Holmesfield Parish Council Newsletter - March 2021

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Barry Wheat


(Chairman), Planning, Newsletter Holmesfield Amenity Trust Phil Reaney (Vice-Chairman), Road Safety, Footpaths & 0114 289 1167 Bridleways, Henry Fanshawe Foundation Carol Huckerby NEDDC Liaison, Penny Acres School 0114 289 0468 Holmesfield Relief in Need, Holmesfield Education Foundation Charities Dr. Mark Blagden Transport 0114 289 0018

0114 289 0243

Michael Banks 0114 289 1286

Bernard Hoare

0114 289 0491

Shirley Reaney 0114 289 1167

Dr. David Ward

07850 585195

Football Field, Neighbourhood Watch, Police Liaison Playground, Village Society Peak Park, Dronfield Relief in Need Charity Village Hall

Wynford Rosser Environment 0114 289 0417 Liz Boswell (Clerk) 07758 460757 8 Main Street, Blackfordby, Swadlincote. DE11 8AD holmesfieldparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk Village Hall Letting Officer & Caretaker: Lucy Perry - 01246 721255 / 07752 478866 holmesfieldvillagehall@outlook.com Tree Warden: Nick Deniff 0114 2899359 Newsletter Editor: Nick Wheat 0781 1446450 Newsletter Distribution: Ken & Sandra Hunt 0114 2899257 District Councillor: Carol Huckerby 0114 2890468 County Councillor: Angelique Foster 07970 741781 Member of Parliament: Lee Rowley 020 7219 4197 Police: Non-emergency 101 www.crimestoppers-uk.org 0800 555111 Crimestoppers:

HOLMESFIELD VILLAGE HALL HIRING RATES Main Hall : Small Hall : Committee Room : Kitchen :

£14.00 per Hour £10.00 per Hour £8.50 per Hour £6.00 per Hour

A refundable bond of £20.00 is required at the time of booking to cover any breakages and damage. Parties running later than 9pm will be charged an additional £40.00 to cover clean up time. Residents living in the Parish of Holmesfield will receive a 10% discount for Private Functions. Licensable activities such as music, dancing and particularly the sale of alcohol may require a Temporary Event Notice which must be applied for at the licensing section of North East Derbyshire District Council prior to the booking.

For more information and bookings please contact the Hall Letting Officer, Lucy Perry: 01246 721255 / 07752 478866 Email: holmesfieldvillagehall@outlook.com

INFORMATION ON LOCAL SERVICES Derbyshire County Council: County Hall, Matlock. DE4 3AG Tel: 01629 580000 – Call Derbyshire: 0845 6058058 Monday – Friday 8.00am – 8.00pm, Saturday 9.30am – 4.00pm Education, Libraries, Rights of Way, Social Services, Gritting, Street Lighting, Pot Holes, Trading Standards. North East Derbyshire District Council 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield. S42 6NG. Tel: 01246 231111 Bulk Waste, Council Tax, Dog Wardens, Energy Advice, Environmental Health, Fly Tipping, Housing, Event Licensing, Pest Control, Planning, Recycling and Refuse, Street Cleaning Holmesfield Parish Council: Tel: 07758 460757 Bus Shelters, Dog Bins, Playground, Village Hall, Grit Bins.

CONTACTING DERBYSHIRE POLICE ONLINE A team of helpful call handlers are here for the people of Derbyshire 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The links you can use to get in touch digitally are: Facebook: message www.facebook.com/derbyshireconstabulary Twitter: direct message www.twitter.com/derpolcontact Website: online forms and Live Chat by visiting www.derbyshire.police.uk 3

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Parish Magazine Adverts Annual commercial adverts for the Holmesfield Parish Council Newsletter are now being renewed and brand new advertisers are invited. Adverts run from April 2021 to March 2022

The cost is £50 per year for a half page advert, and £100 per year for a full page advert. Please note that we are now able to accept colour copy which will improve the quality of your advert and enhance the online full colour version of the magazine. Please send all copy by 18th March via email to holmesfieldparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk Cheques for payment should be made payable to “Holmesfield Parish Council” and sent to: Holmesfield Parish Council, 8 Main Street, Blackfordby, Swadlincote. DE11 8AD

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place via Zoom on Wednesday 10 March 2021 at 7.30pm. Meeting ID: 822 9535 8845, Passcode: 8wyMkA

APRIL NEWSLETTER All copy for the April Newsletter must be received by 18th March to ensure inclusion in the magazine. Holmesfield Parish Council welcomes the submission of articles pertinent to Holmesfield by residents for publication in the Parish Newsletter. Any thoughts and opinions are those of the individual(s) and may not necessarily be shared or endorsed by Holmesfield Parish Council. Any submissions must include full name and contact details before publication can be considered by the editor. Please send your articles typed via email if possible. This is especially important for images you wish to include. Please email any articles to: Holmesfield-newsletter@hotmail.com 5


PLANNING MATTERS Applications Received from North East Derbyshire District Council: 20/01213/FL : Mr. W. Calvert – Stable Mallett, Main Road, Holmesfield – Application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning application 19/00479/FL to alter the size and position of two windows and the addition of three velux windows NO COMMENT NP/NED/0121/0094 : Bank Green, Fox Lane, Holmesfield – Proposed single storey extension to kitchen / dining room. NO COMMENT North East Derbyshire District Council Decisions: None.

POLICE REPORT PCSO Jonathan Flower sent a written report for December 2020. There were two reported crimes including theft and violence. There have been a number of reports relating to Covid which are being investigated and there has been issues with off road motorbikes on Fanshawe Gate Lane and on-going anti-social behaviour in the estate play area. Regular patrols are taking place in these two areas.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Alison Smith has retired from being Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator for Holmesfield, our thanks go to her for her service to the Parish. A replacement co-ordinator is now sought. A knowledge of Social Media communications would be useful. Further information can be found from Joye Dobbs who is the Project and Development Manager for Chesterfield and District Neighbourhood Watch. She can be contacted on chesterfielddistrictnhw@hotmail.co.uk or 0300 122 8526 We very much hope a new co-ordinator can be found otherwise the Watch will need to be closed and the street signs removed.

