In this issue: Usher, Greeter & Lay Reader Training
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
Wednesday Night Live Meals
Aldersgate Experience
Weekday School Registration
Safe Sanctuaries
Music Notes
ldersgate Experience
Certified Lay Ministry
Vision Team Report
Community Connections
Lent 2012
Construction Update
Interfaith Hospitality Network
Men’s Retreat
Thank You
UTH Updates
Financial Health
Acolyte & Nursery Schedule
Altar Guild & Trustee For February
Lay Schedule
February 2012
“Love and Trust the Lord, Our God” One of the things that I often hear people say is something like this, “How can the people of the Bible be so disobedient after they just witnessed a miracle from God?” The examples are numerous; but for reasons of time and space I’ll just name one. Not long after God led the Hebrew people out of Egypt, away from Pharaoh's army and safely across the Red Sea, the people began to complain that they didn’t have enough food or water. They complained about Moses, they complained about God. Not long after that they even made and worshipped a golden calf. Why would they do that? Did they not see that God very recently performed a miracle on their behalf so that their lives might be saved?
I find it fascinating that we wonder how Biblical people would be so disobedient; but do not hold up our own generation to the same scrutiny. We too often grumble and complain, we feel dissatisfied and forget to love and trust the Lord, our God; and, yet, our miracles are just abundant. Each and every day, God brings into the world beautiful new babies that were brought to life by the initial bonding of two microscopic cells. God continues to rescue and redeem people who have lived a rotten life, or an apathetic one. He continues to heal the sick, sometimes in ways that even defy medical knowledge. God brings together two people who have been at odds.
Forgiveness and reconciliation still happen, even among people who previously dishonored, disrespected, or disregarded one another. And every single day God resurrects life for the faithful who have died. The miracles are still happening. You may know of more specific examples: from a child with a learning disability learning how to read to an adult being saved from a fiery accident. But miracles still happen. God is very much at work in this world. Sometimes it is in very spectacular ways and other times it is in much more subtle ways. But make no mistake. God did not stop moving when we closed the canon of books that is called the Bible. How is God working in your life today?
Peace in Christ, Pastor Doug
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Usher/Greeter/Lay Reader Training Usher/Greeter/Lay Reader Training for all new and experienced worship lay assistants will take place on Sunday, Feb. 12th from 2:00pm – 4:00pm in the AUMC Sanctuary. We will discuss the importance of these roles in worship as well as provide opportunities for dialogue. In addition, Lay Readers will be provided an opportunity to share scripture readings during this portion of the meeting.
Please plan to attend the appropriate session (s): 2:00pm – 2:30pm All Greeters 2:30pm – 3:00pm All Ushers 3:00pm – 4:00pm All Lay Readers For more information or questions, contact: jahall@nc.rr.com or call (919) 477-5802.
8th Annual Agape Circle Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner Tuesday, Feb. 21st - All You Can Eat! Serving: 5:30 - 6:30pm Pancakes, Sausage & Beverage Adults: $5 Children 10 and under: $3
5:30pm - the Family Life Center Feb. 1st - Pork Chop, 2 Veggies, Dessert Feb. 8th - Creamy Chicken Pasta Bake, Salad, and Cobbler Feb. 15th - BBQ Chicken, 2 Veggies, Dessert Feb. 21st - Tuesday - Shrove Tuesday Pancakes/Sausage Feb. 22nd - Mini Meat loaf, Mac and Cheese, Bread, Desserts Feb. 29th - Homemade Soups & Salad Bar, and Desserts
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Aldersgate Weekday School - Registration to the Community The 2012 school year will begin in August. We have openings in the Toddler, 2 year-old, 3 yearold and 4 year-old classes.
Fall registration to the community begins on Feb. 7, 2012. If you have any questions, please call Evelyn Johnson - 479-8686 or email: evie@aldersgate.org
Registration forms are available in the school office and on the school website. www.aldersgatewds.org
Safe Sanctuaries Last year the Administrative Board approved our Safe Sanctuaries child and youth protection policy. We began implementing it on January 1, and we are in the process of training volunteers and leaders. We want everyone, especially parents, to be aware of the efforts the church is making to insure our facility is safe for children. Parents can help us make this possible by remembering the following: 1. Children under the age of 12 cannot be unsupervised in the building. Parents or guardians are responsible for their children before and after sponsored events. This includes the playground and outdoor open areas. 2. All events for children will have a sign-in/sign-out procedure. The registration table for Sunday school will remain the same. Beginning February 5, parents of children attending Kids Own Worship during the 11:00 service will sign in their children on the way into worship and sign them out as they pick them up. 3. Preschool and elementary children will be released only to parents, a guardian or specifically authorized persons. Children will not be released to a sibling or other older child. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Brannock. The Safe Sanctuaries policy is on the Aldersgate UMC website. A make-up Safe Sanctuaries training will be held Sunday, February 12th at 4:00 pm in Room 202 in the Family Life Center.
