DECEMBER 2009 COVER 04 Attorney Jay MacIntosh The Aesthetics Of Justice
E N T E R TA I N M E N T 16 Daybreak End’s Darkest Hour 52 LA Theatre Beat
FA S H I O N 22 How To Be Budget Friendly And on Trend This Fall 28 The Darker Side of Style
F E AT U R E D 38 Give Your Curves An Extra Kick 46 New Era Debt Solutions Part 3
PUBLISHER, EDITOR IN CHIEF Prather Jackson VICE PRESIDENT Bernice Harris VP MARKETING Michael D. Coxson ExEC. ASSISTANT Danielle Dietrich
STAFF WRITER Brea Tisdale WEBMASTER Autumn Hawarden PHOTOGRAPHY Edgar A. Santacruz LIFE & STYLE EDITOR Niki Shadrow
OPERATIONS Erskine D. McSwain (1991-2000)
ADVERTISING Danielle Dietrich
CONTRIBUTORS Anthony Calderon Leah Michele Yananton Sarah Klegman Adam Freeman Pockross Andy Nguyen Rachel Stuhler Leah Yananton Rayne Sieling Steve Zall Sid Fish Jeffrey Jaggers Iman Lyons
Hollywood Weekly is a monthly publication wholly owned by Jackson Publishing Company. © 2009 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of any content without written permission of the Publisher is expressly prohibited. Letters to the Editor may be sent to: Hollywood Weekly, 4221 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 290-06, Los Angeles, CA 90010. Email: editor@jacksonpublishing.com. For Advertising inquiries call: (323) 934-6397, or Online at: www.hollywoodweekly.net
Jay MacIntosh
Aesthetics Of Justice
By Anthony Calderon
A good Entertainment Lawyer is hard to find for more than a few reasons. Two facts that immediately come to mind are: (1) Most people have no idea as to exactly what it is an Entertainment Lawyer is supposed to do; and (2) Most Entertainment Lawyers are only willing to walk with you and your cause just so far – usually the romance will end once the “Demand Letter” they’ve composed for you falls upon unwavering eyes and deaf ears. After that they won’t give a second thought about passing you, your case and your Ulyssean quest for justice off to a Trial Lawyer who’ll never be as familiar with the facts of your struggle as the now rapidly retreating Entertainment Lawyer you originally hired to help you – and as the shadow of that Lawyer disappears around the corner leaving you stranded in the middle of an empty sidewalk, where you can only await the clichéd piano to finally fall on your head, here’s a name for you to consider before the crash… Jay MacIntosh… Entertainment Attorney Jay MacIntosh has never accepted the concept of “abandoning” her clients at the first drop of rain or hint of an ensuing tempest… Truth be told, Jay would sail with you through “The Perfect Storm” if she has to, and if that means going after Poseidon, Neptune or Zeus himself to calm the ocean surface and deliver you safely to your destination, then that’s just the way it’s going to have to be – whatever it takes… Principles like “commitment” and “following through on your word” may sound like archaic sentiments in our present-day society, but these are the jewels that make up the arsenal of Jay MacIntosh – and this is what, Jay will tell you, every last one of her clients is entitled to… But before we commission the PreRaphaelite painting of Jay engaging in her
Attorney Jay MacIntosh “Clash of the Titans” with Greek Gods, let’s examine the kind of scenarios Jay would actually lend her talents to… To begin with, Jay is not an Agent… Sounds like a simple enough statement, but simple statements of truth are never deterrents for people who need something they believe you can give them. So, Jay is flooded weekly with calls by Writers, Producers, Musicians and Artists who read Jay’s previous story in Hollywood Weekly about her years as a working actress in Film and Television, and they are all convinced that a mere phone call from the office of Jay MacIntosh is the only thing standing in the way of their road to the Oscars, Grammys or Paris’ Musée du Louvre, respectively… Legally, because of California’s Labor Laws, Jay is prohibited from submitting anyone or anything to anybody – as far as “simple statements of truth” are concerned, I
hope I have now reduced this one to the subatomic level... When then, the question now becomes, does one place their call to the offices of Entertainment Attorney Jay MacIntosh? The answer is clear enough: when one has a “lead” or something to talk about... Meaning, your date has already been set for that pitch meeting with the Producer over at Sunset Gower Studios, and you hire Jay to accompany you there not only to protect your Intellectual Property, but to handle any Contract negotiations should things move that quickly. But let’s back up a minute: you’ve just placed a call to Jay after securing a time and place to meet a Producer and discuss your script or treatment – this is the most important moment in your career, and where invaluable wisdom and experience from Jay can be the deciding factor on whether you close this deal or not... “This is where you have to do your homework,” Jay tells me on the patio of her Westwood Condo... “You have the name of the Producer, so find out as much as you can about the kind of projects they’ve produced in the past. You have to tailor your pitch to your audience. Does this Producer have a history of working with small budget television projects or big budget movies? Look at their track record. This is the kind of information you have to know before you step foot in that meeting...” I have purposely started with an ideal situation where Jay is hired at exactly the right time to insure the interests of her client are
protected, and she will negotiate the best possible deal for them...but this is rarely the case... “Most people call me,” Jay confesses, “When their project and/ or their interests have been compromised to such a degree that everything is a complete mess... But, many people make that mistake – the Attorney is literally the last person they call, when we should be the first...” What is it that imbues us with such a grand sense of autonomy when it comes to handling our own legal affairs? There is no other profession I can think of where a potential client will first take their own course of action to resolve their crisis, and only when they can no longer continue on their course of selfdestruction will they finally decide to call for legal help... Surely, this rarely occurs in the medical field – no matter how severe the pain in your heart, and your suspicions of having clogged arteries notwithstanding, I’m certain you won’t begin Coronary Bypass Surgery on yourself in the comfort of your own home before dialing 911... I am, of course, excluding the profession of dentistry in my example, because we’ve all endured having our teeth pulled from their roots by loving parents with the help of string and a swinging door... But as absurd and farcical as the idea of performing open heart surgery on your dining room table sounds, it’s no less ridiculous than “taking action” on your own before calling an Attorney. Clearly we never see the importance of having an Attorney until
Attorney Jay MacIntosh