COVER IMAGE This month’s cover image was kindly submitted by David Barnett of Millthorpe. Titled “Too Cold To Walk”, it came joint second in a recent competition held by members of Dronfield Camera Club - www.dronfieldcamera.org 7

ROBERT BARNES CONSTRUCTION Domestic and Industrial Builders Telephone 0114 2890907 Mobile 07976 762 495 Email rhbarnesconstruc@aol.com

I’m a personal trainer and specialise in fitness & fat loss and deliver bespoke 1-2-1 training programmes to suit your goal. Any level of fitness too. I have my own private gym in Dore. If you haven’t seen the results you were hoping for in the last few months then why not give personal training a try. It’s varied, fun and we get the results you desire. Book your free consultation by contacting me on 07825 167411 Feel free to check out my website for more details:

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PUBLIC SERVICE I was invited to attend the recent Holmesfield Parish Council meeting which took place by Zoom. Along with the editor of this esteemed publication I was the only member of the public who was present. I wasn’t sure what to expect, especially since the Handforth Parish Council meeting. If you haven’t seen it, the meeting descended into chaos, with swearing and people being kicked out. Thankfully, and as you’d expect, Holmesfield’s was an altogether more civilised affair under the decisive but fair chairmanship of Barry Wheat and with a number of alcoholic drinks in evidence helping to oil the proceedings. What it highlighted to me is that things don’t just get done. It takes people who are prepared to get stuck in and roll their sleeves up to make things happen. It takes an attitude of public service – what can I give to my community not for my own gain but for the betterment of others? And of course we’ve seen that from other groups in our village, such as the team who’ve organised the recent Valentine cupcakes and other events and services. I remember as a kid my grandad picking up other people’s litter from the street and saying something like, “if we all did that, our community would be a better place for everyone.” Or to use a golf example, when your ball lands on the green you’re supposed to repair your ‘pitch mark’ but also another one; and that all helps to keep the green in good condition for everyone. In the words of one wise man, “In everything, do for others what you would have them do for you.” How could you serve our village – or encourage others who do? Stay safe and God bless. Rev. Ian.

OPERATION DERBYSHIRE Operation Derbyshire will highlight the good work that is taking place in the community and to share this with our communities and will run until 31st May, focussing on speeding, anti-social behaviour and rural, wildlife and heritage crime. Running alongside this we will also focus on our visibility in areas and supporting our victims. You can follow the progress of the operation by following the hashtag #OpDerbyshire on police social media channels.

FUNERALS IN THE PARISH 9th February: Chris Parker at Hutcliffe Wood Crematorium 9


DRONFIELD POLICE SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD TEAM Crime figures for January 2021 - 4 crimes reported Theft: 1 - Criminal damage: 2 - Harassment: 1 As you can see there has been a slight increase in criminal damage but both incidents relate to the woods that have recently been publicised on social media. Police are working with the local community and people involved to hopefully prevent a re-occurrence. Police trends – we have recently had a couple of caravan thefts in our wider area and we would urge the community to take notice of the following information and feel free to contact the team if you want any further information or advice. • Immobilise your caravan at all times, no matter how short the stop. Remember to put your hitch lock on to minimise the risk of your caravan being towed away; • Fit wheel clamps. A good quality set of clamps is worth investing in since trying to remove these without keys can be noisy and increase the likelihood of thieves being caught; • Mark items inside your caravan with your postcode using a UV Pen, or SmartWater security fluid - this will protect your property when you are using the caravan on a site, but it also makes it more easily identifiable to police in the event of it being lost or stolen; • For added security, consider fitting an alarm or a tracking device; • Pitch your caravan near to well-lit areas and close to any campsite CCTV if possible; • Lock your caravan and take your keys with you. At home keep keys in a safe place, out of sight and away from windows and doors; • Ensure that valuables are kept out of view and that blinds and curtains are closed to prevent a passing thief from looking inside; • Keep a record of the serial numbers of accessories fitted, such as fridges and cookers; • Ask neighbours and friends to keep an eye on your caravan and to alert the police about any suspicious activity near it.

Don’t make it easy for them!

N-E-D TOGETHER DIRECTORY OF SERVICES The North East Derbyshire Together, Events Directory contains a good selection of statutory and voluntary services that are available to residents of North East Derbyshire.

www.neighbourhoodalert.co.uk/da/360904 11

Millthorpe Nursery We’re back! (almost)

In line with Government restrictions

the nursery is now open for collections and deliveries only For the latest information or to place an order please visit www.millthorpe-nursery.co.uk We hope to welcome you back soon

Millthorpe Lane, Holmesfield, S18 7SA 01142 890334

To contact us please email sales@millthorpe-nursery.co.uk 12

HOLMESFIELD GARDENING ASSOCIATION Dear Members; the ‘R Rate’ is coming down and hopefully many of you will have had your first vaccination. If our area is put in to Tier 2, of course we can recommence our programme, but as yet it is unclear what will happen. If the situation should change, please contact Hilary for details (0114 2890927). However there has been an interesting development; the Holmesfield Support Group have suggested that the Garden Association plants some wild flowers in prominent areas like the Millennium Garden which might flower in May or early June to create interest in Springtime . In principle the Association chair and committee feel this is a worthwhile project and is looking for members who might like to volunteer. Three working Saturday mornings are proposed. The first two on 20th and 27th of March to prepare the areas we are going to sow with seed. On the third Saturday on 3rd of April – weather permitting – it is hoped to sow the wild flower seed. If you would like to join in, please contact our social and garden visits organiser - Hilary Olsen - on 0114 2890927. Volunteers are always essential to a project like this; it sounds like good fun. Holmesfield Parish Council have kindly offered to help fund the wild flower project. Please look in this magazine for further information or contact Hilary on the number above . We are hoping the proposed project will give us all a fresh interest in the new gardening year after such a sad time. Take care. Frances Webb

