March 2012 Newsletter - AldersgateUMC

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Aldersgate Experience Connecting, Knowing, Loving, Growing March 2012

Pastor’s Message CONNECTING Bus Birthdays Thank you Baby Minstry Did you Know ? Childrens Easter Egg Hunt KNOWING Morning Lenten Study Mid-Week Lenten Message Vacation Bible School

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LOVING UTH Updates Lent & Easter 3MC (MERCI) Children’s Choir Music Notes CONDUIT GROWING Trustees Corner Construction Update Financials March Acolytes, Altar Guild & Nursery Schedules March Lay Schedule

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“Who Are You Traveling With ?” Throughout the season of Lent we are all invited to go on a Journey to Hope. As you make your spiritual journey in life, who is there with you? Perhaps parents, grandparents, siblings, a spouse, kids, and really good friends. But there are others, aren’t there? Strangers we encounter, acquaintances that we meet. While we sometimes choose to be alone and at other times find ourselves alone without our choosing, the Christian journey is designed to be done in community. As John Wesley put it so well, “The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion.” You will recall that the Vision Team came up with a Mission Statement that focused on four words: Connecting, Knowing, Loving, Growing. The first word is Connecting. That means we want people to connect with God and with one another. Connecting with God probably seems obvious; but why each other? Well, we need other people to help us on the journey. They can be a source of support and assistance when times are difficult or confusing. They can serve as guides to help teach us, find direction, and correct us when we are going off path. And, yes, they can be receivers of our gifts and talents. Serving our neighbors is one way that we bear fruit in God’s kingdom. We need one another.

Not all but most, people are introduced to Aldersgate through worship. Worship is essential to what we do. But one extremely important vehicle for helping us connect, know, love, and grow as disciples is small groups. A small group might be a Sunday School class, the Youth Group, or Choir. Methodist Men and the Women’s Circles are small groups. Mission Teams become small groups for a day, or a week, or however long they are in mission together. There are lots of small groups already operating throughout our church. We all need to be in some type of group for intentional spiritual formation. And I truly believe these groups serve as a catalyst for spiritual growth. (continued on page 2)

Recognizing just how important these groups are for spiritual development, we would like to introduce two new options: Covenant Groups. This is a small group of 5-7 people who meet together for one hour each week to hold themselves accountable in their discipleship. The group members do this by means of a promise or “covenant” which they themselves write and agree to uphold. It serves as a weekly check-up as the members gather to support and encourage one another in Christian living. Journey Groups. These groups could be slightly larger, with as few as 6 and as many as 15. The purpose of a Journey Group is to build relationships, in order to help members feel a deeper sense of connection to others and to Christ. These groups will practice four things together: A) Fellowship with one another. B) Pray for one another and the needs of the world around us. C) Study the Bible and help each other apply it to our lives. D) Serve together in mission to the church and community.

BIG things happen in Small groups

A Journey Group is not all that different from many of our Sunday School classes, Sunday night small groups, Disciple Bible Study, or Youth Group. But if you look at the four practices you will see that there is something just a little bit different. The Covenant Group, on the other hand, does not study or serve together; but rather brings people together from all different areas in the church to simply ask the question, “How did you do in your Christian walk this past week?” There is a set agenda each week, however; and the pattern of checking in with the group allows us to get a spiritual compass setting for the week ahead. We are setting up a pilot program to see how these groups might best work in the life of our church. And we need people who would be willing to be a part of one of these groups throughout late spring and summer of this year. The groups will kick off the week of April 15 and conclude by August 31. Information sessions will be held on Sunday, March 18 at 10:30am and then again on March 25 at 12:15pm. Barbara Atkinson will serve as a resource leader for these groups. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact her at 765-9784 or email her at Jane Brannock at and Pastor Doug at are additional leaders you can call upon for more information. We would really like everyone to join some type of small group in the church. Prayerfully consider being a part of one of these new groups in order to help you grow spiritually over the next five months. May the Peace of Christ be with you!

Pastor Doug

5:30pm each Wednesday - the Family Life Center “The Wednesday night fellowship meal is a great way to connect with others and enjoy a relaxing meal together.”

March 7th

Spaghetti, salad, bread & dessert

March 14th

Pancake dinner/Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser

March 21st

Pork chop, 2 veggies & dessert

March 28th

Shredded beef sandwiches, corn-onthe-cob & dessert/Haiti Mission Team Fundraiser

Bus Aldersgate is actively seeking bus drivers for our new church bus. Interested drivers will need a fill out the AUMC Bus Driver form located on the web site and have a valid N.C. commercial driver’s license. Please return the AUMC Bus Driver form to Pastor Doug’s church mailbox located outside the church office.