it is too late, and nowhere is this more obvious than with an Entertainment Attorney... Scenario #1: You and some of your “close friends” decide to form a Production Company...in name only, so to speak... One friend comes up with an idea for a story; two friends write a script which is then rewritten by a couple other friends; another friend tries his hand at directing With A Little Help From His...well, you get the idea... The bottom line is when these guys finally get a movie finished all hell’s going to break out – and it does: the first sign of finding a distributor for their film somebody finally asks – in as delicate and eloquent a way as the scene would demand – “So, who’s getting paid for what?” To begin with, a Corporation or LLC or at least a collaboration agreement was never properly formed or drafted, and this is certainly one of the first things Jay would have prepared for them, and, in the process, she would find out exactly who is assuming what role in the company... Clear delineations defining one’s contributions in any kind of company must always be decided before you strike gold, because friendship and money are two separate species – friendship being a cute, cuddly Koala Bear, and money being represented by a Tyrannosaurus Rex... As you may have noticed by now, Entertainment Attorneys have to pull from many fields of Law other than... Entertainment. Jay routinely practices – as is the case with the scenario above – not only Intellectual Property and Contract Law, but Corporate Law; and if our “Band of Brothers” still can’t decide how to divide the income from their Production Company, Jay will have to employ whatever type of law that is required to solve their dispute, which is why, for Jay, being one of the few Entertainment Lawyers who are able to Litigate a case, she is so valuable to her clients... But Jay’s resources do not stop there... In Scenario # 2: An Actress is hired to do a
Attorney Jay MacIntosh
role, portraying someone’s wife or girlfriend in bed, but refuses to play the scene “nude”. The Director leads her to believe that he will co-operate and then, after editing the film, digitizes the film to lead the audience to believe the Actress is nude. That can be defamation. Or a production employee gets fired on the spot with an employment contract in place or is discriminated against or sexually harassed or such. So, part of Jay’s Law Practice includes Sexual Harassment, Discrimination – or if the young Actress or production employee in question was fired because she didn’t want to comply with the Director’s wishes, we can add Wrongful Termination to our list... In Scenario #3: A Producer comes to Jay because while working for a major Studio, an idea he
had for a Feature Film was either stolen outright, or he was not paid the amount agreed upon before the project was started... Here, Jay calls upon her skills as an Intellectual Property Law Attorney to seek justice for her clients in fraud claims in the idea submission context...and that’s what it really all comes down to for Jay MacIntosh... Justice for her clients... There’s a satisfaction that comes with helping people who are victimized, or correcting a situation before it goes terribly wrong, as in our first Scenario... In all of these varied fields of Law, the one constant is Jay’s passion for her work – it is the same passion that went into her art when she was an Actress herself, only now, her focus is on the “aesthetics of justice...”
Attorney Jay MacIntosh
H ollywood W eekly-Musi c
Daybreak End’s Darkest Hour
By: Natalie Perez
MySpace Us: http://www.myspace.com/daybreakends
No matter which way you toss it, there’s a handful of various ways a band can become noticed. Whether that’d be by an online source, through a friend, or by catching a show it always leads back to you wanting more.
That’s just what DayBreak Ends is all about - they’re your typical Los Angeles locals that just love drawing in attention no matter where they look. Frontman Greg caught up with me via email to discuss the band’s current plans, latest EP “A Self Unseen” and exposing their music upon the world. 1. You guys are relatively young band, how long have you been together and how old is the oldest member?
Greg: We have been a band since 2004 in various lineups but it has not been solidified until 2006 when we got Mike. I feel that is when the band truly started. Mike is our oldest member and he is 29. 2. You recently released a new EP, “A Self Unseen”. Tell me about the writing and recording process. Greg: We wrote “The Self Unseen” after we got Josh as our bass player in April 2008. We recorded it with Evan from Cage 9 and Powerman 5000 in a week. We really think it’s truer to our sound than our first CD Perfect Tragedy was and we think Evan did a great job on producing it. The CD is more raw and aggressive and that fits our live show a lot better. Writing it was a lot of fun and we are excited to continue writing and evolving for our next CD. 3. What do you feel are the major differences between “A Perfect Tragedy” and “A Self Unseen”? Do you
feel that you’ve progressed as a band? Greg: I feel we have progressed a lot. Our new bass player Josh is a great bassist and singer and he has added a lot to our band. Our harmonies are a lot better and his chemistry with Mike is great and has made our music much tighter and headed in a direction we want to go. In our opinion “Perfect Tragedy” was too safe and polished and we wanted to go a more aggressive and raw direction. We think we sound better stripped down and I think everyone else agrees. 4. Why the use of the letter “A” before each title? Greg: Well only three of the songs on the CD have A as the starting song titles so it’s pretty much coincidence. Before I Drowned, Hope Like Water, and Vehicular Promicide don’t have an A. 5. Obviously you guys are very technically sound. Are you trained musicians? Greg: We have all been involved in music for a long time and Jonny was in drum line in High School and has taken Drum Lessons. I took voice lessons for a few years and went to a private school for music but besides that we are just hard workers and want to do the best we can! 6. Do any of you have any unusual practice regiments? Greg: We get Del Taco before every practice and eat that and then we run through songs we want to play to warm up and then will run through the set and then write new stuff the last part. We usually take a
break and go to 711 and just hang out and talk about stuff. 7. When can we expect the next Daybreak Ends record? When are you going to begin the writing process? Greg: We are always writing and have a bunch of things in the beginning stages. We have one song that is pretty much done and some are close. We always have a lot of stuff in the works and Mike has a million ideas for songs so the writing process for the next CD is underway. The next CD will dark and aggressive and have our sound. We are looking forward to getting back in the studio again and make some more music for our fans. 8. What can we expect from Daybreak Ends in 2010? Greg: We will be touring the West Coast in February and May and then we will be back in the studio and record a new CD so there will be a bunch of cool stuff we are working on for 2010. 9. Where do you see the band say five (5) years from Now? Greg: I see us playing in more cities and more places and to have more of a reputation and buzz. Hopefully we can travel abroad and have a few more CD’s under our belt. 10. Any final words? Greg: Thanks for your support and for helping bands get exposure. The music industry is in a rough place right now and it’s great that people like you are there to help us get the word out about our music!