HOLMESFIELD CHURCH WALKING GROUP STANTON MOOR WALK On Wednesday 31st March at 10.00am, Robin Greetham will lead a walk starting from the Grouse & Claret pub at Rowsley. We will go up to Stanton Moor Tower and the 9 ladies stone circle, then back to Stanton village and Rowsley. We will have lunch at the pub (optional) if lockdown easing allows. The walk is approx. 5 miles long but a shortcut is available. If you would like to come just turn up on the day but check with Robin before hand to make sure the walk is still going ahead as these are very uncertain times. The cost of the walk is £4 and the proceeds will go to Holmesfield Church maintenance fund. Please phone Robin on 01246 412767 if you have any queries. 13


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HOLMESFIELD PENNY ACRES SCHOOL As the majority of our children from Penny Acres Primary School continue to work from home, I am continually impressed by their hard work, dedication and conscientious efforts to keep up with the work being set. Of course none of this would be possible without the continued support of our parents and grandparents who have been thrust into the world of home schooling whether they liked it or not. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you that have supported our home schooling efforts. It is through your commitment and communication with school that your children/grandchildren have been able to maintain their schooling in preparation for a full return to school. You are all fabulous! Now, more than ever, we are relying on technology in our endeavours to both assist home schooling and to educate the children of Key Workers and vulnerable children. I would therefore also like to thank both the Holmesfield Education Foundation and the Dronfield In Need Charity for their very kind donations of £3,841.24 and £475 respectively to our school over the past 18 months. Such generous donations have been put towards maintaining the best possible computer equipment in school, much of which is currently ‘onloan’ to families working at home. We remain hopeful of a full return to school in the not too distant future and in the meantime hope and pray that you all continue to remain safe. Kindest regards Mr Ratcliffe – Executive Headteacher. Federation of Penny Acres and Wigley Primary Schools. Penny Acres: 0114 2890330

MARY KEYS It was announced with great sadness, the death of Mrs Mary Keys who lived in Holmesfield nearly all her life apart from a short spell in London where she met her late husband, Jim, and for the last few years which was spent in a care home in Eckington. Mary was a devout Christian and for a time was a church warden at St.Swithin’s. She suffered enormous sadness when her beloved daughter Elizabeth died at about 12 years of age from leukaemia. When remembering Mary, numerous people all said what a lovely lady she was. 15



This months draw has taken place with a few key worker children in school and a large number of children (and parents) online doing home schooling!! The children still had as much fun making lots of noise for their drum roles whilst the numbers were drawn creating the draw electronically with a computer number generator for the month of February. We are pleased to announce the winners as follows:February 2021 1st prize No. 28 Miss A Woolley £62.10 2nd prize No. 10 Ray Crookes £13.80 Penny Acres School were also awarded £62.10. Thank-you to all the parents, family members, neighbours and local residents for your continued support especially during these strange times. You can join the lottery at any time only £1 per number per month so please feel free if you would like to join contact either Penny Acres School Office or Samantha Copley by emailing samcopley@me.com or phone: 0780 3128729

Cowley Riding School Holmesfield • Dronfield • 0114 2890356

Association of British Riding Schools Approved Lessons for adults & children 7yrs & over • 13st/83kg weight limit applies Group lessons or Private lessons All abilities catered for from complete beginners to advanced Pony days – Thursdays in school holidays, all grades Established 1973 17

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BURGUNDY WASTE BIN COLLECTIONS North East Derbyshire District Council has announced new household recycling collection arrangements. These have been implemented on an emergency basis as the Council’s former recycling contractor has gone into administration and has therefore moved to in-house recycling collection arrangements and is aiming to maintain services and minimise disruption as far as possible. As arrangements are finalised, there may be some disruption over the next few weeks while appropriate collection vehicles are organised. The Council will be using its garden waste collection vehicles to maintain recycling services. This means it will not be possible to keep ‘inner caddy’ paper items separate for a short time. However, these recyclable wastes will be sent to a Material Recycling Facility for sorting. Councillor Charlotte Cupit, Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, commented, “I’m disappointed for the loss of our current recycling contractor, but I am very grateful for the hard work and proactive reaction of Council officers to consider and put alternative arrangements in place so we can continue recycling collections. We remain committed to maintaining services and driving up recycling rates so we’re working to complete this transition as soon as possible. We’ve also transferred existing staff from the contractor over to the Council’s team so their jobs are maintained and I’d like to note my thanks to all our refuse and recycling staff for their continued hard work and dedication in delivering collections across our District - all the more so during the challenges of Covid-19. We’re working hard to minimise any disruption to collections and will keep residents updated over the coming days.“ Meanwhile, residents are reminded that green bin collections for garden waste will resume Thursday 4th or Friday 5th March depending on where you live in Holmesfield.

TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE - COWLEY LANE Cowley Lane will be closed near to Cowley Mission for a distance of 60 metres in a westerly direction 24th to 26th March 2021 to facilitate water service connection works. The approved diversion route is via Barlow Lees Lane and Dobbin Lane. Access will be maintained, whenever reasonably possible, on the affected length of road. The road will re-open as soon as the work is finished which may be earlier than advertised. Derbyshire County Council apologises for any inconvenience caused while work takes place. Anyone needing further information should ring 01629 533190. 21

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DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL COVID-19 ADVICE Derbyshire County Council are working closely with their NHS colleagues, and other local authorities to ensure that the people of Derbyshire are kept well informed. You’ll find lots of information around the virus, how to prevent its spread and what to do if you’re concerned that you might be at risk. If you live alone and you have symptoms of coronavirus illness (COVID-19), however mild, stay at home for 7 days from when your symptoms started. If your symptoms do not improve after 7 days then contact NHS 111. If you live with others and you have symptoms of coronavirus, then all household members must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill. If any other members of the household develop symptoms within that 14 day period then they must self-isolate for 7 days from the point they displayed symptoms. This may mean they need to self-isolate for longer than 14 days For example if they develop symptoms on day 13 they will need to self-isolate for a total of 20 days. The person who first displayed symptoms in the household can stop self-isolating after 7 days. Links to Government and NHS advice on Coronavirus and self isolation are available on the county council’s website: www.derbyshire.gov.uk/coronavirus (the relevant landing page is pinned to the top of the home page) Please only take advice about Coronavirus from official channels and avoid potentially erroneous and unverifiable advice on social media. www.gov.uk : www.nhs.uk

