Missions and Ministries Book

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Introduction “The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Local churches provide the most significant arena through which disciple-making occurs" (The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church). Aldersgate United Methodist Church is involved in missions and ministries in so many different ways. In this booklet you will see many of the missions and ministries supported by Aldersgate through our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. Many of the ministry/mission includes a brief description, picture and a testimony. There are also two charts depicting the annualized 2011 operational budget. We thank you for your past support of these efforts and hope that you will be moved to continue to serve in HIS name through Aldersgate and our mission.

In HIS name, The Stewardship Committee


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God is good! He has given the people of Aldersgate His bounty and made us stewards of His goodness. These graphs represent the financial blessings received and our use of those blessings. (They are not intended to be a detailed accounting of the many categories of our finances but instead is an overview of the resources received and dispersed by our congregation.) Many accounts have been combined below for simplicity. Funds, whether restricted or budgeted, are shown for all our ministries. Individual ministries include the staff member assigned to that ministry. Graph 1 is not equal to Graph 2 because restricted funds are not distributed to $0 every year. Children’s Weekday School funds are used to further reduce the debt retirement each month.


Funds Received - GOD's Gift 109,000.00 , 10% 114,000.00 , 11% 65,000.00 , 6% 69,000.00 , 7%

691,000.00 , 66%

Debt Retirement Weekday Ministries Operating Funds

Mission Donations Special Projects

Funds Disbursed - Our Stewardship 48,000.00, 5% 157,000.00 , 17%

90,000.00, 10%

112,791.00, 13% 148,000.00 , 17% 10,000.00, 1% 60,000.00, 7%

37,000.00, 4% 111,000.00 , 12% 65,000.00 , 7% 66,000.00 , 7% Facilities

Debt R etirement

Admini stration

Membership Care

Worship/Spirtual Life

Adult Christian Formation

Youth Mini stries


Mission Funds D onated Conference/District

Conference/ District Apportionments

Children's Ministries

Dates represented in these graphs are June 2010 - July 2011


NURTURE & CONGREGTIONAL CARE DIVORCE CARE DivorceCare is a 13-week support group that helps people face challenges and move toward rebuilding their life after separation or divorce. There is no judging, only acceptance, in an honest, open format for God-directed hope and guidance. Each session covers topics such as Anger, Depression, and Forgiveness. For more information about DivorceCare visit www.divorcecare.org. Michele said: “I really like how the class incorporates the Bible into the emotional effects of divorce. It isn’t just that God has a word about marriage, but that he understands the emotions that come from not staying married. It also seemed that each class was very well timed for the exact emotion that you were having so you knew it was normal and healthy to feel them. It also was helpful because of our wonderful leader...she gave us some time to air things out but got us turned toward the right actions.”

FELLOWSHIP FRIENDS Fellowship Friends are members of Aldersgate who have expressed a desire to be matched with individuals and families who are preparing to join the church. The new members may consider their Fellowship Friend as their spiritual guide and contact person for getting acquainted and actively involved with all things Aldersgate; our people, our missions and our worship activities. This relationship is planned to last for about 4 months but may be extended indefinitely if both parties desire. Fellowship Friends should be active and involved members of Aldersgate who have a good knowledge of the different missions and ministries within the church.


MILTARY MINISTRY Aldersgate’s Military Ministry has been actively involved in supporting our troops since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom in early 2003. We presently have 8 church members (or relatives of church members) that are on active duty in the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. Thankfully they are all stateside for 2011. The Military Ministry encourages the entire church congregation to participate in collecting all types of items to send in boxes to our military as they serve our country overseas in various ways. The boxes include personal hygiene items, snack foods, books, magazines and small toys. The Sunday School children make handmade cards to include in the boxes. While our service members are stateside, we send “thinking of you” cards that include token fuel cards to show that we care about them.

THE NEW BABY MINISTRY The New Baby Ministry is a group of volunteers who reach out to families having babies offering friendship, love, prayer, and support. Shortly after the new baby is born, we contact the parents to see how they and their new baby are doing. We arrange for a rosebud on the altar and a note in the Sunday bulletin to announce and celebrate the new birth. Once the family is settled and home from the hospital, we bring a basket of goodies for the parents and baby, a knitted blanket, and fun gifts for any young siblings. We also schedule and deliver meals to help during the transition period of having a newborn in the house and to welcome the new baby into our church family. Many long-lasting friendships have developed between the New Baby Ministry volunteers and these families over the years.


PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The purpose of the Prayer Shawl Ministry is to knit or crochet shawls, blankets, caps or other garments as an outward and visible sign of the mystical reality of prayer that knits our souls together with God and our community. It is our hope that each recipient will feel truly “wrapped in prayer� and comforted by these handmade items. The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a special way to reach out with love and care to others who are hurting, to comfort those in need of healing, to console those who are grieving, to bring hope to those in despair or in transition, to thank someone in a special way, to celebrate a significant milestone or to provide for someone in need of a special blessing. Dear Prayer Shawl Ministry, I want to thank you so much for the beautiful pink (my favorite color) prayer shawl you made for me. This shawl has become very special to me. Knowing that perfect strangers gathered to make my shawl reminds me how good people really are and that God brings us together in many ways. I will be going to Chapel Hill for a stem cell transplant and I want you to know that my shawl is going with me. God bless you. Sincerely, Margo Summrell

