What is PPP?

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PPP (Public-Private Partnership), also known as PPP mode, which means a cooperative arrangement between government and social capital, is a project operation mode in public infrastructure. Under this mode, private enterprises and private capital are encouraged to cooperate with the government to participate in the construction of public infrastructure.

What is the role of PPP (Public-Private Partnership) project feasibility study? <PPP (Public-Private Partnership) Project Proposal>, <PPP (Public-Private Partnership) Project Investment Plan> - Major effect is the analysis surrounding project necessity: 1.Help enterprise to design project investment plan; 2.Analyze the necessity of investment and the matching of enterprise resource; 3.General assumptions about the framework of investment PPP (Public-Private Partnership); 4.Preliminary judgement on the necessity of PPP (Public-Private Partnership).

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Outline of PPP Project. 1 Overview 1.1PPP (Public-Private Partnership) Project Background 1.1.1Project Name 1.1.2Construction Unit Overview 1.1.3Preparation of Feasibility Study Report 1.1.4Project Construction Background 1.1.5Project Construction Necessity 1.1.6Project Construction Feasibility 1.2PPP (Public-Private Partnership) Project Overview 1.2.1Proposed Projects 1.2.2Construction Scale and Target 1.2.3Project Advantages 1.2.4Major Construction Conditions 1.2.5Total Project Investment and Benefit 1.2.6Major Technical and Economic Indicators

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1.3 Major Problems 1.3.1Source of Funds 1.3.2Technical Equipment 1.3.3Power Supply and Water Supply 2Market Prediction 2.1Market Analysis 2.1.1International Market 2.1.2Domestic Market 2.2Major Competitive Enterprise Analysis 2.3Target Market Analysis 2.3.1Market Application 2.3.2Sales Market 2.3.3Application Promotion Prospects 2.3.4Price Status and Forecast

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2.4Marketing Strategy 2.4.1Sales Team Construction 2.4.2Sales Network Construction 2.4.3Sales Strategy 3Construction Scale and Production Plan 3.1Construction Scale 3.2Product Plan 4Site Selection 4.1Status of Site Location 4.1.1Site and Location 4.1.2Land Ownership Category and Floor Space 4.1.3Land Utilization Status


4.2Site Construction Conditions 4.2.1Geographical Environment of Location 4.2.2Topography and Geomorphology 4.2.3Climate and Hydrology 4.2.4Transportation Conditions 4.2.5Public Facilities and Social Dependence Conditions 4.2.6Environmental Protection Conditions 4.2.7Legal Support Conditions 4.2.8Land Requisition, Demolition, and Resettlement Conditions 4.2.9Construction Conditions 5Technical Plan, Equipment Plan, and Project Plan 5.1Technical Plan 5.1.1Production Methods 5.1.2Process Flow


5.2Major Equipment Scheme 5.2.1Equipment Selection Principle 5.2.2Equipment Selection Table 5.3Project Plan 5.3.1Civil Engineering Design Plan 5.3.2Construction Characteristics, Structure, and Acreage Plan of Major Building and Structure 5.3.3Construction and Installation Quantity and Construction Cost 6Major Raw Materials and Fuel Supplies 6.1Major Raw Materials Supplies 6.2Fuel and Power Supplies 6.3Price of Major Raw Material, Fuel and Power 6.4Quantity Demand of Major Raw Material, Fuel and Power


7General Layout & Transportation and Public Assistant Projects 7.1General Layout 7.1.1Plane Layout 7.1.2Vertical Layout and Road Design 7.1.3Site Plan 7.1.4Major Index Table of General Plane Layout 7.2On-site and Off-site Transportation 7.2.1Off-site Traffic Volume and Mode of Transportation 7.2.2On-site Traffic Volume and Mode of Transportation 7.2.3Off-site Transport Facilities and Equipment 7.3Public Assistance Projects 7.3.1Water Supply Engineering 7.3.2Power Supply Engineering 7.3.3Communication System Design 7.3.4Ventilation and Heating Project 7.3.5Lightning Protection Design 7.3.6Dustproof Design 7.3.7Maintenance and Storage Facilities www.qyresearchglobal.com

