Holmesfield Parish Council Newsletter - January 2019

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Barry Wheat


(Chairman), Planning, Newsletter Holmesfield Amenity Trust Phil Reaney (Vice-Chairman), Road Safety 0114 289 1167 Footpaths & Bridleways Carol Huckerby NEDDC Liaison, Penny Acres School 0114 289 0468 Holmesfield Relief in Need, Holmesfield Education Foundation Charities Mark Blagden Transport 0114 289 0018

0114 289 0243

Michael Banks 0114 289 1286

Sue Grocutt

Neighbourhood Watch, Police Liaison

Bernard Hoare

Playground, Village Society

Shirley Reaney

Peak Park, Dronfield Relief in Need Charity Environment Issues, Football Field

0114 289 1324 0114 289 0491

0114 289 1167

Tim Haycock

01246 391 561

Liz Boswell

(Clerk) 8 Main Street, Blackfordby, Swadlincote. DE11 8AD holmesfieldparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk

07758 460757

Village Hall Letting Officer & Caretaker: Lucy Perry - 01246 721255 / 07752 478866 holmesfieldvillagehall@outlook.com Tree Warden: Nick Deniff 0114 2899359 Newsletter Editor: Nick Wheat 0114 2890348 Newsletter Distribution: Ken & Sandra Hunt 0114 2899257 District Councillor: Carol Huckerby 0114 2890468 County Councillor: Angelique Foster 07970 741781 Member of Parliament: Lee Rowley 020 7219 4197 Police: Non-emergency 101 www.crimestoppers-uk.org 0800 555111 Crimestoppers:


7th January (Mon.)

8th January (Tues.)

9th January (Wed.) 10th January (Thurs.) 11th January (Fri.)

14th January (Mon.)

15th January (Tues.)

17th January (Thurs.) 18th January (Fri.)

21st January (Mon.)

22nd January (Tues.)

24th January (Thurs.) 25th January (Fri.) 26th January (Sat.)

Holmesfield Garden Association Yoga (suitable for all - contact Nic: 07780 550232) Art Class (suitable for all - contact Glen Wright: 07368 304106 Live Longer Live Stronger Age UK Chair Based Exercise Class - contact Kerry: 07923 672165 Rhythmix Dance Classes for children Zumba Latin Inspired Dance/Fitness Class suitable for all - contact Lucy: 0775 2478866 Toddlers Penny Acres School Bounce! Trampoline Fitness. Contact Daniel: 07920 008422 Keep Fit Holmesfield Parish Council Meeting Rhythmix Dance Classes (pre-school children & parents welcome) Cedars Keep Fit Pilates (suitable for all - contact Sally: 07596 449987) Yoga (suitable for all - contact Nic: 07780 550232) Live Longer Live Stronger Age UK Chair Based Exercise Class - contact Kerry: 07923 672165 Rhythmix Dance Classes for children Zumba Latin Inspired Dance/Fitness Class suitable for all - contact Lucy: 0775 2478866 Neighbourhood Watch Meeting Toddlers Penny Acres School Bounce! Trampoline Fitness. New Class - contact Daniel: 07920 008422 Keep Fit Rhythmix Dance Classes (pre-school children & parents welcome) Cedars Keep Fit Pilates (suitable for all - contact Sally: 07596 449987) Yoga (suitable for all - contact Nic: 07780 550232) Art Class (suitable for all - contact Glen Wright: 07368 304106 Live Longer Live Stronger Age UK Chair Based Exercise Class - contact Kerry: 07923 672165 Rhythmix Dance Classes for children Zumba Latin Inspired Dance/Fitness Class suitable for all - contact Lucy: 0775 2478866 Toddlers Penny Acres School Bounce! Trampoline Fitness. New Class - contact Daniel: 07920 008422 Keep Fit Rhythmix Dance Classes (pre-school children & parents welcome) Cedars Keep Fit Pilates (suitable for all - contact Sally: 07596 449987) Private Booking Yoga (suitable for all - contact Nic: 07780 550232) Art Class (suitable for all - contact3Glen Wright: 07368 304106


Main Hall Small Hall

7.30 - 9.30pm 9.45 - 11.15am

Main Hall

10.00 - 12noon

Main Hall

1.15 - 2.15pm

Main Hall

4.00 - 6.00pm

Main Hall

7.00 - 8.00pm

Main Hall Main Hall

10.00 - 11.30am 1.30 - 3.30pm

Main Hall

6.00 - 7.00pm

Main Hall Committee Room

7.30 - 8.30pm from 7.30pm

Main Hall Committee Room Main Hall Small Hall Small Hall

10.00 - 11.00am 2.00 - 3.30pm 7.30 - 8.30pm 9.45 - 10.45am 9.45 - 11.15am

Main Hall

1.15 - 2.15pm

Main Hall

4.00 - 6.00pm

Main Hall

7.00 - 8.00pm

Committee Room 8.00 - 9.00pm Main Hall 10.00 - 11.30am Main Hall 1.30 - 3.30pm Main Hall

6.00 - 7.00pm

Main Hall

7.30 - 8.30pm

Main Hall

10.00 - 11.00am

Committee Room Main Hall Small Hall Small Hall

2.00 - 3.30pm 7.30 - 8.30pm 9.45 - 10.45am 9.45 - 11.15am

Main Hall

10.00 - 12noon

Main Hall

1.15 - 2.15pm

Main Hall

4.00 - 6.00pm

Main Hall

7.00 - 8.00pm

Main Hall Main Hall

10.00 - 11.30am 1.30 - 3.30pm

Main Hall

6.00 - 7.00pm

Main Hall

7.30 - 8.30pm

Main Hall

10.00 - 11.00am

Committee Room Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall

2.00 - 3.30pm 7.30 - 8.30pm 9.45 - 10.45am 9.45 - 11.15am

Main Hall

10.00 - 12noon

Millthorpe Nursery We’re getting ready

Is your garden beginning to wake up from winter? We’re busy growing lots of lovely spring flowering bulbs and plants and are back open in early February