FEED MY FLOCK Feed My Flock serves our congregation who need assistance with meals. We have helped families of 45 who are grieving the loss of a loved one, a family of 4 who had someone in the hospital, a single person trying to recover from an accident, and a group of young people who were in a traveling band that was performing for our youth. Feed My Flock helps take the burden off of one group and shares it with many, making the load easier and the involvement more extensive. A recent recipient said: Feed My Flock is wonderful. Thank you so much for taking the burden of figuring out a meal for the family after being in the hospital all day! 10

STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Ministry is a ministry in which trained and supervised lay persons, from our congregation, provide one-to-one confidential Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties. Stephen Ministers have been through 50 hours of training in Christian caregiving, including general topics such as listening, feelings, boundaries, assertiveness, and using Christian resources in caregiving. Giving one-to-one care, Stephen Ministers also offer communion to their care receivers and anoint with oil and pray for those in the congregation requesting this on communion Sundays at church. Confidentiality is a cornerstone of Stephen Ministry. They never discuss anything that a care receiver has said to his or her Stephen Minister in meetings or with anyone at any time. Care receivers from other congregations have said, “I was ready to give up. But my Stephen Minister wouldn’t let me. He kept encouraging me and gave me the motivation to keep going.” Another stated, “The best thing about Stephen Ministry was it was so confidential. Nobody even knew I had a Stephen Minister.” Finally, “I was so overwhelmed I didn’t know where to begin. My Stephen Minister helped me sort through my challenges and regain my faith in God.”

FAMILY MINISTRIES Family Ministries combines our church family and our personal family together by helping families become Christ centered. Family Ministries support different types of events and family activities. We want to help families of all ages, gender, size and configuration to grow together as a family, in their faith and in their community.


HIGH SCHOOL & COLLEGE MINISTRIES Aldersgate has two important traditions involving our high school and college students that we believe are important, not only for recognition of accomplishments, but also to show our students that their Aldersgate family holds them close even when they are away at college. Each spring we recognize our high school graduates in church. They receive a plaque, with beautiful calligraphy that reads “You may not know what the future holds, but knowing Who holds the future makes all the difference.” We have heard back from many young people that they take these plaques to college with them and treasure them. Our other ministry is the famous Aldersgate care package. Each year volunteers from the women’s circles choose the name of one of our college students and send them a care package, usually around Valentine’s Day. We try to fill them with favorite snacks and candy, as well as fun things like Silly String, bubbles, coloring books, etc. Our mission is to remind these students that they are still a part of the AUMC family.

VISITATION OF HOMEBOUND We care for you at Aldersgate! Each week we gather for worship, fellowship, growth, and intentional caring for one another. When you are sick or have surgery, or if you get to a time where you cannot come to church regularly, we bring care to you! Ministers and trained lay persons offer home visits, hospital visits, and prayer and accountability partners. The first Sunday and Monday of each month our Communion Stewards are available to bring the elements of Holy Communion to your home, hospital room, or rehab center to celebrate this sacrament with you. We enjoy keeping in touch with you and regard this ministry as an important response to the call of Christ. The best way to receive a visit is to ask for one! Contact any staff member or the Associate Minister, Tara Lain and we will contact you and set up a convenient time for us to meet.


CLOWNING MINISTRY The Clowning Ministry started “clowning around” about 10 years ago. One day at Kid’s Own Worship (KOW), one of the children commented that the clowns were not funny. His friend replied that they were not supposed to be funny because they were “Clowns For Christ”! We do “try” to be funny but our “true” mission is to make people happy and to spread God’s Word. The clowns do skits in church for CROP, Urban Ministries, Children’s Sabbath, and KOW. They also perform face painting and balloon shapes at Trunk or Treat, Fall Festival, CONDUIT, and Health Fairs. The Clowns visit nursing homes, hospitals, and members that are sick or home bound. Part of the “Clown’s Prayer” says: “Lord, as I stumble through this life, help me to create more laughter than tears, dispense more happiness than gloom, spread more cheer than despair . . . ” That is what the Aldersgate Clowning Ministry strives to do.

WORSHIP & SPIRTUAL LIFE WORSHIP Worship is central to who we are and what we do at Aldersgate United Methodist Church. We gather each week as a corporate body to give God thanksgiving and praise for His never-ending grace which is poured out to us new each day. Worship services take place every Sunday morning at 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am in our sanctuary. The 8:15am and 11:00am services are in a traditional, but comfortable, style while the 9:30am service is a blended, contemporary style. Whenever there is a 5th Sunday in the month we all gather together in the Family Life Center and have just one combined service on this day. This allows the people from each of the three services to see one another and then after the service we continue our fellowship together with a meal.


WORSHIP We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month at all three worship services. Baptisms are administered in worship for those who wish to receive God’s grace and desire to be a part of the body of Christ. Baptisms are scheduled in consultation with the pastor. At Aldersgate we follow the Christian liturgical calendar and have many special services that celebrate important days and events throughout the year. Included among these are: A Chrismon service to mark the beginning of Advent. A Service of Comfort and Hope for those who are experiencing a difficult year of loss or life challenges. Three Christmas Eve services to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The Ash Wednesday service marks the beginning of Lent. Maundy Thursday reminds us of Jesus commandment “to love one another” and remembers the Last Supper that Jesus had with His disciples. Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. Easter Sunday and the Sunrise service celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Pentecost reminds us of the Holy Spirit coming to the gathered believers in Jerusalem. Often it is referred to as the birthday of the church. All Saints Day is when we remember the lives of our church members who have passed away in the last year. Christ the King Sunday reminds us that the world is moving to a day when all of creation will recognize Jesus as Lord. Each worship service has many opportunities for your participation. First and foremost, we expect everyone to seek God’s presence through praying, singing, and listening to music, the reading of scriptures, and the message for the day. Also, you can assist in the leading of worship by being in the choir, or serving as an acolyte, an usher, a greeter, or a lay reader.