" We want everyone, especially parents, to be aware of the efforts the church is making to insure our facility is safe for children. " Jane Brannock
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Technology Team - If you’d like to train and volunteer to run the sound board (esp. for 9:30 praise team) and prepare and operate our screen projection, please contact John Hall.
Better Than Chocolate
“Singing in a choir gives you a built-in “stressfree zone” … Nan de Andrade
Did you know that singing releases the same feel-good brain chemicals as chocolate? But, instead of making you fat, it’s an aerobic activity which infuses your blood with oxygen, strengthens the immune system, and decreases anxiety and depression. Singing in a choir gives you a built-in “stress-free zone” where you can spend time with inspiring scripture, and work together with friends to create something beautiful for God and meaningful for our congregation. So, put down that Hershey bar and come get your “chocolate lift” through our music ministry! There’s a place for everyone! Here’s the schedule Youth Choir: Sundays 4:00-5:00pm Praise Team: Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30pm Chancel Choir: Wednesdays, 7:309:00pm Children’s Choirs: 6:15-7:30pm Handbells: Joyful Noise Ringers - Tuesdays, 7:30–9:00 pm. Young Ringers (Intermediate children 2nd-5th grades) – Sundays, 5:306:15pm (Winter term: Jan. 22nd- Mar. 18th, perform Mar. 25th) Jingle Bells (Beginner children, 2nd – 5th grades) – Sundays, 6:15 – 6:45pm (Winter term: Jan. 22nd – Mar. 18th, perform Mar. 25th) *there may still be openings for this group- contact Nan now! Gospel Lights: (pickers and grinners – join us for a jam once a month) THIRD Mondays at 7:00pm (Feb.19th) Sweet Sounds (Dulcimer Group) – 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 11:00am
Epiphany Ring III Aldersgate was delighted to host the third annual Epiphany Ring on January 8. Our guest director, Alan Lohr did a wonderful and gracious job pulling together our eight choirs in four selections, two of which were his own compositions! We had a great turnout from all over for the concert, which made the spirit of joy through music even more real. When all the bills were paid, we were able to send off $237 to Habitat for Humanity, Durham District 2012 project. So thanks to all, from the can-do folk who helped set up, to the Christian Formation team for sharing their brunch leftovers for our snack time, to our Haiti Mission Team for providing our soup-and-sandwich supper, to our own awesome Joyful Noise Ringers, and to all who attended and supported this act of praise for Epiphany! Special Invites Youth Choir Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to share the entire story of the Old Testament in 20 minutes? Well, that’s what our youth choir is working on these days. Our musical, The Old Testament, Fast Forward, is set with narrators, brief skits, songs, and lots of humor and fun. All youth from 6th-12th grade are invited to join us on Sundays at 4:00. Our plan at this point is to share it locally, this spring! Come and join us! PS Nan is looking for adults to help with this, too – contact her if this sounds fun to you! Children’s Choir Our K-5th graders are also cooking up a musical – it’s called “The Tale of the Three Trees”, by Allen Pote, Wednesday, March 21 at 6:30pm in the sanctuary. There’s still time to join the fun. Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 6:157:30pm (part of WNL for Kids). Contact Mrs. Heidi Miller for more information.
Aldersgate Experience
Chancel Choir Some in our Chancel Choir are planning to attend a very special choral workshop at St. Francis UMC in Cary on March 17th. Led by the Right-hand assistant to Robert Shaw (think America’s Premier Choral conductor), Alice Parker is (in her own right) an inspiring arranger, conductor, and encourager of congregational song. There
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will be a free Community Sing held on Friday, Mar. 16th at 7 pm. The next day, she will lead a Choral Workshop which culminates in a Vespers Service at 3 pm. As well as this exciting activity, the choir is learning some beautiful anthems to share at our Good Friday Tenebrae service on April 6th . Come and join our merry singers!