Millthorpe Lane, Holmesfield, S18 7SA Just behind the Royal Oak pub at the bottom of Millthorpe Lane

0114 289 0334

Open Tuesday-Sunday Feb - Mar 10am - 4pm Apr onwards 9am - 5pm 4

24th January (Thurs.)

parents welcome) Cedars Keep Fit Pilates (suitable for all - contact Sally: 07596 449987) Private Booking Yoga (suitable for all - contact Nic: 07780 550232) Art Class (suitable for all - contact Glen Wright: 07368 304106 Live Longer Live Stronger Age UK Chair Based Exercise Class - contact Kerry: 07923 672165 Rhythmix Dance Classes for children Zumba Latin Inspired Dance/Fitness Class suitable for all - contact Lucy: 0775 2478866 Toddlers Penny Acres School Bounce! Trampoline Fitness. New Class - contact Daniel: 07920 008422 Keep Fit Charity Trusts Meeting Rhythmix Dance Classes (pre-school children & parents welcome) Cedars Keep Fit

Committee Room Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall

2.00 - 3.30pm 7.30 - 8.30pm 9.45 - 10.45am 487 9.45 - 11.15am

Main Hall

10.00 - 12noon

Main Hall

1.15 - 2.15pm

Main Hall

4.00 - 6.00pm


25th January (Fri.) 26th January (Sat.)

28th January (Mon.)

29th January (Tues.)

30th January (Wed.) 31st January (Thurs.)

Main Hall

7.00 - 8.00pm

Main Hall Main Hall

10.00 - 11.30am 1.30 - 3.30pm

Main Hall

6.00 - 7.00pm

Main Hall Committee Room

7.30 - 8.30pm 6.30 - 8.00pm

Main Hall Committee Room Main Hall

10.00 - 11.00am 2.00 - 3.30pm 7.30 - 8.30pm

Exciting new programme of community classes. Health, Fitness & Creative Classes for all.


Yoga : Suitable for all - 9.45am start. Contact Nic: 07780 550232 Art Class : develop your creative talents : Suitable for all - 10am start. Contact Glen: 07368 304106 Chair Based Exercise : Live Longer Live Stronger Age UK - 1pm start. Contact Kerry: 07923 672165 Rhythmix Dance : Inspire confidence, dance technique and performance skills. Dance & gymnastics classes for all children from pre-school to teens - 4pm start. Contact Jess or Hayley: 07725 908390 Zumba : Latin inspired dance/fitness class. If you love to dance, enjoy moving to great music and want to keep fit then this class is for you - Feel good fitness. Suitable for all - 7pm start. Contact Lucy: 0775 2478866


Bounce – Trampoline Fitness : Bounce your way to fitness on your very own Trampoline. A bouncy, fun and super effective workout. New Class - 6pm start Must pre-book a space - please contact Daniel for info & booking: 07920 008422 Keep Fit : Aerobics & Body Conditioning Exercises suitable for all - 7.30pm start. Contact Geraldine: 07594 684676


Rhythmix Dance : Inspire confidence, dance technique and performance skills. Dance & gymnastics classes for all children from pre-school to teens - 10am start. Contact Jess or Hayley: 07725 908390 Keep Fit : Aerobics & Body Conditioning Exercises suitable for all - 7.30pm start. Contact Geraldine: 07594 684676


Pilates : Suitable for all - 9.45am start. Contact Sally: 07596 449987




All Other Hirers

Main Hall £6.50 per Hour Main Hall £12.00 per Hour Small Hall £5.00 per Hour Small Hall £8.50 per Hour Committee Room £3.50 per Hour Committee Room £5.75 per Hour Kitchen £3.00 per Hour Kitchen £5.00 per Hour All Discos and Dances will be charged at £22.00 per hour with a minimum charge of £100 per evening. There will be a 10% discount to local residents for Private Functions. PLEASE NOTE: A token deposit of £20.00 (£30.00 for Discos, Dances and Race nights) is required at the time of booking to cover for breakages and damage. Deposit not expended will be returned to the hirer after the function. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Any of the activities of music, dancing and (particularly) the sale of alcohol are ‘licensable activities’ and may need a Temporary Event Notice which must be obtained before the function. Hirers who may be affected by this law must contact North East Derbyshire District Council (Licensing) for advice well in advance of the function for which the hall is to be booked. The notice, if required, must be shown to the lettings officer at least ten days before the function and displayed in the hall during the function.

For more information and bookings please contact the Hall Letting Officer: Lucy Perry 01246 721255 / 07752 478866 holmesfieldvillagehall@outlook.com

INFORMATION ON LOCAL SERVICES Derbyshire County Council: County Hall, Tel: 01629 580000 Call Derbyshire 0845 6058058 Monday – Friday 8.00am – 8.00pm, Saturday 9.30am – 4.00pm Education, Libraries, Rights of Way, Social Services, Gritting, Street Lighting, Pot Holes, Trading Standards. North East Derbyshire District Council 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield. S42 6NG. Tel: 01246 231111 Bulk Waste, Council Tax, Dog Wardens, Energy Advice, Environmental Health, Fly Tipping, Housing, Event Licensing, Pest Control, Planning, Recycling and Refuse, Street Cleaning Holmesfield Parish Council: Tel: 07758 460757 Bus Shelters, Dog Bins, Playground, Village Hall, Grit Bins (at Vicarage Close & Fox Lane only). 7