MUSIC MINISTRY We spend hours and lots of care on providing quality worship and music for Sunday and other events at Aldersgate for one reason: to give God glory! We give God glory by: Offering our whole hearts, and our best talents and efforts; Trying to give each person’s worship of God a voice, through a variety of music styles and worship opportunities; Building up Christian community; Welcoming all God’s children to participate in our ministry. Singers & Instrumentalists Ensembles - Graded Children’s Choirs, Youth Praise Choir, A Youth Praise Band, Adult Chancel Choir, Christmas and Easter cantatas, Praise Team, The Gospel Lights (Bluegrass-Gospel music). Ringing Ensembles - Young Ringers - Intermediate Children’s Handbell Choir (2nd-5th graders) Joyful Noise Ringers - Advanced Handbell Ensemble, Older Youth/Adults and Beginner levels. Mi-Mi-Mi Time - Private/group singing or music reading instruction.

SACRED DANCERS Aldersgate has two groups of young women that enhance our worship time through sacred dance. The older girls, middle and high school, and the younger girls, third through fifth grade, dance several times throughout the year, including the Chrismon Service. They practice on a weekly basis. Their beautiful interpretive dance is a blessing to all who see them.


UNITED METHODIST CONNECTIONS DURHAM DISTRICT WORK FUND As one of the churches in the Durham District, we help support the United Methodist Church Durham District in the daily operations and ministries.

WORLD SERVICE & CONFERENCE BENEVOLENCES The World Service Fund is the essential core of our global outreach ministry, underwriting Christian missions around the world. By giving to World Service we empower United Methodist evangelistic efforts…stimulate Bible study and spiritual commitment…encourage church growth and discipleship…and help God’s children everywhere.

EPISCOPAL FUND Bishops have always had a very special role in our church… elected and consecrated to speak to the church…and from the church. The apostle Paul called it “a noble task,” but it is practical, too, since our bishops oversee and promote the church’s spiritual and temporal interests as well.

AFRICA UNIVERSITY This vital fund supports the only United Methodistrelated, degree-granting university on the continent of Africa - serving students from 21 countries, all across the continent of Africa. Africa University provides higher education of excellent quality, enriched with Christian values, for both men and women, developing visionary leaders of tomorrow.

BLACK COLLEGE FUND The 11 U.S. historically Black colleges and universities supported by The United Methodist Church have played a unique role in U.S. higher education. Their graduates teachers and doctors, ministers and bishops, judges, artists and entrepreneurs - are leaders in the African-American community and in a rapidly changing, more diverse United States.


UNITED METHODIST CONNECTIONS CENTRAL CONFERENCE PENSION INITIATIVE The Central Conference Pension Initiative (CCPI) is a long-term solution that provides retirement with dignity for dedicated church leaders and surviving spouses who would otherwise have little or nothing. The CCPI now has pension programs - in operation and funded covering 976 retirees and surviving spouses in Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Angola and Mozambique.

CHRISTIAN FORMATION ADULT MINISTRY The function of the church is to help persons become disciples of Jesus Christ. This process of becoming a disciple lasts a lifetime, and this is why we strive to reach out to adults of all ages and to receive them just as they are. Some adults have been in the church their entire lives, while others are brand new to the faith. We provide opportunities for people at all stages of their journey. At Aldersgate, we want all adults to be connected in a small group of some kind. We offer experiences that vary in topic, length and format. Getting involved in a class or small group will help you get connected to other people in the church family and encourage your spiritual growth. Wednesday Night classes and daytime Bible studies are short-term studies that are completed in three to ten weeks. Other offerings, such as DISCIPLE Bible study, are held over a nine-month period and lead to a more comprehensive understanding of Scripture. Our adult Sunday School classes and ongoing small groups are continuous times of study and fellowship in which persons may join to get connected.


WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE Wednesday Night Live is the second largest gathering of the congregation. It is a time for fellowship, worship, music and study. An intergenerational meal is shared in the gym. Everyone has an opportunity to gather in the sanctuary for a time of prayer and hearing the Word. A main focus for Wednesday night is Bible study and learning for all ages. The children enjoy times for Music and Bible Exploration. The Middle School Youth meet in their small groups. The adults have a choice of classes that cover a variety of topics including finance, prayer, social issues, bible studies, United Methodist beliefs and parenting/grand parenting.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Do you know when most people become Christians? Researcher George Barna found that children are most likely to believe in Jesus and form a lifelong relationship with him between the ages of 5 and 13. According to Barna’s finding, people are up to eight times more likely to become Christians before age 13 than they are after age 13. Here at Aldersgate, we keep this in mind when planning our ministry for children. The formation begins in the nursery providing a welcome place for the youngest among us. We have a dedicated group of Sunday School teachers who build relationships with the children as they share the stories of our faith each Sunday. During Kids Own Worship, the children again hear and experience a Bible passage as they worship in their own way. On Wednesday nights, the children focus on learning the Bible stories in interactive ways and they are challenged to memorize passages. The biggest event of the year for children is Vacation Bible School. Forty percent of the children at VBS are visitors. This week of the year brings together large numbers of children who regularly attend Aldersgate, but also attracts many children from the community. Children are praying with their families for the first time, reading the Bible in fun times with their friends and building relationships that will last a life time. This is truly an outreach of the church where many children hear the Gospel message for the very first time. Our goal is for children to know, love and follow Jesus Christ.