Certified Lay Ministry at Aldersgate In the early days of the Methodist Church, Lay Ministers were used to lead churches while Presiding Elders visited each congregation of a circuit quarterly and oversaw the work of the Lay Minister. Today, Certified Lay Ministers are being used once again to lead small membership churches or be a part of a team ministry in a larger congregation. These people are usually unpaid volunteers who feel called to a specialized type of ministry and are willing to receive specific training necessary to serve in the capacity of their calling. Over the past year, three members of Aldersgate have participated in a Durham District Certified Lay Minister training course. Barbara Atkinson, Curtis Gay, and John Hall studied the call and covenant, practice, organization, and connection of ministry in the United Methodist Church. Working as a team with the AUMC staff,
Barbara will be working in the area of nurture and connectional ministries, Curtis in the area of healing and recovery ministries, and John in the area of audio/ visual media ministries. Barbara, Curtis, and John will be completing their certification process throughout 2012. For more information about Certified Lay Ministry, check out the UMC General Board of Discipleship website at www.gbod.org or ask Barbara, Curtis, or John.
“Lay Speakers are usually unpaid volunteers who feel called to a specialized type of ministry and are willing to receive specific training necessary to serve in the capacity of their calling”. John Hall
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Aldersgate Experience
Our Vision - Connecting, Knowing, Loving, Growing In May of 2011, our Administrative Board asked the Lay Leadership Committee to create a Vision Team to help discern the vision for our church for the next 5-10 years. The Lay Leadership Team was deliberate in looking for a diverse group of people who represented various age groups, the three different worship services, and differing tenures as church members. The Ad Board also voted to invite Carlin Johnson, a respected leader in helping churches discern mission and vision, to come alongside the Vision Team and give them guidance.
“The Vision team chose the word “mission” as opposed to “vision” to signify that this statement is both a statement of purpose (the definition of mission) and a picture of what could be (the definition of vision.)” -
The Vision Team met every other Sunday night for approximately six months. After a lot of questioning, study, prayer, and deliberation it was decided that the greatest need was for Aldersgate to become a more Christ-centered church. We also reached the conclusion that through an intentional process of spiritual formation (disciple-making), the church body has the opportunity to create and nurture relationships, connections, communication, and inclusiveness, and to alleviate individuals’ lack of contentment (seen as insecurity, fear, and hopelessness). Our church could be the answer to the problems listed above. But how do we get there? The following statement was proposed by the Vision Team and adopted by the Administrative Board and Council on Ministries on January 22, 2012:
Connecting, Knowing, Loving, Growing - The mission of Aldersgate United Methodist Church is to build a community of Christian believers who intentionally strive to: Connect with God and one another. Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world. Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service. Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church. The Vision team chose the word “mission” as opposed to “vision” to signify that this statement is both a statement of purpose (the definition of mission) and a picture of what could be (the definition of vision.) The Vision Team submitted this mission statement as both God’s current call on AUMC and God’s preferred future for AUMC. So, what’s next? In the final meeting of the Vision Team, steps were identified to help Aldersgate become a connecting, knowing, loving, and growing church community. The team recognizes that discerning a vision and making recommendations are the easy part. Implementing them is the challenge. However, a truly God-inspired vision grips and drives an organization to make it a reality. The Vision Team believes this will be so at Aldersgate.
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Community Connections American Red Cross Blood Drive Aldersgate Family Life Center Feb. 19th - 8:30am - 12:30pm Contact: Brian Reo - (919) 383-9805 ************************************ North Carolina Lions & Duke Eye Center partnered with area Kroger Stores to bring you: 2012 Vision Screening Dates: Wednesday, February 22nd Kroger - 3825 S. Roxboro Rd, Durham NC (919) 361-029 2:00 - 6:00pm For more information contact: Duke Eye Center (919) 668-1345 *************************************** Durham Home Energy Savings Program is now accepting applications - The Durham Home Energy Savings Program is making hundreds of homes throughout Durham County more efficient. Sign up now and your home can be more comfortable while you pay lower energy bills. To qualify, a home must be: In Durham City or County, 2,300 square feet or less, and current on all local taxes. There is no income requirement for qualification. Homes can be owner-occupied or rental property; though if they are rentals, we prefer that there be a stable renter (no turnover annually or more frequently). The household pays $400 and the City will pay up to $1,600 additional for a total of $2,000 worth of work on certain areas within your home. More information and the application materials can be found at www.GreenerDurham.net and http:// www.ci.durham.nc.us/departments/ manager/sustainability/energy.cfm
LA’s Back Enders, in memory of Lynn Anderson, are returning to defend our titles and to help raise awareness about colon cancer. Last year we were the largest team and had the highest fundraising total. We would love to have you join our team for the Get Your Rear in Gear 5K on Saturday, March 3, 9:00 AM, at Fred Fletcher Park in Raleigh. Our goal is to have over 100 people on our team this year. We need walkers, runners, volunteers, and people to support us with donations. You can register or make a donation on line at: www.getyourrearingear.com Select Raleigh from the Events column and then click on Register & Donate. Then select join an existing team. Registration is $25 through 2/28. Come be part of the team. Don’t just think about it-- GET YOUR REAR IN GEAR! For more information, contact Kathy Chmielewski (471-3895) or Lou Ann Martin-Rogers (383-0489). If you are over 50 or have a family history of colon cancer, please talk to your health care provider about colon cancer screening tests. Don’t put it off - GET YOUR REAR IN GEAR.