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PLANNING MATTERS Parish Council Comment on Applications NP/NED/1118/1100 : Mrs. J. Moore – Toll Bar Cottage, Owler Bar – Listed Building Consent – Removal of existing extension and erection of replacement single storey extension and associated alterations – (Variation of scheme approved under application ref NP/NED/0117/0033). NO COMMENT 18/01113/CATPO : Mrs. Greenland – Cartledge Cottage, Cartledge Lane, Holmesfield – Notification of intention to carry out pruning works to 1 Sycamore located within the Cartledge Conservation Area. NO COMMENT NP/NED/1118/1126 : Derbyshire County Council – Sheffield Road Owler Bar - Removal of boundary stone to enable works to culvert below, replacing after. NO COMMENT 18/01152/FL : c/o Agent – 20 Main Road, Holmesfield – Change of use of the former Travellers Rest Public House to a residential dwelling with demolition of existing extensions and construction of first floor extension and single storey side and rear extensions and construction of one additional detached dwelling with double garage (Conservation Area). NO COMMENT 18/01159/FL : 3rd Holmesfield Scout Group – Land North of St Swithin’s Church, Vicarage Close, Holmesfield – Application for construction of a scout hut (Conservation Area). NO COMMENT District Council Decisions None.

HOLMESFIELD NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Our next meeting is on Monday 14th January, 8.00pm to 9.00pm in the Village Hall Committee Room (everyone welcome). On behalf of Holmesfield NHW I would like to thank everyone for the help during 2018 and look forward to the start of a crime free New Year. Sue Grocutt

HOLMESFIELD FLOWER CLUB There is no Flower Club meeting in January. A new programme is being planned for 2019. Contact Diana Holland for further information, Tel: 0114 2377601. 9







TEL: 0114 2890 794 MOBILE: 0797 0912 959 www.derbyshirehaylage.co.uk 10

PLANNING MATTERS Appeal Appeal against refusal to grant planning application NED/18/00683/FL – for conversion of existing stables to single dwelling at Stable Mallett, Main Road, Holmesfield. OBJECTION The Parish Council strongly object to the appeal. When the original application was submitted for the construction of a large stable block the Parish Council strongly objected to the domestic character of the proposed building as we were concerned that it would be the applicant’s intention to submit a future application for conversion into a domestic dwelling in the Green Belt; unfortunately, these concerns were not taken into account in the original determination. When this current application was submitted to the Parish Council our initial concerns of domestic conversion were verified. This scheme now proposed substantially adds more domestic elements of windows and doors and is considered to be out of place urbanisation in this rural and agricultural area within the Green belt. The stable is located centrally on a large parcel of agricultural land on the perimeter of the Parish boundary, there are major concerns that the allowance of a residential property on this site affects the boundary of Holmesfield as a village by joining the village up with the neighbouring town of Dronfield. This is a special site in maintaining Holmesfield as a village with its own identity, rather than it becoming part of the urban sprawl of the neighbouring town and we ask that this is taken into account whilst the appeal is being determined.

POLICE REPORT The Police Mobile Enquiry Van visited Holmesfield on the 1 December, there was very little notice given of the visit, so it had not been possible to put in the newsletter. A police officer and Lee Rowley attended the last Speed Watch, and CREST have been doing some speed monitoring in the village. The website reports 10 crimes for October. There was a theft on Vicarage Close, 1 drugs incident and 3 issues of violence on Park Avenue. On Cordwell Lane there were 2 incidences of violence and 2 of anti-social behaviour and an incidence of violence on New Road. 11

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FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER All copy for the February Newsletter must be received by 18th January to ensure inclusion in the magazine. Holmesfield Parish Council welcomes the submission of articles pertinent to Holmesfield by residents for publication in the Parish Newsletter. Any thoughts and opinions are those of the individual(s) and may not necessarily be shared or endorsed by Holmesfield Parish Council. Any submissions must include full name and contact details before publication can be considered by the editor. Please send your articles typed via email, if possible. This is especially important for images you wish to include. Please email any articles to: Holmesfield-newsletter@hotmail.com

FUNERALS IN THE PARISH The following funerals took place in Holmesfield Church followed by burials in the churchyard:December 7th Beryl Smith aged 97 of Whitegates, Horsleygate Lane and December 17th , Carol Ann Crookes aged 73, of Wayside, Cowley Lane.

RELIEF IN NEED AND PENNY ACRES TRUSTS Residents are reminded that funds are available from these ancient trusts for people over the age of 60 living in Holmesfield who may experience difficulty in paying for fuel during the winter months. Anyone who is eligible should write to the Clerk to the Trustees, Mrs Geraldine Austen at Greenways, Main Road, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7WB (Tel: 2890686) for more details. All applications are treated in strict confidence. The Trustees are also able to make ‘one-off’ grants for unforeseen capital expenses such as (for example) the payment required by the District Council to remove old goods. If you are faced with such a bill contact Mrs Austen and tell her about it. The Trustees want to help anyone who qualifies, but cannot if they do not know who would like help!


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D HO oL lMmE eS sF fI i Ee Ll d

V I i Ll lL aA gG eE


SS oO cC i IeEt Ty Y

Christmas Carols

Sunday 23rd December at the Millennium Garden (by the Angel Inn)

HolmesďŹ eld Attractions include:-

Carol Singing Mulled Wine Mince Pies Starts at 5.30pm 15



Police officers are urging people to be safe this Christmas when partying or on a night out. The advice comes as the festive party season gets underway, and our towns and the city get busier with people celebrating Christmas with colleagues, friends and family. There will be an increased police presence in our towns and in the city during the Christmas period, and our officers have been working with partnership organisations, pubs and clubs to keep people safe by encouraging responsible alcohol sales. Pubwatch venues across the county are taking part in the Ask for Angela initiative, to encourage anyone feeling unsafe or uncomfortable on a night out to approach bar staff for help. The campaign allows anyone to go to the bar and simply ask to speak to ‘Angela’ to show they are in an uncomfortable situation or need help. Staff will then call a taxi or discreetly offer help and venues partaking in the scheme will display posters sharing the message. We are also encouraging people across Derbyshire to download the free personal safety app, HollieGuard, to their smart phones to help them feel safe in vulnerable situations. The HollieGuard app can track a person’s location, and if they feel unsafe they can shake their phone to warn their contacts that they might be in danger. It will then record both audio and visual footage of what is happening, and if the phone is shaken again, a flashing light and high pitched alarm will sound. For more information on the HollieGuard app and how to download it, please visit www.hollieguard.com.