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H ollywood W e ekly-F ash i on
How to Be Budget Friendly and on trend this fall
By: Brea Tisdale
We all want to look fashion savvy and chic at all times, but sometimes that comes with a cost that unfortunately most of us can’t afford and frankly why should we. So, how do we stay fashion savvy for less… without looking like we spent less? It’s the age-old question that requires mixing, matching and caring for the items we buy. But before all this, we have to know where to look to find these items. I’m going to be giving you the budget gals guide to staying fashion forward at all times, without breaking the bank (our men will appreciate that). So save all that money and take your clothes and yourself on a vacation!
Here is an overview of the top trends of fall 2009: A Boyfriend Blazer:
section. They have a lot to choose from under $20 with most at $8 to $15.
This is a must have for every girl… SPOILER ALERT: “The blazer is not going to be fading into the night after fall… it’s going to keep its place in the Spring 2010 season… so grab one now!”
Ripped Tights or Pattern Tights: For this one I’m sure you can go into your closet and find some tights in there with rips and runs that you thought you would never be able to wear again. Well, here is your chance to bring them out. Don’t be afraid your toe nail will snag them while you put them on… the more snags the better!
I recommend trying urban outfitters for this one; they have a boyfriend vintage brazier for $55. (Most designers are charging anywhere from $200 and up for the exact look)
Leather: If you don’t feel like experimenting too much with leather, you can get a good leather coat for under $40 at: http://www.forever21.com, product code: 2066082453.
Tall Boots and if you dare thigh high: The best place I find to grab shoes is endless.com. They ship everything for FREE no matter how much you spend and it’s usually overnight. Check out their sale section. You can really find some steals in there.
Distressed/ Ripped jeans: The best way to do this on a budget is to go into your closet, reach for the top shelf and grab those old jeans you don’t wear. Then get some cardboard, place
it under the jeans and get a butter knife to start your own distressing on the jeans. Also, if you don’t like the wash of your old jeans you can soak them in bleach and give them that washed out look that’s really “on trend” this fall.
Embellished Leggings: For this I would go to forever21.com and click on the leggings
Military Inspired Jackets: They were all over the runway, but who wants to pay “runway prices”? You’ll be running away to the land of credit card debt, so I recommend a good military inspired jacket for less than $40 at forever21. com, product code: 2067562341 Then of course a good sweater for layering and keeping you warm as well as the basic trench you may already have in your closet.
Here is an overview of the top trends of fall 2009: Note: add a colorful scarf or any patterned scarf to your outfit and it will not only keep you warm but also beef up your style. So while I have just sent you to some budget friendly stores, something we need to all face before entering “that land” is some of these items are going to fall apart after a few washes… and some will “truck on” season after season. So as a rule of thumb, if it looks really cheap don’t get it because chances are that item will fade or fall apart before the trend has even faded. On that note, I have listed some great places to find items on a budget and what I think they are really strong in:
Forever 21: Good old forever 21… this really is a hit or miss place. Sometimes we can find gold and other times it just looks like we are wearing a cheap, tacky outfit. Forever 21 is good for specific items, i.e: blazer, leggings, and graphic tees. They also have a new line called “heritage 1981” which is based on real vintage pieces that buyers have traveled around collecting. This is a great way to get vintage inspired pieces for less.
Urban Outfitters: Great for “on trend” pieces that are fairly priced and great for their sales. Right now you can get dresses for under $20. Layer it with tights or leggings, throw on a jacket you have and “boom” a fall themed outfit for less than $20. I
highly recommend going to their website at urbanouttfitters.com and clicking on the sale tab. You can scroll through hundreds of outfits and accessories all under $40.
Target: I was recently in a Target and thought I would wander around the woman’s section to see what I could find. I suddenly realized Target is great for getting those essential oversized shirts and tanks that are right “on trend” for under $10. Now onto most women’s favorite thing: SHOES! We can’t all be Carrie Bradshaw and spend hundreds of dollars on our Manolios, so whatever shall we do. I have listed some of the top shoe trends for this season, so when you are scouring the “price cautious” shoe stores you know what you should be looking for.
- Ankle Boots
- Over the knee Boots
- “Rough” details like studs or zippers
- Many Designers used the color purple… so search your closet for that pair of purple pumps or find one at a cheep price - Velvet was all over the runways this season—try a velvet ballet flat.
If you are asking yourself, “I don’t know any recession proof shoe stores around me where I can get cheap shoes.” I would suggest trying the sale section of endless. com, nordstroms.com (I know the big bad expensive Nordstrom’s, but you would be surprised the
deals they can have sometimes), forever21 or H and M. Beware that when buying shoes from said forever21, they are probably going to kill your feet and look like you went to war and back with only a few wears. So, if you feel like spending more than $20 but under $100 I would also try Aldo, Nine West or Mia shoes. You can usually get great “on trend” shoes for less than $100. If you still can’t seem to find anything, you can always check your local payless. Purses, Purses, Purses a woman’s life line throughout the day. This fall the key styles include colors ranging from purples, greens, greys, metallics, reds, and hot pinks. Oversized clutch bags and totes are also key styles. The real ticket this season is the embellished handbag! Embellished bags include styles such as studs, stones, and sequins. Chains are also big as well as snakeskin and prints. You can run around grabbing up all the designer handbags, but what you will be left with is a “big fat negative” in you checking account. I say, “Why spend hundreds of dollars on a purse that will mostly likely get stolen/ lost or will be out of trend before you even get your moneys worth out of it.” For this I recommended going to the Brass Plum department of Nordstrom, where you can get great purses for under $30 and clutches from anywhere between $10 to $15 (I have personally had a clutch from Brass Plum for two years that I still get compliments on… $15 well spent!). The biggest key to making one-self look more stylish and fashion forward is accessorizing! Here are some hot jewelry trends
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Here is an overview of the top trends of fall 2009: straight from the runways:
- Mulit Layered Chains - Leafed Designs
- Bib Necklaces; which are necklaces that have two to three layers of gemstones, flowers or chains stacked against each other to form a ‘bib’ shape around the neck - Chandiler Earings
- Statement Necklaces From giant metal flowers to big rocks and stones In my experience, the best place to find jewelry for less is H&M or Forever 21. Both are very reasonably priced and usually right-on with the trends of the moment. Now you have the outfit and all you need is some beautification of the face and you are ready to go. The Top 5 beauty trends for fall 2009:
-Rosy Cheeks - Bold Lips
- Natural Brows (don’t over tweeze your brows this fall) - Get quirky with 80’s eye shadows… add some color for your night out
To get some of these items, I say its time to head down to the local drug store and check out our friends Maybelline, Revlon and Almay. Browse through their versions of the bold lipstick colors. If they have a tester available, try a few on your hand and see which one speaks to you and your style the most. To get the rosy cheek,
any blushes by these lines will do. If you are feeling like spending a little more than the $10 to $20 you would have spent at the drugstore, head down to Sephoria. Get an associate that works there, tell them what you are looking for and what your budget is (i.e.; “I don’t want to spend more than $10 on a lipstick.”) and have them guide you to some popular styles that are within your budget. Don’t be ashamed to say you aren’t going to spend more than “x” dollars… confidence is the key to budget shopping. It’s time to deal with your hair. Lets face it; hair always has a mind of its own. The best thing you can do for your hair right now is: WAVES. If you have wavy hair let it wave on, you are ready to go… if you have stick straight hair, pull out your curling iron and wrap an inch of hair around the barrel of your curling iron at a vertical angle for at least 50 seconds and boom: WAVES. My favorite hair care products can be found at Target; a line called Umberto Beverly Hills. They are great conditioners and shampoos for under $15 (who needs to be spending $50+ on “designer hair care products”). While you are at Target, I would recommend picking up the Infinite curling iron by Conair. It’s now nighttime and time to wash your face and care for it. You don’t want to get suckered into a $50 face wash, so I have a little secret that will probably surprise you. Most local 99-cent stores carry Clearasil facial products for 99 cents!! If you are willing to spend a few more dollars, I highly recommend Neutrogena, which you can get at your local drugstore. They have great moisturizers and face washes for under $15 dollars.