CORONAVIRUS SUPPORT HELPLINE Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust recognises the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic is taking on our communities and the impact that the pandemic is having on the emotional and psychological wellbeing of people in Derbyshire. It has launched a new telephone-based support line for local people of all ages and their carers who are experiencing increased distress or anxiety during the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The new service also intends to support people who are experiencing a reduction in their usual mental health care services, as a result of changes that have been made to support the pandemic. The support line, which will initially be available between the hours of 9am – midnight every day of the week can be contacted on 0300 790 0596. For more information about the support line and wider information about our services at this time, please visit the Trust’s website: www.derbyshirehealthcareft.nhs.uk/coronavirus 25

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HOLMESFIELD SUPPORT GROUP UPDATE It’s almost a year since this group was created. On 15th March 2020, we sent the first Holmesfield Support Network leaflet to the printer and on Wednesday 18th we had started to create a WhatsApp group. By Friday 20th March we had a small group of volunteers who met at the Millennium gardens to organise the distribution of the first Holmesfield Support Network leaflets. The leaflet was distributed to every household in the village and gave vulnerable, those shielding and those over 70 the option of joining the network that was supported by volunteers who had pledged their time and support to take care of those who needed it. The network expanded from a handful of people to a group of over 100 volunteers in days. When we look back at this time, we can definitely say that when people needed to stand up and unify to take care of a community, Holmesfield has definitely done that. Throughout the year we have also supported a range of charities that are outside our community – the latest two were Baby Basics and St. Wilfrid’s Centre in Sheffield. A big thank-you to those of you who donated and supported these charities. Baby Basics wrote on their facebook page that they were overwhelmed by the support from the Holmesfield Community and thanked everyone. Thanks to Jimmy Pearson for doing the drop-offs to Baby Basics. The St. Wilfrid’s Centre in Sheffield who supports the homeless and vulnerable, were delighted with the food donations they received and arranged for food parcels to be delivered to those in need. Thank you to Mandy for managing the collection point and Jenny Ward for delivering the food to St. Wilfrid’s. Valentine’s Day: In February it was great to see the ‘share the love’ poster in village windows. On Sunday 14th, a group of the volunteers helped to distribute 200 cupcakes to the over 70s in the village, Millthorpe and Cordwell Valley. It was really nice to receive nominations from children for grandparents, neighbours, and people who just wanted to let their friends know they were thinking about them. So thank you for those emails and text nominations. 27







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Telephone: 0114 289 1489 28

HOLMESFIELD SUPPORT GROUP UPDATE (CONT.) The volunteers reported that everyone was very grateful and thankful for not only a nice cupcake, but the thought that even though they were isolating or couldn’t see friends or family, that there was a level of security knowing that if they need to reach out for support, the network was there. We tried to get a cake to everyone – if we did miss anyone out we are sorry. A special thanks to Andrea Kilner for her baking skills, Debbie, Maddie, Imogen, Lorna, Helen, Julie and Amy for all the cake packing. Thanks to Clare Timperley for the label designs and printing, and to all of our delivery team – Carl, Kirste, Natasha, Sam, Neil, Sally, Katie, Caroline Hardy, Sara Webb, Helen and Rachel. It was a cold snowy day so they need a medal for managing to get up very slippy pathways to the front doors! It has been a long journey for all of us, in particular this latest lockdown which has been shadowed by some pretty miserable weather… but by the end of February, the sun won’t set until 5.45pm and by the end of March it will be 7.37pm. So longer, brighter days and social freedom are on the way. Hurrah! Boris has mapped the journey out of lockdown and our over 70s and vulnerable have now had at least their first vaccines so the volunteers will be getting ready to stand down again. March may be the last month that we need to have everyone on standby and our group may naturally progress to being a community network that has another use. It would be good to get your feedback... feel free to let us know your ideas at holmesfieldlocalsupplies@gmail.com In the meantime, keep safe and enjoy the longer days! Aoife & the Holmesfield Support Network 29


There have of of useful numbers circulating – Local–suppliers mostsuppliers are offering There have been beena alotlot useful numbers circulating Most local are delivery service. offering a home delivery service. Contact



Products that can be ordered / delivered




Duck Eggs

Gary Fantom



Milk, Bread, Eggs, Potatoes (can deliver)

Liz D


Owler Bar, Holmesfield, Millthorpe

Meat - lamb & beef

David Key


Owler Bar, Holmesfield, Millthorpe

Milk,Eggs, Orange Juice, Bread Deliveries Holmesfield, Millthorpe, Owler Bar

Hartleys Fruit Cabin

0114 2366605

Owler Bar, Holmesfield, Millthorpe

Fresh Fruit, Veg, milk, bread, eggs

Bradway Meats

0114 2361842

Owler Bar, Holmesfield, Millthorpe

Fresh Meats

Kilners Cakes


Owler Bar, Holmesfield, Millthorpe

Scones, cakes, lemon drizzle, fruit cakes (from end of April)

Sharps of Sheffield


Owler Bar, Holmesfield, Millthorpe

Fruit & Veg

William Howe


Owler Bar, Holmesfield, Millthorpe,

Fish Merchants

Angel Inn

0114 2890336

Pick Up

Grocery Box - contact Mandy for more info.

Millthorpe Nursery


Deliver - Owler Bar, Holmesfield, Millthorpe

Suppliers of plants, compost etc to help fill the time in self isolation

Boarder View Farm


Pick Up Only

Milk, Eggs, Fresh meat

* Please arrange payment directly with the supplier.