HOLMESFIELD GARDENING ASSOCIATION Our speaker for the December meeting was Andrew Firth, a well known resident of Dronfield. He gave a beautiful and interesting illustrated talk on Christmas in the Yorkshire Dales where there are many customs and traditions. Natural Christmas trees in squares and shop doorways all lit with lights, brass bands playing, school children singing carols and all very colourful. It was a good talk to get you into the mood to celebrate Christmas. Our next meeting will be held in Holmesfield Village Hall on Wednesday 2nd January at 7.30pm. We will be having a quiz so please bring your pens. The quiz master is our secretary Gill Middleton and guests are welcome to join us. On Wednesday 6th February it is the Annual General Meeting of the Association which will be held in Holmesfield Village Hall at 7.30pm with a buffet supper provided by our members. Hyacinth Bulb Competition - please bring your plants in any state of growth. The members of Holmesfield Gardening Association would like to wish all readers of the Holmesfield Parish Council Newsletter a very Happy New Year.

FLU VACCINES Flu is a common infectious illness spread by coughs and sneezes. It can be very unpleasant, but you’ll usually begin to feel better within about a week. However for young children, people aged over 65, people with long-term health conditions and pregnant women flu can be far more serious. It can lead to serious health complications including bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections. That’s why all children in reception class and school years one, two, three and four will be offered a free nasal flu vaccine at school. Younger children aged two and three, older people and pregnant women can receive their free vaccination at their GP’s surgery. Keep you and your family healthy and well this winter by making sure they get their flu vaccination. To find out more visit NHS Choices: www.nhs.uk/conditions/flu



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HOLMESFIELD PENNY ACRES SCHOOL A message from the Head As another busy term draws to an end, I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays and an enjoyable New Year. Events of the past few weeks remind us of just how special the two schools in the federation are. I for one am proud to be part of the Penny Acres and Wigley ‘families’. Here’s looking forward to next term where I’m sure we will be as busy. Merry Christmas - David Ratcliffe School attendance Attendance is monitored each day and we set ourselves the target of 96% or above. Below are both schools’ attendance for the year so far. Penny Acres attendance: 96.88 % Wigley attendance: 96.42 % Term Activity Years 4, 5 and 6 attended a Futsal event at Queens Park Sports Centre. Futsal is considered to be a version of 5-a-side football but is played with a harder, low-bounce ball. Not only was there a lot of good ‘Futsal’ skills demonstrated on the day, but there was sportsmanship, honesty, team spirit and encouragement shown from all players in our two teams. Out of the 12 teams that played, Penny Acres A came 7th and Penny Acres B came 10th. Well done to all involved. As part of their ongoing topic, our KS2 children have been busy painting ‘endangered animals’ onto rocks. These rocks are going to be sent home with the view that they will be distributed around our local area, highlighting the plight that some of the world’s animals face. Once found, we are hoping that the rocks will then be transported elsewhere for our message to continue to spread. We hope to track the movement of the rocks via email responses from where they are found. 2019 Penny Acres Diary Dates Mon 7th Jan: Return to school Mon 14th Jan: Penny Acres chicks arrive. Wed 16th Jan: School Nurse to see Reception children (vision/hearing assessments) Wed 23rd Jan: Qualitas Team building for some of our Y1 and Y2 children (PM). Mon 28th Jan: School dinner theme day (Big bird watch). Fri 8th Feb: Qualitas Fencing for some of our Y3 and Y4 children (am) Mon 11th Feb: Qualitas Cross-Fit for some of our Y5 and Y6 children. Thurs 7th Feb: Greek day. Tues 12th Feb: Owl Experience (KS1) Tues 12th Feb: PTFA Film Night (details to follow) Thurs 14th Feb: School dinner theme day (Vikings). Fri 15th Feb: Break up. 21



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The Penny Acres School Lottery for the month of December 2018 was drawn by the children at the school nativity play on Tuesday 18th December which is after the deadline for publication so we will announce the winners next month. Anyone wishing to join please contact Sam Copley on 07803128729 or e-mail samcopley@me.com. It is only £1 per number per month. For a 6 month membership it is only £6 per number, please support your local school and join today!

HOLMESFIELD CHURCH WALKING GROUP CALTON LEES WALK There is no January walk but On Wednesday 27th February at 10am, Robin Greetham will lead a walk starting from Chatsworth Gymnasium and Swimming pool (which is on the left just before the cattle grid at Edensor). We will follow the river to Calton Lees and then go up to near Russian Cottage. Lunch (optional) will be at the Cavendish Club next to the Gym. The walk is approximately 4 miles long. The cost of the walk is £3 and the proceeds will go to Holmesfield Church maintenance fund. If you would like to come just turn up on the day. Please phone Robin on 01246 412767 if you have any queries.

DRONFIELD CIVIC SOCIETY Dronfield Civic Society are dedicated to protecting Dronfield’s historic buildings, improving the local street scene and caring for the natural and built environment within and around our town. Our aims include: • Fostering civic pride • Caring for the natural and built environment • Promoting heritage protection and conservation • Creating opportunities for local people to become involved in the shaping of their community



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The Royal Oak CORDWELL LANE • MILLTHORPE • 0114 2890870

Opening hours: 12noon - 11pm (closed Monday) Food served 12noon to 8pm Sunday Lunches served 12noon to 4pm Serving fine wines, premium lagers, 4 cask ales including changing guest ale.

