Charger Chronicles (Clark Key Club) June Newsletter by Holly Wong

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Charger Chronicles

June 2014

Clark High School

Issue No. 2


Table of Contents Member of the Month Blood Drive Spring Inductions/Banquet

Las Vegas Rescue Mission Tzu Chi Academy Field Day Sprinkler Sprint

Summer Park Social June Calendar President’s and Editor’s Message Contact Information 2

Member of the Month MAY

Trina Hua is the representative of 2016 and the secretary of Division 28 West. She has shown continuous dedication to Key Club, especially when she raised over $130 for the LLS (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) fundraiser. Her great effort definitely deserves some recognition! Congratulations, Trina Hua!

Trina Hua 3


Clark's blood drive was a surreal experience! It was great to see fellow Clark students give up their time of day to donate blood which may potentially save lives in the future. The blood workers that were present were genuinely kind people and even joked around with the volunteers that there were "unconscious students" lying in the bathroom (funny but it gave me a few heart attack, to be honest). I also never realized how fun it was to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! The process is both sticky, yet rewarding when you see the smiles of people that gobble them. Overall, I guess you could say the event was a bloody good time! -Anthony Song 4

Drive The Blood Drive was a great success. Not only did we win third place in our division for the largest number of blood units accumulated over the past year, but our members also had an amazing experience volunteering. It is very humbling to see how hard the Blood Drive employees work to make such an incredible process possible. It really showed how our minor efforts to participate can have such a large impact in the world by saving lives. Our club was pleased to be able to award the $500 scholarship to Ryan Lim, a graduating senior who has influenced our members in unbelievable ways. -Elissa Gray


Spring Inductions / En

The Key Club Banquet was a great experience. I got to listen to people's awards and our president's speech. The food at our banquet amazing. The awards that Anna have out we're entertaining. The award I got was Biggest DCON Fangirl because I had a great time during DCON. During dinner, our class 2016 had a lot of people so we had to move another table in so we would have more room. Overall, I thought the banquet was really fun and I was sad I couldn't stay for the whole thing. -Andrea Lam 6

nd of the Year Banquet

Class of 2014


Las Vegas Rescue Mission

Las Vegas rescue mission was one of the few soup kitchen type setting events that we help out with and I'm glad we do. We help serve food to homeless people and try to give them a smile. Thankfully with our awesome volunteers, we did just that and had lots of fun while doing service! I'm looking forward to doing it again! Also, I thought the hairnets looked really stylish. -Andrew Cruz 8

Tzu Chi Field Day The Tzu Chi Field Day was one of my favorite events! It reminded me of when I had field days in elementary school and I really liked helping out with the stations that the kids played at. The kids were also really cute and friendly. They were so energized and ready to win. We also made a lot of water balloons for the little kids. Then at the end, they served shaved ice and I topped it with red bean, which is my favorite. This event was really fun, and I was hoping that our own Clark Key Club could have their own throwback field day event as well for the members! -Holly Wong 9

Sprinkler Sprint

Even in the Vegas heat, the sprinkler sprint was a blast to volunteer at! Decorating the tunnel with balloons provided great laughs and fond memories of members struggling to tie and blow balloons. Cheering on runners as they got doused with water and covered in bubbles was a great way to keep them motivated and cool under the hot sun. The after party in the container park was bumpin' with great music and really great food. I'm so happy that we won two grand prizes for having the most volunteers and we obviously looked the best in our spirit gear. I loved spending time with my fellow key clubbers outside of school because they are an amazing bunch. Like our officers say all the time, just because school ended doesn't mean service has to! -Elena Llanes


Summer Park Social

The summer park social was really fun. We got to pie the officers with whip cream and we also had a water balloon fight. People pie'd the officers with perfect timings, which was really entertaining to see. The shoutout given to me was also a great surprise. Also, Ms. Wong bought us all really good sandwiches and salads. By the end, I was soaked in water and everyone smelled like whipped cream. Overall, it was a great bonding experience between the members. -Jocelyn Yeh 11

June Calendar June 2014 SUN













7 Sprinkler Sprint








Park Social 15





















Kiwanis Fireworks Booth 12

President’s Message Howdy, fellow Key Clubbers! How’s everyone’s summer going? I hope you guys know that spirit doesn’t end when school ends! I hope to see more of your faces during the upcoming events, and remember to invite some incoming freshman if you know any! The board and I have been keeping up with Kiwanis updates by attending monthly Kiwanis breakfast meetings. I think this is a very great way to build relations between Clark Key Club and Kiwanis. I hope everyone has a great summer, and remember to stay safe. I’ll see you guys soon! -Andrew Cruz

Editor’s Message

Hey everyone! I hope your first month of summer is going great so far! Hopefully you guys have fun-filled hangouts and such, but if not, there will be more summer service events coming right up! It’s always good to get a head start on hours before the school year starts, and a great way to do that would be to send me an article if you’ve attended any event. Also, the ice skating social is going to be scheduled before school starts (details are to be announced). Enjoy the rest of summer! -Holly Wong


Contact Information Clark Key Club Website:

President: Andrew Cruz

Vice President: Anu Thennakoon

Secretary: Elissa Gray

Treasurer: Harley Zhu

Bulletin Editor: Holly Wong

Historian: Lenise Wu

SAA: Alan Cruz 14

2014 - 2015 Left to right: Anu Thennakoon (vice president), Alan Cruz (SAA), Andrew Cruz (president), Elissa Gray (secretary), Holly Wong (bulletin editor), Lenise Wu (historian), Harley Zhu (treasurer)


Thanks for Reading!

June 2014

Clark High School Issue No. 2


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