Ok, so I have saved what I think to be the biggest wallet friendly secret yet for last and it also happens to be the most “ECO”:
Vintage Stores/ Thrift Stores: If you are wanting to be “green” and budget friendly, head down to your local vintage or thrift store (you would be surprised the things you find). Take with you a list of the fall trend items that appeal to you and print photos of the ones that you really love and hit the local thrift store. Keep in mind this will take patience and an eye for knowing how to find the right item. I recommend going with a girlfriend and make sure you eat before you go, otherwise you will loose all patience and get cranky before you found that amazing $4 blazer that looks like you spent $400!! Tip: If you find a blazer at a thrift store that has that really intense 80’s shoulder pads, you can cut the hem on the inside shoulder of the jacket and remove the pad or cut it down to the more “in trend” shoulder pad of out instead of up. The thing to remember when shopping for and putting together an outfit on a budget is to know what your own style is and to feel confident in everything you are wearing. If you don’t love it… DON’T GET IT. Confidence is the key to pulling off anything. If you can rock it with the best of them, then you and your outfit will look like a million bucks!
The Darker Side of Style Life size cut out, $33, Nordstrom, Westside Pavilion
Draped cross pendant necklace, $7.80, Forever 21, Los Cerritos Center.
“Team Jacob” fitted tank, $28. “Team Edward” fitted boyfriend tee, $30. Nordstrom, Westside Pavilion.
Who knew that Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton would be so on trend when they sealed their love by wearing vials of each other’s blood around their necks? Now it seems you can’t turn your own neck without catching sight of the vampire craze from HBO’s “True Blood” and CW’s “Vampire Diaries” to the blockbuster “Twilight” franchise. As it so often happens in Hollywood, this blood thirsty obsession is spilling onto the runway. It’s a darker side of style that combines some of this season’s hottest trends but luckily, for most, passes over lockets of blood.
Twilight star Peter Facinelli donned in Affliction attire signing autographs in Hollywood.
So how best to bite into this trend? “Leave your capes at home,” advises Los Angeles-based real life stylist Crystal Fambrini, “While this look is all about drama from make-up to body-conscious clothing, remember that Halloween is over.” Fambrini says to keep on trend by subtlety enhancing your
make up and tying in some of this season’s leathers and over-the-knee boots. “It’s a moody, more dramatic statement that plays heavily on Edwardian and Victorian touches,” explains Fambrini. Retailers are also introducing vampire-inspired lines. For example at Westside Pavilion, Nordstrom’s New Moon line is inspired by the
Twilight series and carries everything from ‘Femme Fatale’ lip gloss to‘Howling Wolf’ pendant necklaces to ‘New Moon Stamp’ Tees and yes, even life size cut outs of the movie’s leading men. For those who want a taste of this dramatic trend, it’s a simple matter of hunting down a few key pieces. Here, Fambrini sheds some light on how to create the look:
Nothing screams vampy like leather, and nothing says it louder than the over-the-knee leather boot. A worn leather jacket with a theatrical silk ruffled blouse underneath is another fetching way to get the look. Don’t forget the sleek, fitted, worn jackets for men.
Embrace the color of night, but use different textures when layering black on black to keep it intriguing. Last year’s sweet little black dress can be vamped up for this year’s friends’ parties with some dramatic make up, lace stockings and a motorcycle jacket.
Tighten up:
Seek out more body conscious styles– think black skinny jeans, grey leggings or close fitting tops and dresses. But remember, this trend is about subtle sexiness and not about showing off more skin or plunging necklines.
Make-up artists typically tell us to enhance the eyes or the lips. With this trend, play up both. Cover the lips with strong, deep reds, and try a cat eye or brush on sultry smoky shades on the eyelids. Sleekly pull back your hair to show off these bold features, a coiffeur trend Fambrini says will be hot next spring.
Longer cameo necklaces or rosary bead style chains illuminate the look or for a bolder presence, try a black and gold lacquered cuff bracelet. Leather cuffs adorned with studs are catching the eye of men who are looking to create this look. Guys have also fallen prey to rosary-style necklaces.
Leather jacket and black on black trend.
The Darker Side of Style
VAMPIRE ATTIRE Designers have quenched the thirst for this trend with several lines that immortalize the look. At Westside Pavilion, Nordstrom’s New Moon line is inspired by the Twilight series. • “Bet You Can’t Read My Mind” fitted v-neck tee, $30. • Life size cut out, $33, Nordstrom, Westside Pavilion. The Twilight Saga: New Moon apparel and jewelry collection * “Team Jacob” fitted tank, $28. “Team Edward” fitted boyfriend tee, $30. Nordstrom, Westside Pavilion. Find a rosarie-style necklace and don’t shy away from the exaggerated length. Forever 21 at Los Cerritos Center offers these styles. * Rosary Style Necklace, $5.80, Forever 21, Los Cerritos Center. • Draped cross pendant necklace, $7.80, Forever 21, Los Cerritos Center.
