2019-2020 HAC Handbook / Directory

Page 1

Holston Conference Center Mailing Address: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 • Toll-free Telephone: (866) 690-4080 • Fax: (865) 690-3162 Website: www.holston.org • Facebook:.Holston.org • Twitter: @TheCall_Holston • Instagram: @thecall_holston ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Holston Conference Episcopal Office

Phone Ext.

Bishop Mary Virginia Taylor.......................... bishop@holston.org............................................................4146 Resident Bishop Lori Sluder.............................................................lorisluder@holston.org................................................................ 4146 Bishop’s Assistant

Holston Conference Administrative & Financial Services Rick Cherry .................................................... rickcherry@holston.org......................................................4129

Conference Treasurer & Statistician, Director, Finance

Administrative Assistant, Accounts Payable & Insurance Provider

Pension and Health Benefits Administrator

Assistant to Treasurer

Senior Accounting Assistant, Accounts Receivable

Database Administrator

Valarie Gallant ............................................... valariegallant@holston.org................................................4125 Julie Graham .................................................. juliegraham@holston.org...................................................4136 Angela Lee ..................................................... angelalee@holston.org.......................................................4126 Kathy Ratchford ............................................. kathyratchford@holston.org ..............................................4127 Sandy Seay ..................................................... sandraseay@holston.org ...................................................4128 Holston Conference Clergy Services

Terry Goodman............................................... terrygoodman@holston.org................................................4147

Conference Secretary/Director, Clergy Services

Administrative Assistant to Conference Secretary/Director, Clergy Services

Brandy Williams............................................. brandywilliams@holston.org..............................................4148 Holston Conference Communications Tim Jones ....................................................... timjones@holston.org.........................................................4145

Director, Communications

Print Media Specialist/Graphic Designer

Information Technology Manager

Editor, The Call

Multimedia Coordinator

Millie Meese .................................................. milliemeese@holston.org....................................................4138 Brent Sharp .................................................... brentsharp@holston.org.....................................................4131 Annette Spence .............................................. annettespence@holston.org................................................4130 Donna Hankins............................................... donnahankins@holston.org................................................4132 Holston Conference Congregational Development & Revitialization

Rusty Taylor................................................... rustytaylor@holston.org.....................................................4149

Director, Congregational Development & Revitalization

Administrative Assistant to Congregational Development & Revitalization and Clergy Services

Sue Weber....................................................... sueweber@holston.org........................................................4135 continued on inside back cover

Table of Contents Holston Conference Staff Holston Conference Center ..................................................... Inside Front Cover Holston Conference Foundation ............................................. Inside Back Cover Holston Smoky Mountain District Office ............................... Inside Back Cover Holston Camp & Retreat Ministries ....................................... Inside Back Cover Holston Center for Wellbeing ............................................................ Back Cover Conference & Related Contacts .................................................................. Back Cover Conference Officials............................................................................................. 1 A. Conference Officers................................................................................ 1 B. Conference Officials................................................................................ 1 C. Bishop’s Assisant.................................................................................... 1 D. Appointment Cabinet Team.................................................................... 2 E. Clergy Support Team.............................................................................. 3 F. Connectional Ministries Team................................................................ 3 Directors of Conference Camps.......................................................... 4 Directors of Wesley Foundations........................................................ 4 Campus Ministers............................................................................... 4 G. Communications Team........................................................................... 5 H. Financial Services Team......................................................................... 5 I. Presidents/CEOs of Conference-Related Institutions............................. 6 J. Delegates to 2020 General & Jurisdictional Conferences...................... 6 Clergy Directory 2019-2020................................................................................. 7 Ministerial Appointments 2019–2020..................................................................


Church Directory 2019–2020...............................................................................


Conference Organization 2019–2020...................................................................


Members of Conference Teams, Boards, Councils, Commissions....................... 155 Surviving Spouses Directory................................................................................ 174 Lay Members and At Large Members to Annual Conference..............................


NOTICE Directory corrections should be reported to: Your District Office (see page 2) Directory is meant to be accurate at the time of publication.



Conference Officials President ......................................................................................................... Resident Bishop, Mary Virginia Taylor Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-7112 Email: bishop@holston.org Chancellor ................................................................................................................................................. John Eldridge Mailing: 5402 Mill Ridge Drive, Knoxville, TN 37919-8900 Telephone: (865) 602-2383 Email: johneldrid@aol.com Conference Lay Leader ....................................................................................................... James D. “Del” Holley, Jr. Mailing: 440 Bowers Park Circle, Knoxville, TN 37920-7758 Telephone: (865) 609-9892 Fax: (865) 215-4253 Email: delholley@auburnalum.org Conference Secretary ...................................................................................................................... Terry D. Goodman Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: terrygoodman@holston.org Conference Treasurer and Statistician .............................................................................. F. Richard “Rick” Cherry Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: rickcherry@holston.org

B. Conference Officials Conference Director of Connectional Ministries............................................................................ Michael G. Sluder Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: mikesluder@holston.org President, Conference Council on Youth Ministries ............................................................................. Reagan Kelly President, United Methodist Men ............................................................................................................. Eric Knoefel Mailing: 5424 Briercliff Road, Knoxville, TN 37918-3462 Telephone: (865) 687-3321 Email: eknoefel@msn.com President, United Methodist Women .................................................................................................... Carolyn Haerr Mailing: 311 Toestring Cove Rd., Spring City, TN 37381-5716 Telephone: (423) 365-9346 Email: chrishaerr@bellsouth.net

C. Bishop’s Assisant Bishop’s Assistant .................................................................................................................................... Lori L. Sluder Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 293-4146 Fax: (865) 690-7112 Email: lorisluder@holston.org


A. Conference Officers


Holston Annual Conference


D. Appointment Cabinet Team Resident Bishop ........................................................................................................................... Mary Virginia Taylor Bishop’s Assistant ........................................................................................................................................ Lori L. Sluder

District Superintendents Appalachian (AP) District.................................................................................................................. Jeffrey W. Wright Administrative Assistant.................................................................................................................. Beverley Crabtree Office & Mailing: 1314 W. Jackson St. #101, Gate City, VA 24251-3010 Telephone: (276) 523-3025 Fax: (276) 690-2698 Website: www.appalachian-district.org Email: apdist@holston.org DS: jeffwright@holston.org Clinch Mountain (CM) District ............................................................................................................. Jane E. Taylor Administrative Assistant ..................................................................................................................... Monika Surcey Administrative Assistant .................................................................................................................... Jamie N. Boone Office: 966 West Main Street #E, Abingdon, VA 24210 • Mailing: P.O. Box 263, Abingdon, VA 24212-0263 Telephone: (276) 523-3025 Fax: (276) 690-2698 Email: cmdist@holston.org DS: janetaylor@holston.org Hiwassee (HI) District ................................................................................................. Elihugh J. “Hugh” Kilgore, Jr. Administrative Assistant.................................................................................................................. Stacy Underdown Office: 920 Moose Creek Road, Cleveland, TN 37311 • Mailing: P.O. Box 3382, Cleveland, TN 37320-3382 Telephone: (423) 476-8221 Fax (423) 559-0436 Email: hidist@holston.org DS: hughkilgore@holston.org Mountain View (MV) District ..................................................................................................... Angela Hardy Cross Administrative Assistant .................................................................................................................... Christine Coley Office: 112 East First North St., Morristown, TN 37814 • Mailing: P.O. Box 1592, Morristown, TN 37816-1592 Telephone: (423) 586-2942 Fax: (423) 586-7406 Email: mvdist@holston.org DS: angelahardycross@holston.org New River (NR) District ............................................................................................................ Kimberly M. Goddard Administrative Assistant ...................................................................................................................... Joanna Corvin Office: 105 Asbury Lane, Wytheville, VA 24382 • Mailing: P.O. Box 925, Wytheville, VA 24382-0925 Telephone: (276) 228-4922 Fax: (276) 228-6717 Email: nrdist@holston.org DS: kimgoddard@holston.org Scenic South (SS) District ....................................................................................................................... Randy Martin Administrative Assistant ...................................................................................................................... Melissa Spiers Office: 4315 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, TN 37411 • Mailing: P.O. Box 80353, Chattanooga, TN 37414-7353 Telephone: (423) 629-0333 Fax: (423) 622-8360 Email: ssdist@holston.org DS: randymartin@holston.org Smoky Mountain (SM) District .................................................................................................................. Jason Gattis Administrative Assistant ................................................................................................................ Cheryl Thompson Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 905, Alcoa, TN 37701-0905 Telephone: (865) 982-1427 Fax: (865) 981-7470 Email: smdist@holston.org DS: jasongattis@holston.org Tennessee Valley (TV) District ............................................................................................................... Ann P. Robins Administrative Assistant ...................................................................................................................... Mary Hawkins Administrative Assistant .......................................................................................................................... Lori Hopper Office: 5121 Camelia Road NW, Knoxville, TN 37912 • Mailing: P.O. Box 26384, Knoxville, TN 37912-9484 Telephone: (865) 470-7005 Fax: (865) 470-7067 Email:tvdist@holston.org DS: annrobins@holston.org Three Rivers (TR) District .............................................................................................................. Lauri Jo Cranford Administrative Assistant ........................................................................................................ Betty Yeomans-Barton Administrative Assistant ................................................................................................................... Amber Marshall Office & Mailing: 110 Mary Street, Johnson City, TN 37615 Telephone: (423) 926-7533 Fax: (423) 926-9293 Website: www.jcdistrict.org Email: trdist@holston.org DS: laurijocranford@holston.org



E. Clergy Support Team

Director of Congregational Development and Revitalization............................................ James R. “Rusty” Taylor Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: rustytaylor@holston.org Director of Holston Center for Wellbeing........................................................................................ Kathy T. Heustess Office: 2507 Mineral Springs Avenue, Suite B, Knoxville, TN 37917-1549 Telephone: (865) 692-2390 Fax: (865) 692-2393 Email: kathyheustess@holston.org Administrative Assistant, Holston Center for Wellbeing...................................................................... Donna Felskie Office: 2507 Mineral Springs Avenue, Suite B, Knoxville, TN 37917-1549 Telephone: (865) 692-2390 Fax: (865) 692-2393 Email: donnafelskie@holston.org Director of the Wesley Leadership Institute .......................................................................................Terry Goodman Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: terrygoodman@holston.org Administrative Assistant, Conference Secretary / Clergy Services................................................. Brandy Williams Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: brandywilliams@holston.org Administrative Assistant, Congregational Development / Wesley Leadership Institute.........................Sue Weber Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: sueweber@holston.org

F. Connectional Ministries Team

Director of Connectional Ministries and Missions ....................................................................... Michael G. Sluder Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: mikesluder@holston.org Associate Director of Connectional Ministries for Discipleship................................................ Susan L. Groseclose Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: susangroseclose@holston.org Associate Director of Connectional Ministries for Youth and Young Adult.................................... Laura McLean Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: lauramclean@holston.org Administrative Assistant & Audio-Visual Library.......................................................................... Charlotte Riggins Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: charlotteriggins@holston.org Executive Director of Camp & Retreat Ministries ......................................................................Mary C. Thompson Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: marythompson@holston.org Administrative Director, Camp & Retreat Ministries ............................................................................ Ruby Brown Mailing: 262 Bart Green Drive, Gray, TN 37615 Telephone: (423) 929-9037 Email: rubybrown@holston.org Office Assistant, Camp & Retreat Ministries ..................................................................................... Cheryl Killman Mailing: 262 Bart Green Drive, Gray, TN 37615 Telephone: (423) 929-9037 Email: camp@holston.org


Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry .......................................................................................... Mickey W. Rainwater Office & Mailing: 2508 Old Niles Ferry Road, Maryville, TN 37803 Telephone: (865) 983-2080 Fax: (865) 233-0649 Email: mrainwater@fairview-umc.org Conference Secretary / Director of Clergy Services / Clergy Concerns .................................... Terry D. Goodman Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: terrygoodman@holston.org


Holston Annual Conference


Directors of Conference Camps Camp Bays Mountain.......................................................................................................................... Jeffrey L. Wadley Mailing: P.O. Box 3706, Kingsport, TN 37664-0706 Website: www.holstoncamping.com Telephon: (423) 349-8401 Email: jeffwadley@holston.org Camp in the Community..................................................................................................................... Whitney Winston Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Website: www.holstoncamping.com Telephone: (865) 690-4080 Fax: (865) 690-3162 Email: whitney@campinthecommunity.org Camp Dickenson.....................................................................................................................................Anthony Gomez Mailing: 801 Camp Dickenson Lane, Fries, VA 24330-4348 Website: www.holstoncamping.com Telephone: (276) 744-7241 Fax: (276) 744-7241 Email: gomez@campdickenson.com Camp Lookout...............................................................................................................................Donald W. Washburn Mailing: 3130 Hwy. 157, Rising Fawn, GA 30738-2029 Website: www.holstoncamping.com Telephone: (706) 820-1163 Fax: (706) 820-9911 Email: don@camplookout.com Camp Wesley Woods......................................................................................................................................... Tony Lea Mailing: 329 Wesley Woods Rd, Townsend, TN 37882-3006 Website: www.holstoncamping.com Telephone: (865) 448-2246 Fax: (865) 448-3904 Email: director@campwesleywoods.com

Directors of Wesley Foundations East Tennessee State University .............................................................................................................. Caleb Frazier Office/Mailing: 1100 Seminole Dr, Johnson City, TN 37604-7134 Website: www.wesleyetsu.com Telephone: (423) 929-2121 Fax: (423) 232-4920 E-Mail: calebfrazier@yahoo.com Radford University ......................................................................................................... Martha “Martee” Buchanan Office & Mailing: 1022 Downey St., Radford, VA 24141-2620 Telephone: (540) 639-4415 Fax: (540) 731-1227 E-Mail: mtbuchan@gmail.com University of Tennessee, Chattanooga ................................................................................................ G. Keith Moore Office & Mailing: 607 Douglas Street, Chattanooga, TN 37403-2002 Telephone: (423) 266-3691 Fax: (423) 266-3696 E-mail: keith_moore@wesleyutc.com University of Tennessee, Knoxville ...................................................................................................... Sharon Bowers Associate Director .............................................................................................................................. Heidi Parunak Office & Mailing: 1718 Melrose Place, Knoxville, TN 37916-3421 Telephone: (865) 522-2728 Fax: (865) 524-6256 E-Mail: sbowers@utkwesleyfoundation.org AD: cbasedlead@yahoo.com University of Virginia College at Wise............................................................................ M. Elizabeth “Beth” Tipton Mailing: UVAW Box 4512, 1 College Avenue, Wise, VA 24293-4400 Telephone: (276) 328-6826 Fax: (276) 328-9488 E-Mail: btipton@uvawise.edu

Campus Ministers Emory & Henry College ....................................................................................................................... Mary K. Briggs Mailing: P.O. Box 947, Emory, VA 24327-0947 Telephone: (276) 944-6836 Fax (276) 944-6248 E-Mail: mkbriggs@ehc.edu Tennessee Wesleyan College.................................................................................................................. Chris C. Dover Mailing: P.O. Box 40, Athens, TN 37371-0040 Telephone: (804) 241-1956 Fax: (423) 744-9968 E-Mail: cdover@twcnet.edu cnrdover@gmail.com



G. Communications Team

H. Financial Services Team Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 • Fax: (865) 690-3162 Conference Treasurer / Director of Finance ................................................................................ F. Richard Cherry E-mail: rickcherry@holston.org Assistant to Treasurer .................................................................................................................................. Angela Lee E-mail: angelalee@holston.org Accounts Payable ................................................................................................................................... Valarie Gallant E-mail: valariegallant@holston.org Database Administrator ............................................................................................................................. Sandra Seay E-mail: sandraseay@holston.org Pensions / Health Insurance Administrator ........................................................................................... Julie Graham E-mail: juliegraham@holston.org Receptionist ............................................................................................................................................. Brittany Bailey E-mail: receptionist@holston.org Senior Accounting Assistant/ Accounts Receivable ........................................................................ Kathy Ratchford E-mail: kathyratchford@holston.org


Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 Telephone: (865) 690-4080 • Fax: (865) 690-3162 Director of Communications ........................................................................................................... Timothy W. Jones E-mail: timjones@holston.org Fax: (865) 690-7112 Editor, The Call ..................................................................................................................................... Annette Spence E-mail: annettespence@holston.org Information Technology Manager ............................................................................................................ Brent Sharp E-mail: brentsharp@holston.org Multimedia Coordinator ....................................................................................................................... Donna Hankins E-mail: donnahankins@holston.org Print Media Specialist/Graphic Designer ................................................................................................. Millie Meese E-mail: milliemeese@holston.org


Holston Annual Conference


I. Presidents/CEOs of Conference-Related Institutions Asbury Centers, Inc., ................................................................................................................................... Robin Stern Office/Mailing: 5285 Westview Dr., Suite 200, Frederick, MD 21703-8521 Telephone: (865) 238-8300 Fax: (865) 984-9161 E-mail: karnot@asburyplace.org Emory & Henry College ......................................................................................................................... John W. Wells Office: One Girnand Drive, Emory, VA 24327 • Mailing: P.O. Box 947, Emory, VA 24327 Telephone: (276) 944-6107 Fax: (276) 944-6598 E-mail: jwwells@ehc.edu Holston Foundation Executive Director.............................................................................................................................. Paul Bowman Office: 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 • Mailing: P.O. Box 900, Alcoa, TN 37701-0900 Telephone: (865) 690-8124 Fax: (865) 690-3162 E-mail: paulbowman@holston.org Holston United Methodist Home for Children President/CEO ................................................................................................................................... Bradley S. Williams E-mail: bradleywilliams@holstonhome.org Vice-President for Development and Church Relations ..................................................... Charles A. Hutchins E-mail: charleshutchins@holstonhome.org Office: 404 Holston Drive, Greeneville, TN 37744 • Mailing: P.O. Box 188, Greeneville, TN 37744 Telephone: (423) 638-4171 Knoxville Telephone: (865) 691-9963 Fax: (423) 638-7171 Tennessee Wesleyan University .............................................................................................Harley Knowles Office: 204 E. College St., Athens, TN 37303 • Mailing: P.O. Box 40, Athens, TN 37303 Telephone: (423) 745-7504 Fax: (423) 744-9968 E-mail: hknowles@twcnet.edu

J. Delegates to 2020 General & Jurisdictional Conferences Delegates to 2020 General Conference Laity: Emily Ballard (leader) Clergy: Del Holley Anne Travis John Eldridge Donna Mosby Becky Hall Amanda Onks (alternate) Charles McEntyre (alternate)

Kim Goddard Wil Cantrell Paul Seay Mary Thompson Randy Frye Sharon Bowers Lauri Jo Cranford (alternate) Josh Kilbourne (alternate)

Delegates to 2020 Jurisdictional Conference (in addition to the General Conference Delegates) Laity: Amanda Onks Clergy: Lauri Jo Cranford Charles McEntyre Josh Kilbourne Reagan Kelly David Graybeal Jim Gass Kristen Burkhart Nate Roark Sarah Varnell Leamon Burl Lawson Mark Flynn Reserve Delegates to 2020 Jurisdictional Conference Laity: Sam England Clergy Dawson Kitts

Amy Aycock Sumrall Caleb Frazier

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)

Status Charge/District Address/E-Mail Clergy Directory 2019-2020



* Denotes attendance at Annual Conference ** Denotes excused absence from Annual Conference

Name (Spouse)





2212 Farris Rd Maryville TN 37803-6620 kenandmaryabbott@gmail.com

* Adams Ronald B. PL Middle Creek UMC Melanie SM

Adams Group, 18388 Highway 11 E Lenoir City TN 37772-5495 (865) 659-3323 bruce@theadamsgroup.tv

* Adams Todd R. FE Unicoi UMC Chantele TR

133 Dadburn Rd Jonesborough TN 37659-3503 toddradams13@gmail.com


732 Liberty Church Rd Kingsport TN 37663-4609 (423) 477-8866 deejaa333@yahoo.com

* Aker

126 Ebenezer Ave Bluefield VA 24605-9519 ksake86@gmail.com

(276) 322-3253 (276) 322-4017 (276) 322-3253

* Akers III Willard T. FE First UMC Dayton Angela HI

PO Box 12 Dayton TN 37321-0012 pastorbill98@comcast.net

(423) 775-0262 (423) 596-1508

* Albee Stuart K. FE First UMC Pigeon Forge Elizabeth SM

PO Box 157 Pigeon Forge TN 37868-0157 pastorstuart78@gmail.com

(865) 453-8333 (865) 453-8333 (865) 453-8333

* Alderman

80 Lady Slipper Ln Ivanhoe VA 24350-3038 (276) 744-3505 alderman60@yahoo.com

Steven A. FE Kay

Frank Steven PL Debbie

Ebenezer-Bailey NR

Wytheville Circuit NR

(865) 679-2464 (865) 679-2464

(423) 926-0978 (423) 913-4353 (423) 926-1820

Allen Ronald O RE RETIRED 208 Million St Athens TN 37303-2226 (423) 745-6678 Letha HI * Alley Carol B. PL Valley Center UMC Ronald AP

650 Caney Valley Loop Surgoinsville TN 37873-6314 carolalley@hotmail.com

(423) 357-3619

Allison Donald E RE RETIRED Eleanor SS

2501 Saint Lucie Ct Chattanooga TN 37421-1880 donaldallison@bellsouth.net

(423) 892-9363 (423) 892-8601

Amos Clifford W. RD RETIRED Victoria TV

4114 Fulton Dr Knoxville TN 37918-4313

(865) 292-8200

* Amos Sr. Raymond FE First UMC Elizabethton Pat TR

421 W F St Elizabethton TN 37643-3003 umcpastorray@gmail.com

(423) 543-3505 (423) 542-5144 (423) 543-2168

* Amos Jr. Raymond W. FE South Bristol UMC Kim CM

1801 Southside Ave Bristol TN 37620-4254 umcpastorray@gmail.com

(423) 764-4824 (423) 764-4207


Ted P. RL Shirley

Grace Circuit PO Box 664 Bland VA 24315-0664 (276) 688-9869 NR

* Anderson David G. FE Daisy-Sale Creek Carey SS

9510 Dayton Pike Soddy Daisy TN 37379-4752 (423) 486-4993 dga3510@hotmail.com

Anderson John C. RE RETIRED Susan TV

105 Essex Dr Knoxville TN 37922-3502 (423) 443-7309 johncooperanderson@gmail.com

* Andrews

1243 Sanders Ln Saltville VA 24370-3231 (276) 780-3471 pastor_mike_andrews@hotmail.com

Michael R. OF Debbie

Broadford Circuit CM

Andrus Timothy John PL Wesley Chapel UMC Jenn HI

328 Sweetsprings Rd Madisonville TN 37354-5600 (386) 473-4001 tandrus11@gmail.com

Clergy Directory

Abbott Jr. Kenneth K. RE RETIRED Mary SM


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





Anna Judith RE RETIRED Freddrick Long SM

605 Zachary Dr Weatherford TX 76087-3312 (817) 458-6997 judithnmnanna@gmail.com

* Archer Edward Mahan RE RETIRED Laura TV

5429 Dogwood Rd Knoxville TN 37918-3456 mparcher53@gmail.com

(865) 986-2325 (865) 688-2280

* Armstrong

PO Box 398 Narrows VA 24124-0398 revdougarmstrong@gmail.com

(540) 726-2223 (540) 358-4055

* Arnold Susan FE Blountville UMC Mike TR

PO Box 686 Blountville TN 37617-0686 joyfullyinchrist@yahoo.com

(423) 323-5941 (423) 429-5026 (423) 323-5951

** Asbury Mark PL

Rich Valley-Bethany CM

22285 Rich Valley Rd Abingdon VA 24210-1957 markhasbury@gmail.com

(276) 628-7009

* Ashworth

David Alan PL Mary

Round Mountain Circuit NR

1101 Hunting Camp Rd Bastian VA 24314-5321 (276) 688-6151 alanashworth2@hotmail.com

* Atchley

Aaron Dana FE Brooke

Honaker-Elk Garden CM

255 Swords Creek Rd Honaker VA 24260-7069 aarondatchley@hotmail.com

* Atchley

L. Brooke FD Aaron Atchley

C M Dist Cooperative Min CM

255 Swords Creek Rd Honaker VA 24260-7069 batchley@umcmission.org

Douglas Andrew FE Dianne

First UMC Narrows NR

(276) 873-5478 (276) 991-6010

* Atkins McClure Teresa FE New Life-Hopewell John McClure TV

7921 Millertown Pike Knoxville TN 37924-1858 revteresa.mcclure@gmail.com

(865) 554-6515 (865) 216-0156

* Atwater Gary PL New Century UMC Janice TV

5808 Glenlyn Dr Powell TN 37849-4960 glatwater2@gmail.com

(865) 693-9315 (865) 938-8866

* Ault David E. FE Knoxville Leadership Foundation Patti Anne SM

9957 Tierra Verde Dr Knoxville TN 37922-7121 dault@klf.org

(865) 675-9604

* Austin


527 Hale St Pearisburg VA 24134 (540) 921-0210 fredaustin1933@gmail.com

Avers Dorothy DR RETIRED TV

5405 Colonial Cir Apt 115 Knoxville TN 37918-3273 (865) 521-6456

* Bailes James R. RE RETIRED Diane TV

1840 Bombay Ln Knoxville TN 37932-4403 (865) 919-8328 jdbailes@comcast.net

* Bailey

Donald FL Karen

Glade Spring Charge CM

PO Box 667 Glade Spring VA 24340-0667 (276) 496-3451 revdonniele.db@gmail.com

* Bailey

Sean Erik OF Kala

Three Bells-Horton’s Chapel AP

308 Fugate St Duffield VA 24244-9793 sbailey1611@gmail.com

(276) 431-2091 (276) 431-2088

Baker Gary E. RE RETIRED Charlotte TV

3757 Big Springs Rd Maryville TN 37801-8912 gbakerc@charter.net

(865) 524-1689 (865) 712-5280 (865) 673-6128

* Bales Tammy M. FE Givens Estates Paul TR

213 Trappers Trl Hendersonville NC 28739-9385 (828) 490-2707 tbales@givenscommunities.org

* Ball Jr. James M. RE RETIRED Betty Joyce TV

501 E Whitaker Mill Rd Apt 405A Raleigh NC 27608-2649 (919) 832-1358 jamesbettyball@gmail.com

* Ballard Richard Scott OF Greene County Parish Tina Ballard TR

445 Stone Dam Rd Chuckey TN 37641-4922 (423) 639-0507 ballardinfo@gmail.com

* Ballard Thomas T. FE Fountain City UMC Jonna TV

212 Hotel Rd Knoxville TN 37918-3226 tom.ballard@fountaincityumc.org

Fred L. Vivian


(865) 689-5175 (423) 585-7054

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






PO Box 606 Lenoir City TN 37771-0606 pastorkristie@gmail.com

* Barber Joe H. FE Mississippi Conference TR

PO Box 169 Carthage MS 39051-0169 (423) 360-0754 jhbarbers@embarqmail.com

* Barber Mark A AM Riverview Circuit Elsilynn MV

1733 Bewleys Chapel Rd Mosheim TN 37818-5453 (423) 284-6904 revmarkbarber@gmail.com

Bartee Amy Beth FE U.S. Air Force NR

PSC 2 Box 2754 APO AP 96264-0028 amy.bartee.1@us.af.mil

Bartley Gregory K. PL Mount Crest UMC Candace SS

242 Henson Ln Dunlap TN 37327-5806 (423) 949-3395 gcbart222@bledsoe.net


25709 Yellow Bluff Rd Lucedale MS 39452-8331 bdb56@peoplepc.com

(865) 388-8380

* Bass Linda PE Valley View-Heiskell Allen TV

535 Old Emory Rd Clinton TN 37716-6062 webfish7@gmail.com

(423) 609-5403

Bastian Engelbert RL RETIRED Beverly TV

870 Pearl Dr Lenoir City TN 37772-6239 (865) 988-5399 bevnbert@att.net

** Bates

7013 Candlewicke Dr Wise VA 24293-5853 (276) 328-1019 phillipbates@comcast.net

Phillip F. PL Mona

Appalachian Prayer Fellowship/ Trinity UMC Wise AP

(865) 986-2325 (865) 408-7726

* Baxter Cecil J. RA Pleasant Grove UMC SS

225 Fiddlers Dr Whitwell TN 37397-8918 (423) 658-8306 firstbaxter@aol.com

Beamer Martha M. RL RETIRED Bob MV

2255 Kingsport Hwy Greeneville TN 37745-3558 marthabmw@hotmail.com

Bean Christine W. RL RETIRED John MV

511 Lee Dr Morristown TN 37814-3131 (423) 581-8787 ecwbean22@yahoo.com

Bean Robert H. RE RETIRED Frances TV

3104 N Broadway St Apt B16 Knoxville TN 37917-3253 (865) 659-2502 bobbean1972@yahoo.com

Beaty A. Carol RL RETIRED 322 Foothills Village Cir Maryville TN 37801-2505 SM Beavers

David K. FE Rocklan

U.S. Army SS

(423) 638-1124 (423) 638-1124

(865) 599-7816

621 Nettle Ct Charlottesville VA 22903-7874 (706) 573-5851 david.k.beavers@US.Army.mil

* Beck Sr. Dallas J. RE RETIRED Peggy SS

4311 Thunderbird Dr Chattanooga TN 37406-1234 dbdbeck@aol.com

(423) 892-2257 (423) 892-8562 (423) 855-7880

* Bedwell

Ricky R. SY Anne

Spring Valley Circuit NR

3045 Old Baywood Rd Galax VA 24333-3633 ricann@embarqmail.com

(276) 233-4506

* Begley

Ricky PL Leigh Ann

Smith’s Chapel UMC AP

3397 Manville Rd Gate City VA 24251-4738 (276) 386-9641 begleycoalandconstruction@gmail.com

Bell-McAdams Brenda PL Cherokee Circuit MV

130 St Wilhoit Dr Greeneville TN 37743-7809 (423) 305-8343 faye51bellbrenda@gmail.com

* Belote Missy Ruth PL First Broad Street-Community Brad AP

3835 Lake Valley Rd Kingsport TN 37664-5133 missysheltonbelote@gmail.com

Bender Heidi RE RETIRED Dexter TV

2238 County Road 114 Scottsboro AL 35769 (423) 329-1165 pastorhbender@aol.com

(417) 343-8698

Clergy Directory

* Banes Karolyn FE Trinity UMC Lenoir City Eric SM


Holston Annual Conference

Name (Spouse)

Clergy Directory

* Bennington

Status James L. FE Tami




First UMC Marion CM

230 Larch St Marion VA 24354-4523 jamesbennington09@gmail.com

(276) 783-5194 (423) 557-5311 (423) 623-6067

Benson Parker RE Walland UMC Carol SM

309 E Millers Cove Rd Walland TN 37886-2421 (865) 255-3781 prbenson2@gmail.com

* Berg Brandon R FE First UMC Bristol Karoline CM

1719 Holston Dr (423) 652-2811 Bristol TN 37620-4510 Rev.b.r.berg@gmail.com

* Beria Bert E. PL South Cleveland UMC Leslye HI

517 County Road 778 Athens TN 37303-6317 (423) 336-1285 bberia@yahoo.com

Berry James Michael PL Carter County Parish Tammy TR

201 Piney Ave Piney Flats TN 37686-4216 (423) 538-4065 jamesmichaelberry@gmail.com

* Berry Shannon Marie FE North Carolina Conference Jason TR

106 N Sycamore St Fremont NC 27830 (423) 943-1556 pastorshannonmarie@gmail.com

* Best Larry K. RE RETIRED Loretta TV

6911 Dorchester Dr Knoxville TN 37909-2608 (865) 212-4279 bestlnl@bellsouth.net

* Best Timothy J. FE St Paul UMC Fountain City Christina TV

4014 Garden Dr Knoxville TN 37918-3501 rev.t.best@gmail.com

Bishop Benny J. RL RETIRED Helen AP

5116 Stanley Valley Rd Church Hill TN 37642-8111 bennybishop70@yahoo.com

Bittle Jr. Fred L. RE RETIRED TV

6840 Collinswood Dr Nashville TN 37221-3961 (615) 662-4229

Black Bobby RA RETIRED Lisa TV

119 Westin Parc Johnson City TN 37615-4972 ic4men2007@comcast.net

* Black Christopher E. PE First UMC Oak Ridge Julie TV

520 Wedgwood Dr Alcoa TN 37701-1752 (865) 405-7138 ceblack728@gmail.com

* Black Clyde Joseph RE RETIRED SM

1448 Chessingham Dr Maryville TN 37801-2949 (865) 254-0155 preacherjoeb@aol.com

* Black Karen E. OE

1621 Randolph Ave Pulaski VA 24301-2001 karenblack463@gmail.com

(540) 980-8778 (540) 980-0145

* Blackburn III H. Carlton FE St John UMC Kristen SS

3921 Murray Hills Dr Chattanooga TN 37416-2923 cblackburn@stjohnumc.org

42-3855 (423) 400-0061

* Blackwood Lisa FD RETIRED Leland SM

1309 S Court St Maryville TN 37803-6039 lelandnlisa@gmail.com

(865) 681-5420 (865) 983-7147 (865) 681-5447

Blair B. Ann RE

427 E Main St Apt 321 Batavia NY 14020-2527 (276) 637-6431 bannblair@outlook.com

Randolph Avenue UMC NR


(865) 687-2952 (276) 496-4934 UNLISTED

(423) 892-8050 (423) 619-7808

* Blair Edwin G. AM Bethesda-Eden Kathleen TR

4755 Cherokee Rd Jonesborough TN 37659-6926 pastoredblair@yahoo.com

(423) 434-0175 (423) 753-4507

* Blazer Phyllis C PL Cosby Circuit Larry MV

213 Shoreline Dr Dandridge TN 37725-5377 (423) 465-5757 pacblazer@gmail.com

Blevins Kenneth J. RA

RETIRED PO Box 845 Hillsville VA 24343-0845 (276) 677-0038 NR

* Blevins

Chatham Hill Circuit CM

Mack PL Mary

6364 Blue Grass Trl Saltville VA 24370-4624 (276) 624-3506 mackblevins@embarqmail.com

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






* Boatwright Megan OE Christ UMC Knoxville Brandon TV

7535 Maynardville Pike Knoxville TN 37938-3348 megan@christumcknox.com

* Bolen


2242 Coon Ridge Rd Hillsville VA 24343-1945 (276) 728-9380 revraybolen@centurylink.net

Boles George W. RE RETIRED Brenda TV

1507 Ashby Field Ln Knoxville TN 37918-8506 (865) 660-3741 k4snn@frontiernet.net

* Boles Sherrell E. FE Bearden UMC TV

PO Box 11065 Knoxville TN 37939-1065 sherry@beardenumc.org

* Bond Kerry Layne OF Sneedville Circuit Zel MV

1641 Wolverine Ln Knoxville TN 37931-4562 (865) 712-8896 klayneb@gmail.com

* Booher Brenda SY Austin Springs UMC Ken TR

692 Austin Springs Rd Piney Flats TN 37686-4711 brendabooher1957@gmail.com

Boragine Robert RL RETIRED Charlsie MV

302 Ridgewood Dr Rogersville TN 37857-3059 (423) 272-3578 bckboragine@charter.net

Bostick Gregory D. PL Mt Hermon UMC Knox Missy TV

132 Lane Rd Lenoir City TN 37772-5524 gdbostick@charter.net

Bowers Richard D. RL RETIRED Dessie TR

15590 Kingsport Hwy Chuckey TN 37641-3648 (423) 470-2979 richard_bowers2009@comcast.net

* Bowers Sharon FE HC-Wesley Foundation UTK TV

800 Wesley Ave Greeneville TN 37743-3625 cbasedlead@yahoo.com

* Bowles Jr. Albert J. RE RETIRED Chris SS

5805 N Park Rd Hixson TN 37343-4667 (423) 870-2339 al-chris@att.net

* Boyce Loren OE First UMC Rogersville Jessica MV

417 E McKinney Ave Rogersville TN 37857-3339 (970) 203-4581 Lorenboyce@gmail.com

* Boyd William RL Evensville UMC Josephine HI

329 Sierra Dr Dayton TN 37321-4235 (423) 775-5508 evensongboyd@att.net

* Bracken Timothy B. FE Brainerd UMC Kellie SS

4315 Brainerd Rd Chattanooga TN 37411-5434 tbracken@brainerdumc.org

Braddy Carolyn RL RETIRED HI

1757 Highland Ave NW Cleveland TN 37311-4362 (423) 479-5331 carolyn5331@att.net

** Bradley

177 Apostolic Dr Bandy VA 24602-9471 danielbradley72@mail.com

Ray RL Irene

Bishop Circuit CM

(865) 588-6562 (423) 488-2556

(423) 538-0537

(865) 938-7910 (865) 988-3411 (865) 769-0115

(865) 522-2728 (423) 329-7012 (865) 524-6256

(423) 698-6951 (423) 698-6951 (423) 629-5193

* Brady J. Scott FE Sulphur Springs UMC Beth TR

1432 Gray Sulphur Springs Rd Jonesborough TN 37659-4406 scottbrady09@hotmail.com


PO Box 1963 Cedar Bluff VA 24609-1963 (276) 701-1673 georgegwb@live.com

George William PL Donna

Carvosso UMC CM

(423) 753-5631 (865) 560-6503 (423) 753-8891

Brewer Jr. Robert Crawford RP RETIRED Janice MV

3652 Blue Byrd Ln Kodak TN 37764-1377 (865) 315-0243 RobertBrewer44@gmail.com

* Brewster John D. FE Bradbury-Good Shepherd Gincy TV

3934 Buttermilk Rd W Kingston TN 37763-6930 brewster1229@gmail.com

(865) 376-2990 (865) 209-5158

* Brickey William PL Madisonville Circuit HI

803 Wears Valley Rd Townsend TN 37882-3412 williambrickey1@gmail.com

(865) 705-6676

Clergy Directory

Daniel L. PL Mable

(865) 922-1412 (724) 747-3762


Holston Annual Conference

Name (Spouse) * Briggs

Status Mary K. FE Rob

Clergy Directory

Brock J. Michelle FL




Emory & Henry College CM

321 College St Marion VA 24354-2401 mkbriggs@ehc.edu

Belfast-Midway CM

291 Belfast Mills Rd Cedar Bluff VA 24609-8235 (276) 210-8834 jembrock1@gmail.com

(276) 944-6836 (276) 783-9208 (276) 944-6248

* Bromberg Wayne Allen PL First UMC Bulls Gap Nora MV

403 Phyllis Cir Talbott TN 37877-8544 (423) 586-9566 pstrwayne@outlook.com

* Bronkala Eric PE Shannondale Laura TV

2409 Staplehurst Ln Knoxville TN 37932-1321 (865) 539-4324 ebronkala@gmail.com

Brooks James Helmut AM Mosheim Central-Ottway Letitia MV

55 Elm St Mosheim TN 37818-6019 (423) 220-0017 pastorjamesbrooks@gmail.com

* Brown Bradley Steven PE Jones Chapel-Wesleyanna HI

381 County Road 775 Riceville TN 37370-5219 (423) 306-0702 gatecityb_rad@yahoo.com

* Brown Christopher J. FE Colonial Heights UMC Suzanne AP

211 Sanders St Blountville TN 37617-6323 dukevol@gmail.com

(423) 239-6031 (423) 440-0894 (423) 239-7699

* Brown Jr. Harvey R. RE RETIRED Marilyn SM

PO Box 39 Pigeon Forge TN 37868-0039 hbrown@impactministries.org

(865) 898-4445 (865) 898-4445

* Brown James Douglas RE Ten Mile-Oak Grove Nila HI

222 Paint Rock Rd Kingston TN 37763-5823 (865) 376-5859 jdougb8@gmail.com

* Brown Ralph Steven FE First UMC Dandridge Jackie MV

PO Box 8 Dandridge TN 37725-0008 gatecitybrown@yahoo.com

Brown Jr Richard L. OF Stanley UMC Lorraine SS

8105 Leon Brenda Lane Ooltewah TN 37363 (423) 240-3478 ldpbrown@bellsouth.net

* Brown Taylor Diana L. FD Healthy Mind Counseling Service Daniel Taylor TV

7440 Openview Ln Corryton TN 37721-3599 (865) 219-0458 dbrowntaylor@gmail.com

* Bryan Hugh Paul RE RETIRED Ilene HI

PO Box 1297 Decatur TN 37322-1297 (423) 506-7087 hpbryan@aol.com

* Bryan Priscilla R. FE


PO Box 943 Dublin VA 24084 prbryan@netzero.net

* Bryant

Madam Russell-Tate’s Chapel CM

PO Box JJ Saltville VA 24370-1164 (423) 956-2048 lhbryant1@gmail.com

Lisa PE Greg

(865) 397-2730 (865) 397-4049 (865) 397-7351

* Buck Rowland S. FE St Mark’s UMC, Louisville Sinda SM

PO Box 37 Louisville TN 37777-0037 rowlandbuck@gmail.com

(865) 977-6128 (865) 977-6128 (865) 977-6154

* Burch

First UMC Pearisburg NR

PO Box 400 Pearisburg VA 24134-0400 briancburch@gmail.com

(540) 921-1021 (540) 599-3526 (540) 921-1022

* Burdine Thomas John FE First UMC White Pine Tosha MV

1822 Walnut St White Pine TN 37890-3254 burdinesfarrier@gmail.com

(865) 674-2869 (423) 775-0101

Burgess Ronald W. RE RETIRED Mary J. TV

1269 NW 123rd Ave Pembroke Pines FL 33026-3897 rwburgess@mindspring.com

* Burkhart Kristen FE Fountain City UMC Phillip Archer TV

212 Hotel Rd (865) 689-5175 Knoxville TN 37918-1546 (423) 525-2746 kristen.burkhart@fountaincityumc.org

* Burkhart Stephen P FE Beulah-French Broad Debbie SM

907 Kimberlin Heights Rd Knoxville TN 37920-9022 preachee54@ymail.com

Brian C. FE DeAnne

(865) 577-4244 (865) 209-7061

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






729 W Valley Dr Kingsport TN 37664-5731 robert.burlingham@outlook.com


Greg FL Juanita

Fries Circuit NR

6921 Ivanhoe Rd Ivanhoe VA 24350-3085 (276) 744-7945 friescircuitumc@yahoo.com

* Burnette

Kyle David OR Sheila

First UMC Pennington Gap AP

41880 E Morgan Ave Pennington Gap VA 24277-3218 kdburnette@gmail.com

(276) 546-1080 (276) 318-0651 (276) 546-4436

* Burns Leah PL Second UMC TV

119 Royal Heights Dr Knoxville TN 37920-5053 lkburns@bellsouth.net

(865) 524-3048 (865) 387-1627 (865) 521-0261

* Butler III

PO Box 397 Rich Creek VA 24147-0397 buddy.butler777@yahoo.com

(423) 349-7531 (423) 349-1036

Gilbert C. FE April

First UMC Rich Creek NR

(276) 523-0789 (276) 245-3023

Buxton-Wade Jan RE RETIRED Dwight Wade TV

416 Kingston Park Dr Knoxville TN 37919-6680 (865) 806-1520 jwjbwade@gmail.com

Byrd Billy L. RA RETIRED Belle TR

701 Rock Springs Rd Kingsport TN 37664-5265 (423) 349-8336 dinghybelle@charter.net

Byrum C. Stephen RE RETIRED 17 Grayswood Hill Rd Signal Mountain TN 37377-2320 Phyllis SS Cahill

William E. RE Sharon

(423) 886-5587 (423) 886-7140 (423) 886-5587


265 Locust Point Rd Saltville VA 24370-4457 (423) 360-6595 wesecahills@gmail.com

* Calhoun Ashley M. RE RETIRED Paula SM

197 White Oak Rd Waynesville NC 28785-6435 (828) 926-4741 amcalhoun2000@yahoo.com


Jeffery C. RE Mickey

RETIRED 750 N 8th St Wytheville VA 24382-1834 NR


Joel H. RE Glenda Fay


(276) 239-1833

78 Hart Rd Rockbridge Baths VA 24473-2224 (540) 348-1054 intothecenter@yahoo.com

Campbell John Thomas OF Midtown Valley UMC TV

126 Crescent Ln Jacksboro TN 37757-3920 pastortomcampbell@gmail.com

(865) 335-9467

* Cantler Palmer C. PE Church Street UMC TV

PO Box 1303 Knoxville TN 37901-1303 pcantler@churchstreetumc.org

(865) 524-3048 (423) 202-5161

Cantrell Jr. Robert T. RE RETIRED Marie TV

106 Ulena Ln Oak Ridge TN 37830-5237 (865) 272-3338 revbcantrell@comcast.net

* Cantrell Robert Wilson FE Concord UMC Knox Rebecca TV

11020 Roane Dr Knoxville TN 37934-2916 wcantrell@concordumc.com

Caraway C. Kenneth RE RETIRED Jo TR

277 Dotson Ln Mountain City TN 37683-2090 (423) 460-1214 jkcaraway@embarqmail.com


4783 NW 7th Pl Deerfield Beach FL 33442-9351 (954) 536-0363 Carawayjames@aol.com

James E. RE Karensue


(865) 966-6728 (865) 966-6728

Carnes Richard K. PL Axley’s Chapel UMC Elithe SM

746 Disco Loop Rd Friendsville TN 37737-2236 (865) 995-9838 carnesr746@gmx.com

* Carosiello Rachel Witt FE South Carolina Conference TR

5 Ramblewood Ln Greenville SC 29615-1221 (423) 963-4239 rachelwitt1316@gmail.com


9897 Spring Valley Rd Fries VA 24330-4125 jody49@ls.net

Harvey Joe RA Freda

Mt Zion UMC NR

(276) 236-7924 (276) 744-0045 (276) 236-7924

Clergy Directory

* Burlingham Jr. Robert E. FE Trinity UMC Big Stone Gap Andrea AP


Holston Annual Conference

Name (Spouse)





* Carroll Brenda F. RE Powell UMC Larry TV

1300 Astoria Dr Knoxville TN 37918-8021 (865) 414-8493 bfcarroll49@gmail.com

* Carroll Larry E. RE RETIRED Brenda TV

1300 Astoria Dr Knoxville TN 37918-8021 lecarroll65@gmail.com

(865) 693-0353 (865) 414-8494

Clergy Directory

Carter Jack Wayne RE RETIRED 6209 Mineral Point Rd Apt 610 Madison WI 53705-4552 (608) 229-6688 Joannie SS Carter Kelly Michael FE LEAVE OF ABSENCE Virginia NR

405 N Valley View Cir Kingsport TN 37664-4450 mikecarterbeach@yahoo.com


Randy D. OF Brittany

Pound UMC AP

PO Box 1207 Pound VA 24279-1201 (276) 796-5790 randycarter2014@yahoo.com


Roger SY Jane

Lakeview-Grassy Creek CM

1399 Molls Creek Rd Castlewood VA 24224-6510 rogerc276@gmail.com

(276) 794-7003 (276) 794-7931

** Carter Vickie J. PL Mt Vernon UMC Mark AP

150 Hicks Ave Kingsport TN 37660-7035 vjcarter1966@gmail.com

(423) 418-3534

Carter William J. RE RETIRED TR

2211 Wyndale Rd Johnson City TN 37604-7036 (423) 926-3055 billjcarter@aol.com


2 Fairway Dr Berea KY 40403-1708 (859) 986-8100 cmctnvol@gmail.com

Cheryl M.



(423) 863-3053

* Casson Gerald E. FE Wesley Memorial UMC Corrina TR

225 Princeton Rd Johnson City TN 37601-2052 gerald@wesleymemorialumc.org

(423) 282-6722 (423) 762-9148 (423) 282-6200

* Castillo Daniel PL Kacye

2201 E Broadway Ave Maryville TN 37804-3036 pastordanicastillo@yahoo.com

(865) 983-2290 (865) 599-8967

Bookwalter UMC/ St John UMC TV / SM

Castor Lee-Lee RE RETIRED SS

816 S 216th St # 524 Des Moines WA 98198-6331 (206) 870-8524 leeleetc@yahoo.com

Cate Herman Forrest RE RETIRED Janice MV

402 Mountain Rd Clinton TN 37716-6835 (865) 585-5267 hcate@excite.com

Cate Janice A. FE MEDICAL LEAVE Herman MV

402 Mountain Rd Clinton TN 37716-6835 hcate@excite.com


408 Mountain Rd Clinton TN 37716-6835 (865) 457-3201

Caylor Larry L. RE RETIRED AP

141 Sturbridge Ln Church Hill TN 37642-4703 (423) 256-9407 Lcaylor4141@gmail.com

* Chambers R. Darrell PL Beth Car-Watkins Chapel MV

759 Hart Rd Dandridge TN 37725-3305 (865) 382-4759 rchambersd1055@aol.com

Chance Von Darnell RE RETIRED TV

1010 Kensington Blvd Maryville TN 37803-1949

(423) 746-5230 (423) 507-8640

* Chancey James Todd FE First UMC Alcoa Elizabeth SM

617 Gilbert St Alcoa TN 37701-2373 revtchancey@juno.com

(865) 982-5551 (423) 290-3999

* Chapiewski Mary C PL

PO Box 188 Rosedale VA 24280-0188 (276) 880-1328 faith@cableplus.tv

Elk Garden School Community Ministry CM

* Chapman Cherie B. RL Rutledge Circuit MV

(865) 585-5267

133 Shiloh Church Rd Rutledge TN 37861-4520 (865) 828-3837 sweetpreach@aol.com

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






* Chaput Patricia OR Meadow UMC Emmett SM

5540 J Riley West Rd Greenback TN 37742-3336 (704) 813-3288 tricia.chaput@yahoo.com

Charles Michael D. FE U.S. Army Melody TV

231 Pawleys Dr Lexington SC 29072-2338 (865) 323-2360 airborne1zero@gmail.com

* Chase II

Wabash Circuit NR

323 Old Schoolhouse Rd Eggleston VA 24086-3052 michaelchase1991@yahoo.com

(276) 389-8029

Burchfield-Bogart’s Chpl -Lawson Chp MV

2126 Lindsey Rd Dandridge TN 37725-6043 cheetw@earthlink.net

(865) 397-6699

Michael J. SY Sonja

* Cheetham William Joseph PL Susan

183 Edwards Rd Maynardville TN 37807-4935 (865) 566-3289 kathyjelley@aol.com

* Chesser Pamela Dawn FE Church Street UMC Scot Danforth TV

PO Box 1303 Knoxville TN 37901-1303 (865) 208-0852 dchesser@churchstreetumc.org

Chinault Earnest H. RA

RETIRED 4121 Holbert Ave Draper VA 24324-2813 (540) 980-6491 NR

Clark Alberta RE RETIRED SS

4206 Kayla Cir Chattanooga TN 37406-1263 (423) 894-2198 aclark2857@att.net

* Clark Barbara A. FE Gatlinburg, First-Huskey’s Grove SM

742 Parkway Gatlinburg TN 37738-3206 revbarbaraclark@gmail.com

Clark Jerry W. RL RETIRED Shirley AP

8656 Laurel Grove Ln Charleston SC 29420-6813 (843) 225-2748 jwarrenclark@yahoo.com

Clark John Thomas RE RETIRED Norma MV

3416 Rex Thornton Rd Dandridge TN 37725-7334 (865) 509-7069

Clark Lawrence C. RE RETIRED Melvina SS

4008 Belvoir Pines Dr Chattanooga TN 37412-2020 lmclarkbar@aol.com


195 Bus Shop Rd Jonesville VA 24263-7851 (276) 346-3580 clarknorman44@gmail.com

Norman RL Shelia


(865) 436-4691 (865) 436-4691

(423) 892-9363 (423) 843-2523 (423) 892-8443

Clark William Scott OF Tellico Plains Ct Deborah HI

PO Box 116 Coker Creek TN 37314-0116 clarksatcamp@AOL.com

Climer Jr. G. William RE RETIRED Mary Elizabeth HI

7613 Sharpthorne Pl Charlotte NC 28270-0340 (704) 541-6542 billclimer@aol.com

* Cline Mary PL Brooks Memorial UMC Gary SS

4766 Happy Valley Rd Flintstone GA 30725-2587 marycline63@gmail.com

* Cloud Robert K. RL Alley’s Chapel UMC Jessie AP

1025 S Page Pl Kingsport TN 37660-7295 (423) 392-4212 2bobcloud@charter.net (423) 392-4212

* Clower

PO Box 75 Woodlawn VA 24381-0075 (276) 733-5101 dina.clower@yahoo.com

Dina L. FL William

Woodlawn-Shiloh NR

(423) 261-2501 (423) 261-2329

(706) 820-2782 (706) 820-7646

Clowers Ricky H. RE RETIRED Sandra TR

1603 Southwest Ave Johnson City TN 37604-7208 rclowerstn@charter.net


1020 Laurelwood Dr Kingsport TN 37660-8516 Ldcoffey24@gmail.com

Cogburn Marta M. RL RETIRED Paul MV

211 Point Oak Dr Parrottsville TN 37843-2389 (423) 623-0651 martacogburn@gmail.com

(423) 354-1324 (423) 246-9775

Clergy Directory

Chesney Kathy PL Miller’s Chapel UMC Union TV


Holston Annual Conference

Name (Spouse)




* Coldiron Matthew PL Union Grove UMC Blount Melissa SM

1922 Rommel Dr Maryville TN 37804-6233 (865) 984-4578 pastmatt3556@gmail.com

* Collins Rachel Lee PL Burks UMC SS

1018 Olde Mill Ln Hixson TN 37343-2942 (865) 271-7829 rachel@burks.org

* Collins

Mt Vale-Savannah/ Out Of The Box UMC NR

4123 Flower Gap Rd Cana VA 24317-4067 ronnie24317@yahoo.com

Virginia Conference HI

1901 Thomson Rd Charlottesville VA 22903-2418 isaaccollins@vaumc.org

Ronnie Gray FE Misty

Collins Thomas Isaac PE

Clergy Directory


(276) 728-0020 (276) 733-9024

* Collins W. Anthony FE Burks UMC Susan SS

6433 Hixson Pike Hixson TN 37343-5726 padrewac77@gmail.com

(423) 842-4219 (423) 536-8840 (423) 464-1349


Thomas A. Dona


717 Fincastle Tpke Tazewell VA 24651-6138 taconley@Verizon.net

(276) 979-8152


Kenneth C RE Beatrice


255 Georgia St Bristol VA 24201-2205 trig-ger62@verizon.net

(276) 796-5928 (423) 736-6095


* Conner William Joseph FE Decatur-Concord Hope HI

PO Box 1255 Decatur TN 37322-1255 (423) 605-3454 pastor@decaturumc.org

* Cook Amy Jo FE Loudon UMC Robert SM

PO Box 342 Loudon TN 37774-0342 revcookie1703@gmail.com

(865) 458-3164 (865) 458-3164

* Cook H. Wayne FL McFarland UMC Charlene SS

211 Marlboro Ave Chattanooga TN 37411-5220 hwcook@epbfi.com

(706) 866-2981 (423) 304-1071

* Cook Joel Austin OF Marvins Chapel UMC Suzanne TR

178 May Apple Ln Johnson City TN 37615-4386 revrun65@gmail.com

(423) 543-2446 (423) 913-0330

Cook Sr. Robert E. RL RETIRED Faye MV

5950 Mount Carmel Rd Bulls Gap TN 37711-3213 (423) 552-3713


Danielle A. FE DeWitt Cooper


216 Middleton St Galax VA 24333-4123 Dahc521@gmail.com

(423) 920-2600


Rhonda S. FE John Wolford

Johns Hopkins/ H.J. Duffey Family Prog CM

515 S Washington St Baltimore MD 21231-3031 rcoope23@jhmi.edu

(410) 502-1500 (410) 675-0376

* Coppedge Archer I RE Pleasant Hill UMC Blount Mary SM

3579 Spence Cir Maryville TN 37804-4705 (423) 667-1898 archer.coppedge@gmail.com


2106 Colby Dr Forest VA 24551-1876 roycorbin@gmail.com

Roy H. RA Ruth



311 Combs Road Rutledge TN 37861 ldcorn56@msn.com

(865) 302-1263

* Cornett

218 Hillandale Ln Elk Creek VA 24326-2292 sgcornett1953@gmail.com

(276) 655-4943

* Cothran Sherry OE St Marks UMC Patrick SS

701 Mississippi Ave Chattanooga TN 37405-2857 sdcothran@gmail.com

(423) 267-5530 (615) 347-1545

* Cotton Jr. Andrew Braxton FE Grace-Fairview Lyndie SS

9833 Hixson Pike Soddy Daisy TN 37379-3529 abracot.bc@gmail.com

(423) 842-5872 (423) 580-3387

* Coulter David RL Kodak UMC Louise SM

2540 Big River Overlook Dr Sevierville TN 37876-0432 (865) 446-4539 david@kodakchurch.com

Stephen SY Gay

New Bethel UMC NR

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse) * Countiss

Status J. Robert FE Carla



Abingdon UMC CM

101 E Main St Abingdon VA 24210-2807 robertcountiss@abingdonumc.org


Office/Home/Fax (276) 628-2321 (276) 628-2321 (276) 676-0383

* Countiss Jacob W. PL McDonald UMC Sarah Holley HI

4836 S Lee Hwy Mc Donald TN 37353-5702 (423) 497-7504 Jwcountiss@live.com

Cox J. Greg LM

113 E Hillcrest Dr Cedar Bluff VA 24609-9229 (276) 964-2779 sfcjgcret@roadrunner.com

Dennison UMC CM

413 N Church St Mountain City TN 37683-1417 revcrab@gmail.com

Crandall Jason A. FE Alabama/W Florida Conf. TR

5500 Old Selma Rd Montgomery AL 36108-4741 (423) 716-2570 jasoncrandall08@hotmail.com

* Crandall Leann Kaye Frazier FE Carter County Parish TR

416 Sabine St Elizabethton TN 37643-5074 hotluma@yahoo.com

* Cranford Lauri Jo FE HC-Three Rivers District TR

110 Mary St Johnson City TN 37615-2628 laurijocranford@holston.org

(423) 926-7533 (423) 794-8914

Crim Roger L. RE RETIRED Susan MV

4131 Van Hill Rd Greeneville TN 37745-6108 rlcsr@hughes.net

(423) 921-0928


22 N Holly Ave Highland Springs VA 23075-1451 dcrockett@cox.net

(804) 737-1503 (757) 564-8167

Crockett Joseph T. RL RETIRED TV

1036 W Park Dr Knoxville TN 37909-3111 crockjoe@comcast.net

(423) 263-2170 (423) 263-2170

Crone Mary Kathryn RD RETIRED SM

613 Broad Ave Sevierville TN 37862-4103 (865) 428-0795 mkc54@juno.com

* Cross Jr. Walter H. AM Lonsdale - Martin Chapel Angela M. TV

5605 Reinhardt Ln Knoxville TN 37924-1572 (423) 774-7993 orcrosx@aol.com

* Crum

2748 G B Short St Saint Paul VA 24283-3664 (276) 393-3522 garycrum@aol.com

Douglas E. FE Rita

Gary RL Millie

Virginia Conference NR

Lebanon Memorial UMC CM

(423) 727-7554 (423) 494-4045 (423) 727-7572

* Cunningham Jr. Edwin E. RL Bethel UMC Rebecah MV

728 W 2nd North St Morristown TN 37814-3937 (423) 312-6793

* Cunningham Scott J. LM Logans Chapel UMC Stephanie AP

307 Holston Dr Blountville TN 37617-5909 (423) 723-3315 pastorscott0715@gmail.com

* Cutshaw Michael W. FE Trinity UMC Morristown Brenda MV

145 Oak Grove Rd Greeneville TN 37745-0421 mikecutshaw@yahoo.com

(423) 586-5360 (423) 605-7074 (423) 317-0128

* Dalton H. Roy RL Harned’s-Parrottsville Peggy MV

410 Apple Blossom Ln Morristown TN 37814-5612 hpdalton2@musfiber.com

(423) 625-9200 (423) 581-4743 (423) 581-4743

Daniel Bryan E. PL Sardis UMC Belinda SS

4304 Shelborne Dr Chattanooga TN 37416-3312 (423) 894-7565 bdaniel29@comcast.net

Daniels Sr. Donald J. RE RETIRED 725 Belle Vista Ave Chattanooga TN 37411-2102 Madelyn SS

(423) 622-9872

* Daniels Leslie PE Dunlap UMC Bob SS

1958 Mainstreet Dunlap TN 37327 leslied730@yahoo.com

(423) 949-2724 (706) 669-8059

* Davenport Ryan Andrew FE U.S. Army Courtney AP

3017 S George Dr Wichita KS 67210-1744 (423) 292-0650 rdavenport43@gmail.com

Clergy Directory

* Crabtree John W. FE First UMC Mountain City-Trade Gayle TR


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





* Davidson H. Denver PL Mooresburg-Beeler’s Chapel Bridget MV

309 Davidson Ridge Rd Thorn Hill TN 37881-3608 (865) 767-2833 denverdavidson@aol.com

* Davis Gregory Paul PL Baileyton Circuit Rhonda TR

103 McCall Rd Limestone TN 37681-2102 (423) 612-5378 pastorgreg6681@gmail.com

* Davis Mark C. RE RETIRED Jean SS

724 Swansons Ridge Rd Chattanooga TN 37421-4548 revmark7@gmail.com

* Dean Amanda FE Ooltewah UMC Justin Steinmann HI

5750 Lake Resort Dr Apt G107 Chattanooga TN 37415-7058 adean@oumclive.org

(423) 224-1517 (423) 718-4103

Dearing III Fred E. RE Elizabeth

2026 Belleau Village Chattanooga 37421 dearing.fred103@gmail.com

(423) 629-0333 (423) 341-0237 (423) 622-8360

* DeFur Stephen B. FE Cokesbury UMC Knoxville Beth SM

9919 Kingston Pike Knoxville TN 37922-6923 sdefur@cokesbury.tv

(865) 693-0353 (865) 470-2774 (865) 693-9704


Charles W. Vivian



1150 Peppers Fry Rd NW Christiansburg VA 24073-5794 (540) 381-1752 cwd4330@gmail.com


James G. RA Jeanne


PO Box 761 Damascus VA 24236-0358 (276) 475-5433 jimjeandent@hotmail.com

East Africa Annual Conference, Sudan SS

Derrick David SY Pleasant Hill UMC Vicki HI

102 Nash Dr Athens TN 37303-4022 davidderrick96@gmail.com

(423) 920-1458

* DeVault Larry V. RE Oakland UMC Velina MV

2212 Douglas Dam Rd Sevierville TN 37876-1703 lvdevault@gmail.com

(865) 307-5182

* Dial Larry J. FE Beaver Ridge UMC TV

7753 Oak Ridge Hwy Knoxville TN 37931-3343 larry@beaverridgeumc.com

(865) 690-1060 (865) 690-1060 (865) 693-4157

* Dickerson Debra FE St Elmo UMC Chattanooga Riley SS

7224 Cane Hollow Rd (423) 490-7039 Hixson TN 37343-2488 (423) 842-4336 pastordebradickerson@gmail.com


Charles Raymond RE Patty

* Dimond Fred E. PL Nelle

RETIRED PO Box 2968 Lebanon VA 24266-2968 (276) 889-2457 CM Ebbing & Flowing Springs -Kincaid MV

141 Thorps Chapel Rd Rogersville TN 37857-5822 (423) 272-3836 fdimond61@charter.net

* Dingman Gerald PL Bethel UMC East Knox Lola SM

PO Box 875 Kodak TN 37764-0875 (865) 209-2574 brokentoblessed@outlook.com

* Dishman Jr.

Clarence G. RE Betty


2351 Gate City Hwy Bristol VA 24202-1143 (276) 466-0330 dishcowman@bvu.net

* Dixon

Gleasanna J. FL Bobby

Elk Creek Circuit NR

9240 Spring Valley Rd Fries VA 24330-4140 rocknrev@outlook.com

(276) 655-4072 (276) 744-7536

* Dixon Harold LM Graysville-New Bethel HI

14319 Bluffview Dr Birchwood TN 37308-5244 dixonh48@att.net

(423) 619-0719


J. Michael PL Jeanne

North Keywood Circuit CM

1109 Panorama Dr Abingdon VA 24210-4103 (276) 628-1683 mjkcdixon@yahoo.com

* Dockery

Danny Ray RL Linda

Rye Cove UMC AP

1801 Farming Acres Rd Duffield VA 24244-2521 (276) 940-2542 drd645@mounet.com

Donley John Edward OF Pleasant Hill UMC Roane SM

2690 Oakland Rd Philadelphia TN 37846-2039 (865) 213-4509 jdonley@bellsouth.net

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






N C College, 30 N Brainard St Naperville IL 60540 ericldoolittle@gmail.com

* Dougherty James A. RE RETIRED Betty TV

PO Box 5103 Knoxville TN 37928-0103 (865) 687-6073 dougherty_j@comcast.net

* Douthat James Louis RE RETIRED Willela SS

PO Box 400 Signal Mountain TN 37377-0400 (423) 886-6369 jimd@mountainpress.com (423) 886-5312

Douty Bethany FE Florida Annual Conference Michael MV

9087 Parkhill Rd Tallahassee FL 32317-8700 423-389-9127 bethanyrh@gmail.com

* Dover Christopher C. FE Rhonda

6853 Old Stage Rd Chattanooga TN 37421-2778 (423) 855-2550 cnrdover@gmail.com

Sand Mountain-Wildwood/ Tennessee Wesleyan Univ. SS

(630) 637-5104 (410) 999-7176

* DowlingSoka Christina FE Alaska Conference Joseph SS

PO Box 182 Willow AK 99688-0182 dwlngsk@yahoo.com

(423) 825-5766 (423) 202-5143

* DowlingSoka Joseph E. RE RETIRED Christina SS

PO Box 182 Willow AK 99688-0182 Joedowlingsoka@gmail.com

(423) 490-7039 (423) 202-4436

* Downs Cathy E RL New Victory UMC TR

494 Taylor Bridge Rd Jonesborough TN 37659-7110 cathydowns@yahoo.com

(423) 335-6913

Doyal Darris K. RE RETIRED Erma MV

1715 Zimmerman Dr Morristown TN 37814-6825 (423) 616-0193 doyal13@gmail.com

* Doyal Stephen FE Bookwalter UMC Becky TV

4218 Central Ave Pike Knoxville TN 37912-4307 sdoyal7@gmail.com

(865) 689-3349 (865) 924-2047

* Doyle Barbara A FE

335 Gillespie Dr Abingdon VA 24210-2105 pastordoyle1209@gmail.com

(423) 217-3092 (276) 525-1637 (423) 764-9751

Shady Grove-Meadowview CM

Driver Tom Faw RE RETIRED Anne CM

16 Meadow Lks Apt L21 Hightstown NJ 08520-3396 (609) 632-1932 tf3@utsnyc.edu

Duff III Columbus V. RE RETIRED Bettie TV

9261 Hines Valley Rd Lenoir City TN 37771-8327 cvduffiii@direcway.com

(865) 986-6827

* Duncan Perry W. FE Jacksboro-Caryville Teresa TV

PO Box 83 Jacksboro TN 37757-0083 umcrevman@gmail.com

(423) 562-3896 (865) 748-4050

Duncan Ronnie G. FL MEDICAL LEAVE Dawn CM

509 East Cedar Street Bristol TN 37620 parsonnwife@yahoo.com

(276) 782-5657


310 Chestnut Ave Rural Retreat VA 24368-2535 (276) 686-1654 dunfordbj51@gmail.com

Bobbie J. RL Dianne

Cedar Springs Circuit NR

** Dunn Rodney Lorentz OF Mountain View UMC Cecilia HI

3435 Ocoee St N Cleveland TN 37312-4431 roddunn@charter.net

(423) 476-4325 (423) 339-1348

* Dzobo Samuel OE Rutledge-Mary’s Chapel Pauline MV

1125 Ebenezer Church Rd Talbott TN 37877-3825 (423) 999-6548 sadzobo@yahoo.com

Eastridge Joseph Vance RE RETIRED Carlene TR

2 Townview Dr Johnson City TN 37604-1407 vance@eastridges.com

Edwards Howard L. RL RETIRED Jeannie CM

9463 SW 72nd Ct Ocala FL 34476-9379 kissonepig@yahoo.com

* Edwards Janet FE Trident Health System TV

531 Stone Creek Dr Charleston SC 29414-5052 (865) 300-4867 Janet.Edwards3@hcahealthcare.com

(423) 854-8926

Clergy Directory

* Doolittle Eric Lawrence FE North Central College Ann MV


Holston Annual Conference

Name (Spouse)





* Edwards Pierce Jackson RE RETIRED Judy AP

4169 Cooks Pt Kingsport TN 37664-3977 (423) 288-2163 edwardsfbs@mounet.com

* Edwards

PO Box 137 Nickelsville VA 24271-0137 pastor@ecnar.com

(276) 479-2018 (276) 479-5560

627 Rockwell Farm Lane Knoxville TN 37934 richardedwards@holston.org

(865) 690-8124 (865) 966-2947 (865) 690-3162

Rance C. AM Donna

Nickelsville Circuit AP

* Edwards Richard S. RE RETIRED Sue TV

Clergy Directory

Eldridge Lonnie R. RE RETIRED 301 Pond Hill Rd Niota TN 37826-3342 (423) 437-1560 Connie HI * Elifrits Warren Betzy FE Illinois Great Rivers Conf. Brock Warren TV

2243 Cortland Dr Charleston IL 61920-3816 betzy@eiuwesley.org

Elliott David W. RE RETIRED Joan TR

1910 Waters Edge Dr Johnson City TN 37604-8317 (423) 268-2219 david.elliott700@gmail.com

Elmore Paul B. RE RETIRED MV

1411 Bexley Cove Ln Knoxville TN 37922-5824 (865) 332-1575

* Elswick Emmanuel L. FL

Main Street UMC CM

172 Garland Ln Tazewell VA 24651-8350 (276) 988-2519 manny.elswick@gmail.com (276) 988-9886

Emmerich Sara Jo FE

Cheyenne Veterans Affairs CBOC TR

1300 E 21st St Apt 2 Cheyenne WY 82001-4000 emmerichsj@gmail.com

(202) 731-6333

* Emmert Paul Randall PL Fairview UMC Mitzi TR

120 Blackley Creek Rd Limestone TN 37681-2000 (423) 753-9738 seeminister@gmail.com

* Ensminger Charles D. FE Allen Memorial UMC Cindy HI

800 Decatur Pike (423) 745-1560 Athens TN 37303-3036 (423) 368-3348 pointofdeparture2000@yahoo.com

* Evans Stephen M. FL Fincastle UMC Carla TV

629 Old Middlesboro Hwy La Follette TN 37766-5101 smevans1960@comcast.net

Everhart Donald Lee RA RETIRED SS

179 Lee Dr Marion NC 28752-9609 (423) 505-3742 at_the_cross_2000@yahoo.com

(423) 562-6262 (865) 216-4531

Everley Jerry L. RE RETIRED 26 Acorn Ln NE Cleveland TN 37312-4446 (423) 458-1550 Carolyn HI * Ewing William B. RL Spivey-New Providence PO Box 476 Dayton TN 37321-0476 (423) 775-0321 Norita HI * Fain James R. RE Bales Chapel UMC Toni MV

110 Meadow Ln Greeneville TN 37745-6732 (423) 552-3398 jtfain@gmail.com

* Fairbanks Jr.


PO Box 1823 Abingdon VA 24212-1823 (276) 608-2192 drfairbanks@icloud.com

* Farmer Barbara RL

Pleasant View UMC Abingdon CM

18416 Lee Hwy Abingdon VA 24210-8002 farmer.barbara2016@gmail.com

* Farmer

Rural Retreat UMC NR

228 Sherwood Ave Rural Retreat VA 24368-2516 (423) 367-6140 clayton.ray.farmer@gmail.com

Douglas R. RE Carolyn

Clayton R. FE Kristen

(276) 628-6323 (276) 676-2118 (276) 676-4323

Farmer John W. RE RETIRED Mary Lou CM

637 Oak St Saint Simons Island GA 31522-4412 (912) 634-5413 johnandmarylou@gmail.com

Faught Kenneth L. RE RETIRED Chrissy TV

1001 Harrogate Dr Knoxville TN 37923-1956 (865) 684-5819 pastorklf@gmail.com

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






Faulkner William P. RL RETIRED PO Box 833 Sweetwater TN 37874-0833 (865) 776-1533 Sarah SM 2026 Highway 136 Trenton GA 30752-4816 (423) 488-7060 rfauscett@gmail.com

* Felton Joshua FE Clapps Chapel UMC Kathy TV

7420 Clapps Chapel Rd Corryton TN 37721-3734 holstonhoosier@aol.com

(865) 687-4721 (423) 568-2856

* Ferguson Jr Don E. RE Christ UMC Knoxville Debra TV

7535 Maynardville Pike Knoxville TN 37938-3348 don.ferguson46@gmail.com

(865) 475-2827 (865) 274-2815

* Ferguson Frederick Anderson RE RETIRED Celia TV

4608 Hilltop Rd Knoxville TN 37920-2917 (865) 806-0086 faferguson@gmail.com

* Ferguson Jr.