Useful links Useful links

https://www.ne-derbyshire.gov.uk/coronavirus-covid-19 www.ne-derbyshire.gov.uk/coronavirus-covid-19 www.derbyshire.gov.uk/social-health/health-and-wellbeing/health-protection/ https://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/social-health/health-and-wellbeing/health-protection/diseasedisease-control/coronavirus/coronavirus-covid-19 control/coronavirus/coronavirus-covid-19 www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance


• Be aware of fake news, false cures and conspiracy theories. Just a few words to think about. • Verify news orofreports before them, fake news spreads anxiety, panic - Be aware fake news, falseyou curesspread and conspiracy theories. and- lowers the level of trust in a community. Verify news or reports before you spread them, fake news spreads anxiety, panic and • Therelowers is no the food shortage. level of trust in a community. There is no food BE SAFE… #STAY AT shortage. HOME. FROM ALL THE VOLUNTEERS. 30 BE SAFE… #STAY AT HOME. FROM ALL THE VOLUNTEERS.


HOLMESFIELD NETWORK GROUP HOLMESFIELD NETWORK GROUP Name Alan & Ann Scott Steve Heald Jimmy Pearson Cathy Slater Nigel Lowe Lyn Lowe Lorna (Evenings) Sally Flowers Vernice Dawson Anna Hutchinson Kate Jackson Alison Roebuck Jeff Harris Neil Booth Maggie Johnson John Monaghan Amy Monaghan Kim Harris Richard Coggin Erin Wiliams Aoife Karen W Jo Robinson Judy Bull Liz D Andrew Chester Ron & Kathryn Whitlam Julie Shaw (Evenings) Amy Shaw David Ward Jo Mycroft Alison W. Debbie Stockley Debbie Blagden Jane Bramah Nick Granger Clare Bradshaw Jan Bartlett Sally Eyre (not Thur/Fri) Emily Peach Sam Cottrill Andy Timms Jane F Tracy Moore Helen Geary( after 28.3) Christina & Lee Hawksworth

Phone number 07539082797 07779880519 07803288200 07903328923 07966 397803 07980480167 07926999600 07480633399 07510282620 07950841695 07933043421 07808141018 07971969677 07970029330 07970825735 07761543382 07834420348 07791990046 07484108180 07979773377 07711772058 07539298198 07798798020 07905596851 07968747414 07767307064 07732628422 07732628422 07850585195 07900006363 07754068353 07788461775 07802895126 07976381062 07742107067 07435786555 07976381062 07930576604 07739019157 07793548716 07966499001 07975597471 07545852418 07843629272 07780497390

Postcode Shopping S18 7WQ S18 7SA S18 7SA S18 7SA S18 7SB S18 7SB S18 7SB S18 7SB S18 7SB S18 7SB S18 7SD S18 7SD S18 7SD S18 7SD S18 7SD S18 7SD S18 7SD S18 7SD S18 7SP S18 7SX S18 7WB S18 7WB S18 7WB S18 7WB S18 7WB S18 7WG S18 7WH S18 7WP S18 7WP S18 7WQ S18 7WQ S18 7WQ S18 7WQ S18 7WT S18 7WT S18 7WT S18 7WT S18 7WT S18 7WT S18 7WT S18 7WT S18 7WT S18 7WW S18 7WZ S18 7XA


Dog Walking X X X X X X X X X




Phone Calls X















Driving Meals Mowing Horses




















* The following people have offered to pick up precriptions - David Ward, Andrew Chester, Nigel Lowe, Clare Nick Granger, Jimmy Pearson and Andy Timms.

If you would just like a weekly call to check in, then contact one of the volunteers with X in Phone Calls


A.H. CONTRACTING Hay and Haylage

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HOLMESFIELD: GROWING UP IN THE 1980s I don’t live in Holmesfield anymore, but from the sometimes-sunny south coast of Dorset, it often still seems like home. My parents, who many of you know, don’t live in Holmesfield either, but when I call their home number, I’ve saved it on my mobile as the name of the house where we grew up. We moved to Ashwell Close, Horsleygate Lane in 1980; I was six, our Jim eight and Mary two. Coming from a modern house on a cul-de-sac in Dore to a rural dwelling with an earth toilet, no central heating and an acre of garden to chop back was a joy for a young lad. The property, built in 1910, had been left in an interesting state of repair and mum and dad had plans to extend. Memories of climbing scaffolding and digging in the mud are very dear; perhaps it doesn’t meet current child safeguarding legislation, but a building site was a great place for recreation and amusement. Jim and I were soon enlisted into Penny Acres and I was told I was an ‘Eagle’ as I was in the third year of the school; the ‘Sparrows’ and ‘Robins’ were in the years below and made up the rest of Mrs Spinks’ class. Mrs Hibbs, who taught J1 and J2, was very popular with Jim, as she soon would be with Mary and I, Mr Sanderson, the head teacher, would teach us all in time. The school linked seamlessly into village life as through it we were introduced to cubs, cricket and the football club, but perhaps it is the recollection of the ‘J-Club’ that I hold with particular fondness. The beautiful Ruth Sharp facilitated community and demonstrated the love of Jesus that I personally found contagious, because of her and others in the village, my faith is strong even to this day. Stephen Campbell, Matthew Burrell, Julia Pearson and Alison Hibberd are names that have stayed in my head over the last forty years now; they were all ‘Eagles’ like me in 1980 and I journeyed with them for the next five years of education. Education wasn’t just about the 3Rs, but involved the joy of each day turning our classroom into a dining room and then after lunch, with a friend, taking the tablecloth you had just shared with ten others, outside onto the field. We’d run along, pretending we were both supermen who shared a cape, and gave that tablecloth the best airing imaginable, before it was neatly folded ready for the next day. As a teacher myself during COVID19, it is quite a contrast. That school field, which today looks posh garden size, in 1980 was the size of Wembley. And the Wembley perspective continued as we imitated Kevin Keegan and others on the three-tiered theatre of dreams. Similar sporting spectacles took place on our lawn at Ashwell Close, from rugby to badminton, although when it came to cricket I seem to remember looking for the ball was the skill we got the most practice in. Despite my design of a manicured sporting garden, accessorised with goal posts, mum and dad were keen on the renaissance of an Edwardian Eden, which they both loved developing into a botanical bonanza, but with three children, careers and an extension to complete needed some help. This assistance came from a wonderful gentleman called George Kent who sadly passed away about a year ago. “Eh up, duck,” was frequently heard in our higgledy-piggledy developing garden from as early as I can remember. George was great if we needed someone to bowl a quick over or take a few shots before we went and ‘helped’ with the next jobs our parents had lined up. 35