Affliction clothing line, available at The Oaks Shopping Center’s Metropark.
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H ollywood W e ekly-F i t ness
By: Brea Tisdale
Hey Divas!!! Give your Curves an Extra Kick!! I often hear women saying the reason they don’t go to the gym is because they are afraid of running into someone they know looking all gross and sweaty. Or they over compensate and go looking, decked to the nine, resulting in them wearing an outfit that’s far from being considered workout ready. There is no way they can run, lift weights, squat or frankly even walk in their so called “fitness attire.” So where does one find the balance between these two worlds? That’s where model Monica Cariveau comes in. Monica has the heart of a Midwesterner, the hustle of a New Yorker and the flair of an Angelino. She grew up in Austin, Minnesota, a small midwestern town where sports was the “thing” that occupied her time. So Cariveau naturally spent her childhood playing numerous sports, including gymnastics, volleyball, dance, skating, boxing and martial arts. As different as all the sports were the common thing she noticed was that the fitness clothing seemed to fit terribly. She began looking at all the girls and noticed that none of the fitness apparel or uniforms were fitting properly, let alone cute. They were often too short, saggy in the crouch (obviously made to flatter the male) and always shifting around on their bodies while working out. Because this was the norm she was forced to settle with these “looks”… but always had in the back of her mind that someday she was going to create a fitness line that did its job, made the woman look and feel comfortable and beautiful.
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VERY MODERN...BRIGHT COLORS... UNIQUE STYLE After graduating from a Catholic High School, Cariveau went on to the University of Wisconsin where she kept up with her involvement in sports by playing on the woman’s volleyball team. She also managed to spend time off the court and in the classroom where she earned a Bachelors degree in Psychology. After college Monica began working for Marshal Fields (for us west coasters that’s similar to a Macy’s or Nordstrom..... i.e. big department store.) where she was the merchandiser for the Woman’s business department. Here she began to learn the ins and outs of the fashion business. After two years of working at the department store, the adventurous side of her kicked in and she decided it was time to leave the small town and hit the big city… well actually the big beaches…. Monica decided to move to Miami. While in Miami she fell into modeling and began working as a model. While she was modeling she decided it was time to reopen her love for fitness and began fitness training in her mid 20’s. It was then she started feeling these re-occurring thoughts from her past… why does fitness apparel for woman have to be a drag? In June of 2007 Monica entered to her first competition “Miss Bikini Universe” and to her surprise she came in 2nd out of 100 girls. Using this momentum she decided in November of that same year to compete in the “Miss Bikini America Tall Class” and won!!!!!! On the wave of her win Monica, was approached by two Miami based designers of fitness apparel. Monica took this approach by the designers as fate. She had spent her whole life frustrated with the fit of most of her fitness apparel and had a long desire in her to create her own brand, and that’s just what Monica did. “Monica’s Diva Fitness Line”
INSPIRED BY THE MIAMI/ SOUTH AMERICAN FLAVOR Monica and the designers created styles that were inspired by the Miami/ South American flavor. Which was something that was very important to Monica, being a resident of Miami for 5 years. They used bold, energetic colors
as well as the Brazilian cut. Which for those of us that are unfamiliar with what that is, it’s a cut that sits lower on the hips and flares at the leg. South American woman tend to wear their workout clothes very small with a flare and revealing tops. Monica wanted to keep that same flare but appeal to the American woman’s size and curves. So she took this inspiration and added more material to the width and the length and as a result what you get is fitness apparel suitable for all ages and sizes. The secret behind this clothing line (and soon to be every woman’s best friend) is the lycro material her entire collection is made of. It fits firm and hides imperfections and gives you a sort of
flawless finish. I know what you are thinking…. yea yea I have heard that many times before… everyone is always saying how certain materials hide this and that...... but you always have the muffin top thing going on. Well this one is different because not only does it hold everything in place but the 92% nylon and 8% spandex evens out your cellulite (the ugly demon that all of us small or large try to run from). This material is also super moisture absorbent. So if you are having an honest to god workout then you will be sweating and this material will keep it from showing. So if you feel like that guy across the gym is staring at you, you won’t have to wonder if he’s staring because you are sweating excessively but more likely in admiration and attraction.
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Others will stare in Admiration and Attraction I personally have two major concerns when I am looking for fitness apparel so I decided to ask Monica the things that really weigh on my mind. One being I don’t want to feel like I can’t breathe in my workout clothes (I’m not into the corset effect) She informed me that the entire collection is very breathable…. in fact the material is extremely flexible, and all outfits stretch from size 0-10 or from 100 to 155bls. . Secondly I find that when I buy low-rise workout pants, and when I am getting my squat on at the gym, they sometimes show a little more than I want if you catch my drift. Monica told me that in her collection the pants have a higher waistband just in the back that is lined with an extra
piece of elastic material that will hold your pants in place during any workout. Your pants will not slide up or down and will stay locked in place at the waistline. It was then I learned my favorite thing of all… the pants come in two lengths, short and tall. So if you are tall (like me) you don’t have to pull your pants over you shoes tops in hopes they might magically grow another inch. But if you are on the more petite side you don’t have to worry about hemming pants that are too long. Since we covered the pants we should now match the outfit with the perfect top. Monica’s tops are cut into a unique style with lots of bright colors, ranging from soft pink, vivid orange, bright aqua and if you are not feeling so “loud” solid black and grey. So really this is a fitness collection for any American woman no matter your age, weight or fitness level.
While Monica spends a lot of time designing clothes to save us from embarrassing gym moments, she is also continuing her modeling career. In fact Monica is currently in Los Angeles were she is modeling/ acting and championing the fitness apparel world. There it is….now we have no excuses not to work out , we have fitness apparel that performs perfectly and leaves your body looking great… as well as the ability to get secret fitness advice from Monica herself! Just visit her at www. MonicaFitness.com for fitness advice, phone consultations and to grab yourself that perfect fitness outfit that will change the way you look and work out!
Order Holiday Gifts Today Online at:
www.hollywoodweekly.net HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY
H ollywood W e ekly-Healt h
Health & Fitness
Robin Ackerman, R.E.