— The Oak Platters —

— Specials —

The “Hungry Ploughmans” : £8.75 / £10.75 Huntsman Pork Pie : £11.95 (large) Stilton Pork Pie : £9.75 (medium) Charcuterie : £10.75

See blackboard for his week’s cheese

Homemade Soup of the Day : £3.90 Ramblers Beef Stew : £7.95 Goulash Boule : £7.95 Homemade Homity Pie (V) : £5.95 Derbyshire Oatcake : £5.25 Petite Fondue : £6.95 Quiche of the Day : £4.95

— Pork Pie & Pickles —

— Add-Ons — Add-ons make all the difference!

‘Large enough to share’

— You Choose Cheese Platters — 1 cheese £3.50 • 2 cheese £6.95 • 3 cheese £9.50 Potters of Barnsley : £3.50 / £4.95 Huntsman : £5.95 (large) Stilton Topped : £3.95 (medium)

— Premium Artisan Pies — Served with mash potato, mushy peas, gravy

Premium Steak Pie : £7.95 Chicken Breast & Wiltshire Ham : £7.95 Rump Steak & Mushroom : £7.95 Mediterranean Vegetable Goats Cheese Pie (V) : £7.95

— Pâté —

Farmhouse (course) : £5.75 Brussels (smooth) : £5.75 Our aim is to give value and quality, please enjoy your visit to the Royal Oak. Many thanks: Peter, Sarah and the team.

See blackboard

Black Pudding : £1.00 Scotch Egg : £2.00 Pickled Egg : 50p Pickled Gherkin : 50p Tangy Red Onion Chutney • Piccalilli Devilish Chilli & Tomato Relish • Cranberry Sauce : All 50p per portion

— Luxury Artisan Ice Cream —

Double Cream Vanilla • Devilishly Chocolate Mint Crisp • Strawberries & Cream Sticky Toffee Fudge • Amaretto & Black Cherry Dark Chocolate Orange : All £2.25 per 120ml tub

Traditional Sunday Lunch at The Oak Choice of meats served with roast and mashed potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, fresh seasonal vegetables and delicious home made gravy. Served ‘til 4pm - normal menu 12 ‘til 8pm £12.00 : Bookings taken : vegetarian options

The Royal Oak at Millthorpe is the sister pub to the multi-award winning Travellers Rest at Apperknowle. 26



This summer, Dick Shepley of Woodthorpe Hall undertook a weekend trip to Canada to meet his Aunt Bidy, a lady he had never met but who was about to celebrate her 100th birthday on July 14th. This lady had been married to Dick’s uncle - Douglas Shepley - a Spitfire pilot in the Battle of Britain for just six weeks before he was killed in action as a result of enemy action. It was Bidy and his Grandmother, Mrs Lily Emily Shepley - who started to collect funds to replace the lost Spitfire aircraft. The new aeroplane was called The Shepley Spitfire, which is remembered in the naming of the pub on Mickley Lane, Totley, which was opened in 1980. Bidy worked in London for the Air Ministry during the War. Towards the end of the War her family took in a seriously wounded Canadian soldier, Mac Craig, to aid his recovery. Bidy and Mac fell in love and were married, and then the pair emigrated to Canada where they had three children. Mac became a very successful lawyer, but died 20 years ago 28

The Shepley family kept in touch but about 10 years ago contact was lost, and the assumption was that Bidy had sadly died. Dick received an astonishing phone message from a relative of Bidy’s that she was celebrating her 100th birthday on July 14th, which also happens to be Douglas’ birthday as well, so he would have been 100 too. After some hesitation, a friend said Dick needed to attend her party although the original request was merely for some memorabilia of Douglas and a phone call to Bidy on her birthday. So he went to the party to meet Bidy and her huge family. Fortunately there was just one remaining seat on the flight from Manchester to Toronto. It was clearly meant to be. Bidy and her family treated Dick like royalty and he certainly had the full red-carpet reception. He also took along a book containing all kinds of history, memorabilia and information which Dick would present to Bidy. The book included family photographs, wedding photographs, Douglas Shepley’s Commissions from King George VI, and condolences from Buckingham Palace upon his death. “He has come all the way from England, and that is a long way to travel to see an old girl turn 100,” said Bidy on Saturday afternoon in the library at Kelso Villa. “I am really so very pleased to see him.” She was a bit overwhelmed with all the people who were turning out for her birthday on Saturday, but was enjoying seeing everyone as they came in to give her birthday wishes. “It is a little bit scary, but I shouldn’t be scared” said Bidy, and then turned to Dick and told him that he was the one who should be scared! “They are all strangers to you,” she said. His reply was that they were strangers, but they were strangers with a difference because they have such a wonderful connection. Dick spent many hours with Bidy, who was in very good health and they reminisced about what had been happening in her life, and what the Shepleys had been up to for the last 73 years. The reason they lost contact ten years ago was simply that she had moved into residential accommodation. Dick Shepley’s weekend in Canada was a wonderful reunion of their two families and Dick has every intention of returning to see Bidy again, and of course any of her family will be more than welcome at any time to visit Dick and his wife Susan.


MOBILE LIBRARY Derbyshire library service has two mobile libraries - one based at Long Eaton and one based at Buxton - serving around 150 communities across the county offering a range of services for everyone including fiction and non-fiction books for adults and children, large print books, books on tape and books on CD as well as a selection of local studies books and information. The mobile libraries have a lift for wheelchair users and people with mobility problems. People with any queries should contact Michelle Parker on 01629 536575. Email: michelle.parker@derbyshire.gov.uk. The mobile library will be at 6 Park Rise, Holmesfield between 10.25am and 10.50am on Monday 21st January, 18th February and 18th March.