200 S College Ave Bluefield VA 24605-1707 micahjin@hotmail.com

(276) 326-1466 (865) 207-1163 (276) 326-1311

* Fetzer Rebekah FD Cokesbury UMC Knoxville James SM

9919 Kingston Pike Knoxville TN 37922-6923 rfetzer@cokesbury.tv

(865) 693-0353 (865) 675-3331 (865) 693-9704


Kenneth G. Nellie



PO Box 39 Bishop VA 24604-0039 revkennyfields@yahoo.com

(276) 988-6468 (276) 988-6468


Kevin Linda



450 W Fulton St Wytheville VA 24382-1027 (276) 228-2673 k_fiorini@yahoo.com

* Fisher Ellen F. RD RETIRED Dan MV

315 Kensington Dr Morristown TN 37814-2190 (423) 586-0440 ellenfisher@musfiber.com

* Fisher Ronald D. FE First UMC Sweetwater Becca HI

501 Church St Sweetwater TN 37874-2904 revronfisher@gmail.com

James R. FE Kelly

First UMC Bluefield NR

(423) 337-7903 (423) 337-7903 (423) 337-7945

Flanary Gale K RE RETIRED 814 Sir Echo Dr Kingsport TN 37663-2523 (423) 406-1434 Della AP * Flaugher Dennis W. FE Gray UMC Jill TR

1228 Olde Oaks Dr Johnson City TN 37615-4462 pastordennis@grayumc.org

Fleenor Harry W. RA RETIRED Peggy MV

115 Morningside Cir Rogersville TN 37857-5324 (423) 272-5138

* Fleenor

Chalybeate Springs-Okolona AP

16112 Wyndale Rd Abingdon VA 24210-8234 (276) 608-2603 tfleenor3202@comcast.net

* Fletcher Gregory Scott PL Amis Chapel-Fudges Chapel AP

700 Mount Zion Rd Church Hill TN 37642-6220 (423) 293-2791 preachergreg44@gmail.com

* Flynn Annette N. FE A Flynn Partnerships Mark TV

160 Outer Dr Oak Ridge TN 37830-5363 (865) 806-1985 amnflynn@gmail.com

* Flynn Mark R. FE First UMC Oak Ridge Annette TV

1350 Oak Ridge Tpke Oak Ridge TN 37830-6416 mflynn@fumcor.org

* Ford C. Dennis RA Sand Branch UMC Sharon SM

2301 Thorngrove Pike Knoxville TN 37914-6348 (865) 705-2017 preachd1947@yahoo.com

* Ford William Ryan PE Louisiana Conference AP

1210 Normay Ray Dr. Rouston LA 71270 (318) 254-3121 ryanfordis@gmail.com

* Forrester Troy FE First UMC Knoxville Christina TV

11 Raintree Xing Oak Ridge TN 37830-9008 troy@knoxvillefumc.org

Terry Suzi


(423) 477-3792 (423) 304-4096 (423) 477-8360

(865) 483-4357 (865) 483-4357

(865) 525-0435 (865) 934-7284

Clergy Directory

Fauscett Reece F. RA RETIRED Wylene SS


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





Fowler Charles J. RE RETIRED Patricia SS

PO Box 564 Kingston TN 37763-0564 cjfowler@gmail.com

* Fowler Jr. Roy E. RL Chuckey Circuit TR

45 Circling Ln Chuckey TN 37641-4828 (423) 765-3738 doyouknowhimharry@gmail.com

Fowler William J. RE RETIRED Virginia TV

PO Box 565 Kingston TN 37763-0565 UNLISTED wfowler42@comcast.net



PO Box 491 Ewing VA 24248-0491 (276) 546-8154 def0225@gmail.com

* Fox Harold Eddie RE RETIRED Mary Nell TV

2204 Waldens Creek Rd Sevierville TN 37862-7614 (865) 366-6020 hefox8989@gmail.com

Fox M. Elizabeth RL RETIRED MV

1212 Cosby Cut Off Rd Newport TN 37821-7219

Fraley Chester Leon RL RETIRED Rhonda SS

645 Kings Lane Highway West Deptford NJ 8096 (423) 653-8230 rarehares@comcast.net

* Franklin Sherri F. AM Hills Union-McCampbell’s Johnny MV

1544 Harold Patterson Rd Dandridge TN 37725-6022 (865) 397-9378 foxhill1957@hotmail.com

Franklin Vivian S. RL RETIRED Bob TR

5470 Old Stage Rd Chuckey TN 37641-5052 vivian.franklinmumc@gmail.com (423) 257-2047

* Frazier Caleb FE Wesley Foundation ETSU Margaret TR

1100 Seminole Dr Johnson City TN 37604-7134 calebfrazier@yahoo.com

Dennis RE Joy

Freestate Robert H. RE RETIRED 242 Deer Run Dr Maryville TN 37803-2775 SM

(678) 717-3803 (770) 967-8426

(423) 623-0235

(423) 929-2121 (423) 330-8143 (423) 232-4920 (865) 982-6109 (865) 981-6842

* Frye

Curtis PL Cynthia

Benham’s Circuit CM

37 Greentree Circle Rd Bristol VA 24201-1559 (276) 644-4428 pastorcurtisf@yahoo.com

* Frye

Cynthia PL Curtis

Weaver UMC CM

37 Greentree Circle Rd Bristol VA 24201-1559 (276) 644-4428 thiafrye@gmail.com

* Frye Eddie SY

Cripple Creek Circuit NR

962 Old School Rd Wytheville VA 24382-5412 eddiebfrye@gmail.com

(276) 620-9580

* Frye II Prentis Max PL Mary

Hunt’s-Whittenburg-Rehobeth/ Preaching Station Ministries MV

1716 Harold Patterson Rd Dandridge TN 37725-6024 merfrye@juno.com

(865) 397-3223 (865) 397-3223

* Frye Wm. Randall FE First Broad Street-Community Vicki AP

100 E Church Cir Kingsport TN 37660-3677 rfrye@fbsumc.org

(423) 224-1503 (423) 224-1503 (423) 398-5495

* Fugatt

695 Church St Vonore TN 37885-2324 drfugatt@gmail.com

(865) 696-6380

David PE Heather

Bethel-Vonore SM

Funk David L. RE RETIRED 400 Marietta Hwy #316 Roswell GA 30075-4706 (706) 882-1360 Mary SM * Furches Betty M FL Friendsville UMC Jim SM

PO Box 176 Friendsville TN 37737-0176 pastorbetty@fumctn.org

(865) 995-9150 (865) 292-3953

Furr Alfred S. RA RETIRED 1765 Westchester Dr Apt 115 High Point NC 27262-7241 (336) 643-7109 NR * Galyon Bruce M. FE Middlebrook Pike UMC TV

7234 Middlebrook Pike Knoxville TN 37909-1159 bgalyon@middlebrookpike.com

(865) 690-8641 (865) 705-9026 (865) 539-4636

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






Galyon Steven N. RE RETIRED SS

411 Canyon Park Dr Trenton GA 30752-2639 (423) 578-4750 stevegalyon@yahoo.com

* Gargis John FL Concord UMC Knox Becky TV

12104 Woodhollow Ln Knoxville TN 37932-2859 (865) 310-4783 jgargis@me.com



PO Box 457 Pound VA 24279-0457 garland.greg@gmail.com

Lebanon Circuit CM

19379 Woodland Hills Rd Abingdon VA 24210-9651 (276) 646-0475 deacondaz@ymail.com

Gregory A. RE Chris Evans

** Garrett Daniel Lee PL

(276) 796-5928 (276) 796-4340

393 Antler Dr Rising Fawn GA 30738-4612 willrising82@gmail.com

Garrison Lynn M. PL

PO Box 232 Newport VA 24128-0232 (540) 626-7340 godlygraced@yahoo.com

Lead Mines Circuit NR

(256) 441-0423


410 Church Ave Oneida TN 37841-2720 carolyn@revdavegass.org

(423) 377-9678

* Gass II James D. FE Oneida-Rugby Road Carolyn TV

234 N Main St Oneida TN 37841-2512 david@revdavegass.org

(423) 569-8828 (423) 377-9682

* Gattis Sr. Jason N. FE HC-Smoky Mountain District Amy SM

PO Box 905 Alcoa TN 37701-0905 jasongattis@holston.org

(865) 982-1427 (865) 982-1427 (865) 981-7470

* Gentry Brenda PL William

Forkner’s Chapel -Buckner Memorial HI

17911 Steekee Rd Loudon TN 37774-3842 (865) 458-6237 mamawgentry@gmail.com

* Gibbs Jr. David O. PL Mt Hope - Antioch Priscilla MV

PO Box 944 Mosheim TN 37818-0944 (423) 422-6456 www.olsie@comcast.net (423) 422-7569

* Gibson

David A. PL Alice

Bethel UMC/ St Charles-Robbins Chapel AP

217 E 23rd St N Big Stone Gap VA 24219-3521 (276) 523-3013 davidandalicegibson@comcast.net

* Gilbert

Dale M. FE Angela

Pleasant View UMC Abingdon CM

110 Village Ct Abingdon VA 24210-2773 dalemgilbert@yahoo.com

* Gilbert

David L. RE Linda

Tacoma UMC AP

212 Henry St NW Norton VA 24273-1908 (276) 679-1352 pastordavidgilbert@yahoo.com

(276) 628-6323 (276) 492-6907

Gilbert Jr. John W. RE RETIRED 1225 Briar Hills Dr NE Atlanta GA 30306-2205 (404) 892-2716 Mary Lou HI Gillespie

Kenneth G. RL Lois


167 Culver St Tazewell VA 24651-8372 dye.melissa@yahoo.com

(276) 979-1082 (276) 988-4945

* Glenn Christopher Sean PL Bluff City UMC Bethany TR

126 Arbor Hills Dr Piney Flats TN 37686-4654 glenncs75@yahoo.com

(865) 368-4700

Goddard Caroline W. RE RETIRED Doug MV

848 E Highway 25 70 Dandridge TN 37725-5006 (865) 397-3694 cwgoddard@aol.com

* Goddard Jr.

James E. RE Kimberly

Next Step Ministries/ Wabash Circuit NR

171 Bertons Crossing Ln Eggleston VA 24086-3060 (276) 492-6112 jimgoddard1954@gmail.com

* Goddard

Kimberly M. FE James E

HC-New River District NR

PO Box 925 Wytheville VA 24382-0881 kimgoddard@holston.org

(276) 228-4922 (276) 492-6392 (276) 228-6717

116 Pinecrest Rd Kingsport TN 37660-1630 volsfan1839920@gmail.com

(423) 677-9210

Goins R. Chandler SY Flatwoods UMC AP

Clergy Directory

* Garrett Will SY Rising Fawn UMC Amy SS


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





* Gooden C. Mark FE First-Centenary UMC Judy SS

1701 Colonial Ridge Rd Johnson City TN 37604-7624 mgooden@fcumc.org

(423) 756-2021 (423) 903-9116 (423) 756-8589

* Goodgame Gordon C. RE RETIRED Dianne SS

2775 S Lakeshore Dr Lake Junaluska NC 28745-8709 (828) 452-2213 ggoodgame@Charter.net

* Goodin Terri Craft DC Union Co. Public Schools TV

8524 Old Tazewell Pike Corryton TN 37721-2003 (865) 219-8867

* Goodman Jr. Ronald W. RE RETIRED SS

165 Natural Bridge Rd Sewanee TN 37375-2646 (931) 598-5108 ronniegoodman@live.com

* Goodman Terry D. FE HC-Clergy Svcs, Dir/Conf Sec’y Debbie SM

4115 Gravelly Hills Rd Louisville TN 37777-3006 terrygoodman@holston.org

(865) 690-4080 (865) 690-4080 (865) 690-3162

Gott Steven G. FE MEDICAL LEAVE Lavinia TR

3808 Falling Water Ln Kingsport TN 37664-3893 stevegott@charter.net

(423) 765-0178


John H. FE Beth

Laurel Springs Circuit CM

611 E Main St Marion VA 24354-3321 (276) 783-7819 all3grahams@juno.com

Graham Timothy W. RE Jackie

Southwestern Virginia Mental Health Inst CM

1827 Big Bear Dr (276) 783-1200 Owosso MI 48867-9158 timothy.graham@dbhds.virginia.gov

* Grant David M. FE St Mark-Dutch Valley Bobbie TV

252 N Main St Clinton TN 37716-3706 dave@oneaglewings.net

(865) 457-1520 (859) 536-5439

* Graves

John M. PL Lucy

Sinking Springs-Paperville CM

23405 Woodway Rd Bristol VA 24202-4743 (276) 614-7160 jgraves@mac.com

* Gray Jr.

Dan L FE Samantha

Addilynn Memorial UMC CM

416 Harrington Hollow Rd Bluff City TN 37618-2018 pastordangray@gmail.com

(423) 538-7822 (423) 956-0023

* Graybeal David W FE Keith Memorial UMC Tracy Gartmann HI

PO Box 1 Athens TN 37371-0001 dgraybeal@keithumc.org

(423) 745-2612 (865) 441-0835 (423) 745-2613

Green James R. RE RETIRED Carol SM

804 Shannondale Way Apt 201 Maryville TN 37803-5970 (865) 977-0674 jimvert@charter.net

* Green Joseph S. RE Camp Ground UMC Beth SM

1511 Maxwell Ln Maryville TN 37803-8445 (865) 233-0585 pastorjoegreen1949@gmail.com

Greene Jr. Brian Huger RE

RETIRED 33 Loganberry Cir Valdosta GA 31602-2303 (336) 685-9231 CM

* Gregory Richard S. RE

West Galax UMC NR

412 W Center St Apt C Galax VA 24333-2808 RGregory021@yahoo.com

(276) 236-9927 (276) 236-2311

Gregory Teresa Johnson AM

Gladeville-Mt Olivet NR

6878 Carrollton Pike Galax VA 24333-6011 mtolivet@embarqmail.com

(276) 236-4607 (276) 233-1800

* Griffin III Charles W. FE Luminary UMC Connie HI

105 Hood Dr Kingston TN 37763-6812 chuck@sermonshorts.org

(865) 376-7040 (865) 376-5971

* Griffin Russell Caryl RE

198 Pledge Pt Ten Mile TN 37880-5215 carylgriffin@gmail.com

(423) 914-3110

* Griffith Paul AM Aldersgate-Anderson Street Kathy CM

128 Sparger Rd Bristol TN 37620-4143 pgriffith111@btes.tv

(423) 764-4535 (423) 217-0309

* Grills

118 Main St Tazewell VA 24651-6109 acgrills@gmail.com

(276) 988-2519 (276) 988-4221 (276) 988-9889

Anthony C. FE Marcie

Elizabeth R. Griffin Research Foundation TV

Main Street UMC CM

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






* Grimm John L. FE Pine Grove-Hartman’s Chapel Maria MV

1031 Mount Zion Rd Afton TN 37616-5125 (423) 470-4045 grimm24333@gmail.com

* Grimm Maria W. FE Mt Zion UMC John MV

1031 Mount Zion Rd Afton TN 37616-5125 preacherchic7@gmail.com

Grissett Curtis A RE RETIRED Barbara MV

603 Briarwood Ct Greeneville TN 37743-6660 (423) 639-4223 revgrissett@yahoo.com

* Grogg Gary W. RE RETIRED Ann SS

1047 River Hills Cir Chattanooga TN 37415-5611 (423) 240-6096 gwgrogg@epbfi.com (706) 858-3676

* Groseclose Susan L. FD HC-Connectional Ministries SM

107 Wilson Ave Maryville TN 37803-6050 susangroseclose@holston.org

(865) 690-4080 (865) 690-4080 (865) 690-3162

* Grove-DeJarnett Douglas FD Munsey Memorial UMC Susan TR

PO Box 1336 Johnson City TN 37605-1336 doug@munsey.org

(423) 461-8070 (423) 282-6870 (423) 975-7800


164 Carterville Heights Rd Wytheville VA 24382-3727 wolmhg@hotmail.com

(540) 230-0922 (276) 620-9158

* Guthrie James L. RL Cowan Chapel UMC Ida TV

PO Box 630 Spring City TN 37381-0630 ylg371@gmail.com

(865) 376-0630 (423) 365-6870

Hackney John A. RA RETIRED Peggy AP

600 Whispering Way Kingsport TN 37663-2453 (423) 239-8795 allenjr@charter.net

Hale Katherine RE RETIRED MV

4176 Scarlett Oak Dr Morristown TN 37813-1380 (276) 546-1080 khale3357@comcast.net

* Hale

Little Walker Circuit NR

PO Box 294 North Tazewell VA 24630-0294 (276) 988-7857 mhale57@gmail.com

Floyd UMC NR

PO Box 55 Floyd VA 24091-0055 timothydhale@outlook.com

Linda PL Michael

* Hale Timothy PE

Franklin Street UMC NR

(540) 745-4121 (540) 745-2722

Hall Brent R. RE RETIRED Vicki TV

12807 Auklet Ln Knoxville TN 37922-5391 (865) 675-6430 brentrhall@gmail.com

Hall Matthew C. FL First UMC Maryville SM

804 Montvale Station Rd Maryville TN 37803-5804 mhall@1stchurch.org

(865) 982-1273 (276) 730-0072 (865) 983-5408

* Hall W David AM Christ UMC Becky SS

9217 Magic Mountain Dr Chattanooga TN 37421-3413 wdavidhall@gmail.com

(423) 892-9363 (423) 892-3360

* Hamilton Elizabeth Scott FE Mountain View UMC Matthew AP

4507 Timberlake Ln Kingsport TN 37664-2163 eshamilton1983@gmail.com

(423) 245-8371 (276) 696-2141

Hamilton Robert E. RE RETIRED Thelma SS

7477 Commons Blvd Apt 119 Chattanooga TN 37421-2343 (423) 506-7457 thelnbob@gmail.com

Hammer C. Frederick RE RETIRED Nancy MV

PO Box 1206 White Pine TN 37890-1206 (865) 604-0403 fhammer15@gmail.com

Hammond J. Ronald RE RETIRED Barbara SM

612 Devictor Dr Maryville TN 37801-8665 (865) 681-7433 rohammond@charter.net

* Hammons

Delisa Jo SY Neal

Max Meadows Circuit NR

871 Danner Rd Max Meadows VA 24360-3305 grannyhammer.1121@gmail.com

* Hammons

R. Neal FL Delisa

Ceres Circuit NR

5023 W Blue Grass Trl Ceres VA 24318-3402 (276) 682-4263 pastornealhammons@gmail.com

Clergy Directory

Harry SY Janet

(423) 639-7454 (423) 639-7454


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





* Hampson Keith T. AM Well Spring-Cawood Kelly TV

168 Well Rd La Follette TN 37766-5217 pastorkeithhampson@gmail.com

(423) 566-9784 (865) 686-1516

Hampton Matthew P. FE Amedisys Hospice Jaime TV

1616 Duncan Rd Knoxville TN 37919-8517 mp_hampton@yahoo.com

(865) 524-3048 (423) 774-4523

Hancock Steve OF Macedonia UMC Knoxville TV

6308 Flint Gap Rd Knoxville TN 37914-9612 (865) 540-8360 revsth@live.com

* Hancock Thomas E. FE Cassidy UMC AP

5801 Memorial Blvd Kingsport TN 37664-4364 drill_sgt007@hotmail.com

* Hankins Buford W. RE RETIRED Phyllis TR

330 Choctaw Dr Chuckey TN 37641-5084 (276) 768-9864 booandphyllis@gmail.com

* Hankins Phyllis L. RE RETIRED Buford TR

330 Choctaw Dr Chuckey TN 37641-5084 (276) 768-9816 booandphyllis@gmail.com

* Hankins Timothy S. FE Oakland UMC Kristin SM

234 Trigonia Rd Greenback TN 37742-2046 (865) 235-2775 timothyhankins@icloud.com

* Hanshew Jr.

Donald R. FE Carol

Dublin UMC NR

PO Box 577 Dublin VA 24084-0577 donhanshew@gmail.com

(540) 674-5128 (540) 674-6205 (276) 386-3213


Benjamin SY Kiera

Coeburn UMC AP

PO Box 2161 Coeburn VA 24230-2161 bchard0203@gmail.com

(276) 275-0203

* Hardy Cross Angela M. FE HC-Mountain View District Walter MV

5605 Reinhardt Ln Knoxville TN 37924-1572 AngelaHardyCross@holston.org

(865) 588-3605 (423) 280-7550 (865) 588-3605

Harless James RE RETIRED Mary Ann AP

1100 Timberidge Trl Kingsport TN 37660-8481 (423) 578-8336 jhnmah@gmail.com


154 Paradise Ln Galax VA 24333-6439 mary.harmon@lpnt.net

(276) 236-1722 (276) 236-9550

* Harr David M. RE RETIRED Annabell SS

PO Box 208 Chattanooga TN 37401-0208 dmharr47@gmail.com

(423) 756-2021 (706) 866-3073 (423) 266-9742

* Harris Evelyn Boutz FE St Luke UMC Chattanooga SS

3210 Social Cir Chattanooga TN 37415-5306 harrieb0@sewanee.edu

(423) 877-6447 (423) 877-2615 (423) 870-5201

* Harris Jr. Thomas Gilbert FE Fairview UMC Molli SM

2508 Old Niles Ferry Rd Maryville TN 37803-8802 (865) 983-2080 rev.gilbert.harris@gmail.com (865) 974-4222

* Harrison Sr. Charles C. FE Kingston UMC Annette TV

PO Box 248 Kingston TN 37763-0248 charliekingstonumc@gmail.com

(865) 276-6337 (423) 883-2774

* Harrison Timothy S. FE Tyner UMC Kim SM

617 Gilbert St Alcoa TN 37701-2373 ty@tynerumc.com

(423) 362-4246 (423) 362-4246

* Hart James W. RE RETIRED TV

PO Box 65 Lake Junaluska NC 28745-0065 (828) 456-9226 ljahart@aol.com

Hartley James RA RETIRED Linda SM

5814 Wooded Creek Cv Temple TX 76502-3674 (865) 368-7118 hartljt1@gmail.com

* Hartman Brooke FL Powell UMC Clay TV

323 W Emory Rd Powell TN 37849-4318 bhhartman@powellchurch.com

* Hash Zachary PL

782 Main St Tazewell VA 24651-5399 (276) 385-7194 zacharyhash123@gmail.com

Jimmy RL Jim

Bishop’s Chapel UMC NR

Pisgah-Pleasant Hill CM

(423) 323-8142 (423) 322-7159

865-938-2741 (865) 254-8021

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






1612 Cove Creek Ln Knoxville TN 37919-8601 (865) 247-7458 rhaskins@wingnet.net

Havey IV Ambrose Stewart RE RETIRED Sandra Kilpatrick HI

1450 County Road 3051 Athens TN 37303-1412 ambrose.havey@gmail.com

(817) 602-0188

* Hawkins Jr. Merrill M. OF Mt Pleasant UMC Talbott Kimberly MV

1206 Country Club Rd Dandridge TN 37725-4344 mhawkins@cn.edu

(865) 471-3246 (865) 397-5579 (865) 471-4577

* Hawthorne Caroline FL St Luke-Hunt Memorial CM

133 Kimberly St Bristol TN 37620-7332 caroline_hawthorne@msn.com

(276) 669-2241 (423) 968-3568

Hayden Sean G. PE Tennessee Wesleyan University Caroline HI

105 Jessie Ln NW Charleston TN 37310-5119 haydenseang@hotmail.com

(423) 479-4457 (615) 979-2278

* Hayes Richard L. FE Washington Pike UMC Connie TV

2241 Washington Pike Knoxville TN 37917-3926 richardhayes6789@gmail.com

(865) 523-0603 (865) 742-6789

* Hayes Robert A. RE RETIRED Judy SM

819 Amerine Rd Maryville TN 37804-3521 (865) 984-5149 rajah819@charter.net

Hazlewood David Lee RE RETIRED Nancy TR

300 Wheatfield Cir Apt B126 Brentwood TN 37027-4491 davidandnancy@comcast.net

Heard Fred OR Sevierville Circuit Juanita SM

1702 N Ridge Ct Sevierville TN 37862-9347 (865) 429-1933 fredheard84@yahoo.com

* Heck Charles H. RL Persia-Pleasant Hill Gail MV

102 Easy St Bulls Gap TN 37711-4621 (423) 972-7412 Charles_Heck@att.net

* Hedrick

174 Church Street Weber City VA 24290-6201 jojohed@hotmail.com

(276) 386-3142 (276) 386-3395

* Helton L. Ashley Sullivan FE Asbury UMC Knoxville Nathan SM

2822 Asbury Rd Knoxville TN 37914-6601 sullyhelton@gmail.com

(865) 637-0620 (423) 667-1919

Henderlight Kenneth H. RE RETIRED Anita TV

2504 Silverstone Ln Knoxville TN 37932-1468 khhlight@gmail.com

(865) 690-4080 (865) 539-2558 (865) 690-3162

* Henderson David FE Rocky Top UMC Cecilia TV

1125 Brushy Valley Rd Heiskell TN 37754-2813 majordkh@hotmail.com

(865) 426-6189


4163 Holbert Ave Draper VA 24324-2813 (540) 392-8016 henleyrg@gmail.com

William W. FE Sandra

RuthAnne G. AM Walter Craig

Holston View UMC AP

Draper Circuit NR

(615) 491-7726

* Henry Jr. Gerald Scott FE MEDICAL LEAVE Kim AP

1513 Ruddell Ln (615) 340-7411 Antioch TN 37013-3171 gs.henry@gmail.com

Henry Leroy D. RE RETIRED Jacinth CM

PO Box 569 Waxhaw NC 28173-1000 lhenryuskb5@aol.com

Hensley Danny C. RE RETIRED Karen MV

4985 Newport Hwy Greeneville TN 37743-8535 (423) 581-5044 pantherpreach47@gmail.com (423) 581-3154

** Hensley

Smyth Chapel UMC AP

6958 Sugar Run Rd Jonesville VA 24263-8298 (276) 870-1397 sdye228@gmail.com

* Hernandez-Lopez Elizabeth PL Javier

Door of Heaven UMC NR

809 W Stuart Dr Galax VA 24333-2604 javiely35@yahoo.com

(276) 236-3292 (276) 237-9215

* Hernandez-Torres Javier PL Elizabeth

Door of Heaven UMC NR

809 W Stuart Dr Galax VA 24333-2604 hjavier610@yahoo.com

(276) 236-3292 (276) 233-4224

Darrell D. RL Cathy

Clergy Directory

* Haskins Robert L. RE Pleasant Hill UMC Knoxville Lorna SM


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





* Herron Jacob William FE Apison UMC Laura Ann HI

4414 Bill Jones Rd Apison TN 37302-9585 (423) 920-8485 ccsporter@hotmail.com


175 Bland St North Tazewell VA 24630-9407 (276) 988-4170 vetsrfun@twc.com

Carlos PL Juanita

Riverside-Wilbur Memorial CM

* Hesser Laurence V. FE New Tazewell UMC Sandra MV

PO Box 36 New Tazewell TN 37824-0036 revhesser@gmail.com

* Hester Clyde W. RA Mt Carmel UMC Mosheim Freda MV

1486 Baileyton Main St Greeneville TN 37745-7684 (423) 528-4285 pastorclyde2@comcast.net

* Hester Donna M. FE Kern Memorial UMC TV

451 E Tennessee Ave Oak Ridge TN 37830-5579 RevGoofy96@gmail.com

(865) 483-5273 (423) 967-5365 (865) 483-0192

* Hester Donna M. FE Memorial UMC Clinton TV

451 E Tennessee Ave Oak Ridge TN 37830-5579 RevGoofy96@gmail.com

(865) 483-5273 (423) 967-5365 (865) 483-0192

* Heustess Bill OE Rutherford Memorial UMC Kathy TV

9613 Captain Smith Ln Corryton TN 37721-2818 wfheustess@umcsc.org

(865) 687-8438 (843) 289-1171

* Heustess Kathy FD Holston Center for Wellbeing Bill TV

9613 Captain Smith Ln Corryton TN 37721-2818 kathyheustess@holston.org

(865) 692-2390 (843) 421-3536 (865) 692-2393

* Hickman Wayne D. FE Rachel

PO Box 306 Etowah TN 37331-0306 (865) 235-4447 wayne.hickman@comcast.net

Wesley Memorial, Etowah -Pleasant Grove HI

(423) 419-5028 (865) 293-2004 (423) 419-5029

* Hicks Mark Alan FE ESUMC Prague Heather TR

110 Mary St Johnson City TN 37615-2628 hicks865@yahoo.com

Hicks-Caskey Wanda Sue RD RETIRED William TR

233 Faldo Dr Murfreesboro TN 37128-6897 (615) 217-6320 wsueCHC@bellsouth.net

Higgins Jeannie RD RETIRED MV

2120 Jones Bridge Rd Greeneville TN 37743-4133 (423) 639-8059 mjhiggins2014@gmail.com

Hill Sr. Donald G. RE RETIRED 630 Carolina Bay Dr Apt 111 Wilmington NC 28403-2031 (252) 633-3403 Peggy AP Hill Gary F. RE RETIRED 1700 3rd Ave W Apt 102 Bradenton FL 34205-5942 (865) 719-6147 Connie SM Hill William L. RE RETIRED Erma TV

117 Jewel Ln Jacksboro TN 37757-4525 (423) 907-9873 parsonhill@aol.com

* Hingers Kimberly Ann PL Cokesbury UMC Johnson City Gregg TR

335 Katie Ct Jonesborough TN 37659-5368 (423) 612-2777 khingers@cokesbury.tv

Hinton Bill E. RE


501 Oak Ave Apt 320 Waynesboro VA 22980-4469 (276) 677-3933 bill@habitatbookstore.com

Hite Jr.

H. Paul RE Patty


PO Box 407 Rosedale VA 24280-0407 (276) 880-2194 haskelp1@verizon.net

* Hobbs

Nancy RD Larry


2169 Kane Gap Rd Duffield VA 24244-8358 (276) 708-6110 nthobbs66@gmail.com

* Hobbs Rhonda K. FE Colonial Heights UMC Knoxville SM

6321 Chapman Hwy Knoxville TN 37920-5941 rhondakay0904@gmail.com

(865) 577-2727 (423) 579-2111

* Hodges Tim PL St Luke UMC Dawn AP

2019 Freeman Dr Kingsport TN 37665-1023 te_hodges@yahoo.com

(423) 245-4947 (423) 612-5011

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






Hogan Patricia RD RETIRED Joe HI

103 Springview Dr Gainesville GA 30501-1114 (678) 696-5054 hjogan@aol.com

Hokaj Lee A. RL RETIRED Laurel Anne TV

11301 Spring Hollow Dr Knoxville TN 37932-3130 (865) 671-6364

Holcomb Jr.

2216 Lynx Dr Virginia Beach VA 23456-7228 lynx2216@cox.net

Norman D. RE Beth


(757) 689-2770 (757) 444-7361

Holmes Narrative Cons. 204 Pawnee St Johnson City TN 37604-1134 (423) 341-9576 asuzeary@yahoo.com

Holmes Kevin L. FE J.H. Quillen VA Medical Center Amy TR

204 Pawnee St Johnson City TN 37604-1134 kholmesrumc@hotmail.com

(423) 926-1171 (423) 926-1171

Holt Clay SY Morrison Chapel UMC Tiffany AP

249 Stone Edge Cir Kingsport TN 37660-3490 cdholt13@yahoo.com

(423) 367-0283

* Holt Jerry R. SY Midway UMC MV

156 Troy Morelock Ln Greeneville TN 37743-3563 jerry.holt44jh@gmail.com

(423) 639-9881

* Hoosier

Danny SY DeeDee

Grahams Forge UMC 182 Pinch Creek Rd Bland VA 24315-4615 NR

(276) 928-1366

* Hopkins Stephen H. PE Kendricks Creek UMC Irene AP

4004 Homestead Dr Kingsport TN 37663-2412 (423) 502-0141 shhopkins7@yahoo.com

Horak Amy L. FD Anderson County Schools Ralph TV

101 Pomona Rd Oak Ridge TN 37830-5132 rnahorak@comcast.net

(865) 494-7171 (865) 567-4654


101 Pomona Rd Oak Ridge TN 37830-5132 rnahorak@comcast.net

(865) 494-9887 (865) 567-4023


Jimmy Lee RL Brenda

Wrights Valley-Tip Top NR

228 Odessa Ln Bluefield VA 24605-8524 (276) 988-2712 countrypreacher1943@yahoo.com

* Houston

Lee Hammond PL Judy

Galax Circuit NR

2582 Fries Rd Galax VA 24333-5041 (276) 236-9689 leehouston_jr@yahoo.com

Houston Mack A. RA RETIRED 398 Piney Flats Rd Piney Flats TN 37686-4812 (423) 538-8019 Helen TR * Howard

John Norman RE Ella

1015 First Branch Rd Vansant VA 24656-8591 birders3@gmail.com

(276) 935-2228 (276) 597-0080

* Howard Marvin V. RE Cleveland, Trinity-Pleasant Grove Joye HI

9028 Warbler Ln Chattanooga TN 37421-1358 howardmarv@yahoo.com

(423) 892-6926

* Howard

1664 Cedar Hill Rd Jonesville VA 24263-7171 (276) 298-7357 rnhoward71@gmail.com

Robert Neal PL Denna

Looney’s Chapel-Grundy CM

McClure’s Chapel UMC AP

* Howard Roy L. RE RETIRED Barbara SS

1317 Blocker Ln Chattanooga TN 37412-1457 (423) 867-3775 hols1824@epbfi.com

* Howe

PO Box 945 Marion VA 24354-0945 hhowe54@yahoo.com

Harry W. FE Denise

Project Crossroads CM

(276) 782-3339 (276) 783-7963 (276) 782-3833

* Hubble R. Michael RE RETIRED Margaret HI

133 County Road 722 Athens TN 37303-5213 (423) 368-6576 mhubble52@yahoo.com

** Huff Jr.

177 McGrady Cir Hillsville VA 24343-4512 chaphuff@gmail.com

Chapman W. Cordelia


Rural Retreat Circuit NR

(903) 686-2275

Clergy Directory

* Holmes Amy Suzanne Yeary FE LEAVE OF ABSENCE Kevin TR


Holston Annual Conference

Name (Spouse)





* Huffer Terry PL Big Spring UMC Ronald HI

7126 Elmbrook Ln Harrison TN 37341-9314 tkhuffer@bellsouth.net

(423) 838-3954

* Huffine

PO Box 237 Clintwood VA 24228-0237 revhuffine1@gmail.com

(276) 274-5438

184 Shyane Ln Sweetwater TN 37874-5711 huffnpuf5@gmail.com

(423) 337-6297

Mark C. Tammy


Clintwood UMC AP

Huffstetler L. Riley RE New Hope UMC Judi SM

Clergy Directory

Huguley Jr. Ben F. RE RETIRED 131 Newton Rd Lagrange GA 30240-4702 (706) 882-3941 Clara SS * Hull III Leroy M. PL State Street UMC Janie CM

1549 Highway 126 Bristol TN 37620-7027 (423) 764-0049 royhull@outlook.com

* Humbard Travis Dean PL Black Fox UMC Linda HI

1443 Harle Ave NW Cleveland TN 37311-4314 thumb47@hotmail.com

(423) 339-1908 (423) 339-9706

* Humberd Jason Scott FL St Paul’s Etowah-Carlock Christy HI

P. O. Box 581 Etowah TN 37331-0581 jasonhumberd@gmail.com

(423) 263-2321 (423) 790-6424

* Humphrey Paul Gene FE Piney Flats UMC Cathy TR

225 Methodist Church St Piney Flats TN 37686-4842 apologist4@hotmail.com

(423) 538-6937 (423) 391-0218 (423) 538-6939

Humphrey Richard A. RE RETIRED Nona HI

2700 Parkwood Ave # 6 Chattanooga TN 37404-1730 (423) 447-7378 rang3@verizon.net

* Humphreys Dennie D. RE Bybee UMC Sondra MV

4301 Whitecliff St Morristown TN 37813-1038 revddh@gmail.com

(423) 333-6428

* Hyde Bradley K. FE Powell UMC Nicole TV

323 W Emory Rd Powell TN 37849-4318 bhyde@powellchurch.com

(865) 938-2741 (865) 223-2576

* Ihfe Gary R. FE First UMC Johnson City Jodie TR

900 Spring St Johnson City TN 37604-6846 garyihfe@me.com

(423) 928-9222 (423) 303-6851

* Ihfe Jodie Elizabeth FE First UMC Johnson City Gary TR

900 Spring St Johnson City TN 37604-6846 jodie.ihfe@1stchurchjc.org

(423) 928-9222 (423) 202-6164

* Ingram Jr.

148 Hankla St Tazewell VA 24651-1458 (276) 988-5299 hdiyaking12@gmail.com

Henry Daniel PL Lois

Midway-Macedonia NR

Inman Brian D SY Peck’s Memorial UMC Jan SM

2438 Wilkinson Pike Maryville TN 37803-4135 inmanfunhouse@att.net

(865) 558-1972 (865) 981-7461

* Irwin Nathan D. PD First UMC Maryville SM

804 Montvale Station Rd Maryville TN 37803-5804 (865) 982-1273 nirwin@1stchurch.org

* Isbell Richard RD RETIRED Sue TV

813 Gulfwood Rd Knoxville TN 37923-2218 (865) 567-5805 retiredrick7119@gmail.com

* Isley Kimberly S FE Centenary UMC Erwin TR

203 N Elm Ave Erwin TN 37650-1225 revkimisley@gmail.com

(423) 743-4342 (865) 679-7601 (423) 743-4342

* Isom Ginger FE Sycamore Tree UMC SM

1830 Clydesdale St Maryville TN 37801-3708 thevicarlady@outlook.com

(865) 983-4161 (865) 983-4161


PO Box 5155 Chattanooga TN 37406-0155 (423) 624-4509 omivey@mac.com

Jackson Cedric D. PL Asbury UMC Clinton Audrey TV

4817 Falling Star Ln Powell TN 37849-5630 (865) 209-4965 cedricdjackson@live.com

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse) * Jackson

Status David R. FE Cindy



Emory & Henry College/ Emory UMC CM

525 Cheyenne Rd Bristol VA 24201-2905 djackson@ehc.edu


Office/Home/Fax (276) 944-6841 (865) 228-4357 (276) 944-6248

418 Holly Ave South Pittsburg TN 37380 (423) 926-2989 jacksojl4660@gmail.com

* Jackson Jr. John F. RE Fairview-Oakwood Patricia TV

2812 Fairview St Knoxville TN 37917-3203

(865) 522-1774 (865) 525-5679

Jacobs Bonnie Setliffe RE RETIRED SS

8350 Delcrest Dr Apt 605 Saint Louis MO 63124-2163 emerging.paradigm@yahoo.com

(423) 313-8998

James Garland E. RE RETIRED Doris TR

148 Country Club Dr Unicoi TN 37692-6410 (423) 747-6136 gej1938@gmail.com

* James Terryl PL Washington Hills UMC Gary SS

6412 Rosemary Dr Chattanooga TN 37416-2430 terryl6412@gmail.com

(423) 209-7385 (423) 899-7911 (423) 553-6397

* Jenkins Jack C. AM MEDICAL LEAVE Gail MV

PO Box 462 Russellville TN 37860-0462 pastorhappyjack@yahoo.com

(423) 277-0224

* Jennings Douglas C. FE

Mascot UMC/ Strawberry Plains UMC MV

901 N East End Rd Strawberry Plains TN 37871-1274 (423) 620-5312 preacherjennings@gmail.com


Mt Pleasant-Steelesburg PO Box 479 Cedar Bluff VA 24609-0479 (276) 701-8664 CM

Jack C. RL Julie

Johnson Michael T. RE RETIRED Jan SS

4310 Lee Pike Soddy Daisy TN 37379-8234 (423) 260-1772 mjohnson37830@yahoo.com

Johnson Millard J. RE RETIRED 1294 W Campground Rd Fall Branch TN 37656-2550 (423) 349-4025 Dortha Jo AP Johnson Samuel L. RA Mountain City Circuit Linda TR

1795 Highway 421 South Mountain City TN 37683 (865) 705-8836 trumpet47@comcast.net

* Johnson Sandra J. RE Pruitt Hill-Tate Chapel Leon MV

156 N Sunset St Greeneville TN 37743-3100 sjohn41462@aol.com

(423) 639-7029 (423) 505-3051

* Johnson Steven R. RE RETIRED Tammy NR

4321 Sparrow Dr Knoxville TN 37914-2942 onebrownfourblew@juno.com

(540) 745-4121 (540) 745-2722

* Johnson Sue Lynn FD Kingston UMC Jerry TV

PO Box 248 Kingston TN 37763-0248 sljkumc@comcast.net

(865) 376-6337 (865) 376-9861 (865) 376-4619

* Johnston Jr.

William Russell PL Joy

Hales Chapel-Kathleen Memorial NR

408 Fort Branch Rd Pearisburg VA 24134-2022 (540) 921-2335 wrjohnston@suddenlink.net

* Jonas

Jonathan B. FE Suzanne

State Street UMC CM

2 Wesley Way Bristol VA 24201-2760 jonathanbjonas@gmail.com

(276) 669-2101

* Jones C. Don FE MEDICAL LEAVE Christy SM

132 Manor Way Apt D Louisville TN 37777-5446 carlonsjones@att.net

* Jones Gerald FE Asbury UMC Greeneville Joy MV

201 S Main St (423) 798-1050 Greeneville TN 37743-4940 jones@asburyumconline.com (423) 636-0937

* Jones

2011 Branner Avenue Jefferson City TN 37760 LloydJones@firstumcjc.com

Lloyd J. T.J. Neal


First UMC Jefferson City MV

(865) 475-2827 (423) 735-8789 (865) 415-6502

Jones Paul Preston RL RETIRED 128 Plantation Place Ln Mount Airy NC 27030-7268 (276) 733-0468 NR

Clergy Directory

* Jackson James Logan FL Holly Avenue-Randolph SS


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





* Jones Jr. Timothy W. FE HC-Communications Brandy SM

504 Golden Rose Dr Maryville TN 37803-8104 timjones@holston.org

Justice John RL RETIRED Linda TV

6725 Saddle Creek Pass Knoxville TN 37921-1070 (865) 363-7515 jjjustice1@juno.com

* Justice Natalie M. PE Grace-Greenwood-Mt Zion CM

6131 Relocation Way Ooltewah TN 37363-6288 (423) 362-9318 njustice1982@yahoo.com


Mt Hermon UMC Tazewell CM

199 Arrowhead Cir Cedar Bluff VA 24609-8283 (276) 880-1223 rjj@cableplus.tv

First UMC Narrows NR

311 Manchester Ct Princeton WV 24740-4263 (276) 690-4751 melanieskarnes@gmail.com

Ray PL Janie

Karnes Melanie Sue RD

(865) 690-4080 (865) 690-4080 (865) 690-3162

* Keating Justin R. PE Fort Oglethorpe-Flintstone Meridith SS

1733 Battlefield Pkwy Fort Oglethorpe GA 30742-4019 justin.keating18@gmail.com

Keebler Janice M. RE RETIRED Bob SM

226 Webb Rd Townsend TN 37882-3112 (423) 883-2270 revjkeebler@aol.com

Keir Serounian OF

1805 Tuckahoe Dr Riner VA 24149-2564 909-938-8069 askpastor1@outlook.com

Fairview-Sidney NR

(706) 866-3410 (615) 406-2428

* Keller Judy PL Harrogate-Arthur-Mtn View Stevie MV

221 Springfield Dr La Follette TN 37766-5326 jk2200@comcast.net



PO Box 24 Emory VA 24327-0024 (276) 944-5422 frkellogg@gmail.com


7700 Dannaher Dr Apt 301 Powell TN 37849-4042 dbkelly27@gmail.com

* Kelly Patrick L. OF Diana

Sulphur Springs UMC -Castlewood CM

1449 Rainbow Rd Mountain City TN 37683-2110 (423) 727-4067 plkpreach@aol.com

Kempfer Charles SY

Fairview-Sidney NR

PO Box 375 Riner VA 24149-0375 kempfercc@gmail.com

Frederic R. RE Jeannette

(423) 566-9639 (423) 562-3101

* Kenny Peter OF Haven Chapel UMC Belinda TV

113 Palomino Dr Friendsville TN 37737-3149 (865) 235-9104 petekenny54@gmail.com

* Kidd

Carolyn L LM Ralph

Max Meadows Circuit NR

15437 Briarwood Ln Abingdon VA 24210-1617 (276) 206-0595 carolynlkidd@gmail.com

* Kidd Jr.

Ralph M. FE Carolyn

Mt Pleasant UMC NR

455 E Pine St Wytheville VA 24382-3625 ralphkidd6@gmail.com

(276) 628-6323 (276) 676-4323

* Kidwell C. Barry FE First-Centenary UMC Diana SS

PO Box 208 Chattanooga TN 37401-0208 cbarrykidwell@gmail.com

(423) 756-2021 (423) 531-9021 (423) 756-8589

* Kilbourne Charles F. RL RETIRED Eva AP

107 Riverchase Dr Church Hill TN 37642-7300 charleskilbourne@charter.net

(423) 246-6961 (423) 247-0291

* Kilbourne Dwight S. FE Ooltewah UMC Patty HI

6131 Relocation Way Ooltewah TN 37363-6288 dkilbourne@oumclive.org

(423) 238-9216 (423) 304-8276 (423) 238-9238

* Kilbourne Joshua D. FE Signal Crest UMC Callie SS

1005 Ridgeway Ave Signal Mountain TN 37377-3114 jkilbourne@signalcrestumc.org

(423) 357-5564 (423) 886-2330

* Kilbourne

1020 Tyler Ave Radford VA 24141-3820 pastor1212@yahoo.com

(540) 639-2807

Mark R. FE Anne

Grove UMC NR

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






* Kilday G. William RE RETIRED Genie TV

7425 Somerset Rd Knoxville TN 37909-2356 (865) 591-3826 billkil@att.net

* Kilgore Jr. Elihugh J. FE HC-Hiwassee District Susette HI

3509 Windsor Cir NE Cleveland TN 37312-5153 HughKilgore@holston.org


PO Box 24 Pungoteague VA 23422-0024 easternshoreva58@yahoo.com

Deborah W. RL Joe


(423) 476-8221 (423) 790-0984 (423) 559-0436

257 N Calderwood St # 327 Alcoa TN 37701-2111 donnell.king@gmail.com

(865) 981-5322 (865) 235-1597


Radford Circuit NR

373 Somerset Dr Austinville VA 24312-3251 elishevak55@gmail.com


Havron’s-Whitwell -Morganville-Slygo SS

684 Piney Rd Trenton GA 30752-2746 MikeKing75@aol.com

Elizabeth S. PL Robert

* King Michael T. FL Wynonna

* Kingrea Jeffrey Todd FE Soddy UMC Felicia SS

260 Durham St Soddy Daisy TN 37379-6439 revjtodd@yahoo.com

(423) 332-1148 (423) 332-9937

* Kitchens Willie PL Bethlehem-Wiley UMC Barbara SS

7513 Austin Dr Chattanooga TN 37416-3502 williekitchens@epbfi.com

(423) 266-1384 (423) 756-5463

* Kitts Darren FE Harriman UMC Amanda TV

PO Box 407 Harriman TN 37748-0407 dkitts@united.edu

(865) 882-1353 (865) 719-2644

* Kizer Jr. Lewis B. FE Salem UMC Ashlee AP

5230 Bloomingdale Rd Blountville TN 37617-6635 lewkizer@gmail.com

(423) 323-7848 (423) 525-2489

Klaiber Jr.

Raymond RL Melanie

RETIRED 2022 Virginia Ave Bluefield VA 24605-1025 NR

(276) 415-2858

* Knight Jr. David B. FE U.S. Air Force Stacey AP

40 Lakeland Dr Cabot AR 72023-7827 (702) 505-2229 chaplainknight@hotmail.com

* Knight Keith G. FE First UMC Madisonville Nancy HI

PO Box 157 Madisonville TN 37354-0157 keith_knight1985@aol.com

(423) 442-2471 (423) 442-2471 (423) 442-2434

Kobler Timothy L. FE

602 E Huron St Ann Arbor MI 48104-1525 timkobler@umichwesley.org

(734) 668-6881 (276) 614-8141

Wesley Foundation-Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor TV

Kramer Jeremy L. OF Ross Campground-Cameron Jacqueline “Jackie” AP

2004 Oakland St Kingsport TN 37660-1124 pastorjeremykramer@gmail.com

* Krauss Vincent K. PL Claiborne Cluster Barbara Ann MV

1704 Main St Tazewell TN 37879-3445 Pastorvince@excite.com

(423) 234-6730

Kress Linda B. RD RETIRED HI

% District Office, PO Box 3382 Cleveland TN 37320-3382 lindaphree@bellsouth.net

(706) 259-3141 (423) 296-8338

Krewson Nicole Marie FE Amedisys Hospice John TV

1810 Fairmont Blvd Knoxville TN 37917-2709 (423) 381-1471 nmkrewson@gmail.com

* Kurtz William S. FE Norris-Sinking Springs Karla TV

PO Box 327 Norris TN 37828-0327 billykurtz@holston.org

* Kyek Robin FL Andersonville-Mt Pleasant TV

175 Old Ridge Rd Kingston TN 37763-5130 (865) 717-3023 kyekrobin@gmail.com

LaDuke Kenneth W. RE RETIRED Roslyn AP

2606 Highland Dr NE Cleveland TN 37312-5421 (423) 863-4266 kwladuke@comcast.net

(865) 494-9407 (423) 618-8224

Clergy Directory

King Donnell SY Lincoln Park UMC TV


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





LaFollette Kathy SY St Mark-Dutch Valley TV

4209 Guinn Rd Knoxville TN 37931-2012 ladyofthelake9083@yahoo.com

Lamb Sullins M. RE RETIRED Susan SS

3902 Highway 157 Rising Fawn GA 30738-2029 (706) 398-0680 slamb2956@aol.com


1752 Buffalo Crk Nora VA 24272-7007 1blambert@comcast.net

(276) 415-9702 (276) 835-8723

* Lambert Jeffery L. FE First UMC Sevierville Tammi SM

214 Cedar St Sevierville TN 37862-3848 pastor@1stmethodist.com

(865) 453-5754 (865) 453-5754 (865) 453-4572

* Lambert Kenneth PL Fairgarden Circuit SM

159 Chapman View Dr Seymour TN 37865-5560 lambertken@bellsouth.net

(865) 254-4774 (865) 609-0314

* Lane Karen Marie FE Jonesborough UMC Joe TR

PO Box 115 Jonesborough TN 37659-0115 kmlane2006@gmail.com

(423) 753-3942 (423) 753-8097 (423) 753-9193

Lankford Darrell M. PL Carpenters UMC Joan SM

216 Montgomery Farms Dr Friendsville TN 37737-1405 lankford2d@aol.com

(865) 983-8419 (865) 567-0208

* Lankford Susan Williams FE

1041 Elizabeth Chapel Rd Bluff City TN 37618-1190 pastorecumc@gmail.com

(423) 538-6311 (423) 538-7821 (423) 538-1047

* Lantz Randy PL Crossroads UMC Patty AP

200 Bays Cove Trl Kingsport TN 37660-8489 randycumc@charter.net

(423) 246-2982 (423) 534-4121

* Lauderback William L. FE First-Centenary UMC Kari SS

1612 E 13th St Chattanooga TN 37404-4306 wlauderback@gmail.com

(423) 756-2021 (423) 741-0918 (423) 756-8589

* Laughlin Mark T. SY Hermon-Pleasant Hill Brooke TR

1511 Valiant Dr Greeneville TN 37745-6445 laughlinmark@outlook.com

(423) 525-6198


PO Box 68 Rocky Gap VA 24366-0068 pastorrodney@verizon.net

(276) 928-1550 (276) 928-1238

Bradley SY Patricia

L. Rodney AM Nedra

McClure UMC AP

Elizabeth Chapel UMC TR

Rocky Gap Charge NR

Lawson Randall PL Philadelphia-Fenders Regina SM

401 May St Sweetwater TN 37874-2713 (423) 310-6311 thelawsonman@gmail.com

* Lay Andrew Curtis PE Keith Memorial UMC HI

PO Box 1 Athens TN 37371-0001 (423) 715-6722 alay@keithumc.org


C. Maurice RE Patsy

RETIRED 455 Buffalo Rd Bluff City TN 37618-1306 TR

* Layell

Harry P RE Sharon

Legion Memorial UMC AP

(423) 212-0685

17325 Bristol Hwy Bristol VA 24202-6556 hlayell@outlook.com

* Layell J. Robert RE RETIRED Jean TR

426 Carolina Ave Erwin TN 37650-1604 (423) 330-7840 layellr@gmail.com

* Layer W. Scott FE Central UMC Lenoir City Kate TV

301 Hickory Creek Rd Lenoir City TN 37771-6901 (423) 748-8788 scott@centralmethodist.com

Lea Anthony D. FL HC-Camp Wesley Woods SM

329 Wesley Woods Rd Townsend TN 37882-3006 TonyDLea@gmail.com

(865) 448-2246 (865) 738-3898 (865) 344-8390

* Ledger Jr. Charles D. FE Logan’s Chapel UMC Susie SM

4626 Logans Chapel Loop Maryville TN 37804-3151 drledger@att.net

(865) 983-3011 (865) 233-0033

* Lee Anna Maynard FL Cokesbury UMC Knoxville Chris SM

10434 Meadow Ridges Ln Knoxville TN 37922-7230 (865) 306-3264 alee@cokesbury.tv

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






* Lee Jenifer M. PL Savannah UMC James SS

8101 Pierpoint Dr Harrison TN 37341-7617 (423) 658-1759 jenifermlee@gmail.com

* Lenoir Henry L. RE Solway UMC Betty TV

6409 W Emory Rd Knoxville TN 37931-1138 hlenoir09@comcast.net

* Leonard Charles L. FE Chilhowie-Seven Mile Ford Michele CM

408 Poplar Ridge Rd Piney Flats TN 37686-4334 zcll1@hotmail.com

* Lester Michael Stephen OF Munsey Memorial UMC Nancy TR

PO Box 1336 Johnson City TN 37605-1336 michael@munsey.org

(423) 461-8070 (423) 926-5510

* Lindamood

1030 W North St Wytheville VA 24382-2151 circuitrider2@gmail.com

(276) 228-2845 (276) 223-0326

* Lindy Charles Max RL Harmon’s Valley UMC Tena MV

136 McFadden Dr Whitesburg TN 37891-9341 lindy466@bellsouth.net

(423) 587-9265

* Littrell Terril D. RE Red Hill UMC HI

340 Hunt Rd SE Cleveland TN 37323-8856 (423) 728-5413 lukespapaw.littrell@gmail.com

* Lockerby


P O Box 794 Vinton VA 24179-0794 (540) 344-1528 sclocker@verizon.net

Long Freddrick L. RE RETIRED Judith Anna SM

605 Zachary Dr Weatherford TX 76087-3312 (817) 458-6997 freddricklong@hotmail.com

* Longmire Paul B. FE Johnson City Parish Rebekka TR

842 Hackney Rd Johnson City TN 37615-3986 revpaullongmire@gmail.com

* Looney Richard C. RE RETIRED SS

7683 Shallowford Rd Apt 320 Chattanooga TN 37421-2668 (423) 303-6966 richardclooney@aol.com

* Lopez

214 Cedar St Sevierville TN 37862-3848 lopezsusana18@yahoo.com

Charles W. RE Shirley

Susana Wilmer


West End UMC NR

First UMC Sevierville/ HC-Rios de Agua Viva SM / MV

(423) 926-5083 (276) 284-1306

(865) 453-5754 (865) 300-6174 (865) 453-4572

Lord David A. RE New Salem UMC Kathryn SM

1612 Flora Dr Louisville TN 37777-5006 (865) 617-4938 davidalord43@gmail.com

Lorton Jr. Robert AM Western NC Annual Conf. Lisa NR

5015 New Hope Rd Denton NC 27239-9306 blorton1@verizon.net

* Love Adam T. FE Mafair UMC Bobbi AP

1409 E Center St Kingsport TN 37664-2501 adamtlove@mac.com

Lovelace David H. RE RETIRED Claire TR

100 Netherland Ln Apt 302 Kingsport TN 37660-7248 (423) 753-9388 clairejlovelace@hotmail.com

* Lovell Jr. Eugene H. RE RETIRED Frances SM

439 Sweet Briar Dr Maryville TN 37804-3699 (865) 919-5408 ehlovell@bellsouth.net

* Loy Dennis H. FE Emerald Avenue UMC TV

1620 N Central St Knoxville TN 37917-5541 loy1701@gmail.com

* Luper Patrick Christopher FD Concord UMC Knox Libby TV

11020 Roane Dr Knoxville TN 37934-2916 (865) 966-6728 cluper@concordumc.com

* Lusk Larry AM Rhonda

Washington Chapel -Washington Springs CM

Abingdon VA 24210-4218 (276) 356-8004 1155 Rockwall Dr ldlusk@hotmail.com


Clinch Circuit CM

1660 Copper Ridge Rd Castlewood VA 24224-5557 churchhillumc@gmail.com

James D. SY Sherry

(423) 378-9621 (423) 794-6549

(865) 525-3715 (865) 805-5344

(276) 202-1376

Clergy Directory

Richard G. FE Carol Sue

(865) 927-5881 (865) 938-1683 (865) 947-5588


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





* Lytton Kenneth E. RL RETIRED Jerrie TR

703 Douglas Dr Johnson City TN 37604-1920 (423) 283-4996 ken703@hotmail.com

* Madigan L. Audrey PD Central UMC Lenoir City TV

301 Hickory Creek Rd Lenoir City TN 37771-6901 audreycentral@gmail.com

* Madson Amanda Bell FE Tennova Hospice Andy TV

1010 Turnberry Lane Maryville TN 37803 (865) 405-2382 abmadson@hotmail.com

* Majors Asa L. FE First UMC Morristown Brian MV

101 E 1st North St Morristown TN 37814-4707 asa@fumcmorristown.org

* Malcolm Melissa R. PL Cedar Grove-Ebenezer Darren TR

315 Greentree Dr Blountville TN 37617-3855 (423) 765-8643 melissarmalcolm@gmail.com

* Malone Nathan A. FE Christ UMC Vicki SS

8645 E Brainerd Rd Chattanooga TN 37421-4356 Pastor@Christchurchchatt.org

(423) 892-9363 (423) 892-9363 (423) 892-8443

* Manis Sr. Joseph W. FE McKendree-Wells Cheryl SS

PO Box 176 Jasper TN 37347-0176 prayinmanis@icloud.com

(423) 942-3888 (423) 942-2558

Manney John R. RE RETIRED Janet MV

2665 Bright Hope Rd Greeneville TN 37743-8560 (423) 638-2253 johnmanney@aol.com

Manning Glenna B. FD Concord UMC Knox John “”Robin” TV

11020 Roane Dr (865) 966-6728 Knoxville TN 37934-2916 gmanning@concordumc.com (865) 966-3424

Marchbanks Paul Y. RE RETIRED TV

PO Box 6085 Knoxville TN 37914-0085

(865) 986-7329 (865) 805-1716

(423) 581-2180 (540) 921-7766 (423) 586-9491

(865) 540-8817

Marine Joe L. RE

RETIRED PO Box 1323 Gate City VA 24251-1323 (276) 386-6999 AP

** Marshall

Betty S. PL Jim

Sugar Run Circuit AP

4513 Sugar Run Rd Jonesville VA 24263-8264 (276) 346-1796 b.marsh@earthlink.net

* Marshall

Darlene J. FL Greg

Bland Circuit NR

94 N Scenic Hwy Bland VA 24315-4656 276-688-0142 darlenemarshall@centurylink.net

Marston Bruce S. RE RETIRED Mary Ann SM

3713 S View Cir Knoxville TN 37920-6168 docmarston@gmail.com

(865) 982-5551

* Martin Carole R. FE Rock Springs UMC Dan AP

4228 Skyland Ln Kingsport TN 37664-2832 revcmartin23@gmail.com

(423) 928-1543 (423) 534-1027

* Martin Nancy G. FE Grange Hall UMC Ben AP

5365 Carters Valley Rd Church Hill TN 37642-7138 revnancygmartin@gmail.com

(423) 357-8730 (423) 256-2465

* Martin Randall B. FE HC-Scenic South District Patsy SS

PO Box 80353 Chattanooga TN 37414-7353 randymartin@holston.org

(423) 629-0333 (423) 432-6353 (423) 559-0190

* Martin Steven D. FE National Council of Churches Jana TV

110 Maryland Ave NE Ste 108 (202) 481-6929 Washington DC 20002-5603 (865) 483-6848 steven.martin@nationalcouncilofchurches.us

Martin Thomas L. RA

RETIRED 2253 Curve Rd Pearisburg VA 24134-2158 (540) 921-0405 NR

Matherly James B. RE RETIRED Elaine SS

8631 Surry Cir Chattanooga TN 37421-3359 (423) 667-6184 bematherly@gmail.com


1957 E 120th St Cleveland OH 44106-1907 PastorRMsDesk@gmail.com

(423) 743-2241

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






141 Ostenbarker St Maryville TN 37804-2431 (865) 982-9015 ronald.matthews46@gmail.com

Mattson Charles L. RE RETIRED Jeannie TV

707 W Vanderbilt Dr Oak Ridge TN 37830-6142 mattsoncl@outlook.com

(865) 410-6683

Mauldin Gary RE RETIRED Cynthia Pennington SS

536 S Crest Rd Chattanooga TN 37404-5917 mauldin2@comcast.net

(865) 805-9781 (865) 692-2207

* Maxwell

PO Box 143 Gate City VA 24251-0143 r7max497@hotmail.com

(276) 228-7095 (276) 386-9625

* Maynard Charles William FE Cokesbury UMC Knoxville Janice SM

9919 Kingston Pike Knoxville TN 37922-6923 cmaynard@cokesbury.tv

(865) 693-0353 (865) 399-2105

* McBride

269 Walnut St Gate City VA 24251-3362 preachhunt002@gmail.com

(276) 386-7083

* McCallie Thomas Drew FE Hixson UMC Addie SS

5301 Hixson Pike Hixson TN 37343-3236 Mccallie.drew@gmail.com

(423) 892-9363 (423) 488-5712 (423) 892-8443

McClellan Jr. H. Robert FE U.S. Navy Joette TR

4109 Grey Fox Dr Kingsport TN 37664-4469 rojohaem@gmail.com

(216) 902-6006 (252) 665-1334

McClellan Sr. Hagan RA Western NC Annual Conf. Norma TR

206 Juniper Cir Advance NC 27006-8540 HaganNorma@aol.com

(336) 835-6114 (336) 941-3512

* McCobin

Timothy Frank RE Rebecca


7183 W Lee Hwy Rural Retreat VA 24368-2931 (276) 686-4345 tfmccobin@centurylink.net


Beth P. DR Joseph


21039 Green Spring Rd Abingdon VA 24211-5953 bpmccoy135@gmail.com


A. Stephen PL Sandra

Brumley Gap-Greendale CM

36896 Plum Creek Rd Glade Spring VA 24340-5820 (276) 429-1413 asm0955@yahoo.com

Rochelle O. AM Richard

Raymond G. FE Peggy

Taylor Memorial UMC TR

Gate City Parish AP

(276) 628-9967 (276) 628-9967

* McCreary Misti Dawn FE First Broad Street-Community Chris AP

100 E Church Cir Kingsport TN 37660-3677 mmccreary@fbsumc.org

(423) 224-1517 (865) 300-6104

* McDaniel Linda Isadore FE First-Centenary UMC Paul SS

PO Box 21029 Chattanooga TN 37424-0029 limcdaniel@fcumc.org

(423) 756-2021 (423) 894-8849

McDonald Clyde H. RL RETIRED Catherine SM

548 Laurel Canyon Pkwy Canton GA 30114-4364 (67) 821-5282 oldcpa@gmail.com

* McFadden

Mark B. FE Glenna

First UMC Galax NR

PO Box 445 Galax VA 24333-0445 mcfdn7777@gmail.com

(276) 236-9937 (276) 236-2311

* McGowan

Jacqueline S. AM Dewayne

Dungannon Circuit AP

PO Box 374 Dungannon VA 24245-0374 dcumc3@gmail.com

(276) 963-7065 (276) 963-4455

* McIntosh Jason M. FE Shady Grove - Woodlawn Parish MV

1675 Harold Patterson Rd Dandridge TN 37725-6032 pastor@shadygrovedandridge.org

(865) 397-7453 (205) 534-4182 (865) 940-2059

* McKee III Adam E. FE Harrison UMC Charlotte SS

5621 Highway 58 Chattanooga TN 37411-5434 revdramckee@aol.com

(423) 698-6951 (423) 698-6951 (423) 629-5193

* McKee Curtis David FE First UMC Cleveland Donna HI

3425 Ocoee St N Cleveland TN 37312-4456 curtmckee610@gmail.com

(423) 476-4504 (865) 977-6128

McKee J. Richard RL RETIRED Alice AP

208 Oakmont Dr Kingsport TN 37663-2728 (423) 534-4593 jrichardmckee@gmail.com

Clergy Directory

Matthews Ronald H. RE RETIRED Pat SM


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





McKinney Charles R. RE RETIRED Priscilla SS

1824 Clayton Dr Chattanooga TN 37421-3005 (423) 894-1121 pc7170@comcast.net

McKinnon-Young Michelle FE Oregon-Idaho Conference Gary Young CM

17125 Campus Way Lake Oswego OR 97034-6839 mmckinnonyoung@gmail.com

McKnight Robert Mark RE RETIRED Judy SM

3154 Hatcher Mountain Rd Sevierville TN 37862-8323 (865) 774-7440 markabod@hotmail.com

* McLain Elston D. FE Lennon-Seney UMC Emily TV

6412 Mountain Laurel Rd Knoxville TN 37924-3743 lsumc_office@bellsouth.net

(865) 524-0289 (423) 486-4187 (865) 637-9482

* McLaughlin

2300 Red Fletcher Rd Jonesville VA 24263-7089 revlisamc@hotmail.com

(276) 346-7763 (276) 346-1460

* McMillan Jeremy M. FE Vermont UMC Sarah AP

1817 Bloomingdale Rd Kingsport TN 37660-2633 jeremymcm1@gmail.com

(423) 288-2801 (423) 390-1465

McNalley Paul H RA RETIRED Kathy AP

332 Braddock St Apt 403 Frostburg MD 21532-2328 paulandkathy0575@gmail.com


Station Creek-Speaks Chapel AP

197 Goldfinch Dr Jonesville VA 24263-8390 rookiepreacher@aol.com

* Meade Peggy Lorene FE

Holston Counseling Svcs /Frontier Hlth AP

1025 Riverside Ave Kingsport TN 37660-1307 (615) 987-7585 revpeg06121999@gmail.com



2037 Campground Rd Jonesville VA 24263-8344 C-Tmehaffy@sunsetcom.com

Lisa Kay PL Robert

Tracy SY Kimberly

Carl Thelma


Jonesville Parish AP

(276) 346-1682 (276) 346-3057

(276) 346-2532

Melton Rodney OF Thompson Chapel UMC MV

1919 Ball St Tazewell TN 37879-3341 (423) 626-4444 meltonr09@gmail.com

* Mencer Barkley PL Oliver Springs Parish TV

242 Woods Chapel Rd Harriman TN 37748-4213 (865) 705-7757 barkley.mencer@gmail.com

* Messer F. Thomas FL Wauhatchie UMC Leslie SS

3401 Cummings Hwy Chattanooga TN 37419-2308 (423) 825-5766 revftmesser@comcast.net

* Milhorn

3032 Highway 11 E Bluff City TN 37618-1143 beavercreek-1@hotmail.com

(423) 389-2099 (423) 538-9547

* Miller Corey Douglas OF Calhoun-Spring Creek HI

836 Highway 163 Calhoun TN 37309-5279 cdouglasmiller@gmail.com

(423) 336-2484 (252) 548-4608

* Miller Dixie J. RL Romeo-St Clair-Talley Steve MV

626 Mount Bethel Rd Greeneville TN 37745-6376 (423) 278-0763 dixie64@comcast.net

Miller Eblen G. RE RETIRED Jeanne TR

135 Century Ln Dillsburg PA 17019-9461 (717) 512-8387 preacherbuddy66@aol.com

* Miller

400 5th St Radford VA 24141-2304 markmiller.psalm1@gmail.com

Dennis W. PL Karen

Mark Alan FL Mary Jean

Rockhold-Enterprise TR

Fairlawn-Bethel NR

(540) 731-4765 (540) 731-1508

Milligan Princess April RE RETIRED AP

226 New Canton Rd Church Hill TN 37642-4255 (423) 579-3463 paprilmilligan@gmail.com

Mincey Cora Roseann T. RL RETIRED Joe Lawrence MV

12 Bramblewood Pl SW Cartersville GA 30120-5766 (770) 386-9931

* Moncier Jeffrey W. FE

1508 Monterey Ave Kingsport TN 37664-3317 revjeff7@gmail.com

St Matthew-Emory UMC, Kingsport AP

(865) 804-7052

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)


Montgomery Scott SY Mary



Magnolia Avenue UMC/ Piney Grove UMC Knoxville TV / SM

1814 Kimberlin Heights Rd Kimberlin Heights TN 37920-9737 scottraymontgomery@gmail.com

Mooney Jr. William C. RE RETIRED Sylvia TV


Office/Home/Fax (865) 803-4178

910 Murfreesboro Rd Apt 248 Franklin TN 37064-3050 (615) 336-1527 wcmooney82@gmail.com

Moore Daniel F. RE RETIRED 130 Elm St Greenback TN 37742-4220 (865) 216-6401 Margaret SM 1857 Lamontville Rd Decatur TN 37322-6004 dmoore111z@yahoo.com

Moore Douglas D. PL Sevierville Circuit Donna SM

910 Harris Hollow Rd Seymour TN 37865-5976 (865) 579-1725 ddmoore01@yahoo.com

* Moore G. Keith FE Teresa

607 Douglas St Chattanooga TN 37403-2002 Keith_Moore@wesleyutc.com

(423) 266-3691 (423) 877-7078 (423) 266-3696

* Moore Joseph D PL Wesley-Lou’s Chapel Betty SS

302 Magnolia Ave South Pittsburg TN 37380-1266 rev_joe@bellsouth.net

(423) 837-6464 (423) 837-6200

Morgan W. Stacey LM Chestnut Hill UMC Rhonda MV

8525 N Ruggles Ferry Pike Strawberry Plains TN 37871-1065 (865) 368-4186 wstaceymorgan@gmail.com

Morris Donald D. RE RETIRED Terri TV

10620 Gander Grove Way Apt 206 Knoxville TN 37932-1764 (865) 466-9542


90 Hampton Hts Galax VA 24333-2337 pastorrandymorris@comcast.net

H. Randolph RA Carol Sue

Wesley Center at Chattanooga SS


(423) 284-1346

(540) 731-1093 (276) 233-4326

* Moseley J. Glenn AM Mt Zion-St Elmo Phillis HI

4620 Jersey Pike Chattanooga TN 37416-3148 (423) 531-7342 jgmoseley@epbfi.com (423) 486-1242

Mott Thomas E. RL Cosby Circuit Barbara MV

1187 Case View Rd Dandridge TN 37725-4550 pastortom58@yahoo.com

* Mullan Richard D. FE Mt Carmel-Seviers Roxanne TR

116 Oo Moore Rd Chuckey TN 37641-2163 (423) 257-5553 richmullan@yahoo.com

Mullen John W. RD RETIRED Joy AP

4416 Northwood Dr Kingsport TN 37664-4580 (423) 288-5041 jwmjkm@mullenfamily.com

Mullens James R. RL Mt Zion UMC Claiborne Joyce TV

1629 Doaks Creek Rd Speedwell TN 37870-8014 (423) 562-5503 (423) 562-0121

Mullins H. Rae RE St Mark UMC Kingsport Ruth AP

1301 Olympian Way Kingsport TN 37660-1365 (276) 613-3595 raemullins50@gmail.com

Murphy Larry D. RE RETIRED Kathy NR

557 Lebanon Rd Kingsport TN 37663-2907 larrymurfino@gmail.com

(865) 637-0620 (865) 525-5497

* Muse Patricia D. FL Munsey Memorial UMC Terry TR

PO Box 1336 Johnson City TN 37605-1336 pattymuse@munsey.org

(423) 461-8070 (423) 956-2336 (423) 975-4780


17 W 1st St S Big Stone Gap VA 24219-2623

(423) 562-9583 (423) 562-9583

Randolph R. Patsy



(865) 940-1082

Myers Mariel RL RETIRED NR

601 Fairhope St Apt 1110 Augusta GA 30901-2046 (706) 496-3909 mariel.h.myers@gmail.com

Myers-Ross Laura Jean RE RETIRED Steven SS

8407 Oak View Dr Chattanooga TN 37421-4396 LJUM531@AOL.COM

(423) 499-8948

Clergy Directory

* Moore David PL Goodfield Circuit Rachel HI


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





* Nance Catherine Clark FE First UMC Maryville Brad SM

804 Montvale Station Rd Maryville TN 37803-5804 cnance@1stchurch.org



8814 Merseyside Ln Chesterfield VA 23832-2462 (276) 722-0068 dnation825@gmail.com

Neal Charles T. RE RETIRED Brenda SS

53 Carriage Hl Signal Mountain TN 37377-2346 (423) 902-2761 charlesneal66@gmail.com

* Needham Jackie Craig PL Mt Carmel UMC Kathy AP

604 Independence Ave Mount Carmel TN 37645-3723 4needhams@gmail.com

* Neel James David FE Bradburn Hill-Mt Pleasant Ashley Loren MV

1355 Kingsport Hwy Greeneville TN 37745-9004 (276) 243-7180 jdneel88@hotmail.com

Donald L. RE Marion

(865) 982-1273 (865) 982-1273 (865) 983-5408

(423) 229-8460 (423) 292-6490

Neese Victoria RL

RETIRED 195 W Pine St Apt 303 Wytheville VA 24382-1900 NR

(276) 620-8034


Karl A. Ellen


9534 Oldhouse Dr Richmond VA 23238-3739

(804) 975-5500 (804) 747-5477

* Nettleton

Daniel Bruce FL Crystal

Bridle Creek Circuit NR

15 Bridle Creek Rd Independence VA 24348-4113 (276) 773-2096 englewooddanny@gmail.com


Newman Alfred L. RE RETIRED SM

% Wellington Manor, 375 Hedrick Dr Newport TN 37821-2920 (423) 504-5634 dranewman@aol.com

Nickle William E. RE RETIRED Nancy MV

280 New Harvest Rd Washburn TN 37888-4746 (865) 497-3444

* Nicolaus Micah Joel FE Broad Street UMC Kim HI

PO Box 3 Cleveland TN 37364-0003 micah@bsumc.org

(423) 476-5586 (865) 771-5076

* Nidiffer Brent L. OF Valley Forge-Roan Mountain Juanita TR

307 Johnson St Roan Mountain TN 37687-3031 blnidiffer@gmail.com

(423) 772-9454

* Norris, III

Pilot UMC NR

PO Box 2212 Pulaski VA 24301-1932 (540) 980-8598 PastorPilotUMC@gmail.com

Wabash Circuit NR

406 Gale Rd Pearisburg VA 24134-1810 jakedrums14@gmail.com

(276) 733-7167

* Nutt Amy Suzanne FL White Oak UMC John SS

6433 Hixson Pike Hixson TN 37343-5726 whiteoakpastor@epbfi.com

(423) 877-6042 (423) 605-7746

* Nyaga

Robert Kariuki FE Agnes

John Wesley-Charles Wesley CM

311 Lee St Bristol VA 24201-4326 (276)-644-3154 kariukirob@yahoo.com

* O’Quinn

Leon B. FL Debra

North Tazewell-Mt Zion CM

PO Box 713 Tazewell VA 24651-0713 leonunitedcountry@gmail.com

William B. PL Sharon

* Nunn Jacob SY

(276) 988-9772 (276) 970-5268

Oaks Carl I. RE RETIRED Sandy TV

140 El Grande Ln Lenoir City TN 37771-6813 (865) 661-1126 coaks4710@aol.com

Odle George E. RE RETIRED Janice TR

PO Box 6045 Johnson City TN 37602-6045 (423) 282-3735 geossumc@comcast.net

* Ogle Daniel M. FE North Georgia Conference Erin SM

1333 Dorothy Dr Decatur GA 30030-4626 (865) 474-0544 danielogle@gmail.com

Ogle Sr. W. Michael RE RETIRED Judy HI

PO Box 3685 Cleveland TN 37320-3685 (423) 285-0201 Mogle9241@gmail.com

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






Ohle Valerie PL Bethel UMC Seymour Butch SM

942 Knight Rd Knoxville TN 37920-8015 revsheseesfar@comcast.net

(865) 851-9314 (865) 579-7653

Oldham John W. FE

Agape Youth Center Counseling/ Simpson UMC SS

221 Crestwood Dr Englewood TN 37329-5009 jwoldham201@gmail.com

(423) 802-6759

* Orchard Bryan C. FL Karin

Gray UMC/ St Paul UMC TR

102 Jack Martin Ln Johnson City TN 37615-4105 (423) 913-3281 bryanorchard1970@gmail.com PO Box 1 Henderson TN 38340-0001 (731) 989-4753 jimanno@charter.net

Ousley John W RE RETIRED Lisa TR

166 Garland Way Johnson City TN 37604-3532 (423) 930-6265 j3ousley@gmail.com

* Ousley Sr. Larry J. RE Coach Training for Leaders Darlene TV

111 Douglas Ln Bristol TN 37620-7213 (828) 734-3867 larry@larryousley.com

Owens-Yates Margaret RE RETIRED CM

1027 Ww Vaught Ln Mountain City TN 37683-5555 MargaretYates24@gmail.com

* Oxendine James T. RA Damascus Circuit Prue CM

236 Country Meadows Cir Bristol TN 37620-8378 joxendine@embarqmail.com

* Pace William F. RE RETIRED Ruth SS

4411 Lakeridge Cir SW Atlanta GA 30331-6704 (423) 967-2545 pacejasper@aol.com

Page Jerry RL RETIRED Ruth Ann SM

3652 Tarbett Rd Maryville TN 37804-5413 (865) 368-0545 jpage37804@gmail.com

Palmer Dan L. OF Love’s Memorial UMC Janet MV

1069 Creekside Village Way Seymour TN 37865-5258 dpal6947@aol.com

* Parker Robert Steven RE Asbury Chapel UMC Sherry TV

424 Dogwood Dr Harriman TN 37748-8112 (865) 209-5806 steveandsherryparker0721@gmail.com

Parrott Robert E. RE RETIRED Donna TV

433 Scenic Dr Knoxville TN 37919-6650 (865) 525-6359

* Parrott Stephanie PD Crit

6264 Patel Way Knoxville TN 37909-4700 (865) 531-2244 sarparrott@gmail.com

Central UMC Knoxville/ Children’s Hospital TV

(423) 968-1353 (423) 878-5741 (423)-968-1353

(423) 636-0911 (865) 773-0340

* Parson Mary L. RE RETIRED HI

188 Quail Run Trce NE Cleveland TN 37312-6689 (865) 771-3034 maryparson9@gmail.com

* Parunak Heidi PL

407 E Morelia Ave Knoxville TN 37917-5020 rev.parunak.heidi@gmail.com

(865) 522-2728 (865) 230-1957 (865) 524-6256

Pasqua Randall C. RE RETIRED Jo Anne SM

307 W Hunt Rd Alcoa TN 37701-1726 randypasqua@holston.org

(423) 612-4364 (423) 612-4364

* Patterson Jr. Glenn C FL

101 E Main St Abingdon VA 24210-2807 (276) 628-2321 glennpatterson@abingdonumc.org

Wesley Foundation UTK/ Moore’s Gap UMC TV

Abingdon UMC CM

Patterson J. Steve PL Three Springs-Virginia Avenue Cheri CM

226 Grace St Bristol TN 37620-5531 stevepatt@btes.tv

(276) 466-6224 (276) 623-3831


Richard J. RE Martha


200 3rd St Dublin VA 24084-3218 richardjpatterson@comcast.net

(540) 639-2807 (540) 641-3960


Larry Duane RA Barbara

RETIRED 1554 Rocky Hollow Rd Atkins VA 24311-3048 (276) 686-4991 NR

Clergy Directory

Osborne Jim R. RE RETIRED Ann TV


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





Paul Craig E. RA RETIRED Karen SS

1020 Olde Mill Ln Hixson TN 37343-2942 (423) 847-0826 craig12147@yahoo.com

* Paul Timothy B. FE Ebenezer UMC Knoxville Cathy SM

1001 Ebenezer Rd Knoxville TN 37923-6505 tbpaul@yahoo.com

* Paxton Cynthia A. FL Panther Springs UMC Tom MV

120 Ricker Rd Greeneville TN 37743-6260 (423) 329-2288 cpax0603@gmail.com

* Payne

100 Messers St Galax VA 24333-3223 dwpayne1977@gmail.com

David W. PE Tammy

Mt Vale-Savannah/ Out Of The Box UMC NR

(865) 691-8330 (423) 505-9254

(276) 233-6536

* Pedersen Steven PL Pactolus UMC Susie AP

424 Andover Ct Kingsport TN 37663-3090 (423) 765-2933 stevepedersen45@gmail.com

Penn C. Ray RE RETIRED Gretchen Hakola TV

138 Lilac Dr La Follette TN 37766-4660 (423) 562-4559 2rpenn@gmail.com

Pennington Cynthia C. FE LEAVE OF ABSENCE SM

536 S Crest Rd Chattanooga TN 37404-5917 cpennington@twcnet.edu

(865) 977-1737

* Pennington D. Layne FE

Jonesville, First -Gilbert’s Memorial AP

PO Box 280 Jonesville VA 24263-0280 layne15@verizon.net

(276) 346-2062 (276) 346-1127 (276) 346-3200


Gary Elmer RL Nancy


PO Box 239 Dryden VA 24243-0239 garyperdue@comcast.net

(276) 383-4459 (276) 546-3523


William R. RL Bettie

RETIRED PO Box 98 Pearisburg VA 24134-0098 (540) 921-2012 NR

Perry Leonard M. RE RETIRED 1100 Timothy Dr Crossville TN 38572-3098 (931) 788-1353 Ingrid HI * Peterson Kenneth PL Clouds Bend UMC Pam AP

940 Bradbury St Kingsport TN 37660-5025 rev.kenpeterson@icloud.com

* Peterson Timothy D. PL Weems Chapel-Mt Sinai Fredna MV

276 Walton Cir Mosheim TN 37818-4089 (423) 422-9885 preachertimp@embarqmail.com

* Petitt Willa Jane PL Vine Grove/Mt Olive-St Clair Randy HI

820 Johnson Blvd SE Cleveland TN 37311-6459 Janepetitt0@gmail.com

* Petty David G. FE Central Texas Conference Rachel Patman MV

2316 Morning Dew Dr Little Elm TX 75068-7631 (276) 496-4934 pastordon@gmail.com

* Petty Jr.