The Benefits of Electrology Effective for over a century, it still works today.
KEEP THESE GENERAL RULES IN MIND: • The electrologist should be a graduate of a qualified school of electrology. A State license or certification should be displayed. An electrologist who is a member of a professional organization, such as The International Guild of Professional Electrologists, Inc. will have a current and dated certificate on display. • The office should be clean and private.
Ever since Dr. Charles Michel, an ophthal-
mologist, first utilized a delicate needle to conduct electrical current to remove an in grown eyelash,
electrolysis has been recognized as the only method of permanent hair removal. Electrolysis is still the only proven method of permanent hair removal.
“Electrolysis lets you say a permanent good-
• During the consultation, your questions should be answered courteously and professionally. The process of electrology and the hair growth cycle should be explained. • The electrologist should use sterile, disposable instruments. A new disposable probe should be opened for each visit. Disposable gloves should be worn. Areas to be treated should be antiseptically cleaned before and after treatment.
bye to plucking, tweezing, bleaching and other ways of temporarily removing unwanted and annoying hairs. Electrolysis is a safe and smart way to permanently shorten your beauty routine.”
Under some circumstances, laser hair removal
is an effective method to clear large areas in a fast-
er period of time than electrology. Generally, laser
hair removal has not been proven to be permanent, and is not effective on darker skin tones or on light
or grey hairs. Electrolysis is also more effective for finer, detail work such as eyebrows and hairlines. Electrolysis is safe. I am aware of no case of disease transmission through electrolysis.
Take as much care in choosing an electrologist
as you would in selecting a doctor or dentist or any personal service. The skill and ability of the electrologist affects the success of the treatment.
Electrolysis professionals should work
within the comfort of the individual’s tolerance level. A small amount of heat or tingling sensation may be all you experience.
Application of creams prior to treatment,
e.g. the “R.P. Method” or lidocaine injections for the very sensitive may be used to make the treatment more comfortable.
Electrolysis lets you say a permanent good-
bye to plucking, tweezing, bleaching and other ways of temporarily removing unwanted and an-
noying hairs. Electrolysis is safe and smart way to permanently shorten your beauty routine.
Robin Ackerman is a registered electrolo-
gist who has private practices in both Beverly Hills and Brentwood.
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H ollywood W eekly-Money
New Era Debt Solutions Part 3.
I’m sitting at my computer. It’s 5:38 a.m. A time most responsible 9 to 5ers are asleep, dreaming of their next glorious paycheck. Actually, since this is the land of ‘the skinny,’ people with jobs are just as likely to be at the gym with their trainer, or with their boot-camp group hiking up Runyon Canyon... you know what I mean. But soon enough, Los Angeles will wake up to another sunny day, and the ‘lucky ones’ with pretty plastic credit cards will begin swiping their way through every coffee shop and restaurant in 46
by Jenny Werth
town. Clearly, there are still plenty of people in this economy who do still have fabulous jobs and- Drum Roll Please- credit! Aaww… how I long to place one of my former reliable best friends (aka: credit cards), securely into that tight plastic pocket of a black check holder. But, those days are long gone and everyone who has been following my ‘problemo’ with the credit card companies already knows about my real life MASSIVE debt issue that New Era Debt Company has quite literally taken off my hands.
So, dear readers… is it really so bad to be broke and without the well-used plastic popping out of my last season’s impulsively purchased Gucci wallet? Well, I compare it to the fear those of you still employed in ‘shaky’ places feel. You slave away at the office hoping and praying that some new hire in a position beneath you (because we all know whomever was once your superior was laid off to ‘save money’ a long time ago) doesn’t come in and give you their “good-bye, I’m so sorry speech” feel. I’d like to think it’s about even. But then again, I’m the one awake at this hideous time in the morning for NO reason other than I can’t sleep. And this is becoming a weekly theme in my broke life. So why am I sitting up at this stupid hour, yet again, if I have absolutely nowhere to go? Why…? New Era and many people in its wonderful program know why. It’s simple really. My life has been turned upside down thanks to my former ‘credit card happy life-style’ and despite all the Tylenol PM, I can’t sleep. Need I say more? I know, “poor me.” I should have thought more about the consequences when I was substituting shopping as therapy, but I didn’t, and now I’m feeling sorry for myself. I MISS MY SHOPPING TO FEEL BETTER DAYS!! Where has my therapy gone?! So rapidly, the predominant words in my life went from ‘approved’ to ‘declined.’ Now it’s, new shoes, declined! New sexy dress, declined! Aaahhh…. I am beginning to feel this word ‘declined’ is like a personal rejection. So I just keep reminding myself that New Era Debt Solutions has already begun to find the solution to carve my path out of debt. That’s right! I am already about to settle my first credit card mess with Bank of America! It’s unbelievable, its only been about four months
since I’ve slid that old friend of mine through a credit card machine. I owe them roughly $30,000, but thanks to the efforts of New Era, I am now settling my ENTIRE debt owed to them for approximately $8000. That’s only 25 percent of the debt owed! I know, it sounds almost too good to be true, but this is the reality folks. I am paying B of A off in four monthly payments of about $2000 each. Apparently each credit card settlement situation is unique, so, it’s not possible for New Era to know how the rest of my debt settlements will work out, but so far, so good! For the next four months I will be paying B of A the settlement money directly instead of making the normal payments into my Note World trust account set up by New Era Debt Solutions. Good ol’ William over at New Era has incredible patience and never tires with explanations of how things work or in resending me emails time and again. He also speaks in a way non-financial people (such as myself) can understand. And if I ever feel like I am not totally sure of what he’s explaining, he is happy to explain it again void of any jargon. He acts as my personal debt counselor and has walked me through the entire process of how I’m going to deal with Bank of America directly. For example, I will be paying them a bit more than I would normally put into my Note World trust account to settle this debt. But, as William explained, often times the first “settlement offer” a credit card gives you is normally the best and lowest one. So, it is beneficial for you to take the offer (if possible) and settle the debt rather than wait for a second “offer” which will most likely be for a higher amount. Within no time, I’ll be one credit card debt down and only three to go! Who knew it could be so easy to get out of