Brought to you by multi award winning Savills Barbers www.brickyrowbarbershop.com @Brickyrow 59


Road 36



HOLMESFIELD: GROWING UP IN THE 1980s (cont.) Cleaning out the hens, chopping back the nettles with a machete and digging the vegetable patch were undertakings which children under the age of ten were well suited to in the early 1980s at Ashwell Close. With my dad, however, the most important job was what he called ‘loggin’. Many a Saturday afternoon was spent holding a thick branch while dad used the chainsaw to cut it up into fuel, which we would then neatly stack into a variety of storage assemblages that George and dad had erected. Within the extension dad had a room made, which was initially a coke store for the AGA, but when gas arrived on the lane this became the indoor log store. Dad meticulously dried out wood outside and then inside to heat our home in one of the three fireplaces. We had central heating by then, but if you know my dad and his substandard circulation, he likes to keep warm and he’s sound at a bit of thrift. Dad also clearly loves playing with fire; he has more than encouraged us to get a log burner in our home in Poole. When they come to visit, mum arrives with copious bunches of flowers for Claire and the girls, whilst dad brings a boot full of logs that he’s cut up and says that no one else is allowed to do the fire now he’s arrived. As I write to you this January evening from lockdowned Dorset, occasionally glancing up at the warm glow of our, or should I say dad’s log burner, it is the radiance of Holmesfield that fills my heart. We’re in our 40s now and Jim’s in New Zealand, Mary’s in Newcastle and I’m down here, but we’ve all got memories of a place many miles away, which in our dreams will more than often be home. John Greetham

BOOKLET TO INCREASE SAFETY IN RURAL AREAS A booklet which gives advice on a range of issues such as theft, fire and personal safety has been launched in a bid to target countryside crime and emergencies in Derbyshire. The Derbyshire Rural Safety and Crime Prevention Guide has come about through a collaboration between Derbyshire Constabulary, Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service and East Midlands Ambulance Service. The booklet covers issues which have been highlighted as a priority for the rural communities of Derbyshire and gives advice on how to prevent them, to help people stay safe and to reduce crime and accidents. From a crime prevention perspective, topics include farm machinery, plant and vehicle theft, livestock worrying and theft, fuel theft, equine crime, fly-tipping and poaching. There is also a wealth of important safety information, including the safe storage of flammable materials, fire and electrical safety, winter driving advice and help in medical emergencies. The launch comes as part of Operation Derbyshire, which aims to highlight the good work that is taking place across our area and to share this with our communities. Copies of the booklet may be downloaded from www.derbyshire.police.uk

HOLMESFIELD VILLAGE HALL Holmesfield Village Hall looks forward to welcoming back hirers and visitors once restrictions are lifted. Until then - stay safe. 37



Well yet again the Covid pandemic dominates the news and leaves the future somewhat unsure. Last year’s season finally got going with record numbers participating across the age groups. Upon its conclusion there was little indication that we may end up in a Full Lockdown again by the end of the year. The introduction of a vaccine, however, and the tentative news coming from the government would appear to indicate that outdoor sport will hopefully be back on track by April/May. Only time will tell but in the meantime, it’s the club’s intention to proceed with preparations for cricket to start in April as usual. Fingers crossed we will be enjoying a balmy summer with lots of cricket. The Coming Season For the first time in many years, the club has an under 15 team. This is based on the success of the under 11s and under 13s over the last two years. Although the team will be young compared to most of the others – generally twelve and thirteen year olds – it will offer a great opportunity for the players to develop their skills for the years to come. We are also hoping to attract a number of new players for this age group, so please let Jimmy or Anthony know if you know of anybody wanting to play. Second Eleven In addition to the under 15s we are also starting a senior 2nd XI who will play in the Derbyshire League Division 9. This will help the club’s development in many ways, offering both juniors and seniors more opportunity to play competitive cricket on Saturdays. This is a big commitment for our club who historically have found difficulties in getting eleven players available in the summer holiday season! For those who don’t know, its very common to have too many players for the first half of the season then too few for the second half. Although this additional team will allow all players to participate, we need to enlist a number of people who could ‘fill in’ as and when required. If you are interested, or you know somebody who may be, please let Jimmy know. Player News Andy Timms has joined the club to help with the running of the second team. Andy lives in Holmesfield and is well know in the local cricket circles having played for Coal Aston, Hundall and more recently Parkhead. Andy’s enthusiasm and cricket knowledge will be a great help to both the team and players alike. Although we have gained a regular player with Andy we have to say ‘bye’ to the playing services of David Ward due to other commitments. 39

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HOLMESFIELD CRICKET CLUB (CONT.) ‘Wardy’ has been a regular member of the team since joining us from Chesterfield, playing 366 games, scoring over 7,400 runs – second only to Jimmy Pearson – and taking 520 wickets at an average of 15.17. Although David is not playing first team cricket this year, he still intends to be an active member of the club, helping with Junior training sessions, ground maintenance and the odd game of midweek cricket. Scorer Our appeal for a scorer seems to have been successful with somebody joining us to undertake 1st XI scoring duties. However we still need further volunteers for cover, so please let us know if you would like to help out. Courses are available online for those without experience. 100 Club Yes it will soon be that time again when we badger everybody we meet to join our annual fund-raising event. The response from the local community last year was fantastic so hopefully we will be able to match or even beat it. Entry forms will appear in next month’s issue.. Interested in Joining us? Anybody wishing to play or help out, please contact either Tony Brown or Jimmy Pearson. Alternatively if you fancy a leisurely afternoon in the summer please drop in to support us at the ground, fixture list to follow next month. Club Contact details Treasurer: Tony Brown – tonynigelbrown@gmail.com Captain: Jimmy Pearson – jimmypeo@hotmail.com Junior Co-ordinator: Antony Bolsover – bolsoverfamily147@gmail.com