“Happy Birthday to you; To Jesus be true; May God’s special blessings now rest upon you.”

Katie Leonard Lara Rowland Annabelle Carver Jennifer Murrell Carli Reo Nancy Grinstead Mary Ellen Rogers Ron West Sarah Caudill Adam Chmielewski Greg Eckhoff Riley Hale Jeri Vincent Joe Lyndon Jane Brannock Tyler Hanson Jennie McDonald Lewis Reo Kelly Stewart Maggie Healy Marshall Wilfong Raye Lyndon Rusty Grimm Eli Shipman Ned Bahor

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Colt Westbrook Gina Culbreth Amanda McCall Bobby Anderson Judy Sanders William Rowland Laura Barnett Betsy Pendergraph Norma Roberts Kevin Cowan Ethan Whitaker Brody Barnett Glenn Paine David Tillotson Henry Atkinson Seth Bosecker Hunter Freeman Amber O’Briant John Miller McKayle Nye Kathy Reeves Betty Slater Burton King Hayden Murrell Mary Taylor

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Dear Aldersgate, The love that has been given to me and my family during Billy's illness and death have been more than I could have ever imagined. The PRAYERS, cards, food, phone calls, and help with the service. There must have been 100 of you working to make this “Celebration of His Life" special. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. God has truly blessed me with my Aldersgate family. I hope someday I will be able to repay everyone of you. God bless.

Dear Church Family, I always thought I understood what “church family" meant, however, until my recent knee surgery, I had no idea. The cards, calls and emails made me smile each time I read them. The prayers were truly felt. I thank God for each and every one of you. I humbly say “thank you". Holly Hall

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

In Love and Friendship, "Chick" and Family

Babysitters Needed The Baby Ministry is looking for babysitters to recommend to our parents. If you are interested, or can recommend someone, please contact Kelly Stewart at

Our worship services are recorded weekly – and sermons are posted to our website shortly after the Sunday service. You may find this week’s sermon on the ‘Listen to:’ link on the front page at Sermons are archived at

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt April 1st - Palm Sunday Noon - 1:00pm Children from Nursery to 5th grade. We are in need of helpers to stuff plastic eggs for each participant. The empty eggs are located outside the church office. All "stuffed" plastic eggs should be returned by Sunday, March 25th.

Please help the Easter Bunny !

KNOWING “Father Forgive Them Behold Your Son… Behold Your Mother My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me? Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise I Thirst It Is Finished Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit.”

The Lord's prayer (as every prayer) is a letter sent from earth to heaven. The inscription of the letter, the person to whom it is directed, our Father; who art in heaven;

(Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world)

Tuesday Morning Lenten Study Beginning, Feb. 28th - April 10th Each Tuesday – 10:30am - Noon Wesley Room During Lent, the Tuesday morning Bible study will focus on Adam Hamilton's new book, Final Words from the Cross. We will examine Christ's dying hours and his final words as seen and heard by those who stood near the cross. A final session the Tuesday after Easter will focus on the disciples on the road to Emmaus. Jane Brannock will be leading the study.

Mid-Week Lenten Worship Service Aldersgate Sanctuary 6:30pm - 7:30pm Feb. 22nd - March 28th Wednesday Evenings (special speakers each Wednesday) Feb. 29th - “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..” Led by Tara Lain March 7th - “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..” Led by Nan de Andrade March 14th -“Give us this day our daily bread..” Led by Rob Tucker March 21st - “And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Led by Jane Brannock March 28th - “And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.” Led by Jack Snyder

"Save those bottles!! It's VBS planning time and we need your help! Please save all your CLEAR 2 liter plastic bottles and put them in the box labeled "VBS 2012" under the mailboxes table outside the church office. Let's dive in! ....."Operation Overboard" “Dare to go deep with God! ” June 18-22nd. Mark your calendars for an awesome journey for all ages--children and adults!"


Dive in and discover God’s underwater universe! Kids journey miles below the water’s surface into God’s Word to find what true faith is all about.

(Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.)

