August 2016 - Eric Zuley Edition

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august 2016

ElEctronic EntErtainmEnt Expo (E3)


pHOtO: frED smitH






august 2016



The following is a sentiment that is shared by many who have the pleasure of meeting Eric, who is the subject of our exclusive cover story. The follow excerpt was written by Eric’s dad, Jim. “Often a parent may have a tendency to exaggerate his child’s accomplishments. In the case of Eric there is no room for exaggeration. He has not only reached goals I may have set for him, but has far exceeded them. I taught him to work with determination, drive and resilience, but Prather Jackson without faith, morals and ethics, it is a waste of time. I have heard more than once, “Your son has done more in a week than the last promotional company has done in a year.” What I like is when I heard an influential executive say “I like waking up knowing I’m going to be working with Eric, he brings a good spirit to this industry.” I have observed Eric growing his business over the past twelve years. I am truly amazed and very proud of what Eric has accomplished. He has made a point to support non-profits and help individuals reach their goals. “ Hollywood Weekly Magazine is pleased to feature an exclusive cover story on Eric Zuley. We encourage our readers to support his vision by patronizing his business. We are also pleased to introduce the proprietor of Crazy Loops, a fun new accessory that can attach to your shoes, bags, key rings, and more to show support for an organization, charity or brand that they support. In addition, for those looking for an exciting networking opportunity while enjoying a relaxing stay in Las Vegas, please be sure to check out former modelturned business mogul Candi Nicole who is adding another show-stopping attraction to the glamourous Las Vegas Strip with her August 14-15th Ultimate Connection party at Caesars Palace. This issue also features Ron Goldberg’s Indiegogo campaign, a crazy dark comedy called, “Mrs. Willdermuth” that will have you laughing all the way through the chaos. And speaking of films, be sure to get your copy of “Street” available at most Walmart stores near you. Since we are in the midst of summer, be sure to mark your calendar to see “Mara” at the Ford Theater on July 29, 2016. The newly re-open theater is a Southern California landmark and “Mara” embodies metaphysical struggles of lush, multi-faceted sound and dynamic movement, perfectly captured in the renovated outdoor theater. There is so much more to mention, but the journey that you will embark upon will undoubtedly make the discovery of this issue that much more exciting. Enjoy,

Prather Jackon Prather Jackson


PUBLISHER/EDITOR IN CHIEF Prather Jackson VICE PRESIDENT Bernice Harris Michael D. Coxson OPERATIONS Erskine D. McSwain (1991-2000) MANAGING EDITOR Prather Jackson FASHION EDITOR Jacob (For The Stars Fashion House) PHOTO EDITOR Giles Spencer MARKETING & SALES Launy Rhem ART DIRECTOR Karina Pacheco ASSOCIATE EDITOR Anthony Ewart MUSIC EDITOR Dick Michaels LIFE & STYLE EDITOR Niki Shadrow-Snyder


Jennie Jones


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WEEKLY august 2016

ElEctronic EntErtainmEnt Expo (E3)


E3 is in a way, mEant for businEss pEoplE to crEatE contacts, EnlightEn nEw markEting tactics, and inspirE nEw possiblE products.

























Eric Zuley, the CEO and Founder of WTV/WTV Networks and eZWay Broadcasting, Inc., is said to be paving the way with the transition of media and marketing into the digital age. In this new age of technology Eric is known and respected with regards to his social media expertise marketing, branding and hosting. Be it in boardrooms, business mixers or in buzz on the internet, Eric is the guy to contact. This is not just hype you’re reading, these are comments made by people in California and all over the world. Eric has built a worldwide brand that is leaving CEO’s of large companies in awe. With 47,000 corporations following him on Twitter, he has a personal following of 185,000. The corporate world is finding it amazing that this young entrepreneur has built such an influential network and brand. He has gained the respect and wide admiration of leading individuals in both the corporate and entertainment worlds. Eric’s success can be found on the eZWay APP (just text ‘ez’ to 21777) or online at www. or Eric’s social media savvy is cutting edge technology along with innovative marketing strategies; his influential relationships have put him in a league of his own. Aside from eZWay Broadcasting there are powerful affiliates, such as Actor’s Reporter, Comcast, Dish Network, FanTV.TV, Soul Central TV/Mag., FilmOn, and Wazkal TV powered by Verizon, which distributes to Amazon FireTV, Apple TV and Xbox. EZWB social media marketing format has a proven tract record with a worldwide outreach. The well-respected International Arts Association and eZWay have recently started collaborating, joining each other’s boards. The IAA promotes all areas of The Arts and The Artists, connecting the dots 24/7 with patrons, events, and venues. A father’s perspective: Often a parent may have a tendency to exaggerate his child’s accomplishments. In this case being Eric Zuley’s father, there is no room for exaggeration. He has not only reached goals I may have set for him, but has far exceeded them. I taught him to work with determination, drive and resilience, but without faith, morals and ethics, it is a waste of time. I have heard more than once, “Your son has done more in a week and than the last promotional company has done in a year.” What I like is when I heard an influential executive say “I like waking up knowing I’m going to be working with Eric, he brings a good 6 HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY

spirit to this industry.” I have observed Eric growing his business over the past twelve years. I am truly amazed and very proud of what Eric has accomplished. He has made a point to support non-profits and help individuals reach their goals. When working with new clients—whether an individual or a corporation—he will find a way to brand their charity of choice. His work ethics are impeccable, usually working 16 to 20 hour day with no vacation, few off days, and no holidays. One project comes to mind when a client wanted help with his magazine, Eric transformed it to a corporate level. In another project, in his boardroom, a CEO said, “Eric, you have brought my business from here to here.” He placed his palm facedown on the desk and raised his hand over his head. “Literally, overnight, I’ve been contacted from around the world. And to do this with last minute’s notice is amazing.” A special acknowledgement: through thick and thin I am grateful to David Eugene Andrews, Sharold (Sjay) Jones, Sophia Alvarez, Bill Brown, Diego Medrano, Jose Beltran, Dante Obligation, Paula Casas, Ryan Torres, Ian C. Glozer, Saskia VanBuren, Fred Smith, and the rest of the eZWay team Eric and other notable individuals whether celebrities or influential cooperate executives have helped others in so many ways . So many appreciate the good they do yet there will always be those naysayers who find discomfort in others success and accomplishments . This energy should be channeled to positive and would help that individual grow. A special thanks to all of Eric’s supporters around the world. Prather -thank you for all your efforts. Sincerely, Jim Zuley


pHOtO: frED smitH

Determination, Drive anD resilience



BY CarmELita pittman

here is no doubt that a force has entered the planet shaking up the scheme of things. The name of the force is Eric Zuley, considered the New Age Digital Dick Clark of social media, becoming a social media giant and phenomena in the realm of new developments, which he envisioned some time ago. One wonders if beings from outer space are having some impact on how fast and far technology will go. Eric demonstrates quite aptly how to put imagination into action. His objectives include achieving “entrepretainment”, a marriage between the corporate business world and entertainment. He also strives to serve as a role model and consultant so that others can emulate and achieve via #eZWay what he has established by building a social media network to launch and market their own brand. #eZWay also connects celebrities with their fans. As a motivational speaker he coached at 2015 Fast Pitch Competition at California State University Fullerton Center for Entrepreneurship. Branding is becoming a popular term which applies to every aspect that represents an individual, their appearance, style, product whether it be a service, or their essence. His other objective is to continue his beloved partnership with his father, Jim Zuley. Weekly Billboard Magazine has dubbed him number 7 of the “Top Ten Most Influential People on Twitter” 2015. See The article listed him amongst Steve Forbes, Sir Richard Branson, Mark Cuban, Taylor Swift, Anthony Robbins and even the Dalai Lama. Corp 411 and other magazines have also recognized him. An Earth Angel, Eric’s tall strong stature can be seen gracing the Fortune Gazette cover, his focused eyes gently gazing out unveiling his heart and soul. visit:

#eZway This force known as Eric Zuley has been on the forefront of the biggest digital transformational shift in the media. Ask what are you doing lately? Then sit back for the answers. The latest is his venturing into holograms. He realizes that the internet has a huge global reach and how powerful it can be. “Eric you’re helping to change the media world” says Larry Namer, co-founder of E Entertainment. John Maata who served as the chief operating officer at CW Television Network. has said, “My goal was to be you, I couldn’t achieve

that”. Bill Duke, iconic actor, producer, director, states “ He’s my mentor”. Eric’s brand is eZWay Broadcasting which has branched out in a number of ways. His reach covers blog radio and a television network, eZWay TV, which is currently airing via mobile web live stream on Film On, one of top internet IPTV networks. His altruism and passion has driven his support several years for various non-profit organizations and causes. Special Olympics aspires to link with Zuley,


who with his father have formed a special news as well as insight and experience bond. He is the originator of Hollywood ERIC STRIVES TO SERVE from members of what has been termed Unites, a concept which unites Hollywood the “Baby Boomers” of post World War AS A ROLE MODEL when disaster strikes such as those which II. These individuals offer experience and AND CONSULTANT SO have occurred in Haiti and Japan. He has wisdom and information of interest to THAT OTHERS CAN hosted the Jackson Limousine Turkey all generations. One of the most recent Give Away which has given 10,000 turkey EMULATE AND ACHIEVE interviewed was, Tom Cataldo ,a famous VIA EZWAY WHAT HE dinners away. He is currently helping the inventor of Medical Alert and founder of American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Better Vision for Children, which is highly HAS ESTABLISHED BY and is also a supporter of The Rose Breast supported by Stevie Wonder. Now in his BUILDING A SOCIAL Cancer Society. EzWay Cares helps raise 90’s, he has the spark and energy of half MEDIA NETWORK TO awareness and funds. He has participated in his age. Another show on eZWay Radio is LAUNCH AND MARKET the Union Rescue Mission on behalf of the Teen’s On air hosted by Laci Kay aspiring THEIR OWN BRAND homeless. Free Arts for Abused Children, pop sensation, host and actress. With Two Wings which targets sexual Eric wears many hats, One of the hats trafficking, Fame & Philanthropy , an Oscar he wears is that of producer. His history event hosted by James Cameron, OCAAT includes his partnership in the production of 1200 events. ( One Child at a Time) are just a few of his humanitarian He is currently launching plans to produce an event July 30 at endeavours. the W in Hollywood with Lissa Chow, Executive Producer of To witness Eric’s love of his father Jim Zuley , who battled Queen of Asia Pacific. and overcame lymphoma cancer by tapping on the Higher This will be a networking event to serve as a platform Power (God) is inspiring. To see one is usually to see the for great connections. Ms Chow’s group, Queen of the other, a father son partnership that is endearing and Asia Pacific will also be holding a beauty pageant at the touching. Zuley senior is a videographer as well as an upcoming Arts 4 Peace, Global Green, International Arts interviewer for Eric’s company. He is currently co-hosting Association which Eric sits on the board of, The Beverly the “Radio Boomers Live!” radio show with Reatha Grey Hills Academy of the Arts unified event to be held Oct who co-starred on the “Betty White’s Off their Rockers 16 at the Saban Theatre 8440 Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly “ on NBC & Lifetime. The Boomers show offers topical Hills. Munni Irone proposed this Beverly Hills Arts Gala

On BEHaLf Of WinD intErnatiOnaL fiLm fEstivaL, tHE aCaDEmY fiLm, anD tHE WOrLD Humanitarian aWarDs, ‘Ez’ prEsEnts tHE “EriC zuLEY aWarD” tO tOnY BOLDi, gEnEraL mangEr fOr WCOBm. iKE m.i. KHamisani is tHE prEsiDEnt Of unitED natiOns assOCiatiOn usa (inDian pOp artist aLstOn KOCH piCturED On far LEft.)

EriC zuLEY anD JarvEE HutCHErsOn, prEsiDEnt Of tHE muLtiCuLturaL mOtiOn piCturE assOCiatiOn prEsEnt tHE 2016 “EzWaY aCHiEvEmEnt aWarD” tO fOrmEr a&r HEaD Of Of Emi rECOrDs stEvE rEsniK

EriC zuLEY anD pOp LEgEnD prinCE KEYBOarDist anD musiC DirECt fOr 20 YEars mOrris HaYEs.

sHanE sparKs EmmY nOminatED CHOrEOgrapHEr, summEr HELEnE, viCE prEsiDEnt CaLifOrnia piCturEs/paramOunt, vinCEnt m. WarD pLaYED OsCar On tHE tv sEriEs “WaLKing DEaD” JOHn rEYnOLDs aWarD Winning fiLm DirECtOr, DEv rOss EmmY Winning WritEr LanD BEfOrE timE, aLaDDin. JuDgE JOE BrOWn tv pErsOnaLitY.



russian supErmODEL, aCtrEss EugEnia Kuzmina spOKEpErsOn fOr CatErina JEWELrY.

which will be presented by International The Hollywood Weekly Magazine and Arts Association and Global Green and EZWay Magazine have embraced to take THE HOLLYWOOD staged to recognize several aspects of the the force to another level. Hollywood WEEKLY MAGAZINE AND arts. A total of eight categories will be Weekly Magazine currently has 200,000 awarded. High profile individuals the likes EZWAY MAGAZINE HAVE readers, has had Michael Jackson, Cher of such individuals as Kirk Douglas, who EMBRACED TO TAKE THE and hundreds of A listers on the cover, FORCE TO ANOTHER was the first recipient of the Renaissance reaching over 64 countries. One of Ez Way Award 2015 by the International Arts members, Carmelita Pittman has been on LEVEL. HOLLYWOOD Association are expected to attend. In 2 covers and is slated to sing her hit record WEEKLY MAGAZINE addition Ambassador Dame Leith Eaton’s CURRENTLY HAS 200,000 “Rosebud” at the event. Josh Moreland documentary film,” Peace for Profit”. who performed with Stevie Wonder at READERS, HAS HAD featuring Larry King will be premiered Global Green’s Oscar Party in Beverly Hills MICHAEL JACKSON, at a screening during the day prior to the is also on board. Colourful and sensational CHER AND HUNDREDS evening portion of the event.. Detailed info Guadalupae’ d’ Luschus a.k.a. the Samba OF A LISTERS ON THE can be reached by visiting www.globalgreen. Mama will join in with her Brazilian org,, COVER, REACHING OVER dancers and band., On a B2B 64 COUNTRIES. Eric is no stranger to the receipt of awards, perspective Eric Zuley’s company eZWay too numerous to list here. However there Broadcasting has teamed up with, are some awards that he is most proud of American Chinese CEO Society, Ceo Space such as the Children’s Trust Fund Hero and Agora Advantage. This is a combined reach of over Medallion. He was granted an award in his name by Jarvee 300,000 ceo’s of corporate and small business companies. Hutcherson, President of Multicultural Motion Picture Current plans are in place to launch Hollywood Weekly Magazine’s 2016 Film Festival Sept 10 supported by NFL players and the community. Eric Zuley will be co-hosting this event at the Nokia Theatre LA Live and bringing EZ WAY TV and EZ Way Magazine to cover the festivities.

Association, entitled the eZ Way Achievement Award, which was presented to him by Chris Donavan, the former director of the Golden Globe Awards. In turn he presented this prestigious award 2012 to Larry Namer , the co-founder of E Entertainment television. 2013 Shellie Hunt , CEO and HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 11

EriC zuLEY & LarrY namEr (CO-fOunDEr E! EntErtainmEnt & prEsiDEnt Of mEtan DEvELOpmEnt in CHina)

EriC zuLEY anD rOBErt sun (fOunDEr Of amEriCan CHinEsE CEO sOCiEtY)


JOHn saLLEY amEriCan rEtirED prOfEssiOnaL BasKEtBaLL pLaYEr (LaKErs), aCtOr anD taLK sHOW HOst, gEnE sHYnis CO-fOunDEr partnEr CELEBritY COnnECtED

marY DEsmOnD (amEriCan iDOL 2016 tv pErsOnaLitY) CarmELita pittman fOunDEr Of rOsE BrEast CanCEr sOCiEtY CHart tOpping sOng WritEr aLOng siDE JamEs BrOWn, ELHam maDani fOunDEr WinD intErnatiOnaL fiLm fEstivaL, rOsaLYn KaHn tEDx spEaKEr

Founder of Women of Global Change received the award and who by chance two weeks later was presented the Lifetime Achievement Award by President Obama. 2015 he presented the award to Steve Resnik, former A & R head of EMI Records who is the proud owner of the Rock n’ Roll Museum near Sun Valley.