the debt that keeps our phones ringing with calls from creditors all day? It is lucky New Era Debt Solutions is out there to help the thousands of us who are caught up in the debt rut. They explained how the whole process of alleviating my terrible debt would work, and so far, it’s been right on the ‘money,’ (albeit, not mine). So far, the only surprise has been how quickly I was able to settle my ridiculous Bank of America debt, not to mention how little they are willing to accept. But, New Era can only do so much. They are an honorable company that does what they say…. but I doubt they have massage therapy rooms that smell like jasmine inside their headquarters. They also don’t have mental therapists on hand, although I’m sure they’ve referred out to quite a handful. My point is they cannot alleviate this steady pain I’ve developed in my neck and shoulders ever since I accepted I was in $75,000 of obnoxious, mind-blowing debt. Nor can they take away this new emotion I feel called shame. I sneak around my condo complex trying my hardest to avoid neighbors, especially those who know my big secret. I owe my HOA over $8000. A lien against my condo will most likely be in place by the time this is published. I’ve tried to come to some kind of agreement with the HOA management for an agreeable ‘payment plan,’ but it seems the HOA simply won’t budge. I guess they think I have money stashed away somewhere since I still have a car in the garage. Since getting into extreme debt, I’ve learned some things that I always knew anyways, but found easier to ignore. I’ve learned that too many people look more at your wallets than at your eyes. I’ve learned that greed truly does dominate our society. I’ve learned that I don’t like who many people become when they
find out you are in hard times. And inside of me, I feel this ache that I will never again ‘fit into this society,’ which confuses me, because it’s one I’ve never wanted to belong to anyway. Alas, it’s so, so much more than just the debt in the end, isn’t it? I believe it’s this way for most of us who fall into the ‘victim-ofthe-times-group.’ Although I’m not defending myself by claiming I’m a simple victim. I chose to spend like crazy and rack up all this debt, I just took for granted that I’d be able to keep paying it off. That is 100-percent my fault. But, again, I am resolute that the credit card companies have brought much of the debt upon themselves by hiking up interest rates to sickening rates. Their gluttony turned many former customers into current debtors. And the credit
card companies will never, ever learn because they have no heart. I know I sound depressed. And I am. I think of all these kinds of ‘profound’ things when I can’t sleep while enviously eyeing the tangled bed. There’s nothing I have to hide or pretend. It’s not easy dealing with this mess. But, New Era does make the experience tolerable because they remind you that there is an end to your dance with debt. One day the twists and twirls of the money game will stop. My debt catastrophe, along with the insistent, harassing creditors who remind me of it constantly, put me through a minitantrum daily. So, I cannot imagine where I’d be without New Era helping me resolve my debt debacle. In fact, I don’t want to even think where I’d be without them. Having New Era Debt Solutions on my side makes it a situation I can endure. It’s the difference between standing alone
and standing with someone who holds your hand through it all. Don’t try to battle this war out on your own, unless you own your own artillery company. I’m sharing my story with you so if you’re in the same situation you don’t feel so alone. To discuss how New Era Debt Solutions can help you, call them for a free, no obligation consultation at (866)-639-4050. You can also find tons of valuable answers to debt questions on their informative website at www.neweradebtsolutions.com And remember, debt isn’t the end of the world if you attack it head on. Don’t let the debt demons swallow you or destroy your spirit. Just ride it out and allow New Era to help you figure out the best plan for your particular debt situation.
DEBT SOLUTIONS Call us toll-free at 888-639-4080
www.NewEraDebtSolutions.com New Era Debt Solutions wants to help you become Debt Free.
• Call today for your Free Confidential Consultation with the industry leader in Debt Settlement.
• We want to improve your life and improve your financial knowledge. • We have made a special arrangement with Hollywood Weekly to offer readers a FREE Copy of Gerri Detweiler’s book Reduce Debt, Reduce Stress. Real life solutions for solving your credit crisis. • Offer valid for first 100 callers.
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H el p i n g y ou H el p Your s e lf
By: Brea Tisdale
we all have been affected by the economic turbulence in a merica, whether directly or through a family member or friend. Beside the fall of banks, the stock market and your 401k plans, i think the biggest repercussion is the fall of the a merican spirit, the loss of passion, risk and drive that used to inspire each one of us. So how do we put the entrepreneur back in a merica? i was on the quest to find this answer when i stumbled across php, people h elping people. they are an organization that is dedicated to helping people who have the desire to help themselves. t hey believe that a lot of the financial hardship stems from the simple fact that we are not taught properly about finances. this organization is co- run by alexis Moody, alexis’ has a bachelor’s degree in child development, and prior to being with php she worked with a shelter that supported homeless woman and children. at the shelter she worked to help get these woman part time jobs. She has a passion for what she does and cares deeply about others, which is seen through her work at php. She teaches people about proper financial savings, investments and entrepreneurship.
If you would like more information about PHP please refer to the website at: myphpdream.com people helping p e o p l e
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H ollywood W e e kly-Th eat re
The hustle and bustle of holiday preparations may be the only thing you’re thinking about this time of year, but our local venues are still going strong with fantastic new shows, such as:
“If Your Eyes Are Clear...” a Soviet era Armenian superior court judge is under great pressure from all sides to convict a possibly innocent man, a driver of a state conglomerate where allegations of rampant corruption at all levels have been systematically covered up or ignored by equally corrupt state officials. Written by Saghatel Harutyunyan with English adaptation and direction by Aramazd Stepanian, it runs through December 12 at the Luna Playhouse in Glendale. For tickets call 818-500-7200 or visit www. itsmyseat.com.
“Extinction” a darkly funny drama exploring the evolution of friendships and the lengths to which we go to save them from falling into extinction when two college buddies compare their self-indulgent past with their all-too-present future. Written by Gabe McKinley and directed by Wayne Kasserman, it runs through December 13 at the Elephant Space in Hollywood. For tickets call 323-960-7784 or visit www.plays411.com/Extinction.
“the Wanting” A group of dancers portray the world of a dysfunctional and decadent family - twin sisters, brother, parents and a nanny who engage in perverse pleasures. Produced and directed by Janet Roston, it runs through December 13 at the Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica. For tickets call 310-315-1459 or visit www.highwaysperformance.org.
“hamlet shut Up” an adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic tale of revenge, love, and angst performed without any dialogue. Written and directed by Jonas Oppenheim, it runs through December 19 at the Sacred Fools Theater in Hollywood. For tickets call 310-281-8337 or visit www. sacredfools.org. “a christmas carol” is a musical incorporating masks, puppetry, and a 25-voice choir based on Charles Dickens’ classic Christmas story. Written by Richard Hellesen and directed by Ernest A. Figueroa, it runs through December
20 at the Lonny Chapman Theatre in North Hollywood. For tickets call 818-700-4878 or visit www.thegrouprep.com.
