11 AO 11 LM Candidacy Vote

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Action Outline AO11 Vote for Certified Lay Ministry Candidacy Name:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: ______________________________________________________________________ District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Action:

The DCOM votes to determine certified candidacy status.

Suggested Motion:

[__] Move that the above-named be granted certified candidacy status.

Date of Vote: Vote:

_____________________________ [__] Certified [__] Denied Certification Reason for Denial: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ [__] Delayed Certification Reason for Delay: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ** Individual written ballot, three-fourths majority required to certify (¶666.6) Requirements: [__] Completion of Board of Lay Ministry CLM program requirements. [__] Examined (interviewed) by the DCOM (see ¶310.2) Note: Candidacy status must be renewed annually by the DCOM (¶313) until a candidate becomes a local pastor or provisional member.

_____________________________ DCOM Signature Submit: DCOMConcerns@holston.org

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date Updated: 2023-10

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11 AO 11 LM Candidacy Vote by Holston Annual Conference - Issuu