Aldersgate UMC July Newsletter

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Birthdays/Youth Financial Peace Thank You 100 Days of Summer Fun/ Children’s Sunday School & Teacher Information Sunday Worship/Music Music Shoebox Ministry Rafting/Lake Junaluska Oxford Manor Communion Bread Ministry Construction Update Drive Thru Prayer Ministry Financials/Pastor Discretionary Nursery/Acolyte Schedule Trustee Corner & Altar Guild Lay Assistants Schedule Trustee & Altar Guild Lay Assistant Schedule Bible Puzzle

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Connecting Knowing Loving Growing

United Methodist Church July 2012 Issue


Daydreams Becoming Realities So, I’m staring out my window at the tilled up ground that now marks the corner of Umstead Rd. and Bivins. A couple of pieces of heavy equipment are moving some earth around. There’s a Bobcat that looks like it would be fun to operate for an hour or two. Throughout much of the spring the area in front of the sanctuary has looked rather unattractive, but that’s to be expected with construction. Nevertheless, one day it won’t be like that. In a few short weeks it will be a much less noticeable retention area for rainwater runoff. We have lovingly referred to it as a “Dry Pond” because most of the time it will just be a berm that hardly gets any attention. But when it rains it will hold the water until it drains off. When I close my eyes I can imagine what it will look like. The best place to see the construction of the area behind the Family Life Center is not on ground level. Instead, the best place to go is upstairs to the Youth and Scout Room on the backside of the building. From there you can get a bird’s eye view of what is taking place. The parking is really coming along, grass is growing on the field, and the sidewalk around the field is completed. Again, if I close my eyes I can imagine kids out there playing, and adults walking the sidewalk, and cars parked in the lot. In the middle of it all is a beautiful picnic shelter where church groups and families are

sitting out of the sun, enjoying fried chicken, potato salad, and a Dixie Cup filled with lemonade. More people are coming to church now. More connection points are taking place. Disciples are being made. And, if I look around the room from there I can see where the elevator is going to go so that everyone can have access to this space, and I see where the bathrooms are going to be so that the youth don’t have to run downstairs every time nature calls. I imagine a place that is fresh, new, and attractive. I think about the teenagers who will be there, gathering to learn about the word and then being sent out into the world to serve. When I walk into the sanctuary I start staring out the left side of the building toward Bivins Rd. That’s where the Columbarium and Memorial Garden will be. It is not hard to imagine a small group of family members gathered in that space. They’ve stopped by to remember their mother, who was a saint, who truly built up the kingdom of God. Even as we gather for worship on Sunday mornings we will be able to see this wall which will hold the remains of our loved ones. Looking out we will be reminded of the love and life of those who have built up our church; and have now outraced us to God’s eternal home. As we worship God in the sanctuary, they are worshipping God around His throne.

View from Pastor Doug’s office window

Can you imagine it all? The picture is starting to come into focus. It has been a long journey, and there’s obviously more work to be done. But we’re getting closer. Today’s work will open up so many avenues for tomorrow’s disciples. Our daydreams are becoming a reality.

Peace of Christ, Pastor Doug


CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)

Shirley Bullock Anabela Mendes Margaret Ann Healy Wyatt Kimbrough Shannon Petry Carol Lowans Rochelle Nye Randy Sheffield Lowry Caudill Ashley Elliott Thomas Harrell Rob Parker Ken Howard Bette Baird Cathy Sheffield Cathy Moser Bob Anna Jennifer Teunis Sharon Collier Georgia Fishback Holly Hall Heidi Miller

07/01 07/01 07/02 07/03 07/03 07/04 07/05 07/05 07/06 07/06 07/06 07/06 07/07 07/08 07/08 07/09 07/09 07/09 07/10 07/10 07/10 07/10

Jimmy Shipman Mark Haskell Ray Hilton Linda Shaffer Sammy Turley Barbara Yarbrough Bob Wallace Van Anderson Nicholas Falise David Korest Steven Nolte Patrick Gaines Tyler Schalliol Jonathan Shaver Suzanne Elliott Alessandra Gauger Matthew Leeson Jacquelyn Andrews Matthew Jones Andy Parham Jonas Daugherty Joe Newman