1900 Virginia Ave Bluefield VA 24605-1135 raypetty@hotmail.com

(276) 326-3700 (276) 326-3700

* Phillips Joe R. FE Norwood-Bell’s Campground Alana TV

2110 Merchant Dr Knoxville TN 37912-5111 pastorjoephillips@gmail.com

(865) 687-1620 (423) 464-1619 (865) 687-9264

Philpott James L RE RETIRED SS

412 Hogan Kyle TX 78640-5402 (423) 432-0117 j.philpottwodturner@gmail.com

Pierce Kenneth D. RE RETIRED Phyllis HI

346 Edgewater Ave Dayton TN 37321-7233 (423) 285-5354 kppierce1@gmail.com

Pierce Rev. Walter FL

338 S Independence Ave Independence VA 24348-3856 pastorbudpierce@gmail.com

Ray E. FE Alice

Virginia Avenue-Falls Mills NR

Independence, First-Flat Rock NR

* Pitkin Caleb FE Signal Mountain UMC Samantha SS

3911 Yorktown Rd Chattanooga TN 37416-2229 pastor.pitkin@gmail.com

(423) 246-1597 (423) 246-0770

(423) 510-1142 (423) 240-0514

(423) 877-0503

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






* Pitts Lynn W. RD RETIRED TV

1547 Newfound Rd Canton NC 28716-3988 (865) 742-2688 lpitts48@yahoo.com

* Plaster

PO Box 17502 Bristol VA 24209-7502 lbpumc@gmail.com

Laura Blair FE Justin

Reynolds Memorial UMC CM

(276) 669-1134 (276) 696-1397 (276) 466-8471

Poister William C. RL RETIRED 231 Ollis Bowers Hill Rd Kingsport TN 37664-4116 (423) 367-4646 AP 2106 Belcaro Dr Knoxville TN 37918-3712 (865) 659-4450 revpat5@comcast.net

* Pollock James S. RE RETIRED Betty Lou AP

211 Wiltshire Dr Johnson City TN 37615-4826 (423) 477-8044 jsptags@aol.com

* Poole Brenda A. RL Swan Pond UMC Larry TV

PO Box 378 Andersonville TN 37705-0378 avillbp@bellsouth.net

* Poore David PL McFerrin UMC Janelle AP

901 Buttermilk Rd (423) 224-0349 Blountville TN 37617-5631 davidpoore63@gmail.com

* Porter

588 Hilton Rd Gate City VA 24251-2457 porternumc@sctv.coop

(276) 386-3771 (276) 386-7063

* Powell Charles FL First Farragut UMC Janie TV

7229 Autumn View Ln Powell TN 37849-4842 cpowell@ffumc.org

(865) 966-8430 (865) 312-0650

* Powell Rebecca Jane FL East TN Children’s Hospital Chuck TV

7229 Autumn View Ln Powell TN 37849-4842 rjanepowell@gmail.com

(865) 206-8930

Privratsky Bruce G. RE RETIRED Emilie TV

416 Rako St SW Bemidji MN 56601-3498 (218) 444-4125 bruce.p@outlook.com

* Probst Amy Rollins FE LEAVE OF ABSENCE Chris AP

329 Parker Ln Kingsport TN 37660-6924 preacheramy@gmail.com

(865) 202-3019

Pross Steve RL RETIRED Tracee SM

PO Box 495 Seymour TN 37865-0495 spross101@gmail.com

(865) 573-9711 (865) 609-1072

* Purscell

PO Box 66 Appalachia VA 24216-0066 (276) 565-1316 kpurscell@yahoo.com

Bill R. RL Irene

Kenneth OF Koni

Nottingham UMC AP

Crab Orchard UMC AP

Purser James H. RL RETIRED 265 Poppy Ave Dayton TN 37321-6763 Rhonda Kay SS Rader

Wayne E. Virginia



(865) 426-6189 (865) 494-0516

(423) 775-4335 (423) 775-0547

478 Alpine Ridge Ln Gate City VA 24251-2613 (276) 386-6393 vaway@embarqmail.com

* Ragan Crystal PL First UMC Sweetwater Steve HI

501 Church St Sweetwater TN 37874-2904 crystalraganfumc@yahoo.com

(423) 337-7903 (865) 567-2453

* Rainwater Mickey W. FE Fairview UMC Joy SM

2508 Old Niles Ferry Rd Maryville TN 37803-8802 mrainwater@fairview-umc.org

(865) 983-2080 (865) 983-2080 (865) 233-0649

* Ramer Faith FE

Marion East Circuit CM

4329 Lee Hwy Marion VA 24354-6310 faith.e.ramer@gmail.com

(276) 479-2018 (276) 479-5560


Bethel UMC Bluefield NR

108 Bluestone Dr Bluefield VA 24605-9226 larryeramey@hotmail.com

(276) 322-2132

5634 Kalispell Way Knoxville TN 37924 revronbonramsey@gmail.com

(865) 262-0893

Larry Earl RE Regina

Ramsey Ronald W. FE MEDICAL LEAVE Bonnie MV

Clergy Directory

* Polis Patrick C. RE RETIRED Gayle TV


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





Raper Alta C. RL Binfield UMC SM

452 E Lincoln Rd Alcoa TN 37701-2755 altaraper@yahoo.com

(865) 233-2092

* Rasor Laura R. FE Broadway UMC David Schoeni SM

309 E Broadway Ave Maryville TN 37804-5742 pastor@broadwayumc.net

(865) 982-6192 (865) 982-8558 (865) 982-6142

* Ratledge Joseph L. PL Tasso-Charleston Candice HI

2910 Kensington St Athens TN 37303-5022 (336) 682-5896 joseph79lee@gmail.com

* Ratliff

PO Box 10 Hiltons VA 24258-0001 jasonratliff75@gmail.com

(276) 386-9441 (276) 386-3478

Ray Araminta A SY Appalachian Trail NR

4411 Guinn Rd Knoxville TN 37931-2016 araminta.a.ray@vanderbilt.edu

(865) 385-4763

* Ray James Christopher FE New Salem UMC Jenny SS

12550 Highway 136 Rising Fawn GA 30738-4240 cray52@hotmail.com

(865) 674-2869 (423) 231-6625


Jason Lewis Kellee


James Darrell RA Evelyn

Hiltons Memorial UMC AP

RETIRED PO Box 2496 Lebanon VA 24266-2496 (276) 889-5228 CM

Reed Rebecca A. RE RETIRED HI

12 Walcon Ln Apt 11 Athens TN 37303-3765 (423) 506-2783 Musicwoman48@yahoo.com

* Reed Thomas M. FE Copperhill, First-Ducktown HI

PO Box 538 Copperhill TN 37317-0538 (423) 383-3611 tomreed51@gmail.com

* Reed Vivian M. PL Wesley’s Chapel UMC Greeneville 487 Theo Hixon Rd Rutledge TN 37861-5445 Roy MV mimsy09@hotmail.com

(865) 828-4919

* Reedy Jacob Paul FE Middlebrook Pike UMC TV

7234 Middlebrook Pike Knoxville TN 37909-1159 jreedy@middlebrookpike.com

(865) 690-8641 (423) 967-5338 (865) 539-4636

* Reese Samuel Adam PE Rockwood-Chevront Lynette TV

203 Manchester Rd Kingston TN 37763-2335 (865) 399-0140 samreese1981@gmail.com

Rehagen Harold W. RE RETIRED Joyce TV

4240 Plummer Dr Knoxville TN 37918-1319 jrehagen@comcast.net

(865) 689-4033 (865) 544-2008


Betty C. Joe


196 Crestview Dr Abingdon VA 24210-2030 bettyreiff@hotmail.com

(276) 628-3740

* Repass

John R. PL DeeDee

Dailey’s Chapel UMC CM

309 Crabapple St Bluefield VA 24605-9654 (276) 322-5819 jrrepass@gmail.com


Reuss Adam FL Broad Street UMC Shawn HI

PO Box 3 Cleveland TN 37364-0003 (423) 599-9119 adam@bsumc.org

* Reynolds Michael OF First-Centenary UMC Annette SS

6212 N. Innisbrook Dr. Hixson TN 37343-3077 (423) 842-9521 michael3735@yahoo.com

Reynolds Stephen Glen SY Hope

Pleasant Grove-Valley View -Milburnton TR

302 W Sevier Hts Greeneville TN 37745-5012 sgreynolds54@gmail.com


Glenwood UMC NR

3864 Wilson Hwy Independence VA 24348-4065 (276) 773-3232 revgloria@embarqmail.com

Gloria Lancaster RA Gary

(423) 329-6653

Richard Fredrick H. RE RETIRED Bonnie AP

308 Dancy Ln Kingsport TN 37663-3730 (423) 239-9159 fbrichard@earthlink.net

Richardson Jay B. PL Hansard Chapel UMC Helda TV

119 Clemson Dr Oak Ridge TN 37830-7665 (865) 776-7826 JayRichardson1@aol.com

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse) Richardson

Status Kevin S. FE Samantha





St Paul-Castlewood AP

3225 Dogwood Dr Saint Paul VA 24283-2543 (276) 979-7661 umcchap@gmail.com

* Richter Jr. Richard L. FE Cedar Lane UMC Donna TV

714 Cedar Ln Knoxville TN 37912-3102 revrichter@gmail.com

* Ridenour Gordon L. RE RETIRED Nancy TV

324 Chowning Dr Knoxville TN 37934-2747 (865) 675-6355 gnride60@charter.net

* Rieger B. Eric FE Jones Memorial UMC SS

4131 Ringgold Rd Chattanooga TN 37412-2465 bericrieger@gmail.com

* Rimmer

William C. Kathy

George Street-Grant MV

604 E Elmwood St Jefferson City TN 37760-2744 (865) 803-7862 wcrimmer@aol.com

* Rines

Billy W. RA Susan

Dryden-Seminary AP

297 Orr Rd Dryden VA 24243-8384 (423) 426-4291 srinessas@yahoo.com

(423) 629-6073 (423) 867-3130 (423) 629-9388

Ripley John E. RE RETIRED TV

NHC, 122 Cavette Hill Ln Apt 137 Knoxville TN 37934-6676 (865) 924-1341 jripley05@comcast.net

Roberson Benjamin L. RE RETIRED HI

162 County Road 791 Etowah TN 37331-5142 (423) 506-7688 brober4250@aol.com

Roberson Jr. John W. RE RETIRED Mary HI

182 County Road 791 Etowah TN 37331-5142 (423) 263-2896 jrobersonj@aol.com

* Roberts Chad PL Trentville UMC Kim SM

2424 Russell Rd Kodak TN 37764-1022 (865) 414-3767 robertschad6@yahoo.com

Roberts Charles Michael RL RETIRED SS

2132 Dallas Lake Rd Soddy Daisy TN 37379-8806 cmikeroberts@epbfi.com

(423) 535-2703 (423) 843-2896

* Roberts

20271 Millbrook Dr Abingdon VA 24211-6869 revroberts@comcast.net

(276) 628-2552 (276) 628-2552 (276) 628-4427

Luther W. RL Diana L.

Wallace-Wyndale CM

* Roberts III Samuel R. AF RETIRED Stella HI

1512 Ridgeway Cir Athens TN 37303-4452 (423) 252-7008 srrobertsiii@yahoo.com

* Roberts Stella M. RE RETIRED Sam HI

1512 Ridgeway Cir Athens TN 37303-4452 (865) 621-6160 stellamr@bellsouth.net

Robertson Ernest Leroy RE RETIRED AP

605 Timber Ln Cookeville TN 38501-2816 (931) 528-5293 elrobertsons2@gmail.com

* Robertson-Gouge Scott A. RE Ruth


4972 Catawba Creek Rd Catawba VA 24070-2102 (540) 616-4046 sarg38@hotmail.com

Robinette Beverly C. FE


922 Arlington Ave Bristol VA 24201-3406 beverly.robinette@yahoo.com

(276) 429-5072

* Robins Ann P. FE HC-Tennessee Valley District Tom TV

PO Box 26384 Knoxville TN 37912-9484 annrobins@holston.org

(865) 470-7005 (865) 803-6564

* Robins Thomas A. FE SunOak Parish Ann TV

12713 Broken Saddle Rd Knoxville TN 37934-1329 tarobins@charter.net

(865) 632-7034 (865) 805-8350

* Robinson Timothy J. PL

156 Morgan Memorial Rd Rose Hill VA 24281-8514 (276) 393-6499 trobinson123@outlook.com

Ewing Circuit AP

* Roe Jason Coleman FE General Evangelist Holly SM

416 Royal Oaks Drive Maryville TN 37801 jceministries@yahoo.com

(865) 659-8879 (865) 659-8879

Clergy Directory


(865) 688-3531 (423) 580-0701


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





* Roe John P. RA Wharf Hill-Elizabeth Jane CM

220 Kingston Rd Blountville TN 37617-5523 (423) 323-1525 johnpcroe@yahoo.com

* Rogers Rex G. PL Williamson Chapel UMC Paula SM

2920 Ty Dr Louisville TN 37777-3808 (865) 773-4681 rgrogers@charter.net

Rogers Shirley M. RE RETIRED HI

% Michael T. Smith-Conservator PO Box 1246 (706) 746-7481 Lawrenceville GA 30046-1246

Rollins Catherine Anara Fox FE Caris Healthcare, LLC Richard CM

322 Vance Dr Bristol TN 37620-4148 katye.fox@live.com

* Rose

2801 Spencer Ln Big Stone Gap VA 24219-3813 (276) 708-1983 roses0004@comcast.net

David L. PL Wendi

Appalachia-Derby-Exeter AP

(423) 578-4130

Rose J. Donald RE RETIRED Betty MV

1116 Old Stage Rd Rogersville TN 37857-6041 (865) 771-4331

Ross Steven M. RE RETIRED Laura Jean SS

8407 Oak View Dr Chattanooga TN 37421-4396 smr2999@aol.com

* Rouse Chris OF Wesley Memorial-Valley Head Jodi HI

3405 Peerless Rd NW (423) 472-9578 Cleveland TN 37312-3431 (843) 496-4387 programming@wesleymemorialchurch.com

Rowland Billy Frank RE RETIRED Janice TR

412 Grace Hills Dr Blountville TN 37617-3752 (423) 574-1571 Bill46@btes.tv

* Rowlett Jr. Peyton L. RE RETIRED Virginia TV

10937 Farragut Hills Blvd Knoxville TN 37934-4084 (865) 966-9776 bee.rowlett@gmail.com

* Rozar Linda W. PL Mt Wesley-Embreeville Lynn TR

46 Brown Ave Greeneville TN 37743-3086 (423) 823-1470 rozarshouse@gmail.com (423) 639-9052

** Rudesill Elizabeth PD Tuckaleechee UMC Richard SM

7332 Old Tuckaleechee Rd Townsend TN 37882-3812 (865) 448-2464 eaopenshaw@yahoo.com

* Rudesill Richard FE Tuckaleechee UMC Elizabeth SM

7322 Old Tuckaleechee Rd Townsend TN 37882-3812 rmrudesi@yahoo.com


Harold D. RA Sarah

(423) 499-8948

(865) 448-2463 (865) 448-2463

RETIRED 915 Oakvale Rd Princeton WV 24740-3917 (304) 425-8620 NR

* Russell Jerald W. RE RETIRED Judy SM

1228 Raulston Rd Maryville TN 37803-2858 jrussellpastor@gmail.com

(865) 983-2080 (865) 388-9003

* Ruth Elaine FE First UMC Surgoinsville Robert AP

203 Dogwood Dr Surgoinsville TN 37873-5003 pastorelaineruth@gmail.com

(423) 345-2279 (865) 254-0438

* Ruth Robert FE First UMC Church Hill Elaine AP

203 Dogwood Dr Surgoinsville TN 37873-5003 ruthrs0@sewanee.edu

(423) 357-5564 (865) 643-1703

Rutherford James RE RETIRED Carolyn SM

2729 Cansler Dr Maryville TN 37801-8314 (865) 681-8658 muffyrut@att.net

* Rutherford Tyler S. SY Greystone Circuit Briana TR

2100 Greystone Rd Greeneville TN 37743-8601 pastor.tyler93@gmail.com

(423) 470-6025

* Ryman Steven M. SY

6972 Abbs Valley Road Bluefield VA 24605-8787 sryman4076@gmail.com

(865) 801-1183

205 McCall Cir Johnson City TN 37604-5209 pedroandleticia@aol.com

(423) 928-9553 (423) 202-7161

Pocahontas-Christ First NR

Salazar Pedro Orlando RE RETIRED Leticia Ofelia TR

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse) Sandefur

Status Catherine




Ebenezer UMC CM

22524 Blake Dr Abingdon VA 24210-8099 (276) 628-1385 CALLBY@PHONE.ORG

Sanks Van RL RETIRED Anice TV

932 Marlboro Rd Knoxville TN 37909-2357 vsanks@comcast.net

* Sarver

400 Valleydale St Apt B3 Bluefield VA 24605-9451 barrysarver55@gmail.com

Barry K. RL Glynda




(865) 742-1875

6314 E Brainerd Rd Chattanooga TN 37421-3938 revclairsauer@gmail.com

(423) 892-6446 (423) 664-3300

* Sauer Kenneth E. FE Red Bank UMC Clair SS

1601 Prater Rd (423) 877-2881 Chattanooga TN 37412-3825 PASTORRBUMC@EPBFI.COM (423) 877-7155

* Schepisi

Ila FD Cory

Grove UMC/ VA Tech Adult Day Services NR

109 Pershing Ave Radford VA 24141-3511 schepisi@vt.edu

* Schoeneman Jr.

William A. RE Celia Kay

Floyd Circuit NR

5669 Floyd Hwy S Willis VA 24380-4800 (540) 315-6013 kscelia00@gmail.com

(540) 231-3161 (540) 633-5032

Schofield Curtis RE RETIRED Clara SS

26462 Al Highway 71 Flat Rock AL 35966-5740 curtis@farmerstel.com

* Scoggins Kenneth L. RE Chilcutt-Chestuee Mary Ann HI

994 Armstrong Rd SE Cleveland TN 37323-8332 (423) 413-0469 kennethscoggins96@yahoo.com

* Scott Bradley H. FE Trenton UMC Tammie SS

12500 N Main St Trenton GA 30757 drbrop@gmail.com

* Scott Jr.

501 Beverly Hills Dr North Tazewell VA 24630-9309 (276) 329-0066 jimpat38@gmail.com

James W. PL Patricia

East Tazewell Circuit CM

(256) 632-4110

(706) 657-6170 (276) 722-0346 (706) 657-4043

* Scott Martha FE First Farragut UMC TV

12733 Kingston Pike Knoxville TN 37934-0918 marthascott@comcast.net

(865) 966-8430 (865) 405-4947

* Scott

304 Valleydale St Bluefield VA 24605-9437 wmds@wvva.net

(276) 322-4501

* Seay Paul Daniel FE Seymour UMC Kathleen SM

PO Box 1488 Seymour TN 37865-1488 paul@seymourumc.org

(865) 573-9711 (865) 573-9711

* Seay Thomas Lee RE RETIRED Sandra TV

PO Box 24005 Knoxville TN 37933-2005 (423) 765-3577 tseay@emeraldaveumc.org

* Seay

793 Old Appalachian Trl Fancy Gap VA 24328-2800 kayeseay@gmail.com

William Donald RE Peggy

V. Kaye PE Don


Blue Ridge Circuit NR

(804) 732-2543

Seiber Bonnie RL Woods Chapel UMC Troy TV

136 Hubbard Cir Clinton TN 37716-6864 (865) 266-3720 bonnieseiber880@msn.com

** Sellars Sherry Seay PL Wesley’s Chapel UMC Dandridge Dale Sellars MV

720 Video Dr Dandridge TN 37725-6436 BHDHSSCS@aol.com

(865) 475-7901 (865) 742-9249 (865) 475-6215

* Sells Dwight SY

304 Teasterwood Rd Mouth of Wilson VA 24363-3783 cutups304@yahoo.com

(276) 579-2315

Grant-Flat Ridge Circuit NR

* Settle Mary Eugenia DR RETIRED NR

1642 Mocksville Hwy Cleveland NC 27013-8909 (704) 873-0973 jbsettle88@bellsouth.net

Shanks James M. RE RETIRED Nellie MV

2939 Wilshire Blvd Morristown TN 37814-3278 (423) 586-4489

Clergy Directory

* Sauer Clair Travis FE Wesley Memorial UMC Kenneth SS


Holston Annual Conference

Name (Spouse)


Clergy Directory

Sharp Donna OE




Fairview-Sidney NR

35 Alder Ln Christiansburg VA 24073-1229 540-392-4340 sharpd@bndsharp.net

Shaver Alvin O. RL RETIRED Britt SM

2619 Brookland Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402-3303 (865) 250-1828 shaveral@charter.net


203 Asbury Dr Maryville TN 37804-3605 (865) 982-0249 pastorheleneshaw@minister.com

* Shearer Laura Anderson RE RETIRED John SS

4603 Cloverdale Loop Hixson TN 37343-4414 (865) 805-8929 lashearer2@comcast.net

* Shell Jr. Reed L. FE Hixson UMC Cathy SS

5301 Old Hixson Pike Hixson TN 37343-3244 reedshell@hixsonumc.org

(423) 877-1246 (423) 790-0112 (423) 877-2965

* Shelor

PO Box 577 Dublin VA 24084-0577 shelordon@gmail.com

(540) 639-3529 (540) 674-2975 (540) 639-0182

Donald Paul AM Terri

Dublin UMC NR

* Shelton Regina RL Arcadia-Hermon AP

109 Chickasaw Cir Church Hill TN 37642-3918 (423) 384-3513 reginahshelton@gmail.com

* Shelton William PL Bethel UMC Amherst Sherry TV

6957 Riverwood Dr Knoxville TN 37920-6025 (865) 579-5402 bill.bethelumc@comcast.net

* Shelton II

135 4th St NW Pulaski VA 24301-4523 will.shelton@fumcpulaski.org

(423) 745-2612 (865) 919-2997 (423) 745-2613

* Sherbakoff Charla FE Second UMC Lee TV

1524 Western Ave Knoxville TN 37921-6317 charlasherbakoff@gmail.com

(865) 524-1689 (865) 806-3337

* Sherrod James Allen FE Central UMC Knoxville Lesli TV

201 3rd Ave Knoxville TN 37917-7248 jimmy@knoxcentralumc.org

(865) 524-1659 (865) 805-5373

* Shewey Will H. FE Shades of Grace UMC AP

313 E Sullivan St Kingsport TN 37660-4403 wshewey@aol.com

(423) 765-2440 (423) 534-7238

* Shipley

321 Hebron Church Rd Jefferson City TN 37760-3314 mariejam8@aol.com

William R FE Alexandra

Charles D. Amy


First UMC Pulaski NR

Edward’s Chapel UMC MV

Shirey Carol Ferguson RE RETIRED Dennis MV

971 Old Baileyton Rd Afton TN 37616-3807 (423) 234-0304

Shirley Betty A. RL RETIRED MV

8537 Rutledge Pike Rutledge TN 37861-3107 (865) 828-3150 bkshirley@aol.com

* Shortridge

3146 Grapefield Rd Bastian VA 24314-5063 (276) 688-4238 sadieanddannyshortridge@yahoo.com

Danny OF Sadie

Mechanicsburg Circuit NR

* Shupe Allen D. FE Mt Airy-Economy Kathy MV Shupe

Olin E. RE Elizabeth

PO Box 1 Morristown TN 37815-0001 (423) 523-4571 akshupe@gmail.com

RETIRED 1083 Leafwood Rd Fries VA 24330-4215 (276) 744-2972 NR

* Shupe Randall PL Holly Springs-Bethel Connie AP

1809 E Sevier Ave Kingsport TN 37664-3212 rasshupe@charter.net

* Shupe

83 Sportsman Ln Fries VA 24330-3825 (276)637-3226 williamshupe@centurylink.net

William RL Janet


* Silvers Douglas FL Welch’s Chapel-Stephen’s Chapel 12404 E Valley Rd Dunlap TN 37327-4551 Brenda SS dougsilvers@gmail.com

(423) 229-1301 (423) 963-0612

(423) 949-3802 (423) 949-8358

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






Simmerman Walter C. RE RETIRED Juanita HI

264 Lower Woods Trl NE Cleveland TN 37323-3714 (423) 458-4608 umcpastorwalt@aol.com

Simmons J. Nickie PL Sevierville Parish Tom SM

209 Y Rd Sevierville TN 37862-4014 nsimmonsumw@gmail.com

* Sisk-Casson Corrina DC Independent Ministry Gerald Casson TR

102 W Maple St Johnson City TN 37604-6818 (423) 762-3838 corrinacasson1@aol.com

* Slack Sarah A. FE First UMC Maryville David SM

804 Montvale Station Rd Maryville TN 37803-5804 sslack@1stchurch.org

* Slater John M. RE New Market Circuit Tana MV

1119 Andrew Johnson Hwy Strawberry Plains TN 37871-1159 (865) 308-2798 revjmslater@gmail.com

* Slavik

289 Meadowcrest Dr Bristol VA 24201-3017 trslavik@gmail.com

(276) 669-1772 (276) 644-3608

* Sluder Michael G. FE HC-Connectional Ministries Lori SM

PO Box 850 Alcoa TN 37701-0850 mikesluder@holston.org

(865) 293-4133 (865) 414-4245 (865) 690-3162

* Smart Gregory S. FE Pikeville UMC Natalie SS

PO Box 233 (423) 447-2951 Pikeville TN 37367-0233 gregsmart4@gmail.com

* Smart Natalie Gay FE East Ridge UMC Greg SS

1601 Prater Rd Chattanooga TN 37412-3825 nbsmart31@gmail.com

Smelley, Jr. Charles H. PL Hurst UMC Karen SS

984 Dodie Dr Chattanooga TN 37421-1279 (423) 894-6454 c_smelley@msn.com

Smith Alvin H. RE RETIRED Johnnie SS

202 Grata Rd Knoxville TN 37914-3752 (865) 240-3102 valley65@comcast.net

* Smith

457 Coile Rd Jefferson City TN 37760-4103 asmith@cn.edu

(865) 325-2693 (865) 318-5890

Smith Crystal Salyers FE Wheeler UMC Trevor TR

1404 Lamar Ct Kingsport TN 37664-2056 cdsalyers@hotmail.com

(423) 323-7267 (423) 552-4796 (423) 323-3892

* Smith David Lee RE Grigsby Chapel UMC Peggy TV

7033 Tazewell Pike Corryton TN 37721-3926 (865) 216-7520 SnufsKnox@aol.com

Smith Dewey L. RL Martel UMC Nancy SM

2812 Oakland Rd Philadelphia TN 37846-2046 (615) 419-7151 deweysmith268@gmail.com

* Smith

Central UMC Radford NR

803 Wadsworth St Radford VA 24141-2919 pastorcumc@shentel.net

(540) 639-3529 (540)-285-0475

Damascus UMC CM

PO Box 44 Damascus VA 24236-0044 ecsmith2nd@gmail.com

(931) 242-7266 (931) 242-7266

Andrew Christopher OF Pam

Donald H. FE Sue

* Smith II E. Creighton PE

Trinity UMC Bristol CM

Boyd Chapel UMC MV

(865) 982-1273 (865) 640-0807

(423) 892-8451 (423) 364-1726

Smith F. Douglas RE RETIRED Emily SM

920 Stonecrest Dr Maryville TN 37804-3734 (865) 980-2023 revdsmith@bellsouth.net

* Smith

22219 Fisher Hollow Rd (276) 475-6568 Damascus VA 24236-2309 (276) 475-3881 thecountrycupboard@embarqmail.com

John Leonard RL Lenora

Keywood Charge CM

* Smith Melissa R. FE Kodak UMC SM

2923 Bryan Rd Kodak TN 37764-1515 (865) 660-0271 melissa@kodakchurch.com

* Smith

29 Cumberland Dr Hillsville VA 24343-4637 rsmith24343@gmail.com

Robert L. FE Pat

First UMC Hillsville NR

(276) 728-2434 (276) 728-2654

Clergy Directory

Rosa FE Tom

(865) 805-0134


Holston Annual Conference

Name (Spouse) * Smith

Status Timothy W. FE Angel



Oakland UMC NR

4987 Pipers Gap Rd Galax VA 24333-5736 othy3k@yahoo.com

Office/Home/Fax 276-236-8511 (276) 239-9697

Clergy Directory

Smith Wendell M. RE RETIRED 2915 Pembroke Pl Maryville TN 37803-2993 (865) 312-2349 SM Snodgrass III W. Edward RE RETIRED Linda SS

16231 Crestview Dr Sale Creek TN 37373-7764 edsnodgrass@gmail.com

* Somers

PO Box 752 Abingdon VA 24212-0752 (276) 469-1607 counslr001@gmail.com

H. Michael RL Brenda


(423) 493-5876 (423) 605-1832

* Sorrell D. Lynn LM Cross UMC Anne TR

1081 Rotherwood Dr Kingsport TN 37660-7262 (423) 384-8470 dlsorrell@chartertn.net

Southerland Michael OF Clinch Valley Circuit MV

274 Southerland Ln Washburn TN 37888-4010 msoutherland@frontiernet.net

* Spell Jr. Charles Raymond RE Glendale UMC Gail MV

320 Ladysmith Ln Morristown TN 37814-2193 (423) 289-1287 crspell@gmail.com

* Spence

475 Island Rd Bristol VA 24201-7011 sspenceville@gmail.com

(276) 669-6441 (276) 669-9390

* Spiers Melissa PL Paynes Chapel UMC SS

601 S Lovell Ave Chattanooga TN 37412-2939 melissaspiers@holston.org

(423) 629-0333 (423) 521-8433 (423) 622-8360

Spieth Jennifer PL SunOak Parish TV

332 Dominion Cir Knoxville TN 37934-2750 (865) 556-9918 spieth.jennifer@gmail.com

* Sprinkle Kenneth L. RE RETIRED Teresa AP

694 Truxton Dr Kingsport TN 37660-5680 (276) 245-8765 sprinkle7@aol.com

St Clair

PO Box 15 Emory VA 24327-0015 (276) 944-4614 dstclair@ehc.edu

C. Scott FE Diane

David T. RE Marcia

Beech Grove UMC CM


(865) 405-5846

* Stallings J. Michael FD Concord UMC Knox Claudia TV

11020 Roane Dr Knoxville TN 37934-2916 mike@concordumc.com

(865) 966-6728 (865) 719-3469 (865) 966-3624

* Stanfield Chris J. FE LaFollette UMC Kelley TV

808 E Central Ave La Follette TN 37766-2719 rev.chrisstanfield@gmail.com

(423) 562-7348 (423) 465-7775


Talmage FE Susan

Emory & Henry College CM

P.O. Box 160 Emory VA 24327 tastanle@ehc.edu

(276) 944-6817 (276) 944-3859 (276) 944-6170


Donald E. Velma


225 Dogwood Dr Wytheville VA 24382-9301 (276) 228-4737 duck3@embarqmail.com


* Stanton Thomas Arden OF Liberty Hill-Russellville Pat MV

220 Montrose Ave Morristown TN 37813-5259 (423) 586-9717 stanton1111@att.net

* Stapleton

3902 Logan Ave Big Stone Gap VA 24219-3928 rev.bradstapleton@gmail.com

(276) 523-3760 (276) 594-1492 (276) 523-7500

* Starks Charles W. FE Church Street UMC Angela TV

PO Box 1303 Knoxville TN 37901-1303 cstarks@churchstreetumc.org

(865) 624-3048 (423) 839-4788 (865) 521-0261

* Starnes Grover PL Adams Chapel-Hulls Chapel Melinda TR

124 Aurawood Dr Kingsport TN 37660-6772 (423) 534-3742 volfan1gs@hotmail.com

** Stephens Rebecca S. FE East Ohio Conference SM

1265 Southland Dr Bucyrus OH 44820-3031 (865) 696-5067 prchrbeck@gmail.com

Bradley K. FE Rebecca

East Stone Gap UMC AP

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)


* Stevens Jack L RE






705 Park St Bristol VA 24201-3431 (276) 466-8532 jlstevens@bvu.net 110 Circle View Dr Mountain City TN 37683-1558 padrestew@embarqmail.com

(423) 727-0733

* Stokes Debra Jean McCard FE Christ UMC Michael SS

8645 E Brainerd Rd Chattanooga TN 37421-4356 associate@christchurchchatt.org

(423) 236-4442 (423) 780-9324 (423) 236-5175

Stone Lisa A. FE Spiritual Director TV

3536 Buckeye Loop Fayetteville TN 37334-5546 (828) 736-9176 lisaastone@aim.com

Stooksbury William C. RE RETIRED Jayne TV

885 General George Patton Rd Nashville TN 37221-2574 (615) 673-2821 williamstooksbury@yahoo.com

* Stuart William PL Whiteside UMC Alicia SS

230 Townsite Cir South Pittsburg TN 37380-1754 wbs37380@yahoo.com

(423) 294-1155 (423) 837-8317

* Stubblefield Jason T. FE Immanuel UMC Magan SM

PO Box 748 Louisville TN 37777-0748 jasontrentstubblefield@gmail.com

(865) 235-7062

* Stubblefield Magan FE Middlesettlements UMC Jason SM

2729 Middlesettlements Rd Maryville TN 37801-7424 magan.stubblefield@gmail.com

(865) 982-4799 (865) 982-4799

Stuckey Joshua P SY Mars Hill UMC HI

1240 Willowood Rd Knoxville TN 37922-7610 jpstuck420@gmail.com

(865) 207-8108

Suits Jarrod D. FL Broad Street UMC Sarah HI

PO Box 3 Cleveland TN 37364-0003 (423) 429-3600 jarrod@bsumc.org

* Sullivan Elizabeth FE Burks UMC SS

1412 Cloverdale Cir # 609 Hixson TN 37343-4445 (423) 834-7120 rev.beth.sullivan@burks.org

* Sumrall Amy Aycock FE Kingsley UMC Mark Sumrall AP

112 Atlee St Kingsport TN 37660-2002 rev.amy.sumrall@gmail.com

* Sutherland

Wabash Circuit NR

176 Sugar Run Rd Pearisburg VA 24134-2647 (276) 768-8421 pamsuth57@gmail.com

* Sutton Robert FL Pittman Center April SM

340 Tunis Rd Sevierville TN 37876-9156 (865) 436-1662 pastorbobbysutton@gmail.com

* Swanson Joshua E. PE Ketron Memorial UMC Antenia AP

1917 Northwood Pl Kingsport TN 37665-1317 jeswanson90@gmail.com

* Sweet Janet Kay FE

175 Alpine Ridge Ln Gate City VA 24251-2614 (276) 452-2412 janetsweet2015@gmail.com

Pamela FL Lyndon

Midway Memorial-Prospect AP

(423) 288-5837 (423) 276-1065

(423) 246-6792 (865) 776-1805

Swift Donald RE Mt Hebron UMC MV

685 Mount Hebron Rd Greeneville TN 37743-4146 (540) 921-2717 pastordswift@gmail.com

* Switzer Betsy Roach FE Broad Street UMC HI

PO Box 3 Cleveland TN 37364-0003 betsy@bsumc.org

(423) 476-5586 (865) 607-0134

* Tabor Jonothan David FE Trinity UMC Knoxville Mary Lynn TV

5613 Western Ave Knoxville TN 37921-3224 davidtabor@holston.org

(865) 588-5763 (423) 802-3123

Taj Amos RE RETIRED Esther SS

6615 Ooltewah Georgetown Rd Ooltewah TN 37363-9213 (423) 238-5106 etaj@comcast.net

* Tallent

83 Tate St Lebanon VA 24266-6094 jevol1976@gmail.com

Jeffrey L. FE Cindy

Lebanon Memorial UMC CM

(423) 418-0449

Clergy Directory

Stewart R. Warren RE RETIRED Rebecca TR


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





* Tallent Jr. V. Richard RA Englewood UMC Rebecca HI

221 Crestwood Dr Englewood TN 37329-5009 vrtallent@hotmail.com

(423) 333-4664

Tapp Timothy Mark SY Limestone Cove UMC Amy TR

PO Box 1076 Elizabethton TN 37644-1076 tapptke@icloud.com

(423) 213-2250

Taylor Christina Boaz FE Western NC Annual Conference Sean AP

PO Box 113 Oak Ridge NC 27310-0001 (336) 643-4690 ctaylor@wnccumc.net

* Taylor Jr Daniel H. RE RETIRED Diana Brown Taylor TV

7440 Openview Ln Corryton TN 37721-3599 (865) 679-7500 revdhtjr@gmail.com

* Taylor James Russell FE Mary Virginia

HC-Congregational Dev. & Revitalization SM

Alcoa TN 37701-0850 PO Box 850 rustytaylor@holston.org

(865) 335-9981 (865) 690-4080 (865) 690-3162

* Taylor Jane Elizabeth FE

HC-Clinch Mountain District CM

150 Bogey Dr Abingdon VA 24211-3606 janetaylor@holston.org

(276) 628-4421 (423) 929-3137 (423) 928-9223

* Taylor

Joe Mack RE Dorothy


360 Asbury Ln Wytheville VA 24382-4456 (276) 620-3623 joedortjoe@aol.com

** Taylor

Kenneth PL Sharon

Norton UMC AP

1217 Virginia Ave NW Norton VA 24273-1730 kennethtaylor1217@comcast.net

(276) 679-3528 (276) 679-4350 (276) 523-6964

* Taylor Jr. L. Clark FD First-Centenary UMC Judy SS

200 Manufacturers Rd Apt 406 Chattanooga TN 37405-5005 lctaylor000@gmail.com

(423) 892-4289 (423) 266-2400

* Taylor Meg Grote RE RETIRED MV

4200 Old Omen Rd Apt 1207 Tyler TX 75707-2142 (423) 231-3460 revmgt15@gmail.com

Taylor Millard C. RA RETIRED Patsy TV

5336 Tazewell Pointe Way Knoxville TN 37918-7524 (865) 686-9558 mct300@att.net (865) 686-9558

Taylor Patsy Keith RL RETIRED Millard TV

5336 Tazewell Pointe Way Knoxville TN 37918-7524 (865) 686-9558

* Teague James Michael RE RETIRED Tawana CM

205 Redstone Dr Bristol TN 37620-2937 (423) 573-1550 jmttcteague@btes.tv

Teffeteller John PL Pleasant Grove UMC Union Dianne TV

122 Hill Acre Rd Maynardville TN 37807-2800 johnteff@yahoo.com

** Templeton

G. Stephen PL Brenda

Hales Chapel UMC AP

4481 Manville Rd Gate City VA 24251-4732 (276) 452-4873 gstempleton@gmail.com


Darrell B. PL Lilly

Coleman’s Chapel UMC CM

PO Box 369 Haysi VA 24256-0369 darrell.boy@hotmail.com

(276) 865-4687 (276) 971-2749 (276) 865-0212


Donald C. RL Eleanor

Mountain View UMC Abingdon CM

22561 Watauga Rd Abingdon VA 24211-7067 thayeracres@embarqmail.com

(276) 676-0039 (276) 628-6179


Daniel C. RE Amanda


5507 Dickenson Hwy Clintwood VA 24228-7008 (276) 639-8980 danielctheiben@yahoo.com

Thierbach John K. RE RETIRED Sally SM

2350 Sir Edward Ln Maryville TN 37803-8302 (865) 233-0365 jthierbach@bellsouth.net

* Thomas Donald E. RE RETIRED Anna TV

643 Gulfwood Rd Knoxville TN 37923-2213 (865) 256-0120 do3nthomas@gmail.com

* Thomas Jr.

135 Dean Plantation Rd Austinville VA 24312-3648 (276) 699-1724 dlthomas72@hotmail.com (276) 699-1724

Donald Lee PL Delphna

Atkins Memorial-Fries Station Tennessee Wesleyan University NR

(865) 660-1200

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)


Thompson Alexander PE Mary Carol Thompson





Niota-Cedar Springs/ Tennessee Wesleyan University HI

PO Box 190 Niota TN 37826-0190 (217) 502-0767 alexander.thompson41@gmail.com 768 Silver City Rd Whitesburg TN 37891-9237 revdrcynthia@gmail.com

Thompson James W. RD RETIRED Verdine HI

1110 Sioux St Athens TN 37303-3335 (423) 745-4796 jimt2@live.com

* Thompson John D. RA Mt Zion-Seahorn’s Chapel Donna MV

1272 Gaby Hills Dr Dandridge TN 37725-4844 (865) 397-0733 jt8650@charter.net (865) 397-9840

Thompson Mary C. FD HC-Camp & Retreat Ministries Alex SS

3811 Kingwood Cir Chattanooga TN 37412-1625 marythompson@holston.org

Thornton William L. PL Signal Crest UMC SS

1005 Ridgeway Ave (423) 855-8668 Signal Mountain TN 37377 (423) 886-7654 bill_thornton@cable.comcast.com

* Tipton

PO Box 704 Duffield VA 24244-0704 btipton@uvawise.edu

Mary Elizabeth FD Jason

Wesley Foundation UVA at Wise AP

(423) 638-6224 (865) 851-5936

(423) 667-8269 (423) 667-8269 (865) 690-3162

(276) 328-6826 (276) 431-3361 (276) 328-9488

* Tipton Patricia B. PL Old Union UMC Lynn (Fred) AP

430 W Main Blvd Church Hill TN 37642-3905 (423) 754-4946 purplepastorpat@gmail.com

Titcombe James RL RETIRED Suzanne TV

11208 Kilpatrick Way Knoxville TN 37932-3074 jwttn@charter.net

* Tkach

Rodney J. OE Marilyn

First UMC Richlands CM

832 Cresswood Dr Richlands VA 24641-2668 (701) 220-1151 rev-rn@live.com

* Tobin

Lon F. FE Terry

St Paul UMC NR

330 Church St Wytheville VA 24382-2622 StPaulPreacher@gmail.com

(276) 228-5539 (423) 538-4728

* Tolbert Teresa G. FE

Mountain Circuit NR

5670 Thornspring Church Rd Dublin VA 24084-3865 ttolbert@comcast.net

(540) 980-2927 (540) 980-1783

* Tompkins

New River Circuit NR

5805 Alum Spring Rd Pulaski VA 24301-7055 tompkins.ginny@yahoo.com

(540) 639-5369 (540) 391-2911

* Torres III Ramon D. FE Wesley Memorial-Valley Head Lisa HI

3405 Peerless Rd NW Cleveland TN 37312-3431 rdtorres3@icloud.com

(423) 472-9578 (423) 790-0425 (423) 472-9570

* Tracy Laura Ann PL Grace UMC Ron TR

701 Coffee Ridge Rd Erwin TN 37650-6431 troychild@centurylink.net

(423) 743-7626

Ginny FE Robert

(865) 216-8062 (865) 966-0539 (865) 694-6138

Transou Jr. Bedford T. RE RETIRED 807 Cloudland Dr Johnson City TN 37601-3313 (423) 928-2333 Carol TR * Travis Michael H. RE RETIRED Teresa HI

115 Hunters Run Trl NW Cleveland TN 37312-6205 (423) 479-6784 mikeht@att.net

* Treadway Michael OF Mountain View UMC Susan SM

3200 Maryville Pike Knoxville TN 37920-6132 mtreadway@heci.com

(865) 573-4731 (865) 995-0272

Trent G. Curtis FE LEAVE OF ABSENCE Rosemary SM

2931 Barkshed Rd Maryville TN 37803-2073 RevCurt@aol.com

(865) 977-8832

Trent Laura E. RE

402 Suffolk Ave Richlands VA 24641-2463 sisterooter@aol.com

(276) 964-4311 (423) 404-1568

1633 Louisville Rd Alcoa TN 37701-1660 buzz.trexler@charter.net

(865) 982-5800 (865) 980-8022


* Trexler Frank J. PL Green Meadow UMC Donna SM

Clergy Directory

* Thompson Cynthia RE Christ UMC Ralph MV


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





Tripp Robert A. RE RETIRED Kerry SM

2492 River Rd Loudon TN 37774-5548 (865) 657-9209 bob.tripp109@gmail.com

** Trobaugh Vic PL Otes UMC Connie MV

5012 Woodbury Ct Morristown TN 37813-1088 vtrobaugh@gmail.com

(423) 748-0697

* Trotter Larry S. FE Concord UMC Knox Lynn TV

11020 Roane Dr Knoxville TN 37934-2916 larry@concordumc.com

(865) 966-6728 (865) 531-4081 (865) 966-3624

* Tucker Jr. Kenneth R. FE Wears Valley UMC Robyn SM

3110 Wears Valley Rd Sevierville TN 37862-8310 revtucker32358@yahoo.com

(865) 908-7331 (865) 366-7490

* Tucker Thomas N. RE Lookout Mountain UMC Joan SS

PO Box 153 (706) 785-6671 Rising Fawn GA 30738-0153 tntpastor@gmail.com

* Tully David Glenn OF Fall Branch UMC Chanya AP

2413 Edinburgh Channel Rd Kingsport TN 37664-4673 david.tully@me.com

Turner Jr. C. Mack RE RETIRED Jane CM

3776 Cherokee Rd Jonesborough TN 37659-6617 (423) 928-6477 papamack2@comcast.net

Turpin Charles B. RE RETIRED Gayle SM

964 Ponder Rd Knoxville TN 37923-2134 (865) 690-1902 cbturpin@outlook.com

Tutu Botrous PL Green Meadow UMC Muna SM

3212 Shady Oak Lane Knoxville TN 37931 (865) 335-3694 botroustutu@gmail.com

* Twigg Nancy PE Ebenezer UMC Knoxville Michael SM

1001 Ebenezer Rd Knoxville TN 37923-6505 ntwigg@eumcknox.org

Tye Gary Otis RL Irwin’s Chapel UMC Terri TV

PO Box 331 Speedwell TN 37870-0331 (423) 869-4993 revgtye@yahoo.com

Ulman Clarence SY Lynnwood UMC TV

122 Hill Acre Rd Maynardville TN 37807-2800 Clarence.Ulman@yahoo.com

(602) 396-3853

* Varnell Sarah FE Trinity UMC Greeneville Daniel MV

400 Meadowlark Dr Greeneville TN 37743-6151 sarah.varnell@gmail.com

(865) 243-7067

* Vaughn David R. RE RETIRED Brenda MV

603 Mohawk St Morristown TN 37813-4720 vaughn1949@yahoo.com

(423) 586-3467

* Vaughn Michael A. AM Telford-Asbury Heather TR

1617 Old State Route 34 Telford TN 37690-2731 m-vaughn@comcast.net

(423) 833-2909 (423) 753-8034


499 Greentree Ln Galax VA 24333-3613 dvaught@ls.net

(276) 773-2421 (276) 236-9546

Vincent Sr. Bruce E PL Athens Parish Karen HI

135 County Road 177 Athens TN 37303-6926 jkbv49@gmail.com

(423) 744-4105

Waddey Walter O. RL RETIRED Cathy MV

2042 Countryhill Ln Knoxville TN 37923-1334 (865) 307-2835

* Waddle Donna R. PL Limestone UMC TR

4410 Mount Carmel Rd Mosheim TN 37818-2760 (423) 422-7425 waddle.donna@yahoo.com

** Wadley Jeffrey L. FE HC-Camp Bays Mountain Joy AP

PO Box 3706 Kingsport TN 37664-0706 JeffWadley@holston.org

Waites C. Byron RE RETIRED Beverly TR

216 Miles Rd Columbia SC 29223-2913 (803) 708-1636 bwaites@att.net

Douglas S SY Mary Ellen

Spring Valley Circuit NR

(423) 392-3767 (770) 356-2543

(865) 691-8330 (865) 531-3947

(423) 349-8401 (865) 705-3237

Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






345 Robertson Creek Rd Bulls Gap TN 37711-4322 (423) 235-4684 smokymtncathy@yahoo.com

Walker Johnny SY Jellico UMC TV

PO Box 1139 Norris TN 37828-1139 johnny.walker601@gmail.com

(865) 494-0202

* Walton Monty PE Hillcrest UMC Elizabeth SM

1615 Price Ave Knoxville TN 37920-3332 pastormontywalton@gmail.com

(865) 577-0737 (865) 306-2726

** Ward Floyd E. PL Dodson Creek-Edgewood Barbara MV

606 Vista Dr Rogersville TN 37857-3126 pastor_85@yahoo.com

(423) 272-4757

** Ward Michael D. RL RETIRED Violetta CM

1500 Seminole Dr Apt 12 Johnson City TN 37604-7074 vm-cg@earthlink.net

Ward Ryan SY Lebanon UMC Amanda AP

109 Ball Hill Rd Rogersville TN 37857-6233 ryanward1986@gmail.com

(423) 241-1155

* Ward Samuel T FE St Mark UMC Knoxville Samantha SM

7001 S Northshore Dr Knoxville TN 37919-8530 sam3ward@gmail.com

(865) 588-0808 (865) 588-0808 (865) 588-8533

* Warden David C. RE Patricia

720 Burger Rd Hartshorne OK 74547-5195 (918) 297-2223 dpwarden@gmail.com

Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference TR

Ware Jr. Carl W. RE RETIRED TV

1005 Whitesburg Dr Knoxville TN 37918-896 (865) 687-8937

Ware Nathan M OR Depews Chapel UMC Julie AP

669 Blakley Dr Kingsport TN 37664-5446 nate.ware@earthlink.net

(423) 349-6080 (423) 343-4157

* Warren Annette AM

Cedar Bluff-Clearview CM

PO Box 209 Cedar Bluff VA 24609-0209 pastoramw@yahoo.com

(276) 963-7065 (276) 963-4455

* Warrick Lopez Edna PL Marvin

Gatlinburg, First -Huskey’s Grove SM

742 Parkway Gatlinburg TN 37738-3206 (865) 436-4691 ednalopez1234@gmail.com

* Watkins Donald G. AM Sevierville Parish Gloria SM

6124 Rivers Run Dr Knoxville TN 37914 (865) 368-6408 dgwatkins3@gmail.com

Wattenbarger Wheeler Ogle RE RETIRED Louise HI

515 Charlotte St Athens TN 37303-4619 (423) 745-0896 ogleandlouise@comcast.net

** Weatherly Charles H. RL RETIRED Barbara TR

142 Owen Ln Greeneville TN 37745-4641 (423) 609-7959 charlesweatherly@comcast.net

Weaver Lewis E. RE RETIRED Marcia TV

3911 Sky Vista Ct Kingsport TN 37664-3892 marciakweaver@gmail.com

Webb Deanna Y. RE RETIRED NR

15458 Sylvan Loop Rd Fosters AL 35463-9620 DYWebb@aol.com

* Webb Michael E. PL Elm Springs UMC Liz AP

128 Sante Fe St Church Hill TN 37642-6331 (423) 256-2063 papawwebb@chartertn.net

* Weikel Jack P. RE RETIRED Nancy AP

1st Broad St UMC, 100 E Church Cir (423) 224-1508 Kingsport TN 37660-3677 (423) 245-1613 jweikel@fbsumc.org (423) 246-1361

* Weikel Walter P. FE First UMC Morristown Lisa MV

101 E 1st North St Morristown TN 37814-4707 walter@fumcmorristown.org

Wender Charles M. PL Zion UMC Knoxville Hollins SM

6205 Apache Trl Knoxville TN 37920-6105 (865) 573-4865 cwendermd@yahoo.com

(423) 732-1864

(423) 581-2180 (423) 930-6125 (423) 586-9491

Clergy Directory

Walker Cathy LM Hardin’s Chapel UMC MV


Holston Annual Conference

Name (Spouse)




Wesley House Methodist TC, Cambridge TV

Wesley House, Jesus Lane Cambridge CB5 8BJ drckwesley@yahoo.com

(731) 425-3253 (731) 935-0072 (731) 425-3499

Westfield Jackie SY Burkett Chapel UMC Anderson HI

905 11th St NE Cleveland TN 37311-4603 jswestfield@hotmail.com

(423) 227-4639

* Whaley Loy David PL Benton UMC Dakota “Ralf” HI

630 Upper River Rd NE Charleston TN 37310-6224 (423) 336-9966 ldwhaley7@gmail.com

* Whedbee James E. RE RETIRED Judy TV

4635 Oak Meadow Way Knoxville TN 37918-9476 (865) 688-1632 jameswhedbee@att.net

* Wheeler

Rebecca FL Donnie

Aldersgate-Jordan NR

1946 Medallion Dr Pulaski VA 24301-4402 dbwheel@yahoo.com




20680 Haskell Station Rd Bristol VA 24202-2462 (276) 669-1971 CALLBY@PHONE.ORG

Clergy Directory

Wesley Cindy K. FE T.J.



(540) 980-1349 (540) 980-1418

White Lawrence Lyle AM MEDICAL LEAVE Lisa SS

P.O. Box 121 Hixson TN 37343 revlylewhite@gmail.com

White Raymon E. RE RETIRED Carolyn TV

8619 Bristol Bay Way Knoxville TN 37923-5835 (865) 769-9383 raymonwhite@comcast.net

* White III William FE Trinity UMC Athens Victoria HI

100 E College St Athens TN 37303-3602 skip3white@gmail.com

Whitlow Sr.

325 E Reservoir St Wytheville VA 24382-3629 540-922-2334 aubreyleslie@gmail.com

Aubrey L. RA Julana


(423) 837-6821 (423) 244-5362

(423) 745-0452 (865) 588-0808

* Wilder Hugh Doug RE Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer Becky MV

1400 Kimberlin Heights Rd Kimberlin Heights TN 37920 (865) 776-9451 pastordougwilder@gmail.com

Wilhite Nancy J. RE RETIRED SM

8361 Block House Way Apt 211 Knoxville TN 37923-0904 (865) 999-5943 DiggingDeep@comcast.net

Wilhoit Norman C. RE RETIRED MV

5466 Asheville Hwy Greeneville TN 37743-2286 (423) 480-9832 govols@wiredog.com

* Wilks D. Scott FE Memorial UMC Clinton Donna TV

323 N Main St Clinton TN 37716-3716 parsonwilks@gmail.com

(865) 457-2287 (540) 818-9155

* Williams Charlotte S. PE Eastdale Village Comm. UMC SS

8808 Heathfield Dr Chattanooga TN 37416-1522 princessnzingah@yahoo.com

(423) 698-3121 (404) 944-6680

Williams Daryl K. RA RETIRED PO Box 4 Sweetwater TN 37874-0004 (423) 337-4705 Betty HI * Williams II Estel F. AM Edgefield UMC Patty TR

1813 Weaver Branch Rd Piney Flats TN 37686-3727 pastorestelccp@yahoo.com

(423) 538-6216

* Williams W. Charles PL Del Rio Circuit Tahra MV

757 Hart Rd Dandridge TN 37725-3305 wcwilliams1959@gmail.com

(423) 586-2672 (865) 223-0609

** Wills Mark E. PL Carter’s Valley Circuit Jana MV

2036 Old Knoxville Hwy Greeneville TN 37743-7530 mark@greeneville.com

(423) 254-0141 (423) 329-9499

* Wilson Carol E. FE Munsey Memorial UMC TR

PO Box 1336 Johnson City TN 37605-1336 carol@munsey.org

(423) 461-8070 (865) 748-9469 (423) 975-7800

* Wilson

2240 Catherine St Bristol VA 24201-3266 (276) 783-6727 emmit.wilson@yahoo.com

Emmit B. RE Kelen


Clergy Directory Name (Spouse)






13402 Virtue Rd Lenoir City TN 37772-5302 tennwes@charter.net

(865) 988-0195

Wilson John N. RE RETIRED SS

6851 Village Lake Cir Chattanooga TN 37412-4095 Iamhe9@yahoo.com

(423) 723-9998

* Wilson John W. FE Noe’s-Central MV

999 Highway 11w Bean Station TN 37708-5808 (423) 237-2620 ytwilson@aol.com

* Wilson-Parker Kathie R. RE RETIRED William Parker TR

116 Chadwick Cir Johnson City TN 37601-1090 (423) 477-3285 revkrwp@ls.net

* Wimberly

L. Knox FL Paige

Auburn UMC NR

PO Box 74 Riner VA 24149-0074 knox@auburnumcva.org

(540) 382-4478 (540) 998-4848

* Wimberly

Paige Pearson FE Knox

Newbern-Mountain View NR

5155 Wilderness Rd Dublin VA 24084-3931 pastorpaige.umc@gmail.com

(540) 674-2536 (540) 831-8590

Winegar Grady C. RE RETIRED Ottalee TV

5503 Pinecrest Rd Knoxville TN 37912-2936 (865) 688-6448 winegars@bellsouth.net

Winegar Ottalee S. DR RETIRED Grady TV

5503 Pinecrest Rd Knoxville TN 37912-2936 (865) 688-6448 winegars@bellsouth.net

* Witten Jr.

744 Terry Dr Richlands VA 24641-2616 wit10@roadrunner.com

Thomas J. RL Barbara

Garden UMC CM

(276) 498-3033 (276) 963-2804

Wohlwend Peter M. RE RETIRED 5200 Millstone Rd Oak Ridge NC 27310-9779 NR Womack Mark S. RL RETIRED 3229 Westonia Dr Chattanooga TN 37412-1361 (423) 624-6948 Betty SS * Wood Jared G FE Chapel Hill UMC Tanya SS

1043 Kell Loop Dunlap TN 37327-5841 (423) 213-2118 jaredgwood@yahoo.com

* Woods Brenda Holloway FL Tom

274 Osceola Dr Whitwell TN 37397-5635 (865) 771-8679 brendawoods624@gmail.com

Looney’s Creek -Sulphur Springs SS

* Woody David S. FE First UMC Newport Angee MV

212 Washington Ave Newport TN 37821-4000 (423) 791-2857 davidwoody@holston.org


Nelson C. RE Ruth


23 Brandon Ln Bristol VA 24201-3140 (276) 466-1768 ncrsw@bvunet.net


Richard E. RE Shannon


440 Canterbury Ct SW Christiansburg VA 24073-4720 rworring@radford.edu

(540) 831-5531 (540) 381-0746 (540) 831-6005

* Wright

Jeffrey W. Sandra Roberts

HC-Appalachian District AP

1314 W Jackson St Ste 101 Gate City VA 24251-3010 jeffwright@holston.org

(276) 523-3025 (276) 524-4138 (276) 690-2698

* Wright Randall E. FE Glen Alpine UMC Angela AP

4003 Leaning Pine Rd Kingsport TN 37660-7868 the.circuit.rider@gmail.com

(423) 349-7831 (865) 591-9316

* Wright Richard D. FE General Evangelist Karen MV

212 Apache Trail White House TN 37188 ricwrightministriest@gmail.com

(615) 915-4651 (615) 775-5017

* Wright Richard Steven SY

Lebanon UMC Chilhowie CM

17721 Mahogany Dr Abingdon VA 24210-7913 swright@fca.org

(276) 791-1472

* Wright

Emory & Henry College CM

26190 Old Saltworks Rd Abingdon VA 24210-9308 (276) 791-0428 emoryrose@yahoo.com


Sharon Wiley FE Greg

Clergy Directory

Wilson Jack Howard RE RETIRED TV


Holston Annual Conference

Clergy Directory

Name (Spouse)





* Wyke Bryan Kenneth FE Centenary UMC Mandy MV

5156 Crystal Brook Dr Morristown TN 37814-1597 bryanwyke@hotmail.com

* Wyrick Dale S. FE Spring City-Reed Chapel HI

PO Box 158 Spring City TN 37381-0158 (423) 280-6072 PastorDale@volstate.net

* Yeaney Stephen K. FE St John UMC Donna SM

2201 E Broadway Ave Maryville TN 37804-3036 skyeaney@gmail.com

(865) 983-2290

Yeomans Martha B. RE RETIRED TR

3002 Carr St Kingsport TN 37663-3687 RevMBY@aol.com

(423) 477-8858


3035 Cove Rd Wytheville VA 24382-4844 loghouse1776@gmail.com

(276) 228-6200 (276) 228-3376 (276) 223-1365

Yoon TaeHun RE RETIRED WanHee SM

7704 Alki Ln Knoxville TN 37919-8013 taehunyoon@gmail.com

(423) 794-8584

* Young Russell AM St Paul East UMC Cathy SM

1404 Woodcrest Dr Knoxville TN 37918-1561 knoxvilleruss@yahoo.com

(865) 522-7451 (865) 687-0480

* Zavona David FL First UMC Sevierville Missie SM

214 Cedar St Sevierville TN 37862-3848 care@1stmethodist.com

(865) 453-5754 (865) 566-1200

* Zirkle Craig PL Jearoldstown-Union Temple Nancy TR

124 Valley Rd Telford TN 37690-2712 jcz124@comcast.net

(423) 948-3035 (423) 240-3478

Judy PL Jerry

Mt Olivet-Trinity NR

(423) 586-3683 (423) 736-4899



Holston Annual Conference 2019

Ministerial Appointments 2019–2020

In fulfillment of one of the requirements of ¶416 of the 2016 Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, I, a bishop of The United Methodist Church, do hereby “make and fix the appointments” in the Holston Conference for the Conference year 2019-2020.

Resident Bishop *The Appointments in the 2019 Journal will be the appointments as made and fixed by the Bishop at Annual Conference.


District Superintendent: Jeffrey W. Wright

A ppointments

Appointment Years Charge Pastor Code (AC) Appointed (YA) Alley’s Chapel (1)..................................... Robert K. Cloud...............................RL ������������������������������������������ 19 Amis Chapel - Fudges Chapel (2)............ Gregory S. Fletcher..........................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Appalachia - Derby - Exeter (3)............... David L. Rose..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 5 Exeter - 1................................................ Preaching Station Arcadia - Hermon (2)............................. Regina A. Shelton...........................RL �������������������������������������������� 1 Bethel (1).................................................. David A. Gibson..............................PL �������������������������������������������� 7 Big Stone Gap, Trinity (1)........................ Robert E. Burlingham......................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Cassidy (1)................................................ Thomas E. Hancock.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Chalybeate Springs - Okolona (2).............. Terry D. Fleenor................................ PL �����������������������������������������������3 Church Hill, First (1).............................. Robert S. Ruth................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Clintwood (1)........................................... Mark C. Huffine.............................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Clouds Bend (1)........................................ Kenneth J. Peterson..........................PL ������������������������������������������ 10 Coeburn (1).............................................. Benjamin C. Harding....................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Colonial Heights (1)................................. Chris J. Brown.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Crab Orchard (1)....................................... Kenneth J. Purscell..........................OF �������������������������������������������� 4 Crossroads (1)........................................... Randy W. Lantz...............................PL ������������������������������������������ 12 Depews Chapel (1)................................... Nathan M. “Nate” Ware..................OR ������������������������������������������ 11 Dryden - Seminary (2)............................ Billy W. Rines.................................RA ������������������������������������������� 1 Dungannon Circuit (3).............................. Jacqueline Strickler McGowan........AM ������������������������������������������� 8 Dungannon - 1 Fort Blackmore - 1 Slant - 1 East Stone Gap (1).................................... Brad K. Stapleton.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Elm Springs (1)......................................... Michael E. Webb.............................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Ewing Circuit (2)...................................... Timothy J. Robinson........................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Ingles Chapel - 1 Morgan Memorial - 1 Fall Branch (1).......................................... David G. “Dave” Tully....................OF �������������������������������������������� 8 First Broad Street - Community (2)..... W. Randall Frye.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 First Broad Street - Community, Associate.Misti Dawn McCreary...................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 First Broad Street - Community, Associate.Missy S. Belote................................PL ������������������������������������������ 2* Community - 1..................................... Preaching Station First Broad Street - 1 Flatwoods (1)........................................... R. Chandler Goins.........................SY ������������������������������������������ 2* Gate City Parish (3).................................. Raymond G. McBride......................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Gate City - 1 Blair’s Chapel - 1................................... Preaching Station Marble Point - 1..................................... Preaching Station Glen Alpine (1)........................................ Randall E. Wright..........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1


Holston Annual Conference


District: Appalachian Charge Pastor AC YA Grange Hall (1)......................................... Nancy G. Martin..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Hales Chapel (1)....................................... G. Stephen Templeton.....................PL ������������������������������������������ 12 Hiltons Memorial (1)................................ Jason L. Ratliff.................................PE �������������������������������������������� 3 Holly Springs - Bethel (2)....................... Randall A. Shupe..........................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Holston View (1)...................................... W. Wayne Hedrick .........................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Jonesville, First - Gilbert’s Memorial (2) Jonesville, First - 1................................. D. Layne Pennington.......................FE ������������������������������������������ 17 Gilbert’s Memorial - 1........................... Preaching Station Jonesville Parish (4).................................. Lisa K. McLaughlin.........................PL �������������������������������������������� 8 Bowling Chapel - 1 Campground - 1 Miller’s Chapel - 1 York’s Chapel - 1 Kendricks Creek (1).................................. Stephen Hopkins..............................PE �������������������������������������������� 4 Ketron Memorial (1)................................. Joshua Swanson...............................PE �������������������������������������������� 3 Kingsley (1).............................................. Amy Aycock Sumrall.....................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Lebanon (1)............................................... Ryan E. Ward...................................SY �������������������������������������������� 3 Legion Memorial (1)............................... Harry P. Layell...............................RE �������������������������������������������� 1 Logan’s Chapel (1)................................... Scott Cunningham............................LM ������������������������������������������� 5 Mafair (1)................................................. Adam T. Love.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 McClure (1)............................................... Bradley “Butch” Lambert................SY �������������������������������������������� 3 McClure’s Chapel (1)............................... Robert N. Howard............................PL �������������������������������������������� 7 McFerrin (1)............................................ David N. Poore...............................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Midway Memorial - Prospect (2)............. Janet K. Sweet..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Morrison Chapel (1)............................... Clay D. Holt....................................SY ������������������������������������������ 2* Mountain View (1).................................. Elizabeth S. Hamilton....................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Mt. Carmel (1).......................................... J. Craig Needham.............................PL �������������������������������������������� 7 Mt. Vernon (1).......................................... Vickie J. Carter................................PL ������������������������������������������ 10 Old Union (1)............................................ Patricia Tipton..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Nickelsville Circuit (3)............................. Rance C. Edwards............................AM ������������������������������������������� 2 Culbertson’s Chapel - 1 New Hope - 1 Nickelsville - 1 Norton (1)................................................. Ken M. Taylor..................................PL ������������������������������������������ 12 Nottingham (1).......................................... Bill R. Porter....................................RL �������������������������������������������� 3 Pactolus (1)............................................... Steve S. Pedersen.............................PL �������������������������������������������� 7 Pennington Gap, First (1)......................... Kyle D. Burnette..............................OR �������������������������������������������� 4 Pound (1)................................................... Randy D. Carter...............................OF �������������������������������������������� 3 Rock Springs (1)....................................... Carole R. Martin..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Ross Campground - Cameron (2)......... Jeremy L. Kramer.........................OF �������������������������������������������� 1 Rye Cove (1)............................................. Danny Ray Dockery.........................RL ������������������������������������������ 16 St. Charles - Robbins Chapel (2).............. David A. Gibson..............................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Robbins Chapel - 1................................ Preaching Station St. Luke (1)............................................... Tim E. Hodges.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 St. Mark (1)............................................. H. Rae Mullins................................RE �������������������������������������������� 1 St. Matthew - Emory, Kingsport (2)..... Jeffrey W. Moncier........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 St. Paul - Castlewood (2)........................ Kevin S. Richardson......................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Fort Gibson - 1 St. Paul - 1 Salem (1)................................................... Lewis B. Kizer.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Shades of Grace - New Church Start (1).. Will H. Shewey................................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Smith’s Chapel (1).................................... Rick V. Begley.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Smyth’s Chapel (1)................................... Darrell D. Hensley...........................RL ������������������������������������������ 14 Station Creek-Speaks Chapel (2) Station Creek - 1.................................... Tracy E. McPherson........................SY ������������������������������������������ 17 Speaks Chapel - 1.................................. Preaching Station Sugar Run Circuit (2)............................... Betty S. Marshall.............................PL ������������������������������������������ 19 Chance’s Chapel - 1 Pleasant Hill - 1



District: Appalachian Charge Pastor AC YA Surgoinsville, First (1)............................ M. Elaine Ruth...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Tacoma (1)................................................ David L. Gilbert...............................RE ������������������������������������������ 17 Three Bells - Horton’s Chapel (2)............ Sean E. Bailey..................................OF �������������������������������������������� 4 Valley Center (1)...................................... Carol B. Alley..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Vermont (1)............................................... Jeremy M. McMillan.......................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Wise, Trinity / Appalachian Prayer Fellowship (1)........................................ Phillip F. Bates.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 8 (Charges – 75, Churches – 102)

APPOINTMENTS BEYOND THE LOCAL CHURCH (¶331) Charge Pastor AC YA Frontier Health-Holston Counseling Services.. Peggy L. Meade (CC Shades of Grace).....FE ������������������������������������������ 2* Wesley Foundation, Director .................. Mary Elizabeth “Beth” Tipton........... FD ����������������������������������������� 12 UVA Wise............................................. CC Legion Memorial (¶331.1b) APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES Within the Connectional Structures of Untied Methodism (¶344.1a 1) Charge Pastor AC YA Camp Bays Mountain, Director............... Jeffrey L. Wadley (CC Frist Broad Street).....FE �������������������������������������������� 5 District Superintendent............................ Jeffrey W. Wright..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3

APPOINTMENT TO ANOTHER ANNUAL CONFERENCE Charge Pastor AC YA Wesley Foundation, Louisiana Tech....... W. Ryan Ford (CC Mountain View).....PE �������������������������������������������� 4 Louisiana Conference LEAVE OF ABSENCE (¶353) Pastor Charge AC YA Linda D. Coffey....................................... CC First Broad Street........................FD �������������������������������������������� 7 Amy R. Probst........................................ CC Mafair........................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 MEDICAL LEAVE (¶356) Pastor Charge AC YA Gerald Scott Henry.................................. CC East Stone Gap............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 SEMINARY STUDENTS An up pointing triangle (▲) indicates Students serving as Student Pastors and are included in the list of appointments. Student Cert.Cand. Church / Charge Conference Seminary Sean E. Bailey.......................................... Three Bells - Horton Chapel ▲.............Asbury Theological Seminary Missy S. Belote.................... 2018............ First Broad Street ▲..............................Asbury Theological Seminary Evan M. Clark ..................... 2016............ Big Stone Gap, Trinity..........................Wesley Theological Seminary Timothy J. Robinson............ 2014............ Ewing Circuit ▲....................................Asbury Theological Seminary

A ppointments

Ministries Endorsed by the Board of Higher Education & Ministry (¶344.1b) Charge Pastor AC YA U.S. Army, Chaplain............................... Ryan A. Davenport (CC Mafair).......FE �������������������������������������������� 5 U.S. Air Force, Chaplain......................... David B. Knight, Jr. (CC East Stone Gap)...FE ������������������������������������������ 18


Holston Annual Conference

District: Appalachian RETIRED MINISTERS A double asterick (**) indicates the Church a Minister is serving in retirement during the 2019 - 2020 Appointment Year.


