Board of Ordained Ministry / Cabinet Application for Approval of Extension Ministry 2016 BOD
Applicant Name:
Email address:
Mailing Address:
Cell phone:
District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR
Current status: [__] Elder (FE) [__] Associate Member (AM) [__] Local Pastor (FL/PL)
I desire for this to become effective: _________ _________ __________
Ministry setting:
Please share in detail answers to the following questions (use additional pages as necessary). Please attach any documentation regarding related organizations, structures and accountability that you deem helpful to the Board and/or the Cabinet in reviewing your request.
1. The proposed setting for the proposed extension ministry.
2. Your sense of calling to the proposed extension ministry.
3. Your gifts and evidence of God’s grace for the proposed extension ministry.
4. How the proposed extension ministry constitutes a true extension of the Christian ministry of the Church, with special attention to how it reflects your commitment to intentional fulfilment of your ordination vows to Word, Sacrament, Order, and Service.
Please submit to:
[__] The Office of Clergy Services via
[__] The Episcopal Office
Board of Ordained Ministry / Cabinet Application for Approval of Extension Ministry 2016 BOD
5. How this proposed extension ministry constitutes the intentional fulfillment of your ordination vows, associate membership, or license as local pastor. Please pay special attention to explain how this proposed extension ministry is a task for which clergy are appropriately prepared and authorized in contrast to the work to which all Christians are called.
6. Please describe how the proposed extension ministry will provide adequate accountability standards and oversight.
Please initial the following if you agree:
[__] I certify that, even if this ministry is approved as an extension ministry pursuant to ¶344.1(d), I would still “remain within the itineracy and shall be accountable to the annual conference.”
[__] I certify that, if I am appointed to an extension ministry pursuant to ¶344.1(d), I will have to identify a charge conference to which I will relate and obtain a letter from the pastor responsible for that charge conference establishing that I have consulted with her/him.
[__] I certify that if I am appointed to an extension ministry pursuant to ¶344.1(d), I will be required to annually submit to the bishop, the district superintendent, and the Board of Ordained Ministry, “a written report on the official form . . . for the evaluation of these clergy in light of the missional needs of the Church and the fulfillment of their licensing or ordination to be minister of Service, Word, Sacrament, and Order.”
[__] I certify that the Board and the Cabinet have ongoing authority and responsibility to review the appropriateness of extension ministries pursuant to ¶344.1(d).
Applicant Signature Date
Please submit to:
[__] The Office of Clergy Services via
[__] The Episcopal Office
Updated: 2023-03
Board of Ordained Ministry / Cabinet
Application for Approval of Extension Ministry 2016 BOD
Office Use Only:
Conference Relations Committee (CRC):
[__] Recommend [__] Not Recommend CRC Recommendation Date
Extension Ministry Category:
[__] ¶344.1.a.1-3 - Appt UM Connectional Structures
[__] ¶344.1.a.4 - Appt in Ecumenical Agencies
[__] ¶344.1.d - Other Valid Ministries
[__] ¶344.1.c - Appointed through GBGM
[__] ¶344.1b - Under Endorsement by GBHEM
[__] ¶¶331.1a; 331.4 - Deacons Appointed Beyond the Local Church
[__] ¶331.1b - Deacons Appointed within UM Connectional Structure
[__] ¶¶331.8; 346.1 - Appointment to another AC
[__] ¶331.5 - Deacons Appt to a Local Congregation with Missional Responsibility, as a Secondary Appt
[__] Recommend [__] Not Recommend____________
BOMEC Recommendation Date _____________________________________________________________________________________
Please submit to:
[__] The Office of Clergy Services via
[__] The Episcopal Office
Updated: 2023-03