“Robbie Jensen: the 12 steps of christmas” A self-help guru who exploits those looking to improve their lives by promoting sales of his books and DVDs almost loses his wife and his best friend. Written by Tony Matthews and Matt Schofield and directed by Craig Woolson, it runs through December 20 at The NoHo Arts Center in North Hollywood. For tickets call 323-960-1053 or visit www. plays411.com/robbiejensen.
“Winter Wonderettes” when their Santa Claus turns up missing, the girls must use their talent and creative ingenuity to perform their office Christmas party without him. Written and Directed by Roger Bean, it runs through December 30 at the Laguna Playhouse in Laguna Beach. For tickets call 949-497-2787 or visit www. LagunaPlayhouse.com.
“the Best christmas Pageant Ever” When the organizer of a neighborhood Christmas pageant breaks her leg, her substitute must find a way to turn devilish kids into perfect angels. Written by Barbara Robinson and directed by Stan Kelly, it runs through December 20 at the Sierra Madre Playhouse in Sierra Madre. For tickets call 626-355-4318 or visit www.sierramadreplayhouse.org.
“the Last angry Brown hat” four ex-Brown Beret Chicanos meet after the funeral of a close friend to renew the bond that existed between them years ago. Written and Directed by Alfredo Ramos, it is followed by Rick Najera’s stand-up comedy routine “Diary of a Dad Man” about the joys and woes of marriage and fatherhood. Both shows run through January 9 at The Hayworth Theatre in Los Angeles. For tickets call 323-960-4442 or visit www.thehayworth. com.
“a christmas carol” is the classic tale of a miserly old man who learns the true meaning of Christmas from three spirits who visit him on Christmas Eve. Written by Charles Dickens and directed by John-David Keller, it runs through December 26 at the Folino Theatre Center in Costa Mesa. For tickets call 714-708-5555 or visit www.scr.org.
“La Posada Magica” a young girl and her companions encounter colorful characters, including chocolate–gobbling sisters, graveyard spooks and a heartthrob rock singer on their journey to the neighborhood posada on Christmas Eve. Written by Octavio Solis and directed by Diane Rodriquez, it runs December 3 through December 24 at the Odyssey
“holiday hangover: an anthology for the seasonally affected” explores the day after Christmas through six unrelated short subjects. Written by Sylvia Anderson, Phillip Kelly, Andrew Moore and Pamela Moore and directed by Andrew Moore, it runs December 3 through December 12 at the Sherry Theatre in North Hollywood. For tickets call 818-849-4039 or visit www.theatreunleashed.com.
LA THEATRE BEAT Theatre in Los Angeles. For tickets call 310-477-2055 or visit www.odysseytheatre.com.
“X-Mas cabaret” A lost little girl must find Santa Claus amidst the litter and broken ornaments at the North Pole’s Christmas Extravaganza street fair. Presented by The Eclectic Company Theatre, it runs December 4 through December 12 at The Eclectic Company Theatre in Valley Village. For tickets call 818-508-3003 or visit www.eclecticcompanytheatre.org.
“Bob’s Holiday Office Party” An insurance agent in a small town yearns to leave his home to become an inventor until his friends at a Christmas party make him realize he is the heart and soul of the town. Written by Rob Elk and Joe Keyes, it runs December 4 through December 20 at Theatre Asylum in Los Angeles. For tickets call 323960-5774 or visit www.plays411.com/bobs.
“that Perfect Moment” an ex-rock star who loses his job at an office Christmas party throws his own Christmas party hoping to make a comeback with his aging baby-boomer band-buddies. Written by Charles Bartlett and Jack Cooper and directed by Rick Sparks, it runs December 5 through January 17 at The Little Victory Theatre in Burbank. For tickets call 323-960-7745 or visit www.plays411.com/ perfect.
“crumbs from the table of Joy” is a sly coming-of-age comedy about a widower and his two teenage daughters whose lives are suddenly changed when their free-spirited aunt shows up. Written by Lynn Nottage and directed by Seret Scott, it runs December 9 through December 13 at L.A. Theatre Works at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. For tickets call 310-827-0889 or visit www.latw. org. “Rent” is a musical that follows the lives of a group of young artists too poor to pay rent, some of whom have AIDS, who live bohemian lifestyles and refuse to conform to social conventions. Written by Jonathan Larson
and directed by Nick DeGruccio, it runs December 11 through December 20 at the Richard and Karen Carpenter Performing Arts Center in Long Beach. For tickets call 562856-1999 or visit www.musical.org. “Frosty the snow Manilow” is a musical that melts together the holiday classic “Frosty the Snowman” and the sounds of the love-song-crooner Barry Manilow. Written and directed by Matt Walker, it runs December 11 through January 17 at the Falcon Theatre in Burbank. For tickets call 818-955-8101 or visit www.falcontheatre.com.
“Xanadu” a muse descends from the heavens to inspire the first roller disco but falls in forbidden love with a mortal and chaos ensues when her jealous sisters take advantage of the situation. Written by Douglas Carter Beane and directed by Christopher Ashley, it runs December 15 through December 27 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center Segerstrom Hall in Costa Mesa. For tickets call 714-5562787 or visit www.OCPAC.org.
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“Disney on Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy” features popular characters from the movies “Cars,” “Tinker Bell,” “The Lion King,” and “The Little Mermaid.” Produced by Feld Entertainment, it runs December 17 through December 20 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, December 22 through December 27 at the Honda Center in Orange County, December 30 through January 3 at the Citizens Business Bank Arena in Inland Empire, and January 6 through January 10 at the Long Beach Arena in Long Beach. For tickets call 800-7453000 or visit www.disneyonice.com.
Though the weather outside is frightful, but a show is so delightful, so when you’ve no place to go, see a show, see a show, see a show. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire staff of Hollywood Weekly magazine, especially our wonderful editor Prather Jackson, for making this column possible, and for all their support throughout the year. We also hope the coming year will be filled with peace, love, success and happiness for all humankind, so Merry Christmas/ Kwanza/Hanukkah and happy New Year everyone!
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