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Alex Teunis Joyce Mackin Cyndie Smith Doug Taylor Lisa Cooper Joanna de Andrade Garry Bowman Whitney Hunt Pam Boatright Louise Spangler Madeline Hurley Colton Stanley Marilyn Tomasic Judy Alford Carl Forsyth Kay Shaver Paige Andrews Paul Jones David Ray Barbara Snyder Mary King Carol Newman Lawson Osteen

07/19 07/20 07/21 07/21 07/22 07/22 07/23 07/23 07/24 07/24 07/26 07/26 07/26 07/27 07/28 07/28 07/29 07/29 07/29 07/29 07/30 07/30 07/31

May God’s many blessings be poured upon you as you celebrate today and the years that follow too. May you have a real sense of God’s hand upon your life leading you and guiding you as you walk with Jesus Christ. © By M.S.Lowndes


Special Thanks from Duke Hospice to Carol Brese and all volunteers Duke Hospice could not provide the level of end-of-life care that our community deserves without the time, energy and special talents of volunteers including people like Carol Brese and other members of your faith community who volunteer with Duke Hospice. Carol has provided her special kind of caring to our hospice patients and families since 2006. While professional clinicians are critical to hospice patients’ comfort, Carol fills a special niche; she is the compassionate neighbor, sometimes the liaison between the family and the professionals, the heart of the organization - listening, providing practical support and companionship to people who can feel very isolated. Carol assists patients and caregivers, providing companionship, respite, as well as practical and emotional support for caregivers. Her hospice ministry respects the unique personality and circumstances of each dying patient. This in turn allows patients more room to understand their own dying and death, and to communicate with their loved ones in a way that honors and strengthens their relationships at this important time. Carol advocates for patients in their own families, enhancing communication in what is often the worst time of their lives. She is an extraordinary gift of compassion to the people of our community. Carol has committed to continue visiting patients who “graduated" from hospice. Just because the “formal” hospice relationship ends and her visits won’t officially “count", doesn’t mean that Carol feels that the patient needs her less. Once Carol sees a need she continues to fill it, which is why she is connected to so many in our community. Carol is a huge asset to our patients and families and speaks very highly of the work done by Aldersgate and the support your faith community provides to its members who reach out to the Durham community. Thank you for all you do to empower your members to reach out to support our hospice patients and families. Carolyn Colsher - Volunteer Supervisor Duke HomeCare & Hospice

Dear Aldersgate Family, Thank you so much for the love and support you gave to Maurio. Thank you for allowing him to use his gift; you nurtured him and prayed for and with him. We are eternally grateful. Be Blessed, Dr. Marcono and Charlotte Hines

Henry and I would like to thank our Aldersgate Church Family for their love and support when Henry’s mother recently passed away. We sincerely appreciate each and every call and card we received. We especially thank the Stephen Ministers Group for their thoughtfulness in sending the grieving books. How blessed we all are to have each other! Henry and Ginger Hawkins


(Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world.) Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had NO payments… if you were completely debt free!?! The Stewardship Committee is thrilled to announce that Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University is coming to Aldersgate in September 2012. This is a fun and practical course that will teach us to handle money the way that God wants us to handle money. We will learn to live like noone else today, so that later we can live and give like no-one else.

Mark Your Calendars - More information is coming! - Wednesday Nights beginning on September 12th - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. The course will last for 10 weeks (but we will take a night off on October 31, 2012 for Halloween) For questions, please contact Jennifer McLamb at or 919-620-8744 or a member of the Stewardship Committee. (Tony Schalliol, John Howe, Lynn Baird, Sheilah Lowans, Robin Thomas, Burton King, Holly Hall, Doug Lain and Garry Bowman)


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WAS “DIVING DEEP!” Last week, the entire church facility was full of children, youth and adults "diving deep" into God's word. We had 121 children and an average of 65 adults attending, with countless volunteers helping in hundreds of ways. Thank you to all the children and their families for bringing them, to the adults for attending Dr. Efird's class, and for all the volunteers and leaders who shared their gifts and time to make the week possible. Special thanks to Michelle Schalliol and Regina Whitaker for once again serving as our directors. It was an awesome week!