CARAVAN THEFT A caravan has been stolen from Barnes Lane, Dronfield Woodhouse on Sunday 14th February between 2100 and 2215. Its believed that the offenders may have been in the area for some time and also attended the area via Longcroft Road and left via Stubley Lane. The offenders could have also been in the vicinity of Holmesfield or Northern Common. If you have anyone has any information or CCTV that would support are investigation please contact Dronfield SNT quoting the reference 21*91537 41

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JANUARY 2021 WEATHER Let me start by correcting last month’s report when I seemed to say that the average temperature over 2020 was 4.3°C. That actually referred to the average for December. The average over the whole year was 9.7°C. Now for the weather this January; The average temperature was 2.5°C which is almost two degrees colder than normal. On the 24th, the temperature was below zero all day. When I looked at the statistics for the month I was not surprised that it had been very cold but what did surprise me was just how wet it had been. The rainfall was 158mm which is almost double what I expected for January. This does explain the deep mud on many of the walks around Holmesfield. Progress was actually easier on the very cold days when the ground was frozen. Storm Christoph on the 21st of the month gave us rain, winds and some overnight snow. This followed two or three days that had been unseasonably warm, almost reaching double figures. Christoph was a large deep depression that passed just to the north of Scotland but it met a high pressure region over Norway. That resulted in more rain and then snow as the wind came down from the north. About 3 inches of snow had fallen on the 14th, and stayed around for a few days, before Christoph produced yet more snow on the 23rd. The long range weather forecasters actually predicted that we would have a cold January. The stratosphere about 10-20 miles above the Arctic suddenly warms occasionally and there was one of these ‘stratospheric warming events’ at the beginning of this year. This can displace the cold arctic weather down towards us and so produce a very cold spell several weeks later. The last such event was in January 2010 when the average temperature was only 1.0°C, even colder than January this year. In 2010 February was also very cold so watch out, it may well also be very cold in February this year. Brian Brown

MOBILE LIBRARY In line with current government guidance Derbyshire County Council have suspended the mobile library service for the time being.

3rd HOLMESFIELD SCOUT GROUP Due to Covid-19 restrictions and lock-down we have no dates for meetings at this time. Please contact Richard Wilkinson for further information on 01246 412576, or email : thirdholmesfieldscoutgroup@hotmail.co.uk. 45

The UK’s most diverse privately owned sub-contract machining facility. Specialising in Deep Hole Drilling, Honing, large CNC turning and 5 axis machining and Gun Drilling. Web: www.mollartcox.co.uk Tel: 01246 458090 Unit 1, Broombank Road, Chesterfield Trading Estate, Chesterfield S41 9QJ


FRIENDS OF GILLFIELD WOOD Our indoor and outdoor events are cancelled until further notice. This includes our conservation work mornings as well. www.friendsofgillfieldwood.com For any clarification, please contact Paul Hancock via email: paulhancock1954@gmail.com Please check out and ‘like’ the Facebook page for “Friends of Gillfield Wood” There is also a Twitter feed: @GillfieldWood - please take a look !

RELIEF IN NEED AND PENNY ACRES TRUSTS Residents are reminded that funds are available from these ancient trusts for people over the age of 60 living in Holmesfield who may experience difficulty in paying for fuel during the winter months. Anyone who is eligible should write to the Clerk to the Trustees, Mrs Geraldine Austen at Greenways, Main Road, Holmesfield, Dronfield. S18 7WB (Tel: 0114 289 0686). for more details. All applications are treated in strict confidence. The Trustees are also able to make ‘one-off’ grants for unforeseen capital expenses such as (for example) the payment required by the District Council to remove old goods. If you are faced with such a bill contact Mrs Austen and tell her about it. The Trustees want to help anyone who qualifies, but cannot if they do not know who would like help!

HOLMESFIELD EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Residents are reminded that this ancient village charity, dating back to the early 18th Century, has funds available to make grants to persons under 25 years old who are or whose parents are normally resident in the village. Grants may be made for or towards outfits, clothing, tools (including computers) instruments or books. Grants may be made for many other items or purposes which assist in promoting ‘education’ in its broad sense. Please note that grants will not be given if purchases have already been made. Meetings are held on the last Wednesday in January, April, July and October. For further information, those who may be eligible should contact the Clerk to the Charity, Mrs Geraldine Austen at Greenways, Main Road, Holmesfield, Dronfield. S18 7WB (Tel: 0114 289 0686). 47

Nail and Beauty Studio Church Street, Dronfield. S18 1QB Telephone: 01246 411062 Email: abiggin@hotmail.co.uk www.nail-and-beauty-studio.co.uk Open Monday: 10.30am to 5.30pm, Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am to 7.30pm, Saturday: 9.30am to 3.30pm.

Some of the treatments we offer:

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A BRIEF HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY IN HOLMESFIELD AND THE CHURCH OF ST. SWITHIN - PART 4 The information in this series has been drawn from the writings of Bessie Bunker in her published works: ‘Holmesfield - The Story of an Ancient Chapelry’ (1963) and ‘All Their Yesterdays’ (1973). It has been Modified in the light of research from current experts. If anyone can provide additional information or evidence it would be greatly appreciated.