Moorland Matured Beef and Lamb Call Liz or Nick Denniff on 01142 899359 or 07905 596851

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THEFTS BY CRIMINALS POSING AS POLICE OFFICERS Criminal gangs are posing as police officers and conning vulnerable people in Derbyshire out of thousands of pounds. In early December at least three victims have been targeted in north east Derbyshire – with one handing over £16,000. Two of the victims have been contacted over the phone by criminals posing as officers from the Metropolitan Police, with another being approached at her door by a woman posing as an officer. The con artists state that they have been a victim of fraud and that they need the victims help to find those responsible. One victim was told to withdraw money in Euros – totalling £16,000 – which a courier then collected from her home. Another victim gave £7,000 in cash, while a third victim was conned out of £2,000. The gang warned the victims not speak to anyone as they would be in trouble for talking about police investigation. As well as the money that was handed over, some of the victims gave the criminals their bank cards and further withdrawals of thousands of pounds were made. Fortunately the victim’s cards had been cancelled before the conmen could steal any more cash. Detective Inspector Debbie King, who runs the economic crime unit at Derbyshire police, said: “This kind of crime preys on the best intentions of some of the most vulnerable people in our county. Each of our victims thought they were doing their civic duty and helping a police officer catch a fraudster – the reality is much different. The victims have been not only left out of pocket but also distraught about being conned in this way. “I would urge anyone who has been approached by these criminals to contact us on 101 immediately and not to engage with them. If you are concerned about someone at your property then call 999 straight away. “I would also ask anyone who knows a potentially vulnerable person to make sure they are aware of the motives of this gang and what they should do if they are approached.” If you have any information which may assist with our enquiries, please get in touch using one of the following non-emergency contact methods. Phone – call us on 101. 31


PEOPLE FEEL SAFE IN DERBYSHIRE Nearly nine out of ten people living in Derbyshire feel either very safe or fairly safe, new survey results reveal. The feedback, which was collected via website interviews and face-to-face at policing roadshows and community events as part of the Listening to You programme, shows the majority of people living in Derbyshire (86.4%) feel “very safe” or “fairly safe”. More than half also said they felt very safe or fairly safe walking alone in their area after dark. The Commissioner told the Board that while he was pleased to see so much positive feedback, he was keen to look at areas ripe for improvement. In particular, he said, he wanted to know how feelings of safety could be improved after dark. He added that while this has long been the case, he was asking the Chief Constable what action could be taken to improve matters. The survey also revealed the crimes local people fear most with 53.8% of interviewees admitting to feeling worried about becoming a victim of fraud or identify theft while 53.2% said they were very worried or fairly worried about having their vehicle stolen or vandalised. Fears about burglary are also high with 52.9% either very worried or fairly worried about their homes being broken into. In comparison, only 29.5% were very worried or fairly worried about being caught up in a terrorist attack. In addition to recording people’s experience of crime in the past 12 months, the survey asked whether residents believed local police were dealing with the issues that mattered to their communities. The results showed 62.2% thought police were definitely or probably dealing with the issues that mattered compared to 74.8% last year, while 51.1% thought the force was doing a good job. This is slightly lower than last year’s result of 63.2%. Commenting on the progress, Mr Dhindsa said: “On the whole people feel safe in Derbyshire and are satisfied with the service local police provide and that is reassuring given the continued underinvestment from central government which has led to widespread cuts. This year, we will continue to focus on increasing visibility in our neighbourhood policing teams and building up our depleted frontline to respond to the problems that matter to local people. Technology will continue to play its part, helping us to create a more agile workforce that ensures officers are accessible when needed. Since the period of austerity began we have lost 800 officers and staff and are communities are bearing the brunt with fewer resources available to investigate and prevent crime. Those officers who remain are working exceptionally hard to maintain Derbyshire’s place as one of the safest counties in the country but will be of no surprise that demand continues to exceed capacity. I will continue to fight for the funding we need to do the job. Policing is only as good as its people and I’m determined to ensure our hardworking officers receive the reinforcements they need to make a difference.” The survey gathered the views of residents from across Derbyshire and from different age groups and backgrounds. A total of 1,360 surveys were completed face to face while 1,843 were completed on the PCC’s website. 33

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NOVEMBER 2018 WEATHER I suspect that most of you reading this brief report would rather not be reminded of the November weather. Londoner and poet, Thomas Hood, who lived in the first part of the 19th century was not too keen on November either. His poem on November includes the following lines: No sun – no moon! No morn – no noon – No dawn – No sky – no earthly view – No distance looking blue – No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, No comfortable feel in any member – No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds, November! Well he wasn’t completely right as we did have some sunshine. We actually had 70 hours of sunshine but three quarters of it was in the first half of the month. The total hours of daylight in November is about 260 so we had about a quarter of the possible hours of sunshine. For comparison, in June this year we had 374 hours of sunshine followed by 386 hours in July and 343 in August. Those were the days! The highest temperature in November was only 13.1°C, on the 14th of the month, but the mean temperature was 7.0°C, which is about half a degree higher than average for November. The rainfall was just about the normal for the month. So November was nothing out of the ordinary in terms of the weather. As I write this report the shortest day is only 10 days away. Brian Brown

HOLMESFIELD NATURE SPOT Ian Kassell’s Nature Watch article will return next month.