Two Camps 1) Summer Day Camp for Kindergarten-6th gradeJune 11th—July 13th (closed July 2-6th) $170.00 per week. 2) Preschool 1/2 Day Summer Camp-2-5 years old (2 years olds must be enrolled for the fall) July 23rd-Aug 10th-$100.00 per week. Each week is a new adventure. Contact: Evelyn Johnson: for more information (919) 479-8686

Music and Arts Camp - One week - July 9th- July13th - age: 6-13. If you are attending Aldersgate’s full day camp there is no charge; otherwise, $55.00 for the entire week. Your child will learn the musical “Holy Moses!” by Kathie Hill from start to finish. Everyone is invited to see the show on the last day, Friday, July 13th 3:30pm. For more information contact: Nan de Andrade:

Summer Sunday School - Do you know the stories of Gideon, Josiah, or Abigail ? Come to Sunday school this summer and find out how God worked in their lives and the lives of others in the Old Testament. We will have fun exploring the Bible each Sunday from 9:30-10:30am in the Family Life Center. Class groupings will remain the same until “The Fall Kick-Off “on August 26th, except for children completing fifth grade. They will begin attending the Breath of God Sunday school class June 3rd. For more information contact: Jane Brannock: Jane


leaders, Sunday school teachers and other interested adults are invited to the Curriculum Fair to preview study materials we have available at the church. This will be a great time to plan ahead for the coming year.



(Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.)

July 1st

Loving God through worship OT: Psalm 100 & NT: John 4:19-26

July 8th

Love our neighbor through service OT: Micah 6:1-8 & NT: Luke 10:25-37

July 15th

Growing as disciples of Jesus Christ OT: Psalm 19 & NT: John 15:1-17

July 22nd

Growing as a faithful community called the church OT: Psalm 8 & NT: 1 Corinthians 12:12-30

July 29th

5th Sunday - Connecting, Knowing, Loving and Growing OT: Psalm 98 & NT: Matthew 28:16-20 A mature Christian continues in the loop. They continue to make connections for the sake of Jesus Christ. You’re a disciple. Now go and make more disciples. Contact: Music Minister, Rev. Nan de Andrade (477-0509 x116)

TOP TWENTY COUNTDOWN It’s been great to read all of your submissions for our Top-Twenty Countdown survey, held in May. Some surprises, as you’ll see, and some favorites continue to appear. As we sing these, it’s much more than just “singing the songs we like to sing” -- we are strengthened in our faith, knowing that members are claiming these wonderful words for their heart-expressions of faith. If you would like to have a hymnal at home to meditate further on these and other inspiring texts, you can order one through Cokesbury pid=443732&rank=9&txtSearchQuery=hymnal . # 20 Rock of Ages No. 361 (text: Augustus Toplady, 1776, tune: Thomas Hastings, 1830) Perhaps, as hymnologist Routley states, “the only popular and universal hymn about sin,” Rock of Ages bears imagery of sheltering rock, water-washing and atoning blood. Composed by Toplady in 1775, it has been a staple in Methodist hymnals for almost 200 years. Many tourists visit a steep wall of the gorge near Burrington Combe (England), and stoop beneath the cleft of a rock which may have sheltered the author and prompted this hymn. 2010 ranking: #15 #19 Great Is Thy Faithfulness No. 140 (words: Thomas Chisholm, 1923; tune: William Runyan, 1923) The author and the composer were both Methodist ministers. There are many Biblical connections: see Lamentations 3: 19-24 and James 1: 17c. The “unofficial school hymn” of Moody Bible Institute, it is also the #1 favorite hymn of your Music Minister, who claims its promises every morning! 2010 ranking: #8 #18 What a Friend We Have in Jesus No. 526 (words: Joseph Scriven, 1855; music: Charles Converse, 1868) Scriven wrote this text to comfort his mother “in a time of special sorrow, not intending that anyone else should see it.” This song with its gentle, rocking melody and repeated reminder, “take it to the Lord in prayer,” is an encouragement to many in difficult times of life. The hymn has been shared in Methodist hymnals since 1878 (our great-great-great-grandparent’s day!). 2010 ranking: #10 5