BE surE tO fOLLOW #EzWaYOntHEgO a movement that helps the viewer learn and succeed through ezway’s lens. Live stream facebook/mobile/ tv show Like ericzuleyfans

Another hat Eric wears is that of interviewer of which he is quite adept. His love of people is evident as he gingerly approaches his guests whose membership ranges from the business, entertainment and sports world. Again, to list all of those he has interviewed would be too extensive to mention here but some of his guests have included football great Rosy Grier, comedian and actor Anthony Anderson, the electrifying music sensation from Africa , Akon who is making a difference by supplying over a million people in his native land with electricity. Also included are Richard Dreyfuss, Gloria Alred, Judge Joe Brown and many Hollywood and business household names. Ezway brand is currently supported by Caterina Jewelry , www. ; and Crazyloops, www.crazyloops. com. Tutto Italy Connection Eric’s Italian suit designer of 7 years. You can look up and search for The EZ Show watch his green screen talk show.

Still another hat that he wears is film producer. He is currently partnering on major projects to produce what should become notable films. People are hungry for substantial films that escape the sensationalism and vulgarity that is so prevalent in films today. Organizations like the Film Advisory Board are seeking films that inspire and uplift. He enjoys working in his home base however in Orange County where he sees a clear unencumbered fertile soil in which to grow his brand.

His sizzLE Can BE tappED BY visiting: Ezwaybroadcasting and Ericzuley fans on facebook


Mythili & Aditya Prakash present


Stop and notice your thoughts: They race, tease, betray,

seduce, and melt away. Sibling collaborators and masterful

Indian classical performers Aditya and Mythili Prakash have brought the peculiar rush and seductive snares of the mind’s inner workings to moving, singing life with Mara, a multimedia performance and album. “We’re trying to unpack the mind,” Mythili explains. “Our jumping off point is to say that the mind is that which allows you to perceive yourself. It’s the things you think, the emotions a projector that creates the world you experience.” Based in the highly disciplined but rich vocabularies of South Indian classical (Carnatic) music and dance (Bharata Natyam), Mara embodies metaphysical struggles in lush, multi-faceted sound and dynamic movement. The piece revolves around the demon Mara-- who infamously tempted Buddha, attempting to keep him from Enlightenment-- and the individual (Jeeva), whose struggles against the coils and toils of her mind (Mara),

July 29, 2016, ford theatre, Hollywood, Ca

ticket prices start at $35.00; general admission $50.00. tickets are available at or 323 461-3673 (for non-visual media 323-gO-1-fOrD). to learn about discounts for groups of 10 or more, please visit HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 13


hw: ms. Emily EruraviEl, thank you for taking timE out of your schEdulE to spEak to hollywood wEEkly. you havE a vEry uniquE look, whErE arE you from? EE: I was raised for most of my life near Shipshewana

Indiana right in the middle of Amish country. I’m half native American and half German.

children motivates me. My goal is definitely to be as successful in my career as possible and always give back to the community. hw: you wErE rEcEntly prEsEntEd with a cErtificatE from thE mayor of los angElEs for putting your acting skills to usE to hElp our city. tEll us morE about that ExpEriEncE. how did your acting hElp makE thE training rEcEivEd by thE EmErgEncy rEspondErs morE EffEctivE? EE: It was an honor to be chosen by Active Actors, a non profit organization, to be a lead actor helping train the CRT (crisis response team). Through improve we reenacted different crisis scenarios which allowed the CRT to then learn how to effectively deal with different situations. They are now more than ready to be there whenever a crisis hits helping each person effectively! Using my talent to help the amazing men and women in uniform was a blessing and an honor!


hw: i sEE that your imdb profilE includEs somE wEll-known film and tv projEcts that includEs: coppErhEad crEEk, sabEEn and othErs. you also havE a growing slatE of tElEvision crEdits. from an actor’s pErspEctivE, do you Enjoy working in film or tElEvision morE, and why? EE: I love both but personally enjoy TV more and being

given the opportunity to grow with a character and connect with people on a weekly basis.

hw: lEt’s talk social mEdia. arE you activE on social mEdia? which social mEdia platforms do you usE to connEct with your fans? EE: Social Media! Twitter is my favorite to connect with

people but I am also active on Facebook and Instagram!



ERURAVIEL hw: according to a post on your facEbook timElinE, “succEss in lifE comEs whEn you simply rEfusE to givE up, with goals so strong that obstaclEs, failurEs and loss only acts as motivation.” what inspirEs and motivatEs you, and what arE your goals?

EE: I was hit with a lot of obstacles and loss when I arrived in LA. Those things made me want to try even harder. As a mother of three my passion for acting and my urge to create a better future for my 14 HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY

hw:lEt’s talk about your managEmEnt tEam. for many actors, it’s challEnging gEtting a foot into hollywood. i undErstand that you havE sEvEral projEcts availablE that you may bE considEring. why do you fEEl that you arE in dEmand? who arE your rEprEsEntativEs? EE: I do have a few roles I have been offered that are in

consideration. My very first scene as a supporting role in one of my features the director and a few other people had tears in their eyes,the next week the director offered me the female lead in the production companies next film. I’m hardworking, very passionate about anything I’m part of, directors say I’m easy to work with, and they love my acting. I’ve been told by many people I’ve accomplished more in nine months in LA than most people do in nine years that’s the main reason I think offers keep rolling in. I currently do not have a manager but I have an amazing agent! I am represented by Tina Presley at Mitchell and Presley Talent Group.

Fund campaigns you love.

Joan Darling is a pioneer female director in Hollywood (Mary Tyler Moore, M.A.S.H., Magnum P.I., and MANY more) and a directing fellow at the Sundance Institute (Sundance Film Festival). She will be Co-Directing Mrs. Wildermuth with Estes as well as starring in

EstEs tarvEr is an actor/writer/director who currently can be found recurring on such television shows as Under the Dome (as Tom Tilden on CBS), Finding Carter (as Sgt. Hall on MTV), and The feature Changeover is soon to be released in 2016, and he has written/directed commercials for such brands Walgreens and Hasbro. Craig BranDwynnE has been in the music business for over 40 years and is an accomplished musician, composer, writer, producer and engineer. Craig has written and produced music for artists and corporate clients as well as musical theater.

This crazy dark comedy will have you laughing all the way through the chaos.

We need YOU to help bring Mrs Wildermuth and her story to life! How you ask? Go to and by purchasing any one of the packages we have listed to the right. All purchases will go to the making of Mrs Wildermuth. You will forever be a part of our film-making history. Every contribution counts, and we thank you for being a part of our film.

tripp grEEn has been a cinematographer for major commercials brands such as Walgreen’s, Hasbro, AARP, Brett Michael’s, Alli Health (and many more), as well as done work for TLC, Discovery Education, and several Feature Films (Liberty’s Secret, Changeover, Secrets in the Snow, Secrets in the Fall).

Don’t forget to share! F o r M o r E i n F o r M at i o n 9 1 9 . 6 0 7 . 2 3 1 3


avid Eugene Andrews has a heart for people. At age 17 he organized a food drive to feed the homeless in his hometown. At age 20, following the fall of Saigon, he worked at a Vietnamese refugee camp, setting up English as a Second Language classes across Washington state. The next year, while attending college in Oregon, he co-chaired an International Affairs Symposium on the Middle East and the Oil Crisis. Andrews, who recently completed his J.D., has edited and published numerous international economic forecasts for Fortune 500 companies. He now writes entertainment articles, serving as Editorial Director for EZ Way Magazine, a new magazine out of Hollywood. His articles have appeared in the Washington Times, Rockthiz magazine, and on WTV Networks.

, Rebellion and Power, A Story of Love and War

Religion and Beauty

Available Christmas 2016

Based on true events a turkish noblewoman receives a slave from her fiancé a story of rebellion and Power By David eugene andrews

david Eugene andrews author, Editor, and storyteller He holds degrees in international affairs and international Economics. He has studied Chinese and german, loves languages, and likes to travel.