SAFE SANCTUARIES Children are a gift from God and certainly should be treasured in the church more than anywhere else. At their baptism, we all make promises to nurture and care for these children in the faith. This includes keeping them safe. Our Safe Sanctuaries policy was established to make sure the adults who are with the children and youth have background checks and that the children are supervised and kept from harm’s way. This ensures that adults, children and youth can fully experience Christian fun, fellowship and formation in a secure environment.

UTH STUDENT MINISTRIES UTH, United Through Him, is the Student Ministries at Aldersgate United Methodist Church! We are a community of 6th through 12th grade students that strive to be like Jesus! Through meals, service projects, mission trips, small groups, morning Bible Studies, large gatherings and even games, we aim to Connect, Serve and Disciple! Some Mission Trips Include: SERVEDurham: A week-long local mission trip that serves our city of Durham, NC. ServiceWorks: A week-long mission trip located in Hendersonville, NC, where we help repair houses and worship alongside other youth from around the country! International Mission Trips: We travel all around the world to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others by building relationships and helping others. We also have: Sunday School, Sunday UTH Service, Sunday evenings Youth Group, BreakfastB4School at Chick-Fil-A, Wednesday Night Middle School Small Groups and Thursday Night High School Small Groups.


AUMC WOMEN’S MINISTRIES Women’s Ministries at Aldersgate grows each time that we gather in His name. We encourage all women to come and grow in their faith walk with Christ, while widening their circle of friendships among women within our community. Activities have included: midweek & Sunday luncheons, overnight retreats, disaster relief efforts and Friday Night Fun & Fellowship. Below are personal statements from women whom attended a recent retreat. “Such a great experience, time for new friendships, personal reflections, and spiritual growth. “ “Peaceful, Relaxing, Awesome, Happy, Open, Spiritual, Rejuvenating, Enlightening, Inspiring, Fantastic, Heartwarming, Blessed.” “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

SUSANNA WESLEY CIRCLE The Susanna Wesley Circle is named for Susanna Wesley, the mother of John and Charles Wesley and known as “The mother of Methodism”. The mission of the circle is “Strive to give a helping hand, wherever we can, whenever we can.” This group of ladies is involved in supporting (1) many activities within our church, (2) many community outreach programs, and (3) national and international mission projects. We fund our support of these areas by cooking meals for our church and by having craft/bake sales. WITHIN ALDERSGATE UMC: Building Fund (Memorial), Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, SS Teacher Appreciation, Vacation Bible School, Troop Care Packages, College Care Packages. IN OUR COMMUNITY: Urban Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, Share the Warmth Fund, Salvation Army Heat Care Fund, Isaiah House, AUMC Christmas Outreach. AROUND THE WORLD: Guatemala Sewing Machine Project, Youth Mission Teams, Adult Mission Teams, UMCOR, Heifer Project.


HELPING HANDS CIRCLE The Helping Hands Circle began in 1991-92 with only three members. The focus of the circle is to do mission work, lending our helping hands within the church as well as in the community. Whether our hands are praying, cooking a meal, knitting a scarf, visiting a nursing home, preparing a Mother-Daughter Brunch, providing women’s conference for the Aldersgate women or making hygiene or school kits, we believe that with many hands together we can complete any task.

AGAPE CIRCLE Agape is one of the Greek words for love....love of, and for, each other. The Agape Circle is a group of women who love each other, the Aldersgate community, and the people of the world. It is a very social group, helping others, enjoying life, and sharing God's love through missions and ministries. Agape particularly likes to help women and children in crisis. Agape regularly supports ministries through their gifts, talents, service, and witness. They are involved in many activities within the daily life of the church...on staff, in the preschool, financial counters, choir, ushers, greeters, committee chairs and members, Sunday School teachers and active participants, small group leaders, mission team members as well as being full-time wives, mothers, and/or professionals. An Agape woman stated: I always wanted sisters. Now I have them. Agape Circle is my family. I count on them for emotional support and every other kind of support I need. I would not hesitate to ask them for anything that I needed and there is nothing I would not do for any of them. They have shown me Jesus's love through their actions.


PRIMETIMERS & OLDER ADULTS You might think a group of older church members would be kind of quiet, or straight laced, or even, ho hum and boring. But, I think you’d be surprised at the high spirits that characterize a Primetimer's meeting Primetimers is for folks fifty-five or older (although, we never check birthdays). We meet each first and third Thursday of the month in the Wesley Room. The meetings start at 11:45, and include a meal, sometimes a speaker and always a lot of fun and good fellowship. When asked to describe Primetimers, our members said : A great outing for seniors in the daytime! - Good programs and great fellowship! - I enjoy the fellowship and neighborly-ness of meeting people. - Good food and fellowship.

ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST MEN United Methodist Men offer: For every man: A man growing in Christ with other men, becoming spiritually mature in Christ. This is a United Methodist Man. Randy Sheffield says: “Aldersgate United Methodist Church has been an amazing adventure in my life and continues to be a blessing everyday. When Cathy and I came to Aldersgate we immediately felt at home. I was invited to a UMM meeting and decided to go. I was welcomed by several members and because of Don Mills and others, I immediately felt like one of the “guys.” This was something that I had not felt in many other churches. Because of my connection with Methodist Men, I have become very involved with many activities and positions in the Church; and I have enjoyed each and every one of them. For me, feeling a part of something is just a basic necessity. Methodist Men has given this to me as well as helping to develop life-long friendships which now makes Aldersgate my “Church Family”. I am extremely appreciative of the experiences that UMM and Aldersgate UMC have provided and most of all, Thank You Jesus for the Love and Forgiveness that you have freely given to us, your Children”. 22

ALDERSGATE WEEKDAY SCHOOL MINISTRIES Aldersgate Weekday Ministries Preschool Program serves 142 families. The Afterschool Program serves 105 families. We also offer Summer Camps, Intersession Camps and care for Early Release Days. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and loving environment for every child so they feel loved and respected. We will provide many educational and fun experiences for the children every day so they will develop a joy of learning. Most importantly we provide opportunities for the children to hear of God's love, so they will know how special they are to God.

MINISTRY OF HOSPITALITY & FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE & PASTRIES MINISTRY This ministry provides a little break between the early worship service and Sunday School where church friends can participate in a bit of fellowship over refreshments. It provides an avenue for cheerful greetings to those you might otherwise not see and also a warm and inviting gathering place for first-time visitors to experience. If you have not participated in our Sunday Morning Coffee & Pastries Ministry, please plan to stop by and have your heart warmed with God's love (and a good cup o’ java!).

CARDS AND NOTES MINISTRY Nothing says “connection”, “sharing”, “caring”, and “love”, like a hand-written note. From, “Welcome to Aldersgate”, “We’ve missed you!” to a simple “Thank You", this committee is the glue connecting the church, the congregation and community together by showing God’s love to everyone.


THE FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY The Food and Fellowship Ministry provides a variety of opportunities to create connections and friendships among members and visitors alike while enjoying a delicious meal in a social environment. This is fostered by the loving and caring displays of the tables, the meals, and the preparation of the kitchen and food for each event.

SCOUTS Aldersgate charters and sponsors Boy Scout troop 400. Boy Scouts of America (BSA ) Troop 400 is one of the largest troops in Durham and surrounding towns and cities with 60+ registered youth and 35+ registered adults. Of these boys and adults, approximately 30% of them are members of families who attend or are members themselves. Many of these families have been brought TO the church through their son’s affiliation with the Scout troop. Scouting teaches a boy what it takes to be a man – and especially a man who believes in God. The Scouts learn the 12 Points of The Scout Law – A scout is: trustworthy, loyal, helpful, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, friendly, clean and reverent. While the organization does not require a Scout to belong to a particular denomination, church, or group, it does require that the boy demonstrates his commitment to God. Every Scout in Troop 400 recites the Scout oath at the beginning of every Scouting meeting and activity. In that oath, he will state his commitment to “do his duty to God and his country”, his community and himself while he promises to stay “morally straight”.


MISSIONS, EVANGELISM & OUTREACH ALPHA God loves you. The purpose of The Alpha Course is to bring you to an understanding that not only does God love you but He longs to have a relationship with you. If you already have that relationship, Alpha will help you grow deeper in it and expand your awareness of how each person of the Trinity works in your life. In a relaxed, casual atmosphere, we enjoy dinner (at no cost) and explore the Christian faith. All questions, comments, opinions and feelings are welcomed. “I believe it is an excellent course for every level of faith. I do not think it is possible for someone to come out of the course without saying they learned something about themselves and their faith. I have learned about God my whole life. However, I have never in my life experienced God like I did in this course. Alpha really helped me know and feel God’s love. I have never felt the Holy Spirit’s presence like I did on the weekend retreat. The course also left me wanting more, with a hunger to study and grow in my faith. My husband and I both took Alpha and it changed the spiritual life of our family.” Michelle Schalliol

CONDUIT CONDUIT is a coalition of seven churches in northern Durham that joined together in 1988 to focus their ministry on residents of Oxford Manor, a Public Housing Complex on Old Oxford Highway. Each church has a representative on the committee. Activities include: collecting school supplies, children’s books, or Christmas gifts. The main project emphasized is the tutoring program for the afterschool children. We also work with our sister churches in making our church activities available to the Oxford Manor community. 25

REINDEER STORE On the 1st Wednesday in December, the Central Regional Hospital in Butner converts their gym into a shopping mall for a day and the Christmas Spirit comes alive! The Reindeer Store opens! The Reindeer Store allows the patients at the hospital during the Christmas season to purchase presents for their family members. After the store closes for the holiday season, any left over items are used for Christmas gifts for other patients, for Bingo prizes throughout the year, or stored for next year’s Reindeer Store. A favorite story from the Reindeer Store shopping day was of a little boy who wanted to get his momma a diamond ring. He was so excited to find just the ring he wanted in the Reindeer Jewelry store. He didn’t care a bit that it was a diamond by AVON. His happiness was complete.

SHARE YOUR CHRISTMAS Share Your Christmas is a program sponsored by the Durham County Department of Social Services that provides low-income families with gifts of clothing, toys, or needed household items. Congregation members sponsor individuals or entire families by purchasing and wrapping gifts or Christmas Food Baskets. The gifts & food baskets are distributed by the Aldersgate United Methodist Men in mid December.

