QYResearch: The global market of flight simulator will reach as high as 4099 Million USD

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A flight simulator is a device that artificially re-creates aircraft flight and the environment in which it flies, for pilot training, design, or other purposes. It includes replicating the equations that govern how aircraft fly, how they react to applications of flight controls, the effects of other aircraft systems, and how the aircraft reacts to external factors such as air density, turbulence, wind shear, cloud, precipitation, etc. Flight simulators are widely used in pilot training, aircraft design, airborne equipment testing and other applications. The primary purpose of utilization of flight simulator is to train a pilot to achieve, test, and maintain proficiency in the operation of an airplane without risk to person or property and at a lower cost to training in the air.


According to QYResearch, Flight simulators are now extensively used in the aviation industry for design and development and the training of air crew for both civil and military aircraft. In the coming years there is forecasted to be stable demand scale for flight simulator worldwide, especially in emerging market such as China and India, which is expected to drive the industry development of flight simulator. It is forecasted that the global market of flight simulator will reach as high as 4099 Million USD by the end of 2022. Globally, the flight simulator industry market is quite concentrated as the manufacturing technology of flight simulator is super complex and is related to lots of hardware and software technology. Several enterprises, like CAE, L3 Technologies and FlightSafety International are well-known for the technology status of their flight simulator and related services. At the same time, North America, occupied 80% revenue market share in 2016, is remarkable in the global flight simulator industry because of their market share and technology status. The shipments volume of flight simulator is related to the development of aircraft market and global economy. As there will always be some uncertain in the global economy in the following years, the growth rate of flight simulator industry may not keep that fast. But it is surely forecasted that the market of flight simulator is promising. www.qyresearchglobal.com

Flight simulator is quite advanced device, which needs lots of enterprises providing various hardware and software products. There is lot of investment opportunity in flight simulator industry. But the investment risk of flight simulator is also quite high, as the R&D investment is huge. It is suggested that enterprises those has no mature tech and R&D strength not enter the flight simulator.

More Info: http://www.qyresearchglobal.com/goods-941085.html www.qyresearchglobal.com

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