If you are over 60, a resident of Holmesfield, and need assistance with fuel costs, contact Mrs. Geraldine Austen at Greenways, Main Road, Holmesfield. S18 7WB (Tel: 0114 289 0686). All applications are treated in strict confidence. 35



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Wednesday 2nd January, 7.30pm - 9.30pm The Medicinal Uses Of Plants Join Dr Patrick Harding for our first talk of the year, as he gives as fascinating lecture about the ancient and modern medicinal uses plants such as foxglove, cannabis and willow and a history of herbal medicine and a look at current drugs from plants such as yew, melilot and evening primrose At the Hall Barn Centre, High Street, Dronfield. Members £2, Non-members £4. Friday 11th January, 10.00am - 1.00pm Quilting Workshop Join our lovely quilters and learn from our expert Susanne Haywood. At the Hall Barn Centre, High Street, Dronfield. Members and non-members £5. Thursdays 17th, 24th & 31st December, 1.30pm - 4.30pm Art Workshops Our Artist in Residence, John Sutcliffe, will lead these Art Taster Workshops. Come along and try your hand at a world of different mediums, from watercolour to sculpture, to print making, digital media and art history. Suitable for all – from complete beginners to those wanting to improve their skills and try new things!. At the Hall Barn Centre, High Street, Dronfield. Members £15, Non-members £20. From Monday 21st January, 7.30pm - 9.30pm Pentrich Rising Exhibition – A History Through Community Art A new exhibition by the Old Dronfield Society focusing on the Pentrich rising – an armed uprising in 1817 that began around the village of Pentrich, Derbyshire. A gathering of some two or three hundred men set out from South Wingfield to march to Nottingham. They were lightly armed with pikes, scythes and a few guns, which had been hidden in a quarry in Wingfield Park, and had a set of rather unfocused revolutionary demands, including the wiping out of the National Debt. At the Hall Barn Centre, High Street, Dronfield.


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Quiz Night Thursday 38


Thursday 24th January, 7.30pm - 9.30pm Lecture By The Pentrich And South Wingfield Revolution Group We are delighted to confirm that a member of the Pentrich and South Wingfield Revolution Group will join us to give a lecture about the events of Pentrich rising. The Pentrich rising was an armed uprising in 1817 that began around the village of Pentrich, Derbyshire. It occurred on the night of 9th /10th June 1817. While much of the planning took place in Pentrich, two of the three ringleaders were from South Wingfield and the other was from Sutton in Ashfield. The ‘revolution’ itself started from Hunt’s Barn in South Wingfield, and the only person killed died in Wingfield Park. A gathering of some two or three hundred men (stockingers, quarrymen and iron workers), led by Jeremiah Brandreth (The Nottingham Captain), set out from South Wingfield to march to Nottingham. They were lightly armed with pikes, scythes and a few guns, which had been hidden in a quarry in Wingfield Park, and had a set of rather unfocused revolutionary demands, including the wiping out of the National Debt. One among them, however, turned out to be a government spy, William J. Oliver, and the uprising was quashed soon after it began. Three men were hanged and beheaded at Derby Gaol for their participation in the uprising: Jeremiah Brandreth, Isaac Ludlam and William Turner. At the Hall Barn Centre, High Street, Dronfield. Members £2, Non-members £4.

HOLMESFIELD EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Residents are reminded that this ancient village charity, dating back to the early 18th Century, has funds available to make grants to persons under 25 years old who are or whose parents are normally resident in the village. Grants may be made for or towards outfits, clothing, tools (including computers) instruments or books. Grants may be made for many other items or purposes which assist in promoting ‘education’ in its broad sense. Please note that grants will not be given if purchases have already been made. Meetings are held on the last Wednesday in January, April, July and October. For further information, those who may be eligible should contact the Clerk to the Charity, Mrs Geraldine Austen at Greenways, Main Road, Holmesfield, Dronfield S18 7WB (Tel: 2890686). 39

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3rd HOLMESFIELD SCOUT GROUP Beavers and Cubs: Meet Wednesday nights at Scout HQ, Wreakes Lane, Dronfield. Scouts and Explorers: Meet Tuesday nights at Scout HQ, Wreakes Lane, Dronfield. Holiday Dates: Scouts and Explorers will recommence after the Christmas break on Tuesday 8th January 2019. Beaver and Cubs will recommence after the Christmas break on Wednesday 9th January 2019. Please contact Richard Wilkinson on 01246 412576, or email : thirdholmesfieldscoutgroup@hotmail.co.uk for further information.

FRIENDS OF GILLFIELD WOOD Monday 14th January: Fifty Years of Fungi: What have we learnt about fungi in the last fifty years? Well, they are far more important than just being something to eat or to avoid as they might be poisonous. Join Steve Clements who will share his insights and relate these to Gillfield Wood. Sunday 20th January: Practical Conservation Morning. Run with the help of the Sheffield Council Ranger Service. Meet 10am at Baslow Road bus terminus. Refreshments, tools, etc. provided. Please wear strong footwear and appropriate clothing. All levels of help required and guidance given. For this session we should have taken delivery of new trees for hedging and woodland planting. Monday 4th February: The Bats of South Yorkshire. Robert Bell has offered to enlighten us on the bat species in our area, their life history and some local sites where they occur.. Please contact the group if you are interested. www.friendsofgillfieldwood.com For any clarification, please contact Paul Hancock via email: paulhancock1954@gmail.com There is a Facebook page for “Friends of Gillfield Wood�. Please take a look if you are on Facebook: www.facebook.com/gillfieldwoodwww. facebook.com/gillfieldwood 41

The Foot Practitioner Foot care in the comfort of your home Treatments Include: - Toenail cutting - Corns and Callus - Thickened Nails - Cracked Heels Keep your feet healthy book your appointment today

Lucy Symons DipCFHP, MPSPract Tel 0114 2890271 / 07803 175321 42

ST. SWITHIN’S SERVICES FOR JANUARY 2018 6th January 10:30am 13th January 10:30am 20th January 10:30am 27th January 10:30am

Holy Communion

Rev. William Eardley

Morning Praise

Rev. William Eardley

Holy Communion

Rev. William Eardley

Family Service

Rev. William Eardley

Contact numbers for St. Swithin’s Church Rev. William Eardley Vicar Robin Greetham Warden Christine Taylor Warden Jill Hastings Treasurer Parish Office

0114 2891425 01246 412767 0114 2891402 0114 2890053 01246 412328

Everyone is welcome to join us as we come together to worship God.