#17 Sweet Sweet Spirit No. 334 (Words and music: Doris Akers, 1962) This chorus was written while Akers was choir director for the Sky Pilot Radio Church in L.A. One Sunday morning, as the choir prepared for worship, the author prayed, “I know there’s a sweet, sweet spirit in this place.” The phrase stayed with her until the next day, when she wrote the music and words to this hymn, which praises the sweetness and goodness of the Holy Spirit known to Christians as they worship together. 2010 ranking: none #16 Morning Has Broken No. 145 (words: Eleanor Frajeon, 1931; music: traditional Gaelic melody) First appearing in hymnals in the 1950’s , twenty years later, this hymn was recorded by the pop singer Cat Stevens and hit the top 40 charts. The text effectively links and expresses the creation stories in Genesis 1 and John 1, and reminds us that each new day is a gift from God. The clever choice of the wording, “God’s re-creation” suggests the joy that the creator might continually express through creation. 2010 ranking: none #15 Battle Hymn of the Republic No. 717 (words: Julia Ward Howe; music: USA camp meeting tune) Ward Howe spontaneously composed this song when she was caught in a counter-offensive of the Union troops upon the Southern forces, outside of Washington D.C. during the Civil War. A stinging memory associates it with Gen. Sherman’s razing of Atlanta, it has also partnered with many other nationalistic and political causes through the years, from Women’s suffrage to civil rights and many funerals, including Winston Churchill’s. With a galvanizing text which has both military and apocalyptic references, its tune was commonly sung as “John Brown’s Body,” which was known as the unofficial theme song of black soldiers. 2010 ranking: none #14 In the Garden No. 314 (words and music: C. Austin Miles, 1913) This gospel hymn was inspired by the dialogue at the garden tomb when the risen Christ met Mary, John 20:11-18. It invites the singer to experience the personal joy of Mary – a joy “none other has ever known.” Though popular in many Methodist congregations, its first appearance in an official UM hymnal was in 1989. Many associate this song with memories of a loved one, whose funeral included this song. 2010 ranking: #6 #13 Shine Jesus Shine TFWS No. 2173 (words and music: Graham Kendrick, 1987) Often experienced at summer camp, this song’s energetic enthusiasm for Jesus reign of light and love has come to be a favorite among many since its writing just 25 years ago. The revival message is based on Ephesians 5, and calls us to walk as children of light: “For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light.” This favorite is from our hymnal supplement, The Faith We Sing; written by a contemporary English praise and worship leader and songwriter. 2010 ranking: none #12 Spirit Song No. 347 (words and music: John Wimber) The author of this hymn was one of the founding leaders of the charismatic Vineyard Church renewal movement, which began in California in the 1970’s. He said that this song was spiritually “dictated” to him in a few hours’ time. It is a heart-warming, “altar call” song, which calls believers to fully receive the promises of Christ. 2010 ranking: #17 #11 On Eagle’s Wings (words and music: Michael Joncas, 1979) A beautiful song which reflects Exodus 19:4b “…You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagle’s wings and brought you to myself” as well as Psalm 91 and Isaiah 40:31. It may be the only hymn where the first words are “Yoo-hoo” (You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord). Though we only have the chorus in our hymnal, the whole song has become a classic blessing used for many special occasions. 2010 ranking: none Mila and Nan will be “spinning your favorite hits all summer long,” so stay tuned to learn our top-10 favorites, which we’ll be singing through the remainder of July and August!


Aldersgate Music and Arts Camp is July 9th-13th M&A Camp runs from 9:00am – 1:00pm, but children can also enroll through the Aldersgate Summer Camp program and stay all day! It’s great fun – we sing, dance, act, create props and art and all the while learn the story of Moses through a wonderful musical called Holy Moses by Kathie Hill. There are still openings, if you know a child (K-8th) who might enjoy this outreach, please take them a brochure or contact Nan. THOU SHALT 1. Come and Support our Children in their Performance 2. Experience the miracle of a full musical, produced in one week! 3. Friday, July 13 4. 3:30 PM 5. in the Family Life Center Gym 6. See Our Children Sing, Dance, Act, share Art 7. Hear the Great Story of Moses 8. Bring a Friend! 9. Enjoy! 10. Praise God!