David Eugene Andrews also completed his first novel, The English Slave. This first work of historical fiction series tells the true story of how Captain John Smith—sorely wounded while fighting for the Holy Roman Empire in Eastern Europe—was sold into slavery. It reveals the true identity of the Turkish noblewoman who received John as gift from her betrothed. In his historical novel series THE ENGLISH SLAVE, author David Eugene Andrews verifies the truth of the personal memoirs of Captain John Smith. He solves a 400 year-old mystery, the true identity of the young Turkish noblewoman who received Captain Smith as a slave. Thoroughly researched from diaries, memoirs, and other firsthand accounts, THE ENGLISH SLAVE tells how the powerful Grand Vizier bought a slave at an Ottoman town on the Danube and sent him to his betrothed in Constantinople. Aisha, the sister of Sultan Mehmet III and young widow of the previous Grand Vizier, lives at a magnificent palace overlooking the Hippodrome. She receives Smith, along with a letter. Her fiancé claims he personally conquered the officer of the Holy Roman Empire on the battlefield. Her new slave is from the Kingdom of Bohemia and very rich. Aisha can ransom the slave back to his family, keeping the monies for herself. The beautiful noblewoman knows Italian and learns Captain Smith does, too. When she tells him how her betrothed conquered him, her new slave vehemently protests, for no one has ever defeated him in single combat. Furthermore, he is not from Bohemia but from England. And his fine clothes? He earned them by his own efforts.

Beverly Hills, CA – Jennifer Lopez’s boyfriend, Beau “Casper” Smart teams up with Mark Ryan of the Starz hit series Black Sails and Michael Bay’s mega hit franchise Transformers, star in the newest high octane action MMA movie – Street – which sold out online at

Joanna Krupa

and Deadpool, to take the #1 position on the best seller list for new releases.

STREET CO/ producer, Model

The movie features MMA icon Frank Trigg, and

Polish American model, actress and animal rights activist. She is best known for her appearances on the reality television shows Dancing with the Stars, Top Model and The Real Housewives of Miami.

former welterweight title challenger Jay Hieron and UFC The Ultimate Fighter, Uriah Hall. former champion John Hennigan in the mix, wrestling fans. Street contains some of the best MMA


club as Street, played by Smart, is forced to

A Russian Mob Boss, Uri, played by Mark Ryan. in Hollywood as well as a trainer of real MMA

has worked with Martial Arts legends including Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Jean Claude Van Damme, Michael Jai White and Chuck

Jennifer Lopez’s Beau “Casper” Proves to be Smart Enough To Help Indie Film Rival

Major Studio Film Deadpool in Newest MMA Film in Walmart Online In First Three Days!

level in his spare time, both in Bellator and the UFC. Because of his real world experience with MMA he is regarded as the most knowledgeable Hollywood. Street is produced by Lyle Howry of Wedding Day, starring David Koechner (You Can’t Have

LyLe Howry com/name/nm4069812/) and Joanna Krupa

Film Producer. Founder and CEO of

in the Martial Arts and MMA world as a known







pHOtO: riC sECHrEst pHOtOgrapHY

From Sweden to Sundance….


The abridged version of this tale is that my dear mother was from Sweden and my father is from New York. I was born in Sweden and spent about half of my life there, after first spending some of my early years in Austin, Texas. Where, coincidentally, another one of my films, “Come Morning”, screened at the Austin Film Festival a few years

ago. Then I luckily enough found myself in New York City where I now reside. I always wanted to be an actress, ever since I was a little girl. I know, we’ve all heard that one before… Elise jokes, rolling her eyes. I actually used to put on shows at home with my older brother Thomas as my sidekick. Thank god there were no iPhones at the time…I think…who knows, maybe I would have become a YouTube sensation singing and dancing with my cape made of a towel. Not easy believing you’ll actually have a future as an actress when you are a kid, feeling misplaced in a remote town in Sweden, but eventually Elise Rovinsky got the

pHOtO: riC sECHrEst pHOtOgrapHY


rom Sweden to Sundance”…seems like a crazy leap right? From a small town in the southwest part of Sweden to being in a film, “How To Tell You’re A Douchebag”, that premiered at Sundance, by way of New York. How the hell did that happen? -She says, her face lighting up with a laugh.


pHOtO: privatE

HOW tO tELL YOu’rE a DOuCHEBag - sCrEEn sHOt

aCtrEss ELisE rOvinsKY WitH aCtOr pauL rEisEr On sEt rED OaKs


opportunity to come to New York City, attend the Stella Adler Conservatory of Acting (Graduate Program) and, well, the rest is history. At least history in the making, Elise says with a hopeful smile. What can I say about my journey? Sometimes it feels like a long one. Arduous and terrifying at times but it is inevitably always rewarding in the end. Whether it is being nervous during the early days of rehearsals for an upcoming stage performance, not thinking you will ever be off book and ready, or whether it is sitting in hair and makeup in the wee hours of the morning getting ready for your upcoming scene to be shot, thinking of all the people who depend on your getting it right and doing a good job.

pHOtO: riC sECHrEst pHOtOgrapHY

I remember way back when I first took some acting classes in Gothenburg Sweden. Taking the bus to town for the class, coming back late at night to my parents’ house feeling different…feeling elated and hopeful.


We have seen Elise Rovinsky cast in a wide variety of roles. Characters ranging from a crazy French choreographer to an old, mythological figure to a fast talking literary agent to mention only a few. “Being completely bilingual makes it easy for me to do accents and even convincingly speak some languages I don’t really know”. She has a unique look, can pretty much be from anywhere and is easily placed in different periods and eras as well. Do you have a favorite? But of course! Put me in something from the 20’s and I’m happy as a clam she says. She grew up watching movies, memorizing scenes and lines. Loving the escape of disappearing into someone else’s life for a little while. They always talked a lot about movies and TV at home as well when she was a kid. “I always heard what my “uncle Mickey” was up to out in LA with his shows”. This is of course Michael “Mickey” Ross who was one of the writers/producers of “Three’s Company, “All in the Family” and “The Jeffersons”. Those

ELISE ROVINSKY facts: pHOtO: riC sECHrEst pHOtOgrapHY

Ht: 5´4 Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Language: Bilingual -English and swedish Location: new York and Los angeles, willing to travel sag Eligible


to kEEp up with this star you can follow ElisE rovinsky on: imdb:

shows were all rather revolutionary for their time. Her parents always supported her acting ambition. “They never told me that I couldn’t or shouldn’t. I will always be grateful for that”. You’ve had a remarkable spring! “Yes, I worked on an episode of ‘Red Oaks’, which is an Amazon Studios series in which Paul Reiser is one of the leads. The episode was directed by the talented Nisha Ganatra, who is busy as hell and with good reason”. The incredible Sundance premiere for ‘How To Tell You’re A Douchebag’ as well as some sold out screenings of the film at BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music) in New York. I am a core member of a sketch comedy group called The Shorts Show and we have had a monthly show at the PIT (Peoples Improv Theater) here in New York City for quite a while. We mostly do web based content but also just completed our first feature called ‘Prism’”. ‘How To Tell You’re A Douchebag’ has done really well and was very well received at Sundance. “Yes it was. I was working and unfortunately could not make the screenings which was a bummer”. Sundance was just the beginning for this great movie, there have been a bunch

of other festivals and it actually just won best screenplay at the American Black Film Festival in Miami. “I had a great time working on this film with writer/director Tahir Jetter. There is still more to come with this film… “ Elise Rovinsky says. summEr is hErE but wE’vE hEard you will havE a busy fall? I will be shooting a film in Connecticut in August. Teaming up with writer/director Christopher S. Lombardi again. Had the lead in his most recent film ‘The Reluctant Detective.’ Sweden is beckoning as well. Will be working with some very talented folks in Stockholm on a film this fall. A project I was able to land through my wonderful manager, Maria Vascsak, at IMA International Management Agency And that is about all I can tell you for now. – She says with a mischievous look on her face. Clearly there are some other things going on that she can’t talk about yet. My fabulous agent Marius Bargielski at Metropolis Artists Agency, MAA is keeping me busy.