J-Zone After school club for children of Primary School age meets every Monday in term time at 3.30pm in the Church Hall. For more information ring Joan on 01246 413110

J Café

J Café is open on the 2nd and 4th Fridays in the month between 10.00am and 2.00pm in the Church Hall. Refreshments served as well as bacon butties and homemade cakes. A friendly place to relax and have a chat! Children’s play corner provided. Walkers welcome!


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Card payments can now be taken on deliv

Card payments can now be taken on delivery Card payments can now be taken on delivery

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Robert Barnes Construction Domestic and Industrial Builders Tel/Fax 0114 2890907 Mobile 07976 762 495 Email rhbarnesconstruc@aol.com 44

COWLEY MISSION AND THE VINE FELLOWSHIP COFFEE MORNING: Every Monday morning from 11.00am at the Rutland Arms pub in Holmesfield. Everyone welcome. TODDLERS CLUB: For pre-school children. Tuesday mornings in term time 10.00 to 11.30am includes ‘See and Know’ for the toddlers and carers. New members welcome, please ring 01246 416085 for further information. BIBLE STUDY, PRAYER & FELLOWSHIP: Tuesday evenings 7.30 to 9pm at 6 Woodside Avenue, Holmesfield. CEDARS: Friendship for all ages each Thursday afternoon 2.00 to 3.30pm A varied programme including on the first Thursday of the month, a light lunch at 12.30pm followed by ‘Thought for the Day’. For further information, ring 01246 292286. Our Services for January are as follows:6th 10.30am Terry Irwin (Communion) 13th 10.30am Steve Richards 20th 10.30am David Goddard 27th 10.30am Muriel Stonehewer Everybody is welcome to join us for all our Services.


4 Stonelow Road Dronfield S18 2EP Dean-Fr Adrian Tomlinson-Annunciation Tel: 01246 232686

Diocese of Hallam-Registered Charity 512021 MASSES 5pm on Saturday evenings and Wednesday mornings at 10.00am. There will be a children’s liturgy during this Mass in term times. Tuesday: 12.30pm-6pm: Adoration Wednesday: 10.30am-Noon: Open House.


The George & Dragon Inn Main Road • Holmesfield • Dronfield • S18 7WT Tel: 0114 2890304

Up to 6 Real Ales plus Premium Lagers Cosy real fire Dogs Welcome Now Offering Sky Sports Free Wi-Fi En-suite accommodation coming soon! A warm welcome awaits you from Sean, Andy and the Team.


Train Services from Dronfield Sunday 20th May - Saturday 8th December 2018 inclusive

Destination Dep.


Destination Dep.



Sheffield 00:02


Not Mondays

Leeds 14:02



Nottingham 04:20


Mon-Fri only

Nottingham 14:15


Nottingham 05:24


Not Sundays

Leeds 15:02


Nottingham1 06:13


Not Sundays

Nottingham 15:15



Not Sundays

Leeds 16:02




Leeds 06:32 Leeds1 07:01


Not Sundays

Nottingham 16:15


Nottingham 07:11


Not Sundays

Norwich 16:48


Liverpool Lime Street 07:18


Not Sundays

Leeds 17:02


Sheffield 07:49


Not Sundays

Nottingham 17:15


Leeds 08:04


Not Sundays

Norwich 17:51



Nottingham 08:13


Not Sundays

Leeds 18:02


Liverpool Lime Street 08:26


Not Sundays

Nottingham 18:13


Leeds 09:02


Not Sundays

Leeds 19:02


Nottingham 09:15


Nottingham4 19:15



Leeds 20:02



Leeds 10:02 Nottingham 10:15


Liverpool Lime Street 10:25



Leeds3 11:02



Nottingham 11:15


Leeds 12:02


Nottingham 12:15


Leeds 13:02


Nottingham 13:15



Nottingham 20:12


Leeds 21:02


Nottingham 21:12


Nottingham 21:49


Leeds 22:02



Not Sundays

Not Sundays

Nottingham 22:13


Leeds 22:23


Sundays Only

Sheffield 23:23


Sundays Only

Notes Northern Rail are on strike every Saturday in 1. Now also on Saturdays 2. Sundays, goes to Carlisle (arr 13:46 ) December with a very limited service available operated by East Midlands Trains. 3. Departs at 10:57 on Sundays Please check before travelling.

4. Starts from Carlisle 15:02 5. Starts from Sheffield 22:03

© Friends of Dronfield Station 2018 - Data taken from Network Rail's Open Data 10/05/2018

NOTE: All trains departing from Platform 1 call at Chesterfield and all trains departing from Platform 2 call at Sheffield. Duo tickets are available from Dronfield to Sheffield and Meadowhall (only) which give a 25% discount on fares for 2 people travelling together off-peak. Dronfield to Sheffield returns are £7 for a couple (£3.50 each instead of £4.60 off peak) and Dronfield to Meadowhall returns are £8.80. Duo fares are only available on Northern Rail trains and not East Midlands Trains. To quote the website : “Duo tickets are available for two adults travelling together returning on the same day on selected routes only. Valid every day except weekends in December. Time restrictions apply. Railcard and child discounts are not permitted.”



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We are grateful to Mrs M Keys for this undated yet seasonal image of the centre of the village. The original Angel Inn is yet to be demolished and rebuilt, the Parish church of St. Swithin retains its ornamental tower cap and what would become the Coronation Garden in 1953 - and Millennium Garden in 2000 - has just 4 young saplings where large mature trees now grace us with their presence.

Holmesfield Bygones

Holmesfield Village Hall Available to Hire for Meetings and Functions Lucy Perry - Lettings Officer. Tel: 01246 721255 / 0775 2478866 email: holmesfieldvillagehall@outlook.com

Main Hall

Small Hall

Committee Room


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