THE AMERICAN RED CROSS - BLOOD DRIVE This tradition traces back many years to the “Bloodmobile" setting up in the church parking lot long before the Family Life Center was built. Aldersgate members always have been willing to support the very worthwhile effort to give the gift of life, and we appreciate the ARC’s willingness to hold the drives at the FLC and provide our community with a convenient opportunity to give. 26

DURHAM FOOD PANTRY NETWORK “No one in Durham should be hungry” The Durham Food Pantry Network was launched in June 2010 in response to the growing number of hungry within the community. It is a non-denominational network of Durham churches, businesses, schools, and other organizations devoted to keeping pantries in Durham stocked. The pantries currently being supported are Urban Ministries, Asbury Temple United Methodist Feed My Sheep, and West Durham Baptist. Food pantries in Durham have been turning away hungry people because their shelves are empty. Our mission is to gather and maintain a large enough supply of food to keep the shelves filled. The network’s ongoing mission is to acquire, store and distribute nutritious food to the pantries so they may better serve the Durham community. The Durham Food Pantry Network also collects clothing as well as food items. "I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.”

DURHAM CONGREGATIONS IN ACTION DCIA is an inter-faith, inter-racial Network of Durham Congregations (62 churches) changing lives for four decades. They support ministries such as: CROP Walk, YO-Durham, Capital Restorative Justice Project, Durham Economic Resource Center, Durham Alternatives to Violence Project/Help Increase the Peace, Interfaith Relations and Events. From Aldersgate’s support, DCIA has launched or co-sponsored programs like: Meals On Wheels, Urban Ministries of Durham, Genesis House, One World Market and Interfaith AIDS Alliance.


URBAN MINISTRIES Urban Ministries of Durham is located in downtown Durham. Each year, it welcomes more than 6,000 people who come seeking food, shelter, clothing and other supportive services. The Community Shelter has 81 beds for men and 30 for women, as well as nine family rooms with 38 beds for parents and their children. There are also 25 mats that supplement bed space when the temperature falls below freezing. The Community Café serves three meals a day, 365 days a year to shelter residents and anyone else in need of a meal. Volunteers provide over 90% of the labor to prepare the meals and community partners donate over 90% of the food. The number of meals served has markedly increased over the past two years. The Café currently serves 600 meals a day. In April 2011, Mary wrote: “Times are tough. I’ve been unemployed for over a year. Even though I wish I didn’t, I need help. I do. I have a grandson that lives with me, and it’s hard to get by on what little I make these days. It’s wonderful to have the extra support from Urban Ministries Food Pantry.”


INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK The Interfaith Hospitality Network program brings shelter, meals, and support services to families without homes. IHN is a special service because entire families-moms, dads and children can remain together in their time of crisis. IHN can accommodate up to three families or a total of 12 guests at a time. Families can stay in the program for up to 90 days. The Interfaith Hospitality Network is made up of: Hosts - Aldersgate is one of 12 host congregations in the Durham Network. 17 other churches assist the host churches. Each host congregation provides overnight lodging, meals, transportation, and a welcoming, safe place to stay for a week each four months. Day Center - Each morning guests are taken to the day house located near downtown Durham. There, the IHN director and a professional social worker provide case management services. Guests pursue employment, tend pre-school children, shower, do laundry, and prepare breakfast and a noon-day meal. The day house provides guests with a mailing address and a base for housing and employment searches. Some guests are employed during the day and older children attend local public schools. Volunteers - Volunteers provide many services: cooking and serving meals, playing with children or helping them with homework, and interacting with guests with respect and compassion. Volunteers also are needed to stay overnight at the church. IHN volunteers transport guests to and from the day house. Volunteers also move bedding from one host church to the next.


OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Operation Christmas Child (Shoe Box Ministry) is one of the outreach components of Samaritan's Purse ministries. This ministry brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations worldwide through giftfilled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love. These shoe boxes are packed by families and volunteers with essentials outlined in the Operation Christmas Child literature. Items include toiletries, hygiene products, school supplies, toys, and may include a letter or note from the person(s) packing the box. Traditionally, Aldersgate collects shoe boxes in July - Christmas in July. Occasionally, these notes or letters are answered as they were in the case of one Aldersgate family: Dee & Carl Stover. Dee wrote “For a number of years, it was my practice to take my day care kids shopping to each fill a shoebox for a child of their gender and age. In 2000, my 2nd grader asked if she could write a note. She said, I hope you have a happy Christmas, Love, Kaitlin. In March she received a response. It was from Pasteur Larba Victor Sawadogo, a Church of God pastor from Maceono in Burkina Faso, West Africa. He was writing to thank Kaitlin for the gift to his 5 year old son, Emmanuel. He asked that we write back and both Kaitlin and I did just that. She maintained for a while, sending letters and school supplies. I still have a wonderful relationship with Victor…he is not a pen pal, nor even just a friend, but more accurately described as a brother…we have a kinship of the heart, grounded in Christian faith and love.” Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, ... for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 NIV


