9 minute read
Today is wonderful. And if you make a habit of monitoring your health regularly— both by adopting a healthy lifestyle and keeping yourself abreast of health procedures--- --you greatly increase your chances of a happier tomorrow. In present scenario in general, people are stressed, depressed, facing lots of issues, lots of unavoidable circumstances. You feel like your life has no meaning. Your friends, family are screwing your life up. Problems are forever and we can't avoid them. Everyone experiences stress, but many don't know how to manage it. Very simple in every day life may be minor issues or major, giving you a stressed situation.
May be, You'll wake up tomorrow and have problems at home may be for breakfast, going office and OMG traffic, a problem in your email box . Financial issues, health issues, a relationship ended. Every episode affects you, It depends on the individual’s brain chemistry, how beautifully you are prepare to manage a particular situation. make you anxious you feel nervous, frustrated, stressed or you know how to deal.
Stress is a normal part of flow of life, but definitely upto a certain extent. Too much stress can be compromise our health physically, mentally,and emotionally.
A situation can be a positive stress for someone while it creats a negative stress for other individuale.
Positive stress (Eustres) it motivates you, you will feel more confident focuses energy it improves your overall performance. This is mandatory for your dreams & expectations towards life. But a Negative Stress called Distress, when a person feels unable to perform or to cope with a situation. It can be for short term or long term. Chronic or long term stress results in high anxiety, depression sleep problems and can even develop negative coping mechanisms like dependency on drugs and alcohol and in worst scenario long term stress can weaken the immune system, also lots of chemical, physiological reactions, too much epinephrine can be harmful to your heart. So it can rule to your Brain, Immune system and heart.Then what ????? just think about the consequences.
Try to find out lifestyle tips in how to manage stress without letting it take over your life. How to detox your mind How you can enhance your immunity by specific diet and Ayurveda.
The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a series of steps called the immune response Embrace Healthy Living A complete approach to health. This includes making good dietary choices, regular exercise, regular cleansing, and nutritional supplementation where needed to help your body function normally. When it comes to diet, choose raw, organic fruits and vegetables, and avoid saturated fats. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep, at least 7 hours a night — 8 is better.
If you choose to drink, do so moderately. Don’t smoke. Having said that, here’s what you absolutely must do…spend time with friends, laugh, take time to relax and do activities you enjoy, and make your home a clean, calming place to live.
*Commit to a daily Routine according to your priorities and Self care. Keep you Calm and Slow down Slow the pace of our lives is through pampered and purposeful selfcare.Taking time every single day to be still, quiet, and immersed in self-nourishment. Value yourself, you will feel happy.
Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle. How your attitude affects things. Believe it or not, a person's attitude plays a big part in their health. More and more studies seem to show that people who have a positive outlook on life tend to be healthier.
Indulge in Quality Self Care It can be a beautiful part of the healing process, and a meaningful lifestyle to practice self-love. Saying a few positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror as you prepare for your day.
*Be Grateful, be kind and polite it helps you. *Take Adequate Rest Nothing more soothing than simply taking a good sleep a long break. Connect with nature, sometimes simply exposes your nervous system to the natural world, this will do a magic with your senses of smell ,touch, sound, taste, and sights. Texture and rhythms of flora and fauna activates the capacity of parasympathetic nervous system, which governs periods of relaxation. A complete mind detox. *Aromatherapy- using scents to treat your mood is called aromatherapy. Aroma of some herbs like Lavender, Rose, Sandalwood, Roman chamomile, Orange blossom, Neroli, using essential oil or burning a scented candle may help in reducing anxiety and stress level, improve sleeps. Salt bath, sea-salt spa is helpful in reducing stress. *Massage your feet before sleep, apply some warm aromatic oil, prefer Sesame oil, Brahmi oil, or Bhringraj oil. *Ancient people have practiced acupuncture for centuries. It is believed that two acupuncture points located between the skull and neck may be helpful for reducing stress and
tension headaches Basically all these practices soothes the nervous system , reduces mind agitation, grounds the energy, calm the mind and promotes sound sleep.
*Fix your physical fitness schedule, depends on your choice, body type, and your strength.
Exercise is a natural antidote to stress and anxiety. Raising your heart rate, increases blood circulation, oxygenates your brain and gets those feel-good.
Gymming, Outdoor activities, Various weight trainings, Pilates, Surya namaskar choose any practice to move your beautiful body.
SURYA NAMASKAR- Salute to the sun in very early morning is a kind of exercise in Yoga form The sequence of twelve gracefully asanas originated in the Hatha Yoga tradition on 9th century in India, dedicated to the Vedic - Hindu solar deity “Surya” namely the Sun. .
