Global mobile phones shipment will near 2 billion in 2017

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Global Mobile Phones Shipment Will Near 2 Billion in 2017 Analyst: Wang Haile

Publisher: QYR Research Center

QYR Research Center data showing, Global mobile

phones shipment will near 2 billion units, growing by

2 % c o m p a re d t o 2 0 1 6 . Global mobile phone demand will keep the same

speed in the following years, and the shipment in the following five years will reach 10 billion units.

• The smart phones will continue to occupy the

• Report showing, 4GLTE technology promote

shipment of smart phones will reach 1.53

research center, the first bulk of LTE phones

majority market share of sales revenues, the

billion units. The number will increase to 1.9 billion in 2021,then the market share of smart phones will be 92%.

the smart phones shipment. According to QYR

shipped in 2011, just 0.2% market share

while the market share in 2017 will be 68%, and 84% till 2020.

• Report also foresting, 5G mobile phones • China will still be the largest market shipment will reach 100 million units in 2021. The highly developed market, North America and Asia-Pacific (such as South Korea and Japan) will act as leading roles.

worldwide, the sales volume in 2021will

reach 500 million units. The growth time

of China market wil l be l onger than expected, this mainly promoted by that the

users’ continuous upgrade to 4G. In the future period of QYR research center, the main growth market of global scope will be Africa, India and Southeast Asia market.

• The consumer electronics team of QYR Research Center evaluation, 5G network will be large scale commercial till 2020ďźŒwhich will promote the shipment growth rate is 5G mobile phones. The continuous evolution

of technology brings the new change of industrial structures. The scale

effect of mobile industry is more and more obvious, the small manufacturers is suffering the unprecedented stock. Without the scale effect of huge manufacturers, the only way for small manufacturers to survive is find the undiscovered market by the huge manufacturers.


This article was first released by QYResearch analyst, if reproduced, please indicate the source.

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