SUMMER BREAK: GOD’S RE-CREATION TIME Most of our choirs are taking a rehearsal breather for a few weeks now that summer is hot and heavy. While you are missing hearing them sing, dance or ring, God may lead you to do two important things. 1) Thank our music ministry volunteers for their faithful ministry through the year. 2) Please consider joining a group when we resume in August/September. We love adding to our number!!! Notices about upcoming rehearsal kickoffs will be in our next newsletter. Meanwhile, let me say thanks to all for your support. In June, Heidi Miller, our children’s choir volunteer director, along with Nan, attended a week-long Montreat Music Camp, which was a Presbyterian Association of Musicians event. Nan enjoyed renewing her love of choral singing by singing in the Concert choir and Chamber choir, led by Jonathan Willcocks, an English composer-conductor, and also loved learning more drama ideas from Tom Long and his Friends of the Groom troupe. Heidi got lots of great ideas for children’s drama and music, as well as for leading games and teaching children music skills. Of course, there was lots of opportunity for inspiration and worship, both through the event and just trekking along in the beautiful Black Mountain setting. Aldersgate sponsored Heidi for the event registration, which was a worthy investment in an already great leader for our church. (Blessings, Heidi!) Also in June, you gave some scholarship assistance to Alan Miller and Colton Stanley, who were a part of our Conference All-State Youth Choir June 17-24. Their first few days were spent learning their music at Greensboro College, and then they toured with the choir across the Western NC Conference. Anyone who heard them sing were extremely blessed (me included!!). Their sound was awesome, the music selections were great, and the talents and heart that they shared were so inspiring to all. (Kudos, Colton and Alan! Keep up the good work) Nan

Need Some “Mi-Mi-Mi” Time? Now is a great time for Nan to spend some time with you to help you identify and grow your skills either as a singer or as a music reader! She can listen to your voice, give you some help on how to sound your best, and teach some healthy singing habits. Or, if you always wanted to learn how to read music, you can spend some time learning the basics to get started. Lessons are “free” – it surely will benefit AUMC’s music ministry for you to take some Mi-Mi-Mi time. So contact Nan for some one-on-one time or 477 -0509 x 116

PLANNING FOR THE FALL IN MUSIC/ WORSHIP MINISTRY At my writing today, Christmas is just six short months away – and fall programming is closer than it appears in the rear-view mirror! So, our music ministry team, along with youth and children’s leaders, are thinking hard about how to provide the most helpful offerings to lead and serve our congregation through music. One question being asked: is our current schedule the best? Especially as it comes to children and youth, it is quite a challenge to know what might be the best option for rehearsals. Last year, the schedule for youth looked like this: youth choir on Sunday before UTH, as well as youth-led Young Dancers. After UTH, our Sacred Dancers and Youth praise band met to practice. Our children had options for Young Dancers and Young Ringers on Sundays from 4:30-5:15 (dance) and 5:30 – 6:15 (bells). On Wednesday, we offered children’s music (choir) in conjunction with a Bible activity club, after WNL supper, from 6:15-7:30. We are not reaching all of our youth and children in these programs, obviously; but we want to try to reach as many as are interested! If you have suggestions about our scheduling, or have other input regarding our ministry in these areas, please email Nan de Andrade or Jane Brannock in the next couple of weeks. We’d love to have your input. Also, if you’re interested in volunteering, now’s a great time to let us know. GOSPEL-SINGING ON A SUMMER NIGHT Do you love old-time gospel/bluegrass gospel music? Come and enjoy a SUMMER NIGHT OF SONG at the de Andrades’ home as we fellowship and make music together. WHO: ALL Pickers, Grinners, Fiddlers, Dulcimer players, Washboarders, etc., etc., and Gospel Singers of all kinds! All ages and stages welcome. WHEN: Wednesday, July 25 - TIME: 6:00 – 8:30 pm WHERE: 719 Wendy Way (27712; Right off Guess Rd. at Carden’s Creek, then Right on Wendy Way) WHAT: First, bring a side dish to go along with our dogs-and-burgers fellowship supper, then join in the Singing (which will begin at 7:00)! The plan is that what we do well, we’ll share at our Fifth-Sunday worship on July 29. R.S.V.P. PS: If you have a music suggestion, please email Nan with the song and the key preferred, so we’ll have copies to share. Or just bring around 20 copies with you! PPS: If you know of a fiddle player who might join us for the night and Sunday, let Nan know.