CROP WALK AT ALDERSGATE What CROP means to John Howe: A number of years ago, I attended a luncheon after the Greater Durham Crop Walk. We saw pictures of people in third world countries receiving help and engaging in programs that made them self-sufficient in growing crops and developing wells for water. We heard of trouble spots where people were still dying of malnutrition half a world away. The results of the walk that year had been good, but not really outstanding or stellar. The director of the walk and the DCIA representative reported how we had raised more than $25,000 for local, national and international hunger relief efforts. Of that amount, Aldersgate church had raised more than $3000 – quite a sum for one church or group. I felt really proud of how we had done so well. Then a middle-aged woman got up and spoke about her experience with CROP – on the receiving end. She explained how, even though working full-time in Durham, she had been unable to feed her family of five, and had to look for help. She had to go to the food pantry and the soup kitchen numerous times just to get enough food to supply two meals per day for her family. She made a point of thanking Aldersgate and all the churches who participated in the walk. What she didn’t realize was how I needed to thank her for humbling my pride and reminding me what it is really about. She brought the understanding of hunger to us where we live. It isn’t just “over there”- half a world away - but right here in our neighborhood. Aldersgate had given me an opportunity to be blessed by the words and love that this woman was sharing, representative of millions of people in need daily. Aldersgate continues to be one of the top supporting churches in Durham, raising more than $80,000 over the past 12 years. However, what we as individuals, and as part of the body of Christ, get out of our involvement in the CROP walk goes well beyond the money we raise. It’s another opportunity to help spread love for all of our brothers and sisters.


FRESH START Fresh Start is a local mission at Aldersgate that collects furniture and housewares (cooking pots and pans, china, silverware, etc.) and redistributes them to local charities such as: The Durham Crisis Response Center, Interfaith Hospitality Network, and Housing for New Hope. How Fresh Start has helped: Angela fled an abusive relationship in the middle of the night barefooted. All she had were the clothes on her back and her nine month old infant. The Smiths left Ohio in their beat-up old car. They had been out of work for six months and were almost broke. They arrived in Durham looking for work but had their car totaled in a wreck before they could even begin their search. Johnny was a homeless Veteran for years before an outreach group from New Hope found him living in the woods and helped him with recovery and shelter. All furniture and households items are donated to Fresh Start.

METHODIST HOME FOR CHILDREN Aldersgate supports the Methodist Home for Children which serves nearly 1,500 children and families. This community-based service ensures children the right to grow up in safe, loving homes; educate parents and caregivers about how best to nurture children and young adults; help young people navigate adolescence and work to eradicate the social and family problems that lead to abuse, neglect, family disruption, and child abandonment. They serve all children and families regardless of religion, race, ethnic background or economic status. Our mission, in service to God, is to build upon the social, physical, emotional, and spiritual strengths of children, youth, and families, and to affirm their worth.


INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS GUATEMALA SEWING MACHINE PROJECT Aldersgate United Methodist Church has sent funds through the years to purchase dozens of foot pedal sewing machines for a women’s cooperative in San Juan Ostuncalco, Guatemala. The first sewing machine was purchased in the summer of 1987. Women in Guatemala were asked to name something they would like to have, and they answered almost in unison, “a sewing machine”. With a borrowed jeep and a dusty road into town, the first sewing machine was purchased. For about $200 a simple sewing machine can be purchased. This will help a woman provide her family with an opportunity to make a living indefinitely. The women are able to make clothes for their families as well as sell items in the market to locals and tourists. Aldersgate has bought many of these sewing machines using funds from the mission budget, mission yard sales, donations from church circles, and from individuals. Donations of various amounts are also given in honor or memory of loved ones. We make a difference. Petronella : “A sewing machine that I received from your church allows me to support myself and my four small children. My husband was killed in an accident at work, and I depend on the sewing machine to make a living for my family. I don’t know what I would have done without your help. Thank you.” Anna: “I was able to attend sewing machines classes and was given a sewing machine to take home. Now I can support my parents who are old and now live with me. They said to please thank the people of your church for helping us.”


JAMAICA MISSION TEAM It was 2003 when the first team of 6 actually went to Jamaica. From 2003 to date, 58 Aldersgate members have traveled to Jamaica to serve God through mission work in St. Thomas Parrish, specifically in the communities of Peartree River, Johnstown and Yallahs. St. Thomas Parrish is a poor area of Jamaica with very little opportunity for employment. There are no resorts and very few tourists. When the mission teams go, they usually are able to employ a few local people for the week to help with the skilled work such as masonry and electrical work. Some of the work done by the mission teams over the years include: Tearing down a hurricane damaged church and replacing it with a sturdy new church while rallying the community and building the congregation. Building a school which is also used as a community center and a school library. The most current project is a fellowship hall which will provide a place for large groups to worship.


AGAPE Christian Education

Aldersgate first went to Armenia in 1996, with Project Agape, a program of the two United Methodist conferences in N.C. Medical, educational and construction supplies, as well as teams, have been sent to work in this area. In Berdzor, Project Agape has built a church, renovated a building for a hospital, and renovated several houses. Paper for school work and books are also sent to help the children in school. The Armenian people need to hear the gospel. For seventy years until 1991, religion was underground. Testimony from Margaret: “We went to church. We just told them we were taking tourists there.” This was from a woman whose father was sent to Siberia in the 30’s. Hripsime, a young woman said " I was supposed to report my grandmother for talking about God, but I never did". She stated ”Now, I go to church. It does something for me".