UTH Updates No Small Groups during the Lenten Season! During the Lenten Season there will be services in the Sanctuary where we will be sitting together as a group! Small Groups will begin after Easter. 2 Chronicles 15:7 “But you, take Summer Events courage! Do not • Summer Breakaway: June 18th-23rd - Louisberg College//Youth in Grades 6-12 let your hands be -Growth Groups, Concert, Dance, Talent Show, & Recreation. Register By: ASAP– Fee $25. weak, for your Total Cost: $225. work shall be rewarded.” • Appalachian Trail Hike: June 23rd-30th - For Youth in Grades 9-12 - Hiking Trip, Campfires and Campsites. Must have own backpack & gear. Register By: May 18th- Fee $25. Total Cost: $150 • Annual Conference Session: July 16th-21st - Methodist University//Youth in Grades 9-12 - Worship, Growth Groups, Legislative Affairs, Recreational Activities. Register By: June 25 - Fee $25. Total Cost: $250 (AUMC will be helping you pay for this. Contact Rob for more details!) • SLAM Week: (Formerly SERVEdurham) July 30th-August 4th - Durham/Raleigh Youth in Grades 7-12 - Local Mission Trip in Durham/Raleigh with Worship Band, Speakers, Breakout Groups, Activities. Register By: April 14th– Fee $50. Total Cost: $150.

Journey to Hope Sunday Morning Worship (during Lent) 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Aldersgate Sanctuary March 4th March 11th March 18th This Lenten season, you are invited to go on a Journey to Hope. You may discover along the way that Hope can be found even as we encounter some of life’s most difficult circumstances. When all hope feels lost, it has truly just begun.

March 25th April 1st

“Who do People Say Your Are?” OT: Psalm: 118: 1-2, 19-29 NT: Mark 11:1-11 “Are There Opportunities in the Desert?” OT: Isaiah 53:4-12 NT: Mark 10:35-44 “Refuel" OT: Psalm 23 NT: Mark 14:32-40 “Live Simply So Others May Simply Live.” OT: Amos 5:6-7, 10-15 NT: Mark 10:17-22 “Is There Hope in Pain?” OT: Psalm 31 NT: Mark 14:43-64

MERCI is now 3MC – the Methodist Men’s Ministry Center The MERCI Center in Goldsboro has changed management. It is now sponsored by the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church (NCCUMC) men (hence the new name, 3MC = Methodist Men’s Ministry Center). The dream of 3MC is to have a facility that will support the entire conference. To provide discipleship training, events for men, women and youth, re-establish themselves as a hub for UMCOR, provide a music ministry where worship teams can record a CD, partner with Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts, provide for the needs of our community – these are just a few of the dreams of 3MC. The sky is truly the limit!

“The dream of 3MC is to have a facility that will support the entire conference. To provide discipleship training, as well as events for men, women and youth...”

The Durham District United Methodist Men will be hosting a ‘town hall’ meeting on Saturday, March 10th in the Family Life Center at Aldersgate UMC, beginning with breakfast at 9:00am with the meeting to follow. The meeting will be led by Pam Atkins, the director of 3MC. Pam is energetic and has a heart for making 3MC a place for ministry for all groups within the Conference, for men, women and youth. The presentation and discussion will be focused on the vision and mission of 3MC. Please come bringing your questions and ideas and along with a friend. If you are planning to come, please RSVP to John Hall, by Tuesday, March 6th so that enough food will be prepared.

Wednesday, March 21, 6:30 pm – The Aldersgate children’s choirs present : “The Tale of the Three Trees” by Allen Pote and Tom Long. This is a short, touching musical about trusting God and finding your purpose that will give God glory. It will present the message at our Wednesday Lenten Service.

“AUMC Chancel Choir is a welcoming, fun and inspiring small group……” Nan de Andrade

Did you know that… … at one time Aldersgate’s Chancel Choir had ELEVEN Basses? I was amazed to hear that from Glenn Paine today. Currently, we’ve got five, on our best day. (I guess we’re in decline…NOT.) But we sure would love to break our previous record! …a worshipping congregation of 200 contains approximately 20 people (10%) who are interested and gifted in a way that makes them great choir members? Some of Aldersgate’s “statistically-gifted” members may not know that the AUMC Chancel Choir is a welcoming, fun, and inspiring small group, and that we have a chair and a robe just waiting for them! How do you join? No audition is necessary. No experience is required. Our motto is “The more, the merrier.” Just show up at choir rehearsal with a willing spirit (or contact Nan) and together we will satisfy your potential!! Think of it as unwrapping the God-gift you are, so we can all enjoy it! P.S. We’re already praying for you to come. …several awesome choral / bell services are coming your way? You won’t want to miss these: Wednesday, March 21st, 6:30 pm The children’s choirs present “The Tale of the Three Trees” by Allen Pote and Tom Long. This is a short, touching musical about trusting God and finding your purpose that will give God glory. It will present the message at our Wednesday Lenten Service. The Chancel Choir and Joyful Noise Ringers will jointly present a Service of Darkness (Tenebrae) on Good Friday, April 5th – including dramatic readings, art and beautiful music.