Operation Christmas Child Sunday, July 29th

We see scenes of children suffering from war, starvation, disease, neglect and natural disaster. Our hearts cry out for them, but we wonder, “What can we do?” I have a suggestion, just give a simple gift. Operation Christmas Child brings simple gifts and the message of Jesus Christ to children around the world. July 29th we will dedicate shoeboxes filled with toys, hygiene articles, clothes and other items for Operation Christmas Child sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse. For about $20 (there is a $7.00 donation per shoebox for shipping costs) you can brighten a child’s life and provide hope. Volunteers around the world present the gospel to the children when they receive their shoeboxes. Instructions are available along with shoeboxes near the choir room beginning Sunday, July 8th What types of items are needed? School supplies, small toys, hygiene items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, hard candies, ivory type soap. Please no toys with guns, knives, etc or war action figures. Soap and hard candies need to be double bagged in baggies. Please feel free to include your name and address and a letter and picture if you like. Lasting friendships have often been formed between senders and receivers. Your donation envelop goes on the very top inside the shoebox. If you want to decorate the shoebox, please decorate the lid separate from the body. Use two heavy rubber bands to secure the lid to the box. Most importantly, please pray for the child who will receive the shoebox. The shoebox represents more than a Christmas gift. It represents life through Jesus Christ. In a world lacking hope and peace, only faith in Jesus can bring joy and true peace to any of us. Jesus commanded us to let the children come to Him. Your gift will give a child that opportunity. God bless you. For additional questions and information, please contact Sandra and Glenn Reynolds by email at or 919-614-2154. “Pack your shoebox with love, send it with prayer, and share the good news of Jesus Christ with a hurting child. That’s the power of a simple gift.” Franklin Graham, President Samaritan’s Purse

Come one, Come All - Rafting or Shopping Fun for everyone ! Wanna beat the summer heat? Come cool off in the whitewater of the NC Mountains August 10th – 12th. We are planning a trip for everyone, ages 8 and up, to raft one of our scenic rivers and stay at beautiful Lake Junaluska! This year’s trip will hopefully give you a few more rapids and water, and is still a great trip for families with youth and children, couples, singles – Everyone! Even if you are not a rafter, you can enjoy the lakeside and beautiful downtown Waynesville & Maggie’s Valley for eating and shopping. We hope you will make plans to join us! The cost for the trip is $112 per person, based on four people per room; rate is $82 for non-rafters. Contact Tara for more info at

End of Year Party at Oxford Manor All of the kids were very excited on the last day of the Oxford Manor Community Learning Center before the summer holiday. The CONDUIT churches took homemade cookies, raw vegetables with dip, and lemonade to go with the pizza provided by the YMCA. Duke’s Chapel United Methodist Church honored each fifth grader leaving this CLC program and going into Middle High School. Each of them was given an original certificate created with their name on it. Lolly Holmes highlighted each one with a short interview, including which school that they would be attending in the fall. Rev. Julia Alliger reminded them of the love and concern that would be going with them. As they left, Colleen Anna handed out four boxes of books that were collected by Holly Fishback’s third grade class at the Sandra Lerner Jewish Community Day School. Each student got about six books to take home and enjoy. It was a delightful ending for nine months of slaving over homework for the kindergartners through the fifth graders. 8


(Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) Communion Bread Ministry DO YOU HAVE A “KNEAD” TO BAKE”? Baking bread for Holy Communion is a sacred act and a blessing. Perhaps you have a love of baking and would like to share your skills with your church family. This is an opportunity to participate in a sacred moment in the life of our church as we come together for this holy meal. The act of baking communion bread is a reverent and prayerful activity. If you are interested in making communion bread you have the option of using a recipe we have available or your personal favorite. So what are the characteristics of good communion bread: * Crust easy to tear or break * No flour “dust” or oil on crust * Interior of loaf “tender” & holds together without crumbling when broken * No seeds or nuts (dangerous allergens) What do I get out of serving? Bakers are nurtured in their faith through knowledge of service to God and others. What does God get out of my service? God is honored when we dedicate our time to serving the Kingdom in ways that help others. What do others get from my serving? Others receive the sacrament of Holy Communion through which we receive God’s grace. Please contact: Barbara Atkinson (919) 638-5711 or Tara Lain (919) 477-0509 x 102 or



It’s not as hard as it sounds! The Evangelism Committee needs people to help with all parts of drive through prayer. Don’t feel comfortable praying in front of people? Come help set up signs, tear down the tent at the end, or pass out water. Feel like you want to maybe check out the prayer part? You can start with observing with a partner if you’re not ready to just jump into leading the prayer yourself. We have heard from many in the community what a blessing this is to them and you could be part of it! Still not sure this is for you? Just come out and observe at the next one on July 10th from 4:00-6:00 pm and just see what’s it’s all about. Hope to see you there! Questions contact Carol Brese at 919-471-2269 or Michelle Schalliol at 919-768-0286

Aldersgate Phase - June Construction Update Work continues on the new parking lot, paving has started. Steel plates have been placed in the drive way near the mail box to protect the existing pavement. Excavation has started on the dry pond, drainage materials have been staged, work will progress this month. Site work should be completed by late July. The contract has been awarded for the work on the Columbarium, Family Life Center second floor renovations and elevator. Mixon Construction will be doing the work, starting in July. A detailed work schedule will be published once the contact has been finalized.



$ from Goal

% of Goal



Budgeted Goal




Pledged Goal




WHAT IS THE AUMC PASTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND (PDF)? Contributions used to provide assistance to the needy at the discretion of the Senior Pastor or Associate Pastor.

What are the requirements for the PDF? Congregational Members: Any assistance must be approved by the pastor(s) as listed above. Limited to the pastor(s) discretion. Documentation & form are required. Non Congregational Members: Assistance for necessary utility bills and / or rent must be approved by the pastor(s) mentioned above. No more than $100 and/or once per year. Documentation & form are required.

Do we give out cash?

No, all assistance is paid directly to the utility or rental agency. No cash is distributed. In some instances, food or gas cards may be given at the discretion of the pastor(s).

Have we helped anyone this year?

YES! As of the end of May, AUMC distributed $3,442 to members and Durham County residents through our PDF. We helped a total of 29 families!

How can you help?

Our PDF is limited to your contributions. This fund is running out. You can help by making a contribution to the “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund” through the mail or in the offering plate.

July Acolyte Schedule 8:15 am Worship Service July 1st: July 8th: July 15th: July 22nd: July 29th:

Grace Vincent & Olivia Lain Taylor Healy McKenna Colgan Hannah Fogle Lewis Reo 5th Sunday

8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Sunday Morning Nursery

11:00 am Worship Service July 1st: July 8th:: July 15th : July 22nd: July 29th:

Abi Lowans Ella Thomas Taylor Healy Janae Andrews Reid Moser 5th Sunday: 10:30am

Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis & Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant & Lynn Wilfong

MacKenzie Hale


A big Thank You to everyone who has been working to consolidate and prepare the 2nd Floor of the Family Life Center to be cleaned out and containers moved into storage units before our renovations begin. The trustees are currently looking into storage options and will inform the congregation when they can begin filling these units. Over the next 6 months, with the 2nd floor of the FLC closed, groups that use our facility will need to share space. Please make sure you are contacting the church office to reserve a room if you are meeting on the church property. We ask that individuals or groups that are using chairs, tables and supplies around the campus to please put the items back where you found them or in the storage closets. Feel free to contact a Trustee if you have concerns about the facilities of Aldersgate UMC. Our 2012 AUMC Trustees are: Billy Cole, Chairperson, Susan Dernosek, Vanessa Gordon , Laurie Leeson , Kay Shaver, Randy Sheffield, Phil Stancil, Mark Thomas, Ron West.

