App 19 - Honorable Location

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App 19 Application: Request for Honorable Location (¶358.3) Name: Address: Best Contact # Email: Clergy Status: District: Charge:

_______________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last _______________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip (______)________-_______________ Birthdate: __________ __________ _____________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year _______________________________________________________________________________ [__] Full Elder [__] Full Deacon [__] Associate Member [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR _______________________________________________________________________________

After having prayerfully and thoughtfully considered my ministry, and the itinerant nature of that ministry, I feel that I can no longer participate in itinerant ministry. I, therefore, request that I be granted Honorable Location by the annual conference. Deadline for Application submission is 90 days prior to the annual conference. March 1st is an appropriate date to meet this deadline requirement. [__] I understand that the Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM) must first “examine my character” and find me in “good standing”. [__] I understand that the Clergy Session must also “examine my character” and find me in “good standing”. [__] I affirm that I intend to discontinue my service in itinerant ministry. [__] I understand that I will no longer hold membership in the annual conference and that my membership will be transferred to the ________________________________________________ United Methodist Church in the __________________________ District of the _____________________________ Annual Conference. [__] I further realize that prior to my membership being transferred, I must confer with my District Superintendent, the Pastor and PRC of the church to which my membership will be transferred. [__] I understand that I must surrender my Certificate of Conference Membership for deposit with the Secretary of the Annual Conference. [__] I understand that as a clergy member of the charge conference, I may only exercise ministerial functions with the written permission of the pastor in charge. [__] I understand that I am to supply an annual report to the charge conference stating my desire to continue on Honorable Location and that I must also send a copy of the annual report to the BOM Registrar’s Office. Failure to submit this annual report for two consecutive years may result in termination of orders upon recommendation of the BOM and the vote of the Clergy Session.

________________________________ _____ ____________________________________ _______________________ Signature Printed Name Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit copies of this application to: [__] Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Conference Secretary via Office Use: Month Day BOM passed on Character: ___________ ___________ BOM [__] recommends / [__] does not recommend transition assistance. BOMEC/BOM approved request: ___________ ___________ Honorable Location – Retired became effective: ___________ ___________

Year ____________ ____________ ____________

Updated: 2020-11

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