managEd by ima, intErnational managEmEnt agEncy managEr maria vascsak swEdEn +46 739 10 59 02 u.s +1 (917) 717 90 91 imdb:


aCtOr/sCript COnsuLtant WiLLiam LEguE aCtrEss ELisE rOvinsKY aCtrEss/sCriptWritEr Emma LinDgrEn aCtrEss mOa maLan aCtOr / mODEL / singEr / DanCEr tYrOnE EmanuEL aCtOr JEffrEY gLiCKman

stYList / mODEL HiCHam BEnsLimanE aCtrEss / musiCian friDa farELL DirECtOr / prODuCEr Eva BELing DirECtOr/prODuCEr frEDriC KEitH rEsHEW DirECtOr/prODuCEr marKus strömqvist stOrYBOarD artist giusEppE CristianO aCtOr / mODEL / musiCian JOnas LaWrnz JOHnsOn

w w w . i m a c o n t E n t. c o m



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hw. according to your imdb profilE you arE a producEr and dirEctor, known for animal kingdom (2016) rEd to black, among othErs. tEll mE about your rolEs in Each of thEsE projEcts. ds. In the hit Drama TV Series “Animal Kingdom” I play the role of a police officer . This is one of the hottest shows of 2016 and has just been approved for Season #2. For the TV show “The Plug”, it was great being director and making appearances as a host on this show along with Fernanda Chamorro who is a great Actress and singer. The show is based out of San Diego CA and brings you the latest news, events, sports, and things to do for fun every week. In the movie Red to Black I was able to play the role of a vampire which was pretty cool, this movie is still in production & the book is out now which was written by Romane Simon. hw. so would you say that your principal talEnts liE with acting, producing or dirEcting? ds. I would say acting right now but I love all three and this is just the beginning. I love my job as an actor/ director, wearing several hats has made me a better performer. hw. as an actor, EvEryonE knows thE compEtition is fiErcE. what is it that makEs you spEcial, or in othEr words, why arE you bEing bookEd whEn many othErs havE such a difficult timE gEtting EstablishEd? ds. In this industry you have to take every audition you have like it could be your last. Always learn how to play various roles so that your confident in several categories which will make me you more marketable & prepared when its time to audition. Take the time in building yourself before jumping into the competition.


hw. i undErstand you arE producing an onlinE sEriEs. tEll mE morE about that sEriEs. how many EpisodEs havE ran and do you plan to producE shows for othErs? and sincE sponsors arE always looking for ways to rEach today’s youth, arE you targEting any particular audiEncE? ds. Yes the series is called the “The Plug Connecting you to the Source” starring myself and great host/ actress Fernanda Chamorro. There are two shows out right now and eight more coming for this season. I plan to produce many shows in the future as it was such a great experience creating this show with Fernanda. The show has been getting a pretty good audience on social media with over 10,000 followers and have just started. We plan on creating a second season with the help of some great sponsors. hw. lEts talk modEling. i undErstand that’s how you got startEd. tEll mE morE about your profEssional and pErsonal background.

animal kingdom

Crime, Drama | tv series (2016)

the series centers on 17-year-old Joshua “J” Cody, who moves in with his freewheeling relatives in their southern California beach town after his mother dies of a heroin overdose. Headed by boot-tough matriarch Janine “smurf” Cody and her right-hand Baz, who runs the business and calls the shots, the clan also consists of pope, the oldest and most dangerous of the Cody boys; Craig, the tough and fearless middle son; and Deran, the troubled, suspicious “baby” of the family.

ds. My goal was always acting when I moved to California, modeling is how I got started working with magazines and fashion designers in LA, NY , and San Diego. I served in the military as an officer and now I look forward to pursuing my goals in the film industry. hw. what typEs of campaigns did you work on whilE modEling, and how has that ExpEriEncE hElpEd as an actor? ds. As a model I worked in LA Fashion Week, Metropolitan Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, & San Diego Fashion Week. I have also hosted several events for Runway Magazine & Latina Magazine. hw. hollywood wEEkly magaZinE is rEad by a lot of industry profEssionals. but givEn accEss to anyonE in thE businEss, who would you likE to havE pick up a copy and rEad this articlE about you? ds. It is a honor to be in this issue of Hollywood Weekly Magazine . I would like filmmakers to pick up this issue as well as entrepreneur’s & just everyday people so that they know what I do and how I can help them and they can help me.

hw. what additional valuE do you bring to a producEr/dirEctor whosE film nEEds your look? do you havE a strong social mEdia following? ds. Yes right now I have over 25,000 followers on social media personally and over 10,000 followers for my TV Show “The Plug Connecting you to the Source” . Check me out on instagram @dsample13, on twitter @jwayne197825 and on facebook @ facebook. com/Dwayne.sample.1 & on the TV Show Instagram hw. thank you for taking thE timE to spEak with hw. is thErE anything ElsE that you may wish to mEntion? I appreciate all the support of the fans and Hollywood Weekly Magazine it really means a lot to me to be apart of this team. tHE BEst WaY tO COntaCt mE is BY EmaiL:


SINCE 2004




Eric Zuley of EZ WAY TV and Havana Watches Supports LA Community


The ulTimaTe

connecT Expanding your brand

hw: according to your onlinE profilE, infinitE piEcEs is an EntErtainmEnt consultant agEncy that rEprEsEnts talEnt and promotEs thE up and coming. in your ExpEriEncE, what sErvicE havE you providEd that havE bEEn thE most hElpful for your cliEnts?

candi nicolE

cn: As an entertainment consultant, I’ve noticed how difficult it really is to be successful in this industry only because people don’t know where to start or how to start. Because of the misdirection and lack of guidance, people tend to do things they don’t have to do which makes it harder for them to succeed which discourages them and in the end, they end up quitting. I offer Training Services that include building brands and portfolios. The most helpful service I provide is guidance on who to know and where to find them, which makes it easier for them to succeed in this industry.

CEO & founder at

Lancaster, California Entertainment

hw: tEll mE about candi nicolE. whErE arE you from and how did you End up in la?

cn: I am originally from Chicago, Illinois. I came straight out of the projects on the south side where they now refer to as Chiraq. I have always been an entertainer since I was 7 years old. I have been singing in different churches all over the city. In 2002, my father decided we should move to California for a better life so we came to LA and then I started modeling, dancing, and acting. I was so lost and I didn’t know where to start, so I went on Craigslist and found an awesome mentor named Nikki Williams of Dyani Model Management. Nikki was a former model of Chicago Elite Model Management and she took me under her wing and taught me everything I need to know about the modeling industry. Working under her as an assistant for three years taught me just what to do to help others succeed in this industry.

hw: i undErstand that you havE an EvEnt happEning soon. tEll us morE about thE EvEnt. any cElEbritiEs confirmEd to attEnd?

cn: The Ultimate Connect is exactly what the name says. This networking event is all about forming opportunities by creating business relationships, promoting yourself, and expanding your brand. We are inviting top modeling agencies, record labels, entertainment companies, marketing businesses, media companies, radio stations, and more so that everyone involved will have an opportunity to not only show their talents at the show, but network with top entertainment officials to collaborate on future projects. This in fact, is important. hw: is thErE anything ElsE that you fEEl that is important to mEntion in this intErviEw?

cn: The Ultimate Connect is all about being discovered. Now is your chance. We will have associates from Hollywood Weekly Magazine, XMB Models Management, Dej Jam Records, and CIE Modeling Agency. iHeartRadio, HP Media Group from Las Vegas, and I will also be there. We are also having special appearances from Frankie Razor, Shang Forbes, KNS Rockstar, David Ruffin Jr, and more. And let’s not forget about Mr. Fashion Rocker, Parris Harris, who is ready to tear that room apart! We will be introducing some amazing up and coming performers such as Eddie Alvarado, gospel rapper YB, Country singer Brent Mann, Al-Rad Abe comedian Andrew Martin. We also have designers such as Courtney Allegra, Designs by Vida, and Designer Kamoni. HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 27

about guadalupaE Brazilian soul sister guadalupae” professionally known a “D’Lushus” started her career as a dancer with the legendary James Brown and toured with him for almost nine years. she has recorded and performed background vocals


Guadalupae “D” lushus & thE sambalushus dancErs & drummErs

on numerous projects with him. she feels fortunate to have learned from the master while

guadalupaé also worked with marvin gaye as a dancer and was the opening act for Donna summer on her world tour dates in Japan & Europe. she recorded with several artists and had a number #1 dance song in Europe called “pump that Body” she also has done many Blues festivals.