Minister (AC) (Charge Conference Membership) Doris J. Ahern (RD)(First Broad Street) Benny J. Bishop (RL)(Ross Campground-Cameron) Larry L. Caylor (RE)(Mt. Carmel) Jerry W. Clark (RL)(Sugar Run Circuit) Norman W. Clark (RL)(East Stone Gap) Robert K. Cloud (RL)(Alley’s Chapel)** Roy H. Corbin (RA)(St. Charles) Danny Ray Dockery (RL)(Rye Cove)** Pierce Jackson Edwards (RE)(First Broad Street) Gale K. Flanary (RE)(Rock Springs) Gregory A. Garland (RE)(Pound) David L. Gilbert (RE)(Tacoma)** John A. Hackney (RA)(Kendricks Creek) Jimmy Joe Harless (RE)(First Broad Street) Darrell D. Hensley (RL)(Smyth’s Chapel)** Donald G. Hill, Sr. (RE)(Clintwood) Nancy T. Hobbs (RD)(Pennington Gap, First) Millard J. Johnson (RE)(Glen Alpine) Charles F. Kilbourne (RL)(Community) Deborah W. Killough (RL)(Dryden-Seminary) Kenneth W. LaDuke (RE)(Colonial Heights)

Joe L. Marine (RE)(Holston View) J. Richard McKee (RL)(First Broad Street) Paul H. McNalley (RA)(Crab Orchard) Carl E. Mehaffy (RL)(Appalachia-Derby-Exeter) P. April Milligan (RE)(Mafair) John William Mullen (RD)(First Broad Street) H. Rae Mullins (RE)(St. Mark)** Harry P. Layell (RE)(Legion Memorial)** Bill R. Porter (RL)(Nottingham)** Gary E. Perdue (RL)(Dryden-Seminary) William C. Poister (RL)(Emory) James S. Pollock (RE)(First Broad Street) Wayne E. Rader (RL)(Midway Memorial-Prospect) Frederick Hugh Richard (RE)(First Broad Street) Billy W. Rines (RA)(Dryden-Seminary)** Ernest Leroy Robertson (RE)(Church Hill, First) Barry K. Sarver (RL)(Dryden-Seminary) Regina A. Shelton (RL)(Arcadia-Hermon)** Kenneth L. Sprinkle (RE)(First Broad Street) Daniel C. Theiben (RE)(Trinity, Wise) Jack Preston Weikel (RE)(First Broad Street)



District: Clinch Mountain CLINCH MOUNTAIN DISTRICT District Superintendent: Jane E. Taylor

A ppointments

Appointment Years Charge Pastor Code (AC) Appointed (YA) Abingdon (1)............................................ J. Robert Countiss.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Abingdon, Associate.............................. Glenn C. Patterson, Jr........................FL �������������������������������������������� 2 Addilynn Memorial (1).......................... Dan L. Gray.....................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Aldersgate - Anderson Street (2)............. Paul T. Griffith..................................AM ������������������������������������������� 2 Bishop Circuit (2).................................... Daniel L. Bradley..............................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Alexander Memorial - 1 Brown’s Chapel - 1 Beech Grove (1)....................................... C. Scott Spence.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Belfast - Midway (2)................................ J. Michelle Brock..............................FL �������������������������������������������� 4 Benham’s Circuit (3)............................... Curtis H. Frye....................................PL �������������������������������������������� 5 Booher’s Chapel - 1 Campground - 1 Mary’s Chapel - 1 Bristol, First (1)....................................... Brandon R. Berg................................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Broadford Circuit (3)............................ Michael R. Andrews........................OF �������������������������������������������� 2 Crabtree - 1 Roberts Chapel - 1 Wesley, Saltville - 1 Brumley Gap - Greendale (2).................. A. Stephen McCready.......................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Carvosso (1)............................................. G. William “Bill” Breeding...............PL �������������������������������������������� 6 Cedar Bluff - Clearview (2)................... Annette M. Warren.........................AM ������������������������������������������ 1 Chatham Hill Circuit (4).......................... Mack S. Blevins................................PL �������������������������������������������� 6 Chatham Hill - 1................................... Preaching Station New Cove - 1 Ridgedale - 1 Riverside - 1 Chilhowie - Seven Mile Ford (2).......... Charles L. Leonard.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Clinch Circuit (4)..................................... James D. Lyttle..................................SY ������������������������������������������ 10 Church Hill - Munsey, Castlewood - 2 Esther Memorial - 1.............................. Preaching Station Oak Grove, Castlewood - 1.................. Preaching Station Coleman’s Chapel (1).............................. Darrell B.Thacker..............................PL ������������������������������������������ 22 Dailey’s Chapel (1).................................. John R. Repass..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 9 Damascus (1).......................................... E. Creighton Smith, II....................PE �������������������������������������������� 1 Damascus Circuit (4)............................... James T. Oxendine............................RA �������������������������������������������� 4 Cedar Bluff - 1...................................... Preaching Station Laurel - 1............................................... Preaching Station Wright’s Chapel - 1 Zion - 1 Dennison (1)............................................ Greg Cox..........................................LM ������������������������������������������� 1 East Tazewell Circuit (3)......................... James W. Scott, Jr.............................PL �������������������������������������������� 6 Burkes Garden - 1 Concord - 1 Mt. Olivet - 1 Ebenezer (1)............................................. Catherine L. Sandefur.......................RL ������������������������������������������ 12 Emory (1)................................................ David R. Jackson.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Garden (1)................................................ Thomas J. Witten, Jr..........................RL �������������������������������������������� 3


Holston Annual Conference


District: Clinch Mountain Charge Pastor AC YA Glade Spring Charge (2).......................... Donnie Lee Bailey.............................FL �������������������������������������������� 2 Byars Cobbs - 1 Lebanon, Glade - 1 Honaker-Elk Garden (2).......................... Aaron D. Atchley..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 John Wesley - Charles Wesley (2).......... Robert K. Nyaga................................FE ������������������������������������������ 10 Keywood Charge (2)................................ John Leonard Smith..........................RL �������������������������������������������� 6 McCready - 1 Quarry - 1 Lakeview - Grassy Creek (2)................ TBS Grassy Creek - 1 Lakeview - 1 Laurel Springs Circuit (3)........................ John H. Graham.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 9 Laurel Spring - 1 Mountain View, Chilhowie - 1 Zion Hill - 1 Lebanon Circuit (2).................................. Daniel L. Garrett...............................PL �������������������������������������������� 5 Cleveland - 1 Willis Chapel - 1 Lebanon, Chilhowie (1)......................... R. Steve Wright...............................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Lebanon Memorial (1)............................. Jeffrey L. Tallent...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Lebanon Memorial, Associate............... Gary E. Crum....................................RL �������������������������������������������� 4 Looney’s Chapel - Grundy (2)................ J. N. Howard......................................RE �������������������������������������������� 3 Madam Russell - Tates Chapel (2).......... Lisa Bryant........................................PE �������������������������������������������� 2 Main Street (1)......................................... Anthony C. Grills..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 9 Main Street, Associate........................... Emmanual “Manny” L. Elswick.......FL �������������������������������������������� 4 Marion East Circuit (2)............................ Faith E. Ramer...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Davis Memorial - 1 Mt. Carmel, Marion - 1 Marion, First (1)..................................... James Bennington...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Mt. Hermon (1)........................................ Ray Justus..........................................PL ������������������������������������������ 15 Mt. Pleasant - Steelesburg (2)................. Jack C. Johnson.................................RL ������������������������������������������ 25 Mountain View, Abingdon (1)................ Donald C. Thayer..............................RL ������������������������������������������ 30 North Keywood Circuit (2)................... J. Michael Dixon..............................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Blackwell’s Chapel - 1 Mahanaim - 1 North Tazewell - Mt. Zion (2)............... Leon B. O’Quinn.............................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Pisgah - Pleasant Hill (2)......................... Zachary T. Hash................................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Pleasant View (1)..................................... Dale M. Gilbert.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Pleasant View, Associate....................... Barbara B. Farmer.............................RL ������������������������������������������ 11 Reynolds Memorial (1)............................ Laura B. Plaster.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 8 Richlands, First (1).................................. Rod J. Tkach......................................OE �������������������������������������������� 2 RichValley - Bethany (2)......................... Mark H. Asbury.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Riverside - Wilbur (2).............................. Carlos H. Hess...................................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 St. Luke - Hunt Memorial (2).................. Caroline E. Hawthorne......................FL �������������������������������������������� 3 Shady Grove - Meadowview (2)........... Barbara A. Doyle.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Sinking Springs - Paperville (2).............. John M. Graves.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Smyth County Circuit (3)...................... Natalie Justice..................................PE �������������������������������������������� 1 Grace - 1 Greenwood - 1 Mt. Zion, Marion - 1............................. Preaching Station South Bristol (1)...................................... Raymond W. Amos, Jr......................FE �������������������������������������������� 4



District: Clinch Mountain Charge Pastor AC YA State Street (1)......................................... Jonathan B. Jonas..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 State Street, Associate......................... Leroy “Roy” M. Hull, III................PL ������������������������������������������ 2* Sulphur Springs, Castlewood (1)............. Patrick L. Kelly.................................OF �������������������������������������������� 2 Three Springs - Virginia Ave (2)............ J. Steve Patterson...............................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Trinity (1)................................................. Rosa K. Slavik...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Wallace - Wyndale (2)............................. Luther W. Roberts.............................RL �������������������������������������������� 9 Washington Chapel - Washington Springs (2).Larry D. Lusk....................................AM ����������������������������������������� 16 Weaver (1)............................................... Cynthia R. Frye.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Wharf Hill - Elizabeth (2)..................... TBS (Charges – 62, Churches – 109) APPOINTMENTS BEYOND THE LOCAL CHURCH (¶331) Charge Pastor AC YA Church & Community Worker...................... L. Brooke Atchley (¶331.4b)............FD �������������������������������������������� 6 Clinch Mountain District Cooperative Ministry........ CC Honaker-Elk Garden

OTHER VALID MINISTRIES (¶344.1d) Charge Pastor AC YA Elk Garden Project,.................................. Mary C. Chapiewski..........................PL �������������������������������������������� 5 School Community Ministries............... CC Elk Garden Caris Healthcare LLC, ............................ Catherine A. Fox Rollins...................FE �������������������������������������������� 8 Hospice Chaplaincy............................... CC Bristol, First

A ppointments

APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES Within the Connectional Structures of Untied Methodism (¶344.1a) Charge Pastor AC YA Emory & Henry College.......................... Mary K. Briggs..................................FE ������������������������������������������ 12 Chaplain................................................ CC Emory Church and Community Worker............. Harry W. Howe.................................FE ������������������������������������������ 27 Director, Project Crossroads................. CC Marion, First District Superintendent......................... Jane E. Taylor..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Emory & Henry College ......................... Talmage A. Stanley...........................FE ������������������������������������������ 24 Volunteer Service Coordinator............. CC Emory Emory & Henry College.......................... Sharon Wiley Wright........................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Associate Chaplain............................... CC Emory Emory & Henry College........................ David R. Jackson.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Visiting Professor................................ CC Emory . Ministries Endorsed by the Board of Higher Education & Ministry (¶344.1b) Charge Pastor AC YA Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore,..........Rhonda S. Cooper............................... FE ���������������������������������������������16 MD Chaplain, H.J. Duffey Family..........CC Pleasant View Patient & Family Service Program


Holston Annual Conference

District: Clinch Mountain APPOINTMENT TO ANOTHER ANNUAL CONFERENCE Charge Pastor AC YA Oregon-Idaho Conf., Columbia Dist....... Michelle McKinnon-Young..............FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Lake Oswego UMC, Lake .................... CC Bristol, First Oswego, OR LEAVE OF ABSENCE (¶353) Pastor Charge AC YA Beverly C. Robinette............................... CC Emory..........................................FE ������������������������������������������ 12 MEDICAL LEAVE (¶356) Pastor Charge AC YA Thomas A. Conley................................... CC Pisgah-Pleasant Hill....................FE ������������������������������������������ 18 Ronnie G. Duncan................................... CC Keywood Charge........................FL �������������������������������������������� 6 SEMINARY STUDENTS An up pointing triangle (▲) indicates Students serving as Student Pastors and are included in the list of appointments.


Student Cert.Cand. Church / Charge Conference Seminary T. Chase Crickenberger........................... Madam Russell - Tates Chapel................Candler School of Theology John R. Repass..................... 2006............ Dailey’s Chapel ▲..................................United Theological Seminary RETIRED MINISTERS A double asterick (**) indicates the Church a Minister is serving in retirement during the 2019 - 2020 Appointment Year. Minister (AC) (Charge Conference Membership) William E. Cahill (RE)(Trinity, Bristol) Joel H. Campbell (RE)(St. Luke) Kenneth Conner (RE)(Pleasant View) Gary E. Crum (RL)(Lebanon Memorial)** James G. Denton (RA)(Damascus) Charles R. Dilks (RE)(Lebanon Memorial) Clarence G. Dishman, Jr. (RE)(Hunt Memorial) Tom F. Driver (RE)(Emory) Howard L. Edwards (RL)(Main Street, Tazewell) Douglas R. Fairbanks, Jr. (RE)(Abingdon) Barbara B. Farmer (RL)(Pleasant View)** John W. Farmer (RE)(Bristol, First) Timothy W. Graham (RE)(Marion East Cir.) Brian H. Greene, Jr. (RE)(Trinity, Bristol) Leroy D. Henry (RE)(Trinity, Bristol) Bill E. Hinton (RE)(Wharf Hill-Elizabeth) H. Paul Hite, Jr. (RE)(Clearview/Dennison) J.N. Howard (RE)(Looney’s Chapel-Grundy)** Jack C. Johnson (RL)(Mt. Pleasant-Steelsburg)** Frederic R. Kellogg (RE)(Emory)

Beth P. McCoy (DR)(Abingdon) James E. McReynolds (RE)(Bristol, First) Margaret Owens-Yates (RE)(Zion, Damascus) James T. Oxendine (RA)(Damascus Circuit)** James Darrell Ray (RA)(Brumley Gap-Greendale) Betty C. Reiff (RE)(Abingdon) Luther W. Roberts (RL)(Wallace-Wyndale)** Scott A. Robertson-Gouge (RE)(Madam Russell-Tates) John P. Roe (RA)(Weaver) Catherine L. Sandefur (RL)(Ebenezer)** John Leonard Smith (RL)(Keywood Charge)** David T. St. Clair (RE)(Meadowview) Jack L. Stevens (RE)(Trinity, Bristol) James Michael Teague (RE)(Three Springs) Donald C. Thayer (RL)(Mtn View, Abingdon)** Carolyn E. Whitaker (RD)(Reynolds Memorial) Emmit B. Wilson (RE)(Grace-Greenwood) Thomas J. Witten, Jr. (RL)(Garden)** Nelson C. Woody (RE)(State Street)



District: Hiwasse

A ppointments

HIWASSEE DISTRICT District Superintendent: Elihugh J. Kilgore, Jr. Appointment Years Charge Pastor Code (AC) Appointed (YA) Allen Memorial (1)................................. Charles D. Ensminger.....................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Apison (1)................................................ Jacob W. Herron................................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Athens Parish (2)..................................... Bruce E. Vincent, Sr. .......................PL ������������������������������������������ 19 Tranquility - 1 Union Chapel - 1 Benton (1)................................................ L. David Whaley...............................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Big Spring (1).......................................... Terry K. Huffer..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Black Fox (1) .......................................... Travis D. Humbard............................PL ������������������������������������������ 10 Broad Street (1)........................................ Micah J. Nicolaus..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Broad Street, Associate......................... Betsy R. Switzer................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Broad Street, Associate....................... Adam Reuss.....................................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Broad Street, Associate....................... Jarrod D. Suits.................................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Calhoun - Spring Creek (2)..................... Corey D. Miller.................................OF �������������������������������������������� 5 Chilcutt - Chestuee (2)............................. Kenneth L.Scoggins..........................RE �������������������������������������������� 4 Cleveland, First (1)................................ Curtis D. McKee..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Cleveland, Trinity - Pleasant Grove (2).. Marvin V. Howard............................RE ������������������������������������������ 10 Cleveland, Wesley Mem. - Valley Head (2).. Ramon D. Torres, III.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Cleveland, Wesley Mem., Associate..... Chris Rouse.......................................OF �������������������������������������������� 4 Valley Head - 1................................... Preaching Station Copperhill, First - Ducktown (2)............. Thomas M. Reed...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Ducktown - 1........................................ Preaching Station Croft Chapel (1)..................................... TBS Dayton, First (1)....................................... Willard T. Akers................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Englewood (1)......................................... Richard Tallent................................RA ������������������������������������������� 1 Etowah, St. Paul’s - Carlock (2).............. Jason S. Humberd..............................FL �������������������������������������������� 6 Evensville (1)........................................... William R. Boyd...............................RL ������������������������������������������ 10 Forkner’s Chapel - Buckner Memorial (2)... Brenda Gentry.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Graysville - New Bethel (2)................... Harold Dixon...................................LM ������������������������������������������� 1 Jones Chapel - Wesleyanna (2)............. Bradley S. Brown.............................PE �������������������������������������������� 1 Keith Memorial (1).................................. David W. Graybeal............................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Keith Memorial, Associate.................... Andrew C. Lay..................................PE �������������������������������������������� 2 Luminary (1)............................................ Charles W. Griffin.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Madisonville Circuit (2).......................... William Brickey................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Chestua - 1............................................ Preaching Station Eleazar - 1 Madisonville, First (1)............................. Keith G. Knight.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Mars Hill (1)........................................... Joshua Stuckey................................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 McDonald (1)........................................... Jacob W. Countiss.............................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Meigs County United Methodist Churches Decatur-Concord (2) (Parish Director).... William J. “Will” Conner..................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Goodfield Circuit (3)............................. David Moore......................................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Goodfield - 1 Mt. Carmel - 1 Mt. Olivet - 1 Pleasant Hill - 1................................. David Derrick..................................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Burkett Chapel - 1............................ Jackie Westfield...............................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Ten Mile - Oak Grove (2)..................... J. Douglas Brown..............................RE ������������������������������������������ 17 Mountain View (1)................................. Rodney Lorentz Dunn.....................OF �������������������������������������������� 1 Mt. Zion - St. Elmo (2)............................ J. Glenn Moseley...............................AM ������������������������������������������� 4 St. Elmo - 1........................................... Preaching Station Niota - Cedar Springs (2)...................... Alexander Thompson......................PE �������������������������������������������� 1 Ooltewah (1)............................................ Dwight S. Kilbourne.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 Ooltewah, Associate............................. Amanda Dean..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1


Holston Annual Conference

District: Hiwasse


Charge Pastor AC YA Piney Grove (1)......................................... TBS Red Hill (1)................................................. Terril D. Littrell................................... RE �����������������������������������������������7 South Cleveland (1).................................... Bert E. Beria........................................ PL ������������������������������������������������7 Spivey - New Providence (2)..................... William B. Ewing................................ RL �����������������������������������������������3 New Providence - 1................................. Preaching Station Spring City - Reed’s Chapel (2)................. Dale S. Wyrick..................................... FE ������������������������������������������������4 Sweetwater, First (1)................................... Ron D. Fisher....................................... FE ������������������������������������������������4 Sweetwater, First, Associate.................. Crystal Ragan..................................... PL ���������������������������������������������2* Tasso - Charleston (2)............................... Joe Ratledge........................................ PL �����������������������������������������������1 Tellico Plains Circuit (2).......................... William S. “Bill” Clark........................ OF ���������������������������������������������14 Ironsburg - 1 Tellico Plains, First - 1 Trinity, Athens (1).................................... William “Skip” White, III................. FE �����������������������������������������������1 Vine Grove / Mt. Olive - St. Clair (2)........ Willa “Jane” Petitt............................... PL ������������������������������������������������4 Wesley Chapel (1)..................................... Tim Andrus........................................ PL �����������������������������������������������1 Wesley Memorial, Etowah - Pleasant Grove (2)..Wayne D. Hickman.............................. FE ������������������������������������������������3 Pleasant Grove - 1................................... Preaching Station (Charges – 47, Churches – 71) APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES Within the Connectional Structures of Untied Methodism (¶344.1a) Charge Pastor AC YA District Superintendent............................ Elihugh J. Kilgore, Jr........................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Tennessee Wesleyan University.............. Sean G. Hayden.................................PE �������������������������������������������� 3 Prof. Religion and Philosophy Tennessee Wesleyan University............ Alexander Thompson......................PE �������������������������������������������� 1 Prof. Religion....................................... CC Niota-Cedar Springs Holston Conference Camping &............. Mary Thompson................................FD �������������������������������������������� 3 Leisure Ministries.................................. CC Niota-Cedar Springs FAMILY LEAVE (¶353.2b) Pastor Charge AC YA Danielle A. Jenkins Cooper................... CC Grove, NR..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 SEMINARY STUDENTS An up pointing triangle (▲) indicates Students serving as Student Pastors and are included in the list of appointments. Student Cert.Cand. Church / Charge Conference Seminary Jacob W. Countiss............... 2016............ McDonald ▲............................................Candler School of Theology Jason S. Humberd................ 2013............ Etowah, St. Paul’s - Carlock ▲.............Asbury Theological Seminary Tina L. Morgan.................... 2013............ Allen Memorial.....................................Asbury Theological Seminary Austin Byerly....................... 2017............ Cleveland, First.................................................. Duke Divinity School Eric Light............................. 2017............ Ooltewah...............................................Asbury Theological Seminary



District: Hiwassee RETIRED MINISTERS A double asterick (**) indicates the Church a Minister is serving in retirement during the 2019 - 2020 Appointment Year. Minister (AC) (Charge Conference Membership) Ronald O. Allen (RE)(Allen Mem.) William R. Boyd (RL)(Evensville)** Carolyn M.Braddy (RL)(Red Hill) J. Douglas Brown(RE)(Ten Mile-OakGrove)** Hugh P. Bryan (RE)(Mountain View) G. William Climer, Jr. (RE)(Keith Memorial) Lonnie R. Eldridge (RE)(Niota-Cedar Springs) William B. Ewing (RL)(Spivey)** Jerry L. Everley (RE)(Broad Street) John W. Gilbert, Jr. (RE)(Broad Street) Ambrose S. Havey IV (RE)(Keith Memorial) R. Michael Hubble (RE)(Keith) Richard A. Humphrey (RE)(Mt. Olive) E. Patricia Hogan (RD)(Cleveland, First) Marvin V. Howard (RE)(Cleveland, Trinity-Pleasant Grove)** Linda Hansen Kress (RD)(Cleveland, First) Terril D. Littrell (RE)(Red Hill)** W. Michael Ogle (RE)(Broad Street)

A ppointments

Mary L. Parson (RE)(Broad Street) Leonard M. Perry (RE)(Cleveland, First) Kenneth D. Pierce (RE)(Dayton, First) James H. Purser (RL)(Sale Creek) Rebecca A. Reed (RE)(Etowah, St Paul’s-Carlock) Ben L. Roberson (RE)(Wesleyanna) John W. Roberson, Jr. (RE)(Wesleyanna) Stella M. Roberts (RE)(Keith Memorial) Shirley M. Rogers (RE)(Wesley Mem.) Kenneth L. Scoggins (RE)(Chilcutt-Chestuee)** Helen E. Shaw (RE)(Tellico, First) Walter Simmerman (RE)(Cleveland, First) Richard Tallent (RA)(Englewood)** James W. Thompson (RD)(Athens, Trinity) Michael H. Travis (RE)(Broad Street) Wheeler “Ogle” Wattenbarger(RE)(Allen Mem.) Daryl K. Williams (RA)(Sweetwater, First)


Holston Annual Conference

District: Mountain View


MOUNTAIN VIEW DISTRICT District Superintendent: Angela Hardy Cross Appointment Years Charge Pastor Code (AC) Appointed (YA) Asbury (1)....................................................... Gerald L. Jones........................................FE ���������������������������������������������������6 Bales Chapel (1)............................................. James R. Fain...........................................RE ��������������������������������������������������6 Beth Car - Watkins Chapel (2)....................... R. Darrell Chambers................................PL �������������������������������������������������15 Bethel (1)........................................................ Edwin E. Cunningham, Jr........................RL ������������������������������������������������28 Boyd Chapel (1).............................................. Andrew C. Smith.....................................OF ��������������������������������������������������6 Bradburn Hill - Mt.Pleasant,Greeneville(2).J. David Neel...........................................FE ��������������������������������������������������1 Bulls Gap, First (1)......................................... Wayne A. Bromberg................................PL ���������������������������������������������������3 Burchfield - Bogart’s Chpl - Lawson Chpl (3)....William J. Cheetham................................PL ���������������������������������������������������7 Bybee (1)......................................................... Dennie D. Humphreys.............................RE ��������������������������������������������������3 Carter’s Valley Circuit (2).............................. Mark E. Wills...........................................PL �������������������������������������������������20 Carter’s Chapel - 1 Carter’s Station - 1 Centenary (1).................................................. Bryan K. Wyke........................................FE ���������������������������������������������������7 Cherokee Circuit (3)..................................... Brenda Bell-McAdams..........................PL ��������������������������������������������������1 Mt. Carmel - Mt.Pisgah - River Hill - 3 Chestnut Grove - Ebenezer (2)....................... H. Doug Wilder........................................RE ��������������������������������������������������2 Chestnut Hill (1)............................................ William Stacey Morgan.........................LM �������������������������������������������������1 Christ (1)........................................................ Cynthia Thompson.................................RE ������������������������������������������������2* Claiborne Cluster (3).................................... Vincent K. Krauss..................................PL ��������������������������������������������������1 Lone Mountain - 1 Mayes Chapel - 1 Tazewell - 1 Clinch Valley Circuit (2)................................ R. Michael Southerland...........................OF ��������������������������������������������������2 Mt Pleasant, Thorn Hill - 1.......................... Preaching Station Dotson’s Campground - 1 Cosby Circuit (2) Pleasant Valley - 1...................................... Thomas Mott..........................................RL ��������������������������������������������������1 Caton’s Grove - 1......................................... Phyllis C. Blazer......................................PL ���������������������������������������������������9 Dandridge, First (1)........................................ R. Steven Brown......................................FE ���������������������������������������������������6 Del Rio Circuit (2).......................................... W. Charles Williams................................PL �������������������������������������������������11 Jones Chapel - 1 Mulberry Gap - 1 Dodson Creek - Edgewood (2)....................... Floyd E. Ward..........................................PL ���������������������������������������������������3 Ebbing & Flowing Springs - Kincaid (2).... Fred E. Dimond......................................PL ��������������������������������������������������1 Edward’s Chapel (1)....................................... Charles D. Shipley...................................PL ���������������������������������������������������9 George Street - Grant (2)................................ William C. Rimmer..................................FL ���������������������������������������������������2 Glendale (1).................................................... Charles R. “Rick” Spell, Jr......................RE ��������������������������������������������������7 Hardin’s Chapel (1)...................................... Cathy Walker.........................................LM �������������������������������������������������1 Harmon’s Valley (1)....................................... Charles M. Lindy.....................................RL ������������������������������������������������12 Harneds - Parrottsville (2).............................. H. Roy Dalton..........................................RL ��������������������������������������������������2 Harrogate - Arthur - Mountain View (3)........ Judy Keller...............................................PL ���������������������������������������������������4 Hills Union - McCampbell’s (2)..................... Sherri F. Franklin.....................................AM �������������������������������������������������7 Hunt’s Chapel - Whittenburg - Rehobeth (3) Hunt’s Chapel - 1......................................... P. Max Frye, II.........................................PL ���������������������������������������������������2 Rehobeth - 1 ................................................ Preaching Station Whittenburg - 1............................................. Preaching Station Iglesia Rios Agua Viva, Mission Congregation... Susana Lopez...........................................PL ���������������������������������������������������3 Jefferson City, First (1)................................... Lloyd J. Jones...........................................AM �������������������������������������������������3 Liberty Hill - Russellville (2)....................... Tom Stanton...........................................OF ��������������������������������������������������1 Love’s Memorial (1)....................................... Dan L. Palmer..........................................OF ��������������������������������������������������5 Midway (1).............................................. Jerry R. Holt......................................SY ������������������������������������������ 12 Mooresburg - Beelers Chapel (2)............ H. Denver Davidson..........................PL ������������������������������������������ 21



District: Mountain View

A ppointments

Charge Pastor AC YA Morristown, First (1)............................... Walter P. Weikel...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Morristown, First, Associate................. Asa L. Majors....................................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Mosheim Central - Ottway (2)................ James H. Brooks................................AM ������������������������������������������� 3 Mt. Airy - Economy (2)........................... Allen D. Shupe..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 9 Mt. Carmel, Mosheim (1)........................ Clyde Hester......................................RA �������������������������������������������� 4 Mt. Hebron (1)....................................... Donald Swift.....................................RE �������������������������������������������� 1 Mt. Hope - Antioch (2)............................ David O. Gibbs, Jr.............................PL ������������������������������������������ 19 Mt. Pleasant, Talbott (1).......................... Merrill M. Hawkins, Jr......................OF ������������������������������������������ 16 Mt. Zion, Afton (1).................................. Maria W. Grimm...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Mt. Zion - Seahorn’s Chapel (2)............. John D. Thompson............................RA ������������������������������������������ 18 New Market Circuit (2)........................... John M. Slater...................................RE �������������������������������������������� 4 Cedar Grove - 1 New Market - 1 Newport, First (1)................................... David Woody...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 New Tazewell (1)..................................... Laurence V. Hesser............................ FE ����������������������������������������������5 Noe’s - Central, Bean Station (2)......... John W. Wilson...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Oakland (1).............................................. Larry V. DeVault...............................RE �������������������������������������������� 2 Otes (1).................................................... Vic Trobaugh.....................................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Panther Springs (1)................................ Cynthia A. Paxton...........................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Persia - Pleasant Hill (2).......................... Charles H. Heck................................RL �������������������������������������������� 3 Pine Grove - Hartman’s Chapel (2)......... John L. Grimm..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Pruitt Hill - Tate Chapel (2)................. Sandra G. Johnson..........................RE �������������������������������������������� 1 Riverview Circuit (6)............................... Mark A. Barber.................................AM ������������������������������������������� 2 Bewley’s Chapel - 1 Bruner’s Grove - 1 Fowler’s Grove - 1................................ Preaching Station O & S Chapel - 1 Oven Creek - 1 Warrensburg - 1..................................... Preaching Station Rogersville, First (1).............................. Loren Boyce.....................................OE ������������������������������������������� 1 Romeo - St. Clair - Talley’s Chapel (3).. Dixie J. Miller...................................RL �������������������������������������������� 2 Talley’s Chapel - 1................................ Preaching Station Rutledge - Mary’s Chapel (2)............... Samuel Dzobo..................................OE ������������������������������������������� 1 Rutledge Circuit (3)................................. Cherie Chapman................................RL �������������������������������������������� 4 Shiloh - 1 Cedar Grove - 1 Joppa - 1 Shady Grove - Woodlawn Parish (2)... Jason M. McIntosh..........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Shady Grove - 1 Woodlawn - 1....................................... Preaching Station Sneedville Circuit (3)............................... Kerry L. Bond...................................OF �������������������������������������������� 3 Sneedville - 1 Shiloh - 1 Union - 1 Strawberry Plains / Mascot (1)............. Douglas C. Jennings........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Thompson Chapel (1)............................ Rodney Melton.................................OF �������������������������������������������� 1 Trinity, Greeneville (1)............................ Sarah M. Varnell...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Trinity, Morristown (1)............................ Michael W. Cutshaw.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 8 Weems Chapel - Mt. Sinai (2)................. Tim Peterson......................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Mt. Sinai - 1........................................... Preaching Station Wesley’s Chapel, Dandridge (1)............. Sherry Seay Sellars............................PL ������������������������������������������ 10 Wesley’s Chapel, Greeneville (1)............ Vivian M. Reed.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 White Pine, First (1).............................. Thomas John “T.J.” Burdine.........FE �������������������������������������������� 1 (Charges – 70, Churches – 117)


Holston Annual Conference

District: Mountain View APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES Within the Connectional Structures of Untied Methodism (¶316.1) Charge Pastor AC YA Preaching Station Ministries, Coord........ P. Max Frye, II..................................PL ������������������������������������������ 11 CC Hunt’s Chapel - Whittenburg - Rehobeth Within the Connectional Structures of Untied Methodism (¶344.1a 1) Charge Pastor AC YA District Superintendent............................ Angela Hardy Cross..........................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 General Evangelist................................... Richard D. Wright.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 CC Mt. Zion-Seahorn’s Chapel Ministries Endorsed by the Board of Higher Education & Ministry (¶344.1b) Charge Pastor AC YA North Central College, Chaplain...............Eric L. Doolittle.................................. FE �����������������������������������������������6 Naperville, IL, Northern Illinois Conf.....Harrogate-Arthur-Mtn.View


MEDICAL LEAVE (¶356) Pastor Charge AC YA L. Diana Cornett...................................... CC New Market Circuit....................FL �������������������������������������������� 5 Jack Jenkins........................................... CC Morristown, Trinity.................AM ������������������������������������������ 1 C. Don Jones............................................ CC Harneds - Parrottsville......................FE ���������������������������������������������������2 Ronald W. Ramsey.................................. CC Jefferson City, First.....................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 APPOINTED TO ANOTHER ANNUAL CONFERENCE Charge Pastor AC YA Benbrook UMC, Pastor........................... David G. Petty...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 North District, Central Texas Conf....... CC Pine Grove-Hartman’s Chapel SEMINARY STUDENTS An up pointing triangle (▲) indicates Students serving as Student Pastors and are included in the list of appointments. Student Cert.Cand. Church / Charge Conference Seminary Chris A. West....................... 2015............ Newport, First..................................................... Duke Divinity School Melinda Strum..................... 2014............ Cherokee Circuit................................................. Duke Divinity School



District: Mountain View RETIRED MINISTERS A double asterick (**) indicates the Church a Minister is serving in retirement during the 2019 - 2020 Appointment Year. Minister (AC) (Charge Conference Membership) Clyde W. Hester (RA)(Mt. Carmel, Mosheim)** Jeannie Higgins (RD) Dennie D. Humphreys (RE)(Bybee)** Sandra J. Johnson (RE)(Pruitt Hill-Tate Chapel)** Charles M. Lindy (RL)(Harmon’s Valley)** John R. Manney (RE)(Pine Grove-Hartman’s Chapel) Dixie J. Miller (RL)(Romeo-St.Clair-Talley’s Chapel)** Rose T. Mincey (RL)(Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer) Thomas Mott (RL)(Pleasant Valley)** William E. Nickle (RE)(Mooresburg-Beelers Chapel) James Donald Rose (RE)(Dandridge, First) James M. Shanks (RE)(Economy) Carol Ferguson Shirey (RE) Betty A. Shirley (RL)(Rutledge) John M. Slater, Jr. (RE)(New Market Cir.)** Charles R.“Rick” Spell, Jr. (RE)(Glendale)** Donald Swift (RE)(Mt. Hebron)** Meg G. Taylor (RE)(Noe’s Chapel) Cynthia Thompson (RE)(Christ, Greenville)** John Thompson (RA)(Mt. Zion-Seahorn’s Chapel) David R. Vaughn (RE)(Panther Springs) Walter O. Waddey (RL)(Glendale) H. Doug Wilder (RE)(Chesnut Grove-Ebenezer)** Norman C. Wilhoit (RE)(Christ, Greeneville)

A ppointments

Martha M. Beamer (RL)(Ottway) Christine W. Bean (RL)(Morristown, First) Robert Boragine (RL)(Rogersville, First) Robert C. Brewer, Jr. (RP)(Strawberry Plains) Cherie Chapman (RL)(Rutledge Circuit)** John T. Clark (RE)(Chestnut Hill) Marta M. Cogburn (RL)(Newport, First) Robert E. Cook, Sr. (RL)(Mosheim, Mt. Carmel) Roger L. Crim (RE)(Romeo) Edwin E. Cunningham, Jr. (RL)(Bethel)** H. Roy Dalton (RL)(Harneds-Parrottsville)** Charles W. DeHart (RL)(Hardin’s Chapel) Larry DeVault (RE)(Oakland)** Darris K. Doyal (RE)(Morristown, First) Paul B. Elmore (RE)(Pruitt Hill-Tate Chapel) James R. Fain (RE)(Bales Chapel)** Ellen F. Fisher (RD)(Morristown, First) Harry W. Fleenor (RA)(Otes) M. Elizabeth Fox (RL)(Newport, First) Curtis A. Grissett (RE)(Greeneville, Trinity) Caroline W. Goddard (RE)(Dandridge, First) Katherine Hale (RE)(Trinity, Morristown) C. Frederick Hammer (RE)(White Pine, First) Charles Heck (RL)(Persia-Pleasant Hill)** Danny C. Hensley (RE)(Mt. Pleasant, Grnv.)


Holston Annual Conference


District: New River NEW RIVER DISTRICT District Superintendent: Kimberly M. Goddard Appointment Years Charge Pastor Code (AC) Appointed (YA) Aldersgate - Jordan’s Chapel (2)............. Rebecca Wheeler...............................FL �������������������������������������������� 5 Atkins Memorial - Fries Station (2)........ D. Lee Thomas..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 7 Auburn (1)................................................ L. Knox Wimberly............................FL �������������������������������������������� 4 Bethel (1)................................................. Larry E. Ramey.................................RE �������������������������������������������� 7 Bishop’s Chapel (1)................................. Jimmy Harmon..................................RL ������������������������������������������ 15 Bland Circuit (3).................................... Darlene J. Marshall.........................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Bland - 1 Central - 1 Trinity - 1 Bluefield, First (1).................................... James R. Ferguson.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Blue Ridge Circuit (3)............................. V. Kaye Seay.....................................PE �������������������������������������������� 3 Fancy Gap - 1 Island Creek - 1 Mountain Plains - 1 Bridle Creek Circuit (3)........................ Danny Nettleton...............................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Bethany - 1 Bridle Creek - 1 Oak Grove - 1 Cedar Springs Circuit (4)...................... Bobbie J. Dunford...........................RL �������������������������������������������� 1 Asbury - 1 Blue Springs - 1 Groseclose - 1 Speedwell - 1 Ceres Circuit (5)...................................... R. Neal Hammons.............................FL �������������������������������������������� 3 Bethany - 1 Ezelle - 1 Goodman’s Chapel - 1 Red Oak - 1 Zion - 1 Cripple Creek Circuit (3)...................... TBS Calvary - 1 Crockett’s Chapel - 1 Huddle Memorial - 1 Door of Heaven (1).................................. Javier Hernandez-Torres...................PL ������������������������������������������ 14 Door of Heaven, Associate.................... Elizabeth Hernandez-Lopez..............PL �������������������������������������������� 5 Draper Circuit (3).................................... RuthAnne G. Henley.........................AM ������������������������������������������� 8 Cecil’s Chapel - 1 Draper - 1 Glenwood - 1 Dublin (1)................................................. Don R. Hanshew, Jr..........................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Dublin, Associate................................... Donald P. Shelor...............................AM ������������������������������������������� 2 Ebenezer - Bailey (2)............................... Steven A. Aker..................................FE ������������������������������������������ 16 Elk Creek Circuit (6)............................... Gleasanna J. Dixon............................FL �������������������������������������������� 4 Bethel - 1 Crossroads - 1 Forest - 1 Lebanon - 1 Mt. Zion - 1 Salem - 1 Fairlawn - Bethel (2)................................ Mark A. Miller..................................FL �������������������������������������������� 3 Fairview - Sidney (2), Pastor................ Donna Sharp....................................OE ������������������������������������������� 1 Fairview - Sidney, Associate Pastor... Charles Kempfer.............................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Fairview - Sidney, Associate Pastor... Serounian Keir.................................OF �������������������������������������������� 1



District: New River

A ppointments

Charge...................................................... Pastor.................................................AC......................................... YA Floyd (1).................................................. Timothy Hale...................................PE �������������������������������������������� 1 Floyd Circuit (3)..................................... William Schoneman........................RE �������������������������������������������� 1 Camp Bethel - 1 Falling Branch - 1 Willis - 1 Franklin Street (1).................................... Harry Grubb......................................SY �������������������������������������������� 2 Fries Circuit (6)........................................ Greg Burnett......................................FL �������������������������������������������� 2 Cold Springs - 1 Fairview - 1 Liberty Hill - 1 Mt. Hope - 1 Mt. Olivet - 1 Stevens Creek - 1 Galax Circuit (3)...................................... Lee H. Houston.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 7 Asbury - 1 Leonard Memorial - 1 Longview - 1 Galax, First (1)......................................... Mark B. McFadden...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Gladeville - Mt. Olivet (2)....................... Teresa J. Gregory..............................AM ������������������������������������������� 4 Glenwood (1)........................................... Gloria L. Rhudy.................................RA �������������������������������������������� 7 Grace Circuit (4)...................................... Ted P. Anders....................................RL �������������������������������������������� 5 Bethel - 1 Fairview - 1 Mountain View - 1 Mt. Mitchell - 1 Graham’s Forge (1)............................... Danny Hoosier.................................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Grant - Flat Ridge Circuit (3).................. Dwight A. Sells.................................SY �������������������������������������������� 5 Grant - 1 Little Wilson - 1 Mill Creek - 1 Grove (1).................................................. Mark R. Kilbourne............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Grove, Deacon-in-Residence................... Ila W. Schepisi..................................FD �������������������������������������������� 6 Hale’s Chapel - Kathleen Memorial (2)........ William Russell Johnston.................. PL ����������������������������������������������4 Hillsville, First (1)................................... Robert L. Smith.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 Independence, First - Flat Rock (2)..... Walter Pierce...................................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Flat Rock Lead Mines Circuit (3).......................... Martha Luper..................................SY ������������������������������������������ 2* Bethany - 1 Forest - 1 Foster Falls - 1 Little Walker Circuit (4).......................... Linda S. Hale.....................................PL �������������������������������������������� 7 Davis - 1 Goshen - 1 Millirons - 1 Strader - 1 Max Meadows Circuit (5)..................... Delisa Hammons..............................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Brick - 1 Fort Chiswell - 1 Locust Hill - 1 Max Meadows - 1 Cedar Hill-1.......................................... Carolyn Kidd.....................................LM ������������������������������������������� 2 Mechanicsburg Circuit (6)....................... Danny Shortridge..............................OF ������������������������������������������ 15 Byrnes Chapel - 1 Mt. Zion, Bland - 1 Salem, Bland - 1 Shady Grove, Bland - 1 Shiloh, Bland - 1 Wesendonck - 1


Holston Annual Conference


District: New River Charge Pastor AC YA Midway - Macedonia (2)......................... H. Daniel Ingram, Jr..........................PL �������������������������������������������� 8 Mt. Olivet - Trinity (2).......................... TBS Mt. Pleasant (1)........................................ Ralph M. Kidd...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Mt. Vale - Savannah (2).......................... David W. Payne.................................FL �������������������������������������������� 3 Mt. Vale - Savannah, Associate............ Ronnie G. Collins..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Mt. Zion (1)............................................. Harvey Joe Carrico............................RA �������������������������������������������� 8 Mountain Circuit (3)................................ Teresa G. Tolbert...............................FE ������������������������������������������ 10 Parrott - 1 Thornspring - 1 Wesley Memorial - 1 Narrows, First (1)..................................... Douglas A. Armstrong......................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Narrows, First, Minister of Music........ TBS New Bethel (1)......................................... Stephen Cornett.................................SY �������������������������������������������� 3 New River Circuit (3).............................. Ginny N. Tompkins...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 8 Belspring - 1 Morgan’s Chapel - 1 Rockford - 1 Newbern - Mountain View (2)................ Paige P. Wimberly.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Oakland (1).............................................. Tim W. Smith....................................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 Out of the Box (1).................................... Ronnie G. Collins..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 Out of the Box, Associate..................... David W. Payne.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 6 Pearisburg, First (1)................................. Brian C. Burch...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 8 Pilot (1).................................................... William B. Norris..............................PL ������������������������������������������ 11 Pocahontas - Christ First (2).................... Steven M. Ryman..............................SY �������������������������������������������� 3 Pulaski, First (1)....................................... William R. “Will” Shelton, II...........FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Radford, Central (1)................................. Donald H. Smith................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Radford Circuit (4)................................ Elizabeth S. King.............................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Carter Street - 1 Mt. Airy - 1........................................... Preaching Station New Hope - 1 New Mt. Olive - 1 Randolph Avenue (1)............................... Karen Black.......................................OE �������������������������������������������� 4 Rich Creek, First (1)................................ Gilbert C. Butler, III..........................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Rocky Top Charge (2)........................... L. Rodney Lawson...........................AM ���������������������������������������� 10 Rocky Gap - 1 Round Bottom - 1................................ Preaching Station Round Mountain Circuit (2).................... David Alan Ashworth........................PL �������������������������������������������� 8 New Hope Union - 1 Pine Grove, Bastian - 1 Rural Retreat (1).................................... Clayton R. Farmer..........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Rural Retreat Circuit (4).......................... C. W Huff..........................................RA �������������������������������������������� 4 Fairview - 1 Fulton - 1 King’s Grove - 1 Marvin - 1 St. Paul (1)............................................... Lon F. Tobin......................................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Spring Valley Circuit (4)......................... Ricky Bedwell...................................SY �������������������������������������������� 4 Ebenezer - 1 Jerusalem - 1, Preaching Station....... TBS Providence - 1 Summerfield - 1 Virginia Avenue - Falls Mills (2).......... Ray E. Petty, Jr................................RE �������������������������������������������� 1



District: New River

APPOINTMENTS BEYOND THE LOCAL CHURCH (¶331) Charge Pastor AC YA VA Tech Adult Day Services, ................ Ila W. Schepisi (¶331.4a)..................FD ������������������������������������������ 12 Director / Senior Faculty Instructor APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES Within the Connectional Structures of Untied Methodism (¶344.1a 1) Charge Pastor AC YA District Superintendent ........................... Kimberly M. Goddard.......................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Ministries Endorsed by the Board of Higher Education & Ministry (¶344.1b) Charge Pastor AC YA U.S. Air Force, Chaplain............................Amy Beth Bartee................................. FE �����������������������������������������������5 CC Staffordsville Circuit OTHER VALID MINISTRIES (¶344.1d) Charge Pastor AC YA Next Step Ministries................................ James “Jim” E. Goddard...................RE �������������������������������������������� 2 APPOINTMENT TO ANOTHER ANNUAL CONFERENCE Charge Pastor AC YA Highland Springs UMC, VA Conf.......... Doug E. Crockett...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 9 (CC New Mt. Olive) Farmer UMC, Pastor................................ Robert T. Lorton, Jr. .........................AM ������������������������������������������� 3 Uwharrie District, WNC Conf............... CC Fairlawn-Bethel

A ppointments

Charge Pastor AC YA Wabash Circuit (14) Wabash Circuit, Co-Pastor................. Pamela L. Sutherland.....................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Wabash Circuit, Co-Pastor................. James E. “Jim” Goddard...............RE �������������������������������������������� 1 Wabash Circuit, Associate.................. Jacob Nunn......................................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Wabash Circuit, Associate.................. Michael Chase..................................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Bear Springs - 1 Big Stoney - 1 Eatons Chapel - 1 Edgewood - 1 Eggleston - 1 Green Valley - 1 Ingram Village - 1 Mountain View - 1 Pleasant Hill, Pearisburg - 1 Providence - 1 Shady Grove, Pearisburg - 1 Sheffey Memorial - 1 Thessalia - 1 Wesley’s Chapel - 1 West End (1)............................................ Richard G. Lindamood......................FE ������������������������������������������ 10 West Galax (1)......................................... Richard S. Gregory............................RE �������������������������������������������� 2 Woodlawn - Shiloh (2)............................ Dina Clower......................................FL �������������������������������������������� 4 Wright’s Valley - Tip Top (2)................. Jimmy Lee Horn................................RL ������������������������������������������ 11 Wytheville Circuit (2).............................. F. Steven Alderman...........................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Evergreen - 1 Mt. Ephraim - 1. (Charges – 73, Churches – 166)


Holston Annual Conference

District: New River LEAVE OF ABSENCE (¶353) Pastor Charge AC YA K. Michael Carter (¶353.2a).................... CC Glen Alpine, KI...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 MEDICAL LEAVE (¶356) Pastor Charge AC YA Victoria L. Neese..................................... CC Bethany-Lead Mines...................FL �������������������������������������������� 7 David William Olinger, Jr....................... CC Eggleston.....................................FL ������������������������������������������ 14 SEMINARY STUDENTS An up pointing triangle (▲) indicates Students serving as Student Pastors and are included in the list of appointments. Student Cert.Cand. Church / Charge Conference Seminary Jeff Adams........................... 2016............ Bethel..................................................... Garrett Theological Seminary RETIRED MINISTERS A double asterick (**) indicates the Church a Minister is serving in retirement during the 2019 - 2020 Appointment Year.


Minister (AC) (Charge Conference Membership)

Fred L. Austin (RE)(Pearisburg, First) Ted P. Anders (RL)(Grace Circuit)** B. Ann Blair (RE)(Max Meadows Circuit) Kenneth Blevins (RA) Ray Bolen (RL)(Graham Forge) Jeffery C. Callahan (RE)(Mt. Vale/Savannah) Harvey Joe Carrico (RA)(Mt. Zion)** Earnest H. Chinault (RA)(Draper) Jackson D. Clark (RA)(Hales Chpl-Kathleen Mem) Bobbie J. Dunford (FL)(Fries Circuit)** Kenneth G. Fields (RA)(Bishop Circuit) Kevin Fiorini (RE)(Grace Circuit) Alfred S. Furr (RA)(Fancy Gap) Kenneth G. Gillespie (RL)(Cedar Springs Circuit) James E. Goddard, Jr. (RE)(Bear Springs)** Richard S. Gregory (RE)(West Galax)** Jimmy R. Harmon (RL)(Bishop’s Chapel) Jimmy Lee Horn (RL)(Wright’s Valley-TipTop)** C.W. Huff (RA)(Rural Retreat Circuit)** Paul Preston Jones (RL)(Hillsville, First) Melanie Sue Karnes (RD)(Narrows)** Raymond Klaiber, Jr. (RL)(Midway-Macedonia) Charles W. Lockerby (RE)(Dublin) Timothy F. McCobin (RE)(Rural Retreat)

Thomas L. Martin (RA)(Staffordsville Circuit) Wayne T. Monroe (RL)(Mechanicsburg Crt.) H. Randolph Morris (RA)(Mechanicsburg Crt.) Larry Dallas Murphy (RE)(Mt. Vale) Mariel Myers (RL)(Auburn) Richard J. Patterson (RE)(Dublin) Larry D. Patton (RA)(Ceres Circuit) William R. Perkins (RL)(Little Walker Circuit) Ray E. Petty, Jr. (RE)(Virginia Ave-Falls Mills) Larry E. Ramey (RE)(Bethel)** Gloria L. Rhudy (RA)(Glenwood)** William S. Rodgers (RE)(St. Paul) Harold D. Russell (RA)(Oakland) William A. Schoeneman (RE)(Cedar Spring Cr.)** Wm. Don Scott (RE)(Round Bottom) Mary Eugenia Settle (DR)(Grove) Olin E. Shupe (RE)(Atkins) Donald E. Stansell (RE)(St. Paul) Aubrey L. Whitlow, Sr. (RA)(Rich Creek, First) Peter M. Wohlwend (RE)(Franklin Street) Richard E. Worringham (RE)(Grove) Joe Mack Taylor (RE)(Mt. Pleasant) Deanna Y. Webb (RE)(Pocahontas-Christ First)



District: Scenic South SCENIC SOUTH DISTRICT District Superintendent: Randall B. Martin

A ppointments

Appointment Years Charge Pastor Code (AC) Appointed (YA) Bethlehem - Wiley (1)............................. Willie D. Kitchens, Jr........................PL �������������������������������������������� 5 Brainerd (1)............................................ Timothy B. Bracken........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Brooks Memorial (1)............................... Mary E. Cline....................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Burks (1).................................................. W. Anthony Collins...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Burks, Associate.................................... Elizabeth K. Sullivan.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Burks, Associate................................... Rachel Collins..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Christ (1).................................................. Nathan A. Malone.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Christ, Associate.................................... W. David Hall...................................AM ����������������������������������������� 12 Christ, Associate, Congregational Care....Debra J. M. Stokes............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Daisy-Sale Creek (2)................................ David G. Anderson............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 East Ridge (1).......................................... Natalie B. Smart................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Eastdale Village Community (1)............. Charlotte S. Williams........................PE �������������������������������������������� 3 First - Centenary, Senior Minister (1)..... C. Mark Gooden................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Minister of Teaching & Outreach......... William L. Lauderback.....................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Minister of Adult Discip./Cong.Care.... Linda I. McDaniel.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 Minister of Mustard Tree Ministries..... C. Barry Kidwell...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Minister of Faith & Work...................... L. Clark Taylor, Jr.............................FD �������������������������������������������� 3 Ft. Oglethorpe - Flintstone (2).............. Justin R. Keating.............................PE �������������������������������������������� 1 Grace - Fairview (2)................................ A. Braxton Cotton, Jr........................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Harrison (1)............................................ Adam E. McKee...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Hixson (1)................................................ Reed L. Shell.....................................FE �������������������������������������������� 8 Hixson, Associate.................................. T. Drew McCallie..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Hurst (1).................................................. Charles H. Smelley, Jr....................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Jones Memorial (1).................................. Eric B. Rieger....................................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Lookout Mountain (1).............................. Thomas N. Tucker.............................RE �������������������������������������������� 2 McFarland (1).......................................... H. Wayne Cook.................................FL �������������������������������������������� 2 Payne’s Chapel (1)................................... Melissa Spiers....................................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Red Bank (1)............................................ Kenneth E. Sauer...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Savannah (1)............................................ Jennifer Lee.......................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Signal Crest (1)....................................... Joshua D. Kilbourne.......................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Signal Crest, Associate Congreg. Care.William L. Thornton.........................PL �������������������������������������������� 5 Signal Mountain (1)................................. Caleb Pitkin.......................................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Simpson Memorial (1)........................... John W. Oldham.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Soddy (1).................................................. Jeffrey Todd Kingrea.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 St. Elmo, Chattanooga (1)..................... Debra P. Dickerson.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 St. John (1)............................................... H. Carlton Blackburn, III..................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 St. Luke, Chattanooga (1)........................ Evelyn B. Harris................................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 St. Marks (1)........................................... Sherry Cothran................................OE ����������������������������������������� 2* Stanley (1)................................................ Richard L. Brown..............................OF �������������������������������������������� 2 Tyner (1)................................................. Timothy S. “Ty” Harrison..............FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Washington Hills (1)................................ Terryl James......................................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Wauhatchie (1)......................................... F. Thomas “Tommy” Messer............FL �������������������������������������������� 3 Wesley Memorial (1)............................... Clair Travis Sauer..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 White Oak (1).......................................... Amy S. Nutt.......................................FL �������������������������������������������� 5 Dade County Cluster New Salem (1)...................................... J. Christopher Ray..........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Rising Fawn (1).................................... Will Garrett........................................SY �������������������������������������������� 2 Sand Mountain - Wildwood (2)......... Christopher Dover...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Trenton (1)............................................ Bradley H. Scott................................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Whiteside (1)......................................... William B. Stuart...............................PL ������������������������������������������ 14


Holston Annual Conference

District: Scenic South Charge Pastor AC YA Sequatchie Cluster Chapel Hill (1)...................................... Jared G. Wood...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Dunlap (1)............................................. Leslie Daniels....................................PE �������������������������������������������� 2 Havron’s-Whitwell - Morganville-Slygo (4)... Michael T. King................................FL �������������������������������������������� 2 First, Whitwell - 1 Havron’s Chapel - 1 Morganville - 1................................... Preaching Station Slygo Valley - 1.................................. Preaching Station Holly Avenue - Randolph (2)............... J. Logan Jackson...............................FL �������������������������������������������� 3 Looney’s Creek - Sulphur Springs (2).. Brenda H. Woods..............................FL �������������������������������������������� 7 McKendree - Wells (2)......................... Joseph W. Manis...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Wells Chapel - 1................................. Preaching Station Mount Crest (1)................................... Greg Bartley.....................................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Pikeville (1)........................................... Greg S. Smart....................................FE ������������������������������������������ 10 Pleasant Grove (1)................................ Cecil J. Baxter...................................RA �������������������������������������������� 4 Sardis (1)............................................... Bryan E. Daniel.................................PL ������������������������������������������ 10 Welch’s - Stephen’s Chapel (2)............ Douglas Silvers..................................FL ������������������������������������������ 11 Wesley - Lou’s Chapel (2).................... Joe D. Moore.....................................PL ������������������������������������������ 17 (Charges – 51, Churches – 63)


APPOINTMENTS BEYOND THE LOCAL CHURCH (¶331) Charge Pastor AC YA Agape Youth Center Counseling.............John Oldham (CC Simpson Memorial).... RE ����������������������������������������������1 APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES Within the Connectional Structures of Untied Methodism (¶344.1a 1) Charge Pastor AC YA TWU, Part Time Professor................... Christopher Dover...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 CC Sand Mountain-Wildwood District Superintendent............................ Randall B. Martin..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Wesley Center, UTC, Director................ G. Keith Moore (CC Hixson) ...........FE ������������������������������������������ 18 Ministries Endorsed by the Board of Higher Education & Ministry (¶344.1b) Charge Pastor AC YA U.S. Army, Chaplain..................................David K. Beavers................................ FE ���������������������������������������������19 CC New Salem APPOINTMENT TO ANOTHER ANNUAL CONFERENCE Charge Pastor AC YA East Africa Conference, South Sudan..... Fred E. Dearing, III...........................RE �������������������������������������������� 9 District Superintendent........................ CC Christ Willow, First UMC, Pastor...................... Christina Downling Soka..................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Alaska District, Alaska Conference..... CC Wauhatchie MEDICAL LEAVE (¶356) Pastor Charge AC YA L. Lyle White........................................... CC Holly Avenue..............................AM ������������������������������������������� 3



District: Scenic South SEMINARY STUDENTS An up pointing triangle (▲) indicates Students serving as Student Pastors and are included in the list of appointments. Student Cert.Cand. Church / Charge Conference Seminary Gracie Ellis.......................... 2017............ Brainerd....................................................Candler School of Theology Kim Ellis.............................. 2018............ Brainerd....................................................Candler School of Theology Kevin Gray........................... 2018............ Hixson....................................................United Theological Seminary Amy S. Nutt......................... 2006............ White Oak ▲......................................Gammon Theological Seminary Jacqueline Davis-Gines........ 2015............ St. John...............................................Gammon Theological Seminary Douglas Silvers.................... 2009............ Welch / Stephones ▲............................Asbury Theological Seminary Rachel Collins...................... 2018............ Burks ▲....................................................Candler School of Theology Andrew Barton..................... 2019............ Signal Crest........................................................ Duke Divinity School RETIRED MINISTERS A double asterick (**) indicates the Church a Minister is serving in retirement during the 2019 - 2020 Appointment Year. Minister (AC) (Charge Conference Membership) Roy L. Howard (RE)(Wauhatchie) Bennie Huguley (RE)(Simpson) Bonnie S. Jacobs (RE)(St. Luke) Michael T. Johnson (RE)(Holly Avenue) Sullins M. Lamb (RE)(Simpson) James Benny Matherly (RE)(Christ) Gary R. Mauldin (RE)(Brainerd) Charles R. McKinney (RE)(St. John) Laura Jean Myers-Ross (RE)(Christ) Charles T. Neal (RE)(First-Centenary) William F. Pace (RE)(Stanley) Craig E. Paul (RA)(Hixson) James L. Philpott (RE)(Christ) Mike Roberts (RL)(Hixson) Steven M. Ross (RE)(Christ) Curtis R. Schofield (RE)(Trenton) Laura A. Shearer (RE)(First-Centenary) Alvin H. Smith (RE)(Hurst) W. Edward Snodgrass (RE)(First-Centenary) Amos Taj (RE)(Brooks Memorial) Laura E. Trent (RE)(Brainerd) Thomas N. Tucker (RE)(Lookout Mountain)** John N. Wilson (RE)(First-Centenary) Mark S. Womack (RL)(Jones Memorial)

A ppointments

Donald E. Allison (RE)(Christ) Cecil J. Baxter (RA)(Pleasant Grove)** Dallas J. Beck, Sr. (RE)(St. John) Albert J. Bowles, Jr. (RE)(First-Centenary) C. Stephen Byrum (RE)(First-Centenary) Jack W. Carter (RE)(First-Centenary) Lee-Lee Castor (RE)(Brainerd) Alberta L. Clark (RE)(St. John) Lawrence C. Clark (RE)(Christ) Donald J. Daniels, Sr. (RE)(Stanley) Mark C. Davis (RE)(Christ) Fred E. Dearing, III (RE)(Christ) James Louis Douthat (RE)(Signal Mountain) Joseph “Joe-d” Dowling Soka (RE)(St. Elmo) Donald L. Everhart (RA) Reece F. Fauscett (RA)(Trenton) Chester Leon Fraley (RL)(Burks) Charles J. Fowler (RE)(First-Centenary) Steven N. Galyon (RE)(Trenton) Gordon C. Goodgame (RE)(First-Centenary) Ronald W. Goodman, Jr. (RE)(McKendree) Gary W. Grogg (RE)(McFarland) Robert E. Hamilton (RE)(Graysville-New Bethel) David M. Harr (RE)(First-Centenary)


Holston Annual Conference


District: Smoky Mountain SMOKY MOUNTAIN DISTRICT District Superintendent: Jason N. Gattis, Sr. Appointment Years Charge Pastor Code (AC) Appointed (YA) Alcoa, First (1)........................................ Todd Chancey..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Asbury (1)................................................ Ashley Sullivan Helton.....................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Axley’s Chapel (1)................................... Richard K. Carnes.............................PL ������������������������������������������ 17 Bethel, East Knox (1).............................. Gerald “Gery” L. Dingman...............PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Bethel, Seymour (1)............................... Valerie Ohle.....................................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Bethel - Vonore (2).................................. David Fugatt......................................PE �������������������������������������������� 3 Beulah - French Broad (2)....................... Stephen P. Burkhart...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Binfield (1)............................................... Alta C. Raper.....................................RL �������������������������������������������� 5 Broadway (1)........................................... Laura R. Rasor...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 8 Camp Ground (1)................................... Joseph S. Green...............................RE ������������������������������������������ 2* Carpenters (1)........................................ TBS Cokesbury (1).......................................... Stephen B. DeFur..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 Cokesbury, Minister of Generosity &... Charles W. Maynard.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Traditional Worship Cokesbury, Minister of Discipleship..... Rebekah P. Fetzer..............................FD ������������������������������������������ 18 Cokesbury, Executive Pastor................. Anna Lee...........................................FL �������������������������������������������� 5 Colonial Heights (1)............................... Rhonda Hobbs.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Ebenezer (1)............................................ Timothy B. Paul...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Ebenezer, Associate............................... Nancy J. Twigg.................................PE �������������������������������������������� 8 Fairgarden Circuit (3).............................. Kenneth Lambert...............................PL ������������������������������������������ 10 Cedar Bluff - 1 Eden - 1 Fox - 1 Fairview (1).............................................. Mickey W. Rainwater.......................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Fairview, Associate............................... T. Gilbert Harris................................FE �������������������������������������������� 9 Friendsville (1)......................................... Betty M. Furches...............................FL �������������������������������������������� 8 Gatlinburg, First - Huskey’s Grove (2)... Barbara A. Clark...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Gatlinburg, First, Associate................... Edna Warrick Lopez..........................PL �������������������������������������������� 6 Gatlinburg, First - 1 Huskey’s Grove - 1............................. Preaching Station Green Meadow (1)................................... Frank J. “Buzz” Trexler....................PL ������������������������������������������ 19 Green Meadow, Associate,.................... Botrous Tutu......................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Spring of Living Water Hillcrest (1)............................................. Monty L. Walton.............................PE �������������������������������������������� 1 Immanuel (1)............................................ Jason T. Stubblefield.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Kodak (1)................................................. Melissa R. Smith...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Kodak, Associate................................... David A. Coulter...............................RL �������������������������������������������� 4 Lenoir City, Trinity (1)............................ Karolyn “Kristie” Banes....................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Logan’s Chapel (1).................................. Charles D. Ledger.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Loudon (1)............................................... Amy J. Cook......................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Martel (1)................................................. Dewey L. Smith.................................RL �������������������������������������������� 2 Maryville, First (1)................................... Catherine C. Nance...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Maryville, First, Associate.................... Sarah Slack........................................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Maryville, First, Celebrate Recovery.... Matthew C. Hall................................FL �������������������������������������������� 2 Maryville, First, Dir. of Youth Ministries.. Nathan D. Irwin.................................PD �������������������������������������������� 2 Meadow (1).............................................. Patricia Chaput..................................OR �������������������������������������������� 5 Middle Creek (1)...................................... R. Bruce Adams................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Middlesettlements (1).............................. Magan Stubblefield............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Mountain View (1).................................. Mike Treadway..................................OF �������������������������������������������� 5 New Hope (1).......................................... TBS New Salem (1)......................................... David A. Lord...................................RE ���������������������������������������������2 Oakland (1).............................................. Timothy S. Hankins...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Peck’s Memorial (1)............................... Brian Inman.....................................SY ������������������������������������������ 2* Philadelphia - Fenders (2)..................... Randy Lawson.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 1



District: Smoky Mountain

A ppointments

Charge Pastor AC YA Pigeon Forge, First (1)............................. Stuart K. Albee..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Piney Grove (1)...................................... Scott Motgomery.............................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Pittman Center Circuit (3)....................... Robert Sutton.....................................FL �������������������������������������������� 5 Burnett Memorial - 1 Shults Grove - 1 Webb’s Creek - 1 Pleasant Hill, Blount (1)........................ Archer Coppedge.............................RE �������������������������������������������� 1 Pleasant Hill, Knoxville (1)..................... Robert L. Haskins..............................RE �������������������������������������������� 3 Pleasant Hill, Roane (1)........................... Edward Donley..................................OF �������������������������������������������� 2 St. John (1)............................................... Stephen K. Yeaney............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 St. John, Associate................................. Daniel Castillo...................................PL �������������������������������������������� 7 St. Mark, Knoxville (1).......................... Samuel Ward...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 St. Mark’s, Louisville (1)....................... Rowland S. Buck.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 St. Paul East (1)....................................... Russell J. Young................................AM ������������������������������������������� 8 Sand Branch (1)..................................... C. Dennis Ford.................................RA ������������������������������������������� 1 Sevierville Circuit (3).............................. Fred Heard.........................................OR �������������������������������������������� 9 Sevierville Circuit, Associate................ Douglas Moore..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 6 Luretta - 1 Murphy’s Chapel - 1 Roberts - 1 Sevierville, First (1)................................. Jeffery L. Lambert.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Sevierville, First, Associate................... David Zavona....................................FL �������������������������������������������� 3 El Ministerio del Espiritu Santo............ Susana R. Lopez................................FL �������������������������������������������� 8 Sevierville Parish (3)............................... Donald G. Watkins............................AM ������������������������������������������� 2 Sevierville Parish, Associate................. Nickie Simmons................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Pleasant Hill, Sevierville - 1 Union Grove - 1 Walden’s Creek - 1 Seymour (1)............................................. Paul D. Seay......................................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Sycamore Tree (1) .................................. A. Virginia “Ginger” Isom................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Trentville (1)............................................ Chad E. Roberts.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 3 Tuckaleechee (1)...................................... Richard M. Rudesill..........................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Tuckaleechee, Director of................... Elizabeth Rudesill............................PD �������������������������������������������� 1 Children & Youth Union Grove (Blount) (1)........................ Matthew Coldiron..............................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Vestal (1)................................................. TBS Walland (1).............................................. Parker R. Benson...............................RE �������������������������������������������� 3 Wears Valley (1)...................................... Kenneth R. Tucker, Jr.......................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Williamson Chapel (1)........................... Rex Rogers.......................................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Zion (1).................................................... Charles M. Wender...........................PL ������������������������������������������ 15 (Charges – 60, Churches – 72)


Holston Annual Conference

District: Smoky Mountain APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES Within the Connectional Structures of United Methodism (¶344.1a 1) Charge Pastor AC YA District Superintendent............................ Jason N. Gattis, Sr.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Conference Secretary / Director.............. Terry D. Goodman............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Clergy Services..................................... CC St. Mark’s Director of Connectional Ministries &.... Michael G. Sluder (CC St. Mark’s)...FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Missions Director of Congregational......................... J. Russell Taylor.................................. FE ������������������������������������������������8 Development & Revitalization................. CC Maryville, First Director of Communications.................... Timothy W. Jones, Jr........................... FE ������������������������������������������������2 CC Sycamore Tree Associate Director of Connectional......... Susan L. Groseclose..........................FD �������������������������������������������� 2 Ministries for Discipleship.................... CC Fairview


Within the Connectional Structures of United Methodism (¶344.1a 3) Charge Pastor AC YA General Evangelist................................... Jason C. Roe (CC Seymour).............FE �������������������������������������������� 2 OTHER VALID MINISTRIES (¶344.1d) Charge Pastor AC YA Knoxville Leadership Foundation........... David Ault.........................................FE �������������������������������������������� 9 Vice President - Programs.................... CC Midlesettlements Wesley Woods Camp.............................. Anthony D. Lea.................................FL �������������������������������������������� 3 Director................................................. CC Sycamore Tree LEAVE OF ABSENCE (¶353) Pastor Charge AC YA Priscilla R. Bryan..................................... CC Dublin (WY)...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 G. Curtis Trent......................................... CC Alcoa, First..................................FE ������������������������������������������ 11 MEDICAL LEAVE (¶356) Pastor Charge AC YA Bobby D. Barton...................................... CC Pigeon Forge, First......................FE ������������������������������������������ 11 SEMINARY STUDENTS An up pointing triangle (▲) indicates Students serving as Student Pastors and are included in the list of appointments. Student Cert.Cand. Church / Charge Conference Seminary Amanda Haynes....................................... Alcoa, First............................................Asbury Theological Seminary Adam Hood.......................... 2018............ Maryville, First......................................Asbury Theological Seminary Jennifer McIntyre................. 2013............ Broadway................................................United Theological Seminary Michael Neubert.................. 2013............ Alcoa, First.............................................United Theological Seminary Greta Smith.......................... 2013............ Maryville, First.......................................United Theological Seminary Whitney Hair............................2018.............Fairview............................................................Candler School of Theology



District: Smoky Mountain RETIRED MINISTERS A double asterick (**) indicates the Church a Minister is serving in retirement during the 2019 - 2020 Appointment Year. Minister (AC) (Charge Conference Membership) Freddrick L. Long (RE)(Maryville, First) David A. Lord (RE)(New Salem)** Eugene H. Lovell, Jr. (RE)(Maryville, First) Bruce S. Marston (RE)(Mountain View) Ronald H. Matthews (RE)(Broadway) Mark McKnight (RE)(Wears Valley) Daniel F. Moore (RE)(Gatlinburg, First) Donald L. Nation (RE)(Fairview) Alfred L. Newman (RE)(Union Grove, Sevier) Jerry Page (RL)(Peck’s Memorial) Randy Pasqua (RE)(Alcoa, First) Steve Pross (RL)(Seymour) Alta C. Raper (RL)(Binfield)** Jerald W. Russell (RE)(Fairview) James H. Rutherford (RE)(Pleasant Hill, Blount) Alvin O. Shaver (RL)(Sand Branch) F. Douglas Smith (RE)(Maryville, First) Wendell M. Smith (RE)(Vestal) John Thierbach (RE)(Maryville, First) Robert A. Tripp (RE)(Loudon) Charles B. Turpin (RE)(Cokesbury) Nancy J. Wilhite (RE)(Ebenezer) Tae Hun Yoon (RE)(St. Mark, Knox)

A ppointments

Judith Anna (RE)(Maryville, First) Kenneth K. Abbott, Jr. (RE)(Maryville, First) A. Carol Beaty (RL)(Pleasant Hill, Roane) Parker R. Benson (RE)(Walland)** Joseph C. Black (RE)(Seymour, Bethel) Lisa R. Blackwood (RD)(Maryville, First) Harvey R. Brown, Jr. (RE)(Walden’s Creek) Ashley M. Calhoun (RE)(Sevierville Cir.) Archer Coppedge (RE)(Pleasant Hill, Blount)** David A. Coulter (RL)(Kodak)** Mary Kathryn Crone (RD)(Sevierville, First) C. Dennis Ford (RA)(Sand Branch)** Robert H. Freestate (RE)(Maryville, First) David L. Funk (RE)(Maryville, First) James R. Green (RE)(Green Meadow) Joseph S. Green (RE)(Camp Ground)** Jimmy Ronald Hammond (RE)(Maryville, First) James Hartley (RA) (Sevierville Parish) Robert L. Haskins (RE)(Pleasant Hill, Knox)** Robert A. Hayes (RE)(Broadway) Gary F. Hill (RE)(Cokesbury) Norman Holcomb (RE)(Vestal) L. Riley Huffstetler (RE)(New Hope)** Janice M. Keebler (RE)(Camp Ground)


Holston Annual Conference


District: Tennessee Valley TENNESSEE VALLEY DISTRICT District Superintendent: Ann P. Robins Appointment Years Charge Pastor Code (AC) Appointed (YA) Andersonville - Mt. Pleasant (2)............. Robin Kyek........................................FL �������������������������������������������� 2 Asbury, Clinton (1).................................. Cedric D. Jackson..............................PL �������������������������������������������� 5 Asbury Chapel (1).................................... R. Steven Parker................................RE �������������������������������������������� 3 Bearden (1).............................................. Sherrell E. Boles................................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Beaver Ridge (1)...................................... Larry J. Dial.......................................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Bethel, Amherst (1) ................................ William “Bill” R. Shelton.................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Bookwalter (1)......................................... Stephen K. Doyal..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Bookwalter, Associate, Hispanic........ Daniel Castillo..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Ministries Bradbury - Good Shepherd (2)............ John Brewster..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Cedar Lane (1)......................................... Richard L. Richter, Jr........................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Christ (1).................................................. Don E. Ferguson, Jr...........................RE �������������������������������������������� 2 Christ, Associate.................................... Megan A. Boatwright........................OE �������������������������������������������� 3 Church Street (1)...................................... Charles W. Starks..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Church Street, Associate....................... P. Dawn Chesser...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Church Street, Associate....................... Palmer Cantler...................................PE �������������������������������������������� 2 Clapps Chapel (1).................................... Joshua S. Felton.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Concord (1).............................................. Larry S. Trotter..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Concord, Senior Associate.................... R. Wilson “Wil” Cantrell..................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Concord, Pastor Student Ministries....... P. Christopher Luper.........................FD �������������������������������������������� 4 Concord, Pastor Discipleship & Outreach.... Glenna B. Manning...........................FD ������������������������������������������ 10 Concord, Pastor Worship and Arts........ J. Michael Stallings...........................FD �������������������������������������������� 7 Concord, Associate, Hardin Valley.... John J. Gargis..................................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Cowan Chapel (1).................................... James L. Guthrie...............................RL ������������������������������������������ 16 Clinton, Memorial (1)............................ Scott Wilks.......................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Emerald Avenue (1)............................... Dennis Loy.......................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Fairview - Oakwood (2).......................... John F. Jackson, Jr............................RE �������������������������������������������� 6 First Farragut (1)................................... Martha Scott....................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 First Farragut, Associate........................ Chuck Powell....................................FL �������������������������������������������� 3 Fincastle (1)............................................. Stephen M. Evans..............................FL �������������������������������������������� 4 Fountain City (1)...................................... Thomas T. Ballard.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Fountain City, Associate..................... Kristen Burkhart.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Grigsby Chapel (1)................................. David Smith.....................................RE �������������������������������������������� 1 Hansard Chapel (1).................................. Jay B. Richardson..............................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Harriman (1)............................................ Darren L. Kitts...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Haven Chapel (1)..................................... Peter Kenny.......................................OF �������������������������������������������� 4 Irwin’s Chapel (1).................................... Gary O. Tye.......................................RL �������������������������������������������� 4 Jacksboro - Caryville (2)......................... Perry W. Duncan...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Jellico (1) Preaching Station................ TBS Kern Memorial (1)................................. Donna M. Hester.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Kingston (1)............................................ Charlie Harrison..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Kingston, Minister of Congregational Care... Sue Lynn Johnson.............................FD ������������������������������������������ 22 Knoxville, Central (1).............................. James A. Sherrod...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Knoxville, Central, Director of........... Stephanie Parrott............................PD ������������������������������������������ 2* Children & Youth Knoxville, First (1).................................. Troy Forrester....................................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Knoxville, Second (1)............................. Charla Sherbakoff...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Knoxville Second, Associate................. Leah Burns........................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 LaFollette (1)........................................... Chris J. Stanfield...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 Lennon - Seney (1).................................. Elston D. McLain..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Lenoir City, Central (1)........................... W. Scott Layer...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Lenoir City, Central, Associate............. L. Audrey Madigan...........................PD �������������������������������������������� 2 Lincoln Park (1)..................................... Donn King........................................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Lonsdale - Martin Chapel (2).................. Walter H. Cross.................................AM ������������������������������������������� 4



District: Tennessee Valley

APPOINTMENTS BEYOND THE LOCAL CHURCH (¶331) Charge Pastor AC YA Healthy Mind Counseling Service........... Diana Brown Taylor (¶331.4a).........FD ������������������������������������������ 11 CC Church Street Anderson County Schools....................... Amy L. Horak (¶331.4a)...................FD ������������������������������������������ 11 CC Andersonville - Mt. Pleasant Children’s Hospital, Pediatric.............. Stephanie Parrott............................PD �������������������������������������������� 1 Endocrinologist RN CC Knoxville, Central Holston Center for Wellbeing, Director......... Kathy Heustess....................................OD ����������������������������������������������2

A ppointments

Charge Pastor AC YA Lynnwood (1).......................................... Clarence Ulman...............................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Macedonia (1)......................................... Steven Hancock II...........................OF �������������������������������������������� 1 Magnolia Avenue (1).............................. Scott Montgomery...........................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Middlebrook Pike (1)............................... Bruce M. Galyon...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Middlebrook Pike, Associate................. Jacob P. Reedy..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Midtown Valley (1)................................ Tom Campbell.................................OF �������������������������������������������� 1 Miller’s Chapel, Union (1)...................... Kathy Chesney..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Moore’s Gap (1) Preaching Station......... Heidi Parunak....................................FL �������������������������������������������� 2 Mt. Hermon (1)........................................ Gregg D. Bostick...............................PL ������������������������������������������ 17 Mt. Zion (1)............................................. James R. Mullens..............................RL ������������������������������������������ 27 New Century (1)...................................... Gary Atwater.....................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 New Life - Hopewell (2)......................... Teresa Atkins McClure.....................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 Norris - Sinking Springs (2).................... William S. Kurtz...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Norwood - Bell’s Campground (2)....... Joe R. Phillips..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Oak Ridge, First (1)................................. Mark R. Flynn...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Oak Ridge, First, Associate................... Chris E. Black...................................PE �������������������������������������������� 2 Oliver Springs Parish (2)...................... Barkley Mencer...............................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Jonesville, Roane - 1 Oliver Springs - 1 Oneida, First - Rugby Road (2)............... J. David Gass, II................................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Pleasant Grove, Union (1)....................... John Teffeteller..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Powell (1)................................................ Bradley K. Hyde..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Powell, Associate.................................. Brooke H. Hartman.........................FL �������������������������������������������� 4 Powell, Associate.................................. Brenda F. Carroll............................RE �������������������������������������������� 1 Rockwood - Chevront (2)...................... Samuel A. Reese...............................PE �������������������������������������������� 1 Chevront - 1.......................................... Preaching Station Rockwood - 1 Rocky Top (1).......................................... Dave Henderson................................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 Rutherford Memorial (1)......................... William F. Heustess..........................OE �������������������������������������������� 2 St.Mark - Dutch Valley (2) St. Mark - 1.......................................... David M. Grant...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 DutchValley - 1 - Preaching Station.... Kathy LaFollette..............................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 St. Paul, Fountain City (1)....................... Timothy J. Best.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Solway (1)................................................ Henry L. Lenoir.................................RE ������������������������������������������ 25 SunOak Parish (2).................................... Thomas A. Robins.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 SunOak Parish, Associate (2)............. Jennifer Spieth.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Oakdale - 1 Sunbright - 1 Swan Pond (1).......................................... Brenda A. Poole................................RL �������������������������������������������� 4 Trinity (1)................................................. J. David Tabor...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Valley View - Heiskell (2)...................... Linda J. Bass.....................................PE �������������������������������������������� 2 Washington Pike (1).............................. Richard L. Hayes.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Well Spring - Cawood (2)....................... Keith T. Hampson.............................AM ������������������������������������������� 8 Woods Chapel (1)................................... Bonnie Seiber...................................RL �������������������������������������������� 1 (Charges – 68, Churches – 83)


Holston Annual Conference

District: Tennessee Valley APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES Within the Connectional Structures of Untied Methodism (¶344.1a 1) Charge Pastor AC YA District Superintendent......................... Ann P. Robins..................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Wesley Foundation, UTK, Director........ Sharon Bowers (CC).........................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Wesley Foundation, UTK,..................... Heidi Parunak (Moore’s Gap)......... FL ������������������������������������������ 2* Assistant to the Director Wesley Foundation, University of........... Tim Kobler (CC Church Street)........FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Michigan Ann Arbor, Director Wesley Foundation, Eastern Illinois........ Betzy Elifrits Warren (CC Bearden).......FE �������������������������������������������� 2 University, Director


Ministries Endorsed by the Board of Higher Education & Ministry (¶344.1b) Charge Pastor AC YA U.S. Army, CPE Chaplain.........................Michael D. Charles ............................ FE �����������������������������������������������2 Internship, Palmetto Health, Columbia, SC....CC Bradbury - Good Shepherd Tennova Hospice, Chaplain.......................Amanda Bell Madson......................... FE �����������������������������������������������4 CC Church Street Shannondale, Chaplain...............................Eric Bronkala....................................... PE �����������������������������������������������3 Knoxville, TN..........................................CC Middlebrook Pike Amedisys Hospice, Chaplain...................Nicole Krewson.................................. FE ���������������������������������������������2* Knoxville, TN ........................................CC Church Street East TN Children’s Hospital, Chaplain.....Rebecca Jane Powell........................... FL �����������������������������������������������3 Knoxville, TN..........................................CC First Farragut OTHER VALID MINISTRIES (¶344.1d) Charge Pastor AC YA Trident Health System, Chaplain...............Janet Edwards (CC Church Street)..... FE �����������������������������������������������4 Charleston, SC A Flynn Partnerships..................................Annette Flynn (CC Rockwood)............ FE �����������������������������������������������4 Elizabeth Griffin Founation.......................Caryl P. Griffin (CC Concord)........... RE �����������������������������������������������9 National Council of Churches, Director....Steven D. Martin (CC Kern Memorial).. FE �����������������������������������������������6 of Comm. and Development Spiritual Director........................................Lisa A. Stone (CC Oak Ridge, First)...FE ���������������������������������������������13 Director of Studies, Wesley House,..........Cindy Wesley (CC Concord).............. FE �����������������������������������������������6 Methodist Theological College, Cambridge, UK Training for Leaders, Coach................ Larry J. Ousley (CCMiddlebrook Pike)...RE ������������������������������������������ 2* APPOINTMENT TO ANOTHER ANNUAL CONFERENCE Charge Pastor AC YA Granville Cir., Heritage District.............. Matthew S. Robinson........................PE �������������������������������������������� 3 Oxford, NC, North Carolina Conference... CC Middlebrook Pike LEAVE OF ABSENCE (¶353) Pastor Charge AC YA Carolyn Gass............................................ CC First Oneida.................................FD �������������������������������������������� 6 MEDICAL LEAVE (¶356) Pastor Charge AC YA Ralph J. Horak......................................... CC Andersonville - Mt. Pleasant......AM ������������������������������������������� 2 Janice A. Cate.......................................... CC St. Mark, Clinton........................FE ������������������������������������������ 21



District: Tennessee Valley DEACONESS (¶415.7) Charge Pastor AC YA Union County Public Schools.................. Terry Craft Goodin............................DE �������������������������������������������� 2 Special Education Teacher / Vision Specialist...CC Fountain City SEMINARY STUDENTS An up pointing triangle (▲) indicates Students serving as Student Pastors and are included in the list of appointments. Student Cert.Cand. Church / Charge Conference Seminary Sabine Collins...................... 2018............ Concord.................................................Asbury Theological Seminary John Gargis.......................... 2012............ Concord ▲.............................................Asbury Theological Seminary Brooke Hartman................... 2016............ Powell ▲...............................................Asbury Theological Seminary Thomas Stubbs..................... 2018............ Church Street...................................................... Duke Divinity School Jennifer Spieth .................... 2018............ Sun Oak Parish ▲.................................Asbury Theological Seminary Alexandra Nelson Tomlinson... 2018............ Concord.............................................................. Duke Divinity School Seth O’Kegley….................. 2017............ Oak Ridge, First ▲......................................... Iliff School of Theology Robin Kyek.......................... 2017............ Andersonville - Mt. Pleasant ▲............Asbury Theological Seminary

A ppointments


Holston Annual Conference

District: Tennessee Valley RETIRED MINISTERS A double asterick (**) indicates the Church a Minister is serving in retirement during the 2019 - 2020 Appointment Year.