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Lent 2012 Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday, Feb 22nd, 6:30 – 7:30pm, Aldersgate Sanctuary Come and worship. We begin the observance of Lent in this traditional worship service which includes imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. What is Lent ? Lent is the Christian season of preparation before Easter. In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter (Sundays are not included in the count).
Mid Week Lenten Worship Services 6:30 - 7:30pm each Wednesday Feb. 29nd - March 28th We will focus on: “The Lord’s Prayer" Feb. 29th "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by they name.” Mar. 7th “thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
2012 Lenten Devotional Book - Will be available for pick up outside the Sanctuary, Wednesday, Feb. 22nd.
Mar.14th “Give us this day our daily bread.” Mar. 21st “And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Mar. 28th “And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
Aldersgate Phase I - February Construction Update
ast, r P ture u g O Fu orin od’s n o H ing G ld Bui
Final documents from BB&T for the full construction loan have been received and are being signed.
Bids will be received Jan 31st for the site work on Phase One. Once bids are evaluated by the Construction Team, a contractor will be selected, contracts signed and work should start by the end of the month. Final design work is being completed on the mechanical and structural systems for the Family Life Center up-fit and the electrical needs for the Columbarium.
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Aldersgate Experience
Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network Please help our community by participate in sharing your time for the needs of those who seek the help of Interfaith Hospitality Network, this honorable and deserving ministry. Our next group of guests from IHN arrive on Sunday, February 5th and depart on Sunday, February 12th. In order to reach compliance with Safe Sanctuaries, we are needing to cover each overnight with two adults. Overnight hosts arrive at 8:00 PM and leave at 5:30/6:30 AM. The overnight host will also, if possible, provide transportation of guests at 5:30/6:30 AM to the Roxboro Road main house ~ until we have our bus running.
Please consider offering your assistance. Let me know if you are able and willing to be an overnight host during their stay at Aldersgate, or whether you know of a partner who cares to join you. Please contact: Anabela Ançã Mendes for more information. **Watch this 7 minutes video to further learn about the ministry of IHN. http://www.familypromise.org/ihn-video
Men’s Retreat - All Men All Men !! - Young Men and the Young at Heart ! There will be an information meeting on Thursday, Feb. 16th, Room 209 in the FLC to gather information and ask any questions concerning the 2012 Men’s Retreat. Come and gather information and ask any questions concerning this trip in May of 2012.
Thank You Oxford Manor Residents would like to thank you for all the hard work and donations you have given us. We really appreciated you and thank God for sending you our way. May God Bless You. Love, Resident Council of Oxford Manor
“Did you know? ** IHN operates in 40 states. ** IHN partners with congregations within a community to help families facing homelessness. ** 80 percent of the families that IHN serve go on to longterm housing.” If you’ve been thinking about joining this ministry or are just curious about what we do, this is a wonderful opportunity to come and learn more about us.” IHN
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UTH Updates Summer Fun Options: Kaleidoscope, April 13th -15th Camp Don Lee Youth in grades 6th-8th Register by March 16th - Worship, Fellowship, Service, Recreation and Holy Communion. Summer Breakaway, June 18th-23rd - Louisburg College. COME & SEE Sunday Night UTH
Worship Team Practice is now on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in the UTH Room! Feb. 5th - Super Bowl Sunday Party. There will be no regular UTH programming! Feb. 6th - Monday UTH Council Meeting - 5:30pm in Rob's Office! 30-Hour Famine (Lock-In) is March 9th &10th in the Family Life Center! We will be going without food so others don't have to! Come learn about hunger and how to fundraise to help feed and care for children living in poverty!