HAITI MISSION TEAM The AUMC Haiti ministries began in 2010. The medical mission trip encompasses two aspects of health care - general medical care given by way of an acute care medical clinic and vision evaluation and glasses distribution. Medical Team - AUMC works with established medical care providers in Haiti to coordinate care of the patients they see. Vision Evaluation Team - Through the use of a portable auto refractor the eye team members will evaluate a patient’s vision deficit. No training is needed to go on the eye team. How AUMC Haiti ministries have touched lives: From Dr. Romel Dorsaint, MD, Port au Prince Haiti. “I asked the US doctors to assist me with the evaluation of a woman I had seen in my clinic with locally advanced breast cancer. It has spread all over her breast and chest area and was very painful and difficult to manage. Dr. Hank was very helpful in evaluating her with me. She was very poor and couldn’t afford the $700 to pay for the surgery. Dr. Hank raised the money from caring Americans and she was able to have the surgery.

ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE SUPPORT FINANCE COMMITTEE The goal of the ministry of finance is to fund ministries that nurture persons in their faith. The finance system in the congregation raises, manages and disperse the funds of the congregation that help realize the mission and vision of the church.

STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE Local church members join with the promise to uphold the church with“prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.” The ministry of stewardship is concerned with the appropriate employment of the fruits of that pledge throughout the ministries of the church.


ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE SUPPORT LAY LEADERSHIP The heart of local church ministry is in the lay leadership. Identifying, developing, deploying , and evaluating Christian spiritual leaders who serve from their strengths and gifts are key to the life and vitality of the congregation.

LAY LEADERS & LAY MEMBERS The Lay Leaders and Lay members to Annual Conference are key roles in linking the vision and plan of the congregation with the ministry of the Annual Conference and in nurturing cooperation and coordination of the pastor and congregation in leadership.

COMMUNICATIONS Church communications is a ministry that shares the church’s story with the public, creates an image of the church and the congregation, builds community within the church, creates excitement, builds pride in the church and the denomination, promotes opportunities and resources, and helps makes the church’s vision come alive in people’s thoughts, words and actions. This is done through websites, message boards, printed material, signage, newspaper print, TV and radio coverage, social media, emails, and verbal communication.

WORSHIP The worship ministry is often the first, if not only, entry point for people seeking to establish a relationship with God in a Christian community. The ways in which we worship and honor God set a tone for the overall ministry of the church.

ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE The United Methodist Church Foundation is recognized as a financial steward building a financial legacy for the making of disciples of Jesus Christ. The goal is to empower the Church, local to global, by modeling a culture of generosity in trusted partnership with agencies and institutions to endow its mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE SUPPORT STAFF-PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE The Staff-Parish Relations Committee serves a key role in establishing the focus of the pastor, staff, and congregation’s ministries. By advocating for the pastor and staff and helping to interpret their roles and ministries, the SPRC supports and nurtures the whole congregation.

NURTURE COMMITTEE The Nurture Committee of the congregation gives attention to the care of individuals and families of all ages. From the New Baby Ministry to the Military Ministry to Prayer Shawl ministry, Feed My Flock, Homebound Visitation and so much more, this is the committee which oversees the care of Aldersgate’s members.

MISSIONS COMMITTEE This Missions Committee seeks to understand and communicate the needs of people throughout our community and world, and to implement programs and ministries that encourage church members to address these needs.

ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD/COUNCIL ON MINISTRIES The Administrative Board is the primary group responsible for the overall ministry of the local church. By establishing the vision of the congregation, the Administrative Board can help to order the various ministry opportunities. The Council on Ministries then implements these plans through the work of the people and the plans of each ministry committee.


ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE SUPPORT EVANGELISM Evangelism is vital to the disciple-making process because it is a primary ministry of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Evangelism is more than just one individual talking about faith; it is a ministry of the whole church that develops a church “lifestyle" of welcome, invitations, and support.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees is an essential part of the church. Its responsibilities are diverse and subject to the direction of the Charge Conference. Responsibilities include: Supervise, oversee, and care for all real property owned by the church and all property and equipment acquired by the church. Participate in an annual review of church-owned parsonage (s) to ensure proper maintenance, develop guidelines for authorizing the use of church facilities by outside organizations. Obtain an annual accessibility audit of the buildings, grounds, and facilities of the church to determine any barriers that impede the full participation of people with disabilities, develop budget requests for property maintenance and repair, acquisition of new property (including vehicles and equipment), debt service, and insurance.

BUILDING COMMITTEE The Building Committee is charged with developing plans for and overseeing the construction of the expansion of our facilities at AUMC. We have developed a site plan for the future growth of our church. Phase One is the construction of a columbarium, up fit of the second floor of the Family Life Center, more parking, sidewalks, a picnic shelter and an outdoor activities ministries field. See the picture below for Phase One details and costs. Phase Two is the construction of a new sanctuary. Phases Three and Four are the construction of two educational buildings. This fall, we will begin the capital campaign for Phase One and Phase Two. The estimated total cost for Phase One and Phase Two is $5.6 million.



Outdoor Ministries Activities Field $191 k

Columbarium $122 k

Dry Pond $60k

FLC 2nd Floor & Elevator $350 k

Parking, Picnic Shelter and Sidewalks $350 k

AUMC Site Plan Phase One Cost of Phase One Construction = $1.0 million Cost of Phase One Construction + Retire the FLC Debt = $1.31 million



A ldersgate United Methodist Church

(919) 477-0509 1320 Umstead Rd. www.aldersgate.org Facebook: aldersgateumcDurham Email: info@aldersgate.org


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