Minister (AC) (Charge Conference Membership) Cliff Amos (RD)(St. Paul, Fountain City) John C. Anderson (RE)(Concord) E. Mahan Archer (RE)(Fountain City) Dorothy Avers (DR)(Fountain City) James R. Bailes (RE)(Concord) Gary E. Baker (RE)(Second) James M. Ball, Jr. (RE)(Concord) Bert Bastian (RL)(Moore’s Gap) Robert H. Bean (RE)(Emerald Avenue) Heidi Bender (RE)(Norwood) Larry K. Best (RE)(Church Street) Fred L. Bittle, Jr. (RE)(New Life) Bobby Black (RA)(Valley View) George W. Boles (RE)(Powell) Ronald W. Burgess (RE)(Oak Ridge, First) Jan Buxton-Wade (RE)(Church Street) Robert T. Cantrell (RE)(Oak Ridge, First) Brenda F. Carroll (RE)(Powell)** Larry E. Carroll (RE)(Trinity) Cheryl M. Caruso-Payne (RE)(Middlebrook Pike) Herman F. Cate (RE)(St. Mark, Clinton) Lee A. Cate (RE)(Kern Memorial) Von Darnell Chance (RE)(Macedonia) Joseph T. Crockett (RL)(Middlebrook Pike) Darrell Cook (RE)(Oak Ridge, First) James A. Dougherty (RE)(Fountain City) Columbus V. Duff III (RE)(Beaver Ridge) Richard Edwards (RE)(Oak Ridge, First) Kenneth L. Faught (FE)(Church Street) Don E. Ferguson, Jr. (RE)(Christ)** Frederick A. Ferguson (RE)(Church Street) William J. Fowler (RE)(Midtown Valley) H. Eddie Fox (RE)(Concord) Caryl P. Griffin (RE)(Concord) James L. Guthrie (RL)(Cowan Chapel)** Brent R. Hall (RE)(Concord) James W. Hart (RE)(Washington Pike) Kenneth H. Henderlight (RE)(Oak Ridge, First) William L. Hill (RE)(Jacksboro) Lee A. Hokaj (RE)(Middlebrook Pike) Richard D. Isbell (RD)(Church Street) John F. Jackson, Jr. (RE)(Fairview)** John J. Justice (RL)(Moore’s Gap) Dan B. Kelly (RE)(Fountain City) G. William Kilday (RE)(Concord)

Henry L. Lenoir (RE)(Solway)** W. David Lewis (RE)(Bethel) Charles Liles (RL)(Asbury Chapel) Paul Young Marchbanks (RE)(Lennon-Seney) Charles Mattson (RE)(Middlebrook Pike) William C. Mooney, Jr. (RE)(Oak Ridge, First) Donald D. Morris (RE)(Kern Memorial) James R. Mullens (RL)(Mt. Zion)** Randolph R. Mutter (RA)(Wellspring-Cawood) Edward D. Nelson (RE)(Bookwalter) Karl A. Netting (RE)(Concord) Carl I. Oaks (RE)(Powell) Jimmy R. Osborne (RE)(Jacksboro) Larry J. Ousley (RE)(Middlebrook Pike) R. Steven Parker (RE)(Asbury Chapel)** Robert E. Parrott (RE)(Church Street) Bruce P. (RE)(Bookwalter) C. Ray Penn (RE)(Kern Memorial) Lynn W. Pitts (RD)(Magnolia Ave.) Patrick C. Polis (RE)(Washington Pike) Brenda A. Poole (RL)(Swan Pond)** Harold W. Rehagen (RE)(Emerald Avenue) Gordon L. Ridenour (RE)(Concord) John E. Ripley (RE)(Church Street) Peyton Rowlett (RE)(Church Street) Van G. Sanks (RL)(Middlebrook Pike) Thomas L. Seay (RE)(Emerald Avenue) Bonnie Seiber (RL)(Woods Chapel)** David L. Smith (RE)(Grigsby Chapel)** William C. Stooksbury (RE)(Knoxville, Second) Daniel H. Taylor, Jr. (RE)(Kern Memorial) Millard C. Taylor (RA)(Knoxville, Second) Patsy K. Taylor (RL)(Knoxville, Second) Donald E. Thomas (RE)(First Farragut) James Titcombe (RL)(Beaver Ridge) Gary O. Tye (RL)(Irwin’s Chapel)** Carl W. Ware, Jr. (RE)(Bookwalter) Lewis E. Weaver (RE)(Valley View-Heiskell) James E. Whedbee (RE)(Fountain City) Raymon E. White (RE)(Lennon-Seney) Jack Howard Wilson (RE)(Concord) Grady C. Winegar (RE)(Central) Ottalee Winegar (DR)(Central)



District: Three Rivers THREE RIVERS DISTRICT District Superintendent: Lauri Jo Cranford

A ppointments

Appointment Years Charge Pastor Code (AC) Appointed (YA) Adams Chapel - Hulls Chapel (2)........... Grover B. Starnes..............................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Austin Springs (1).................................... Brenda Booher...................................SY �������������������������������������������� 2 Baileyton Circuit (4).............................. Gregory P. Davis.............................FL �������������������������������������������� 1 Baileyton - 1 Doty’s Chapel - 1 Sulphur Springs - 1 Zion - 1 Bethesda - Eden (2)................................. Edwin G. “Ed” Blair.........................AM ������������������������������������������� 3 Blountville (1).......................................... Susan N. Arnold................................PE �������������������������������������������� 6 Bluff City (1)............................................ C. Sean Glenn....................................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Carter County Parish (4).......................... Leann K. Crandall.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Carter County Parish, Associate............ James M. Berry.................................PL �������������������������������������������� 8 Hunter - 1 Slagles - 1 St. Paul - 1 Watauga Point - 1 Cedar Grove - Ebenezer (2)..................... Melissa Malcom................................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Centenary, Erwin (1)............................... Kimberly S. Isley...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Chuckey Circuit (5)............................... Roy E. Fowler, Jr............................RL �������������������������������������������� 1 Clear Springs - 1........................................Preaching Station Liberty Hill - 1.................................. Preaching Station Chuckey - 1 Rheatown - 1 Albright - 1 Cokesbury, Johnson City (1)................... Kimberly A. Hingers.........................PL �������������������������������������������� 4 Cross (1)................................................... D. Lynn Sorrell..................................LM ������������������������������������������� 4 East Pine Grove Park (1)...................... TBS Edgefield (1)............................................ Estel F. Williams...............................AM ������������������������������������������� 3 Elizabeth Chapel (1)................................ Susan W. Lankford............................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Elizabethton, First (1).............................. Ray W. Amos, Sr..............................FE �������������������������������������������� 9 Fairview (1)............................................. P. Randall Emmert..........................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Grace (1).................................................. Laura A. Tracy..................................PL �������������������������������������������� 5 Gray (1).................................................... Dennis W. Flaugher...........................FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Gray, Associate...................................... Bryan C. Orchard..............................PL �������������������������������������������� 6 Greene County Parish (3)........................ Richard S. Ballard.............................OF �������������������������������������������� 5 Afton - 1 Greenwood - 1 Stone Dam - 1 Greystone Circuit (3)............................... Tyler Rutherford................................SY �������������������������������������������� 2 Bethesda - 1 Gethsemane - 1 Mt. Tabor - 1 Hermon - Pleasant Hill (2)...................... Mark Laughlin...................................SY �������������������������������������������� 2 Jearoldstown - Union Temple (2)............ Craig Zirkle.......................................PL �������������������������������������������� 2 Johnson City, First (1)........................... Jodie Elizabeth Ihfe.........................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Johnson City, First, Associate............ Gary Ihfe..........................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Johnson City Parish (3)......................... Paul B. Longmire.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Fairhaven - 1 Otterbein - 1 West Market Street - 1 Jonesborough (1)...................................... Karen M. Lane...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 6 Limestone (1).......................................... Donna R. Waddle............................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Limestone Cove (1)................................ Tim Tapp..........................................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Marvin’s Chapel (1)................................. Joel A. Cook......................................OF �������������������������������������������� 3


Holston Annual Conference


District: Three Rivers Charge Pastor AC YA Mt. Carmel - Seviers (2).......................... Richard D. Mullan.............................FE �������������������������������������������� 4 Mt. Wesley - Embreeville (2)................ Linda W. Rozar...............................PL �������������������������������������������� 1 Mountain City Circuit (3)........................ Samuel L. Johnson............................RA �������������������������������������������� 6 Doe Valley - 1 Shouns - 1 Valley View - 1 Mountain City, First - Trade (3).......... John W. Crabtree............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Mountain City, First - 1 St. John, Mountain City - 1............... Preaching Station Trade - 1 Munsey Memorial (1).............................. Carol E. Wilson.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 Munsey Memorial, Minister of Music....... Douglas Grove-DeJarnett..................FD ������������������������������������������ 33 Munsey Memorial, Associate............... Patricia D. Muse................................FL �������������������������������������������� 6 Munsey Memorial, Associate............... Michael S. Lester...............................OF �������������������������������������������� 3 New Victory (1)....................................... Cathy E. Downs.................................RL �������������������������������������������� 7 Piney Flats (1)......................................... Paul Humphrey...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Pleasant Grove - Valley View - Milburnton (3).. Stephen Reynolds............................SY �������������������������������������������� 1 Rockhold - Enterprise (2)........................ Dennis W. Milhorn............................PL �������������������������������������������� 5 St. Paul (1)............................................... Bryan C. Orchard..............................PL �������������������������������������������� 5 Sulphur Springs (1)................................ J. Scott Brady...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Telford - Asbury (2)............................... Michael A. Vaughn..........................AM ������������������������������������������ 1 Taylor Memorial (1)................................ Rochelle O. Maxwell.........................AM ������������������������������������������� 5 Unicoi (1)................................................. Todd R. Adams.................................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Valley Forge - Roan Mountain (2).......... Brent L. NiDiffer...............................OF �������������������������������������������� 2 Wesley Chapel, Mountain City (1)....... TBS Wesley Memorial (1)............................... Gerald E. Casson...............................FE �������������������������������������������� 7 Wheeler (1)............................................. Crystal Salyers Smith......................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 (Charges – 46, Churches – 79) APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES Within the Connectional Structures of Untied Methodism (¶344.1a) Charge Pastor AC YA District Superintendent............................ Lauri Jo Cranford (¶344.1a 1)...........FE �������������������������������������������� 3 Wesley Foundation, ETSU, Director... Caleb Frazier...................................FE �������������������������������������������� 1 Missionary to the United States,.............. David C. Warden (¶344.1a 3)...........RE ������������������������������������������ 11 Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference... CC Marvin’s Chapel Ministries Endorsed by the Board of Higher Education & Ministry (¶344.1b) Charge Pastor AC YA Givens Estates, Chaplain............................Tammy Wright Bales.......................... FE �����������������������������������������������6 Asheville, NC Cheyenne VA / Loveland, Chaplain..........Sara Jo Emmerich............................... FE �����������������������������������������������2 Loveland, CO..........................................CC Green County Parish J.H.Quillen VA Medical Center, Chaplain....Kevin L. Holmes................................. FE ���������������������������������������������12 Mountain Home, TN..............................CC Cokesbury, Johnson City U.S. Navy, Chaplain..................................Hagan Robert McClellan, Jr............... FE ���������������������������������������������19 CC East Pine Grove Park OTHER VALID MINISTRIES (¶344.1d) Charge Pastor AC Northeast State Professor of Philosophy............................................................ TBS




District: Three Rivers APPOINTMENT TO ANOTHER ANNUAL CONFERENCE Charge Pastor AC YA Fremont UMC.......................................... Shannon Marie Berry........................FE �������������������������������������������� 2 North Carolina Conference.................. CC Munsey Memorial Northside UMC, Pastor........................... Rachel Witt Carosiello......................PE �������������������������������������������� 2 Greenville District, South Carolina Conf... CC Munsey Memorial Elbaville UMC, Pastor.................................... J. Robert McClellan, Sr. .........................RA ��������������������������������������������������3 Advance, NC, WNC Conference................ CC E. Pine Grove Park Czech and Slovak Republics........................ Mark Hicks.............................................FE ��������������������������������������������������1 Annual Conference, ESUMC LEAVE OF ABSENCE (¶353.1) Pastor Charge AC YA Amy Yearly Holmes................................ CC Cokesbury, Johnson City............FE �������������������������������������������� 9 Elizabeth O. Rudesill............................... CC Edgefield.....................................PD �������������������������������������������� 4 MEDICAL LEAVE (¶356) Pastor Charge AC YA Steven G. Gott......................................... CC Fairhaven.....................................FE �������������������������������������������� 5 Roger G. Mathess.................................... CC Unicoi..........................................AM ������������������������������������������� 5 INVOLUNTARY RETIREMENT (¶357.3) Pastor Charge AC YA Michael E. Ladd....................................... CC Blountville...................................RE �������������������������������������������� 3

SEMINARY STUDENTS An up pointing triangle (▲) indicates Students serving as Student Pastors and are included in the list of appointments. Student Cert.Cand. Church / Charge Conference Seminary C. Sean Glenn.......................................... Bluff City ▲..........................................Asbury Theological Seminary Samuel G. Hopson.............. 2015............. Johnson City, First....................................Candler School of Theology Kathryn L. Lawrence............................... Jonesborough.........................................Asbury Theological Seminary Melissa Malcom ...................................... Cedar Grove - Ebenezer ▲......................Hood Theological Seminary Steve Reis................................................ Johnson City, First..................................United Theological Seminary

A ppointments

DEACONESS (¶415.7) Charge Pastor AC YA Independent Ministry Journalist /............ Corrina Sisk-Casson..........................DC �������������������������������������������� 2 Photographer......................................... CC Wesley Memorial


Holston Annual Conference

District: Three Rivers RETIRED MINISTERS A double asterick (**) indicates the Church a Minister is serving in retirement during the 2019 - 2020 Appointment Year. Minister (AC) (Charge Conference Membership)


Billy L. Byrd (RA)(Cross) Richard D. Bowers (RL)(Jearoldstown) Charles K. Caraway (RE)(Mountain City, First) James E. Caraway (RE)(Mountain City, First) William J. Carter (RE)(Johnson City, First) Ricky Clowers (RE)(Marvins Chapel) G. Wayne Cummings (RE)(Munsey Memorial) Cathy E. Downs (RL)(New Victory)** Joseph Vance Eastridge (RE)(Munsey Memorial) David W. Elliott (RE)(Otterbein) Roy E. Fowler, Jr. (RL)(Clear Springs)** Vivian S. Franklin (RL)(Milburnton) Buford W. Hankins (RE)(First Elizabethton) Phyllis L. Hankins (RE)(First Elizabethton) David Lee Hazlewood (RE)(Munsey Memorial) W. Sue Hicks-Caskey (RD)(Munsey Memorial) Mack A. Houston (RA)(Piney Flats) Garland E. James (RE)(Boones Creek) Samuel L. Johnson (RA)(Mountain City Circuit)**

C. Maurice Lay (RE)(Gray) J. Robert Layell (RE)(Embreeville) David H. Lovelace (RE)(Munsey Memorial) Kenneth E. Lytton (RL)(Boones Creek) Hagan R. McClellan, Sr. (RA)(E.Pine Grove Park) Eblen G. “Buddy” Miller (RE)(Gray) George Edwin Odle (RE)(Sulpher Springs) John Ousley (RE)(Munsey Memorial) Billy Frank Rowland (RE)(Cross) Pedro O. Salazar (RE)(Wesley Memorial) Michael Somers (RL) (Fairhaven) Robert Warren Stewart (RE)(Mountain City, First) Bedford T. Transou, Jr. (RE)(Munsey Memorial) C. Byron Waites (RE)(Johnson City, First) David C. Warden (RE)(Marvin’s Chapel) Charles Weatherly (RL)(Embreeville) Kathie Wilson-Parker (RE)(Edgefield) Martha B. Yeomans (RE)(Jonesborough)


95 Notes

NOTES An asterick (*) indicates an appointment made between sessions of the Annual Conference. A double asterick (**) indicates Clergy that are serving in retirement and the Charge Conference listed indicates the church they are appointed to serve during the 2019 - 2020 Appointment Year. An up pointing triangle (▲) indicates Students serving as Student Pastors and are included in the list of appointments. Number listed under Years Appointed (YA) indicated number of times appointed. To Be Served (TBS) APPOINTMENT CODES (AC) OA Associate Member of other Annual Conference (¶346.1) FL Full time Local Pastor (¶318.1) OD Deacon member of other Annual Conference (¶331.8) PL Part time Local Pastor (¶318.2) OE Elder member of other Annual Conference or other Methodist denomination (¶346.1) LM Certified Lay Minister (¶268) OP Provisional member of other Annual Conference (¶346.1) HL Honorable Location\Honorable Location Retired (¶¶358.1, 358.3) OF Full Member of other denomination (¶346.2) AL Administrative Location (¶359) SY Other Supplies – Used by GCFA for assigned pastors, not a Disciplinary Code

TERMINOLOGY Ordination is performed by a Bishop and conveys the rites and privileges of each ecclesiastical order. Membership is by election of the full connection clergy members of the annual conference. Members in Full Connection are clergy who have been elected to full membership in an annual conference at an annual conference clergy session. Only full connection members may vote on all matters including clergy membership. Full connection members do not hold membership in the local church but in the annual conference. Equitable Compensation is the minimum salary recommended by the Conference Equitable Compensation Committee, for each ordained and licensed clergy classification.

A ppointments

DM Diaconal Minister (2004 Discipline ¶369.1) DC Deaconess (¶1913.2) DR Retired Diaconal Minister (consecrated under provisions of 1992 or earlier Discipline) AF Affiliate Member (¶¶334.5, 344.4, 586.4) OR Retired member of other Annual Conference AM Associate Member (¶¶322, 369.1, 635.2h) RD Retired Deacon in Full connection (¶357) PD Provisional Deacon (¶¶324, 325) RE Retired Full Elder (¶357) FD Deacon in full connection (¶330) RA Retired Associate Member (¶357) FE Elder in full connection (¶335) RP Retired Provisional Member (¶357) (prior to Jan 1, 2013) PE Provisional Elder (¶¶324, 325) RL Retired Local Pastor (¶¶320.5, 327.7)


Holston Annual Conference

Notes ORDAINED Elders in full connection (FE) have sacramental (Communion and Baptism) authority. While most elders serve as pastors in a local church they are also found in a variety of extension ministries. Elders are subject to the itinerant system. Deacons in full connection (FD) may serve either in the local church, in extension ministries, and appointments beyond the local church. Deacons do not have sacramental authority but may assist an elder. Deacons are not subject to the itinerant system and find their own ministry setting. Deacons may perform weddings. Deacons who work outside the local church must also have a relationship with a local congregation. COMMISSIONED AND LICENSED Provisional Members are clergy who have completed their educational requirements and serve a residency (probation) period of at least two years. Provisional members complete written materials and are interviewed by members of the board of ordained ministry before their election to provisional (commissioned and licensed) and full connection membership and ordination. Provisional members may serve in extension ministries. Provisional members do not vote on matters of clergy relations.


Provisional Elders (PE) serve under a license to preach and have sacramental authority that is limited to the boundaries of their appointment. They are subject to the itinerant system. Provisional Deacons (PD) serve under a license to practice the art of ministry. Provisional deacons are not subject to the itinerant system and must find their own ministry setting. They may perform weddings. Provisional deacons who work outside the local church must also have a relationship with a local congregation ORDAINED AND LICENSED Associate Members (AM) are clergy who have completed educational and other requirements that are outlined in the Discipline. They are elected to associate membership by members in full connection at the clergy session. Associate members are subject to the itinerant system. Associate members cannot vote on matters of clergy relationship. There are two types of associate members: Associate Members (Deacons) who came in under any Discipline prior to 1996 are ordained deacons, whose sacramental authority is limited to their appointment. Associate member deacons may perform marriages outside the bounds of their appointment. Associate Members (Licensed) with a permanent license (2000 Discipline and forward) have sacramental authority within the bounds of their appointment. Licensed associate members cannot perform marriages outside their appointment. LICENSED Local Pastors are clergy who serve under license. The license must be renewed annually. They must complete certain education requirements to maintain their license. Local pastors have sacramental authority and may perform marriages within the bounds of their appointment. All local pastors are subject to the itinerant system. Local pastors cannot vote on matters of clergy relations. The difference between full-time local pastors (FL) and part-time local pastors (PL) is not the number of hours worked but salary. Any licensed local pastor making less than the minimum equitable compensation for a local pastor classification is considered part-time. Student Pastors (SP) are licensed clergy serving full or part-time appointments and attending college, university or seminary in a conference other than the conference in which they are certified candidates.


97 Notes

ORDAINED CLERGY FROM OTHER DENOMINATIONS There are times when clergy from other denominations serve as pastors of United Methodist churches. The following designations apply to these persons: Elders from other Annual Conferences and other Wesleyan denominations are designated (OE). Associate Members from other Annual Conferences are designated as (OA). Elders from other UMC conferences may decide to affiliate with a conference where they work or reside, while keeping their membership in their home conference. These clergy are called Affiliate Members (AF). Clergy from non-Wesleyan denominations are designated Other Fellowship (OF). Clergy in these categories maintain the rites and authority granted by their denomination while being subject to the rules and order of The United Methodist Church. NON-CREDENTIALED Certified Lay Minister (LM) A certified lay minister is a certified lay servant or certified lay missioner, who is called and equipped to conduct public worship, care for the congregation, assist in program leadership, develop new and existing faith communities, preach the Word, lead small groups, or establish community outreach ministries as part of a ministry team with the supervision and support of a clergyperson. A certified lay minister is assigned by a district superintendent. They are not clergy and have no sacramental authority.

A ppointments

Supply Pastors (SY) are men and women who serve week to week as pastors of a church without credentials. They are not clergy and have no sacramental authority. Supply pastors cannot perform marriages.


Holston Annual Conference

Church Directory

Church Church

ChurchCharge Directory 2019–2020Office Phone/Email/Website

District District


Office Phone/Email/Website

Abingdon UMC CM Abingdon UMC (276) 628-2321 Mailing Address: 101 E Main St, Abingdon, VA 24210-2807 Church Location: 101 E Main St, Abingdon, VA 24210-2807 www.abingdonumc.org Adams Chapel UMC TR Adams Chapel-Hulls Chapel (423) 534-3642 Mailing Address: 124 Aurawood Dr, Kingsport, TN 37660-6772 volfan1gs@hotmail.com Church Location: 486 Adams Chapel Rd, Blountville, TN 37617 Addilynn Memorial UMC CM Addilynn Memorial UMC (423) 764-1747 Mailing Address: 3225 Avoca Rd, Bristol, TN 37620-6503 office@addilynn.com Church Location: 3225 Avoca Rd, Bristol, TN 37620-6503 www.addilynn-umc.org Afton UMC TR Greene County Parish Mailing Address: 165 Patterson St, Afton, TN 37616-5765 ministry@aftonumc.com Church Location: 165 Patterson St, Afton, TN 37616-5765 www.aftonumc.com Albright UMC TR Chuckey Circuit Mailing Address: 6535 Old Stage Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641-5135 Church Location: 6525 Old Stage Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641-5135 Aldersgate UMC NR Aldersgate-Jordan (540) 980-1349 Mailing Address: 1946 Medallion Dr, Pulaski, VA 24301-4402 ajumcoffice@verizon.net Church Location: 1946 Medallion Dr, Pulaski, VA 24301-4402 www.gbgm-umc.org/aldersgate-umc Aldersgate UMC Bristol CM Aldersgate-Anderson Street (423) 764-4092 Mailing Address: 136 Highridge St, Bristol, TN 37620-7108 Church Location: 136 Highridge St, Bristol, TN 37620-7108 Alexander Memorial UMC CM Bishop Circuit Mailing Address: % Marilyn Creasy, PO Box 39 , Bishop, VA 24604-0039 Church Location: 169 Church House Hollow Road, Bandy, VA 24602 Allen Memorial UMC HI Allen Memorial UMC (423) 745-1560 Mailing Address: 800 Decatur Pike, Athens, TN 37303-3036 church@allenmemorial-umc.com Church Location: 800 Decatur Pike, Athens, TN 37303-3036 www.allenmemorial-umc.com Alley’s Chapel UMC AP Alley’s Chapel UMC Mailing Address: 6429 Manville Rd, Gate City, VA 24251-4716 2bobcloud@charter.net Church Location: 6539 Manville Rd, Gate City, VA 24251-4717 http://www.alleysumc.com/ Amis Chapel UMC AP Amis Chapel-Fudges Chapel (423) 293-4243 Mailing Address: 700 Mount Zion Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642-6220 Church Location: 122 Amis Chapel Rd, Surgoinsville, TN 37873 www.holston.org/churches/amis-chapel-umc-surgoinsville-tn/ Anderson Street UMC CM Aldersgate-Anderson Street (423) 764-4535 Mailing Address: 954 Anderson St, Bristol, TN 37620-2106 asumc@embarqmail.com Church Location: 954 Anderson St, Bristol, TN 37620-2106 http://www.andersonstreet.org Andersonville UMC TV Andersonville-Mt Pleasant (865) 494-9887 Mailing Address: 3944 Andersonville Hwy, Andersonville, TN 37705-3014 Church Location: 3940 Andersonville Hwy, Andersonville, TN 37705 Antioch UMC MV Mt Hope - Antioch (423) 422-6456 Mailing Address: PO Box 944, Mosheim, TN 37818-0944 www.olsie@comcast.net Church Location: 4320 Marvin Rd, Bulls Gap, TN 37711-2730 Apison UMC HI Apison UMC (423) 236-4442 Mailing Address: 4412 Bill Jones Rd, Apison, TN 37302-9585 Church Location: 4404 Bill Jones Rd, Apison, TN 37302-9585 www.myaumc.org Appalachia UMC AP Appalachia-Derby-Exeter (276) 565-1014 Mailing Address: PO Box 48, Appalachia, VA 24216-0048 samandnatgreen@verizon.net Church Location: 527 W Main St, Appalachia, VA 24216-1723 Arcadia UMC AP Arcadia-Hermon (423) 677-6410 Mailing Address: 901 Buttermilk Rd, Blountville, TN 37617-5631 davidpoore63@gmail.com Church Location: 3954 Bloomingdale Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-7004 Arthur UMC MV Harrogate-Arthur-Mtn View (423) 869-3734 Mailing Address: PO Box 167, Harrogate, TN 37752-0167 Church Location: 175 Arthur Rd, Arthur, TN 37707 Asbury Chapel UMC TV Asbury Chapel UMC (865) 209-5806 Mailing Address: PO Box 822, Rockwood, TN 37854-0822 Church Location: 1717 Eureka Rd, Rockwood, TN 37854-5346 Asbury UMC NR Cedar Springs Circuit (540) 315-6013 Mailing Address: 111 8th St NW, Pulaski, VA 24301-3603 Church Location: 163 Asbury Church Rd, Rural Retreat, VA 24368 www.asbury-methodist-church.org Asbury UMC NR Galax Circuit Mailing Address: 2582 Fries Rd, Galax, VA 24333-5041 Church Location: 809 Glendale Rd, Galax, VA 24333-2310

Church Directory Church




Office Phone/Email/Website

Church Directory

Asbury UMC TR Telford-Asbury Mailing Address: 1779 Bailey Bridge Rd, Limestone, TN 37681-3451 Church Location: 1779 Bailey Bridge Rd, Limestone, TN 37681-3451 Asbury UMC Clinton TV Asbury UMC Clinton Mailing Address: 405 W Broad St, Clinton, TN 37716-2303 Church Location: 405 W Broad St, Clinton, TN 37716-2303 Asbury UMC Greeneville MV Asbury UMC Greeneville (423) 798-1050 Mailing Address: 201 S Main St, Greeneville, TN 37743-4940 jones@asburyumconline.com Church Location: 201 S Main St, Greeneville, TN 37743-4940 www.asburyumconline.com Asbury UMC Knoxville SM Asbury UMC Knoxville (865) 637-0620 Mailing Address: 2822 Asbury Rd, Knoxville, TN 37914-6601 asburyumcknox@gmail.com Church Location: 2820 Asbury Rd, Knoxville, TN 37914-6601 www.asburyumcknox.org Atkins Memorial UMC NR Atkins Memorial-Fries Station Mailing Address: 135 Dean Plantation Rd, Austinville, VA 24312-3648 Church Location: 199 Atkins Ln, Fries, VA 24330 Auburn UMC NR Auburn UMC (540) 382-4478 Mailing Address: PO Box 74, Riner, VA 24149-0074 office@auburnumcva.org Church Location: 3940 Five Points Rd, Riner, VA 24149 http://auburnumcva.org Austin Springs UMC TR Austin Springs UMC (423) 282-5870 Mailing Address: Attn: Betsy Ollis, 726 S Austin Springs Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601-3189 asumc@email.com Church Location: 724 S Austin Springs Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601-3189 http://findingourwayhome.net/ Axley’s Chapel UMC SM Axley’s Chapel UMC (865) 995-9838 Mailing Address: 746 Disco Loop Rd, Friendsville, TN 37737-2236 Church Location: 27930 Axley Chapel Rd, Greenback, TN 37742 Bailey UMC NR Ebenezer-Bailey (276) 355-4017 Mailing Address: 126 Ebenezer Avenue, Bluefield, VA 24605 ksaker86@gmail.com Church Location: 1420 Bailey Switch Road, Bluefield, VA 24605 Baileyton UMC TR Baileyton Circuit (423) 234-6730 Mailing Address: 967 Baileyton Main St, Greeneville, TN 37745-7687 wcrimmer@aol.com Church Location: 1034 Baileyton Main St, Greeneville, TN 37745-3514 Bales Chapel UMC MV Bales Chapel UMC (423) 552-3398 Mailing Address: 110 Meadow Ln, Greeneville, TN 37745-6732 jtfain@gmail.com Church Location: 2505 Roaring Fork Rd, Greeneville, TN 37745-1177 Bear Springs UMC NR Wabash Circuit (540) 626-7340 Mailing Address: 323 Old Schoolhouse Rd, Eggleston, VA 24086-3052 Church Location: 1407 Bear Springs Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Bearden UMC TV Bearden UMC (865) 588-6562 Mailing Address: PO Box 11065, Knoxville, TN 37939-1065 sally@beardenumc.org Church Location: 4407 Sutherland Ave, Knoxville, TN 37919-5009 www.beardenumc.org Beaver Ridge UMC TV Beaver Ridge UMC (865) 690-1060 Mailing Address: 7753 Oak Ridge Hwy, Knoxville, TN 37931-3343 blloyd@beaverridgeumc.com Church Location: 7753 Oak Ridge Hwy, Knoxville, TN 37931-3343 www.beaverridgeumc.com Beech Grove UMC CM Beech Grove UMC (276) 669-6441 Mailing Address: 475 Island Rd, Bristol, VA 24201-7011 Church Location: 7149Gate City Hwy., Bristol, VA 24202 Beeler’s Chapel UMC MV Mooresburg-Beeler’s Chapel (865) 767-2833 Mailing Address: 309 Davidson Ridge Rd, Thorn Hill, TN 37881-3608 denverdavidson@aol.com Church Location: 225 Liberty Hill Rd, Washburn, TN 37888 Belfast UMC CM Belfast-Midway (423) 760-9150 Mailing Address: 294 Belfast Mills Rd, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-8235 jembrock@comcast.net Church Location: 291 Belfast Mills Rd, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-8235 Bell’s Campground UMC TV Norwood-Bell’s Campground (865) 947-3639 Mailing Address: PO Box 1311, Powell, TN 37849-1311 Church Location: 7915 Bells Campground Rd, Powell, TN 37849-3606 www.bellscampgroundumc.holston.org Belspring UMC NR New River Circuit (540) 639-4349 Mailing Address: 5805 Alum Spring Rd, Pulaski, VA 24301-7055 Church Location: 7639 Stillwater Dr, Belspring, VA 24058 Benton UMC HI Benton UMC (423) 716-4040 Mailing Address: PO Box 845, Benton, TN 37307-0845 ldwhaley7@gmail.com Church Location: 135 Highland Dr, Benton, TN 37307-3014 Beth Car UMC MV Beth Car-Watkins Chapel (865) 382-4759 Mailing Address: 759 Hart Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-3305 rchambersd1055@aol.com Church Location: 3597 White Birch Rd, White Pine, TN 37890


Church Directory


Holston Annual Conference District


Office Phone/Email/Website

Bethany UMC CM Rich Valley-Bethany Mailing Address: 2039 Moccasin Valley Rd, Lebanon, VA 24266-5623 Church Location: 1520 Moccasin Valley Rd, Lebanon, VA 24266 Bethany UMC NR Bridle Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 15 Bridle Creek Rd, Independence, VA 24348-4113 Church Location: 1305 Shady Hill Rd , Independence, VA 24348 Bethany UMC NR Lead Mines Circuit Mailing Address: 753 Taylors Chapel Rd, Fries, VA 24330-3793 Church Location: 1384 Lead Mines Rd , Max Meadows, VA 24360 Bethany UMC Ceres NR Ceres Circuit (276) 682-4263 Mailing Address: 5023 W Blue Grass Trl, Ceres, VA 24318-3402 Church Location: 7 Bethany Rd, Ceres, VA 24318 Bethel UMC AP Bethel UMC (276) 523-3013 Mailing Address: 217 E 23rd St N, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3521 davidandalicegibson@comcast.net Church Location: 5498 Sugar Run Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263-8283 Bethel UMC AP Holly Springs-Bethel (423) 246-4973 Mailing Address: 2116 Shipley Ferry Rd, Blountville, TN 37617-5720 rasshupe@charter.net Church Location: 2116 Shipley Ferry Rd, Blountville, TN 37617-5720 Bethel UMC MV Bethel UMC (423) 581-2073 Mailing Address: 728 W 2nd North St, Morristown, TN 37814-3937 Church Location: 703 N Cumberland St, Morristown, TN 37814-4117 Bethel UMC NR Elk Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 228 Camp Moxley Ln, Elk Creek, VA 24326-2382 ecumc6@yahoo.com Church Location: 1003 Bethel Rd., Elk Creek, VA 24326 Bethel UMC NR Fairlawn-Bethel (540) 731-1093 Mailing Address: 1060 Lovely Mount Dr, Radford, VA 24141-5932 Church Location: 1060 Lovely Mount Dr, Radford, VA 24141-5932 Bethel UMC NR Grace Circuit (276) 688-9869 Mailing Address: PO Box 664, Bland, VA 24315-0664 Church Location: 2342 Pepper Ferry Rd., Wytheville, VA 24382 Bethel UMC Amherst TV Bethel UMC Amherst (865) 588-3605 Mailing Address: 2004 Amherst Rd, Knoxville, TN 37921-5001 Church Location: 2004 Amherst Rd, Knoxville, TN 37921-5001 Bethel UMC Bluefield NR Bethel UMC Bluefield (304) 323-3025 Mailing Address: PO Box 939, Bluefield, VA 24605-0939 Church Location: 130 Russell St, Bluefield, VA 24605 Bethel UMC East Knox SM Bethel UMC East Knox (865) 209-2574 Mailing Address: 9400 Kodak Rd SE, Kodak, TN 37764-1046 Church Location: 9400 Kodak Rd SE, Kodak, TN 37764 Bethel UMC Loudon SM Bethel-Vonore (423) 884-6214 Mailing Address: PO Box 36, Loudon, TN 37774-0036 Church Location: 13161 Old Vonore Rd , Loudon, TN 37774 Bethel UMC Seymour SM Bethel UMC Seymour Mailing Address: PO Box 818, Seymour, TN 37865-0818 Church Location: 5550 Old Sevierville Highway 411, Seymour, TN 37865 Bethesda UMC TR Bethesda-Eden (423) 753-5261 Mailing Address: 4708 Cherokee Rd, Jonesborough, TN 37659-6924 bethesdaUMChurch@gmail.com Church Location: 4708 Cherokee Rd, Jonesborough, TN 37659-6924 Bethesda UMC TR Greystone Circuit Mailing Address: 245 107 Cutoff, Afton, TN 37616-6503 Church Location: 1900 Harrison Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-4759 Bethlehem-Wiley UMC SS Bethlehem-Wiley UMC (423) 756-5463 Mailing Address: 500 Lookout St, Chattanooga, TN 37403-1713 bwumcpastor@comcast.net Church Location: 504 Lookout St, Chattanooga, TN 37403-1713 Beulah UMC Knoxville SM Beulah-French Broad (865) 577-4244 Mailing Address: 907 Kimberlin Heights Rd, Knoxville, TN 37920-8926 Church Location: 907 Kimberlin Heights Rd, Knoxville, TN 37920-8926 Bewley’s Chapel UMC MV Riverview Circuit (423) 284-6904 Mailing Address: 1733 Bewley Chapel Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818-5453 revmarkbarber@gmail.com Church Location: 1755 Bewley Chapel Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818 Big Spring UMC HI Big Spring UMC (423) 838-3954 Mailing Address: PO Box 2635, Cleveland, TN 37320-2635 tkhuffer@bellsouth.net Church Location: 1196 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311-2907 www.bigspringumc.org

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Big Stoney UMC NR Wabash Circuit (276) 688-9869 Mailing Address: 406 Gale Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-1810 pamsuth57@gmail.com Church Location: 347 Norcross Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Binfield UMC SM Binfield UMC (865) 705-0138 Mailing Address: 452E. Lincoln Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 altaraper@yahoo.com Church Location: 3918 Morganton Rd, Maryville, TN 37801-7660 Bishop’s Chapel UMC NR Bishop’s Chapel UMC Mailing Address: 154 Paradise Ln, Galax, VA 24333-6439 Church Location: 2179 Poplar Knob Rd, Galax, VA 24333-6475 Black Fox UMC HI Black Fox UMC (423) 339-1908 Mailing Address: 1443 Harle Ave NW, Cleveland, TN 37311-4314 Church Location: 1820 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311-8531 Blackwell Chapel UMC CM North Keywood Circuit (276) 944-4275 Mailing Address: 8329 Blackwell Chapel Rd, Meadowview, VA 24361-4531 Church Location: 8329 Blackwell Chapel Rd, Meadowview, VA 24361-4531 Blair’s Chapel UMC AP Gate City Parish (276) 386-7212 Mailing Address: 849 Slabtown Cir, Gate City, VA 24251-5348 Church Location: 414 Slabtown Circle, Gate City, VA 24251 Bland UMC NR Bland Circuit (276) 688-3633 Mailing Address: 94 N Scenic Hwy, Bland, VA 24315-4656 Church Location: 612 Main St, Bland, VA 24315-5350 www.blandcircuit.holston.org Blountville UMC TR Blountville UMC (423) 323-5941 Mailing Address: PO Box 686, Blountville, TN 37617-0686 blountvilleunited@btes.tv Church Location: 3390 Highway 126, Blountville, TN 37617-4511 Blue Springs UMC NR Cedar Springs Circuit (540) 315-6013 Mailing Address: 111 8th St NW, Pulaski, VA 24301-3603 Church Location: 168 Blue Springs Rd, Rural Retreat, VA 24368 Bluff City UMC TR Bluff City UMC (423) 538-7822 Mailing Address: PO Box 190, Bluff City, TN 37618-0190 bluffcityumc1@embarqmail.com Church Location: 468 Cedar St, Bluff City, TN 37618 www.bluffcityumc.com Bogart’s Chapel UMC MV Burchfield-Bogart’s Chpl-Lawson Chp (865) 382-0227 Mailing Address: 2126 Lindsey Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-6043 cheetw@earthlink.net Church Location: 2289 Rainwater Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-6929 Booher’s Chapel UMC CM Benham’s Circuit Mailing Address: 834 Barclay Drive, Bristol, VA 24202 benhamschurches@yahoo.com Church Location: 6544 Boozy Creek Rd, Bristol, VA 24202-6417 Bookwalter UMC TV Bookwalter UMC (865) 689-3349 Mailing Address: 4218 Central Avenue Pike, Knoxville, TN 37912-4307 Church Location: 4218 Central Avenue Pike, Knoxville, TN 37912-4307 http://www.bookwalter-umc.org/ Bowling Chapel UMC AP Jonesville Parish Mailing Address: 2300 Red Fletcher Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263-7089 Church Location: 154 Sandy Ridge Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263 Boyd Chapel UMC MV Boyd Chapel UMC (865) 325-2693 Mailing Address: PO Box 508, Jefferson City, TN 37760-0481 boydchapelumc@gmail.com Church Location: 1918 School St, Jefferson City, TN 37760-1502 Bradburn Hill UMC MV Bradburn Hill-Mt Pleasant (423) 277-0224 Mailing Address: % Gail Jenkins, 1110 Wentworth Sq, Morristown, TN 37813-1372 pastorgail3@juno.com Church Location: 1325 Kingsport Hwy, Greeneville, TN 37745-9004 Bradbury UMC TV Bradbury-Good Shepherd (865) 376-2990 Mailing Address: Attn: Rev Crystal Smith, 3506 Buttermilk Rd W, Kingston, TN 37763-6962 bradburyumc@outlook.com Church Location: 3506 Buttermilk Rd W, Kingston, TN 37763-6962 http://bradburyumc.holston.org/ Brainerd UMC SS Brainerd UMC (423) 698-6951 Mailing Address: 4315 Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37411-5434 Church Location: 4315 Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37411-5434 www.brainerdumc.org Brick UMC NR Max Meadows Circuit Mailing Address: 871 Danner Rd, Max Meadows, VA 24360-3305 Church Location: 126 Rose Rd, Max Meadows, VA 24360 Bridle Creek UMC NR Bridle Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 15 Bridle Creek Rd, Independence, VA 24348-4113 Church Location: 25 Bridle Creek Rd, Independence, VA 24348-4113 Broad Street UMC HI Broad Street UMC (423) 476-5586 Mailing Address: PO Box 3, Cleveland, TN 37364-0003 broadumc@bsumc.org Church Location: 155 Central Ave NW, Cleveland, TN 37311-5047 www.bsumc.org


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Broadway UMC SM Broadway UMC (865) 982-6192 Mailing Address: 309 E Broadway Ave, Maryville, TN 37804-5742 pastor@broadwayumc.net Church Location: 309 E Broadway Ave, Maryville, TN 37804-5742 http://www.broadwayumc.net/ Brooks Memorial UMC SS Brooks Memorial UMC (423) 877-1110 Mailing Address: 1543 Mercer St, Lupton City, TN 37351-0439 Church Location: 1551 Mercer St, Lupton City, TN 37351-0439 Brown’s Chapel UMC CM Bishop Circuit (276) 988-6468 Mailing Address: PO Box 39, Bishop, VA 24604-0039 Church Location: 772 Mud Fork Rd, North Tazewell, VA 24630 Brumley Gap UMC CM Brumley Gap-Greendale Mailing Address: 21076 Brumley Gap Rd, Abingdon, VA 24210-8514 Church Location: 19039 Brumley Gap Rd, Abingdon, VA 24210 Bruner’s Grove UMC MV Riverview Circuit (423) 284-6904 Mailing Address: 1733 Bewley Chapel Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818-5453 revmarkbarber@gmail.com Church Location: 2416 Knob Creek Rd, Bybee, TN 37713-2500 Buckner Memorial UMC HI Forkner’s Chapel-Buckner Memorial Mailing Address: 225 Hiwassee College Dr # 616, Madisonville, TN 37354-4005 Church Location: 1225 Hiwassee College Drive, Madisonville, TN 37354 Burchfield Memorial MV Burchfield-Bogart’s Chpl-Lawson Chp (865) 382-0227 Mailing Address: 2126 Lindsey Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-6833 cheetw@earthlink.net Church Location: 3858 Byrds Cross Rd, Sevierville, TN 37876 Burkes Garden UMC CM East Tazewell Circuit Mailing Address: 501 Beverly Hills Dr, North Tazewell, VA 24630-9309 east_tazewell_charge_umc@yahoo.com Church Location: 6924 Burkes Garden Rd, Tazewell, VA 24651-8555 Burkett Chapel UMC HI Burkett Chapel UMC (423) 227-4639 Mailing Address: 905 11th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311-4603 jswestfield@hotmail.com Church Location: 1477 Burketts Chapel Rd, Decatur, TN 37322-7243 Burks UMC SS Burks UMC (423) 842-4219 Mailing Address: 6433 Hixson Pike, Hixson, TN 37343-5726 Church Location: 6433 Hixson Pike, Hixson, TN 37343-5726 www.burks.org Burnett Memorial UMC SM Pittman Center (865) 436-1662 Mailing Address: 340 Tunis Rd, Sevierville, TN 37876-9156 Church Location: 340 Tunis Rd, Sevierville, TN 37876-9156 Byars Cobbs UMC CM Glade Spring Charge (276) 429-5139 Mailing Address: PO Box 667, Glade Spring, VA 24340-0667 Church Location: 307 W Glade St, Glade Spring, VA 24340 Bybee UMC MV Bybee UMC (423) 333-6428 Mailing Address: PO Box 65, Bybee, TN 37713-0065 Church Location: 1577 Highway 160, Bybee, TN 37713 Byrnes Chapel UMC NR Mechanicsburg Circuit (276) 688-4238 Mailing Address: 3146 Grapefield Rd, Bastian, VA 24314-5063 Church Location: 726 Byrnes Chapel Rd, Bland, VA 24315 Calhoun UMC HI Calhoun-Spring Creek (423) 336-2484 Mailing Address: PO Box 185, Calhoun, TN 37309-0185 calhoununitedmeth@bellsouth.net Church Location: 820 Highway 163, Calhoun, TN 37309 www.calhoununitedmethodist.com Calvary UMC NR Cripple Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 1131 Slate Spring Branch Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382-5341 Church Location: 1113 Slate Spring Branch Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382 Cameron UMC AP Ross Campground-Cameron (423) 444-9860 Mailing Address: 279 Possum Creek Rd, Gate City, VA 24251-5836 karl_berndt@yahoo.com Church Location: 11315 Stanley Valley Rd, Gate City, VA 24251 Camp Bethel UMC NR Floyd Circuit (540) 789-7941 Mailing Address: 5669 Floyd Hwy S, Willis, VA 24380-4800 Church Location: 4090 Bethlehem Church Rd NE, Pilot, VA 24138-1342 Camp Ground UMC SM Camp Ground UMC (865) 448-2050 Mailing Address: PO Box 400, Townsend, TN 37882-0400 Church Location: 7466 Old Tuckaleechee Road, Townsend, TN 37882 Campground UMC AP Jonesville Parish Mailing Address: 2300 Red Fletcher Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263-7089 Church Location: 133 Campground Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263 Campground UMC CM Benham’s Circuit Mailing Address: 19396 Campground Road, Bristol, VA 24201 benhamschurches@yahoo.com Church Location: 2246 Campground Rd., Bristol, VA 24202

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Carlock UMC HI St Paul’s Etowah-Carlock (423) 263-2321 Mailing Address: PO Box 581, Etowah, TN 37331-0581 jasonhumberd@gmail.com Church Location: 234 County Road 849, Etowah, TN 37331-5037 Carpenters UMC SM Carpenters UMC (865) 983-8419 Mailing Address: 3538 Best Rd, Maryville, TN 37803-2641 revpeg06121999@gmail.com Church Location: 3538 Best Rd, Maryville, TN 37803-2641 Carter Street UMC NR Radford Circuit (540) 639-4516 Mailing Address: PO Box 3296, Radford, VA 24143-3296 Church Location: 1229 2nd St, Radford, VA 24141 Carter’s Chapel UMC MV Carter’s Valley Circuit (423) 329-9499 Mailing Address: 2036 Old Knoxville Hwy, Greeneville, TN 37743-7530 mark@greeneville.com Church Location: 7810 Lonesome Pine Trl, Greeneville, TN 37745-5090 www.carterschapel.com Carter’s Station UMC MV Carter’s Valley Circuit (423) 254-0141 Mailing Address: 2036 Old Knoxville Hwy, Greeneville, TN 37743-7530 cartersstation@gmail.com Church Location: 1150 Albany Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-8007 www.cartersstation.com Carvosso UMC CM Carvosso UMC (276) 475-6568 Mailing Address: 19429 Rustic Ln, Abingdon, VA 24210-1603 Church Location: 19429 Rustic Ln, Abingdon, VA 24210-1603 www.carvosso-umc.com Caryville UMC TV Jacksboro-Caryville (423) 562-3896 Mailing Address: PO Box 83, Jacksboro, TN 37757-0083 Church Location: 180 Church St, Caryville, TN 37714 Cassidy UMC AP Cassidy UMC (423) 323-8142 Mailing Address: Attn: Tom Hancock, 5801 Memorial Blvd, Kingsport, TN 37664-4364 cassidyumc@gmail.com Church Location: 5801 Memorial Blvd, Kingsport, TN 37664-4364 www.cassidyumc.org Caton’s Grove UMC MV Cosby Circuit (865) 397-5592 Mailing Address: 213 Shoreline Dr, Dandridge, TN 37725-5377 phyllis.blazer@gmail.com Church Location: 4475 Wildwood Dr, Cosby, TN 37722 www.catonsgroveumc.org Cawood UMC TV Well Spring-Cawood (423) 566-9784 Mailing Address: PO Box 398, Speedwell, TN 37870-0398 Church Location: 4436 Old Highway 63, Speedwell, TN 37870-7241 Cecil’s Chapel UMC NR Draper Circuit (540) 392-8016 Mailing Address: 4163 Holbert Ave, Draper, VA 24324-2813 Church Location: 100 Cecil’s Chapel Rd, Hiwassee, VA 24347 Cedar Bluff UMC SM Fairgarden Circuit (865) 609-0314 Mailing Address: 159 Chapman View Dr, Seymour, TN 37865-5560 Church Location: 2500 Cedar Bluff Road, Sevierville, TN 37876 Cedar Bluff UMC Cedar Bluff CM Cedar Bluff-Clearview (276) 963-7065 Mailing Address: Attn: Rev Annette Warren, PO Box 209, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-0209 pastoramw@yahoo.com Church Location: 236 Old Kentucky Tpke, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 Cedar Bluff UMC Damascus CM Damascus Circuit (276) 475-5215 Mailing Address: 22245 Bluff Hollow Rd, Damascus, VA 24236-2007 Church Location: 22245 Alex Rd, Damascus, VA 24236 Cedar Grove UMC TR Cedar Grove-Ebenezer Mailing Address: 7275 Erwin Hwy, Chuckey, TN 37641-6371 Church Location: 5270 Chuckey Pike, Chuckey, TN 37641 Cedar Grove UMC New Market MV New Market Circuit Mailing Address: 1119 Andrew Johnson Hwy, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-1159 cgumc17@gmail.com Church Location: 1246 Whitaker Rd, New Market, TN 37820 Cedar Grove UMC Rutledge MV Rutledge Circuit (865) 828-3837 Mailing Address: 133 Shiloh Church Rd, Rutledge, TN 37861-4520 sweetpreach@aol.com Church Location: 6279 Rutledge Pike, Rutledge, TN 37861 www.umcshiloh.com Cedar Hill UMC NR Max Meadows Circuit (276) 637-6431 Mailing Address: 15437 Briarwood Ln, Abingdon, VA 24210-1617 andrewabell@centurylink.net Church Location: 2953 Chapman Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382-5649 Cedar Lane UMC TV Cedar Lane UMC (865) 688-3531 Mailing Address: 714 Cedar Ln, Knoxville, TN 37912-3102 cedarlaneumc@comcast.net Church Location: 714 Cedar Ln, Knoxville, TN 37912-3102 Cedar Springs UMC HI Niota-Cedar Springs (217) 502-0767 Mailing Address: 1434 County Road 100, Riceville, TN 37370-5426 alexander.thompson41@gmail.com Church Location: 181 County Road 703, Athens, TN 37303-6021 Centenary UMC MV Centenary UMC (423) 586-3683 Mailing Address: PO Box 1638, Morristown, TN 37816-1638 info@centenarychurch.org Church Location: 206 N Jackson St, Morristown, TN 37814-3909 www.centenarychurch.org


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Centenary UMC Erwin TR Centenary UMC Erwin (423) 743-4342 Mailing Address: 203 N Elm Ave, Erwin, TN 37650-1225 cumcet@yahoo.com Church Location: 203 N Elm Ave, Erwin, TN 37650-1225 Central UMC Bean Station MV Noe’s-Central (423) 237-2620 Mailing Address: PO Box 487, Bean Station, TN 37708-0487 ytwilson@aol.com Church Location: 994 Main St, Bean Station, TN 37708 Central UMC Bland NR Bland Circuit (276) 688-3633 Mailing Address: 94 N Scenic Hwy, Bland, VA 24315-4656 Church Location: 22 Point Pleasant Road, Bland, VA 24315 www.blandcircuit.holston.org Central UMC Knoxville TV Central UMC Knoxville (865) 524-1659 Mailing Address: 201 3rd Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917-7248 office@knoxcentralumc.org Church Location: 201 3rd Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917-7248 http://www.knoxcentralumc.org Central UMC Lenoir City TV Central UMC Lenoir City (865) 986-7329 Mailing Address: 301 Hickory Creek Rd, Lenoir City, TN 37771-6901 cumc@centralmethodist.com Church Location: 301 Hickory Creek Rd, Lenoir City, TN 37771-6901 www.centralmethodist.com Central UMC Radford NR Central UMC Radford (540) 639-3529 Mailing Address: 803 Wadsworth St, Radford, VA 24141-2919 office@cumcradford.org Church Location: Corner of 8th & Wadsworth Streets, Radford, VA 24141 www.cumcradford.org Chalybeate Springs UMC AP Chalybeate Springs-Okolona (276) 608-2603 Mailing Address: 16112 Wyndale Rd, Abingdon, VA 24210-8234 tfleenor3202@comcast.net Church Location: 7592 Upper Possum Creek Rd, Gate City, VA 24251-5762 www.chalybeatesprings.com Chance’s Chapel UMC AP Sugar Run Circuit Mailing Address: 4513 Sugar Run Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263-8264 Church Location: 187 Chances Chapel Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263 Chapel Hill UMC SS Chapel Hill UMC (423) 949-4847 Mailing Address: 5606 E Valley Rd, Dunlap, TN 37327 Church Location: 5149 E Valley Rd, Dunlap, TN 37327-5610 Charles Wesley UMC CM John Wesley-Charles Wesley (276) 628-1304 Mailing Address: 322 E Main St, Abingdon, VA 24210-2906 Church Location: 322 E Main St, Abingdon, VA 24210-2906 Charleston UMC HI Tasso-Charleston (336) 682-5896 Mailing Address: 2910 Kensington St, Athens, TN 37303-5022 joseph79lee@gmail.com Church Location: 128 Cass St NE, Charleston, TN 37310-6363 Chatham Hill UMC CM Chatham Hill Circuit Mailing Address: 448 Cummings St # 227, Abingdon, VA 24210-3220 Church Location: 151 Mill Dam Rd, Saltville, VA 24370 Chestnut Grove UMC MV Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer (865) 776-9451 Mailing Address: 1400 Kimberlin Heights Rd, Kimberlin Heights, TN 37920-8929 pastordougwilder@gmail.com Church Location: 902 Chestnut Grove Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725 Chestnut Hill UMC MV Chestnut Hill UMC (865) 509-7851 Mailing Address: 2422 Chestnut Hill Church Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-7234 geraldinegeorge40@yahoo.com Church Location: 2416 Chestnut Hill Church Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-7234 Chestua UMC HI Madisonville Circuit (865) 705-6676 Mailing Address: 803 Wears Valley Road, Townsend, TN 37882 williambrickey1@gmail.com Church Location: 104 Campground Rd, Madisonville, TN 37354-6741 Chestuee UMC HI Chilcutt-Chestuee (423) 413-0469 Mailing Address: 994 Armstrong Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323-8332 kennethscoggins96@yahoo.com Church Location: 889 Chestuee Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323-5316 Chevront UMC TV Rockwood-Chevront Mailing Address: 330 N Front St, Rockwood, TN 37854-2323 Church Location: 110 Leffew Dr, Rockwood, TN 37854 Chilcutt UMC HI Chilcutt-Chestuee (423) 413-0469 Mailing Address: 994 Armstrong Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323-8332 kennethscoggins96@yahoo.com Church Location: 689 Chilcutt Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 www.chilcuttunitedmethodist.com Chilhowie UMC CM Chilhowie-Seven Mile Ford (276) 646-8718 Mailing Address: PO Box 367, Chilhowie, VA 24319-0367 chilhowieumc@embarqmail.com Church Location: 501 Old Stage Rd., Chilhowie, VA 24319 Christ First UMC NR Pocahontas-Christ First (276) 945-9008 Mailing Address: 6972 Abbs Valley Rd, Bluefield, VA 24605-8787 Church Location: 6956 Abbs Valley Rd, Bluefield, VA 24605 Christ UMC MV Christ UMC (423) 638-6224 Mailing Address: 307 S Main St, Greeneville, TN 37743-4821 christum307@yahoo.com Church Location: 307 S Main St, Greeneville, TN 37743-4821 www.christumcgreenevilletn.com

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Christ UMC SS Christ UMC (423) 892-9363 Mailing Address: 8645 E Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421-4356 Church Location: 8645 E Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421-4356 Christ UMC Knoxville TV Christ UMC Knoxville (865) 922-1412 Mailing Address: 7535 Maynardville Pike, Knoxville, TN 37938-3348 cumckt@tds.net Church Location: 7535 Maynardville Pike, Knoxville, TN 37938-3348 www.christumcknox.com Chuckey UMC TR Chuckey Circuit Mailing Address: 1320 Chuckey Hwy, Chuckey, TN 37641-5423 cminister@aol.com Church Location: 430 Highland St, Chuckey, TN 37641 Church Hill UMC CM Clinch Circuit Mailing Address: 1660 Copper Ridge Rd, Castlewood, VA 24224-5557 Church Location:112 Church Hill Rd, Lebanon, VA 24266 Church Street UMC TV Church Street UMC (865) 524-3048 Mailing Address: PO Box 1303, Knoxville, TN 37901-1303 info@churchstreetumc.org Church Location: 900 Henley St, Knoxville, TN 37902-3005 www.churchstreetumc.org Clapps Chapel UMC TV Clapps Chapel UMC (865) 687-4721 Mailing Address: 7420 Clapps Chapel Rd, Corryton, TN 37721-3734 Church Location: 7420 Clapps Chapel Rd, Corryton, TN 37721-3734 Clear Springs UMC TR Chuckey Circuit Mailing Address: 6535 Old Stage Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641-5135 Church Location: 4058 Clear Springs Rd, Limestone, TN 37681-5038 Clearview UMC CM Cedar Bluff-Clearview (276) 963-8814 Mailing Address: PO Box 642, Doran, VA 24612-0642 clayton_farmer@ymail.com Church Location: 255 Clearview Road, Doran, VA 24612 Cleveland UMC CM Lebanon Circuit (276) 608-9768 Mailing Address: 75 Ivy Ridge Rd, Cleveland, VA 24225-2646 Church Location: 6567 Cleveland Rd., Cleveland, VA 24225 Clintwood UMC AP Clintwood UMC (276) 926-6853 Mailing Address: PO Box 237, Clintwood, VA 24228-0237 clintwoodumc_1@msn.com Church Location: 426 Main Street, Clintwood, VA 24228 www.clintwoodumchurch.org Clouds Bend UMC AP Clouds Bend UMC (423) 246-1597 Mailing Address: 940 Bradbury St, Kingsport, TN 37660-5025 cloudsbend@live.com Church Location: 940 Bradbury St, Kingsport, TN 37660-5025 Coeburn UMC AP Coeburn UMC (276) 395-3247 Mailing Address: PO Box 638, Coeburn, VA 24230-0638 Church Location: Attn: Rebecca J. Austin, Treasurer, PO Box 158, Coeburn, VA 24230-0158 Cokesbury UMC Johnson City TR Cokesbury UMC Johnson City (865) 693-0353 Mailing Address: 110 Mary St, Johnson City, TN 37615-2628 Church Location: 110 Mary St, Johnson City, TN 37615-2628 http://cokesbury.tv/jc Cokesbury UMC Knoxville SM Cokesbury UMC Knoxville (865) 693-0353 Mailing Address: 9919 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37922-6923 lcall@cokesbury.tv Church Location: 9908 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37922-3319 http://cokesbury.tv/ Cold Springs UMC NR Fries Circuit Mailing Address: 6921 Ivanhoe Rd, Ivanhoe, VA 24350-3085 Church Location: 3231 Brush Creek Rd, Ivanhoe, VA 24350 Coleman’s Chapel UMC CM Coleman’s Chapel UMC (276) 835-1184 Mailing Address: PO Box 369, Haysi, VA 24256-0369 dbtjesus@yahoo.com Church Location: 1012 Viers Branch Road, Vansant, VA 24656 Colonial Heights UMC AP Colonial Heights UMC (423) 239-6031 Mailing Address: PO Box 6027, Kingsport, TN 37663-1027 office@chumckpt.org Church Location: 631 Lebanon Rd, Kingsport, TN 37663-2909 www.chumckpt.org Colonial Heights UMC Knoxville SM Colonial Heights UMC Knoxville (865) 577-2727 Mailing Address: 6321 Chapman Hwy, Knoxville, TN 37920-5941 office@colonialheightsumc.org Church Location: 6321 Chapman Hwy, Knoxville, TN 37920-5941 colonialheightsumc.org Community UMC AP First Broad Street-Community (423) 247-7818 Mailing Address: 510 Gibson Mill Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-3923 communitychurch1960@gmail.com Church Location: 510 Gibson Mill Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-3923 Concord UMC HI Decatur-Concord (423) 334-4130 Mailing Address: PO Box 1121, Decatur, TN 37322-1121 dcumcpastor@yahoo.com Church Location: 800 Lower Concord Rd, Decatur, TN 37322-8041 Concord UMC Knox TV Concord UMC Knox (865) 966-6728 Mailing Address: 11020 Roane Dr, Knoxville, TN 37934-2916 cumc@concordumc.com Church Location: 11020 Roane Dr, Knoxville, TN 37934-2916 www.concordumc.com


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Concord UMC Tazewell CM East Tazewell Circuit Mailing Address: 501 Beverly Hills Dr, North Tazewell, VA 24630-9309 east_tazewell_charge_umc@yahoo.com Church Location: 126 Concord Church Road, Tazewell, VA 24651 Cowan Chapel UMC TV Cowan Chapel UMC (865) 376-0630 Mailing Address: 541 Greenwood St, Kingston, TN 37763-2562 Church Location: 541 Greenwood St, Kingston, TN 37763-2562 Crab Orchard UMC AP Crab Orchard UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 1417, Coeburn, VA 24230-1417 Church Location: 13101 Crab Orchard Rd, Coeburn, VA 24230-5721 www.gbgm-umc.org/craborchardumc Crabtree UMC CM Broadford Circuit (276) 496-3451 Mailing Address: 3968 Blue Grass Trl, Saltville, VA 24370-4199 Church Location: 1670 Freestone Valley Rd, Tannersville, VA 24377-3503 Crockett’s Chapel UMC NR Cripple Creek Circuit (276) 621-5032 Mailing Address: 1131 Slate Spring Branch Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382-5341 cripplecreekcircuit@embarqmail.com Church Location: 3459 Cripple Creek Rd., Wytheville, VA 24382 Croft Chapel UMC HI Croft Chapel UMC (423) 476-8221 Mailing Address: % Cleveland District Office, PO Box 3382, Cleveland, TN 37320-3382 Church Location: 1000 Croft Chapel Rd, Turtletown, TN 37391 Cross UMC TR Cross UMC (423) 384-8470 Mailing Address: 1081 Rotherwood Dr, Kingsport, TN 37660-7262 dlsorrell@chartertn.net Church Location: 689 Cross Community Rd, Blountville, TN 37617-4258 Crossroads UMC AP Crossroads UMC (423) 246-2982 Mailing Address: 200 Bays Cove Trl, Kingsport, TN 37660-8489 janecumc@charter.net Church Location: 200 Bays Cove Trl, Kingsport, TN 37660-8489 www.crossroadskingsport.org Crossroads UMC NR Elk Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 228 Camp Moxley Ln, Elk Creek, VA 24326-2382 ecumc6@yahoo.com Church Location: 250 Tinywood Rd, Elk Creek, VA 24326 Culbertson’s Chapel UMC AP Nickelsville Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 70, Nickelsville, VA 24271-0070 Church Location: 2982 Twin Springs Rd, Nickelsville, VA 24271 Dailey’s Chapel UMC CM Dailey’s Chapel UMC (276) 988-5847 Mailing Address: 309 Crabapple St, Bluefield, VA 24605-9654 Church Location: 6073 Baptist Valley Rd, North Tazewell, VA 24630-8523 Daisy UMC SS Daisy-Sale Creek (423) 332-3243 Mailing Address: 9508 Dayton Pike, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-4752 daisyumc@epbfi.com Church Location: 9508 Dayton Pike, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-4752 Damascus UMC CM Damascus UMC (276) 475-5572 Mailing Address: PO Box 358, Damascus, VA 24236-0358 damascusumc@aol.com Church Location: 200 E. Laurel Avenue, Damascus, VA 24236 www.damascus.holston.org Davis Memorial UMC CM Marion East Circuit Mailing Address: P.O. Box 389, Atkins, VA 24311 Church Location: 5904 Lee Hwy, Atkins, VA 24311 Davis UMC NR Little Walker Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 294, North Tazewell, VA 24630-0294 mhale57@gmail.com Church Location: 10180 Little Creek Hwy, Dublin, VA 24084 Decatur UMC HI Decatur-Concord (423) 334-4130 Mailing Address: PO Box 1255, Decatur, TN 37322-1255 pastor@decaturumc.com Church Location: 145 Vernon St, Decatur, TN 37322-7997 www.decaturumc.com Dennison UMC CM Dennison UMC (423) 367-6144 Mailing Address: PO Box 409, Rosedale, VA 24280-0409 clayton_farmer@ymail.com Church Location: 9017 Mountain Road, Rosedale, VA 24280 Depews Chapel UMC AP Depews Chapel UMC (423) 343-4157 Mailing Address: 669 Blakley Dr, Kingsport, TN 37664-5446 nate.ware@earthlink.net Church Location: 2950 Reservoir Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-7548 Derby UMC AP Appalachia-Derby-Exeter (276) 523-2157 Mailing Address: 1933 Derby Rd, Appalachia, VA 24216-3027 Church Location: 1633 Derby Rd, Appalachia, VA 24216-3021 Dodson Creek UMC MV Dodson Creek-Edgewood (423) 272-4757 Mailing Address: 1423 Old State Hwy 70, Rogersville, TN 37857 pastor_85@yahoo.com Church Location: 1448 Old Highway 70 S, Rogersville, TN 37857 Doe Valley UMC TR Mountain City Circuit Mailing Address: 597 Rabbit Hollow Ln, Mountain City, TN 37683-6323 Church Location: 110 Spear Branch Rd, Mountain City, TN 37683-6094

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Door of Heaven UMC NR Door of Heaven UMC (276) 233-4224 Mailing Address: PO Box 294, Galax, VA 24333-0294 Church Location: 9743 Grayson Parkway , Galax, VA 24333 Dotson’s Campground UMC MV Clinch Valley Circuit Mailing Address: 238 Adair Dr, New Tazewell, TN 37825-5054 Church Location: 965 Campground Rd, Thorn Hill, TN 37881 Doty’s Chapel UMC TR Baileyton Circuit (423) 234-6730 Mailing Address: 967 Baileyton Main St, Greeneville, TN 37745-7687 wcrimmer@aol.com Church Location: 1670 Doty Chapel Rd, Afton, TN 37616-4004 Draper UMC NR Draper Circuit (540) 392-8016 Mailing Address: 4163 Holbert Ave, Draper, VA 24324-2813 Church Location: 3080 Greenbrier Rd, Draper, VA 24324 Dryden UMC AP Dryden-Seminary (276) 546-1741 Mailing Address: PO Box 57, Dryden, VA 24243-0057 Church Location: 206 Orr Rd, Dryden, VA 24243-8383 Dublin UMC NR Dublin UMC (540) 674-6205 Mailing Address: PO Box 577, Dublin, VA 24084-0577 office@dublinumc.com Church Location: 424 E Main St, Dublin, VA 24084-3003 www.dublinumc.com Ducktown UMC HI Copperhill, First-Ducktown Mailing Address: PO Box 327, Ducktown, TN 37326-0327 Church Location: 316 College St , Ducktown, TN 37326 Dungannon UMC AP Dungannon Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 374, Dungannon, VA 24245-0374 Church Location: 18991 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Dungannon, VA 24245 Dunlap UMC SS Dunlap UMC (423) 949-2724 Mailing Address: 1958 Main St, Dunlap, TN 37327-3725 dunlapumc@bledsoe.net Church Location: 1958 Main St, Dunlap, TN 37327-3725 Dutch Valley UMC TV St Mark-Dutch Valley (865) 426-6189 Mailing Address: 2055 Sulphur Springs Rd, Clinton, TN 37716-5668 Church Location: 2055 Sulphur Springs Rd, Clinton, TN 37716-5668 East Pine Grove Park UMC TR East Pine Grove Park UMC (423) 926-5083 Mailing Address: PO Box 1992, Johnson City, TN 37605-1992 Church Location: 2215 E Unaka Ave, Johnson City, TN 37601-2876 East Ridge UMC SS East Ridge UMC (423) 892-8451 Mailing Address: 1601 Prater Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37412-3825 Church Location: 1601 Prater Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37412-3825 East Stone Gap UMC AP East Stone Gap UMC (276) 523-3760 Mailing Address: PO Box 186, East Stone Gap, VA 24246-0186 esgumc@gmail.com Church Location: 3926 E Stone Gap Rd, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3906 www.esgumc.org Eastdale Village Community UMC SS Eastdale Village Community UMC (423) 698-3121 Mailing Address: PO Box 25633, Chattanooga, TN 37422-5633 Church Location: 1403 Tunnel Blvd, Chattanooga, TN 37411-1577 Eatons Chapel UMC NR Wabash Circuit (540) 921-2039 Mailing Address: 176 Sugar Run Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-2647 Church Location: 741 Eatons Chapel Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Ebbing & Flowing Springs UMC MV Ebbing & Flowing Springs-Kincaid (423) 272-3836 Mailing Address: Attn: Rev Fred Dimond, 141 Thorps Chapel Rd, Rogersville, TN 37857 fdimond61@charter.net Church Location: 327 Ebbing & Flowing Springs Rd, Rogersville, TN 37857 Ebenezer UMC CM Ebenezer UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 183, Glade Spring, VA 24340-0183 Church Location: 203 Chestnut St., Glade Spring, VA 24340 Ebenezer UMC MV Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer (865) 776-9451 Mailing Address: 1400 Kimberlin Heights Rd, Kimberlin Heights, TN 37920-8929 pastordougwilder@gmail.com Church Location: 1122 Ebenezer Church Rd, Talbott, TN 37877 Ebenezer UMC NR Spring Valley Circuit Mailing Address: 8886 Spring Valley Rd, Fries, VA 24330-4144 Church Location: 6138 Liberty Hill Rd., Fries, VA 24330 Ebenezer UMC TR Cedar Grove-Ebenezer Mailing Address: 7275 Erwin Hwy, Chuckey, TN 37641-6371 Church Location: 1695 Earnest Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641 Ebenezer UMC Bluefield NR Ebenezer-Bailey (276) 322-3253 Mailing Address: 126 Ebenezer Avenue, Bluefield, VA 24605 ebenezerumc@comcast.net Church Location: 38057 Governor G C Peery Hwy, Bluefield, VA 24605 http://home.comcast.net/~ebenezerumc


