holey Roof from the Gospel of Luke Chapter 5.” Meet the Homeowner: He is pressing charges against the Four Friends. (They dug a hole in his roof, on purpose!) Meet our Defendants: “Four Famously Faithful Friends” who went over and above to bring their paralyzed companion to Jesus. A fun contemporary-spin on a familiar Bible story, this musical offers character parts large and small, solos and catchy songs, and lots of opportunity for set creation and choreography too. Join us for a wonderful week of FaithMeets-the Arts!

WEEK 2 - July 25th - July 29th “WILD, WILD WEST”

WEEK 3 - August 1st - 5th "PIRATES & PRINCESSES”

WEEK 4 - August 8th - 12th "GOING ON A DINO HUNT”

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FINANCIAL PEACE IS COMING TO ALDERSGATE! IF YOU “THINK” YOU COULD BE INTERESTED IN BEING DEBT FREE, COME TO THE INTRODUCTION ON SUNDAY, AUG. 21ST IN THE WESLEY ROOM AT NOON. Approximately 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, regardless of their income. This means that “broke” has become the new normal in our nation. At the end of the month, many individuals simply have nothing left because of debt and expenses. If this is you, we’ve got good news. You are not alone. Financial Peace University is that plan. This nine-week class taught by money expert Dave Ramsey can change your financial story in a matter of weeks and your family tree for generations to come.

When you think about AUMC’s finances, more than likely numbers, commas, and decimals come to mind. Some may think of the annual budget. Others may think about monthly giving or the church’s capital debt. While these are important aspects of the church’s finances, they are not our most important numbers. The real story is what your generous and faithful financial support of the church makes possible – creating disciples of Christ. It is the lives touched, needs met, and relationships deepened with our Lord and Savior. Throughout the remainder of the year in addition to being transparent with how the church is operating financially, the finance committee wants to highlight a few of the numbers you make possible each month. INCOME THRU JUNE 2016 : $365,191 EXPENSES OF $ 411,917 NET LOSS OF ($ 46,726)

MANY WAYS TO GIVE One convenient way to give is to set up an EFT or electronic funds transfer. You can give a one-time gift or set up weekly, or monthly donations. You can set it up yourself by going to our Aldersgate.org website select Mission & Giving then select on-line giving. You may also contact our church treasurer, Mary Taylor (mary@aldersgate.org). You can make donations to the operating budget, the capital campaign or to special ministries such as the community backpack ministry or urban ministries, or make a special memorial gift. Another way to give is by donating shares of stock. We use the United Methodist Foundation and Morgan Stanley to assist us with gifts of stock. If you are interested in this option just contact Mary Taylor by email at mary@aldersgate.org and she will give you or your stock broker the necessary paperwork to transfer the stock.

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7/31 FLC-10:30

7/10 7/17 7/24 7/31 11:00 Service 7/3





O = Office Door M = Main Door Chick Hinton Mitch Adkins-M Mitch Adkins Richard Riggsbee Terri DeMaeyer-O Katherine Siler Jeff Sturkey Mary Tom Roberts Mitch Adkins-M Mitch Adkins Myrna Umphlett Terri DeMaeyer-O Rebel Umphlett Stacey McCorison Paul Jones Carol Brese-M Carol Brese Linda Jones Dave Brese-O Doug Morris Carole Morris Stacey McCorison Mary Tom Roberts-M Mary Tom Roberts Kathy Chmielewski Norma Roberts-O Carl Chmielewski Ed Osteen Steven Fishback Anne Finch Margie Muir Sue Allison Denise Thomas

9:30 Service 7/3


LAY READER Richard King

Pattie Porter

Kathy Chmielewski

Debbie Edge

Ruth Kay

Nancy Gaither

Greeters = Main Door Only Cynthia Bell Gene Bell Margie Muir Denise Thomas Steven Fishback Sue Allison Mary Taylor Jane Bahor Steven Fishback

Ronnie Oakley Jan Howe Bill Smith Suzi Caudill Ginger Hawkins Kirk Brown Tammy Closs Paula Veasey Kimberly Riggs Pam Boatright Roy Swaringen Suzi Caudill Debbie Fletcher

Terri Ray Ken Morris Denise Thomas Terri Ray Anne Finch

Ruth Kay

Amelia Oakley-M Janie Howell-O

Amelia Oakley

John Howe

Lindsay Brown-M Lynn Baird-O

Lindsay Brown

Debbie Fletcher

Debbie Fletcher-M Rusty Grimm-O

Debbie Fletcher

Judy Alford

Lindsay Brown-M

Lindsay Brown

Suzi Caudill

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An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.

Altar Guild NANCY GAITHER CATHY COZART Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.


Trustees are Christian stewards of the property God has entrusted to the congregation. Effective trustees supervise and maintain the property of the congregation to ensure that disciple-making ministries of the congregation are effective and that local legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.

A LDERSGATE U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH 1320 Umstead Drive Durham, NC 27712 Phone: 919-477-0509 Email: holly@aldersgate.org

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Aldersgate UMC Durham TheGate27712 Aldersgate.org Aldersgate United Methodist Church

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