samba mama currently performs all over the globe bringing her brand of soul, samba and salsa to every party! We specialize in doing samba shows & mardi gras! With a background rich in r&B, Jazz, Latin and funky House. We work with Band or CD & Drummers.

availablE for:

contact information: for booking or interviews please contact Lacey morgan

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on a mission to inspirE thE world through EntErtainmEnt n Enigmatic Fireball whose energy level, drive, and determination makes her a veritable powerhouse, Danté Sears, is no stranger to the entertainment business. As a former Osh Kosh Runway Kid and Big Sexy Hair Model, Sears has been carefully crafting her career in the industry for the better part of a lifetime. “My values have always been important to me, says Sears, who, in 2007, yanked her entire debut album from production and offline once she saw the effect her suggestive lyrics upon the young children that turned out to be her fans. This fall is the launch of Danté Sears’ new TV shows, #OMGDanté!, an in-your-face selfie-guided lifestyle show about the hottest, best, and most luxurious cutting edge products, services, and destinations. The show’s title includes a hashtag (#), which can be resourced across social media platforms to deliver a multimedia stream of video content to viewers. #OMGDanté! has already received rave reviews from audiences across the world via social media - and has even got some Fortune 500 CEO’s tongues wagging in anticipation of ingenious product placement, features, sponsorship, and advertising. Danté showcases her ‘favorites’, taking viewers behind the scenes of businesses in a way only Danté’ could do. Her other show, Kiss and Tell is a live-stream talk show ala ‘Loveline’, about dating, sex, relationships; The Battle of the Sexes. Kiss and Tell features celebrity guests and explores the conversations men and women are having amongst themselves that they should be having together to strengthen their relationships. Launching two shows and a network simultaneously as a Producer, Director, and Host would be an ominous task for anyone, but Danté loves the pressure of doing more in less time. “When you do what you love, you never work a day in your life”, she chortles, breathlessly. Danté Sears is also a fantastic event host. In fact, this October 16, 2016, for the second year in a row, she will co-host of the Queen of Asia Pacific Pageant, which takes place at the ostentatious Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills, in association with Global Green USA, International Arts Association, and Arts for Peace. As an eZWay Celebrity Angel, spokesmodel for Caterina Jewelry, 30 HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY

“CHILDREN WERE LISTENING AND INTERPRETING MY SONGS. I WAS ABHORRED. I NEVER CONSIDERED THAT I WAS A ROLE MODEL. I WANT TO LEAVE BEHIND A LEGACY I CAN BE PROUD OF WHEN I HAVE A FAMILY OF MY OWN SOMEDAY.” and a #Benevhead (Ambassador for Benev Skincare), Danté is frequently approached by major brands for product placement opportunities on her shows, such as Benev Skincare, which is responsible for her glowing skin, Crazy Loops, and, for nine years straight, she was a model on Ecoly’s Big Sexy Hair product bottles, which included a national campaign with commercials, Billboards, magazines, and online. Danté has appeared on CW Network PSA commercials and tv shows like Felicity and Just Shoot Me, MTV’s “My Own”, and Sitv’s “B.L.& D.” She’s danced on stage with music legends like Prince, Pitbull, Snoop Dogg, and Baby Bash, a longtime friend of who nick-named her “Princes Danté” for her regal demeanor. Sears has appeared in numerous music videos with Baby Bash, Danny Trejo, E-40, and many other recognizable names. “Growing up, I was embarrassed of my famous last name. I wasn’t proud to carry the name of a popular department store and national landmark (SEARS Tower). Now, as an adult, I am 1000% proud of who I am and where I came from. “ Studying under the millionaire-maker, Craig Proctor, the top real estate guru in Canada - with

#omgdanté! this fall is the launch of Danté sears’ new tv shows, #OmgDanté!, an

added guidance from her mother - Danté’ became a millionaire by age 25. Danté’ cites her parents’ health as her big why for making the change in life towards the path she’s now on.

guided lifestyle show about the hottest, best, most luxurious, and cutting edge products, services, and destinations.

“My father died of cancer when I was four years old; it completely altered my life. I found myself continually seeking answers – and trying to find balance”. Having a missing parent shaped every aspect of her growth, causing her to aggressively research to find and understand the cause the cure of diseases like cancer, heart disease, and depression. In 2012, Danté went back to school to master the art of coaching, consulting, communicating, and healing. Now, today she has combined her life’s passion for entertaining, entrepreneurship, and healing to create the Dante TV Network, powered by the Wazkal FREE TV app, which is distributed on any smart tv, cell phone, tablet, or computer via Apple TV, xbox TV, and Amazon Fire TV, as well as Dish Network seven days a week on FoTV’s fully-interactive reality show, “Battlecam’, airing on Dish Network and Direct TV (L.A. channel 6). So what’s next for the girl who already does more in one year than most of us do in a lifetime? Danté has two causes that are close to her heart; 1) End poverty and 2) Cure disease. For this, she is developing two charities; World Cure Foundation, and World Prosperity Network, which she will officially launch both in 2017. It’s all in a day’s work for this busy Aries girl, who was (ironically) born on April Fool’s Day and bears the birth name of two legendary icons; one a great philosopher and poet, the other, an American landmark for the spirit of entrepreneurism. The name says it all; Danté Sears.

danté sears, mCHt, nLLC, rmp, CLms

Holistic Healing specialist | master Lifestyle Coach | tv Host | Executive producer | Executive Director of programming | Dante’s intervention | DantE tv | Dante sears twitter | fB | Linked in ig: DanteKsears HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 31

congratulations to hollywood wEEkly



intErnational rEcording artist carmElita’s calEndar: July 22 & 23

Oct 2

In the Woman of Achievement Beauty Pageant on the Queen Mary

“A Night in Tunishia” an intimate soiree at the Industry Cafe in Culver City with special guests Josh Moreland, Sharon Benson,

Sept 10

Reggie Morris, Spoken word by Denise Cook a.k.a. the Oracle hosted by Davi Davenport 310-274-1130 for info

Will perform her original hit “Rosebud” produced by Jerry Pittman at the Hollywood Weekly Film Festival

Oct 16 At the Beverly Hills Arts Gala at the Saban Theatre, Beverly Hills with Josh Moreland, Rebecca Holden & more

pHOtOs: BY tOm pOrtEr

Carmelita is represented by Jonathan Goldstein of

Windfall Entertainment Group For booking contact Quint Gabriel 424.354.5314 A portion of proceeds from all her performances goes to:

The Rose Breast Cancer Society 32 HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY

The Rose Breast Cancer Society


Juanita Zara Espinosa Uddin 4VOSJTF 'FC t 4VOTFU /PW A multi-talented and devoted mother whose four year battle with breast cancer cut her life short. Her love of roses and dream of the beautiful Phoenix bird has become the symbol of hope for The Rose Breast Cancer Society a 501.c3 non-profit organization. The purpose of the organization is “Eduction for the prevention an intervention of breast cancer.� Dr. Cherilyn Lee Phd is an Honorary Board Menber and Proponent of Infrared Thermography CARMELITA PITTMAN Founder The Rose Breast Cancer Society 1998 as a Living Memorial for her mother, Juanita Zara Espinosa Uddin


ELECTRONIC ENTERTAINMENT EXPO (E3) SHOWCASES WORLD TECHNOLOGY IN THE HEART OF LOS ANGELES By: LaVencia “Lala� Walker This week, gamers and techies from around the world gathered in the heart of Los Angeles for the E3 Expo held at the Staples Convention Center. E3 is not an easy convention to get to, it is only open to people who work in the video game industry and select gamers. Passes to this event cost about $1,000 and many people had to travel far distances (adding to the cost) to get to the Staples Convention Center. Along with the costliness of getting to the expo, the lines are insanely long and the turn out to the event is absolutely grand. This expo offers the inside scoop on the newest video game releases, video game updates, and the upcoming gaming consoles. E3 is a great opportunity for many young, talented gamers and game creators to find their start within in the gaming industry. According to some of the people getting in on the action, E3 is in a way, meant for business people to create contacts, enlighten new marketing tactics, and inspire new possible products. The next big thing in gaming and technology is virtual reality. Gamers got to try the Oculus Rift in E3 which sparked 34 HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY

On the upside, virtual reality can be the new way to shop online or vacation to another country without the obstacles put in place by reality.

excitement in some and also poses a problem to others. There are possible solutions to real world problems proposed by the Oculus Rift, but, the possibility of other problems were brought to light. The major issue for many gamers is the isolation that comes from the virtual reality. It may seem amazing to experience a different world without leaving the safety of your home, but, on the other hand, human interaction is jeopardized in the process. On the upside, virtual reality can be the new way to shop online or vacation to another country without the obstacles put in place by reality. As many techno-enthusiasts and gamers would agree, the gaming community is global. E3 is an international conference that pulls people from different corners of the world to come to the great city of Los Angeles to bounce back ideas about their video games. This opens a world of opportunity to many gamers broadening their gaming spectra. Through international participation, E3 teaches gamers to embrace gaming and world technology, which brings the people from around the world a little closer each day. Another great aspect of the E3 convention is being able to see the evolution of graphics throughout the years. As Robert from Orange County, who has been in the industry for over 10 years, “It’s just amazing see to how much video games has changed over the years. I’ve been coming to E3 for about 9 years now and I love to come because I’m a gamer and it’s really cool to see what’s new in the gaming world.” He also feels that social media is also drawing the luster away from E3. In this day and age, anyone can tweet, post a status, or snap a picture to anyone and all the new releases announced at the E3 expo is half away around the world. In the information age, anything posted

on social media can spread like wildfire, taking away the exclusiveness of E3, or anything in this aspect. To bring this article to a close, E3 is a great convention to go to for those who appreciate video games and the newest technology. Cultural diversity is a great value demonstrated by E3 and the fellow gamers who come to Los Angeles to meet others hailing from different countries. Within the few days E3 is held, gamers gain great exposure to leaders of the gaming industry, world gaming innovators, and everyday workers and gamers alike. Gamers never leave E3 the same as they come. Every person interviewed in the E3 conference without a doubt would return to E3 next year. HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 35



hw: a CaptiOn DEsCriBing YOur prODuCts statEs, “ YOu WiLL gO CrazY OvEr ‘CrazY LOOps. ‘ WHY arE “CrazY LOOps” sO pOpuLar? CL: Crazy Loops are a fun new accessory that can attach to your shoes, bags, key rings, etc. We are finding that Crazy Loops are becoming popular because the kids love a new inexpensive item to wear and trade and adults are enjoying the Crazy Loops to show support for an organization,charity or a brand that they support. hw: LEt’s start frOm tHE BEginning. HOW DiD YOu gEt intO tHE BusinEss anD WHat is YOur COrE BusinEss missiOn? CL: I was planning to attend a local cancer awareness walk and wanted to decorate my sneakers to show my support for cancer. However, this was more difficult than I expected and was unable to find what I was looking for. I then created my own sneaker accessory and received a lot of compliments. I decided to do research, create a prototype, file patent paperwork and this was the beginning steps to creating what is now Crazy Loops. My core business mission is to have an accessory that helps business growth and non-profit funding and awareness. hw: YOu mEntiOn On YOur WEBsitE tHat “CrazY LOOps” Can BEnEfit tHOsE WHO maY HavE a CausE tHat is pErsOnaLLY impOrtant. HOW Can “CrazY LOOps” EmpOWErED mE anD OtHErs tO maKE a DiffErEnCE in Our COmmunitY? CL: The Crazy Loops are available to customize by placing your company logo,text, etc. The custom Crazy Loops are a great product for companies to help brand themselves or to bring more awareness to organizations.We are striving to create a new portal for giving.

hw: WitH tHE CHaLLEngEs Of grOWing up, tEEns OftEn EnCOuntEr BuLLiEs in tHEir sCHOOLs. HOW Can “CrazY LOOps” aDDrEss tHis sOCiaL issuE? CL: Crazy Loops is an inexpensive accessory that is fun for kids to trade and attach to all kinds of CRAZY things. The cost certainly is one aspect that I hope will allow all kids will be able to enjoy. I also am very hopeful to work with anti bullying organizations to create a customized Crazy Loop. This would be a great opportunity for the organization to not only raise money, but for kids show support!! Also, we are a sponsor on Teens On Air Radio Show on EZWay Broadcasting network. This shows will focus be on teens issue and hosted by actress Laci Kay and American Idol finalist Mary Desmond, and will reach millions. hw: pLEasE tELL mE, WHat tYpEs Of CustOmED OrDErs arE avaiLaBLE fOr BusinEssEs Or CHaritiEs? CL: The Crazy Loops website has a custom page. On that page you will see the designs that are available to customize by adding logo, text and choice of color. We can have your website on the back of the Crazy Loops. Also, download our mobile app that is available on Apple and Android to experience how crazy our loops are for on the go.

hw: i unDErstanD tHat YOu WiLL BE ExHiBiting at tHE EspYs’ gifting suitE. WHat DO YOu WisH tO aCCOmpLisH BY partiCipating as a vEnDOr? CL: I am excited to be a part of the ESPYs gifting suite to have the opportunity to share my new product with a lot of people that have the ability to reach millions of followers. I am very hopeful to talk to professional athletes and celebrities about non profit organizations that they support and see if we can get Crazy Loops involved to help bring more awareness. hw: OnE Can sEE HOW CELEBritiEs migHt EmBraCE “CrazY LOOps.” WHat tYpE Of fEEDBaCK HavE YOu rECEivED frOm CELEBritiEs rEgarDing YOur prODuCt? CL: Crazy Loops is very new product and only launched May 2016. However, we are working with EZWay Promotions and reaching out to celebrities. The feedback has been very positive. I am proud to be a title sponsor for Eric Zuley’s company EZWay Broadcasting. We are sponsor for the B Da Beat Dance Convention Tour with Shane Sparks facebook:/crazyloopsnow

and Lee Pazmino. Shane Sparks is well known for being a judge and choreographer on the reality television dance competition “So You Think You Can Dance” and judge on “America’s Best Dance Crew.” Lee Pazmino is also a well know choreographer who has worked with Justin Timberlake. Also Disney Stars have been seen getting in the mix by wearing the Loops. Stay tuned we have a lot more exciting things that are in the works!

hw: i prOmisED tO BE BriEf, But pLEasE tELL mE mOrE aBOut YOursELf anD YOur visiOn fOr “CrazY LOOps” futurE. CL: I am single mom living in Lancaster County, Pa. My vision for Crazy Loops is that this is a fun product that will allow brands to brand themselves and organizations to raise more awareness to there cause. As well as the everyday designs I enjoy seeing the kids with smiles on there faces and acting Crazy with the Crazy Loops. We are looking to engage with customers and fans, please follow us #crazyloopsnow @ crazyloopsnow hw: HOW Has “CrazY LOOps” CHangED YOur LifE? CL: This is my first product and it has been such a great experience so far. I have enjoyed learning and talking to so many non profit organizations that,until Crazy Loops I was not familiar with. I am so excited to work with the organizations and have the opportunity to create customized Crazy Loops,to help them to support and bring more awareness to there cause.

instagram: @crazyloopsnow

twitter: @crazyloopsnowW


Dennis Lackey first noticed the ad in his local Penny Saver while enjoying his breakfast cup of joe. At first, he skipped past the employment page, but he found himself wandering back again, like it was pulling at him. After working as a construction contractor for thirty years, he was only too ready to kick back and not answer to an alarm clock at five o’clock every morning. He soon realized that he needed to keep busy, however. Retirement turned out to be anything but. Dennis found a job as a part-time bus driver for the county mental health department transporting clients, and it awakened in him a goal from when he was much younger, a desire to help others and give back to his community. He never imagined it would end up changing his life. It’s because of his own experience with a learning disability that Dennis has a heart for helping others. He recalls a teacher who helped him overcome his challenges in school, nurturing his strength in math and helping him enjoy school and succeed. When he saw the Penny Saver ad with the header, “Become a

ukiah fha

Located north of the san francisco Bay area, on the western shores of Clear Lake, Lake County embodies beautifully restored historic downtowns, inviting lakeside parks, the state’s cleanest air, spectacular scenic beauty, and unsurpassed recreation. Lake County is home to nearly 64,000 Californians as well as Clear Lake, the largest natural freshwater lake in California, and mount Konocti, an ancient volcano. California mEntOr’s fHa program seeks to support the varied needs of those we serve by providing a wide array of resources, including a speech therapist, nurse, marriage and family therapist, and behavioralist. Our ukian fHa program works closely opportunity to live and grow in a loving, supportive family environment.