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Ebenezer UMC Knoxville SM Ebenezer UMC Knoxville (865) 691-8330 Mailing Address: 1001 Ebenezer Rd, Knoxville, TN 37923-6505 Church Location: 1001 Ebenezer Rd, Knoxville, TN 37923-6505 www.eumcknox.org Economy UMC MV Mt Airy-Economy (423) 523-4571 Mailing Address: PO Box 1, Morristown, TN 37815-0001 maeconomyumc@gmail.com Church Location: 701 W Economy Rd, Morristown, TN 37814-3226 Eden UMC SM Fairgarden Circuit (865) 609-0314 Mailing Address: 159 Chapman View Dr, Seymour, TN 37865-5560 Church Location: 1040 Flat Creek Road, Sevierville, TN 37876 Eden UMC TR Bethesda-Eden (423) 753-5261 Mailing Address: 1620 Mill Springs Rd, Jonesborough, TN 37659-6217 mtaylor@jcpb.com Church Location: 1620 Mill Springs Rd, Jonesborough, TN 37659-6217 www.edenmethodist.org Edgefield UMC TR Edgefield UMC (423) 538-5940 Mailing Address: 745 Pickens Bridge Rd, Piney Flats, TN 37686-4111 edgefieldumc@embarqmail.com Church Location: 745 N Pickens Bridge Rd, Piney Flats, TN 37686-4111 http://www.gbgm-umc.org/edgefield Edgewood UMC MV Dodson Creek-Edgewood (423) 272-4757 Mailing Address: 606 Vista Dr, Rogersville, TN 37857-3126 earleytill@aol.com Church Location: 144 Tunnell Hill Rd, Rogersville, TN 37857 Edgewood UMC Pearisburg NR Wabash Circuit (276) 688-9869 Mailing Address: 406 Gale Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-1810 pamsuth57@gmail.com Church Location: 701 Ripplemead Rd, Ripplemead, VA 24150-3000 Edward’s Chapel UMC MV Edward’s Chapel UMC (865) 310-8468 Mailing Address: PO Box 272, White Pine, TN 37890-0272 mariejam8@aol.com Church Location: 1534 Church St, White Pine, TN 37890 Eggleston UMC NR Wabash Circuit (540) 922-2470 Mailing Address: 323 Old Schoolhouse Rd, Eggleston, VA 24086-3052 Church Location: 3629 Church Hill Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Eleazar UMC HI Madisonville Circuit (865) 705-6676 Mailing Address: 803 Wears Valley Road, Townsend, TN 37882 williambrickey1@gmail.com Church Location: 250 Eleazar Church Road, Tellico Plains, TN 37385 Elizabeth Chapel UMC TR Elizabeth Chapel UMC (423) 538-6311 Mailing Address: 1041 Elizabeth Chapel Rd, Bluff City, TN 37618-1190 Church Location: 1041 Elizabeth Chapel Rd, Bluff City, TN 37618-1190 www.elizabethchapel.com Elizabeth UMC CM Wharf Hill-Elizabeth Mailing Address: 788 Teas Road, Sugar Grove, VA 24375 Church Location: 574 Virginia Highlander Rd, Sugar Grove, VA 24375 Elk Garden UMC CM Honaker-Elk Garden (276) 880-1117 Mailing Address: 255 Swords Creek Rd, Honaker, VA 24260-7069 Church Location: 217 Hayters Gap Rd, Rosedale, VA 24280-3624 Elm Springs UMC AP Elm Springs UMC (423) 863-9711 Mailing Address: 305 Harkleroad St, Kingsport, TN 37660-2011 papawwebb@chartertn.net Church Location: 1530 Old Union Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642 https://www.elmspringsumc.org/ Embreeville UMC TR Mt Wesley-Embreeville Mailing Address: 4026 Highway 81 S, Jonesborough, TN 37659-7139 Church Location: 4026 Highway 81 S, Jonesborough, TN 37659-7139 Emerald Avenue UMC TV Emerald Avenue UMC (865) 523-7150 Mailing Address: 1620 N Central St, Knoxville, TN 37917-5541 mfuson@emeraldyouth.org Church Location: 1620 N Central St, Knoxville, TN 37917-5541 Emory UMC CM Emory UMC (276) 944-3430 Mailing Address: PO Box 985, Emory, VA 24327-0985 Church Location: 30450 Armbrister Dr., Emory, VA 24327 www.emoryumchurch.org Emory UMC Kingsport AP St Matthew-Emory UMC Kingsport (423) 245-3033 Mailing Address: 2600 E Center St, Kingsport, TN 37664-2783 emorychurch@ymail.com Church Location: 425 Emory Church Rd, Kingsport, TN 37664-5005 www.elmtreeparish.com Englewood UMC HI Englewood UMC (423) 802-6759 Mailing Address: PO Box 146, Englewood, TN 37329-0146 vrtallent@hotmail.com Church Location: 14 S Niota Rd, Englewood, TN 37329 www.englewoodumc.com Enterprise UMC TR Rockhold-Enterprise Mailing Address: 2000 Enterprise Rd, Piney Flats, TN 37686-3336 Church Location: 2000 Enterprise Rd, Piney Flats, TN 37686-3336 Esther Memorial UMC CM Clinch Circuit Mailing Address: 1660 Copper Ridge Rd, Castlewood, VA 24224-5557 Church Location: 41 Parsonage Lane, Castlewood, VA 24224

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Evensville UMC HI Evensville UMC (423) 775-5508 Mailing Address: 329 Sierra Dr, Dayton, TN 37321-4235 Church Location: 400 Evensville Mountain Rd, Evensville, TN 37332-5267 Evergreen UMC NR Wytheville Circuit (276) 744-3505 Mailing Address: 80 Lady Slipper Ln, Ivanhoe, VA 24350-3038 Church Location: 534 Winding Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382 Exeter UMC AP Appalachia-Derby-Exeter Mailing Address: 854 Oakdale St, Appalachia, VA 24216-2439 roses0004@comcast.net Church Location: 817 Oakdale St, Appalachia, VA 24216 Ezelle UMC NR Ceres Circuit (276) 682-4263 Mailing Address: 5023 W Blue Grass Trl, Ceres, VA 24318-3402 Church Location: 998 Sunset River Rd, Ceres, VA 24318 Fairhaven UMC TR Johnson City Parish (423) 928-1543 Mailing Address: 3131 W Walnut St, Johnson City, TN 37604-5947 fairhaven.umc@comcast.net Church Location: 3131 W Walnut St, Johnson City, TN 37604-5947 http://thinetheglory.wordpress.com/ Fairlawn UMC NR Fairlawn-Bethel (540) 731-1093 Mailing Address: 7590 Brandon Rd, Fairlawn, VA 24141-8828 Church Location: 7584 Brandon Rd, Fairlawn, VA 24141-8828 Fairview UMC NR Fairview-Sidney Mailing Address: 127 Monroe St, Radford, VA 24141-2539 Church Location: 3519 Fairview Church Rd, Riner, VA 24149 Fairview UMC NR Fries Circuit Mailing Address: 6921 Ivanhoe Rd, Ivanhoe, VA 24350-3085 Church Location: 345 Rakes Town Rd, Ivanhoe, VA 24350 Fairview UMC NR Grace Circuit (276) 688-9869 Mailing Address: PO Box 664, Bland, VA 24315-0664 Church Location: 2288 Fairview Pkwy, Wytheville, VA 24382 Fairview UMC NR Rural Retreat Circuit (276) 686-2275 Mailing Address: 206 Briarwood Ln, Rural Retreat, VA 24368-3082 Church Location: 168 Fairview Church Rd, Rural Retreat, VA 24368 Fairview UMC SM Fairview UMC (865) 983-2080 Mailing Address: 2508 Old Niles Ferry Rd, Maryville, TN 37803-8802 fumc@fairview-umc.org Church Location: 2508 Old Niles Ferry Rd, Maryville, TN 37803-8802 www.fairview-umc.org Fairview UMC SS Grace-Fairview (423) 842-4886 Mailing Address: 3901 Hamill Rd, Hixson, TN 37343-3516 Church Location: 3901 Hamill Rd, Hixson, TN 37343-3516 Fairview UMC TR Fairview UMC Mailing Address: 878 Highway 81 N, Jonesborough, TN 37659-4536 fairviewunitedmethodist@aol.com Church Location: 878 Highway 81 N, Jonesborough, TN 37659-4536 http://www.fairviewumc.holston.org/ Fairview UMC Knoxville TV Fairview-Oakwood (865) 522-1774 Mailing Address: 2800 Fairview St, Knoxville, TN 37917-3203 Church Location: 2800 Fairview St, Knoxville, TN 37917-3203 Fall Branch UMC AP Fall Branch UMC (423) 398-3147 Mailing Address: PO Box 86, Fall Branch, TN 37656-0086 david.tully@me.com Church Location: 1901 Highway 93, Fall Branch, TN 37656 Falling Branch UMC NR Floyd Circuit Mailing Address: 5669 Floyd Hwy S, Willis, VA 24380-4800 Church Location: 1260 Floyd Hwy S, Floyd, VA 24091 Falls Mills UMC NR Virginia Avenue-Falls Mills (276) 322-2210 Mailing Address: PO Box 57, Falls Mills, VA 24613 Church Location: 116 Angel Ln, Falls Mills, VA 24613 Fancy Gap UMC NR Blue Ridge Circuit Mailing Address: 414 Hazelnut Road, Hillsville, VA 24343 fancygapumc@centurylink.net Church Location: 578 Old Appalachian Trl, Fancy Gap, VA 24328-2803 Fenders UMC HI Philadelphia-Fenders (423) 310-6311 Mailing Address: 401 May Street, Sweetwater, TN 37874 thelawsonman@gmail.com Church Location: 2528 Oakland Rd, Sweetwater, TN 37874 Fincastle UMC TV Fincastle UMC (423) 562-6262 Mailing Address: 629 Old Middlesboro Hwy, La Follette, TN 37766-5101 Church Location: 629 Old Middlesboro Hwy, La Follette, TN 37766-5101 First Broad Street UMC AP First Broad Street-Community (423) 224-1500 Mailing Address: Attn: Mary Jane Alley, 100 E Church Cir, Kingsport, TN 37660-3677 staff@fbsumc.org Church Location: 100 E Church Cir, Kingsport, TN 37660-3677 www.fbsumc.org


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Holston Annual Conference District


Office Phone/Email/Website

First Farragut UMC TV First Farragut UMC (865) 966-8430 Mailing Address: 12733 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37934-0918 admin@ffumc.org Church Location: 12733 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37934-0918 www.FFUMC.org First UMC Alcoa SM First UMC Alcoa (865) 982-5551 Mailing Address: 617 Gilbert St, Alcoa, TN 37701-2373 churchoffice@alcoafumc.com Church Location: 617 Gilbert St, Alcoa, TN 37701-2373 www.alcoafumc.com First UMC Bluefield NR First UMC Bluefield (276) 326-1466 Mailing Address: 200 S College Ave, Bluefield, VA 24605-1707 info@bluefieldfumc.org Church Location: 200 S College Ave, Bluefield, VA 24605-1707 bluefieldfumc.org First UMC Bristol CM First UMC Bristol (423) 652-2811 Mailing Address: 322 Vance Dr, Bristol, TN 37620-4148 info@FUMCbristol.org Church Location: 322 Vance Dr, Bristol, TN 37620-4148 www.fumcbristol.org First UMC Bulls Gap MV First UMC Bulls Gap Mailing Address: PO Box 66, Bulls Gap, TN 37711-0066 mayor.bullsgap@gmail.com Church Location: 115 Church St, Bulls Gap, TN 37711-4801 www.first-umc-bullsgap.org First UMC Church Hill AP First UMC Church Hill (423) 357-5564 Mailing Address: PO Box 307, Church Hill, TN 37642-0307 fumcch@embarqmail.com Church Location: 119 Grandview St, Church Hill, TN 37642-3859 www.fumcch.com First UMC Cleveland HI First UMC Cleveland (423) 476-4504 Mailing Address: 3425 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312-4456 Office@clevelandumc.com Church Location: 3425 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312-4456 www.clevelandumc.com First UMC Copperhill HI Copperhill, First-Ducktown (423) 496-4931 Mailing Address: PO Box 538, Copperhill, TN 37317-0538 firstumc@etcmail.com Church Location: 146 Scenic Dr, Copperhill, TN 37317-4034 www.fumc-copperhill.org First UMC Dandridge MV First UMC Dandridge (865) 397-2730 Mailing Address: PO Box 8, Dandridge, TN 37725-0008 office@dandridgefumc.com Church Location: 121 E Meeting St, Dandridge, TN 37725-4826 www.dandridgefumc.com First UMC Dayton HI First UMC Dayton (423) 775-0262 Mailing Address: PO Box 12, Dayton, TN 37321-0012 office@firstchurchdayton.org Church Location: 993 Market St, Dayton, TN 37321-1429 www.firstchurchdayton.org First UMC Elizabethton TR First UMC Elizabethton (423) 543-3505 Mailing Address: 325 E E St, Elizabethton, TN 37643-3302 Church Location: 325 E E St, Elizabethton, TN 37643-3302 http://fumcelizabethton.com First UMC Galax NR First UMC Galax (276) 236-9937 Mailing Address: PO Box 445, Galax, VA 24333-0445 fumcgalax1@gmail.com Church Location: 306 W Center St, Galax, VA 24333-2806 fumcgalax.org First UMC Gatlinburg SM Gatlinburg, First-Huskey’s Grove (865) 436-4691 Mailing Address: 742 Parkway, Gatlinburg, TN 37738-3206 mamarwebster@yahoo.com Church Location: 742 Parkway, Gatlinburg, TN 37738-3206 First UMC Hillsville NR First UMC Hillsville (276) 728-2434 Mailing Address: PO Box 356, Hillsville, VA 24343-0356 fumcoa@gmail.com Church Location: 225 Fulcher St, Hillsville, VA 24343-1634 First UMC Honaker CM Honaker-Elk Garden (276) 873-5155 Mailing Address: 255 Swords Creek Rd, Honaker, VA 24260-7069 aarondatchley@hotmail.com Church Location: 291 Swords Creek Rd, Honaker, VA 24260 First UMC Independence NR Independence, First-Flat Rock (276) 773-3099 Mailing Address: PO Box 219, Independence, VA 24348-0219 Church Location: 171 W Main St, Independence, VA 24348 First UMC Jefferson City MV First UMC Jefferson City (865) 475-2827 Mailing Address: 2011 Branner Ave, Jefferson City, TN 37760-1934 office@firstumcjc.com Church Location: 2011 Branner Ave, Jefferson City, TN 37760-1934 www.firstumcjc.com First UMC Johnson City TR First UMC Johnson City (423) 928-9222 Mailing Address: 900 Spring St, Johnson City, TN 37604-6846 office.fumc@charter.net Church Location: 900 Spring St, Johnson City, TN 37604-6846 www.1stchurchjc.org First UMC Jonesville AP Jonesville, First-Gilbert’s Memorial (276) 346-2062 Mailing Address: PO Box 280, Jonesville, VA 24263-0280 fumc_jonesville@verizon.net Church Location: 200 Church Street, Jonesville, VA 24263 http://mysite.verizon.net/bizoojcx/jonesvillefirst/ First UMC Knoxville TV First UMC Knoxville (865) 525-0435 Mailing Address: 3316 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919-4631 Church Location: 3316 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919-4631 www.firstunitedmethodistchurch.org First UMC Madisonville HI First UMC Madisonville (423) 442-2471 Mailing Address: PO Box 157, Madisonville, TN 37354-0157 adminassist@firstumcmadisonville.org Church Location: 143 College St S, Madisonville, TN 37354-1480 www.firstumcmadisonville.org

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First UMC Marion CM First UMC Marion (276) 783-5194 Mailing Address: Attn: Laura Robinson, 115 S Church St, Marion, VA 24354-3109 marionfumc@hotmail.com Church Location: 115 S Church St, Marion, VA 24354-3109 www.marionfumc.org First UMC Maryville SM First UMC Maryville (865) 982-1273 Mailing Address: 804 Montvale Station Rd, Maryville, TN 37803-5804 Church Location: 804 Montvale Station Rd, Maryville, TN 37803-5804 www.fumc-maryville.org First UMC Morristown MV First UMC Morristown (423) 581-2180 Mailing Address: 101 E 1st North St, Morristown, TN 37814-4707 fumc@fumcmorristown.org Church Location: 101 E 1st North St, Morristown, TN 37814-4707 WWW.FUMCMORRISTOWN.ORG First UMC Mountain City TR First UMC Mountain City-Trade (423) 727-7554 Mailing Address: 128 N Church St, Mountain City, TN 37683-1324 mcityfirstumc@embarqmail.com Church Location: 128 N Church St, Mountain City, TN 37683-1324 www.mountaincitymethodist.org First UMC Narrows NR First UMC Narrows (540) 726-2223 Mailing Address: PO Box 398, Narrows, VA 24124-0398 Church Location: 398 Main St, Narrows, VA 24124-1317 First UMC Newport MV First UMC Newport (423) 623-6067 Mailing Address: 212 Washington Ave, Newport, TN 37821-4000 jamesbennington09@gmail.com Church Location: 212 Washington Ave, Newport, TN 37821-4000 www.fumcnewport.org First UMC Oak Ridge TV First UMC Oak Ridge (865) 483-4357 Mailing Address: 1350 Oak Ridge Tpke, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6416 fumcor@fumcor.org Church Location: 1350 Oak Ridge Tpke, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6416 www.fumcor.org First UMC Oneida TV Oneida-Rugby Road (423) 569-8828 Mailing Address: 234 N Main St, Oneida, TN 37841-2512 oneida.first.umc@gmail.com Church Location: 234 N Main St, Oneida, TN 37841-2512 www.firstoneida.holston.org First UMC Pearisburg NR First UMC Pearisburg (540) 921-1021 Mailing Address: PO Box 400, Pearisburg, VA 24134-0400 pfumc@verizon.net Church Location: 401 Hale St, Pearisburg, VA 24134 www.pburgfirstumc.org First UMC Pennington Gap AP First UMC Pennington Gap (276) 546-1080 Mailing Address: 41880 E Morgan Ave, Pennington Gap, VA 24277-3218 pgfumc@verizon.net Church Location: 41880 E Morgan Ave, Pennington Gap, VA 24277-3218 First UMC Pigeon Forge SM First UMC Pigeon Forge (865) 453-8333 Mailing Address: PO Box 157, Pigeon Forge, TN 37868-0157 pffirstumc@gmail.com Church Location: 111 Methodists St, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863-3531 www.pigeonforgefirstchurch.org First UMC Pulaski NR First UMC Pulaski (540) 980-3331 Mailing Address: 135 4th St NW, Pulaski, VA 24301-4523 office@fumcpulaski.org Church Location: 301 Jefferson Ave N, Pulaski, VA 24301-5005 http://www.fumcpulaski.org First UMC Rich Creek NR First UMC Rich Creek (540) 726-7386 Mailing Address: PO Box 397, Rich Creek, VA 24147-0397 Church Location: 108 Old Virginia Ave, Rich Creek, VA 24147 www.richcreekfirst.com First UMC Richlands CM First UMC Richlands (276) 964-4311 Mailing Address: 402 Suffolk Ave, Richlands, VA 24641-2463 rfumc@verizon.net Church Location: 402 Suffolk Ave, Richlands, VA 24641-2463 First UMC Rogersville MV First UMC Rogersville (423) 272-7311 Mailing Address: 110 Colonial Rd, Rogersville, TN 37857-3402 sec@rogersvillefirstumc.org Church Location: 110 Colonial Rd, Rogersville, TN 37857-3402 www.rogersvillefirstumc.org First UMC Sevierville SM First UMC Sevierville (865) 453-5754 Mailing Address: 214 Cedar St, Sevierville, TN 37862-3848 info@1stmethodist.com Church Location: 214 Cedar St, Sevierville, TN 37862-3848 First UMC Surgoinsville AP First UMC Surgoinsville (423) 345-2279 Mailing Address: PO Box 134, Surgoinsville, TN 37873-0134 secretaryumc@bellsouth.net Church Location: 621 Old Stage Rd, Surgoinsville, TN 37873-3127 www.surgoinsvilleumc.com First UMC Sweetwater HI First UMC Sweetwater (423) 337-7903 Mailing Address: 501 Church St, Sweetwater, TN 37874-2904 firstunitedme797@bellsouth.net Church Location: 501 Church St, Sweetwater, TN 37874-2904 http://www.sweetwaterumc.org First UMC Tellico Plains HI Tellico Plains Ct (423) 261-2329 Mailing Address: PO Box 116, Coker Creek, TN 37314-0116 Church Location: 215 Southard St, Tellico Plains, TN 37385 www.umctc.org First UMC White Pine MV First UMC White Pine (865) 674-2869 Mailing Address: PO Box 146, White Pine, TN 37890-0146 wpumc@hotmail.com Church Location: 1803 Main St, White Pine, TN 37890 www.whitepinefumc.org First UMC Whitwell SS Havron’s-Whitwell-Morganville-Slygo (423) 658-5677 Mailing Address: PO Box 159, Whitwell, TN 37397-0159 GJeanrg@aol.com Church Location: 11625 Highway 28, Whitwell, TN 37397 www.gbgm-umc.org/whitwell


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First-Centenary UMC SS First-Centenary UMC (423) 756-2021 Mailing Address: PO Box 208, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0208 jbacon@fcumc.org Church Location: 419 McCallie Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37402 www.firstcentenary.com Flat Rock UMC NR Independence, First-Flat Rock Mailing Address: PO Box 219, Independence, VA 24348-0219 Church Location: 2764 Powerhouse Rd , Independence, VA 24348 Flatwoods UMC AP Flatwoods UMC Mailing Address: 211 Hickory Circle Rd, Pennington Gap, VA 24277-7909 Church Location: 1654 Tobacco Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263-6780 Flintstone UMC SS Fort Oglethorpe-Flintstone (706) 866-3410 Mailing Address: 601 McFarland Ave, Rossville, GA 30741-1902 office@holstongap.com Church Location: 2503 Chattanooga Valley Rd, Flintstone, GA 30725 http://www.flintstoneumc.org Floyd UMC NR Floyd UMC (540) 745-4121 Mailing Address: PO Box 55, Floyd, VA 24091-0055 Church Location: 417 E Main St, Floyd, VA 24091-2132 Forest UMC NR Elk Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 228 Camp Moxley Ln, Elk Creek, VA 24326-2382 ecumc6@yahoo.com Church Location: 599 Spring Valley Rd., Elk Creek, VA 24326 Forest UMC NR Lead Mines Circuit (540) 731-4180 Mailing Address: PO Box 172, Ivanhoe, VA 24350-0172 Church Location: 818 Painter Hill Rd, Ivanhoe, VA 24350 Forkners Chapel UMC HI Forkner’s Chapel-Buckner Memorial (865) 458-6237 Mailing Address: 17911 Steekee Rd, Loudon, TN 37774-3842 mamawgentry@gmail.com Church Location: 425 Burdett Road, Sweetwater, TN 37874 Fort Blackmore UMC AP Dungannon Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 374, Dungannon, VA 24245-0374 Church Location: 14380 Clinch River Hwy, Ft. Blackmore, VA 24250 Fort Chiswell UMC NR Max Meadows Circuit Mailing Address: 871 Danner Rd, Max Meadows, VA 24360-3305 Church Location: 771 Fort Chiswell Rd, Max Meadows, VA 24360 Fort Gibson UMC AP St Paul-Castlewood Mailing Address: PO Box 86, Castlewood, VA 24224-0086 spfgumc@yahoo.com Church Location: 30 Church St, Castlewood, VA 24224-7059 Fort Oglethorpe UMC SS Fort Oglethorpe-Flintstone (706) 866-3410 Mailing Address: 601 McFarland Ave, Rossville, GA 30741-1902 office@holstongap.com Church Location: 1733 Battlefield Pkwy, Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742-4019 Foster Falls UMC NR Lead Mines Circuit (540) 731-4180 Mailing Address: 1124 Lots Gap Rd, Max Meadows, VA 24360-4065 Church Location: 122 Orphanage Dr, Max Meadows, VA 24360 Fountain City UMC TV Fountain City UMC (865) 689-5175 Mailing Address: 212 Hotel Rd, Knoxville, TN 37918-3226 fcumc@comcast.net Church Location: 212 Hotel Rd, Knoxville, TN 37918-3226 www.fountaincityumc.org Fowler’s Grove UMC MV Riverview Circuit (423) 284-6904 Mailing Address: 1733 Bewley Chapel Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818-5453 revmarkbarber@gmail.com Church Location: 1818 Fowler Grove Rd, Bybee, TN 37713-2623 Fox UMC SM Fairgarden Circuit (865) 609-0314 Mailing Address: 159 Chapman View Dr, Seymour, TN 37865-5560 Church Location: 168 Fox Church Rd, Sevierville, TN 37876-1214 Franklin Street UMC NR Franklin Street UMC (276) 706-2476 Mailing Address: PO Box 896, Wytheville, VA 24382-0896 Church Location: 430 E Franklin St, Wytheville, VA 24382-2740 French Broad UMC SM Beulah-French Broad (865) 546-5701 Mailing Address: 7115 Kodak Rd, Knoxville, TN 37914-9361 Church Location: 7117 Kodak Rd, Knoxville, TN 37914 Friendsville UMC SM Friendsville UMC (865) 995-9150 Mailing Address: PO Box 176, Friendsville, TN 37737-0176 church@fumctn.org Church Location: 204 E College Ave, Friendsville, TN 37737-2724 www.holstonconference.com/friendsvilleumc Fries UMC NR Atkins Memorial-Fries Station (276) 744-3514 Mailing Address: 135 Dean Plantation Rd, Austinville, VA 24312-3648 Church Location: 629 Church St, Fries, VA 24330 Fudges Chapel UMC AP Amis Chapel-Fudges Chapel (423) 794-9862 Mailing Address: 245 Fudges Chapel Rd, Surgoinsville, TN 37873-5210 goodword3239@hotmail.com Church Location: 245 Fudges Chapel Rd, Surgoinsville, TN 37873-5210

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Fulton UMC NR Rural Retreat Circuit Mailing Address: 206 Briarwood Ln, Rural Retreat, VA 24368-3082 Church Location: 8288 Lee Hwy, Rural Retreat, VA 24368 Garden UMC CM Garden UMC (276) 498-3033 Mailing Address: 744 Terry Dr, Richlands, VA 24641-2616 wit10@roadrunner.com Church Location: 1031 TMI Road, Oakwood, VA 24631 Gate City UMC AP Gate City Parish (276) 386-7083 Mailing Address: 255 Walnut St, Gate City, VA 24251-3362 gatecityumc@yahoo.com Church Location: 255 Walnut St, Gate City, VA 24251-3362 George Street UMC MV George Street-Grant Mailing Address: PO Box 615, Jefferson City, TN 37760-0615 georgestreetumc@gmail.com Church Location: 1340 George Ave, Jefferson City, TN 37760-2733 Gethsemane UMC TR Greystone Circuit Mailing Address: 155 S Water Fork Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-5895 Church Location: 155 S Water Fork Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-5895 Gilbert’s Memorial UMC AP Jonesville, First-Gilbert’s Memorial Mailing Address: RR 2 Box 593-C, Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Church Location: 1705 Hickory Flats Rd, Pennington Gap, VA 24277-7802 Gladeville UMC NR Gladeville-Mt Olivet (276) 236-4607 Mailing Address: 103 Cranberry Rd, Galax, VA 24333-2515 Church Location: 103 Cranberry Rd, Galax, VA 24333 www.gladevilleumcgalax.org Glen Alpine UMC AP Glen Alpine UMC (423) 349-7831 Mailing Address: 3200 Glen Alpine Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-7850 secretary@glenalpineumc.org Church Location: 3200 Glen Alpine Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-7850 www.glenalpine.org Glendale UMC MV Glendale UMC (423) 289-1287 Mailing Address: 320 Ladysmith Ln, Morristown, TN 37814-2193 glendaleumcbybee@gmail.com Church Location: 3315 Glendale Rd, Bybee, TN 37713 Glenwood UMC NR Draper Circuit (540) 392-8016 Mailing Address: 4163 Holbert Ave, Draper, VA 24324-2813 Church Location: 3553 Foster Falls Rd, Barren Springs, VA 24313 Glenwood UMC NR Glenwood UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 1538, Galax, VA 24333-1538 Church Location: 2043 Coal Creek Rd, Galax, VA 24333 Good Shepherd UMC TV Bradbury-Good Shepherd (423) 552-4796 Mailing Address: 3934 Buttermilk Rd W, Kingston, TN 37763-6930 Church Location: 4930 Kingston Hwy, Lenoir City, TN 37771-3721 Goodfield UMC HI Goodfield Circuit (423) 284-1346 Mailing Address: 1857 Lamontville Rd, Decatur, TN 37322-6004 dmoore111z@yahoo.com Church Location: 3027 Goodfield Rd, Decatur, TN 37322-7633 Goodman’s Chapel UMC NR Ceres Circuit (276) 682-4263 Mailing Address: 5023 W Blue Grass Trl, Ceres, VA 24318-3402 Church Location: 902 Old Wilderness Rd, Saltville, VA 24370 Goshen UMC NR Little Walker Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 294, North Tazewell, VA 24630-0294 mhale57@hotmail.com Church Location: 1438 Spur Branch Rd, Dublin, VA 24084 Grace UMC CM Grace-Greenwood-Mt Zion Mailing Address: 720 Grace St, Marion, VA 24354-1912 Church Location: 710 Grace St, Marion, VA 24354-1912 Grace UMC SS Grace-Fairview (423) 842-5872 Mailing Address: 9833 Hixson Pike, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-3529 brenda_grace@comcast.net Church Location: 9833 Hixson Pike, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-3529 Grace UMC TR Grace UMC (423) 743-5631 Mailing Address: PO Box 546, Erwin, TN 37650-0546 grace5631@yahoo.com Church Location: 104 10th St, Erwin, TN 37650 Grahams Forge UMC NR Grahams Forge UMC Mailing Address: 2242 Coon Ridge Rd, Hillsville, VA 24343-1945 Church Location: 723 Major Grahams Rd, Max Meadows, VA 24360 Grange Hall UMC AP Grange Hall UMC (423) 256-2465 Mailing Address: 5365 Carters Valley Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642-7138 revnancygmartin@gmail.com Church Location: 5373 Carters Valley Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642-7138 Grant UMC MV George Street-Grant Mailing Address: PO Box 693, Dandridge, TN 37725-0693 grantschapelumc@gmail.com Church Location: 510 Hart Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-3300


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Grant UMC NR Grant-Flat Ridge Circuit (276) 579-2315 Mailing Address: 304 Teasterwood Rd, Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363-3783 Church Location: 933 Grange Hall Rd , Trout Dale, VA 24378 Grassy Creek UMC CM Lakeview-Grassy Creek Mailing Address: 2748 G B Short St, Saint Paul, VA 24283-3664 Church Location: 1426 South 71, Castlewood, VA 24224 Gray UMC TR Gray UMC (423) 477-3792 Mailing Address: PO Box 8068, Gray, TN 37615-0068 graychurch@grayumc.org Church Location: 2108 Oak St, Gray, TN 37615-3018 www.grayumc.org Graysville UMC HI Graysville-New Bethel (423) 506-7457 Mailing Address: 289 Church Street, Graysville, TN 37338 Church Location: 265 Church St, Graysville, TN 37338 www.graysvilletn.holston.org Green Meadow UMC SM Green Meadow UMC (865) 982-5800 Mailing Address: 1633 Louisville Rd, Alcoa, TN 37701-1660 Church Location: 1633 Louisville Rd, Alcoa, TN 37701-1660 Green Valley UMC Eggleston NR Wabash Circuit Mailing Address: % Vickie Collins, Treasurer, 804 Curve Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-1407 Church Location: 3191 Eggleston Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Greendale UMC CM Brumley Gap-Greendale Mailing Address: 13520 Brinkley Rd, Abingdon, VA 24210-2138 Church Location: 13520 Brinkley Rd, Abingdon, VA 24210-2138 Greenwood UMC CM Grace-Greenwood-Mt Zion Mailing Address: 720 Grace St, Marion, VA 24354-1912 greenwood_umc@yahoo.com Church Location: 694 Greenwood Rd, Marion, VA 24354 Greenwood UMC TR Greene County Parish Mailing Address: 645 Sam Doak St, Greeneville, TN 37745-4404 Church Location: 645 Sam Doak St, Greeneville, TN 37745-4404 Grigsby Chapel UMC TV Grigsby Chapel UMC (865) 966-4580 Mailing Address: 11603 Grigsby Chapel Rd, Knoxville, TN 37934-1613 Church Location: 11603 Grigsby Chapel Rd, Knoxville, TN 37934-1613 GrosecloseChapel UMC NR Cedar Springs Circuit Mailing Address: 111 8th St NW, Pulaski, VA 24301-3603 Church Location: 2219 Dry Rd, Speedwell, VA 24374 Grove UMC NR Grove UMC (540) 639-2807 Mailing Address: 1020 Tyler Ave, Radford, VA 24141-3820 groveumc1@verizon.net Church Location: 1020 Tyler Ave, Radford, VA 24141-3820 Grundy UMC CM Looney’s Chapel-Grundy Mailing Address: 1015 First Branch Rd, Vansant, VA 24656-8591 birders3@gmail.com Church Location: 1517 Walnut Street, Grundy, VA 24614 Hales Chapel UMC AP Hales Chapel UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 155, Gate City, VA 24251-0155 Church Location: 604 Manville Rd, Gate City, VA 24251 Hales Chapel UMC Narrows NR Hales Chapel-Kathleen Memorial (540) 921-2335 Mailing Address: 408 Fort Branch Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-2022 wrjohnston@suddenlink.net Church Location: 3901 Wolf Creek Rd, Narrows, VA 24124-2605 Hansard Chapel UMC TV Hansard Chapel UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 531, Maynardville, TN 37807-0531 Church Location: 328 Maynardville Hwy, Maynardville, TN 37807 Hardin’s Chapel UMC MV Hardin’s Chapel UMC (423) 639-3475 Mailing Address: 5500 Warrensburg Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-3293 william_hughes01@comcast.net Church Location: 3320 Baileyton Rd, Greeneville, TN 37745-4609 http://www.HardinsChapel.org Harmon’s Valley UMC MV Harmon’s Valley UMC (423) 587-9265 Mailing Address: PO Box 627, Mosheim, TN 37818-0627 Church Location: 10410 Blue Springs Pkwy, Mosheim, TN 37818 www.harmonsvalleyumc.tripod.com Harned’s Chapel UMC MV Harned’s-Parrottsville Mailing Address: PO Box 1, Parrottsville, TN 37843-0001 carlonsjones@att.net Church Location: 1154 N Highway 340, Parrottsville, TN 37843 Harriman UMC TV Harriman UMC (865) 882-1353 Mailing Address: PO Box 407, Harriman, TN 37748-0407 churchofharriman@gmail.com Church Location: 601 Queen Ave, Harriman, TN 37748 www.harrimanunitedmethodistchurch.com Harrison UMC SS Harrison UMC (423) 344-8228 Mailing Address: PO Box 237, Harrison, TN 37341-0237 harrisonumc@epbfi.com Church Location: 5621 Highway 58, Harrison, TN 37341-9520 humc-tn.org

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Harrogate UMC MV Harrogate-Arthur-Mtn View (423) 869-3734 Mailing Address: PO Box 167, Harrogate, TN 37752-0167 Harrogateumc@att.net Church Location: 6920 Cumberland Gap Pkwy, Harrogate, TN 37752 Hartman’s Chapel UMC MV Pine Grove-Hartman’s Chapel (423) 470-4045 Mailing Address: PO Box 1355, Greeneville, TN 37744-1355 hartmanschapelumcmosheim@gmail.com Church Location: 3497 Old Kentucky Rd W, Mosheim, TN 37818-5050 Haven Chapel UMC TV Haven Chapel UMC (865) 945-5670 Mailing Address: 220 Raccoon Valley Rd, Powell, TN 37849-7531 havenchapelumc@gmail.com Church Location: 220 Raccoon Valley Rd, Powell, TN 37849-7531 Havron’s Chapel UMC SS Havron’s-Whitwell-Morganville-Slygo (423) 942-3535 Mailing Address: PO Box 2177, Jasper, TN 37347-2177 Church Location: 3267 Shellmound Rd, Jasper, TN 37347 HC-Rios de Agua Viva MV HC-Rios de Agua Viva Mailing Address: % Morristown District Office, PO Box 1592, Morristown, TN 37816-1592 modist@holston.org Church Location: 314 N Cumberland St, Morristown, TN 37814-4403 Heiskell UMC TV Valley View-Heiskell (865) 938-5550 Mailing Address: PO Box 166, Heiskell, TN 37754-0166 webfish7@gmail.com Church Location: 9420 Heiskell Rd, Heiskell, TN 37754 Hermon UMC AP Arcadia-Hermon Mailing Address: 301 Lucy Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-2051 Church Location: 5395E Carters Valley Rd, Gate City, VA 24251 Hermon UMC TR Hermon-Pleasant Hill Mailing Address: 7275 Erwin Hwy, Chuckey, TN 37641-6371 Church Location: 170 Herman Cir, Afton, TN 37616 Hillcrest UMC SM Hillcrest UMC (865) 577-0737 Mailing Address: 1615 Price Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920-3332 hillcrestknox@gmail.com Church Location: 1615 Price Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920-3332 www.hillcrestknox.com Hills Union UMC MV Hills Union-McCampbell’s (865) 397-9378 Mailing Address: 1544 Harold Patterson Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-6022 foxhill1957@hotmail.com Church Location: 2383 Hills Chapel Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-6815 Hiltons Memorial UMC AP Hiltons Memorial UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 10, Hiltons, VA 24258-0010 hiltonsumc@bvu.net Church Location: 2869 Hilton Rd, Gate City, VA 24251 http://www.hiltonsumc.org/ Hixson UMC SS Hixson UMC (423) 877-1246 Mailing Address: 5301 Old Hixson Pike, Hixson, TN 37343-3244 Reedshell@hixsonumc.org Church Location: 5301 Old Hixson Pike, Hixson, TN 37343-3244 www.hixsonumc.org Holly Avenue UMC SS Holly Avenue-Randolph (423) 837-6821 Mailing Address: PO Box 189, South Pittsburg, TN 37380-0189 Church Location: 418 Holly Ave, South Pittsburg, TN 37380 Holly Springs UMC AP Holly Springs-Bethel (423) 293-2791 Mailing Address: 700 Mount Zion Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642-6220 Church Location: 5568 Bloomingdale Rd, Blountville, TN 37617 Holston View UMC AP Holston View UMC (276) 386-3142 Mailing Address: 174 Church St, Weber City, VA 24290-6201 holstonviewumc@gmail.com Church Location: 174 Church St, Weber City, VA 24290-6201 www.holstonviewumc.com Hopewell UMC TV New Life-Hopewell (865) 933-4255 Mailing Address: 9300 Millertown Pike, Mascot, TN 37806-1705 mascotchurches@bellsouth.net Church Location: 9300 Millertown Pike, Mascot, TN 37806-1705 Horton’s Chapel UMC AP Three Bells-Horton’s Chapel Mailing Address: 308 Fugate St, Duffield, VA 24244-9793 Church Location: 719 Robinette Valley Rd, Duffield, VA 24244 Huddle Memorial UMC NR Cripple Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 1131 Slate Spring Branch Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382-5341 Church Location: 923 Huddle Rd., Wytheville, VA 24382 Hulls Chapel UMC TR Adams Chapel-Hulls Chapel (423) 534-3642 Mailing Address: 124 Aurawood Dr, Kingsport, TN 37660-6772 volfan1gs@hotmail.com Church Location: 3453 Devault Bridge Rd, Piney Flats, TN 37686-3255 Hunt Memorial UMC CM St Luke-Hunt Memorial (423) 968-3568 Mailing Address: 176 McArthur Circle, Bristol, VA 24201 Church Location: 824 Harmeling St, Bristol, VA 24201-4072 Hunter UMC TR Carter County Parish Mailing Address: 722 Highway 91, Elizabethton, TN 37643-9201 Church Location: 722 Highway 91, Elizabethton, TN 37643-9201


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Hunt’s Chapel UMC MV Hunt’s-Whittenburg-Rehobeth Mailing Address: 7490 Newport Hwy, Greeneville, TN 37743 dpal6947@aol.com Church Location: 7490 Newport Hwy, Greeneville, TN 37743 Hurst UMC SS Hurst UMC (423) 756-1557 Mailing Address: 829 Dallas Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37405-2735 Church Location: 829 Dallas Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37405-2735 Huskey’s Grove UMC SM Gatlinburg, First-Huskey’s Grove (865) 436-4691 Mailing Address: 470 Huskey Grove Rd, Sevierville, TN 37876-7288 Church Location: 470 Huskey Grove Rd, Sevierville, TN 37876-7288 Immanuel UMC SM Immanuel UMC (865) 773-4681 Mailing Address: PO Box 748, Louisville, TN 37777-0748 Church Location: 2349 Mentor Rd, Louisville, TN 37777-4009 Ingles Chapel UMC AP Ewing Circuit Mailing Address: 804 Four Mile Crk, Tazewell, TN 37879-7229 ewingcircuit@outlook.com Church Location: 580 Dean Rd, Rose Hill, VA 24281 Ingram Village UMC NR Wabash Circuit Mailing Address: 406 Gale Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-1810 PAMSUTH57@GMAIL.COM Church Location: 147 Neal St, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Ironsburg UMC HI Tellico Plains Ct (423) 261-2329 Mailing Address: PO Box 116, Coker Creek, TN 37314-0116 Church Location: 253 Epperson Rd, Tellico Plains, TN 37385 www.umctc.org Irwin’s Chapel UMC TV Irwin’s Chapel UMC (423) 869-4993 Mailing Address: PO Box 331, Speedwell, TN 37870-0331 Church Location: 351 Old Valley Rd, Sharps Chapel, TN 37866 Island Creek UMC NR Blue Ridge Circuit (276) 728-2111 Mailing Address: 793 Old Appalachian Trl, Fancy Gap, VA 24328-2800 fancygapumc@centurylink.net Church Location: 109 Sylvatus Hwy, Hillsville, VA 24343 Jacksboro UMC TV Jacksboro-Caryville (423) 562-3896 Mailing Address: PO Box 83, Jacksboro, TN 37757-0083 jacksborounitedm@bellsouth.net Church Location: 108 Liberty St, Jacksboro, TN 37757 http://www.gbgm-umc.org/jacksboroumc Jearoldstown UMC TR Jearoldstown-Union Temple Mailing Address: 15590 Kingsport Hwy, Chuckey, TN 37641-3648 Church Location: 1825 Woolsey Rd, Greeneville, TN 37745-2861 Jellico UMC TV Jellico UMC (423) 784-8553 Mailing Address: PO Box 888, Jellico, TN 37762-0888 Church Location: 239 5th St, Jellico, TN 37762-2107 Jerusalem UMC NR Spring Valley Circuit Mailing Address: 8886 Spring Valley Rd, Fries, VA 24330-4144 Church Location: 277 Jerusalem Rd., Elk Creek, VA 24326 John Wesley UMC CM John Wesley-Charles Wesley (276) 669-5067 Mailing Address: 311 Lee St, Bristol, VA 24201-4326 johnwesley@bvunet.net Church Location: 311 Lee St, Bristol, VA 24201-4326 Jones Chapel UMC HI Jones Chapel-Wesleyanna (423) 306-0702 Mailing Address: 381 County Road 775, Riceville, TN 37370-5219 gatecityb_rad@yahoo.com Church Location: 590 County Road 778, Athens, TN 37303-6315 www.joneschapel.net Jones Chapel UMC MV Del Rio Circuit (865) 223-0609 Mailing Address: 757 Hart Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-3305 wcwilliams1959@gmail.com Church Location: 260 Highway 107 S, Del Rio, TN 37727-2605 Jones Memorial UMC SS Jones Memorial UMC (423) 624-6073 Mailing Address: 4131 Ringgold Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37412-2465 jmumc@epbfi.net Church Location: 4131 Ringgold Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37412-2465 www.jmumc.org Jonesborough UMC TR Jonesborough UMC (423) 753-3942 Mailing Address: PO Box 115, Jonesborough, TN 37659-0115 jonesboroughumc@gmail.com Church Location: 211 W Main St, Jonesborough, TN 37659-1229 jnsbrumc.org Jonesville UMC Roane TV Oliver Springs Parish (865) 435-7345 Mailing Address: 2323 Old Harriman Hwy, Oliver Springs, TN 37840-4311 Church Location: 2323 Old Harriman Hwy, Oliver Springs, TN 37840-4311 Joppa UMC MV Rutledge Circuit (865) 828-3837 Mailing Address: 133 Shiloh Church Rd, Rutledge, TN 37861-4520 sweetpreach@aol.com Church Location: 206 Joppa Mountain Rd, Rutledge, TN 37861 Jordan’s Chapel UMC NR Aldersgate-Jordan (540) 980-1349 Mailing Address: 1946 Medallion Dr, Pulaski, VA 24301-4402 ajumcoffice@verizon.net Church Location: 5095 Alum Spring Road, Pulaski, VA 24301 www.jordanschapel.faithweb.com

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Kathleen Memorial UMC NR Hales Chapel-Kathleen Memorial Mailing Address: 408 Fort Branch Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-2022 wrjohnston@suddenlink.net Church Location: 1624 Old Wolf Creek Rd, Narrows, VA 24124-2539 Keith Memorial UMC HI Keith Memorial UMC (423) 745-2612 Mailing Address: PO Box 1, Athens, TN 37371-0001 information@keithumc.org Church Location: 600 W Madison Ave, Athens, TN 37303-3426 www.keithumc.org Kendricks Creek UMC AP Kendricks Creek UMC (423) 239-5411 Mailing Address: 1000 Kendrick Creek Rd, Kingsport, TN 37663-2870 kendrickscreek@gmail.com Church Location: 1000 Kendrick Creek Rd, Kingsport, TN 37663-2870 http://kendrickscreek.org Kern Memorial UMC TV Kern Memorial UMC (865) 483-5273 Mailing Address: 451 E Tennessee Ave, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-5579 juliej@kernumc.org Church Location: 451 E Tennessee Ave, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-5579 http://www.kernchurch.org Ketron Memorial UMC AP Ketron Memorial UMC (423) 246-6792 Mailing Address: 301 Virgil Ave, Kingsport, TN 37665-1527 kmumc@churchmail.info Church Location: 301 Virgil Ave, Kingsport, TN 37665-1527 http://ketronumc.holston.org Kincaid UMC MV Ebbing & Flowing Springs-Kincaid (423) 345-3340 Mailing Address: 523 Bear Hollow Rd, Rogersville, TN 37857 Church Location: 200 Blevins Rd, Rogersville, TN 37857 www.kincaidumc.com King’s Grove UMC NR Rural Retreat Circuit Mailing Address: % Clyde Copenhaver, 2202 Crockett Rd, Crockett, VA 24323-3014 Church Location: 621 Kings Grove Ln, Crockett, VA 24323 Kingsley UMC AP Kingsley UMC (423) 288-5837 Mailing Address: 2828 Bloomingdale Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-1965 Church Location: 2828 Bloomingdale Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-1965 kingsleychurch.com Kingston UMC TV Kingston UMC (865) 376-6337 Mailing Address: PO Box 248, Kingston, TN 37763-0248 kingstonumc@comcast.net Church Location: 212 W Church St, Kingston, TN 37763-2756 Kodak UMC SM Kodak UMC (865) 933-5996 Mailing Address: 2923 Bryan Rd, Kodak, TN 37764-1515 peggy@kodakchurch.com Church Location: 2923 Bryan Rd, Kodak, TN 37764-1515 www.kodakchurch.com La Casa del Alfarero UMC SM La Casa del Alfarero UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 905, Alcoa, TN 37701-0905 Church Location: 2407 Reed Springs Rd, Philadelphia, TN 37846-3110 LaFollette UMC TV LaFollette UMC (423) 562-7348 Mailing Address: 808 E Central Ave, La Follette, TN 37766-2719 lafolletteumc@yahoo.com Church Location: 808 E Central Ave, La Follette, TN 37766-2719 www.lafolletteumc.org Lakeview UMC CM Lakeview-Grassy Creek Mailing Address: 989 Ridgeway Drive, Castlewood, VA 24224 Church Location: 130 Lakeview Circle, Castlewood, VA 24224 Laurel Springs UMC CM Laurel Springs Circuit Mailing Address: 611 E Main St, Marion, VA 24354-3321 Church Location: 653 Laurel Springs Rd., Marion, VA 24354 Laurel UMC CM Damascus Circuit (276) 475-5215 Mailing Address: 22129 Fisher Hollow Rd, Damascus, VA 24236-2307 Church Location: 31064 Blossom Rd, Damascus, VA 24236 Lawson’s Chapel UMC MV Burchfield-Bogart’s Chpl-Lawson Chp (865) 382-0227 Mailing Address: 2126 Lindsey Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-6043 cheetw@earthlink.net Church Location: 2722 Indian Creek Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725 Lebanon Memorial UMC CM Lebanon Memorial UMC (276) 889-2721 Mailing Address: 24 Tate St, Lebanon, VA 24266-6095 LMUMC@verizon.net Church Location: 24 Tate St, Lebanon, VA 24266-6095 www.lmumchurch.com Lebanon UMC AP Lebanon UMC (423) 241-1155 Mailing Address: 136 Hickory Hills Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642-7115 ryanward1986@gmail.com Church Location: 4230 Carters Valley Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642-4279 Lebanon UMC NR Elk Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 228 Camp Moxley Ln, Elk Creek, VA 24326-2382 ecumc6@yahoo.com Church Location: 418 Comers Rock Rd, Elk Creek, VA 24326 Lebanon UMC Chilhowie CM Lebanon UMC Chilhowie Mailing Address: PO Box 358, Damascus, VA 24236-0358 Church Location: 40027 Widener Valley Rd, Chilhowie, VA 24319 Lebanon UMC Glade CM Glade Spring Charge (276) 429-5139 Mailing Address: PO Box 667, Glade Spring, VA 24340-0667 Church Location: 15168 Greenway Rd, Meadowview, VA 24361-2910 www.lebanonumc.com


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Legion Memorial UMC AP Legion Memorial UMC (276) 523-3760 Mailing Address: PO Box 628, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-0628 Church Location: 5001 Powell Valley Rd, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-4029 Lennon-Seney UMC TV Lennon-Seney UMC (865) 524-0289 Mailing Address: 2084 Dandridge Ave, Knoxville, TN 37915-1910 Church Location: 2084 Dandridge Ave, Knoxville, TN 37915-1910 Leonard Memorial UMC NR Galax Circuit Mailing Address: 2582 Fries Rd, Galax, VA 24333-5041 Church Location: 207 Leonards Church Rd, Galax, VA 24333 Liberty Hill UMC MV Liberty Hill-Russellville (423) 231-1988 Mailing Address: 1110 Wentworth Sq, Morristown, TN 37813-1372 pastorhappyjack@yahoo.com Church Location: 1508 Old Liberty Hill Rd, Morristown, TN 37814-6001 Liberty Hill UMC NR Fries Circuit Mailing Address: 6921 Ivanhoe Rd, Ivanhoe, VA 24350-3085 cunderwood710@hotmail.com Church Location: 40 Crusader Lane , Fries, VA 24330 Liberty Hill UMC TR Chuckey Circuit Mailing Address: % Nelle Evans, 2970 Jockey Rd, Limestone, TN 37681-5121 Church Location: 3585 Old Snapps Ferry Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641 Limestone Cove UMC TR Limestone Cove UMC Mailing Address: 2375 Highway 107, Unicoi, TN 37692-4605 Church Location: 2375 Highway 107, Unicoi, TN 37692-4605 Limestone UMC TR Limestone UMC Mailing Address: 191 Opie Arnold Rd, Limestone, TN 37681-2521 Church Location: 189 Opie Arnold Rd, Limestone, TN 37681-2571 Lincoln Park UMC TV Lincoln Park UMC (865) 525-2725 Mailing Address: PO Box 3693, Knoxville, TN 37927-3693 Church Location: 3120 Pershing St, Knoxville, TN 37917-4234 www.lincolnpark.holston.org Little Wilson UMC NR Grant-Flat Ridge Circuit (276) 579-2123 Mailing Address: PO Box 13, Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363-0013 cunningmn@hughes.net Church Location: 51 Mink Ridge Lane, Trout Dale, VA 24378 Locust Hill UMC NR Max Meadows Circuit Mailing Address: 871 Danner Rd, Max Meadows, VA 24360-3305 Church Location: 542 Locust Hill Rd, Max Meadows, VA 24360 Logans Chapel UMC AP Logans Chapel UMC Mailing Address: 209 Logan Chapel Rd, Fall Branch, TN 37656-2001 chatmanrosetta59@aol.com Church Location: 209 Logan Chapel Rd, Fall Branch, TN 37656-2001 Logan’s Chapel UMC SM Logan’s Chapel UMC (865) 983-3011 Mailing Address: 4625 Logans Chapel Loop, Maryville, TN 37804-3152 Church Location: 4626 Logans Chapel Loop, Maryville, TN 37804-3151 Lone Mountain UMC MV Claiborne Cluster (865) 399-0140 Mailing Address: PO Box 65, Tazewell, TN 37879-0065 Church Location: 1625 Mabetown Rd, Tazewell, TN 37879-6040 Longview UMC NR Galax Circuit Mailing Address: 2582 Fries Rd, Galax, VA 24333-5041 Church Location: 42 Longview Road , Galax, VA 24333 Lonsdale UMC TV Lonsdale - Martin Chapel (865) 522-7257 Mailing Address: PO Box 5565, Knoxville, TN 37928-0565 lonsdaleumc@yahoo.com Church Location: 3002 Galbraith St, Knoxville, TN 37921-2023 www.Lonsdaleumc.org Lookout Mountain UMC SS Lookout Mountain UMC (706) 820-1421 Mailing Address: 1300 Lula Lake Rd, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750-2712 lmumc@epbfi.com Church Location: 1300 Lula Lake Rd, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750-2712 www.lookoutumc.org Looney’s Chapel UMC CM Looney’s Chapel-Grundy Mailing Address: 1015 First Branch Rd, Vansant, VA 24656-8591 birders#@gmail.com Church Location: 1125 Leemaster Dr, Vansant, VA 24656 Looney’s Creek Chapel UMC SS Looney’s Creek-Sulphur Springs (423) 658-2838 Mailing Address: 557 Alvin York Hwy, Whitwell, TN 37397-5683 Church Location: 913 Alvin York Hwy, Whitwell, TN 37397 Loudon UMC SM Loudon UMC (865) 458-3164 Mailing Address: PO Box 342, Loudon, TN 37774-0342 loudonmethodist@bellsouth.net Church Location: 509 Mulberry St, Loudon, TN 37774-1461 www.loudonumc.org Lou’s Chapel UMC SS Wesley-Lou’s Chapel Mailing Address: 302 Magnolia Ave, South Pittsburg, TN 37380-1266 Church Location: Battle Creek Rd , South Pittsburg, TN 37380

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Love’s Memorial UMC MV Love’s Memorial UMC (423) 696-0911 Mailing Address: 2380 Poplar Springs Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-3521 dpal6947@aol.com Church Location: 2380 Poplar Springs Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-3521 Luminary UMC HI Luminary UMC (865) 376-7040 Mailing Address: 3401 River Rd, Ten Mile, TN 37880-2333 luminaryoffice@gmail.com Church Location: 3401 River Rd, Ten Mile, TN 37880-2333 luminaryumc.org Luretta UMC SM Sevierville Circuit (865) 429-1933 Mailing Address: 1702 N Ridge Ct, Sevierville, TN 37862-9347 Church Location: 1901 Old Knoxville Hwy, Sevierville, TN 37876-0457 Lynnwood UMC TV Lynnwood UMC (865) 574-8070 Mailing Address: 119 Cedar Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917-4908 Church Location: 119 Cedar Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917-4908 Macedonia UMC NR Midway-Macedonia Mailing Address: 100 Hankla St, Tazewell, VA 24651-1458 hdingramjr@gmail.com Church Location: 14836 Mud Fork Rd, Falls Mills, VA 24613-9577 Macedonia UMC Knoxville TV Macedonia UMC Knoxville (865) 523-6618 Mailing Address: 4630 Holston Dr, Knoxville, TN 37914-4243 Church Location: 4630 Holston Dr, Knoxville, TN 37914-4243 Madam Russell UMC CM Madam Russell-Tate’s Chapel (276) 496-7971 Mailing Address: PO Box JJ, Saltville, VA 24370-1164 Church Location: 207 W. Main St., Saltville, VA 24370 Mafair UMC AP Mafair UMC (423) 378-9620 Mailing Address: 1409 E Center St, Kingsport, TN 37664-2501 info@mafairumc.org Church Location: 1409 E Center St, Kingsport, TN 37664-2501 www.mafairumc.org Magnolia Avenue UMC TV Magnolia Avenue UMC (865) 524-3644 Mailing Address: 2700 E Magnolia Ave, Knoxville, TN 37914-5246 Church Location: 2700 E Magnolia Ave, Knoxville, TN 37914-5246 Mahanaim UMC CM North Keywood Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 310, Glade Spring, VA 24340-0310 Church Location: 32042 Taos Ln, Meadowview, VA 24361 www.mahanaimumc.org Main Street UMC CM Main Street UMC (276) 988-2519 Mailing Address: 118 Main St, Tazewell, VA 24651-6109 MSUMCTazewell@gmail.com Church Location: 118 Main St, Tazewell, VA 24651-6109 Marble Point UMC AP Gate City Parish (276) 452-4603 Mailing Address: 3142 Daniel Boone Rd, Gate City, VA 24251-2883 Church Location: 1302 Daniel Boone Rd, Gate City, VA 24251-2819 Mars Hill UMC HI Mars Hill UMC (865) 207-8108 Mailing Address: PO Box 936, Englewood, TN 37329-0936 jpstuck420@gmail.com Church Location: 267 County Road 508, Englewood, TN 37329-5203 www.marshillumc.org Martel UMC SM Martel UMC (865) 986-7028 Mailing Address: 4561 Muddy Creek Rd, Lenoir City, TN 37772-5901 mumc@esper.com Church Location: 4561 Muddy Creek Rd, Lenoir City, TN 37772-5901 Martin Chapel UMC TV Lonsdale - Martin Chapel Mailing Address: 1746 Ohio Ave, Knoxville, TN 37921-1721 lgranny7@gmail.com Church Location: 1746 Ohio Ave, Knoxville, TN 37921-1721 Marvin UMC NR Rural Retreat Circuit Mailing Address: 206 Briarwood Ln, Rural Retreat, VA 24368-3082 Church Location: 2390 Blacklick Rd, Rural Retreat, VA 24368 Marvins Chapel UMC TR Marvins Chapel UMC Mailing Address: 1882 Old Boones Creek Rd, Johnson City, TN 37615-4428 mcumc@embarqmail.com Church Location: 1882 Old Boones Creek Rd, Johnson City, TN 37615-4428 http://marvinschapel.holston.org Mary’s Chapel UMC CM Benham’s Circuit Mailing Address: 5027 Potter Rd, Bristol, VA 24202-2113 benhamschurches@yahoo.com Church Location: 1697 Mary’s Chapel Road, Bristol, VA 24202 Mary’s Chapel UMC MV Rutledge-Mary’s Chapel (423) 999-6548 Mailing Address: 1125 Ebenezer Church Rd, Talbott, TN 37877-3825 maryschapelumc@gmail.com Church Location: 410 Marys Chapel Rd, Bean Station, TN 37708 http://www.maryschapelumc.org Mascot UMC TV Mascot UMC (865) 471-8583 Mailing Address: PO Box 128, Mascot, TN 37806-0128 mascotchurches@bellsouth.net Church Location: 9426 Mascot Rd, Mascot, TN 37806 Max Meadows UMC NR Max Meadows Circuit Mailing Address: 871 Danner Rd, Max Meadows, VA 24360-3305 Church Location: 104 Max Meadows Rd., Max Meadows, VA 24360


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Mayes Chapel UMC MV Claiborne Cluster (865) 399-0140 Mailing Address: PO Box 65, Tazewell, TN 37879-0065 Church Location: 945 Lonesome Valley Rd, New Tazewell, TN 37825 McCampbell UMC MV Hills Union-McCampbell’s (865) 397-9378 Mailing Address: PO Box 445, New Market, TN 37820-0445 foxhill1957@hotmail.com Church Location: 1984 W Highway 25 70, New Market, TN 37820 www.mccampbellschapel.webs.com McClure UMC AP McClure UMC (276) 865-5598 Mailing Address: PO Box 422, Saint Paul, VA 24283-0422 Church Location: 171 Church St, Mc Clure, VA 24269-7039 McClure’s Chapel UMC AP McClure’s Chapel UMC Mailing Address: 1664 Cedar Hill Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263-7171 Church Location: 609 McClures Chapel Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263 McCready UMC CM Keywood Charge (276) 796-7093 Mailing Address: PO Box 1093, Saltville, VA 24370-1093 Church Location: 1807 Saltville Hwy, Saltville, VA 24370 McDonald UMC HI McDonald UMC (865) 804-0721 Mailing Address: 4836 S Lee Hwy, Mc Donald, TN 37353-5702 jwcountiss@live.com Church Location: 4836 S Lee Hwy, Mc Donald, TN 37353-5702 McFarland UMC SS McFarland UMC (706) 866-2981 Mailing Address: 101 E Gordon Ave, Rossville, GA 30741-1317 Church Location: 101 E Gordon Ave, Rossville, GA 30741-1317 http://mcfarlandumc.org McFerrin UMC AP McFerrin UMC (423) 426-4291 Mailing Address: 402 Edgewood St, Church Hill, TN 37642-4222 srinesas@yahoo.com Church Location: 117 Mountain View Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642-5074 McKendree UMC SS McKendree-Wells (423) 942-3888 Mailing Address: PO Box 176, Jasper, TN 37347-0176 mckendreejasper@bellsouth.net Church Location: 106 Highway 150, Jasper, TN 37347 www.mckendree-umc.com Meadow UMC SM Meadow UMC Mailing Address: 5540 J Riley West Rd, Greenback, TN 37742-3336 Church Location: 1322 Cloyds Creek Road, Greenback, TN 37742 Meadowview UMC CM Meadowview UMC (276) 944-3430 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 974, Emory, VA 24327 meadowviewumc@comcast.net Church Location: 29043 Walker Ln, Meadowview, VA 24361 Memorial UMC Clinton TV Memorial UMC Clinton (865) 457-2287 Mailing Address: 323 N Main St, Clinton, TN 37716-3716 memorialumcclinton@gmail.com Church Location: 323 N Main St, Clinton, TN 37716-3716 www.memorialumc-clinton.com Middle Creek UMC SM Middle Creek UMC Mailing Address: 18388 Highway 11E, Lenoir City, TN 37772 adams.bruce@charter.net Church Location: 1828 Middle Creek Rd, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863-6172 www.mcumc.holston.org Middlebrook Pike UMC TV Middlebrook Pike UMC (865) 690-8641 Mailing Address: Attn: Ann H. Cover, 7234 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37909-1159 mpumc@middlebrookpike.com Church Location: 7234 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37909-1159 www.middlebrookpike.com Middlesettlements UMC SM Middlesettlements UMC (865) 982-4799 Mailing Address: 2729 Middlesettlements Rd, Maryville, TN 37801-7424 Church Location: 2729 Middlesettlements Rd, Maryville, TN 37801-7424 www.middlesettlements.com Midtown Valley UMC TV Midtown Valley UMC Mailing Address: 1625 Roane State Hwy, Harriman, TN 37748-8304 Church Location: 1625 Roane State Hwy, Harriman, TN 37748-8304 www.midtownvalleyumc.org Midway Memorial UMC AP Midway Memorial-Prospect (276) 452-2412 Mailing Address: 5532 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Gate City, VA 24251-5412 Church Location: 5532 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Gate City, VA 24251-5412 www.midwaymemorialumc.org Midway UMC MV Midway UMC (423) 639-9881 Mailing Address: 156 Troy Morelock Ln, Greeneville, TN 37743-3563 jerry.holt44.jh@gmail.com Church Location: 60 McDonald Rd, Midway, TN 37809 Midway UMC NR Midway-Macedonia Mailing Address: 100 Hankla St, Tazewell, VA 24651-1458 hdingramjr@gmail.com Church Location: Falls Mills Road, Bluefield, WV 24701 Midway UMC Cedar Bluff CM Belfast-Midway Mailing Address: 294 Belfast Mills Rd, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-8235 jembrock@comcast.net Church Location: 328 Midway Rd, Pounding Mill, VA 24637 Milburnton UMC TR Pleasant Grove-Valley View-Milburnton Mailing Address: % Rev. Vivian Franklin, 5470 Old Stage Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641-5052 Church Location: 2495 Old Milburnton Rd, Limestone, TN 37681

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Mill Creek UMC NR Grant-Flat Ridge Circuit Mailing Address: % Rene Peak, 1476 York Ridge Rd, Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363-3750 Church Location: 5353 Highlands Pwy, Mouth Of Wilson, VA 24363 Miller’s Chapel UMC AP Jonesville Parish Mailing Address: 2300 Red Fletcher Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263-7089 Church Location: 127 Clawson Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263-7590 Miller’s Chapel UMC Union TV Miller’s Chapel UMC Union Mailing Address: 2719 Maynardville Hwy, Maynardville, TN 37807-3030 Church Location: 2719 Maynardville Hwy, Maynardville, TN 37807-3030 Millirons UMC NR Little Walker Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 294, North Tazewell, VA 24630-0294 mhale57@gmail.com Church Location: 1290 Little Creek Rd, Dublin, VA 24084 Moore’s Gap UMC TV Moore’s Gap UMC Mailing Address: 164 Moores Gap Rd, Heiskell, TN 37754-2904 Church Location: 164 Moores Gap Rd, Heiskell, TN 37754-2904 Mooresburg UMC MV Mooresburg-Beeler’s Chapel (865) 767-2833 Mailing Address: PO Box 185, Mooresburg, TN 37811-0185 denverdavidson@aol.com Church Location: 133 Church Ln, Mooresburg, TN 37811 Morgan Memorial UMC AP Ewing Circuit Mailing Address: 6190 Dr Thomas Walker Rd, Rose Hill, VA 24281-8338 ewingcircuit@outlook.com Church Location: 6190 Dr Thomas Walker Rd, Rose Hill, VA 24281-8338 Morgan’s Chapel UMC NR New River Circuit (540) 639-4349 Mailing Address: P O Box 118, New River, VA 24129-0118 Church Location: 6540 New River Rd, Fairlawn, VA 24141-8532 Morganville UMC SS Havron’s-Whitwell-Morganville-Slygo (706) 657-7144 Mailing Address: PO Box 6, Trenton, GA 30752-0006 Church Location: 17785 Highway 11, Wildwood, GA 30757 Morrison Chapel UMC AP Morrison Chapel UMC (423) 530-8645 Mailing Address: 2019 Chapel Dr, Kingsport, TN 37665-1013 morrisonchapelumc@gmail.com Church Location: 2019 Chapel Dr, Kingsport, TN 37665-1013 www.morrisonchapelumc.org Mosheim Central UMC MV Mosheim Central-Ottway Mailing Address: 55 Elm St, Mosheim, TN 37818-6019 pastorjamesbrooks@gmail.com Church Location: 675 Main St, Mosheim, TN 37818-4148 Mount Crest UMC SS Mount Crest UMC Mailing Address: 173 Mount Laurel Rd, Pikeville, TN 37367-6665 Church Location: 32979 State Road 30, Pikeville, TN 37367 Mountain Plains UMC NR Blue Ridge Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 473, Hillsville, VA 24343-0473 Church Location: 4329 Fancy Gap Highway, Hillsville, VA 24343 Mountain View UMC AP Mountain View UMC (423) 245-8371 Mailing Address: 4405 Orebank Rd, Kingsport, TN 37664-2129 office@mtviewumc.org Church Location: 4405 Orebank Rd, Kingsport, TN 37664-2129 www.mtviewumc.org Mountain View UMC HI Mountain View UMC (423) 645-6167 Mailing Address: 124 Shasta Ave, Dayton, TN 37321-6751 roddunn@charter.net Church Location: 124 Shasta Ave, Dayton, TN 37321-6751 Mountain View UMC NR Grace Circuit (276) 688-9869 Mailing Address: PO Box 664, Bland, VA 24315-0664 Church Location: 806 Smith Hollow Rd., Wytheville, VA 24382 Mountain View UMC NR Newbern-Mountain View (540) 831-8590 Mailing Address: 5155 Wilderness Rd, Dublin, VA 24084-3931 Church Location: 6648 Wilderness Rd, Dublin, VA 24084-5616 Mountain View UMC SM Mountain View UMC (865) 573-4731 Mailing Address: 3200 Maryville Pike, Knoxville, TN 37920-6132 mountainviewumc@att.net Church Location: 3200 Maryville Pike, Knoxville, TN 37920-6132 Mountain View UMC Abingdon CM Mountain View UMC Abingdon (276) 628-6179 Mailing Address: 22561 Watauga Rd, Abingdon, VA 24211-7067 Church Location: 20241 Green Spring Rd, Abingdon, VA 24211 Mountain View UMC Chilhowie CM Laurel Springs Circuit Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1722, Chilhowie, VA 24319 Church Location: 359 Duncan Lane, Chilhowie, VA 24319 Mountain View UMC Claiborne MV Harrogate-Arthur-Mtn View (423) 869-3734 Mailing Address: PO Box 167, Harrogate, TN 37752-0167 Church Location: 119 Sharp Rd, Speedwell, TN 37870


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Mountain View UMC Eggleston NR Wabash Circuit Mailing Address: 323 Old Schoolhouse Rd, Eggleston, VA 24086-3052 Church Location: 2522 Guinea Mountain Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Mt Airy UMC MV Mt Airy-Economy (423) 523-4751 Mailing Address: PO Box 1, Morristown, TN 37815-0001 maeconomyumc@gmail.com Church Location: 2500 Fish Hatchery Rd, Morristown, TN 37813-2728 Mt Airy UMC NR Radford Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 3296 Fss, Radford, VA 24143-3296 Church Location: 4363 Dry Valley Rd , Riner, VA 24149 Mt Carmel UMC AP Mt Carmel UMC (423) 357-5381 Mailing Address: PO Box 1668, Mount Carmel, TN 37645-1668 mcumcsecretary@gmail.com Church Location: 550 Independence Ave, Mount Carmel, TN 37645-3921 facebook.com/mountcarmelumc Mt Carmel UMC HI Goodfield Circuit (423) 284-1346 Mailing Address: 1857 Lamontville Rd, Decatur, TN 37322-6004 dmoore111z@yahoo.com Church Location: 276 Mt Carmel Rd, Decatur, TN 37322-5820 Mt Carmel UMC TR Mt Carmel-Seviers Mailing Address: 116 Oo Moore Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641-2163 Church Location: 2466 Highway 107, Chuckey, TN 37641-2520 Mt Carmel UMC Greeneville MV Cherokee Circuit (423) 422-2185 Mailing Address: 1120 Midway Rd, Midway, TN 37809-3906 melindasturm@aol.com Church Location: 430 Carmel Hl, Greeneville, TN 37743-4380 Mt Carmel UMC Marion CM Marion East Circuit Mailing Address: 4317 Lee Highway, Marion, VA 24354 Church Location: 5317 Lee Hwy, Atkins, VA 24311 Mt Carmel UMC Mosheim MV Mt Carmel UMC Mosheim (423) 528-4285 Mailing Address: 1486 Baileyton Main St, Greeneville, TN 37745-7684 pastorclyde2@comcast.net Church Location: 4280 Mount Carmel Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818 Mt Ephraim UMC NR Wytheville Circuit (276) 744-3505 Mailing Address: 80 Lady Slipper Ln, Ivanhoe, VA 24350-3038 Church Location: 394 Crockett Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382 Mt Hebron UMC MV Mt Hebron UMC (423) 237-2620 Mailing Address: 685 Mount Hebron Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-4146 ytwilson@aol.com Church Location: 665 Mount Hebron Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-4146 https://m.facebook.com/mt-hebron-umc-356175735925/L Mt Hermon UMC Knox TV Mt Hermon UMC Knox (865) 938-7910 Mailing Address: PO Box 1769, Powell, TN 37849-1769 Church Location: 235 E Copeland Dr, Powell, TN 37849-3000 Mt Hermon UMC Tazewell CM Mt Hermon UMC Tazewell (276) 880-1223 Mailing Address: 199 Arrowhead Cir, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-8283 rjj@cableplus.tv Church Location: 3272 Bandy Rd, Bandy, VA 24602 Mt Hope UMC MV Mt Hope - Antioch (423) 422-6456 Mailing Address: PO Box 944, Mosheim, TN 37818-0944 www.olsie@comcast.net Church Location: 1360 Mount Hope Rd, Mohawk, TN 37810 Mt Hope UMC NR Fries Circuit Mailing Address: 6921 Ivanhoe Rd, Ivanhoe, VA 24350-3085 olsie@adelphia.net Church Location: 61 Mt Hope Rd , Fries, VA 24330 Mt Mitchell UMC NR Grace Circuit (276) 688-9869 Mailing Address: PO Box 664, Bland, VA 24315-0664 Church Location: 4918 Stoney Fork Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382 Mt Olivet UMC HI Goodfield Circuit (423) 284-1346 Mailing Address: 1857 Lamontville Rd, Decatur, TN 37322-6004 dmoore111z@yahoo.com Church Location: 2537 Cottonport Rd, Decatur, TN 37322-7481 Mt Olivet UMC NR Fries Circuit Mailing Address: 6921 Ivanhoe Rd, Ivanhoe, VA 24350-3085 Church Location: 10 Liberty Hill Rd, Fries, VA 24330 Mt Olivet UMC NR Gladeville-Mt Olivet (276) 236-4607 Mailing Address: 6926 Carrollton Pike, Galax, VA 24333-8600 Church Location: 6878 Carrollton Pike, Galax, VA 24333-6011 www.jointheunitedmethodist.wordpress.com@john24333 Mt Olivet UMC Pulaski NR Mt Olivet-Trinity (540) 980-7545 Mailing Address: 3035 Cove Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382-4844 Church Location: 2999 Mount Olivet Rd, Pulaski, VA 24301 Mt Olivet UMC Tazewell CM East Tazewell Circuit Mailing Address: 501 Beverly Hills Dr, North Tazewell, VA 24630-9309 east_tazewell_charge_umc@yahoo.com Church Location: 251 Burkes Garden Rd, Tazewell, VA 24651