Appalachian Trail Hike, June 23rd-30th Youth in Grades 9-12 Register by May18th - Hiking Trip, Campfires and campsites. Must have own backpack & gear. SLAM Week, July 30th - Aug. 4th Durham/Raleigh Youth in grades 7-12 Local mission trip in Durham/ Raleigh with worship band, speakers and more! More events will be added soon! Be sure to mark these down on your calendars! Youth in grades 6 -12th - Register ASAP - Growth Groups, Concert, Dance, Talent Show, & Recreation.
BreakfastB4School, Small Groups, Sunday School, UTH Choir and UTH each week.
Sunday Night UTH
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ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Revenues Through January 15, 2012 YTD $$ $36,643
Budgeted Goal
Pledged Goal
8:15 am Worship Service
Nursery Schedule 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am
Reid Moser & McKenna Colgan Mackenzie Hale Catherine Fishback Abi Lowans
11:00 am Worship Service 2/5 2/12 2/19 2/26
% of Goal
February Acolyte Schedule 2/5 2/12 2/19 2/26
$ from Goal
Taylor Healy & Lewis Reo Ella Thomas Kelly Copolo Matt Johnson
Sunday Morning Nursery Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis & Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant & Lynn Wilfong Wednesday Night Activities: Dee Stover & Lynn Wilfong
Altar Guild for February Raye Lyndon & Cynthia Bell
Trustee for February : Kay Shaver
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Aldersgate Experience
February Lay Schedule
8:15am Worship Service Ushers
Lay Readers
Mitch Adkins (o) Norma Roberts (m)
Chick Hinton & Charles Andrews Carole & Doug Morris
Kathy Chmielewski
Pat Stancil (o) Sharon MacLaurin (m)
Mitch Adkins/Raye Lyndon Richard Riggsbee/Henry Atkinson
Ken Morris
Raye Lyndon (o) Henry Atkinson (m) Mary Tom Roberts (o)
Chick Hinton & Charles Andrews Carole & Doug Morris
Lisa Clark
9:30am Worship Service 2/5 2/12 2/19 2/26
Betty & Dale Wickham Scouts Lara Rowland Michael & Wanda Crutchfield
April Perry/Andrea Stewart Scouts Cynthia Bell/Cathy Sheffield Betty & Dale Wickham
Jim Hanson Scouts Dale Wickham Andrea Stewart
11:00am Worship Service 2/5
Ed Osteen (o) Betty Jane Upchurch (m)
Summer Stanley/Bill Smith Andrea Steward/Andy McCorison
Emily Wike
Lindsay Brown (o) Sheilah Lowans (m)
Andrea Stewart/Andy McCorison Ginger Hawkins/Graham Nichols
Paula Veasey
Bill Smith (m) Megan Hunt (o)
Joyce Mackin/Jennifer McLamb Paula & Gary James
Judy Alford
To access the monthly church calendar, please click on the link below www.aldersgate.org and click on This Week in Our Church—on the left hand side of the front page.
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February Birthdays
Meghan Morris
Susan Dernosek
Shelia Rittgers
Maryellen Kimbrough
Roy Swaringen
Shirley Whitney
Dave Brese
Abby Anderson
Jane Mullins
Sheliah Lowans
Paula Veasey
Randy Stewart
Jeremy Anderson
Carl Allen
Lee King
Kelly Freeman
Nancy MacLaurin
Chick Hinton
Helen Strouss
Diane Weller
Claude Yarbrough
Susan Gay
Baz Cunningham
Charles Boatright
Greg Fisher
Andy Jones
Linda Morris
Drayton Coleman
Mary Kathryn Panza
Pat Stancil
Michael Robinson
Susan Cummings
Rachel Whitt
Mark Tillotson
Isabella Anderson
Marsha Covington
Jan Coleman
Ashley King
Abby Daugherty
Edie Weaver
Cindy Jones
Kim McAlllister
Doug Lain
Fran Newman
Anna Van Deventer
Dorothy Perry
Everett Lain
Andy McCorison
Julie Reo
Bob Carter
Anne Finch
Kaye Harris
Margaret Leahy
Regina Whitaker
Debbie Sykes
Michael Tillotson
John Crose
Mary Forehand
Alice Hagaman
Elizabeth Healy
Aldersgate United Methodist Church Phone: 919-477-0509 E-mail: info@aldersgate.org
We’re on Facebook
Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509
Address Service Requested
Follow us on Facebook & our website: www.aldersgate.org