Mentor host home provider to an Adult with Disabilities,” he realized this was his chance to give back. After Dennis’ first call to California MENTOR’s Family Home Agency office, he decided to apply to become a Mentor. Three months later, after our comprehensive screening and matching process, which considers the interests, skills and personalities of individuals and Mentors in order to create that “perfect match,” Mark, a man with a strong handshake and a gentle demeanor, moved into Dennis’ home. They quickly bonded like two brothers, Dennis the big brother and Mark the younger one. In December of 2013, they rented an RV and drove from Fresno to Anaheim. They found an RV park adjacent to Disneyland and spent three fun-filled days at the park and one at Six Flags, riding the roller coasters and screaming their lungs out. Before Mark entered his life, Dennis says he didn’t have much to keep him active and otten found himself watching TV. “I used to spend a lot of time looking between my feet,” he says. These days, Dennis is feeling the positive effects of being active and helping others. His doctor asked him what had caused such an improvement in his mental, emotional and physical health. Dennis told him, “I am a Mentor now!”

COOrDinatOrs ask any mentor who they rely on most, and your’ll probably hear, “my Coordinator!” Our Coordinators work closely with the mentor, the individual, and the regional Center to help create and implement each person’s individualized service plan and are there to support them every step of the way.

Dennis is the first to tell you that he gets just as much or more out of being a Mentor as Mark does in having a real family home to live in instead of a group home. He says, “I feel I have completed the circle in life with being a Mentor. I’ve finally found what I was meant to do.”

When asked by family and friends what it has meant to open his home and life to Mark, he has a ready answer. “Helping others helps you!”


Family Home Agency Family Home Agency Family Home Agency



YOU JUST BLEW $10,000. Buzzed. Busted. Broke. Get caught, and you could be paying around $10,000 in fines, legal fees and increased insurance rates.

Buzzed driving is drunk driving.



HW I understand you come from a family that may have been one of the very first real estate agencies actually owned by an African-American, as early as the 1950’s here in Los Angeles. Please tell me more about your family as it relates to your heritage working as a licensed Broker/Realtor in Los Angeles. DB My parents, John and Helen Bradford were licensed as Real Estate Brokers in Los Angeles, CA in the 1950’s. They were never Salesmen (the term used at that time). When they applied to take the state exam, they simply checked off broker instead of salesman. The examination was the same for both. Imagine that. Out of all of my brothers, there were 6 of them, only 1 brother, Daniel Bradford obtained his real estate license. My dad John and brother Daniel encouraged me to obtain my license which I did in 1979. After a few months of working as an agent, I took the broker exam and passed. The broker is the boss; so not only is it the broker who gets paid, but the broker has the responsibility of knowing the laws and changes in the real estate industry and is responsible for all agents working under the broker’s license. HW How has real estate changed in terms of the complexity of completing forms and in general over the years? DB Real estate is extremely complicated today. With so many lawsuits, the paperwork is extensive and very detailed. When I was first licensed in the 1970’s, the listing agreement as well as the purchase agreement for residential properties were both half of sheet of paper. 1/2 of letter size sheet of paper.


Be ethical Be YOURself have fUn


Be fair Listen Be truthfuL

As time progressed, the real estate forms were legal size, and they increased in number. Today the listing and purchase agreements are a packet consisting of at least 20 pages, depending on what type of listing or purchase it is. Is it a standard transaction or one that is in default? The paper size is no longer legal, but letter size. Today, there are 5 different library of real estate forms: CAR, DRE, NAR Foreclosure Prevention Library and Finance Helpline Library. Hundreds of forms in all. HW Since selling homes today has certainly become more complicated, I noticed on your business cards that you are both a Broker and a Realtor. What is the difference between a Realtor and a Real Estate Agent? DB A realtor is a licensed real estate agent or broker who is a member in good standing of the California Association of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors. A real estate broker has worked as a real estate agent under a real estate broker for 2 years or has a 4 year college degree and has successfully passed the real estate broker exam. A real estate agent has completed the 8 real estate classes and successfully passed the real estate salesperson exam. HW You mention that you represent Sellers and Buyers, but you enjoy and have a special chemistry with Sellers. Tell me more about Dorothy Bradford Realty. What distinguishes your services and although you specialize in homes between $430,000 - $700,000 dollars, where in Los Angeles can you find property in this range and do you have any recent sales or listings in this price range? DB By the time I was licensed, my dad was in the ministry, so he suggested I work in a smaller office under a honest broker to learn the business and get practical experience. I joined Century 21 Associated Realtors (brand new franchise with excellent marketing exposure). After a few months, I took the broker exam, passed it and opened my first office, Bradford Real Estate. Later my brother Daniel and I opened Bradford Home Loans in Bellflower, CA. In 1984, I went solo again as Bradford Funding Group and Daniel remained Bradford Home Loans. In 2008, I moved my license with Prudential Realty who is now Berkshire Hathaway. They offered a superb training program and I stayed with them for 3 years until I opened Dorothy Bradford Realty in Inglewood, CA. My approach to real estate has always been service oriented and sellers have always been and will forever be the back bone of the industry. If there are no sellers, buyers have nothing to buy. Working with sellers gives you the big picture, the motivation behind selling their largest asset, their home.

I am distinguished from other brokerages because I have unique service programs that other brokers don’t have. I give performance guarantees, such as guarantee to sell a home or pay the homeowner X amount if not sold in a certain period of time at a price that is mutually agreed upon by the seller and myself. Just that one unique selling proposition sets me apart from other brokers and I have others. These guarantees are in writing.

know the answer to a question, tell the


My target market is City and County of Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside Counties. There are many home ranging in value from $430,000 to $700,000. I have recently listed and sold properties in Inglewood, Hawthorne and Los Angeles.


HW If I am thinking about selling my home, what advise can you offer to prospective sellers? DB List with me and start packing. Do not overprice your home and it will sell quickly. If priced properly, it will create a bidding war which will cause the home to sell from more than the list price.

get back to them with it. always pay your agents. Be fair with commission splits. 6. Know your product (neighborhood). study comps, demographics, number of properties sold, number of properties not sold, homes currently on market. 7. always ask for the business! 8. Be ethical. Don’t solicit other agents clients. 9. Be myself. 10. Have fun. HW With some of the older homes in Los Angeles there may be issues with the title, or some other reason why a person is reluctant to consider selling their property. How can I contact you if I am a property owner and I have questions about my particular circumstances? DW Call or text me at 562-412-8264. I am timely with returning my calls.

Email me at HW Are there any programs available to me if I have fallen behind on my mortgage and I am trying to keep my property? DB If you have fallen behind on your mortgage and are trying to keep your property, communicate with your lender and ask for a loan modification. There is also a state funded program called Keep Your Home California. You may be able to qualify for up to $100,000 to bring your mortgage current. HW Your family, as we already discussed, has been in real estate for more than 60 years. That’s quite a long time to learn the business. What did your father teach you about the importance of having values, ethics and fair dealings that you wish to share? DB My dad taught me so much about the business. 1. it is a people business and not about the buildings. 2. Listen 3. ask the right questions. 4. Be puncutional (early is on time). time is money. 5. Be truthful, honest and fair. if you don’t

Visit my website at HW Although your preference is to work with sellers do you also work with buyers? DB Yes, I work with buyers for sure. I also have guarantees for buyers and request buyers be loyal to me and sign an agreement with me. I actually have more buyers than sellers currently. HW If so, since you are based in Inglewood, and with the NFL scheduled to return and build a new stadium in Inglewood, what do you foresee happening with property values over the next few years in Inglewood? DB The property values in Inglewood have already began to rise since the announcement of the new Rams Football Stadium and the next Superbowl here. HW Is there anything that we did not discuss that you wish to add to this interview? DB Mr Jackson, you have been very thorough and asked me some thought provoking questions. I had to go into the memory bank for some of the answers. I’d just like to say one more thing. I am an expert at what I do and have a passion for helping to make other’s dreams come true!


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