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Mt Pisgah UMC MV Cherokee Circuit (423) 422-2185 Mailing Address: 1120 Midway Rd, Midway, TN 37809-3906 melindasturm@aol.com Church Location: 1193 Pisgah Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-4509 Mt Pleasant UMC NR Mt Pleasant UMC (276) 228-5600 Mailing Address: 200 Mount Pleasant Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382-4702 mtpleasantumc@embarqmail.com Church Location: 200 Mount Pleasant Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382-4702 Mt Pleasant UMC Andersonville TV Andersonville-Mt Pleasant (865) 494-9684 Mailing Address: PO Box 212, Andersonville, TN 37705-0212 rnahorak@comcast.net Church Location: 640 Ridge Circle Rd, Andersonville, TN 37705 Mt Pleasant UMC Cedar Bluff CM Mt Pleasant-Steelesburg (276) 963-2140 Mailing Address: PO Box 479, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-0479 Church Location: 19040 Gov G C Peery Highway, Pounding Mill, VA 24637 Mt Pleasant UMC Greeneville MV Bradburn Hill-Mt Pleasant (423) 277-0224 Mailing Address: % Gail Jenkins, 1110 Wentworth Sq, Morristown, TN 37813-1372 pastorgail3@juno.com Church Location: 711 Mount Pleasant Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-7598 Mt Pleasant UMC Talbott MV Mt Pleasant UMC Talbott (865) 471-3246 Mailing Address: 1147 Talbott Kansas Rd, Talbott, TN 37877-3628 mhawkins@cn.edu Church Location: 15411 Mount Pleasant Rd, Talbott, TN 37877 Mt Pleasant UMC Thorn Hill MV Clinch Valley Circuit Mailing Address: 1907 Mountain Valley Hwy 131, Thorn Hill, TN 37881 Church Location: 1907 Mountain Valley Hwy 131, Thorn Hill, TN 37881 Mt Sinai UMC MV Weems Chapel-Mt Sinai (865) 828-4919 Mailing Address: 1110 Wentworth Sq, Morristown, TN 37813-1372 Church Location: 90 S Mount Sinai Ln, Mosheim, TN 37818 Mt Tabor UMC TR Greystone Circuit Mailing Address: 500 Tabor Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-6218 Church Location: 500 Tabor Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-6218 Mt Vale UMC NR Mt Vale-Savannah (276) 236-5862 Mailing Address: 100 Messers St, Galax, VA 24333-3223 mtvalechurch@embarqmail.com Church Location: 3350 Meadow Creek Rd, Galax, VA 24333-4866 www.mtvaleumc.org Mt Vernon UMC AP Mt Vernon UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 175, Hiltons, VA 24258-0175 Church Location: 4977 Ap Carter Hwy, Hiltons, VA 24258-6164 http://www.holstonchurches.org/mtvernon/ Mt Wesley UMC TR Mt Wesley-Embreeville Mailing Address: Attn: Rev Linda Rozar, PO Box 268, Telford, TN 37690-0268 Church Location: 586 Mount Wesley Rd, Telford, TN 37690 Mt Zion UMC HI Mt Zion-St Elmo (423) 364-9481 Mailing Address: 4620 Jersey Pike, Chattanooga, TN 37416-3148 jgmoseley@epbfi.com Church Location: 7223 Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 Mt Zion UMC MV Mt Zion UMC (423) 639-7454 Mailing Address: 1031 Mount Zion Rd, Afton, TN 37616-5125 mtzionchurchnews@yahoo.com Church Location: 876 Mount Zion Rd, Afton, TN 37616 www.mtzionumcafton.com Mt Zion UMC NR Elk Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 228 Camp Moxley Ln, Elk Creek, VA 24326-2382 ecumc6@yahoo.com Church Location: 848 Mt. Zion Rd., Elk Creek, VA 24326 Mt Zion UMC NR Mt Zion UMC Mailing Address: 9897 Spring Valley Rd, Fries, VA 24330-4125 Church Location: 110 Dungeon Spring Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382 Mt Zion UMC Bland NR Mechanicsburg Circuit (276) 688-4238 Mailing Address: 3146 Grapefield Rd, Bastian, VA 24314-5063 Church Location: 3100 Mt. Zion Road, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Mt Zion UMC Claiborne TV Mt Zion UMC Claiborne (423) 562-5503 Mailing Address: PO Box 197, Jacksboro, TN 37757-0197 Church Location: 131 Mount Zion Ln, Jacksboro, TN 37757 Mt Zion UMC Dandridge MV Mt Zion-Seahorn’s Chapel (865) 397-0733 Mailing Address: 1272 Gaby Hills Dr, Dandridge, TN 37725-4844 gpark3467@gmail.com Church Location: 686 Goose Creek Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725 Mt Zion UMC Marion CM Grace-Greenwood-Mt Zion Mailing Address: 710 Grace St, Marion, VA 24354-1912 Church Location: 1706 Old Ebenezer Rd, Marion, VA 24354 Mt Zion UMC North Tazewell CM North Tazewell-Mt Zion (276) 988-4405 Mailing Address: PO Box 125, North Tazewell, VA 24630 ecsmith2nd@gmail.com Church Location: 31140 Gov G C Peery Highway, North Tazewell, VA 24630


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Mulberry Gap UMC MV Del Rio Circuit (865) 223-0609 Mailing Address: 1600 Blue Mill Rd, Del Rio, TN 37727 wcwilliams1959@gmail.com Church Location: 1600 Blue Mill Rd, Del Rio, TN 37727 Munsey Memorial UMC TR Munsey Memorial UMC (423) 461-8070 Mailing Address: PO Box 1336, Johnson City, TN 37605-1336 info@munsey.org Church Location: 201 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN 37601-5723 www.munsey.org Munsey UMC Castlewood CM Clinch Circuit Mailing Address: 1660 Copper Ridge Rd, Castlewood, VA 24224-5557 Church Location:State Route 71 S, Lebanon, VA 24266 Murphy’s Chapel UMC SM Sevierville Circuit (865) 429-1933 Mailing Address: 1702 N Ridge Ct, Sevierville, TN 37862-9347 Church Location: 1740 Pittman Center Rd, Sevierville, TN 37876 New Bethel UMC HI Graysville-New Bethel (423) 506-7457 Mailing Address: PO Box 302, Graysville, TN 37338-0302 Church Location: 836 New Bethel Rd, Dayton, TN 37321-5317 New Bethel UMC NR New Bethel UMC (276) 655-4943 Mailing Address: 218 Hillandale Lane, Elk Creek, VA 24326 Church Location: 879 New Bethel Road , Wytheville, VA 24382 New Century UMC TV New Century UMC (865) 882-6554 Mailing Address: PO Box 875, Harriman, TN 37748-0875 Church Location: 929 Unaka St, Harriman, TN 37748-2224 http://newcenturyumc.holston.org New Cove UMC CM Chatham Hill Circuit Mailing Address: % Ralph Spencer, 6308 Blue Grass Trl, Saltville, VA 24370-4624 Church Location: 6125 Blue Grass Trl, Saltville, VA 24370 New Hope UMC AP Nickelsville Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 70, Nickelsville, VA 24271-0070 Church Location: 3764 Big Moccasin Rd, Nickelsville, VA 24271 New Hope UMC NR Radford Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 81, New River, VA 24129-0081 Church Location: 6460 Church St, New River, VA 24129 New Hope UMC SM New Hope UMC (865) 213-4509 Mailing Address: 337 Bright Rd, Philadelphia, TN 37846-2207 Church Location: 4857 New Hope Rd, Philadelphia, TN 37846 New Hope Union UMC NR Round Mountain Circuit (276) 688-6151 Mailing Address: 1101 Hunting Camp Rd, Bastian, VA 24314-5321 alanashworth2@hotmail.com Church Location: 34 Highland Lane, Bastian, VA 24314 New Life UMC TV New Life-Hopewell Mailing Address: Attn: Rev Atkins McClure, 7921 Millertown Pk, Knoxville, TN 37924-1858 newlifeumcknoxville@gmail.com Church Location: 7921 Millertown Pike, Knoxville, TN 37924-1858 newlifeumcknoxville.com New Market UMC MV New Market Circuit Mailing Address: 1119 Andrew Johnson Hwy, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-1159 nmumc17@gmail.com Church Location: 1505 W Highway 11e, New Market, TN 37820-4154 New Mt Olive UMC NR Radford Circuit (540) 639-6425 Mailing Address: 217 Holloway Dr, Hillsville, VA 24343-5442 Church Location: 309 Russell Ave, Radford, VA 24141-3403 New Providence UMC HI Spivey-New Providence (423) 476-8221 Mailing Address: % Cleveland District Office, PO Box 3382, Cleveland, TN 37320-3382 Church Location: 1133 Turner Rd, Sale Creek, TN 37373-9750 New Salem UMC SM New Salem UMC (865) 995-1121 Mailing Address: 2526 Stock Creek Rd, Knoxville, TN 37920-7583 Church Location: 2417 Tipton Station Rd, Knoxville, TN 37920-7514 New Salem UMC SS New Salem UMC (706) 398-1799 Mailing Address: 12550 Highway 136, Rising Fawn, GA 30738-4240 Church Location: 12550 Highway 136, Rising Fawn, GA 30738-4240 nsumc.org New Tazewell UMC MV New Tazewell UMC (423) 419-5028 Mailing Address: PO Box 36, New Tazewell, TN 37824-0036 Church Location: 965 Old Knoxville Hwy , New Tazewell, TN 37825 www.ntumc.com New Victory UMC TR New Victory UMC Mailing Address: % Barbara Ledford, 164 Woodland Cir, Jonesborough, TN 37659-6331 Church Location: 682 Telford New Victory Rd, Telford, TN 37690 Newbern UMC NR Newbern-Mountain View (540) 831-8590 Mailing Address: 5155 Wilderness Rd, Dublin, VA 24084-3931 Church Location: 5155 Wilderness Rd, Newbern, VA 24126

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Nickelsville UMC AP Nickelsville Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 70, Nickelsville, VA 24271-0070 Church Location: 11675 Nickelsville Hwy, Nickelsville, VA 24271 Niota UMC HI Niota-Cedar Springs (217) 502-0767 Mailing Address: PO Box 190, Niota, TN 37826-0190 alexander.thompson41@gmail.com Church Location: 10 West Main St, Niota, TN 37826 Noe’s Chapel UMC MV Noe’s-Central (423) 237-2620 Mailing Address: 2708 Conrad Dr, Morristown, TN 37814-2123 ytwilson@aol.com Church Location: 707 Noes Chapel Rd, Morristown, TN 37814-2128 Norris UMC TV Norris-Sinking Springs (865) 494-9407 Mailing Address: PO Box 327, Norris, TN 37828-0327 norrisumc@bellsouth.net Church Location: 62 Ridgeway Rd at Oak Road, Norris, TN 37828 North Tazewell UMC CM North Tazewell-Mt Zion (276) 988-9772 Mailing Address: PO Box 125, North Tazewell, VA 24630-0125 Church Location: 1469 Riverside Drive, North Tazewell, VA 24630 Norton UMC AP Norton UMC (276) 679-3528 Mailing Address: PO Box 76, Norton, VA 24273-0076 kennethtaylor1217@comcast.net Church Location: 8th Street at Virginia Ave, Norton, VA 24273 Norwood UMC TV Norwood-Bell’s Campground (865) 687-1620 Mailing Address: 2110 Merchant Dr, Knoxville, TN 37912-5111 norwoodumc1@yahoo.com Church Location: 2110 Merchant Dr, Knoxville, TN 37912-5111 http://norwoodumc.holston.org Nottingham UMC AP Nottingham UMC Mailing Address: 2616 Nottingham Rd, Gate City, VA 24251-4242 numc@sctv.coop Church Location: 2616 Nottingham Rd, Gate City, VA 24251-4242 nottinghamumc.org O & S Chapel UMC MV Riverview Circuit (423) 284-6904 Mailing Address: 1733 Bewley Chapel Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818-5453 revmarkbarber@gmail.com Church Location: 160 W Stagecoach Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-3569 Oak Grove UMC HI Ten Mile-Oak Grove (865) 376-5859 Mailing Address: 222 Paint Rock Rd, Kingston, TN 37763-5823 Church Location: 748 Oak Grove Rd, Decatur, TN 37322-3607 Oak Grove UMC NR Bridle Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 15 Bridle Creek Rd, Independence, VA 24348-4113 Church Location: 4790 Wilson Hwy, Independence, VA 24348 Oak Grove UMC Castlewood CM Clinch Circuit Mailing Address: 1660 Copper Ridge Rd, Castlewood, VA 24224-5557 Church Location: 10079 Moccasin Valley Rd, Lebanon, VA 24266 Oakdale UMC TV SunOak Parish (865) 882-2404 Mailing Address: PO Box 176, Oakdale, TN 37829-0176 Church Location: 610 Airport Rd, Oakdale, TN 37829 Oakland UMC MV Oakland UMC Mailing Address: 158 Dumplin Valley Rd W, Jefferson City, TN 37760-3402 Church Location: 158 Dumplin Valley Rd W, Jefferson City, TN 37760-3402 Oakland UMC NR Oakland UMC (276) 236-8511 Mailing Address: Attn: Rev Tim Smith, 4987 Pipers Gap Rd, Galax, VA 24333-5736 Oaklandumcpastor@gmail.com Church Location: 4987 Pipers Gap Rd, Galax, VA 24333-5736 http://oaklandumc.holston.org Oakland UMC SM Oakland UMC (865) 856-2710 Mailing Address: 234 Trigonia Rd, Greenback, TN 37742-2046 Church Location: 234 Trigonia Rd, Greenback, TN 37742-2046 Oakwood UMC TV Fairview-Oakwood Mailing Address: 334 E Burwell Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917-5005 Church Location: 334 E Burwell Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917-5005 Okolona UMC AP Chalybeate Springs-Okolona (276) 608-2603 Mailing Address: 16112 Wyndale Rd, Abingdon, VA 24210 tfleenor3202@comcast.net Church Location: 4215 Stanley Valley Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642 Old Union UMC AP Old Union UMC (423) 921-8519 Mailing Address: 430 W Main Blvd, Church Hill, TN 37642-3905 purplepastorpat@gmail.com Church Location: 749 Old Union Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642 http://www.facebook.com/pages/old-union-united-methodist-church/213937968637761 Oliver Springs UMC TV Oliver Springs Parish (865) 435-7294 Mailing Address: PO Box 393, Oliver Springs, TN 37840-0393 Church Location: 513 E Tri County Blvd, Oliver Springs, TN 37840 Ooltewah UMC HI Ooltewah UMC (423) 238-9216 Mailing Address: 6131 Relocation Way, Ooltewah, TN 37363-6288 office@oumclive.org Church Location: 6131 Relocation Way, Ooltewah, TN 37363-6288 www.oumclive.org


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Otes UMC MV Otes UMC (423) 581-2321 Mailing Address: 5012 Woodbury Ct, Morristown, TN 37813-1088 vtrobaugh@gmail.com Church Location: 1869 Hwy 66, Rogersville, TN 37857 Otterbein UMC TR Johnson City Parish (423) 926-6932 Mailing Address: 905 Welbourne St, Johnson City, TN 37601-4619 Church Location: 120 E Chilhowie Ave, Johnson City, TN 37601-4681 Ottway UMC MV Mosheim Central-Ottway (423) 422-7425 Mailing Address: 2650 Ottway Rd, Greeneville, TN 37745-8782 pastorjamesbrooks@gmail.com Church Location: 2650 Ottway Rd, Greeneville, TN 37745-8782 Out Of The Box UMC NR Out Of The Box UMC (276) 728-0020 Mailing Address: Attn: Rev Ronnie Collins, PO Box 1762, Hillsville, VA 24343-7762 ronnie24317@yahoo.com Church Location: 516 N Main St, Hillsville, VA 24343-1437 Oven Creek UMC MV Riverview Circuit (423) 284-6904 Mailing Address: 4300 Pates Hill Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818-5542 revmarkbarber@gmail.com Church Location: 1454 N Highway 340, Parrottsville, TN 37843 Pactolus UMC AP Pactolus UMC (423) 765-2933 Mailing Address: 2005 Springfield Ave, Kingsport, TN 37664-2041 pactolusumc@gmail.com Church Location: 170 Pactolus Rd, Kingsport, TN 37663-3056 Panther Springs UMC MV Panther Springs UMC (423) 581-1992 Mailing Address: 4555 W Andrew Johnson Hwy, Morristown, TN 37814-1038 pantherspringsumc@gmail.com Church Location: 4555 W Andrew Johnson Hwy, Morristown, TN 37814-1038 pantherspringsumc.com Paperville UMC CM Sinking Springs-Paperville (424) 878-5741 Mailing Address: 23405 Woodway Rd, Bristol, VA 24202-4743 Church Location: 173 Church Cir, Bristol, TN 37620 Parrott UMC NR Mountain Circuit Mailing Address: 5670 Thornspring Church Rd, Dublin, VA 24084-3865 Church Location: 8019 Church Hill Lane , Parrott, VA 24132 Parrottsville UMC MV Harned’s-Parrottsville (423) 623-5180 Mailing Address: Attn: Janie Puckett, PO Box 1, Parrottsville, TN 37843-0001 carlonsjones@att.net Church Location: 2035 Highway 321, Parrottsville, TN 37843 Paynes Chapel UMC SS Paynes Chapel UMC Mailing Address: 2132 Dallas Lake Rd, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-8806 Church Location: 1128 Highway 157, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750 Peck’s Memorial UMC SM Peck’s Memorial UMC (865) 984-2510 Mailing Address: 2438 Wilkinson Pike, Maryville, TN 37803-4135 pecksumch@gmail.com Church Location: 2438 Wilkinson Pike, Maryville, TN 37803-4135 Persia UMC MV Persia-Pleasant Hill (423) 972-7412 Mailing Address: 102 Easy St, Bulls Gap, TN 37711-4621 charles_heck@att.net Church Location: 106 Persia Cemetery Rd, Rogersville, TN 37857 Philadelphia UMC SM Philadelphia-Fenders Mailing Address: PO Box 196, Philadelphia, TN 37846-0196 Church Location: 400 Church St , Philadelphia, TN 37846 Pikeville UMC SS Pikeville UMC (423) 447-2951 Mailing Address: PO Box 233, Pikeville, TN 37367-0233 drains@bledsoe.net Church Location: 7 Methodist Ave., Pikeville, TN 37367 Pilot UMC NR Pilot UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 471, Dublin, VA 24084-0471 Church Location: 4954 Pilot Rd, Pilot, VA 24138 Pine Grove UMC MV Pine Grove-Hartman’s Chapel (423) 470-4045 Mailing Address: 6765 Warrensburg Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818-5349 pinegroveumcgreeneville@gmail.com Church Location: 3005 Bright Hope Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-8561 Pine Grove UMC Bastian NR Round Mountain Circuit (276) 688-6151 Mailing Address: 1101 Hunting Camp Rd, Bastian, VA 24314-5321 alanashworth2@hotmail.com Church Location: 6116 N Scenic Hwy, Bastian, VA 24314 Piney Flats UMC TR Piney Flats UMC (423) 538-6937 Mailing Address: 225 Methodist Church St, Piney Flats, TN 37686-4842 pineyflatsumc@gmail.com Church Location: 225 Methodist Church St, Piney Flats, TN 37686-4842 www.pineyflatsumc.org Piney Grove UMC HI Piney Grove UMC Mailing Address: 767 County Road 750, Athens, TN 37303-6232 Church Location: 767 County Road 750, Athens, TN 37303-6232 Piney Grove UMC Knoxville SM Piney Grove UMC Knoxville Mailing Address: 6833 Pine Grove Rd, Knoxville, TN 37914-9629 Church Location: 6899 Pine Grove Rd, Knoxville, TN 37914

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Pisgah UMC CM Pisgah-Pleasant Hill Mailing Address: 782 Main St, Tazewell, VA 24651-5399 Church Location: 1604 Pisgah Road, Tazewell, VA 24651 www.gbgm-umc.org/pisgah Pleasant Grove UMC SS Pleasant Grove UMC Mailing Address: 172 Pleasant Grove Rd., Jasper, TN 37347 Church Location: 172 Pleasant Grove Rd, Jasper, TN 37347 Pleasant Grove UMC TR Pleasant Grove-Valley View-Milburnton Mailing Address: 103 McCall Rd, Limestone, TN 37681-2102 Church Location: 687 Pleasant Grove Rd, Limestone, TN 37681-2112 Pleasant Grove UMC Cleveland HI Cleveland, Trinity-Pleasant Grove (423) 892-6926 Mailing Address: 9028 Warbler Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37421-1358 Church Location: 3043 Pleasant Grove Rd SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 Pleasant Grove UMC Etowah HI Wesley Memorial, Etowah-Pleasant Grove (423) 333-4664 Mailing Address: 221 Crestwood Dr, Englewood, TN 37329-5009 Church Location: 278 County Road 475, Etowah, TN 37331 Pleasant Grove UMC Union TV Pleasant Grove UMC Union Mailing Address: 144 Highway 370, Luttrell, TN 37779-2310 Church Location: 116 Satterfield Rd, Luttrell, TN 37779 Pleasant Hill UMC AP Sugar Run Circuit Mailing Address: 4513 Sugar Run Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263-8264 Church Location: 3112 Sugar Run Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263 Pleasant Hill UMC HI Pleasant Hill UMC (423) 745-1071 Mailing Address: 102 Nash Dr, Athens, TN 37303-4022 davidderrick96@gmail.com Church Location: 121 Lower Pleasant Hill Rd, Decatur, TN 37322 Pleasant Hill UMC MV Persia-Pleasant Hill (423) 972-7412 Mailing Address: 195 Pleasant Hill Rd, Bulls Gap, TN 37711-4664 charles_heck@att.net Church Location: 195 Pleasant Hill Rd, Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Pleasant Hill UMC TR Hermon-Pleasant Hill Mailing Address: 7275 Erwin Hwy, Chuckey, TN 37641-6371 Church Location: 1477 Fox Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641 Pleasant Hill UMC Blount SM Pleasant Hill UMC Blount (865) 983-9235 Mailing Address: 838 Ridge Rd, Maryville, TN 37803-3002 frankmmason@gmail.com Church Location: 503 Pleasant Hill Rd, Maryville, TN 37803-7339 Pleasant Hill UMC Knoxville SM Pleasant Hill UMC Knoxville (865) 932-0301 Mailing Address: 8801 Pleasant Hill Rd, Knoxville, TN 37924-3206 Church Location: 8801 Pleasant Hill Rd, Knoxville, TN 37924-3206 Pleasant Hill UMC Pearisburg NR Wabash Circuit (540) 921-2039 Mailing Address: 176 Sugar Run Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-2647 Church Location: 3049 Pulaski Giles Tpke, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Pleasant Hill UMC Roane SM Pleasant Hill UMC Roane (865) 213-0453 Mailing Address: 2690 Oakland Rd, Philadelphia, TN 37846-2039 powerplaypulling@aol.com Church Location: Paint Rock Valley Rd, Philadelphia, TN 37846 Pleasant Hill UMC Sevierville SM Sevierville Parish Mailing Address: 209 Y Rd, Sevierville, TN 37862-4014 Church Location: 402 White’s School Road, Sevierville, TN 37876 Pleasant Hill UMC Tazewell CM Pisgah-Pleasant Hill Mailing Address: 782 Main St, Tazewell, VA 24651-5399 Church Location: 2304 Pleasant Hill Church Road, Tazewell, VA 24651 www.gbgm-umc.org/phumw Pleasant Valley UMC MV Cosby Circuit (423) 470-5246 Mailing Address: 2633 Bogard Rd, Newport, TN 37821-6874 jntc1472@peoplepc.com Church Location: 3522 Pleasant Valley Rd, Cosby, TN 37722-2724 Pleasant View UMC Abingdon CM Pleasant View UMC Abingdon (276) 628-6323 Mailing Address: 18416 Lee Hwy, Abingdon, VA 24210-8002 pleasantviewumchurch@gmail.com Church Location: 18416 Lee Hwy, Abingdon, VA 24210-8002 Pocahontas UMC NR Pocahontas-Christ First (276) 945-2166 Mailing Address: 6972 Abbs Valley Rd, Bluefield, VA 24605-8787 Church Location: Center Street, Pocahontas, VA 24635 Pound UMC AP Pound UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 1208, Pound, VA 24279-1208 Church Location: 11424 Church St, Pound, VA 24279-5500 Powell UMC TV Powell UMC (865) 938-2741 Mailing Address: 323 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849-4318 powellchurch@aol.com Church Location: 323 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849-4318


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Prospect UMC AP Midway Memorial-Prospect Mailing Address: 175 Alpine Ridge Ln, Gate City, VA 24251-2614 Church Location: 163 Prospect Church Rd, Gate City, VA 24251 Providence UMC NR Spring Valley Circuit Mailing Address: 8886 Spring Valley Rd, Fries, VA 24330-4144 Church Location: 1918 Scenic Rd, Fries, VA 24330 Providence UMC Pearisburg NR Wabash Circuit (276) 688-9869 Mailing Address: 406 Gale Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-1810 pamsuth57@gmail.com Church Location: 322 Wilburn Valley Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Pruitt Hill UMC MV Pruitt Hill-Tate Chapel (423) 639-0212 Mailing Address: 156 N Sunset St, Greeneville, TN 37743-3100 zerudia@hotmail.com Church Location: 845 W Allens Bridge Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-5147 Quarry UMC CM Keywood Charge (276) 496-7093 Mailing Address: PO Box 1093, Saltville, VA 24370-1093 Church Location: 208 Old Quarry Rd., Saltville, VA 24370 Randolph Avenue UMC NR Randolph Avenue UMC Mailing Address: 1621 Randolph Ave, Pulaski, VA 24301-2001 fanniemcc@yahoo.com Church Location: 1607 Randolph Ave, Pulaski, VA 24301-2001 http://randolphaveumc.holston.org Randolph UMC SS Holly Avenue-Randolph Mailing Address: PO Box 383, South Pittsburg, TN 37380-0383 Church Location: 103 N Elm Ave, South Pittsburg, TN 37380 Red Bank UMC SS Red Bank UMC (423) 877-2881 Mailing Address: 3800 Dayton Blvd, Chattanooga, TN 37415-4011 rbumpastor@comcast.net Church Location: 3800 Dayton Blvd, Chattanooga, TN 37415-4011 redbankunitedmethodist.org Red Hill UMC HI Red Hill UMC (423) 476-8221 Mailing Address: 340 Hunt Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323-8856 Church Location: 527 Red Hill Valley Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323-9342 Red Oak UMC NR Ceres Circuit (276) 682-4263 Mailing Address: 5023 W Blue Grass Trl, Ceres, VA 24318-3402 Church Location: 388 Red Oak, Ceres, VA 24318 Reed Chapel UMC HI Spring City-Reed Chapel (423) 365-6324 Mailing Address: PO Box 158, Spring City, TN 37381-0158 Church Location: 214 Hilleary St, Spring City, TN 37381 Rehobeth UMC MV Hunt’s-Whittenburg-Rehobeth (865) 397-3223 Mailing Address: 205 Rehobeth Lane, Greeneville, TN 37745 merfrye@juno.com Church Location: 205 Rehobeth Church Ln, Greeneville, TN 37743-7656 Reynolds Memorial UMC CM Reynolds Memorial UMC (276) 669-1134 Mailing Address: 327 W Mary St, Bristol, VA 24201-4483 rmumcpastor@bvunet.net Church Location: 327 W Mary St, Bristol, VA 24201-4483 www.rmumcbristol.org Rheatown UMC TR Chuckey Circuit Mailing Address: 345 Rheatown Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641 Church Location: 345 Rheatown Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641 Rich Valley UMC CM Rich Valley-Bethany (276) 628-7009 Mailing Address: 22285 Rich Valley Rd, Abingdon, VA 24210-1957 Church Location: 22267 Rich Valley Rd, Abingdon, VA 24210 Ridgedale UMC CM Chatham Hill Circuit Mailing Address: % Betty Webb, 1012 Ridgedale Rd, Saltville, VA 24370-4261 Church Location: 1112 Ridgedale Rd., Saltville, VA 24370 Rising Fawn UMC SS Rising Fawn UMC (706) 462-2299 Mailing Address: PO Box 66, Rising Fawn, GA 30738-0066 Church Location: 5311 Lambert Ln, Rising Fawn, GA 30738 River Hill UMC MV Cherokee Circuit (423) 422-2185 Mailing Address: 1120 Midway Rd, Midway, TN 37809-3906 melindasturm@aol.com Church Location: 5850 Old Asheville Hwy, Greeneville, TN 37743-3834 Riverside UMC CM Chatham Hill Circuit Mailing Address: 4505 Valley Rd, Saltville, VA 24370-4173 Church Location: 428 Riverside Church Road, Saltville, VA 24370 Riverside UMC CM Riverside-Wilbur Memorial Mailing Address: 127 Riverside Dr, North Tazewell, VA 24630-5123 Church Location: 816 W Riverside Dr, North Tazewell, VA 24630-9432 Roan Mountain UMC TR Valley Forge-Roan Mountain Mailing Address: 307 Johnson St, Roan Mountain, TN 37687-3031 Church Location: 307 Johnson St, Roan Mountain, TN 37687-3031

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Robbins Chapel UMC AP St Charles-Robbins Chapel (276) 383-4459 Mailing Address: 108 John Fortner Dr, Keokee, VA 24265-8563 Church Location: 108 John Fortner Dr, Keokee, VA 24265-8563 Roberts Chapel UMC CM Broadford Circuit (276) 496-3451 Mailing Address: 3968 Blue Grass Trl, Saltville, VA 24370-4199 Church Location: 3877 Blue Grass Trail, Broadford, VA 24316 Roberts UMC SM Sevierville Circuit (865) 429-1933 Mailing Address: 1702 N Ridge Ct, Sevierville, TN 37862-9347 Church Location: Jayell Rd, Sevierville, TN 37862 Rock Springs UMC AP Rock Springs UMC (423) 349-7531 Mailing Address: 227 Church View Dr, Kingsport, TN 37664-5430 rsumckpt@gmail.com Church Location: 227 Church View Dr, Kingsport, TN 37664-5430 www.rockspringsumc.com Rockford UMC NR New River Circuit (540) 639-4349 Mailing Address: 5805 Alum Spring Rd, Pulaski, VA 24301-7055 Church Location: 6867 Viscoe Rd, Fairlawn, VA 24141-6907 Rockhold UMC TR Rockhold-Enterprise Mailing Address: PO Box 396, Bluff City, TN 37618-0396 Church Location: 4157 Rock Hold Rd, Bluff City, TN 37618-3518 Rockwood UMC TV Rockwood-Chevront (865) 354-0753 Mailing Address: PO Box 446, Rockwood, TN 37854-0446 rumc446@gmail.com Church Location: 801 N Kingston Ave, Rockwood, TN 37854-2928 www.rockwoodumc.com Rocky Gap UMC NR Rocky Gap Charge Mailing Address: PO Box 68, Rocky Gap, VA 24366-0068 pastorrodney@verizon.net Church Location: 12508 North Scenic Highway, Rocky Gap, VA 24366 Rocky Top UMC TV Rocky Top UMC (865) 426-6189 Mailing Address: PO Box 406, Rocky Top, TN 37769-0406 Church Location: 220 4th St, Rocky Top, TN 37769-2019 Romeo UMC MV Romeo-St Clair-Talley (423) 254-0686 Mailing Address: 11095 Lonesome Pine Trl, Bulls Gap, TN 37711-3356 counslr001@gmail.com Church Location: 11095 Lonesome Pine Trl, Bulls Gap, TN 37711-3356 www.romeoumc.org Ross Campground UMC AP Ross Campground-Cameron (423) 444-9860 Mailing Address: 688 Willowcrest Pl, Kingsport, TN 37660-8522 rosscampgroundumc@gmail.com Church Location: 242 Ross Campground Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642-6686 www.rosscampground.com Round Bottom UMC NR Rocky Gap Charge Mailing Address: PO Box 116, Rocky Gap, VA 24366-0116 wmds@wvva.net Church Location: 4298 Wolf Creek Rd, Narrows, VA 24124 Rugby Road UMC TV Oneida-Rugby Road (423) 377-9682 Mailing Address: PO Box 88, Elgin, TN 37732-0088 Church Location: 237 Young Rd, Elgin, TN 37732 Rural Retreat UMC NR Rural Retreat UMC (276) 686-6429 Mailing Address: PO Box 307, Rural Retreat, VA 24368-0307 Church Location: 503 Church St, Rural Retreat, VA 24368 www.ruralretreatumc.org Russellville UMC MV Liberty Hill-Russellville (423) 231-1988 Mailing Address: 1110 Wentworth Sq, Morristown, TN 37813-1372 pastorhappyjack@yahoo.com Church Location: 5997 N 2nd St, Russellville, TN 37860 Rutherford Memorial UMC TV Rutherford Memorial UMC (865) 687-8438 Mailing Address: PO Box 96, Corryton, TN 37721-0096 info@rutherfordmemorialumc.com Church Location: 7815 Corryton Rd, Corryton, TN 37721-2623 www.rutherford.holston.org Rutledge UMC MV Rutledge-Mary’s Chapel Mailing Address: PO Box 161, Rutledge, TN 37861-0161 Church Location: 7961 Rutledge Pike, Rutledge, TN 37861-3026 Rye Cove UMC AP Rye Cove UMC Mailing Address: 1801 Farming Acres Rd, Duffield, VA 24244-2521 Church Location: 2642 Brick Church Rd, Duffield, VA 24244 Sale Creek UMC SS Daisy-Sale Creek (423) 486-4993 Mailing Address: 9510 Dayton Pike, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-4752 Church Location: 14909 Dayton Pike, Sale Creek, TN 37373 Salem UMC AP Salem UMC (423) 323-7848 Mailing Address: 5230 Bloomingdale Rd, Blountville, TN 37617-6635 salemumcbc@gmail.com Church Location: 230 Boozy Creek Rd, Blountville, TN 37617-6604 http://salemumc.holston.org Salem UMC NR Elk Creek Circuit Mailing Address: 228 Camp Moxley Ln, Elk Creek, VA 24326-2382 ecumc6@yahoo.com Church Location: 35 Salem Lane, Elk Creek, VA 24326


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Salem UMC Bland NR Mechanicsburg Circuit (276) 688-4238 Mailing Address: 3146 Grapefield Rd, Bastian, VA 24314-5063 Church Location: 6255 Kimberling Rd, Bland, VA 24315 Sand Branch UMC SM Sand Branch UMC (865) 524-7601 Mailing Address: 2301 Thorngrove Pike, Knoxville, TN 37914-6348 Church Location: 2301 Thorngrove Pike, Knoxville, TN 37914-6348 Sand Mountain UMC SS Sand Mountain-Wildwood (423) 629-4123 Mailing Address: 2026 Highway 136, Trenton, GA 30752-4816 Church Location: 2026 Highway 136, Trenton, GA 30752-4816 Sardis UMC SS Sardis UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 181, Sequatchie, TN 37374-0181 Church Location: Valley View Hwy, Whitwell, TN 37397 Savannah UMC NR Mt Vale-Savannah (276) 233-8436 Mailing Address: 100 Messers St, Galax, VA 24333-3223 Church Location: 2921 Savannah Rd, Galax, VA 24333 Savannah UMC SS Savannah UMC 423619-8850 Mailing Address: 8101 Pierpoint Dr, Harrison, TN 37341-7617 jenifermlee@gmail.com Church Location: 10520 Snow Hill Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 Seahorn’s Chapel UMC MV Mt Zion-Seahorn’s Chapel (865) 397-0733 Mailing Address: 1272 Gaby Hills Dr, Dandridge, TN 37725-4844 gpark3467@gmail.com Church Location: 2115 Oak Grove Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725 Second UMC TV Second UMC (865) 524-1689 Mailing Address: 1524 Western Ave, Knoxville, TN 37921-6317 2umc@comcast.net Church Location: 1524 Western Ave, Knoxville, TN 37921-6317 http://secondumc.holston.org/ Seminary UMC AP Dryden-Seminary (276) 546-1741 Mailing Address: 604 Powell River Rd, Dryden, VA 24243-8130 Church Location: 1872 Seminary Church Loop, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-8076 Seven Mile Ford UMC CM Chilhowie-Seven Mile Ford Mailing Address: PO Box 367, Chilhowie, VA 24319-0367 Church Location: 110 Pioneer Rd, Marion, VA 24354 Seviers UMC TR Mt Carmel-Seviers Mailing Address: 116 Oo Moore Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641-2163 Church Location: 951 Highway 107, Jonesborough, TN 37659 Seymour UMC SM Seymour UMC (865) 573-9711 Mailing Address: Attn: Michell Hurton, PO Box 1488, Seymour, TN 37865-1488 office@seymourumc.org Church Location: 107 Simmons Rd, Seymour, TN 37865-5568 www.seymourumc.com Shades of Grace UMC AP Shades of Grace UMC (423) 765-2440 Mailing Address: 313 E Sullivan St, Kingsport, TN 37660-4403 wshewey@aol.com Church Location: 313 E Sullivan St, Kingsport, TN 37660-4403 Shady Grove UMC CM Shady Grove-Meadowview (276) 628-3092 Mailing Address: 335 Gillespie Dr, Abingdon, VA 24210-2105 shadygroveumc@va.net Church Location: 329 Whites Mill Rd, Abingdon, VA 24210-2945 Shady Grove UMC MV Shady Grove - Woodlawn Parish (865) 397-7453 Mailing Address: 1675 Harold Patterson Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-6032 admin@shadygrovedandridge.org Church Location: 1675 Harold Patterson Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-6032 www.shadygrovedandridge.org Shady Grove UMC Bland NR Mechanicsburg Circuit (276) 688-4238 Mailing Address: 3146 Grapefield Rd, Bastian, VA 24314-5063 Church Location: 10493 Kimberling Rd, Bland, VA 24315 Shady Grove UMC Pearisburg NR Wabash Circuit (540) 921-2039 Mailing Address: 176 Sugar Run Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-2647 Church Location: 392 Walkers Creek Valley Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Sheffey Memorial UMC NR Wabash Circuit (540) 921-2039 Mailing Address: 176 Sugar Run Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-2647 Church Location: 136 Sheffey Lane, Staffordsville, VA 24167 Shiloh UMC NR Woodlawn-Shiloh (276) 236-4424 Mailing Address: PO Box 75, Woodlawn, VA 24381-0075 wsumc@ls.net Church Location: 67 Shiloh Rd, Hillsville, VA 24343 Shiloh UMC Bland NR Mechanicsburg Circuit (276) 688-4238 Mailing Address: 3146 Grapefield Rd, Bastian, VA 24314-5063 Church Location: 2854 Wilderness Road, Bland, VA 24315 Shiloh UMC Rutledge MV Rutledge Circuit (865) 828-3837 Mailing Address: 133 Shiloh Church Rd, Rutledge, TN 37861-4520 sweetpreach@aol.com Church Location: 185 Shiloh Church Rd, Rutledge, TN 37861

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Shiloh UMC Sneedville MV Sneedville Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 146, Sneedville, TN 37869-0146 Church Location: 111 Shiloh Church Rd, Sneedville, TN 37869 Shouns UMC TR Mountain City Circuit Mailing Address: 172 Forge Creek Rd, Mountain City, TN 37683-2056 Church Location: 1895 Crossroads Dr, Mountain City, TN 37683-2265 Shults Grove UMC SM Pittman Center (865) 436-1662 Mailing Address: 340 Tunis Rd, Sevierville, TN 37876-9156 Church Location: 505 E. Balls Hollow Road, Cosby, TN 37722 Sidney UMC NR Fairview-Sidney Mailing Address: 21 Grandview Dr, Radford, VA 24141 Church Location: 2705 Camp Carysbrook Rd, Riner, VA 24149 Signal Crest UMC SS Signal Crest UMC (423) 886-2330 Mailing Address: 1005 Ridgeway Ave, Signal Mountain, TN 37377-3114 Church Location: 1005 Ridgeway Ave, Signal Mountain, TN 37377-3114 www.signalcrestumc.org/ Signal Mountain UMC SS Signal Mountain UMC (423) 886-3582 Mailing Address: 3419 Taft Hwy, Signal Mountain, TN 37377-2758 Church Location: 3419 Taft Hwy, Signal Mountain, TN 37377-2758 Simpson UMC SS Simpson UMC (706) 866-3410 Mailing Address: 601 McFarland Ave, Rossville, GA 30741-1902 office@holstongap.com Church Location: 601 McFarland Ave, Rossville, GA 30741-1902 Sinking Springs UMC CM Sinking Springs-Paperville (276) 466-2103 Mailing Address: 208 V I Ranch Rd, Bristol, TN 37620-0938 Church Location: 208 V I Ranch Rd, Bristol, TN 37620-0938 Sinking Springs UMC TV Norris-Sinking Springs (865) 494-9407 Mailing Address: PO Box 209, Clinton, TN 37717-0209 norrisumc@bellsouth.net Church Location: 108 Bland Rd, Clinton, TN 37716-6532 Slagles UMC TR Carter County Parish (423) 542-2436 Mailing Address: 285 Old Watauga Rd, Elizabethton, TN 37643-6671 Church Location: 285 Old Watauga Rd, Elizabethton, TN 37643-6671 Slant UMC AP Dungannon Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 374, Dungannon, VA 24245-0374 Church Location: 10255 Clinch River Hwy, Fort Blackmore, VA 24250 Slygo Valley UMC SS Havron’s-Whitwell-Morganville-Slygo (706) 866-8582 Mailing Address: PO Box 6, Trenton, GA 30752-0006 Church Location: 2314 Slygo Rd, Trenton, GA 30752 Smith’s Chapel UMC AP Smith’s Chapel UMC Mailing Address: 2050 Manville Rd, Gate City, VA 24251-4747 Church Location: 3385 Manville Rd, Gate City, VA 24251-4738 Smyth Chapel UMC AP Smyth Chapel UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 678, Pennington Gap, VA 24277-0678 Church Location: 737 Smyth Chapel Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263 Sneedville UMC MV Sneedville Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 146, Sneedville, TN 37869-0146 Church Location: 153 Harrison St, Sneedville, TN 37869-3825 Soddy UMC SS Soddy UMC (423) 332-1148 Mailing Address: 260 Durham St, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-6439 Church Location: 255 Depot St, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-6412 www.soddyumc.org Solway UMC TV Solway UMC (865) 927-5881 Mailing Address: PO Box 7085, Knoxville, TN 37921-0002 Church Location: 3300 Guinn Rd, Knoxville, TN 37931 South Bristol UMC CM South Bristol UMC (423) 764-4824 Mailing Address: 1801 Southside Ave, Bristol, TN 37620-4254 southbristolumc@btes.tv Church Location: 1809 Southside Ave, Bristol, TN 37620-4254 www.gbgm-umc.org/southbristol South Cleveland UMC HI South Cleveland UMC (423) 507-5760 Mailing Address: 517 County Road 778, Athens, TN 37303-6317 bberia@yahoo.com Church Location: 1165 Church St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311-2638 Speaks Chapel UMC AP Station Creek-Speaks Chapel Mailing Address: RR 1 Box 559, Rose Hill, VA 24281-9726 Church Location: 120 Blue Hollow Rd, Rose Hill, VA 24281-8162 Speedwell UMC NR Cedar Springs Circuit (540) 315-6013 Mailing Address: 111 8th St NW, Pulaski, VA 24301-3603 Church Location: 6311 Cedar Springs Rd, Rural Retreat, VA 24368


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Spivey UMC HI Spivey-New Providence (423) 775-0321 Mailing Address: PO Box 476, Dayton, TN 37321-0476 Church Location: 3680 Blythe Ferry Rd, Dayton, TN 37321-5724 Spring City UMC HI Spring City-Reed Chapel (423) 365-6324 Mailing Address: PO Box 158, Spring City, TN 37381-0158 scumc@volstate.net Church Location: 245 Church St, Spring City, TN 37381-5164 www.springcityumc.com Spring Creek UMC HI Calhoun-Spring Creek (252) 548-4608 Mailing Address: PO Box 185, Calhoun, TN 37309-0185 Church Location: 115 County Rd 36, Calhoun, TN 37309 St Charles UMC AP St Charles-Robbins Chapel Mailing Address: PO Box K, Saint Charles, VA 24282-0265 Church Location: 339 Monarch Rd, Saint Charles, VA 24282-8050 St Clair UMC HI Vine Grove/Mt Olive-St Clair (423) 240-0514 Mailing Address: 820 Johnson Blvd SE, Cleveland, TN 37311-6459 janiepetitt@gmail.com Church Location: 307 Rocky Springs Rd, Spring City, TN 37381-5610 St Clair UMC MV Romeo-St Clair-Talley (423) 278-0763 Mailing Address: 626 Mount Bethel Rd, Greeneville, TN 37745-6376 alnan@chartertn.net Church Location: 137 Saint Clair Park Cir, Bulls Gap, TN 37711 St Elmo UMC Chattanooga SS St Elmo UMC Chattanooga (423) 490-7039 Mailing Address: 4626 St. Elmo Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37409 Church Location: 4626 Saint Elmo Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37409-1640 St Elmo UMC Cleveland HI Mt Zion-St Elmo (423) 624-5172 Mailing Address: 817 Grove Cir NW, Cleveland, TN 37311-1775 Church Location: 447 Francisco Rd NW, Georgetown, TN 37336 St John UMC SM St John UMC (865) 983-2290 Mailing Address: 2201 E Broadway Ave, Maryville, TN 37804-3036 stjohnumcmaryville@gmail.com Church Location: 2201 E Broadway Ave, Maryville, TN 37804-3036 St John UMC SS St John UMC (423) 892-2257 Mailing Address: 3921 Murray Hills Dr, Chattanooga, TN 37416-2923 contact@stjohnumc.org Church Location: 3921 Murray Hills Dr, Chattanooga, TN 37416-2923 www.stjohnumc.org St John UMC Mtn City TR First UMC Mountain City-Trade Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1086, Abingdon, VA 24212 Church Location: 336 Gentry Creek Rd, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680-4200 St Luke UMC AP St Luke UMC (423) 245-4947 Mailing Address: Attn Treasurer, 2600 E Center St, Kingsport, TN 37664-2783 stluke@saintlukeumc.com Church Location: 2600 E Center St, Kingsport, TN 37664-2783 St Luke UMC Chattanooga SS St Luke UMC Chattanooga (423) 877-6447 Mailing Address: 3210 Social Cir, Chattanooga, TN 37415-5306 st.lukeumchurch@gmail.com Church Location: 3210 Social Cir, Chattanooga, TN 37415-5306 www.stlukeumc.info St Lukes UMC Knoxville TV St Lukes UMC Knoxville (865) 524-7220 Mailing Address: 3839 Buffat Mill Rd, Knoxville, TN 37914-3328 kc7014385@aol.com Church Location: 3839 Buffat Mill Rd, Knoxville, TN 37914-3328 St Mark UMC Clinton TV St Mark-Dutch Valley (865) 457-1520 Mailing Address: 252 N Main St, Clinton, TN 37716-3706 st_mark@comcast.net Church Location: 252 N Main St, Clinton, TN 37716-3706 www.stmarkclinton.org St Mark UMC Kingsport AP St Mark UMC Kingsport (423) 765-2529 Mailing Address: 1584 Warpath Dr, Kingsport, TN 37664-3361 revhuffine1@gmail.com Church Location: 929 Maple St, Kingsport, TN 37660-5219 St Mark UMC Knoxville SM St Mark UMC Knoxville (865) 588-0808 Mailing Address: 7001 S Northshore Dr, Knoxville, TN 37919-8530 office@stmarkknox.org Church Location: 7001 S Northshore Dr, Knoxville, TN 37919-8530 http://stmarkknox.org St Marks UMC SS St Marks UMC (423) 267-5530 Mailing Address: 701 Mississippi Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37405-2857 webmaster@stmarksumc.org Church Location: 701 Mississippi Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37405-2857 St Mark’s UMC, Louisville SM St Mark’s UMC, Louisville (865) 977-6128 Mailing Address: PO Box 37, Louisville, TN 37777-0037 UMCoffice@SaintMarksChurch.net Church Location: 3359 Louisville Rd, Louisville, TN 37777-3736 www.saintmarkschurch.net St Matthew UMC AP St Matthew-Emory UMC Kingsport (423) 245-3033 Mailing Address: 2505 Nathan St, Kingsport, TN 37664-3320 secy@stmattumc.com Church Location: 2505 Nathan St, Kingsport, TN 37664-3320 St Paul East UMC SM St Paul East UMC (865) 522-7451 Mailing Address: % Ralph Sherrod Treasurer, 317 Tracer Ln, Knoxville, TN 37924 Church Location: 6500 Faith Ln, Knoxville, TN 37924-2831 www.stpauleast.org

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St Paul UMC AP St Paul-Castlewood (276) 762-5107 Mailing Address: PO Box 656, Saint Paul, VA 24283-0656 spfgumc@yahoo.com Church Location: 16635 Wise St, Saint Paul, VA 24283 St Paul UMC NR St Paul UMC (276) 228-5539 Mailing Address: 330 Church St, Wytheville, VA 24382-2622 bkidd@spumcwytheville.org Church Location: 330 Church St, Wytheville, VA 24382-2622 http://stpaulumc.holston.org St Paul UMC TR Carter County Parish (423) 543-4624 Mailing Address: 924 Johnson Ave, Elizabethton, TN 37643-4323 Church Location: 924 Johnson Ave, Elizabethton, TN 37643-4323 St Paul UMC TR St Paul UMC Mailing Address: 1665 Allison Rd, Piney Flats, TN 37686-3908 Church Location: 1665 Allison Rd, Piney Flats, TN 37686-3908 St Paul UMC Fountain City TV St Paul UMC Fountain City (865) 687-2952 Mailing Address: 4014 Garden Dr, Knoxville, TN 37918-3501 info@stpaulumc.net Church Location: 4014 Garden Dr, Knoxville, TN 37918-3501 www.stpaulftncity.org St Paul’s UMC HI St Paul’s Etowah-Carlock (423) 790-6424 Mailing Address: Attn: Rev Jason Humberd, PO Box 581, Etowah, TN 37331-0581 jasonhumberd@gmail.com Church Location: 815 Georgia Ave, Etowah, TN 37331-1124 www.stpaulsumcetowah.holston.org St. Luke UMC CM St Luke-Hunt Memorial (276) 669-2441 Mailing Address: 105 North St, Bristol, VA 24201-3201 stlukeumc@bvunet.net Church Location: 105 North St, Bristol, VA 24201-3201 Stanley UMC SS Stanley UMC (423) 624-6729 Mailing Address: Attn: Bernard Footman, 501 Dodson Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37404-1513 bennieejr@bellsouth.net Church Location: 501 Dodson Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37404-1513 State Street UMC CM State Street UMC (276) 669-2101 Mailing Address: 300 W Valley Dr, Bristol, VA 24201-2739 seniorpastor@state-street.org Church Location: 300 W Valley Dr, Bristol, VA 24201-2739 www.state-street.org Station Creek UMC AP Station Creek-Speaks Chapel (276) 346-2616 Mailing Address: 473 Woliver Loop, Pennington Gap, VA 24277-7738 Church Location: 124 Jeremiah Greene Dr, Pennington Gap, VA 24277-7879 Steelesburg UMC CM Mt Pleasant-Steelesburg (276) 963-2140 Mailing Address: PO Box 479, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-0479 Church Location: 142 Schoolhouse Rd, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 Stephen’s Chapel UMC SS Welch’s Chapel-Stephen’s Chapel (423) 949-3802 Mailing Address: 12404 E Valley Rd, Dunlap, TN 37327-4551 Church Location: 3949 Lower East Valley Rd, Dunlap, TN 37327-8919 Stevens Creek UMC NR Fries Circuit Mailing Address: 6921 Ivanhoe Rd, Ivanhoe, VA 24350-3085 Church Location: 1438 Stevens Creek Rd, Fries, VA 24330-3731 Stone Dam UMC TR Greene County Parish Mailing Address: 445 Stone Dam Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641-4922 Church Location: 315 Stone Dam Rd, Chuckey, TN 37641 http://stonedamumc.holston.org/ Strader UMC NR Little Walker Circuit (276) 988-7857 Mailing Address: PO Box 294, North Tazewell, VA 24630-0294 mhale57@gmail.com Church Location: 3605 Little Creek Highway, Dublin, VA 24084 Strawberry Plains UMC MV Strawberry Plains UMC (865) 933-8583 Mailing Address: 901 N East End Rd, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-1274 strawberryplainsumc@gmail.com Church Location: 3173 W Old Andrew Johnson Hwy, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-3039 www.strawberryplainsumc.org Sulphur Springs UMC SS Looney’s Creek-Sulphur Springs (423) 658-2838 Mailing Address: 329 Sulphur Spring Rd, Whitwell, TN 37397-5605 Church Location: 329 Sulphur Rd., Whitwell, TN 37397 Sulphur Springs UMC TR Baileyton Circuit (423) 234-6730 Mailing Address: 967 Baileyton Main St, Greeneville, TN 37745-7687 wcrimmer@aol.com Church Location: 1069 Sulphur Springs Loop, Greeneville, TN 37745-7432 Sulphur Springs UMC TR Sulphur Springs UMC (423) 753-5631 Mailing Address: 1432 Gray Sulphur Springs Rd, Jonesborough, TN 37659-4406 debbie@sulphurspringsumc.com Church Location: 1432 Gray Sulphur Springs Rd, Jonesborough, TN 37659-4406 www.sulphurspringsumc.com Sulphur Springs UMC Castlewood CM Sulphur Springs UMC Castlewood Mailing Address: 107 Sulphur Springs Cir, Castlewood, VA 24224-6248 Church Location: 107 Sulphur Springs Cir, Castlewood, VA 24224-6248 Summerfield UMC NR Spring Valley Circuit Mailing Address: 8886 Spring Valley Rd, Fries, VA 24330-4144 Church Location: 4679 Carsonville Rd, Fries, VA 24330


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Sunbright UMC TV SunOak Parish (423) 628-5120 Mailing Address: PO Box 216, Sunbright, TN 37872-0216 Church Location: 7911 Morgan Co Hwy, Sunbright, TN 37872 Swan Pond UMC TV Swan Pond UMC (865) 660-2102 Mailing Address: PO Box 378, Andersonville, TN 37705-0378 Church Location: 1317 Swan Pond , Harriman, TN 37748 Sycamore Tree UMC SM Sycamore Tree UMC (865) 983-4161 Mailing Address: 1830 Clydesdale St, Maryville, TN 37801-3708 pastortjones@gmail.com Church Location: 1830 Clydesdale St, Maryville, TN 37801-3708 www.thesycamoretree.org Tacoma UMC AP Tacoma UMC Mailing Address: 10278 Norton-Coeburn Rd, Coeburn, VA 24230-6316 Church Location: 4404 Pebblestone Ln, Coeburn, VA 24230-6432 Talley’s Chapel UMC MV Romeo-St Clair-Talley (423) 278-0763 Mailing Address: 626 Mount Bethel Rd, Greeneville, TN 37745-6376 rita_stroud@yahoo.com Church Location: 6400 Talley Chapel Pike, Russellville, TN 37860 Tasso UMC HI Tasso-Charleston (336) 682-5896 Mailing Address: 2910 Kensington St, Athens, TN 37303-5022 joseph79lee@gmail.com Church Location: 1106 Tasso Ln NE, Cleveland, TN 37312-4714 Tate Chapel UMC MV Pruitt Hill-Tate Chapel (423) 639-0212 Mailing Address: 710 Wesley Ave, Greeneville, TN 37743-3623 zerudia@hotmail.com Church Location: 710 Wesley Ave, Greeneville, TN 37743-3623 Tate’s Chapel UMC CM Madam Russell-Tate’s Chapel Mailing Address: PO Box JJ, Saltville, VA 24370-1164 Church Location: 105 Frazier Ln, Chilhowie, VA 24319 Taylor Memorial UMC TR Taylor Memorial UMC (423) 753-7488 Mailing Address: 104 Water Oak Ct, Johnson City, TN 37615-3790 Church Location: 3031 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN 37601-7654 Tazewell UMC MV Claiborne Cluster (865) 399-0140 Mailing Address: PO Box 65, Tazewell, TN 37879-0065 Church Location: 1704 Main St, Tazewell, TN 37879-3445 Telford UMC TR Telford-Asbury (423) 753-9288 Mailing Address: Attn: Michael Vaughn, 1775 Old State Route 34, Telford, TN 37690-2732 Church Location: 1775 Old State Route 34, Telford, TN 37690-2732 http://telfordumc.holston.org Ten Mile UMC HI Ten Mile-Oak Grove (865) 376-5859 Mailing Address: 222 Paint Rock Rd, Kingston, TN 37763-5823 Church Location: 355 Ten Mile Rd, Ten Mile, TN 37880 Thessalia UMC NR Wabash Circuit (540) 921-2039 Mailing Address: 176 Sugar Run Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134-2647 Church Location: 100 Old Thessalia Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134 Thompson Chapel UMC MV Thompson Chapel UMC (423) 626-1466 Mailing Address: % Emily Butler, 302 Ball Creek Rd, New Tazewell, TN 37825-6904 jakebeeler1466@hotmail.com Church Location: 1015 Old Hwy 33 , Tazewell, TN 37879 Thornspring UMC NR Mountain Circuit (540) 980-2927 Mailing Address: 5670 Thornspring Church Rd, Dublin, VA 24084-3865 panderson@nr.edu Church Location: 5670 Thornspring Church Rd, Dublin, VA 24084-3865 Three Bells UMC AP Three Bells-Horton’s Chapel Mailing Address: 308 Fugate St, Duffield, VA 24244-9793 Church Location: 312 Fugate St, Duffield, VA 24244-9793 Three Springs UMC CM Three Springs-Virginia Avenue (423) 466-6224 Mailing Address: 6610 Reedy Creek Rd, Bristol, VA 24202-1902 threespringsumc@bvunet.net Church Location: 6610 Reedy Creek Rd, Bristol, VA 24202-1902 Tip Top UMC NR Wrights Valley-Tip Top (276) 988-2712 Mailing Address: 4488 Wittens Mill Rd, North Tazewell, VA 24630-8259 Church Location: 133 Holiday Rd, North Tazewell, VA 24630 Trade UMC TR First UMC Mountain City-Trade Mailing Address: 128 N Church St, Mountain City, TN 37683-1324 admin@tradeumc.org Church Location: 11027 Highway 421 S, Trade, TN 37691 trademethodist.org Tranquility UMC HI Athens Parish (423) 667-9460 Mailing Address: 135 County Road 177, Athens, TN 37303-6926 Church Location: 109 County Rd 212, Athens, TN 37303 Trenton UMC SS Trenton UMC (706) 657-6170 Mailing Address: PO Box 6, Trenton, GA 30752-0006 plsldugan@tvn.net Church Location: 12500 N Main St, Trenton, GA 30752

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Trentville UMC SM Trentville UMC (865) 933-5041 Mailing Address: 9215 Strawberry Plains Pike, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-1241 churchinthecurve@aol.com Church Location: 9215 Strawberry Plains Pike, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-1241 www.trentvilleumc.org Trinity UMC Athens HI Trinity UMC Athens (423) 745-0452 Mailing Address: PO Box 396, Athens, TN 37371-0396 office@trinityumcathens.com Church Location: 100 E College St, Athens, TN 37303-3602 www.trinityumcathens.com Trinity UMC Big Stone Gap AP Trinity UMC Big Stone Gap (276) 523-0789 Mailing Address: 203 E 1st St S, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-2905 trinityumc.bsg@gmail.com Church Location: 203 E 1st St S, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-2905 http://www.trinitybigstonegap.com/ Trinity UMC Bland NR Bland Circuit (276) 655-3633 Mailing Address: 94 N Scenic Hwy, Bland, VA 24315-4656 Church Location: 14459 West Bluegrass Trail, Bland, VA 24315 www.blandcircuit.holston.org Trinity UMC Bristol CM Trinity UMC Bristol (276) 669-1772 Mailing Address: 320 Carter St, Bristol, VA 24201-3720 trinityoffice@bvu.net Church Location: 320 Carter St, Bristol, VA 24201-3720 www.holston.org/trinity Trinity UMC Cleveland HI Cleveland, Trinity-Pleasant Grove (423) 892-6926 Mailing Address: 9028 Warbler Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37421-1358 Church Location: 731 1st St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311-2305 Trinity UMC Greeneville MV Trinity UMC Greeneville (423) 638-7521 Mailing Address: 524 Tusculum Blvd, Greeneville, TN 37745-3939 trinity8888@embarqmail.com Church Location: 524 Tusculum Blvd, Greeneville, TN 37745-3939 www.trinity-um-church.org/ Trinity UMC Knoxville TV Trinity UMC Knoxville (865) 588-5763 Mailing Address: 5613 Western Ave, Knoxville, TN 37921-3224 contact@knoxtrinity.org Church Location: 5613 Western Ave, Knoxville, TN 37921-3224 www.knoxtrinity.org Trinity UMC Lenoir City SM Trinity UMC Lenoir City (865) 986-2325 Mailing Address: Attn: Rev Kristie Banes, PO Box 606, Lenoir City, TN 37771-0606 office@trinityumclc.com Church Location: 300 W 2nd Ave, Lenoir City, TN 37771-2431 http://trinityumc-lenoircity.org/ Trinity UMC Morristown MV Trinity UMC Morristown (423) 586-5360 Mailing Address: 425 Wilder St, Morristown, TN 37813-5822 trinityunited101@musfiber.com Church Location: 425 Wilder St, Morristown, TN 37813-5822 www.mytrinityumc.org Trinity UMC Pulaski NR Mt Olivet-Trinity Mailing Address: 3035 Cove Rd, Wytheville, VA 24382-4844 Church Location: 526 5th St SE, Pulaski, VA 24301 Trinity UMC Wise AP Trinity UMC Wise (276) 328-6825 Mailing Address: PO Box 857, Wise, VA 24293-0857 Church Location: 110 Main St, Wise, VA 24293 Tuckaleechee UMC SM Tuckaleechee UMC (865) 448-2464 Mailing Address: 7322 Old Tuckaleechee Rd, Townsend, TN 37882-3812 tuckaleecheeumc91@gmail.com Church Location: 7322 Old Tuckaleechee Rd, Townsend, TN 37882-3812 Tyner UMC SS Tyner UMC (423) 892-0444 Mailing Address: 6805 Standifer Gap Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421-1410 tyner@tynerumc.com Church Location: 6805 Standifer Gap Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421-1410 www.tynerumc.com Unicoi UMC TR Unicoi UMC (423) 743-9261 Mailing Address: 702 Virginia St, Unicoi, TN 37692-4345 unicoiumc@unicoiumc.org Church Location: 702 Virginia St, Unicoi, TN 37692-4345 www.unicoiumc.org Union Chapel UMC HI Athens Parish (423) 667-9460 Mailing Address: 135 County Road 177, Athens, TN 37303-6926 Church Location: 841 County Road 130, Athens, TN 37303-6755 Union Grove UMC SM Sevierville Parish Mailing Address: 209 Y Rd, Sevierville, TN 37862-4014 Church Location: 1460 Boat Launch Road, Sevierville, TN 37876 Union Grove UMC Blount SM Union Grove UMC Blount (865) 995-2548 Mailing Address: 1151 Lane Dr, Friendsville, TN 37737-3187 UGUMCTN@gmail.com Church Location: 1151 Lane Drive, Friendsville, TN 37737 Union Temple UMC TR Jearoldstown-Union Temple Mailing Address: PO Box 64, Chuckey, TN 37641-0064 Church Location: 9930 Kingsport Hwy, Chuckey, TN 37641 Union UMC MV Sneedville Circuit Mailing Address: PO Box 146, Sneedville, TN 37869-0146 Church Location: 411 Little Pumpkin Valley Rd, Eidson, TN 37731 Valley Center UMC AP Valley Center UMC (423) 357-3619 Mailing Address: 650 Caney Valley Loop, Surgoinsville, TN 37873-6314 carolalley@hotmail.com Church Location: 5860 Stanley Valley Rd, Church Hill, TN 37642-8138


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Holston Annual Conference District


Office Phone/Email/Website

Valley Forge UMC TR Valley Forge-Roan Mountain Mailing Address: 3974 Highway 19 E, Elizabethton, TN 37643-5320 valleyforgeumc@hotmail.com Church Location: 3974 Highway 19 E, Elizabethton, TN 37643-5320 www.valleyforgeumc.com Valley Head UMC HI Wesley Memorial-Valley Head Mailing Address: 920 Mouse Creek Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312-3900 cldist@holston.org Church Location: 920 Mouse Creek Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312-3900 Valley View UMC TR Mountain City Circuit (423) 727-7846 Mailing Address: 1779 Hwy. 421 S, Mountain City, TN 37683 Church Location: 1779 Highway 421 S, Mountain City, TN 37683 Valley View UMC TR Pleasant Grove-Valley View-Milburnton Mailing Address: 103 McCall Rd, Limestone, TN 37681-2102 Church Location: 117 Hartmantown Rd, Jonesborough, TN 37659 Valley View UMC TV Valley View-Heiskell (865) 945-5133 Mailing Address: 815 Old Edgemoor Ln, Clinton, TN 37716-6242 webfish7@gmail.com Church Location: 815 Old Edgemoor Ln, Clinton, TN 37716-6242 Vermont UMC AP Vermont UMC (423) 288-2801 Mailing Address: 1817 Bloomingdale Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-2633 vermontumchurch@gmail.com Church Location: 1817 Bloomingdale Rd, Kingsport, TN 37660-2633 www.vermontumc.com Vestal UMC SM Vestal UMC (865) 577-5661 Mailing Address: PO Box 905, Alcoa, TN 37701-0905 Church Location: 115 Ogle Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920-4129 www.geocities.com/vestalumc Vine Grove/Mt Olive UMC HI Vine Grove/Mt Olive-St Clair (423) 240-0514 Mailing Address: 820 Johnson Blvd SE, Cleveland, TN 37311-6459 janiepetitt@gmail.com Church Location: 290 Back Valley Rd, Dayton, TN 37321-6810 Virginia Avenue UMC Bluefield NR Virginia Avenue-Falls Mills (276) 322-4438 Mailing Address: 1901 Virginia Ave, Bluefield, VA 24605-1134 vaaveumc@gmail.com Church Location: 1901 Virginia Ave, Bluefield, VA 24605-1134 Virginia Avenue UMC Bristol CM Three Springs-Virginia Avenue (423) 968-1353 Mailing Address: 1127 Virginia Ave, Bristol, TN 37620-3940 vaaveumc@btes.tv Church Location: 1127 Virginia Ave, Bristol, TN 37620-3940 Vonore UMC SM Bethel-Vonore (423) 884-6214 Mailing Address: 697 Church Street, Vonore, TN 37885 Church Location: 697 Church St, Vonore, TN 37885 Walden’s Creek UMC SM Sevierville Parish Mailing Address: 209 Y Rd, Sevierville, TN 37862-4014 Church Location: 1912 Waldens Creek Rd, Sevierville, TN 37862-7608 Wallace UMC CM Wallace-Wyndale Mailing Address: 13141 Wallace Pike , Bristol, VA 24202 Church Location: 13141 Wallace Pike, Bristol, VA 24202-3583 Walland UMC SM Walland UMC (865) 336-2135 Mailing Address: 309 E Millers Cove Rd, Walland, TN 37886-2421 Church Location: 309 E Millers Cove Rd, Walland, TN 37886-2421 www.gbgm-umc.org/wallandumc Warrensburg UMC MV Riverview Circuit Mailing Address: 1733 Bewley Chapel Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818-5453 revmarkbarber@gmail.com Church Location: 120Easterly Rd, Midway, TN 37809 Washington Chapel UMC CM Washington Chapel-Washington Springs (276) 676-3794 Mailing Address: 1155 Rockwall Dr, Abingdon, VA 24210-4218 Church Location: 25221 Walden Rd, Abingdon, VA 24210-7737 Washington Hills UMC SS Washington Hills UMC (423) 892-8050 Mailing Address: 6216 Hadley Dr, Chattanooga, TN 37416-3217 williamrscott@epbfi.com Church Location: 6216 Hadley Dr, Chattanooga, TN 37416-3217 http://holston.org/washingtonhillsumc/ Washington Pike UMC TV Washington Pike UMC (865) 523-0603 Mailing Address: 2241 Washington Pike, Knoxville, TN 37917-3926 washingtonpike-umc@comcast.net Church Location: 2241 Washington Pike, Knoxville, TN 37917-3926 www.washingtonpikeumc.org Washington Springs UMC CM Washington Chapel-Washington Springs Mailing Address: 1155 Rockwall Dr, Abingdon, VA 24210-4218 Church Location: 36215 Washington Spring Rd, Glade Spring, VA 24340 Watauga Point UMC TR Carter County Parish (423) 543-4611 Mailing Address: 409 Gap Creek Rd, Elizabethton, TN 37643-3831 Church Location: 409 Gap Creek Rd, Elizabethton, TN 37643-3831 Watkins Chapel UMC MV Beth Car-Watkins Chapel (865) 382-4759 Mailing Address: 759 Hart Rd, Dandridge, TN 37725-3305 rchambersd1055@aol.com Church Location: 1101 Old Witt Rd, Morristown, TN 37813-3571

Church Directory Church




Office Phone/Email/Website

Church Directory

Wauhatchie UMC SS Wauhatchie UMC (423) 825-5766 Mailing Address: 3401 Cummings Hwy, Chattanooga, TN 37419-2308 Church Location: 3401 Cummings Hwy, Chattanooga, TN 37419-2308 Wears Valley UMC SM Wears Valley UMC (865) 908-7331 Mailing Address: 3110 Wears Valley Rd, Sevierville, TN 37862-8310 Church Location: 3110 Wears Valley Rd, Sevierville, TN 37862-8310 Weaver UMC CM Weaver UMC (423) 878-2117 Mailing Address: 220 Kingston Rd, Blountville, TN 37617-5523 Church Location: 132 Peoples Rd, Bristol, TN 37620-8844 Webb’s Creek UMC SM Pittman Center (865) 436-1662 Mailing Address: 340 Tunis Rd, Sevierville, TN 37876-9156 Church Location: 4403 Church Drive, Gatlinburg, TN 37738 Weems Chapel UMC MV Weems Chapel-Mt Sinai (865) 828-4919 Mailing Address: % Billy Ridley, 1910 Weems Chapel Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818-2821 Church Location: 1010 Weems Chapel Rd, Mosheim, TN 37818 Welch’s Chapel UMC SS Welch’s Chapel-Stephen’s Chapel (423) 949-3802 Mailing Address: 12404 E Valley Rd, Dunlap, TN 37327-4551 Church Location: East Valley Rd., Dunlap, TN 37327 Well Spring UMC LaFollette TV Well Spring-Cawood (423) 566-9784 Mailing Address: 168 Well Rd, La Follette, TN 37766-5217 Church Location: 168 Well Rd, La Follette, TN 37766-5217 Wells Chapel UMC SS McKendree-Wells Mailing Address: 325 E Valley Rd, Jasper, TN 37347-3618 Church Location: 604 Betsy Pack Dr, Jasper, TN 37347 Wesendonck UMC NR Mechanicsburg Circuit (276) 688-4238 Mailing Address: 3146 Grapefield Rd, Bastian, VA 24314-5063 Church Location: 30 Burtons Pond Road, Bland, VA 24315 Wesley Chapel UMC HI Wesley Chapel UMC (386) 473-4001 Mailing Address: 328 Sweet Springs Road, Madisonville, TN 37354 tandrus11@gmail.com Church Location: 2540 Mecca Pike, Englewood, TN 37329-5368 www.umctc.org Wesley Chapel UMC Mtn City TR Wesley Chapel UMC Mtn City Mailing Address: P.O.Box 1086, Abingdon, VA 24212 Church Location: 1079 Shingletown Rd, Mountain City, TN 37683-4018 Wesley Memorial UMC NR Mountain Circuit (540) 980-2927 Mailing Address: 5670 Thornspring Church Rd, Dublin, VA 24084-3865 Church Location: 4779 Robinson Tract Rd, Pulaski, VA 24301 Wesley Memorial UMC SS Wesley Memorial UMC (423) 892-6446 Mailing Address: 6314 E Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421-3938 Church Location: 6314 E Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421-3938 Wesley Memorial UMC TR Wesley Memorial UMC (423) 282-6722 Mailing Address: 225 Princeton Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601-2052 wesley@wesleymemorialumc.org Church Location: 225 Princeton Rd, Johnson City, TN 37601-2052 www.wesleymemorialumc.org Wesley Memorial UMC Cleveland HI Wesley Memorial-Valley Head (423) 472-9578 Mailing Address: 3405 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312-3431 office@wesleymemorialchurch.com Church Location: 3405 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312-3431 www.wesleymemorialchurch.com Wesley Memorial UMC Etowah HI Wesley Memorial, Etowah-Pleasant Grove (423) 263-2087 Mailing Address: PO Box 306, Etowah, TN 37331-0306 wesley.memorial@comcast.net Church Location: 923 Ohio Ave, Etowah, TN 37331-1321 Wesley UMC SS Wesley-Lou’s Chapel (423) 837-6464 Mailing Address: 302 Magnolia Ave, South Pittsburg, TN 37380-1266 Church Location: 300 Magnolia Ave, South Pittsburg, TN 37380-1266 Wesley UMC Saltville CM Broadford Circuit (276) 496-3451 Mailing Address: 3801 Wesley Church Road, Tannersville, VA 24377 Church Location: 3801 Wesley Church Rd., Tannersville, VA 24377 Wesleyanna UMC HI Jones Chapel-Wesleyanna (423) 306-0702 Mailing Address: 381 County Road 775, Riceville, TN 37370-5219 gatecityb_rad@yahoo.com Church Location: 649 County Road 609, Athens, TN 37303-6359 www.wesleyannaumc.wordpress.com Wesley’s Chapel UMC Dandridge MV Wesley’s Chapel UMC Dandridge (865) 742-9249 Mailing Address: 842 Curry Road, Dandridge, TN 37725-5700 BHDHSSCS@aol.com Church Location: 712 Locket Ln, Jefferson City, TN 37760-3462 Wesley’s Chapel UMC Eggleston NR Wabash Circuit (540) 626-7340 Mailing Address: 323 Old Schoolhouse Rd, Eggleston, VA 24086-3052 Church Location: 131 Sheffey Memorial Rd, Pearisburg, VA 24134


Church Directory


Holston Annual Conference District


Office Phone/Email/Website

Wesley’s Chapel UMC Greeneville MV Wesley’s Chapel UMC Greeneville (423) 823-1470 Mailing Address: 46 Brown Ave, Greeneville, TN 37743-3086 mimsy90@hotmail.com Church Location: 1525 N Wesley Chapel Rd, Greeneville, TN 37745-8025 West End UMC NR West End UMC (276) 223-0326 Mailing Address: PO Box 867, Wytheville, VA 24382-0867 joinwestend2@embarqmail.com Church Location: 1030 W North St, Wytheville, VA 24382-2151 http://westendumc.pcsos.com West Galax UMC NR West Galax UMC (276) 236-7924 Mailing Address: PO Box 656, Galax, VA 24333-0656 Church Location: 108 McCamant Dr, Galax, VA 24333-2334 West Market Street UMC TR Johnson City Parish Mailing Address: 406 W Market St, Johnson City, TN 37604-5504 Church Location: 406 W Market St, Johnson City, TN 37604-5504 Wharf Hill UMC CM Wharf Hill-Elizabeth Mailing Address: PO Box 295, Sugar Grove, VA 24375-0295 zcll1@hotmail.com Church Location: 5306 Sugar Grove Hwy, Sugar Grove, VA 24375 Wheeler UMC TR Wheeler UMC (423) 323-7267 Mailing Address: 211 Sanders St, Blountville, TN 37617-6323 wheelerchurch@gmail.com Church Location: 2376 Highway 75, Blountville, TN 37617-6340 www.wheelerumc.org White Oak UMC SS White Oak UMC (423) 877-6042 Mailing Address: PO Box 15788, Chattanooga, TN 37415-0788 pastor@whiteoakumc.org Church Location: 2232 Lyndon Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37415-6520 www.whiteoakumc.org Whiteside UMC SS Whiteside UMC Mailing Address: PO Box 1752, Whiteside, TN 37396-1752 Church Location: 370 Murphy Hollow Rd, Whiteside, TN 37396 Whittenburg UMC MV Hunt’s-Whittenburg-Rehobeth Mailing Address: 370 Pates Hill Road, Mosheim, TN 37818 dpal6947@aol.com Church Location: 1190 Poplar Springs Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743-3525 Wilbur Memorial UMC CM Riverside-Wilbur Memorial Mailing Address: 651 Jeffersonville St, Tazewell, VA 24651-6116 Church Location: 217 W Main St, Tazewell, VA 24651 Wildwood UMC SS Sand Mountain-Wildwood (706) 820-0063 Mailing Address: PO Box 8, Wildwood, GA 30757-0008 Church Location: Polk Creek Rd., Wildwood, GA 30757 Williamson Chapel UMC SM Williamson Chapel UMC (865) 773-4681 Mailing Address: 2920 Ty Dr, Louisville, TN 37777-3808 Church Location: 1331 Williamson Chapel Rd, Maryville, TN 37801 Willis Chapel UMC CM Lebanon Circuit (276) 608-9768 Mailing Address: 1680 Pioneer Dr, Lebanon, VA 24266-3822 Church Location: 309 Willis Chapel Circle, Lebanon, VA 24266 Willis UMC NR Floyd Circuit Mailing Address: 5669 Floyd Hwy S, Willis, VA 24380-4800 Church Location: 5671 Floyd Hwy S, Willis, VA 24380 Woodlawn UMC NR Woodlawn-Shiloh (423) 237-6478 Mailing Address: PO Box 75, Woodlawn, VA 24381-0075 wsumc@ls.net Church Location: 748 Woodlawn Rd, Woodlawn, VA 24381 Woodlawn UMC Newport MV Shady Grove - Woodlawn Parish (865) 232-0962 Mailing Address: 1125 Ebenezer Church Rd, Talbott, TN 37877-3825 woodlawnumctn@gmail.com Church Location: 306 Woodlawn Ave, Newport, TN 37821-3555 www.wumconline.org Woods Chapel UMC TV Woods Chapel UMC (865) 705-7757 Mailing Address: 242 Woods Chapel Rd, Harriman, TN 37748-4213 barkley.mencer@gmail.com Church Location: 242 Woods Chapel Rd, Harriman, TN 37748-4213 Wright’s Chapel UMC CM Damascus Circuit (276) 475-5215 Mailing Address: 33478 Widener Valley Rd, Damascus, VA 24236-2952 damascus.circ4@yahoo.com Church Location: 21651 Monroe Rd, Damascus, VA 24236 Wrights Valley UMC NR Wrights Valley-Tip Top (276) 988-2712 Mailing Address: 630 Fairway St, Bluefield, VA 24605-9427 Church Location: 3795 Wrights Valley Rd, Bluefield, VA 24605 Wyndale UMC CM Wallace-Wyndale Mailing Address: 16188 Shannon Hill Dr, Abingdon, VA 24210-8226 Church Location: 16188 Shannon Hill Dr, Abingdon, VA 24210 York’s Chapel UMC AP Jonesville Parish Mailing Address: 2300 Red Fletcher Rd, Jonesville, VA 24263-7089 Church Location: 162 York Drive, Jonesville, VA 24263