8Energy Conservation Measures 8.1Energy Conservation Measures 8.1.1Energy Conservation Specifications 8.1.2Design Principles 8.1.3Energy Conservation Plan 8.1.4Solar Power Generation Plan 8.2Energy Consumption Indicators Analysis 8.2.1Energy Using Standard and Energy Consumption Calculation Method 8.2.2Energy Consumption Status and Energy Consumption Index Analysis 9Water-saving Measures 9.1Water-saving Measures 9.2Water Consumption Indicators Analysis 10Environmental Impact Assessment 10.1Site Environmental Conditions 10.2Impact of Project Construction and Production on Environment 10.2.1Impact of Project Construction on Environment 10.2.2Impact of Project Production on Environment


10.3Environmental Protection Measures 10.3.1Design Basis 10.3.2Environmental Measures 10.4Investment in Environmental Protection 10.5Environmental Impact Assessment 11Labor Safety and Health and Fire Fighting 11.1Labor Safety and Occupational Health 11.1.1Design Basis 11.1.2Major Criteria for Design Implementation 11.1.3Design Contents and Principles 11.1.4Occupational Safety 11.1.5Occupational Health 11.1.6Auxiliary Hygiene Room 11.1.7Occupational Safety and Health Organization 11.2Fire Fighting 11.2.1Design Basis


11.2.2General Layout 11.2.3Building Part 11.2.4Electrical Part 11.2.5Water Supply and Drainage 12Organization and Human Resource Allocation 12.1Organization 12.1.1Project Legal Person Formation Plan 12.1.2Organization of Management Plan 12.2Human Resource Allocation 12.2.1Production Shift 12.2.2Project Labor Stator 12.2.3Employee Salary and Welfare 12.2.4Employee Source and Recruitment Plan 12.2.5Employee Training 13PPP (Public-Private Partnership) Project Implementation Progress 13.1Construction Period 13.2Project Implementation Schedule Design


13.3Project Implementation Schedule Table 14Bidding Plan 14.1Tender Plan Preparation Basis 14.2Contents of the Tender 15Investment Estimation 15.1Investment Estimation Basis 15.2Construction Investment Estimation 15.2.1Construction Cost 15.2.2Equipment and Tools Acquisition Expenses 15.2.3Installation and Decoration Engineering Expenses 15.2.4Land Acquisition and Collation Expenses 15.2.5Other Expenses for Construction 15.2.6Basic Reserve Expenses 15.2.7Reserve Fee for Price Increases 15.2.8Interest on Construction Period 15.3Working Capital Estimation 15.4Total Project Investment


15.5Investment Plan 15.6Loan Repayment Plan 16Financing Plan 16.1Capital Raising 16.2Debt Financing 16.3Financing Plan Analysis 17Financial Evaluation 17.1Calculation Basis and Relevant Instructions 17.1.1Project Calculation and Reference Basis 17.1.2Basic Setting of Project Measurement 17.2Sales Revenue, Sales Taxes, Additional and VAT Estimates 17.2.1Sales Revenue 17.2.2Sales Taxes and Additional Fees 17.3Total Cost Estimate 17.3.1Direct Costs 17.3.2Salary and Welfare Costs 17.3.3Depreciation and Amortization


17.3.4Repair Costs 17.3.5Financial Expenses 17.3.6Other Expenses 17.3.7Total Costs 17.4Financial Evaluation Report 17.4.1Project Profit and Loss Distribution Table 17.4.2Project Financial Cash Flow Statement 17.5Financial Evaluation Indicators 17.5.1Investment Profit Margin, Investment Interest Rate 17.5.2Financial Internal Rate of Return, Financial Net Present Value, Investment Recovery Period 17.6Uncertainty Analysis 17.6.1Sensitivity Analysis 17.6.2Break-even Analysis 17.7Financial Evaluation Conclusions


18PPP (Public-Private Partnership) Project Economic Benefits and Social Benefits 18.1Economic Benefits 18.2Social Benefits 19Risk Analysis 19.1Project Risk Factors Identification 19.1.1Legal and Policy Risk 19.1.2Market Risk 19.1.3Construction Risk 19.1.4Environmental Risk 19.2Project Risk Prevention and Control Measures 19.2.1Legal and Policy Risk Prevention and Control Measures 19.2.2Market Risk Prevention and Control Measures 19.2.3Construction Risk Prevention and Control Measures


19.2.4Environmental Risk Prevention and Control Measures 20Conclusion and Recommendations 20.1Conclusion 20.2Recommendations QYResearch focuses on the research of enterprise PPP project. For detail information please contact Mr. Tan at +16262952442, +8613718936094, +819038009273, qyresearch@qyresearch.com, bd@qyresearch.com If need more information please visit: http://www.qyresearchglobal.com/article.php?id=1052


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