In the 1700s, rooms were added to the Lord’s Brewhouse next to the chapel-yard where the curate could live. These are shown as the older section on the right in this picture taken in the 1950s. In 1727, Holmesfield was established as a separate ecclesiastical parish and could then keep its own register and inter the dead in the churchyard as previous burials had to be at Dronfield. There are several ‘Bequest boards’ retained in the present church. One of these dated 1742 shows the spelling ‘Houndsfield’ and refers to the members of the family of Rev. John Jolley of Cartledge. He was local, wealthy and endowed with a family who were popular due to all the good works they did in the village. This board also refers to the bequest of silver: “a Cup and Salver to Houndsfield Chappell for ever.” (The silver chalice is French, dated about 1670, and still kept in the church safe!). In 1749 a gallery was built from donations of ‘the Singers of Holmesfield’ for their use, “which is looked upon more seemly for that purpose”. (The sole right and property of Nich. and Edward Swift and their heirs for ever). During the 1700s, the school acquired separate premises. Land was bought in 1717. A record in an old register dated 1792 shows that contributions were required to make repairs to the school. By 1825, the old church was said to be ‘in a ruinous conditio’ and was demolished. We speculate that the base of the tower and the Gallery may have been retained, in part at least. In 1826, the new church was erected; originally just a plain wide nave with a low tower and containing box pews. By the mid-1800s the Glebe house was also very dilapidated and a new Vicarage was built in 1873. Major changes to the church were made in 1895: The Chancel was added, the Tower raised, a new font provided and illumination by paraffin lamps was installed (quite an advance which made a great change for the worshipers). A ‘Chapel of Ease’, a small Mission Room, was built in the Cordwell Valley for the convenience of parishioners. In 1906 a new building called the ‘Sunday School’ was built on Castle Hill which became the Church Hall and used for social gatherings. A foundation stone was laid at a ceremony by the wife of Mr. Ebenezer Hall, a noted religious philanthropist from Abbeydale Park. This event has recently led to the unfortunate corruption of the building’s proper name when it was sold and converted to dwellings. Modern extensions were carried out in 1963. The Chancel was extended, the vestries enlarged, toilet, kitchen and porch added. A new Vicarage was built in 1999. To comply with new regulations in the 21st century, more extension work was deemed necessary with the new church hall being opened in 2011. 49


ST. SWITHIN’S CHURCH We will be carrying out a review of our Covid risk assessment with a view to re-opening St. Swithin’s on Sunday, 14th March, Mothering Sunday (one year since we were forced to close for the first lockdown). Please contact us or check our Facebook group for further details. If anyone would like to come into the church for some peace, quiet and prayer the vicar or church warden can arrange for the church to be opened for you. Pastoral visits from the vicar are also possible if you or a relative are in need of support and when we agree the benefits outweigh the risks. Online Sunday services are broadcast at 10am on our YouTube channel:

www.youtube.com/dwhparish Our weekly church newsletter can be delivered to you. We continue to keep Holmesfield parishioners (that’s you!) in our prayers.

www.dwhparish.org.uk Covid Recovery Roadmap for Pastoral Services (no. of attendees): Phase 1 (8th March): Funerals 30, Weddings 6, no baptisms Phase 2 (earliest 12th April): Funerals 30, Weddings 15, no baptisms Phase 3 (earliest 17th May): Funerals, Weddings & Baptisms 30 Phase 4 (earliest 21st June): No limits (other than perhaps around weddings)

Contact numbers for St. Swithin’s Church Rev. Ian Webb Vicar 0114 348 3879/ 07743 927458 ian.webb@dwhparish.org.uk Christine Taylor Warden 0114 289 1402 christine.taylor42@hotmail.co.uk Bev Blanksby Treasurer 0114 262 0008 Parish Office 01246 412328

Everyone is welcome to join us as we come together to worship God.

COWLEY MISSION AND THE VINE FELLOWSHIP Cowley Mission remains closed until further notice.




Train Services from Dronfield Published 18/01/2021, until further notice Destination Departs

Sheffield Nottingham Nottingham Sheffield Leeds Nottingham Liverpool Lime Street Sheffield Sheffield Nottingham Liverpool Lime Street Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield * Nottingham Liverpool Lime Street Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield Nottingham Nottingham Leeds Nottingham Norwich Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield Nottingham ** Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield Nottingham Nottingham Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield Sheffield

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Destination Departs

* **     


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Days operating Next Station

Not Mondays Not Sundays Not Sundays Suspended Not Sundays Not Sundays Not Sundays Not Sundays Not Sundays Not Sundays Not Sundays Not Sundays Every Day Every Day Every Day Suspended Not Sundays Every Day Every Day Not Sundays Every Day Every Day Not Sundays Not Sundays Every Day Every Day Not Sundays Every Day Not Sundays Every Day Not Sundays Not Sundays Every Day Every Day Not Sundays Every Day Every Day Every Day Not Sundays Every Day Not Weekdays Not Sundays Not Sundays Sundays Only Sundays Only

Sheffield Chesterfield Chesterfield n/a Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield n/a Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Chesterfield Sheffield Chesterfield Sheffield Sheffield

Days operating Next Station

Sundays, goes on to Carlisle arriving there at 13:44 Sundays, originates in Carlisle at 15:20 Most trains to Sheffield actually go onto Leeds and you can stay on-board – Check though as they may not always Journey times to Sheffield:11-15min, Meadowhall:21min, Barnsley:35min, Wakefield Kirkgate:50min & Leeds:70min Journey times to Chesterfield:7min, Alfreton:17min, Langley Mill:35min, Ilkeston:40min & Nottingham:45min All times and services copied from Network Rail 18/01/2021 Subject to variation – Please check before travelling © Friends of Dronfield Station, 2021


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We are indebted to Alison Pashley for sending in this photograph of a wedding party at Cowley Hall in 1903, believed to be the wedding of Ada, daughter of Richard and Hannah Bingham (who had 19 children, 18 of which survived!) who lived at the hall and Charles Jackson. Richard Bingham (3rd left on back row) was to die suddenly 6 weeks later. The story goes that there were 6 white horses pulling the wedding carriage and 6 weeks later, 6 black horses pulling the hearse. Notice that it’s the brides parents who take centre stage and not the bride and groom!

Holmesfield Bygones

Holmesfield Village Hall Available to Hire for Meetings and Functions Lucy Perry - Lettings Officer. Tel: 01246 721255 / 0775 2478866 email: holmesfieldvillagehall@outlook.com

Main Hall

Small Hall

Committee Room


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