March 11th we’ll have a special treat, a visiting cellist at worship, Ms. Andrea Smith, who will play with Andrea Stewart on clarinet and the choir on a special anthem. …there’s a music ministry for every age and stage at Aldersgate? Here’s our rehearsals schedule: Youth Choir (6th-12th graders): Sundays 4-5 pm Praise Team (Singers, instrumentalists for praise band): Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm Chancel Choir (Adults, older youth welcome!): Wednesdays, 7:30-9 pm Children’s Choirs (Three graded choirs): 6:15-7:30 pm (special Saturday rehearsal on March 17th, 10 am) Handbells: Joyful Noise Ringers (Adult/youth) Tuesdays, 7:30 – 9:00 pm Young Ringers (This is our experienced-ringer group, for children 2nd-5th grades) – Sundays, 5:30-6:15pm (perform Mar. 25th, then off for a season) Note: New Beginner group begins April 15th. Gospel Lights: THIRD Mondays at 7:00pm - March 19th Sweet Sounds (Dulcimer Group) – 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 11 am Brass Group – we are forming a group to play for Easter. If you’re out there hiding, now’s the time to let Nan know where you are! Beginner Bells Group to Begin in April. Children from 2nd through 5th grade who would like to ring hand bells should sign up now to be a part of our new Jingle Bells Class. This means FREE music lessons, where your child will learn to read notes and rhythm as well as the techniques for ringing and playing together. Classes will be held on six Sundays, 5:30 - 6:15 pm, beginning on April 15th, the Sunday after Easter, through May 20th. There is a class limit of eleven. Contact Nan ( to sign up!

Gospel Lights The Gospel Lights is a group of folk who enjoy folk, countrygospel, bluegrass music. We get together and “jam” once a month, and sing for worship or other events on occasion. Our Jams are very casual, come-when-you-can, and are open to anyone. Please help us spread the word about this fun offering – we’d love to welcome in some more instrumentalists (fiddle, banjo, dulcimer, guitar, bass, spoons, you name it) and some more who just love to sing the old songs! You don’t have to be a church member either – who do you know to ask? We meet on the THIRD Mondays at 7 – 8:30 pm in the Choir Room.

Special “Community Sing” led by Alice Parker, Friday, March 16, 7 pm at St. Francis UMC in Cary, NC (free). Alice Parker is a renowned composer and arranger, the former assistant conductor and musical collaborator with Robert Shaw (Atlanta Symphony Chorus) and foremost, an encourager of congregational song. She will be leading a service with lots of beautiful hymns and congregational singing that will change the way you approach and sing hymns forever! Nan invites anyone who would like to go to join her – we’ll leave Aldersgate at 5:45 and carpool. Please RSVP,

CONDUIT News With the winter term well underway, it is wonderful to have some new folks joining Jason Newman, Burt and Lee King as tutors from Aldersgate to the Oxford Manor Community Learning Center. They are Sandra Reynolds, Lisa Janes, and Mr. and Mrs. Ruckert, friends of Cheryl Turner. The children really benefit from individual help. Thank you, Paula and Gary James, for the working computer and accessories that you contributed for a family at Oxford Manor. Computers donated by Dee and Karl Stover, as well as accessories by Beverly Jackson, are appreciated by other families there who receive the refurbished computers. Peggy Allen has coordinated several suppers for the Angels Basketball Teams that practice in the FLC on Monday and Friday evenings. The CONDUIT churches try to help Mt. Level Missionary Baptist Church with that ministry that benefits so many youth who live at Oxford Manor. We are grateful to the CSI Sunday School Class led by Lisa Janes, the Iron Men and Searchers Sunday School Classes, Methodist Men, and Bill Paynter, owner of the Durham Pizza Restaurant. The skills and respect that those boys and girls learn from Coach Bryan and his crew will be with them for the rest of their lives.