Scientific benefits behind this, it helps in resorting hormonal balance and vitamin D level. weight loss, as you are moving your body in a fixed manner from a standing position into downward and upward dog poses and then back to the standing position.
The activation of 14 groups of muscles was measured during the performance of this yoga. Skin radiance, muscle toning, mind detox, good energy level due to maintained vitamin D, boost immunity and BMR as a result of balanced hormones and adequate weight
*Food is medicine when consumed properly.
Ayurveda is an ancient Hindu system of medicine and properly guided way of living.
Ayurveda is a wellness practice that originated in India and is about 5,000 years old. The word "Ayurveda" is a combination of two Sanskrit words that mean life (Ayur) and science (Veda), so the literal translation of Ayurveda is "the science of life."
Certain herbs & herbal supplements can reduce anxiety and stress by increasing Serotonin levels like Ashwagandha (a herb used in ayurvedic medicine) Lemon balm, Omega3 fatty acids,Green tea, Chia seeds in coconut water, Pumpkin seeds, Almond milk. Stress- busting superfoods stabilise blood sugars, affects our very brain chemistry and therefore impacts our mood. We can, therefore, make dietary choices to support our stress level. Add some immunity booster food like Garlic, Kale, Navy beans, Reishi mushrooms, Blueberries, Raspberries,Green Matcha, and Tulsi leaves, Turmeric powder, Honey Cinnamon, Cumin, Ginger, Nutmeg, Rick salt, Sesame seeds, Asafoetida and natural sugar. Avoid white flour, white rice and white sugar ( The 3 W’s ) from your diet. High intake of tea, coffee, energy drinks can make you more anxious ,more hyper reactive so accordingly just reduce your intake.
*Copper and its alloys exhibit impressive antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal ,antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps neutralise toxins. Copper keep nerve cells healthy, and support your immune system. Your bodies cannot synthesise copper so you need to get it from dietary sources
Storing water in a copper vessel creates a natural purification process. According to Ayurveda drinking copper enriched water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach helps balance all three doshas (Kapha, Vata and Pitta).
"Professor KEEVIL'S work is a modern confirmation of an ancient remedy.
Researchers reported last month that the novel coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic survives for days on glass and stainless steel but dies within hours after landing on copper.
In 2015, Keevil turned his attention to corona virus 229E, a relative of the COVID-19 virus that causes the common cold and pneumonia. Once again, copper zapped the virus within minutes while it remained infectious for five days on surfaces such as stainless steel or glass.
Copper kills dangerous viruses by destroying their genetic material.
Copper was also used to cure medical problems in ancient India and is an important component of Ayurveda medicine.
*Check your Breathing pattern Practice deep breathing, to feel good as deep guided breathing has proved beneficial for a lot of patients. It generates an active oxy
gen flow in the whole body leading to a more relaxed and happy brain. Remember to always breathe from your core i.e the stomach. Core breathing is the best breathing. Practice alternate nose breathing.
*Oil Pulling Gargling or putting some warm sesame oil, coconut or mustard oil in mouth for a while. It removes natural toxins from the mouth, teeth and gums, gives relaxation to jaws and a feeling of freshness.
Always try to find positive coping mechanisms use your favourite family members and best friends as stress buffer. Family members only with whom you are emotionally attached , remember knowing people all your life doesn't means understanding them.
Avoid blames and grudges make healthy boundaries in any relationship, good for both sides. Caring for your loved ones doesn't mean taking charge of their problems, giving unsolicited advice.
With out this emotional intimacy, family contact becomes a burden, because no one is comfortable spending that much time with a stranger. Emotional honesty is equally needed from both sides. nurture your relationship, friendship by being kind, listen them, be open, build intimacy, show that you can be trusted.
*Find your hobby/passion in life the one that touches your inner child to make it happy and peaceful.
Do it with full energy and enthusiasm. And if this is not possible in present scenario use a planner and pen down how you can get it
and indulge yourself in an alternate hobby.
*Spend some time with Pets, Kids, their innocence and undemanding attitude boost your happiness and reduce your stress.
Sometimes be silly.
Laughter and a cheerful outlook Laughter has long been held as the "Best Medicine" and in fact, science has now found that every cell in the body has a receptor for the substances produced when we are happy. Every cell is therefore influenced by how we feel. Our first line of defence against any disease is therefore Happiness.
After all it isn't always easy to stay positive, especially as life can throw all sorts of things at you.
Look presently how we are facing global pendemic ,lots of stress, when everyone is trying to protect themselves from the pandemic virus with gloves and facemask, the next most effective measure we can take is to avoid stress and try to adopt ancient secrets for health care, home remedies to enhance our immunity.
The advice offered includes Superfoods and frequently sipping water boiled with Tulsi leaves, crushed ginger and turmeric powder.