TRUSTEE FOR JULY Vanessa Gordon & Susan Dernosek

JULY ALTAR GUILD Cindy Copolo & Sarah Upchurch


July Lay Assistants Schedule


8:15am Worship Service Ushers

Lay Readers


Carol & Dave Brese (o) Chick Hinton (m)

Carol & Doug Morris Jeff Sturkey/Kirk Brown

Kathy Chmielewski


Jean Mrosla(m) Pam Collier(o)

Joe & Lisa Clark Mary Tom Roberts/Jackie Roberts

Ken Morris


Mary Tom Roberts (o) Jackie Roberts(o) Heidi Miller (m)

Richard Riggsbee/Henry Atkinson Mitch Adkins/Raye Lyndon

Lisa Clark


Lisa Clark (o) Kathy Harris (m)

Chick Hinton/Charles Andrews Carol & Doug Morris

Sharon MacLaurin


5th Sunday

7/1 7/8 7/15 7/22 7/29

Betty/Dale Wickham Lara Rowland Michael/Wanda Crutchfield Sue Allison 5th Sunday

9:30am Worship Service Andrea Stewart & Joyce/Ron Pendergrass Cynthia Bell/Cathy Sheffield Betty/Dale Wickham Gene Bell/Lara Rowland

Betty Wickham April Perry Bill Paynter Cathy Sheffield

11:00am Worship Service 7/1

Carol Newman (o) Cheryl Joy Turner (m)

Megan Hunt/Mitch Moser Nancy Grinstead/Pam Boatright

Barbara Snyder


Pam Boatright (m) Mary Taylor (o)

Paula Alford/Paula Veasey Raye Lyndon/Ron West

Cathy Cozart


(m) Jennifer McLamb (o)

Andy & Stacey McCorison Bill Smith/Summer Stanley

Emily Wike


Sarah/Stacey McCorison (m) Lynn & Bette Baird (o)

Andrea Stewart/Sarah McCorison Ginger Hawkins/Graham Nichols

Bill Smith


Joyce Mackin Jennifer McLamb Paula/Gary James

Raye Lyndon/Marsha Covington

Bill Paynter

To access the monthly church calendar, please click on the link below and click on This Week in Our Church—on the left side of the front page.


THIRTY BOOKS OF THE BIBLE A Puzzle – Just For Fun There are thirty books of the Bible in this paragraph. Can you find them? This is a most remarkable puzzle. It was found by a gentleman in an airline seat pocket, on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much, he passed it on to some friends. One friend from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his john boat. Another friend studied it while playing his banjo. Elaine Taylor, a columnist friend, was so intrigued by it she mentioned it in her weekly newspaper column. Another friend judges the job of solving this puzzle so involving, she brews a cup of tea to help her nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot. That’s a fact. Some people, however, will soon find themselves in a jam, especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalized. Truthfully, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister or scholar to see some of them at the worst. Research has shown that something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have in seeing the books in this paragraph. During a recent fund raising event, which featured this puzzle, the Alpha Delta Phi lemonade booth set a new sales record. The local paper, The Chronicle, surveyed over 200 patrons who reported that this puzzle was one of the most difficult they had ever seen. As Daniel Humana humbly puts it, “the books are all right here in plain view hidden from sight.” Those able to find all of them will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation that may help is that books like Timothy and Samuel may occur without their numbers. Also, keep in mind, that punctuation and spaces in the middle are normal. A chipper attitude will help you compete really well against those who claim to know the answers. Remember, there is no need for a mad exodus. There really are 30 books of the Bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found.

Circle all 30, leave a copy in Holly Hall’s mailbox out the church office (with your name on the page) and receive your own AUMC car magnet! Good luck!


Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

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