“The CONDUIT churches try to help Mt. Level Missionary Baptist Church with that ministry that benefits so many youth who live at Oxford Manor.” Lee King


(Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.)

Rooms fill fast! Remember to check in with Cathy in the church office. to get your meeting or event on the calendar. There is a new “Event Planning Checklist” We are excited about all the use of the facilities from church meetings to community events. If you are planning an event at the church, we have a new “Event Planning Checklist” that will help you insure you have everything you may need. Always clean up after your group so the next group can set up what they need. Need a Band-Aid? There are Band-Aids in the Wesley Room kitchen, next to the sink, in the Family Life Center kitchen on the shelf by the coffee pots, and a new First Aid kit is outside the Family Life Center gym by the phone. Meet your Trustees: Our 2012 AUMC Trustees are: Billy Cole, Chairperson Kay Shaver Mark Thomas Susan Dernosek Randy Sheffield Ron West Vanessa Gordon Phil Stancil Laurie Leeson Feel free to contact one of us if you have concerns about the facilities of Aldersgate.

Aldersgate Phase I - March Construction Update

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The contractor Mid-Atlantic Infrastructure Systems, Inc. has been selected as the contractor for the site work portion of the Phase I construction project. They will be providing the grading, tree clearing, parking and landscaping (with the help of Sunshine Landscapers). A pre-construction meeting was held on February 14th to allow various church committee chairs to ask questions of the contractor and hear about the steps necessary prior to work starting. The contractor is preparing a schedule and logistic plan that will be reviewed before starting actual work. Final contract documents are being prepared and permits obtained to start the work. A formal announcement will be made during a Sunday morning service prior to workers and equipment arriving on site.

"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church;…" Matthew 16:18

ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Revenues Through February 19, 2012 YTD $$ $102,896

Budgeted Goal




Pledged Goal




Nursery Schedule

8:15 am Worship Service

8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am

Hannah Fogle & Ella Thomas Olivia Lain Taylor Healy Lewis Reo

Sunday Morning Nursery Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis & Ellen Whisnant

11:00 am Worship Service 3/4 3/11 3/18 3/25

% of Goal


March Acolyte Schedule 3/4 3/11 3/18 3/25

$ from Goal

Grace Vincent & Rebecca Johnson Janae Andrews Catherine Fishback McKenna Colgan

Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant & Lynn Wilfong Wednesday Night Activities: Dee Stover & Lynn Wilfong

Altar Guild March Suzi Caudill & Laurie Leeson

Trustee for March: Vanessa Gordon


8:15am Worship Service Ushers Jeff Sturkey/Kirk Brown Joe & Lisa Clark

Lay Readers


Dave & Carol Brese (o) Chick Hinton (m) Charles Andrews (m)


Carl & Kathy Chmielewski (m) Jackie Roberts/Mary Tom Roberts Ed Osteen (o) Mitch Adkins/Raye Lyndon

Ken Morris


Mary Tom & Jackie Roberts (o) Chick Hinton/Charles Andrews Heidi Miller (m) Richard Riggsbee/Henry Atkinson

Barbara Atkinson


Lisa Clark (o) Jean Mrosla (m)

Burton King

Jeff Sturkey/Kirk Brown Carole & Doug Morris

Sharon MacLaurin

9:30am Worship Service 3/4 3/11 3/18 3/25

Ron/Joyce Pendergrass Betty/Dale Wickham Lara Rowland Michael & Wanda Crutchfield

Gene Bell/Lara Rowland Michael/Wanda Crutchfield Andrea Stewart/April Perry Cynthia Bell/Cathy Sheffield

Wanda Crutchfield April Perry Betty Wickham Bill Paynter

11:00am Worship Service 3/4

Sharon Collier (o) Jim/Edna Wood (m)

Maryellen/Walter Finnigan Megan Hunt/Mitch Moser

John Howe


Pam Coillier (m) Cherly Joy Turner (o)

Paula Alford/Paula Veasey Nancy Grinstead/Pam Boatright

Ken Morris


Nancy Grinstead (o) Carol Newman (m)

Raye Lyndon/Ron West Sarah/Stacey McCorison

Burton King


Jennifer McLamb (m) Pam Boatright (o)

Andrea Steward/Summer Stanley Bill Smith/Andy McCorison

Lee King

To access the monthly church calendar, please click on the link below and click on This Week in Our Church—on the left hand side of the front page.

Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

Address Service Requested

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