Church Directory Church




Office Phone/Email/Website

Zion Hill UMC CM Laurel Springs Circuit Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1722, Chilhowie, VA 24319 Church Location: 1105 Zion Hill Rd, Marion, VA 24354 Zion UMC TR Baileyton Circuit (423) 234-6730 Mailing Address: 967 Baileyton Main St, Greeneville, TN 37745-7687 wcrimmer@aol.com Church Location: 6055 Horton Hwy, Greeneville, TN 37745-7826 Zion UMC Ceres NR Ceres Circuit (276) 682-4263 Mailing Address: 5023 W Blue Grass Trl, Ceres, VA 24318-3402 cerescharge@centurylink.net Church Location: 3171 Old Rich Valley Road, Saltville, VA 24370 Zion UMC Damascus CM Damascus Circuit (276) 475-5215 Mailing Address: 31331 Wright Rd, Damascus, VA 24236-2805 damascus.circ4@yahoo.com Church Location: 29249 Zion Church Rd, Damascus, VA 24236 Zion UMC Knoxville SM Zion UMC Knoxville (865) 577-3207 Mailing Address: 1807 Duncan Rd, Knoxville, TN 37919-8503 Church Location: 1807 Duncan Rd, Knoxville, TN 37919-8503

Church Directory


Holston Annual Conference

Conference Organization 2019–2020 Committee on Nominations Cabinet

Cabinet representatives are appointed by the Resident Bishop and shall begin service upon appointment. Chair....................................................Bishop Mary Virginia Taylor Executive Assistant to the Bishop.......Open Dean of the Cabinet.............................Jeffrey W. Wright Appointment Cabinet (District Superintendents) Lauri Jo Cranford Angela Hardy Cross Jason Gattis Hugh Kilgore Kimberly M. Goddard Randy Martin

Ann P. Robins Jane Taylor Jeffrey W. Wright

Extended Cabinet (all of the above as well as:) Conference Lay Leader...........................................................................................James D. “Del” Holley, Jr. Conference Secretary/Director of Clergy Services.................................................Terry D. Goodman Conference Treasurer/Director of Administrative Services.................................... F. Richard “Rick” Cherry Director of Congregational Development & Revitalization.................................... J. Russell “Rusty” Taylor Director of Connectional Ministries........................................................................ Michael “Mike” G. Sluder Executive Director, Holston Foundation................................................................. Paul Bowman

Communications Advisory Council

Chairperson.........................................(C) Timothy Hankins (SM) Vice Chairperson.................................(L) Clayton Hensley (TV) Secretary..............................................(L) Caroline Lamar (TV) (C) Daniel Castillo (SM)(1) (C) Timothy Hankins (SM)(1) (L) Missy Belote (AP)(1)

(C) Frank Trexler (SM)(1) (L) Clayton Hensley (TV)(1) (L) Caroline Lamar (TV)(1)

(L) Julie Faunt (HI)(1) (L) John Shearer (SS)(1) (L) Betty Yeomans-Barton (TR)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Editor, The Call.......................................................................................................Annette Spence Information Technology Manager..........................................................................Brent Sharp Multimedia Coordinator..........................................................................................Donna Hankins Print Media Specialist.............................................................................................Millie Meese Director of Communications / Staff Resource........................................................ Timothy Jones Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Mike Sluder

Committee on Congregational Development

Chairperson.........................................(L) Becky Hall (SS) Vice-Chairperson................................(C) Ronnie Collins (NR) Secretary..............................................(C) Debbie Stokes (SS)


(C) Brooke Atchley (CM)(1) (C) Stephen Defur (SM)(1) (C) Ronnie Collins (NR)(1) (C) Ginger Isom (SM)(1)

(C) Tim Paul (TV)(1) (L) Steve Gross (TR)(1) (C) Bill Shelton (SM)(1) (C) Melissa Smith (SM)(1)

(C) Debbie Stokes (SS)(1) (L) Becky Hall (SS)(1) (L) Willie Kitchens (SS)(1) (L) Byron Williamson (TV)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Staff Resource .........................................................................................................Rusty Taylor Cabinet Representatives..........................................................................................Mike Sluder

Conference Organization


Board of Lay Ministry

Chairperson.........................................(L) Del Holley (TV) Vice Chairperson ................................(L) Becky Hall (SS) Secretary .............................................(L) Diane James (TV) District Lay Leaders: Sue Tilson (CM) Rick Lay (HI) Rob Saunders (MV) Mike Holcomb (NR)

Mary Baker (AP) Nan Carver (TR) Diane James (TV)

Becky Hall (SS) Glenda Eastridge (SM) Deborah Neal (NR)

Conference Presidents: United Methodist Men............................................................................................Eric Knoefel (TV) United Methodist Women....................................................................................... Carolynn Haerr (HI) United Methodist Youth..........................................................................................Lindsey Kizer (SM) Members-at-Large: Harold Brown (SS)(1) Kelly Price (MV)(1)

Audrey Jackson (TV)(1) Velena Wheatly (AP)(1)

Kay Phillips (SM)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Resident Bishop.......................................................................................................Mary Virginia Taylor Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministry......................................................... Bobby Stair Staff Resource..........................................................................................................Rick Cherry Cabinet Representatives..........................................................................................Jeffrey Wright, Del Holley

Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry

Chairperson ................................... (C) Magan Stubblefield (SM) Vice Chairperson.................................(C) Beth Sullivan (SS) Secretary..............................................(C) Ralph Kidd (NR) (C) Misti McCreary (AP)(1) (C) Natalie Justice (CM)(7) (C) Beth Sullivan (SS)(3) (C) Aaron Atchley (L) Jason Onks

(C) Ila Schepisi (NR)(5) (C) Magan Stubblefield (SM)(6) (C) Nathan Irwin (C) Gary Ihfe (L) Stuart French

(L) L. Haden Scott (MV)(3) (C) Ralph Kidd (NR)(7) (C) Tim Smith (L) Matthew McDaniel (Radford) (L) Kayla Carico

Young Adult Team Representative.........................................................................TBD Ex-Officio Members: Staff Resource..........................................................................................................Laura McLean, Mike Sluder Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Angela Hardy Cross

Strategy Team

Chairperson ................................... (L) Mike Eastridge (TR) Secretary..............................................(L) Lori Sluder (SM) (C) Amy Sumrall (MV)(1) (C) Don Hanshew (NR)(1) (C) Sandra Johnson (CM)(1) (C) Willie Kitchens (SS)(1) (C) Charles Maynard (SM)(1)

(C) Micah Nicolaus (HI)(1) (C) Mike Sluder (SM)(1) (C) Rusty Taylor (SM)(1) Bishop Mary Virginia Taylor (C) Jeffrey Wright (AP)(1)

(L) Rick Cherry (TV)(1) (L) Mike Eastridge (TR)(1) (L) Becky Hall (SS)(1) (L) Leanna Johnson (TR)(1) (L) David Scyphers (CM)(1)



Holston Annual Conference Discipleship Team

Chairperson.........................................(C) Elizabeth Hamilton (CM) Vice Chairperson.................................(C) Randall Wright (AP) Secretary..............................................(L) Lori Sluder (SM) (C) Elizabeth Hamilton (CM)(1) (C) Joshua Swanson (AP)(1) (C) Amy Sumrall (MV)(1) (L) Renni Morris (TV)(1)

(C) Estel Williams (TR)(1) (C) James David Neel (HI)(1) (L) Marva Wheeler (CM)(1) (C) Betsy Switzer (HI)(1)

(C) Tim Hankins (SM)(1) (C) Ginger Isom (SM)(1) (C) Randall Wright (AP)(1) (C) Paul Humphrey (MV)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Resident Bishop.......................................................................................................Mary Virginia Taylor Conference Lay Leader...........................................................................................Del Holley Chair, Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry....................................... Magan Stubblefield Director of Connectional Ministries........................................................................ Mike Sluder Chairpersons with vote: Missions Ministry Team..........................................................................................Tom Hancock Nurture Ministry Team............................................................................................ Adam Love Outreach/Advocacy Ministry Team........................................................................Lori Sluder Stewardship Ministry Team.................................................................................... Troy Forrester Witness Ministry Team .......................................................................................... Ray Amos, Jr. Representatives without vote (named by respective groups): Board of Ordained Ministry....................................................................................TBD Communications Advisory Council........................................................................Donna Hankins, Timothy Hankins Staff Resource..........................................................................................................Mike Sluder Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Jeffrey Wright

African America Ministry Task Force of the Discipleship Team

Chairperson.........................................(C) Charlotte Williams (SS) Vice Chairperson.................................(C) Paige Wimberly (NR) (C) Bobby Black (TR)(1) (C) Estel Williams (TR)(1)

(C) Charlotte Williams (SS)(1) (C) Paige Wimberly (NR)(1)

(L) Susan Montgomery (TV)(1) (L) Deborah Neal (NR)(1)

Representative, Religion and Race..........................................................................Walter Cross Director of Connectional Ministry..........................................................................Mike Sluder

Missions Ministry Team

Chairperson.........................................(C) Tom Hancock (AP) Vice Chairperson.................................(C) Jerry Russell (SM) Secretary..............................................(L) LeRae Collins (TV)


(C) Chris Brown (AP)(1) (C) Randy Frye (AP)(1) (C) Tom Hancock (AP)(1) (C) Patty Muse (TR)(1) (C) Jerry Russell (SM)(1)

(C) Robert Nyaga (CM)(1) (C) Rosa Slavik (CM)(1) (C) Beth Tipton (AP)(1) (L) Sam Barnett (TR)(1)

(L) Linda Bernick (NR)(1) (L) Kellie Bracken (HI)(1) (L) LeRae Collins (TV)(1) (L) Charlotte DeLozier (TV)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Chair, Advance........................................................................................................Norma Smith Chair, Church and Community Worker Committee............................................... Leann Crandall Coordinator of South Sundan Missions..................................................................Danny Howe *District(s) Mission Secretaries Chair, Native American.......................................Faith Ramer UMW Representative.............................................................................................. Marsheine McClurg Volunteer in Mission Coordinator........................................................................... Bill Campbell Director Connectional Ministries/Missions/Conference Secretary of Global Ministries/Staff Resource/Cabinet Representative.................................... Mike Sluder

Conference Organization


Native American Ministries

Chairperson.........................................(C) Faith Ramer (AP) Vice Chairperson.................................(L) Bomba Easter (TV) Secretary..............................................(C) Susan Lankford (TR) (C) Susan Lankford (TR)(1) (C) Mike Pinner (TR)(1)

(C) Faith Ramer (CM)(1) (L) Bomba Easter (TV)(1)

(L) Valerie Ohle (SM)(1) (L) Patricia Guthrie (TV)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Mike Sluder

Nurture Ministry Team

Chairperson.........................................(C) Adam Love (AP) Vice Chairperson.................................(C) Sarah Slack (SM) Secretary..............................................(C) Tina Morgan (HI) (C) Adam Love (AP)(1) (L) Lisa Howard (TV)(1) (C) Ken Sauer (SS)(1) (L) Prue Oxendine (CM)(1)

(L) Alan Eleazer (SM)(1) (C) Lisa Bryant (CM)(1) (L) Tina Morgan (HI)(1) (C) Samuel Dzobo (MV)(1)

(C) Josh Kilbourne (AP)(1) (L) Leanna Johnson (TR)(1) (C) Sarah M. Slack (SM)(1) (L) Linda Jackson (AP)(1)

Representatives with vote (named by respective groups): Camp and Retreat Ministries Board........................................................................ Mary Thompson Children’s Ministries Team.....................................................................................Susan Groseclose Young Adult Ministry Team................................................................................... Laura McLean Council on Youth Ministries Board of Lay Ministry Representative....................................................................Del Holley Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Mike Sluder

Children’s Ministries Team

Chairperson.........................................Jaymie Derden Vice Chairperson.................................Lindsey Piercy Secretary..............................................Ashley Wade (L) Melia Warren (SS)(1) (C) T. J. Burdine (HI)(1) (L) Jaymie Derden (CM)(1)


(L) Tracy Gartman (HI)(1) (L) Katherine Redman (CM)(1) (L) Lindsey Piercy (TV)(1)

(L) Sherri Smith (SM)(1) (L) Karen Peace (AP)(1) (L) Ashley Wade (SS)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Staff Resource .........................................................................................................Susan Groseclose Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Mike Sluder

Conference Council on Youth Ministries

CCYM President...................................(L) Reagan Kelly (TR) Coordinator of District Coordinators....(C) Pat Tipton (AP) Coordinator of Youth Ministries...........(L) Laura McLean (SM) Cabinet Representative..........................(C) Mike Sluder (SM)



Holston Annual Conference Young Adult Ministry Team

Chairperson.........................................(C) Asa Majors (MV) Vice Chairperson.................................(L) Jon Kilgore (NR) Secretary..............................................(C) Caleb Pitkin (SS) (C) Caleb Frazier (AP)(1) (C) Edna Warrick Lopez (SM)(1) (C) Asa Majors (MV)(1) (C) Caleb Pitkin (SS)(1)

(L) David Biggerstaff (SM)(1) (L) Jacob Ducote (HI)(1) (L) Matt Hall (SM)(1) (L) Katie Jackson (TR)(1)

(L) Jon Kilgore (NR)(1) (L) Ashley Lockridge (TV)(1) (L) Amy Brown (CM)(1) (L) Travis Wills (SM)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Divine Rhythm Design Team Representative.........................................................Elizabeth Parr Campus Ministries Representative..........................................................................Joe Ratledge Staff Resource..........................................................................................................Laura McLean Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Mike Sluder

Camp and Retreat Ministry Board

Chairperson.........................................(C) David Grant (TV) Vice Chairperson.................................(L) Leslie Bright (AP) Secretary..............................................(L) Linda Schumann (MV) (C) Aaron Atchley (CM)(1) (C) Brandon Berg (CM)(1) (C) T. J. Burdine (HI)(1) (C) Leann Crandall (TR)(1) (C) Amanda Dean (AP)(1) (L) Anne Travis (SM)(1)

(L) Richard McGill (MV)(1) (C) David Grant (TV)(1) (C) Joe Phillips (TV)(1) (L) M. Lucy Maynard (SS)(1) (L) Wes Bradley TR)(1)

(L) Leslie Bright (AP)(1) (L) Sarah Clegg (SS)(1) (C) Tim Smith (NR)(1) (L) Linda Schumann (MV)(1) (L) Thomas Hammontree (SM)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Bishop �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������ Mary Virginia Taylor Director of Connectional Ministries / Staff ������������������������������������������������������������ Mike Sluder Cabinet Representative ������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������ Hugh Kilgore Camp and Retreat Ministries Executive Director / Staff ����������������������������������������Mary Thompson Site Directors ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������Tony Lea, Anthony Gomez, Jeff Wadley, Donald Washburn, Whitney Winston Site Board Chairpersons ���������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������David Bradshaw, Damon Riggs, Chris Brown, Ed Terry, Tom Robins

Outreach/Advocacy Ministry Team

Chairperson.........................................(L) Lori Sluder (TV) Vice Chairperson.................................(C) Cynthia Frye (CM) Secretary..............................................(C) Linda Stransky (MV) (C) Daniel Castillo (SM)(1) (C) Cynthia Frye (CM)(1) (C) Leah Burns (SM)(1) (C) Linda Rozar (TR)(1)

(C) Linda Stransky (MV)(1) (L) Linda Clark (TV)(1) (L) Jim Cooper (AP)(1) (L) Gretchen Hakola-Penn (TV)(1)

(L) Charlotte McKee (SS)(1) (L) Carolyn Haerr (HI)(1) (L) Donna Mosby (TV)(1) (L) Lori Sluder (SM)(1)


Chairperson, Religion and Race..............................................................................Charlotte McKee Chairperson, Status and Role of Women................................................................Sharon Bowers Chairperson, Creation Care.....................................................................................Sara Orellana President, United Methodist Women......................................................................Carolyn Haerr Ex-Officio Members: (named by the Team): Representative, Alcohol and Related Issues...........................................................Rance Edwards Representative, Holston UM Home for Children....................................................Barbara Clark Coordinator, Peace with Justice..............................................................................Pat Bellingrath Representative, Native American Ministries..........................................................Faith Ramer Chairperson, Strength for the Journey.Dennis Loy General Board of Church and Society.Don Hanshew Staff Resource..........................................................................................................Mike Sluder Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Ann P. Robins

Conference Organization


Strength for the Journey Team

Chairperson.........................................(C) Dennis Loy (TV) Vice Chairperson.................................TBD Secretary..............................................(L) Betty Yeomans-Barton (TR) (C) Annette Flynn (TV)(1) (C) Cynthia Frye (CM)(1) (C) Dennis Loy (TV)(1) (L) Ann Stuart (TV)(1)

TBD (C) Jan Thomas (TV)(1) (L) David Frost (TR)(1)

(L) Joseph Rhymer (TR)(1) (L) Rob Saunders (MV)(1) (L) Betty Yeomans-Barton (TR)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Founder.................................................................................................................... Dot Avers Staff Resource..........................................................................................................Mike Sluder Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Lauri Jo Cranford

Commission on Religion and Race

Chairperson .......................................(L) Charlotte McKee (SS) (C) Walter Cross (TV)(1) (L) David Lee (CM)(1) (C) Elston McLain (TV)(1) (L) Dahyam Olivera (SS)(1)

(L) Elizabeth Hernandez-Lopez (NR)(1) (C) Rochelle Maxwell (TR)(1) (L) Terry Mullins (CM)(1) (L) Tepa Bigham (HI)(1)

(C) Susan Lankford (TR)(1) (L) Charlotte McKee (SS)(1) (C) Bobby Black (TR)(1) (L) Nathaniel Watson (TR)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Representative, Hispanic Ministry..........................................................................TBD Staff Resource..........................................................................................................Mike Sluder Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Mike Sluder

Stewardship Ministry Team

Chairperson.........................................(C) Troy Forrester(TV) Vice Chairperson ................................(C) Wil Cantrell (TV) Secretary..............................................(C) Robert Countiss (CM) (C) Wil Cantrell (TV)(1) (C) Robert Countiss (CM)(1) (C) Troy Forrester (TV)(1) (C) Chuck Griffin (TV)(1)

(C) David Jackson (CM)(1) (C) Glenna Manning (TV)(1) (C) Susan Arnold (TR)(1) (C) Debbie Stokes (SS)(1)

(C) Carol Alley (AP)(1) TBD (L) Sherri Hagood (L) Alex Fesmire Shelton (NR)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Director of Connectional Ministries........................................................................ Mike Sluder Staff Resource..........................................................................................................Richard Edwards Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Paul Bowman

Witness Ministry Team

Chairperson ......................................(C) Ray Amos, Jr. (CM) Vice Chairperson ...............................(C) Kristen Burkhart (MV) Secretary .............................................(C) Scott Layer (TV)

(C) David Hall (SS)(1) (C) Scott Layer (TV)(1) (C) Will Lauderback (SS)(1) (C) Tim Smith (NR)(1)

(L) Emily Ballard (TV)(1) (L) Rick Lay (HI)(1) (L) Joyce Moore (CM)(1) (L) Elaine Powell (NR)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Chairperson, Small Membership Congregation Team............................................Annette Warren Chairperson, Hispanic/Latino Leadership Team ....................................................Mike Feely Director of Congregational Development & Revitalization / Staff.........................Rusty Taylor Director of Connectional Ministries / Staff............................................................. Mike Sluder Cabinet Representatives..........................................................................................Jane Taylor


(C) Ray Amos, Jr. (CM)(1) (C) Kristen Burkhart (MV)(1) (C) Reece Fauscett (SS)(1) (C) Maria Grimm (MV)(1)


Holston Annual Conference Small Membership Congregation Team

Chairperson ........................................(C) Annette Warren (CM) Vice Chairperson.................................(L) Dan Duggar (MV) Secretary..............................................(C) C. Scott Spence (CM) (C) Wayne Cook (SS)(1) (C) Caroline Hawthorne (CM)(1) (C) Layne Pennington (AP)(1)

(C) C. Scott Spence (CM)(1) (C) Michael Teague (CM)(1) (C) Annette Warren (CM)(1)

(L) Terry Frerichs (SM)(1) (L) Dan Duggar (MV)(1) (L) Donna Mosby (TV)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Special Advisor ......................................................................................................Bishop Richard C. Looney Staff Resource..........................................................................................................Mike Sluder Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Hugh Kilgore, Rusty Taylor

Hispanic/Latino Leadership Team

Chairperson.........................................(L) Mike Feely (SS) Vice Chairperson.................................(C) Susana Lopez (SM) Secretary..............................................(C) Kayce Castenir (SM)

(C) Marta Cogburn (MV)(1) (C) Susana Lopez (SM)(1) (C) Debra Dickerson (SS)(1) (C) Jim Goddard (NR)(1) (C) Barbara Farmer (CM)(1) (C) Bradley Stapleton (AP)(1) (C) Javier Hernandez-Torres (NR)(1) (C) Ramon Torres (HI)(1)

(L) Pat Bellingrath (TV)(1) (L) Kayce Castenir (SM)(1) (L) Mike Feely (SS)(1) (C) Todd Adams (TR) (1)

Ex-Officio Members: Staff Resource..........................................................................................................Annette Spence, Mike Sluder Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Jane Taylor

Board of Ordained Ministry


Chairperson.............................................................................................................Mickey Rainwater Vice-Chairperson....................................................................................................Don Hanshew Secretary..................................................................................................................Lauri Hale Chair, Division of Elders......................................................................................... Jodie Ihfe Co-Chairs, Division of Local Pastors and Associate Members..............................Kathie Wilson-Parker Co-Chairs, Division of Local Pastors and Associate Members..............................Chuck Starks Chair, Division of Deacons, Diaconal Concerns and Professional Certification....Rebekah Fetzer Chair, Committee on Provisional Mentoring and Recruitment...............................Dennie Humphreys Chair, Conference Relations Committee.................................................................Brad Scott Vocational Discernment Coordinator...................................................................... Brad Hyde Clergy Chris Brown (AP) Rusty Taylor (SM) Brad Scott (SS) Jodie Ihfe (SS) Barbara Doyle (CM) Dennie Humphreys (MV) Michael Sluder (SM) Linda McDaniel (SS) Gary Grogg (SS) T. J. Burdine (HI) TBD Laity Carolynn Haerr (HI) Laura McLean (SM) Nancy Tate (AP)

Don Hanshew (NR) Kristen Burkhart (TV) Kathie Wilson-Parker (TR) TBD Timothy Jones (SM) Rebekah Fetzer (SM) Nathan Malone (SS) Crystal Smith (TV) Micah Nicolaus (HI) Elizabeth Hamilton (CM)

Mickey Rainwater (SM) Brad Hyde (TV) Walter Cross (TV) David Woody (CM) Will Shelton (NR) Glenna Manning (TV) Anthony Grills (CM) David Graybeal (HI) Chuck Starks (TV) Mary K. Pope Briggs (CM)

Bob Ergenbright (SM) Lee Sherbakoff (TV) Deborah Neal (NR)

Lauri Hale (TR) Ralph Skinner (TV)

Ex-Officio Members: Chair, Order of Elders ............................................................................................Sharon Bowers Chair, Order of Deacons .........................................................................................Diana Brown Taylor Co-Chair, Fellowship of Associate Members and Local Pastors............................Sam Johnson Co-Chair, Fellowship of Associate Members and Local Pastors............................Wayne Cook Director of Clergy Services / Administrative Registrar / Staff............................... Terry Goodman Cabinet Representatives .........................................................................................Jane Taylor, Randy Martin

Conference Organization


Holston Center for Wellbeing Supervisory Committee

Chairperson.........................................(C) Laura Plaster (CM) Vice Chairperson ................................(L) Kathy Ehrnschwender (TV) Secretary .............................................(C) Bob Ruth (NR) (C) Sharon Bowers (TV)(1) (C) Will Shelton (NR)(1) (L) Kathy Ehrnschwender (TV)(1) (C) Laura Plaster (CM)(1) (C) Bob Ruth (NR)(1) (L) David Hudson (SS)(1)

(C) Cynthia Frye (CM)(1) (L) Becki Garland (TV)(1)

Representative, Board of Ordained Ministry .........................................................Brad Hyde Representative, Partners in Crisis............................................................................Nancy Ridenour Director of Clergy Services / Staff Resource..........................................................Terry D. Goodman Ex-Officio Members: Cabinet Representatives ���������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������Hugh Kilgore, Lauri Jo Cranford

Conference Council on Finance and Administration

President .............................................(C) Jeffery L. Lambert (SM) Vice President.....................................(L) Caroline Kidd (NR) Secretary..............................................(C) Knox Wimberly (NR) (C) Sherrell Boles (TV)(1) (C) Wil Cantrell (TV)(1) (C) Sarah Varnell (MV) (1) (C) Jeffery L. Lambert (SM)(1) (C) Chuck Starks (TV)(1)

(C) Janet S. Sweet (AP)(1) (C) Michael Vaughn (TR)(1) (C) Knox Wimberly (NR)(1) (L) Mary Baker (AP)(1) (L) Keith Burroughs (TV)(1)

(L) Nat Foster (TV)(1) (C) Todd Chancey (TV)(1) (L) Carolyn Kidd (NR)(1) (L) Art Masker (MV)(1) (L) Steve Walling (TV)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: (without vote) Resident Bishop.......................................................................................................Mary Virginia Taylor Conference Treasurer / Staff Resource....................................................................Rick Cherry Director of Connectional Ministries / Staff Resource.............................................Mike Sluder Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Jason Gattis

Board of Pensions

Chairperson.........................................(C) David Tabor Vice Chairperson.................................(L) Brent Clark Secretary..............................................(C) Clair Sauer Treasurer..............................................(L) Rick Cherry 2020 (L) Mary Ruth Richards (AP) (L) Jim Snowden (MV) (C) Debra Stokes (SS)

2021 (C) Clair Sauer (SS) (L) James Reynolds (CM) (L) TBA

2022 (C) Will Conner (HI) (L) Robert Taylor (L) Amy Westmoreland (NR)

2023 (L) Brent Clark (TV) (L) Diana Galloway (TV) (C) TBA

2024 (L) Dan Duggar (MV) (C) Betsy Switzer (HI) (L) Betty Dougherty (TV)

2025 (L) Linda Colvin (SM) (L) Rick Cooper (TV) (C) Jim Whedbee (TV)

2026 (L) T. J. Newby (SM) (L) Ken Webb (HI) (C) David Tabor (TV)

2027 (L) Lisa Atkins (TV) (C) Robert Burlingham (AP) (C) Caleb Pitkin (SS)


Ex-Officio Members: Pensions Director....................................................................................................Rick Cherry Chairperson, Joint Committee on Medical Leave (Incapacity)............................... Brian Burch Benefits Officer / Staff Resource............................................................................. Julie Graham Consultant - BCBS of TN.......................................................................................Diana McClurg Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Rick Cherry


Holston Annual Conference Board of Trustees

President..............................................(L) David McLain (SS) Vice President.....................................(L) Robert Reedy (AP) Secretary..............................................(C) Brian Burch (NR) (C) Brian Burch (NR)(1) (C) Bruce Galyon (TV)(1) (C) Dan Gray (CM)(1) (C) Richie Hayes (AP)(1)

(C) Jonathan Jonas (CM)(1) (C) Amy Probst (AP)(1) (C) Tom Robins (TV)(1) (L) Ken Johnson (MV)(1)

(L) David McLain (SS)(1) (L) Renni Morris (TV)(1) (L) Robert Reedy (AP)(1) (L) Mary Frances Tucker (TV)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Resident Bishop.......................................................................................................Mary Virginia Taylor Conference Treasurer / Staff Resource....................................................................Rick Cherry CFA Representative................................................................................................ Jeff Lambert Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Lauri Jo Cranford

Personnel Resources Committee

Chairperson .......................................(C) Reed Shell (SS) Vice Chairperson ...............................(L) Joe Harvey (AP) Secretary .............................................(L) Carolyn L Kidd (NR) (L) Benny Brewster (MV)(1) (C) Anthony Grills (CM)(1) (C) Jonathan Jonas (CM)(1) (C) Harry Layell (AP)(1)

(C) Adam Love (AP)(1) (C) Reed Shell (SS)(1) (C) Jared Wood (SS)(1) (L) Joe Harvey (AP)(1)

(L) Kathy Hoard (MV)(1) (L) Terryl James (SS)(1) (L) Carolyn L Kidd (NR)(1) (L) Chris Lee (TV)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Resident Bishop.......................................................................................................Mary Virginia Taylor Chairperson, Committee on Episcopacy................................................................. Steve Brown Executive Assistant to the Bishop...........................................................................Open Conference Chancellor............................................................................................John Eldridge Chairperson, CFA.................................................................................................... Jeff Lambert Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Ann P. Robins

Commission on Equitable Compensation

Chairperson ........................................(C) Bruce Galyon (TV) Vice Chairperson ................................(L) Jack Brewster (NR) Secretary .............................................(L) Mollianne Hubbs (SM) (C) Larry Carroll (TV)(1) (L) Teresa Gammons (MV)(1) (C) Jim Oxendine (CM)(1) (L) Mary Frances Tucker (TV)(1)

(L) Jack Brewster (NR)(1) (C) Bruce Galyon (TV)(1) (L) Lee Sherbakoff (TV)(1)

(C) Aaron Atchley (CM) (1) (L) Mollianne Hubbs (SM)(1) (C) Bryan Wyke (MV)

Ex-Officio Members: Conference Treasurer / Staff Resource....................................................................Rick Cherry Executive Assistant to the Bishop...........................................................................Open Director, Clergy Services / Conference Secretary / Staff Resource........................ Terry D. Goodman Sustentation Funds / District Superintendent / Cabinet Representative..................Jason Gattis


Committee on Petitions and Resolutions

Chairperson .......................................(L) John Eldridge (TV) (C) Richie Hayes (AP)(1) (C) Catherine Nance (SM)(1) (C) Elston McLain (TV)(1)

(C) Jonathan B. Jonas (CM)(1) (C) Monty Walton (SM)(1) (L) John Eldridge (TV)(1)

(L) Danny Tullier(SS)(1) (L) Stephanie Strutner (TV)(1) (C) Larry Ousley (CM)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: 2016 Delegate for General Conference (named by Delegation)............................. Becky Hall Conference Secretary / Staff Resource.................................................................... Terry D. Goodman Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Kim Goddard

Conference Organization


Committee on Rules and Order

Chairperson.........................................(C) Bradley Scott (SS) (C) Bradley Scott (SS)(1) (L) Kris Berg (CM)(1) (L) Joyce Moore (CM)(1)

(C) Patty Muse (TR)(1) (L) Nathan Rowell (TV)(1) (L) Jim Wheeler (TR)(1)

(C) David Jackson (CM)(1) (C) Paul Longmire (TR)(1)

Ex-Officio Members: Resident Bishop ......................................................................................................Mary Virginia Taylor Executive Assistant to the Bishop...........................................................................Open Conference Secretary / Staff Resource.................................................................... Terry D. Goodman Chancellor............................................................................................................... John Eldridge Cabinet Representative ........................................................................................... Mike Sluder

Conference Committee on Episcopacy

Chairperson ........................................(C) Steve Brown (MV) Vice Chairperson.................................(L) Mary Margaret Denton (AP) Secretary..............................................(C) Laura Rasor (SM)

(C) Steve Brown (MV)(1) *(L) Del Holley (SM) (C) Robert Countiss (CM) (1) (L) Brian Dantzler (SS)(1) (C) Laura Rasor (SM)(1) (L) Gene Frazer (SM)(1) (C) Bill Rimmer (MV)(1) (L) Gary James (SS)(1) *Conference Lay Leader by Standing Rule and 2016 Book of Discipline Âś637

(L) Mary Margaret Denton (AP)(1) (L) Margaret Forby (MV)(1) (L) Linda Franklin (MV)(1) (L) Phyllis Ripley (MV)(1)

Appointed by the Bishop: (C) Dennie Humphreys (MV)

(L) Ken Webb (HI) (L) Dee Ann Collins (TV)

Ex-Officio Members: Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Rick Cherry Members, Jurisdictional Committee (with vote).....................................................Del Holley, Kim Goddard

Episcopal Residence Committee

Chairperson or Representative of the Committee on Episcopacy...........................Steve Brown Chairperson or Representative of the Board of Trustees........................................ David McLain Chairperson or Representative of the Council on Finance and Administration......Jeff Lambert Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Rick Cherry Ex-Officio Member: Executive Assistant to the Bishop...........................................................................Open

Commission on Archives and History

Chairperson ........................................(C) David St. Clair (CM) Vice Chairperson.................................(C) Ron Fisher (HI) Secretary..............................................(L) Sue Tilson (CM) (C) Ron Fisher (HI)(1) (C) Charles Maynard (SM)(1) (C) Mike Hubble (HI)(1)

(C) David St. Clair (CM)(1) (L) Harold Hartman (TV)(1) (C) Tom Ballard (TV)(1)

(L) Moze Reliford (MV)(1) (L) Madge Walker (MV)(1) (L) Sue Tilson (CM)(1)


Ex-Officio Members: Conference Historian............................................................................................... Roy Howard Historical Society Representative........................................................................... Brad Scott Conference Secretary / Staff....................................................................................Terry D. Goodman Cabinet Representative............................................................................................ Kim Goddard


Holston Annual Conference Committee on Nominations

Chairperson.................................................Bishop Mary Virginia Taylor Conference Secretary..................................Terry D. Goodman

District Superintendents �����������������������������Jeffrey Wright (AP), Jane Taylor (CM), Elihugh Kilgore (HI), Angela Hardy Cross (MV), Kim Goddard (NR), Jason Gattis (SM), Randy Martin (SS), Ann P. Robins (TV), Lauri Jo Cranford (TR) Extended Cabinet ���������������������������������������Paul Bowman, Rick Cherry, Del Holley, Terry D. Goodman, Rusty Taylor, Mike Sluder Presidents: United Methodist Men................................Eric Knoefel (TV) United Methodist Women...........................Carolyn Haerr (HI) United Methodist Youth Rep......................Lindsey Kizer (SM) Ex-Officio Member: Chairperson of the Discipleship Team........Elizabeth Hamilton District Representatives ���������������������������Mary Baker (AP), Sue Tilson (CM), Rick Lay (HI), Rob Saunders (MV), Mike Holcomb (NR), Glenda Eastridge (SM), Becky Hall (SS), Diane James (TV), Nan Carver (TR)

Support Groups United Methodist Men


President.............................. Eric Knoefel Honorary President.............. Bishop Mary Virginia Taylor Northern Vice President...... Powell Kidd Southern Vice President...... Terry D. Goodman Secretary.............................. James Sink Treasurer.............................. Tom Mitoraj Scouting Coordinator.......... Rick Cherry Prayer Advocate.................. Tom Mitoraj Staff Resource...................... Rick Cherry Cabinet Representatives...... Jeffrey Wright District Presidents: Appalachian �������������������������Powell Kidd Clinch Mountain ������������������TBD Hiwassee ������������������������������Doug Greene Mountain View ��������������������TBD New River ����������������������������TBD Smoky Mountain �����������������TBD Scenic South ������������������������TBD Tennessee Valley ����������������Ralph Skinner Three Rivers ������������������������TBD

United Methodist Women

President ����������������������������������������� Carolyn Haerr Vice President �������������������������������� Lisa Black Secretary ����������������������������������������� Nyoka Holder Treasurer ���������������������������������������� Janet Jones Mission Coordinators: Spiritual Growth ������������������������������ Johnnie Bridges Education & Interpretation ����������� Twanna Teague Social Action ��������������������������������� Jonnie Faye Ball Membership, Nurture & Outreach ������ Lori Sluder Secretary of Program Resources ����� Karen Murphy Communications Coordinator �������� Marci Villanueva Chair, Committee on Nominations ������ Mary Watterson Staff Resource �������������������������������� Lori Sluder Cabinet Representative ������������������� Kim Goddard Bishop �������������������������������������������� Mary Virginia Taylor Deaconess ������������������������������������������� Corinna Sisk-Casson Mission u, Dean ��������������������������������� Kay Phillips Mission u, Assistant Dean ����������������� Susan Daffron Legacy Committee Chair ������������������ Willela Douthat Archivist/Historian ���������������������������� Prue Oxendine Webmaster ����������������������������������������� Lori Sluder Language Coordinator ����������������������� Kacye Castenir Young Women’s Representative ������ Jessica Davis Young Women’s Representative ������ Valerie Moore UMW National Program Advisory Group Representative ���������������������� Marsheine McClurg SEJ UMW Treasurer ������������������������� Kay Phillips District Presidents: Appalachian ������������������������������������� Penny McClellan Clinch Mountain ������������������������������ Donna Camper Hiwassee ������������������������������������������ Barbara Graham Mountain View �������������������������������� Vickie Moore New River ���������������������������������������� Linda Burnette Smoky Mountain ����������������������������� Susan Daffron Scenic South ������������������������������������� Karen Adair Tennessee Valley ����������������������������� Danielle Meyers Three Rivers ������������������������������������� Joanne Peters

Conference Organization


District Committees on Ordained Ministry

Nominated annually by the District Superintendent in consultation with the Chairperson or Executive Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry and approved by the Annual Conference. (2016 BOD Âś666)

Appalachian District

Clergy: Pierce Jackson Edwards, Caleb Frazier, Richard L. Hayes, Liz Hamilton (Co-Chair), William W. Hedrick, Nancy Hobbs, Harry P. Layell (Co-Chair), Adam T. Love (Registrar), Nancy G. Martin, Jacqueline S. McGowan, D. Layne Pennington, Bill R. Porter, Bradley K. Stapleton, Amy Sumrall, Randall Wright Laity: Mary B. Baker, Martha Bledsoe, Joyce Eberhart, P. Roger Herron, Lana Stallard, Marie S. Willis, John H. Wright

Clinch Mountain District

Clergy: L. Brooke Atchley, Mary K. Briggs, J. Robert Countiss, Barbara A. Doyle, Anthony C. Grills (Chair), Elizabeth Scott Hamilton, Carlos Hess, Larry Lusk, Robert Kariuki Nyaga, Annette Warren, Carolyn Whitaker, David S. Woody (Registrar) Laity: Brenda Ayers, Eddie Harrison, Heda Quillin, Vickie Scyphers, Donnie Yates

Hiwassee District

Clergy: Hugh Paul Bryan (Chair), John W. Crabtree, Ronald D. Fisher, David W. Graybeal, Dwight S. Kilbourne, Terril D. Littrell, Micah Joel Nicolaus, Mary L. Parson, Thomas M. Reed, Kenneth L. Scoggins (Registrar), James W. Thompson, Michael H. Travis Laity: Robert Donaghy, Kay A. Freeman, Becky Jaquish, Rick Lay

Mountain View District

Clergy: Ralph Steven Brown (Chair), James R. Fain, Katherine Hale, Dennie D. Humphreys (Registrar), Dixie J. Miller, Charles Raymond Spell, Sarah Varnell, John W. Wilson Laity: John Allen, Linda Franklin, Nancy Renner, Zerudia Rogers

New River District

Clergy: Lon Tobin (Chair), Steve Aker, Brian Burch, Jim Goddard, Don Hanshew, Ralph Kidd, Rodney Lawson, Darlene Marshall, Don Scott, Donald Swift, Teresa Tolbert (Registrar), Paige Wimberly Laity: Greg Delp, Mike McMahon, Rick Waddell

Scenic South District

Clergy: Gary W. Grogg, David Hall, Nathan A. Malone, Linda Isadore McDaniel, Adam E. McKee, G. Keith Moore, Bradley H. Scott, Reed L. Shell, Gregory S. Smart, Jared G Wood (Chair), Caleb Pitkin, Chris Ray, Laura Shearer Laity: Dobbin Callahan, Rebekah Ducote (Registrar), Ginger Housley

Smoky Mountain District Clergy: Lisa Blackwood, Timothy W. Jones, Eugene H. Lovell, Charles William Maynard, Laura R. Rasor (Registrar), Sarah A. Slack (Chair) Laity: Robert Ergenbright, Amy Large, Kay Phillips

Tennessee Valley District Clergy: Timothy J. Best, Bobby Black, Sherrell E. Boles, Sharon Bower, Bruce M. Galyon (Chair), David M. Grant (Registrar), Keith T. Hampson, Donna M. Hester, Bradley K. Hyde, Glenna B. Manning, J. Michael Stallings Laity: Renni Morris, Shirley Napier, Mike Slimbarski, Sharon Vaughn

Karen Marie Lane, Richard D. Mullan Laity: Sally Blackburn, Lynice Broyles, Dan Cross, Dell Gates, Linda J Keller, Kathryn Wilhoit


Three Rivers District Clergy: Ricky H. Clowers, Leann Kaye Frazier Crandall, Douglas Grove-DeJarnett, Kimberly S Isley (Chair),


Holston Annual Conference District Boards of Church Location and Building

Nominated by the District Superintendent in consultation with the district Nominating Committee, if one exists, and elected annually by the Annual Conference. (2016 BOD Âś2519)

Appalachian Class of 2019................Larry Hobbs, Rev. Bill Rines, Rick Williams Class of 2020................Rev. Adam Love, Sheila Postell, Rev. Beth Tipton Class of 2021................Rev. Jack Edwards (Chair), Rev. Harry Layell, Garrett White Clinch Mountain Class of 2019................Leonard Smith, Betty Webb, Jim Lyttle Class of 2020................Ed Ashley, Danny Ruble (Chair), Scott Spence Class of 2021................E. Creighton Smith, Barbara Parker, Michelle Brock Hiwassee Class of 2019................Jerold Franitza, Rick Lay, Dave Whaley Class of 2020................Arthur Bigham, Ramon Torres, Betty-Carolyn Ward Class of 2021................Edith Jones, Donna Tisdale, Wendell Whaley (Chair) Mountain View Class of 2019................Bill Brown, Mike Cutshaw, Larry Devault, Bill Rimmer Class of 2020................Jeff Davis, Guy Jones, Tom Rush (Chair) Class of 2021................Linda Franklin, Doug Jennings, Brad Peters New River Class of 2019................David Payne, Sandy Hash, John Hawley, Deborah Neal Class of 2020................Bob Ruth, GW Catron, Bill Webb, Doug Armstrong, Ben McGuire Class of 2021................Ronnie Collins, Neal Hammons, Tim Smith (Chair) Scenic South Class of 2019................Daniel Oakley, Mike Berry Class of 2020................Steve Barham, Philip Schofield, Tony Collins, Braxton Cotton Class of 2021................Eric Rieger, Charlotte McKee, Benny Scruggs Smoky Mountain Class of 2019................Gilbert Harris, Ken Tucker Class of 2020................Judy Martin, TBD Class of 2021................Garry Ferraris, TBD Tennessee Valley Class of 2019................Steve Walling (Chair), Tommy Schumpert, Rev. David Tabor Class of 2020................Lilly Rayson, Mark Troutman, Rev. Scott Layer Class of 2021................Rev. Tom Ballard, Rev. Cedrick Jackson, Doug Underwood


Three Rivers Class of 2019................Bob Goodsell (Chair), Ernest Campbell Class of 2020................Joel Cook, Estel Williams Class of 2021................Liz Hughes, Butch Jones

Conference Organization


Trustees and Directors of Conference-Related Institutions and Agencies Holston Foundation

President ��������������������������������������������������������������� John Anderson Vice President ������������������������������������������������������ Cheryl Light Secretary ��������������������������������������������������������������� Mary Frances Tucker Chair: Audit Committee ��������������������������������������� Mark Walker Chair: Conference Relations �������������������������������� Dr. Laurence Hesser Chair: Grants Committee ������������������������������������� Wanda Moody Chair: Investment & Finance Committee ������������ Charlie Harr Chair: Nominating Committee ����������������������������� Lynne Fugate

Ex-Officio Members: ������������������������������������������� Bishop Mary Virginia Taylor, Rick Cherry Panel of 2019 �������������������������������������������������������� Sarah Beamer, Sam Coulter, Dennis Falls, Lynne Fugate, Charlie Harr, Lee Iglehart, Bill Kilday, Ware Mitchell, Ken Webb Panel of 2020 �������������������������������������������������������� John Anderson, Gary Bagnall, Brad Bower, David Goodson, Dr. Laurence Hesser, Charles Stewart, Mark Walker Panel of 2021 �������������������������������������������������������� Mike Hincher, Jim Johnson, Cheryl Light, Wanda Moody, Beth Peacock, Mike Reynolds, Mike Stice, Mary Frances Tucker

East Tennessee State University Wesley Foundation Board of Trustees

Chair ��������������������������������������������������������������������� Caleb Frazier Vice Chair ������������������������������������������������������������ Anna Kapoor Secretary ��������������������������������������������������������������� TBD Treasurer �������������������������������������������������������������� TBD Kay Farmer (AP) Kylie Gooden (TR) Adam Love (AP) Estel Williams (TR) Anna Kapoor (TR)(7)

Haden Scott (MV)(1) John Botts (TR)(2) Rachael Barnett (TR)(4) Joyce Jones (TR)(6)

Shannon Berry (MV)(2) Abraham McIntire (TR)(4) Butch Jones (TR)(5) Kathy Feagins (TR)(6)

Ex-Officio Members: Campus Minister, ETSU Wesley Foundation ���������������������������������� Caleb Frazier District Superintendents ��������������������������������������� Lauri Jo Cranford, Angela Hardy Cross, Jeffery Wright Board of Higher Education ���������������������������������� Magan Stubblefield Staff Resource ������������������������������������������������������ Laura McLean Cabinet Representative ����������������������������������������� TBA

Radford University Wesley Foundation Board of Directors


President ��������������������������������������������������������������� Matt McDaniel Vice-President ������������������������������������������������������ Alan Ashworth Secretary ��������������������������������������������������������������� Dina Deaton Treasurer �������������������������������������������������������������� Jackie Taylor Students ���������������������������������������������������������������� Logan Johnson, Mckenzie Hunt, Robert Krebs Alternate ��������������������������������������������������������������� Glenda Lindstrom Panel of 2020 �������������������������������������������������������� Alan Ashworth, David Boyd, Jackie Taylor, Matt McDaniel, Robbie Hamby Panel of 2021 �������������������������������������������������������� David Coulson, Dina Deaton, Marcy Harless, Paul Lambert, Susan Caldwell Panel of 2022 �������������������������������������������������������� Karen Black, Michael Hunt, Serounian Keir, Allison Pratt Panel of 2023 �������������������������������������������������������� Carli Dotson, Donna Judy, Heather Rowland, Ron Mady, Suzanne Steel Ex-Officio Members: Campus Director, Wesley Center ������������������������� Martee Buchanan District Superintendents ��������������������������������������� Jane Taylor (CM), Kim Goddard(NR) District Wesley Foundation Reps. ������������������������ June Totten (CM), TBA (NR) District Presidents of United Methodist Women � Donna Camper (CM), Linda Burnette (WY) District Lay Leaders ��������������������������������������������� TBA (CM), Mike Holcomb (NR), Deborah Neal (NR) Pastors, Radford Churches ����������������������������������� Betsy King (Carter St.), Don Smith (Central), Mark Kilbourne (Grove), Brandon Greene (New Mt. Olive) Conference Staff Representative �������������������������� Laura McLean Board of Higher Ed & Campus Ministry Rep ������ Ila Schepisi


Holston Annual Conference University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Wesley Foundation Board of Directors

Chair............................................................Steve Barham Vice Chair...................................................TBD Treasurer.....................................................TBD

Panel of 2020 ���������������������������������������������David Hall, Nancy Smith, Rev. Paul Womack, Roger Kincer, Rev. Clark Taylor Panel of 2021 ���������������������������������������������Connie Bowman, Marlin Gines Panel of 2022 ���������������������������������������������Dobbin Callahan Ex-Officio Members: Campus Director, Wesley Center District Superintendents Conference Staff Representative

G. Keith Moore Randy Martin (SS), Hugh Kilgore (HI) Laura McLean

University of Tennessee, Knoxville Wesley Foundation Board of Directors

Chair �����������������������������������������������������������Leah Burns Vice-Chair �������������������������������������������������Jenny Fowler Secretary ����������������������������������������������������Misty McComas Treasurer ���������������������������������������������������Ralph Skinner

Elected Members ��������������������������������������Kathy LaFollette, Dawn Chesser, Mary Hawkins, James Capps Ex-Officio Members: Campus Minister, Wesley Foundation Exec. Director.......... Sharon Bowers Campus Minister, Wesley Foundation Assoc. Director........ Heidi Parunak District Superintendents........................................................ Jason Gattis, Angela Hardy Cross Conference Staff Representative........................................... Laura McLean Board of Higher Education Campus Ministry Rep............... Magan Stubblefield Student Members.................................................................. Rebecca Thompson, Micah White, Marlon Johnson

University of VA-Wise Wesley Foundation Board of Directors


Chair �����������������������������������������������������������Ken Purscell Vice-Chair ��������������������������������������������������Susan Herron Secretary ����������������������������������������������������Jacob Somervell Treasurer ����������������������������������������������������Kenny Spurlock

Ex-Officio Members: District Superintendent �������������������������������������������������������� Jeffrey Wright (AP) District Superintendent �������������������������������������������������������� Jane Taylor (CM) District Lay Leader �������������������������������������������������������������� Mary Baker (AP) District UMM President ������������������������������������������������������ TBD (AP) District UMW President ������������������������������������������������������� TBD (AP) Pastor Trinity, Wise UMC ��������������������������������������������������� Phillip Bates Member Emeritus ����������������������������������������������������������������� vacant

Non-Voting Ex-Officio Members: Campus Minister ������������������������������������������������������������������ M. Beth Tipton Conference Staff Liaison ������������������������������������������������������ Laura McLean Student Representatives ������������������������������������������������������� Maggie Chafin Liaison to the Board of Higher Ed ��������������������������������������� TBD

Members.................................................... Karen Hall, Susan Herron, Nancy Hobbs, H. Rae Mullins, Casey Page, Layne Pennington, G. Pete Purdue, Kenneth Purscell, Timothy Robinson, Jacob Somervell, Kenny Spurlock, John Wright, Randall Wright Panel of 2020..............................................Jacob Somervell, John Wright, Karen Hall, Kenny Spurlock Panel of 2021..............................................Kenneth Purscell, Susan Herron Panel of 2022..............................................Timothy Robinson, Casey Page, G. Pete Purdue, Nancy Hobbs Panel of 2023..............................................Layne Pennington, Randall Wright, H. Rae Mullins

Committee Directory


Members of Conference Boards, Councils, Commissions Address/E-Mail Teams, Office/Home/Fax Committee(s)





Committee Directory


Adair, Karen S. 204 Marlboro Ave (423) 752-7751 AC UMW Chattanooga, TN 37411-5219 (423) 629-1102 karahiker@gmail.com Adams, Todd R. 133 Dadburn Rd (423) 926-0978 Hisp/Lat Jonesborough, TN 37659-3503 (423) 913-4353 toddradams13@gmail.com (423) 926-1820 Alley, Carol B. 650 Caney Valley Loop Stewardship Surgoinsville, TN 37873-6314 (423) 357-3619 carolalley@hotmail.com Amos, Jr., Raymond W. 1801 Southside Ave (423) 764-4824 Discipleship, Witness Bristol, TN 37620-4254 (423) 764-4207 umcpastorray@gmail.com Arnold, Susan PO Box 686 (423) 323-5941 Stewardship Blountville, TN 37617-0686 (423) 429-5026 joyfullyinchrist@yahoo.com (423) 323-5951 Atchley, Aaron Dana 255 Swords Creek Rd (276) 873-5478 BD High Ed, Camp&Retreat, Honaker, VA 24260-7069 (276) 991-6010 Equitable Comp aarondatchley@hotmail.com Atchley, L. Brooke 255 Swords Creek Rd (540) 599-4071 Congreg Dev Honaker, VA 24260-7069 batchley@umcmission.org Atkins, Lisa 7824 Sweet Ln BD Pension Knoxville, TN 37938-3243 (865) 254-4462 atkins.lisa@yahoo.com Avers, Dorothy 5405 Colonial Cir Apt 115 Strength4Journey Knoxville, TN 37918-3273 (865) 521-645 Baker, Mary B. 12890 River Ln (276) 275-4484 BD Lay, CF&A, Nominations Coeburn, VA 24230-5738 mbeckbaker@gmail.com Ball, Jonnie Faye 790 Emory Valley Rd Apt 404 (865) 215-2515 AC UMW Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6488 (865) 207-4397 jonnieball1951@gmail.com Ballard, Emily E 11020 Roane Dr Witness Knoxville, TN 37934-2916 (423) 585-7809 eballard@concordumc.com Ballard, Thomas T. 212 Hotel Rd (865) 689-5175 Arch & Hist Knoxville, TN 37918-3226 (423) 585-7054 tom.ballard@fountaincityumc.org Barnett, Sam 305 Highland Ave (423) 926-9494 Missions Johnson City, TN 37604-6107 (423) 990-9614 sbarnett@cenergy.com Bellingrath, Pat 801 Bluff Dr Hisp/Lat, Outreach/Adv Knoxville, TN 37919-6672 (865) 633-8198 patbellingrath@gmail.com Belote, Missy Ruth 3835 Lake Valley Rd Communications Kingsport, TN 37664-5133 (417) 343-8698 missysheltonbelote@gmail.com Berg, Brandon R 1719 Holston Dr (423) 652-2811 Camp&Retreat Bristol, TN 37620-4510 Rev.b.r.berg@gmail.com Berg, Kris 1841 Lakebrook Cir Rules&Order Dandridge, TN 37725-6235 (865) 322-2562 kris.e.berg@gmail.com Bernick, Linda 1202 Park Rd Missions Radford, VA 24141-4045 (540) 922-2955 voxlinda@aol.com Biggerstaff, David 9808 Crestline Dr Young Ad Min Knoxville, TN 37922-5700 (865) 675-6036 dmbiggerstaff@tds.net Bigham, Tepa 154 Franklin Dr Relig&Race Benton, TN 37307-3608 (423) 338-8805

156 Committee Directory


Holston Annual Conference Address/E-Mail



Black, Bobby 119 Westin Parc (423) 892-8050 Afr Am TF, Relig&Race Johnson City, TN 37615-4972 (423) 619-7808 ic4men2007@comcast.net Black, Lisa 119 Westin Parc AC UMW Johnson City, TN 37615-4972 (423) 612-7601 lisaeblack809@gmail.com Blair, B. Ann 427 E Main St Apt 321 Orders Steering Batavia, NY 14020-2527 (276) 637-6431 bannblair@outlook.com Boles, Sherrell E. PO Box 11065 (865) 588-6562 CF&A Knoxville, TN 37939-1065 (423) 488-2556 sherry@beardenumc.org Bowers, Sharon 800 Wesley Ave (865) 522-2728 BD Ordained, Greeneville, TN 37743-3625 (423) 329-7012 HC Ctr Wellbeing, cbasedlead@yahoo.com (865) 524-6256 Outreach/Adv Bowman, Paul J. 2008 Silverbrook Dr (865) 690-8124 Ext Cab, Nominations, Knoxville, TN 37923-1383 (865) 924-7145 Stewardship paulbowman@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Bowman, Tami 861 Woodlawn Rd CCYM Woodlawn, VA 24381-3421 (276) 236-5938 mediamtolivet@gmail.com Bracken, Kellie 111 Fernwood Dr NE Missions Cleveland, TN 37323-4527 (423) 620-3244 kelbracken@hotmail.com Bradley, Wesley 243 Old Lacy Hollow Rd Camp&Retreat Elizabethton, TN 37643-5987 (423) 542-2367 wbradley@dbconstllc.com Bradshaw, David 112 Wiltshire Dr (865) 576-3928 Camp&Retreat Oak Ridge, TN 37830-4505 (865) 483-3343 drb1@comcast.net Brewster, Benny 5628 Pine Barren Dr (423) 921-6969 Personnel Morristown, TN 37814-1412 (423) 748-1041 bennyb@charter.net Brewster, Jack A 114 Penn St Equitable Comp Bluefield, VA 24605-1449 (276) 326-2521 jackpambrewster@verizon.net Bridges, Johnnie 1125 Adcock Ave (865) 546-7402 AC UMW Knoxville, TN 37921-1802 (865) 524-3233 johnniebridges70@gmail.com (865) 546-0059 Briggs, Mary K. 321 College St (276) 944-6836 BD Ordained Marion, VA 24354-2401 (276) 783-9208 mkbriggs@ehc.edu (276) 944-6248 Bright, Leslie A. 4508 Beechcliff Dr (276) 523-8191 Camp&Retreat Kingsport, TN 37664-4586 (423) 288-6695 leslie.bright@dmme.virginia.gove Brown, Amy 300 W Valley Dr (276) 669-2101 Young Ad Min Bristol, VA 24201-2739 (423) 791-3083 youth@state-street.org Brown, Christopher J. 211 Sanders St (423) 239-6031 BD Ordained, Camp&Retreat, Blountville, TN 37617-6323 (423) 440-0894 Missions dukevol@gmail.com (423) 239-7699 Brown, Harold E 6726 Flagstone Dr BD Lay Ooltewah, TN 37363-8357 (423) 991-4143 haroldebrown@cs.com Brown, Ralph Steven PO Box 8 (865) 397-2730 Episcopacy, Episcopal Res, Dandridge, TN 37725-0008 (865) 397-4049 Personnel gatecitybrown@yahoo.com (865) 397-7351 Brown Taylor, Diana L. 7440 Openview Ln BD Ordained Corryton, TN 37721-3599 (865) 219-0458 dbrowntaylor@gmail.com Broyles, Lynice 126 Mesa Dr BD Ordained Gray, TN 37615-5409 (423) 467-3336 lmbroyles@comcast.net

Committee Directory Name





Committee Directory

Bryant, Lisa PO Box JJ Nurture Saltville, VA 24370-1164 (423) 956-2048 lhbryant1@gmail.com Burch, Brian C. PO Box 400 (540) 921-1021 BD Pension, BD Trustees Pearisburg, VA 24134-0400 (540) 599-3526 briancburch@gmail.com (540) 921-1022 Burdine, Thomas John 1822 Walnut St (865) 674-2869 BD Ordained, Camp&Retreat, White Pine, TN 37890-3254 (423) 775-0101 Children’s burdinesfarrier@gmail.com Burkhart, Kristen 212 Hotel Rd (865) 689-5175 BD Ordained, Witness Knoxville, TN 37918-1546 (423) 525-2746 kristen.burkhart@fountaincityumc.org Burlingham, Jr., Robert E. 729 W Valley Dr (276) 523-0789 BD Pension Kingsport, TN 37664-5731 (276) 245-3023 robert.burlingham@outlook.com Burnette, Linda 1831 Hebron Rd (276) 233-2728 AC UMW Galax, VA 24333-5303 lburnetteapple@yahoo.com Burns, Leah 119 Royal Heights Dr (865) 524-3048 Outreach/Adv Knoxville, TN 37920-5053 (865) 387-1627 lkburns@bellsouth.net (865) 521-0261 Burroughs, Keith 1812 Blakemore Rd CF&A Knoxville, TN 37914-6154 (865) 524-3983 keith@bcnattorneys.us Campbell, William D. 5609 Arapaho Dr Missions Kingsport, TN 37664-4219 (423) 323-8516 wdc5609@charter.net Camper, Donna 319 Em Cross Rd AC UMW Piney Flats, TN 37686-3300 (423) 968-5014 camperd743@gmail.com Cantrell, Robert Wilson 11020 Roane Dr (865) 966-6728 CF&A, Stewardship Knoxville, TN 37934-2916 (865) 966-6728 wcantrell@concordumc.com Carico, Kayla M. 111 Holbrook Ln (865) 483-4357 BD High Ed Clinton, TN 37716-5870 (865) 457-7804 kcarico@fumc.org Carroll, Larry E. 1300 Astoria Dr (865) 693-0353 Equitable Comp Knoxville, TN 37918-8021 (865) 414-8494 lecarroll65@gmail.com Carver, Nan 188 Sparks Rd BD Lay, Nominations Johnson City, TN 37601-8137 (423) 543-4322 nan.carver9@gmail.com Castenir, Kacye N 2205 E Broadway Ave AC UMW, Hisp/Lat Maryville, TN 37804-3036 (865) 805-0980 dani_castillo@yahoo.com Castillo, Daniel 2201 E Broadway Ave (865) 983-2290 Communications, Outreach/Adv Maryville, TN 37804-3036 (865) 599-8967 pastordanicastillo@yahoo.com Chancey, James Todd 617 Gilbert St (865) 982-5551 CF&A Alcoa, TN 37701-2373 (423) 290-3999 revtchancey@juno.com Cherry, F. Richard “Rick” 1150 Appaloosa Way (865) 690-4080 AC UMM, BD Lay, BD Pension, BD Trustees, Knoxville, TN 37922-7635 (865) 256-4733 CF&A, Episcopacy, Episcopal Res, rick@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Equitable Comp, Ext Cab, Nominations Clark, Barbara A. 742 Parkway (865) 436-4691 Outreach/Adv Gatlinburg, TN 37738-3206 (865) 436-4691 revbarbaraclark@gmail.com Clark, Brent 1734 Breezy Ridge Trl (865) 769-1662 BD Pension Knoxville, TN 37922-5707 bclark@pughcpas.com Clark, Linda 101 Morningside Dr Outreach/Adv Knoxville, TN 37915-2711 (865) 237-5637 lclark@projectgradknoxville.org

158 Committee Directory


Holston Annual Conference Address/E-Mail



Clegg, Anna 1079 Harbor Landing Dr Camp&Retreat Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-5759 (423) 332 8145 annaluvsya05@netscape.net Cogburn, Marta M. 211 Point Oak Dr Hisp/Lat Parrottsville, TN 37843-2389 (423) 623-0651 martacogburn@gmail.com Collins, Dee Ann 11537 Gates Mill Dr Episcopacy Knoxville, TN 37934-1758 (865) 966-3070 olwt@aol.com Collins, LeRae 3703 Forest Ln (865) 690-8124 Missions Knoxville, TN 37918-4228 (276) 274-5407 leraecollins@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Collins, Ronnie Gray 4123 Flower Gap Rd (276) 728-0020 Congreg Dev Cana, VA 24317-4067 (276) 733-9024 ronnie24317@yahoo.com Colvin, Linda 228 Indian Shadows Dr (865) 856-8446 BD Pension Maryville, TN 37801-3684 (865) 856-8004 rdcde522@aol.com Conner, William Joseph PO Box 1255 BD Pension Decatur, TN 37322-1255 (423) 605-3454 pastor@decaturumc.org Cook, H. Wayne 211 Marlboro Ave (706) 866-2981 BD Ordained, Sm Mem Church Chattanooga, TN 37411-5220 (423) 304-1071 hwcook@epbfi.com Cooper, Jim 1709 Longview St Outreach/Adv Kingsport, TN 37660-4516 (423) 230-2381 jim.cooper@morganstanley.com Cooper, Rick 6708 Sherwood Dr BD Pension Knoxville, TN 37919-7424 (865) 588-5470 rsc1a@aol.com Countiss, J. Robert 101 E Main St (276) 628-2321 Episcopacy, Stewardship Abingdon, VA 24210-2807 (276) 628-2321 robertcountiss@abingdonumc.org (276) 676-0383 Crandall, Leann Kaye Frazier 416 Sabine St (423) 847-7519 Camp&Retreat, Missions Elizabethton, TN 37643-5074 hotluma@yahoo.com Cranford, Lauri Jo 110 Mary St (423) 926-7533 Appt Cab, BD Trustees, Ext Cab, Johnson City, TN 37615-2628 (423) 794-8914 HC Ctr Wellbeing, laurijocranford@holston.org Nominations, Strength4Journey Cross, Jr., Walter H. 5605 Reinhardt Ln Afr Am TF, BD Ordained, Relig&Race Knoxville, TN 37924-1572 (423) 774-7993 orcrosx@aol.com Daffron, Susan 2618 Brantley Park Blvd AC UMW Maryville, TN 37804-3092 (865) 995-0884 spdaffron1@gmail.com Dantzler, Bryan 972 Poplar Springs Rd Episcopacy Ringgold, GA 30736-2815 (706) 935-9345 mbdantzler@charter.net Davis, Jessica AC UMW jessdavisavon@gmail.com (865) 308-2833 Davis-Gines, Jacqueline 3921 Murray Hills Dr CCYM Chattanooga, TN 37416-2923 (901)603-6354 jdavisgines@me.com Dean, Amanda 5750 Lake Resort Dr Apt G107 (423) 224-1517 Camp&Retreat Chattanooga, TN 37415-7058 (423) 718-4103 adean@oumclive.org DeFur, Stephen B. 9919 Kingston Pike (865) 693-0353 Congreg Dev Knoxville, TN 37922-6923 (865) 470-2774 sdefur@cokesbury.tv (865) 693-9704 DeLozier, Charlotte 10737 Yarnell Rd (865) 966-4143 Missions Knoxville, TN 37932-2457 (865) 680-7032 cdelozier@cbww.com Denton, Mary Margaret 204 Saint Charles Pl (423) 378-2200 Episcopacy Kingsport, TN 37660-2957 (423) 247-8280 mandmdenton@aol.com

Committee Directory Name





Committee Directory

Derden, Jaymie 2376 King Mill Pike Children’s Bristol, VA 24201-3068 jderden@chartertn.net Dickerson, Debra 7224 Cane Hollow Rd (423) 490-7039 Hisp/Lat Hixson, TN 37343-2488 (423) 842-4336 pastordebradickerson@gmail.com Dougherty, Betty PO Box 5103 BD Pension Knoxville, TN 37928-0103 (865) 687-6073 dougherty_b@comcast.net Douthat, Willela PO Box 400 AC UMW Signal Mountain, TN 37377-0400 (423) 886-2550 jimd@mountainpress.com (423) 802-3702 Doyle, Barbara A 335 Gillespie Dr (423) 217-3092 BD Ordained Abingdon, VA 24210-2105 (276) 525-1637 pastordoyle1209@gmail.com (423) 764-9751 Ducote, Jacob 6131 Relocation Way (423) 238-9216 Young Ad Min Ooltewah, TN 37363-6288 jducote@oumclive.org Duggar, Daniel 3060 Whitehouse Rd BD Pension, Sm Mem Church Greeneville, TN 37745-1713 (423) 639-8209 duggarl@comcast.net Dzobo, Samuel 1125 Ebenezer Church Rd Nurture Talbott, TN 37877-3825 (423) 999-6548 sadzobo@yahoo.com Easter, Bomba 1403 Eureka Rd Native Am Min Rockwood, TN 37854-5340 (865) 354-3147 4easter@comcast.net Eastridge, Glenda 1722 Ramsay St BD Lay, Nominations Alcoa, TN 37701-2050 (865) 984-8682 eastridge_gs@bellsouth.net Edwards, Janet 531 Stone Creek Dr Admin Rev Charleston, SC 29414-5052 (865) 300-4867 Janet.Edwards3@hcahealthcare.com Edwards, Rance C. PO Box 137 (276) 479-2018 Outreach/Adv Nickelsville, VA 24271-0137 (276) 479-5560 pastor@ecnar.com Edwards, Richard S. 627 Rockwell Farm Lane (865) 690-8124 Stewardship Knoxville, TN 37934 (865) 966-2947 richardedwards@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Ehrnschwender, Kathy 8424 Corteland Dr (865) 691-2425 HC Ctr Wellbeing Knoxville, TN 37909-2119 (865) 539-9721 kathyeaze@gmail.com Eldridge, John 5402 Mill Ridge Dr (865) 256-0704 Personnel, Petitions&Res, Knoxville, TN 37919-8900 (865) 256-0704 Rules&Order johneldrid@aol.com Eleazer, Alan 10705 Sallings Rd (423) 420-1215 Nurture Knoxville, TN 37922-3134 (865) 382-4970 ageleazer@gmail.com Ergenbright, Robert 2715 Rambling Rd BD Ordained Maryville, TN 37801-9512 (865) 984-8747 rergenbright@hotmail.com Farmer, Barbara 18416 Lee Hwy (276) 628-6323 Hisp/Lat Abingdon, VA 24210-8002 (276) 676-2118 farmer.barbara2016@gmail.com (276) 676-4323 Faunt, Julie 2190 County Road 700 Communications Riceville, TN 37370-5368 (423) 584-4200 juliefaunt@gmail.com Fauscett, Reece F. 2026 Highway 136 BD Ordained, Witness Trenton, GA 30752-4816 (423) 488-7060 rfauscett@gmail.com Feely, Annette Spence 9148 Colchester Ridge Rd (865) 690-4080 Communications, Hisp/Lat Knoxville, TN 37922-1461 (865) 357-2119 annettespence@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Feely, Michael L. 9148 Colchester Ridge Rd Hisp/Lat, Witness Knoxville, TN 37922-1461 (865) 719-9715 revfeely@yahoo.com

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Holston Annual Conference Address/E-Mail



Fetzer, Rebekah 9919 Kingston Pike (865) 693-0353 BD Ordained Knoxville, TN 37922-6923 (865) 675-3331 rfetzer@cokesbury.tv (865) 693-9704 Fisher, Ronald D. 501 Church St (423) 337-7903 Arch & Hist Sweetwater, TN 37874-2904 (423) 337-7903 revronfisher@gmail.com (423) 337-7945 Flynn, Annette N. 160 Outer Dr Strength4Journey Oak Ridge, TN 37830-5363 (865) 806-1985 amnflynn@gmail.com Forby, Margaret 118 Skyview Dr Episcopacy Greeneville, TN 37745-6260 (423) 620-2680 m.forby@yahoo.com Forrester, Troy 11 Raintree Xing (865) 525-0435 Discipleship, Stewardship Oak Ridge, TN 37830-9008 (865) 934-7284 troy@knoxvillefumc.org Foster, Nathaniel 2011 Scott Ln CF&A Knoxville, TN 37922-6458 (865) 386-4067 natfoster01@gmail.com Franklin, Linda 464 Goose Creek Rd Episcopacy Dandridge, TN 37725-3210 (865) 397-3885 franklint@charter.net Frazer, Gene 6503 Westminster Rd Episcopacy Knoxville, TN 37919-8641 (865) 588-6155 efrazer@bellsouth.net Frazier, Caleb Raymond 1100 Seminole Dr (423) 929-2121 Young Ad Min Johnson City, TN 37604-7134 (423) 330-8143 calebfrazier@yahoo.com (423) 232-4920 Frerichs, Terry 13531 New Highway 68 Sm Mem Church Tellico Plains, TN 37385-5901 (423) 261-2620 (423) 261-2620 Frost, David 106 Ben Jenkins Rd (423) 791-2311 Strength4Journey Johnson City, TN 37615-2400 frostdavidd@gmail.com Frye, Cynthia 37 Greentree Circle Rd HC Ctr Wellbeing, Bristol, VA 24201-1559 (276) 644-4428 Outreach/Adv, thiafrye@gmail.com Strength4Journey Frye, Wm. Randall 100 E Church Cir (423) 224-1503 Missions Kingsport, TN 37660-3677 (423) 224-1503 rfrye@fbsumc.org (423) 398-5495 Galloway, Diana 848 Walker Springs Rd BD Pension Knoxville, TN 37923-2538 (865) 691-4458 ggallox@msn.com Galyon, Bruce M. 7234 Middlebrook Pike (865) 690-8641 BD Trustees, Equitable Comp Knoxville, TN 37909-1159 (865) 705-9026 bgalyon@middlebrookpike.com (865) 539-4636 Gammons, Teresa 4300 Pates Hill Rd (423) 639-0131 Equitable Comp Mosheim, TN 37818-5542 (423) 422-7955 tgammons@ccmillwright.com Garland, Becki 9536 Sarasota Dr HC Ctr Wellbeing Knoxville, TN 37923-2734 (865) 382-9822 beckigarland@yahoo.com Gartman Graybeal, Tracy 527 Brooktree Rd Children’s Knoxville, TN 37919-2002 (865) 690-6864 tgartma@gmail.com Gass, Jim 617 Gilbert St (865) 982-5551 CCYM Alcoa, TN 37701-2373 (865) 207-9256 jgass@alcoafumc.com (865) 982-5558 Gattis, Sr., Jason N. PO Box 905 (865) 982-1427 Appt Cab, CF&A, Alcoa, TN 37701-0905 (865) 982-1427 Equitable Comp, Ext Cab, jasongattis@holston.org (865) 981-7470 Nominations Goddard, Jr., James E. 171 Bertons Crossing Ln Hisp/Lat Eggleston, VA 24086-3060 (276) 492-6112 jimgoddard1954@gmail.com Goddard, Kimberly M. PO Box 925 (276) 228-4922 AC UMW, Appt Cab, Arch & Hist, Wytheville, VA 24382-0881 (276) 492-6392 Episcopacy, Ext Cab, kimgoddard@holston.org (276) 228-6717 Nominations, Petitions&Res

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Gomez, Anthony D 801 Camp Dickenson Lane 276-744-7241 Camp&Retreat Fries, VA 24330-4348 804-356-4157 gomez@campdickenson.com (276) 744-7241 Goodman, Terry D. 4115 Gravelly Hills Rd (865) 690-4080 AC UMM, Arch & Hist, BD Ordained, Louisville, TN 37777-3006 (865) 690-4080 Equitable Comp, Ext Cab, HC Ctr Wellbeing, terrygoodman@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Nominations, Petitions&Res, Rules&Order Graham, Barbara 2098 Igou Crossing Dr (423) 843-4711 AC UMW Chattanooga, TN 37421-7143 (423) 894-5647 bgredhat@gmail.com Graham, Julie B. 7213 Della Dr (865) 293-4142 BD Pension Powell, TN 37849-5137 (865) 680-7447 juliegraham@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Grant, David M. 252 N Main St (865) 457-1520 Camp&Retreat Clinton, TN 37716-3706 (859) 536-5439 dave@oneaglewings.net Gray, Jr., Dan L 416 Harrington Hollow Rd (423) 538-7822 BD Trustees Bluff City, TN 37618-2018 (423) 956-0023 pastordangray@gmail.com Graybeal, David W PO Box 1 (423) 745-2612 BD Ordained Athens, TN 37371-0001 (865) 441-0835 dgraybeal@keithumc.org (423) 745-2613 Greene, Doug 952 Wedgewood Dr NW (423) 472-9571 AC UMM Cleveland, TN 37312-3356 (423) 476-4623 douglasgreene@bellsouth.net Griffin, III, Charles W. 105 Hood Dr (865) 376-7040 Stewardship Kingston, TN 37763-6812 (865) 376-5971 cwgriffiniii@gmail.com Grills, Anthony C. 118 Main St (276) 988-2519 BD Ordained, Personnel Tazewell, VA 24651-6109 (276) 988-4221 acgrills@gmail.com (276) 988-9889 Grimm, Maria W. 1031 Mount Zion Rd (423) 639-7454 Witness Afton, TN 37616-5125 (423) 639-7454 preacherchic7@gmail.com Grogg, Gary W. 1047 River Hills Cir BD Ordained Chattanooga, TN 37415-5611 (423) 240-6096 gwgrogg@epbfi.com (706) 858-3676 Groseclose, Susan L. 107 Wilson Ave (865) 690-4080 Children’s, Nurture Maryville, TN 37803-6050 (865) 690-4080 susangroseclose@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Gross, Stephen 2 Ashworth Ct Congreg Dev Johnson City, TN 37615-2969 (423) 477-2293 skgross@earthlink.net Guthrie, Patricia PO Box 731 Native Am Min Arden, NC 28704-0731 (865) 805-8020 patricia.lee.guthrie@gmail.com Haerr, Carolyn 311 Toestring Cove Rd (423) 365-5133 AC UMW, BD Lay, BD Ordained, Spring City, TN 37381-5716 (423) 365-9346 Nominations, Outreach/Adv chrishaerr@bellsouth.net Hakola-Penn, Gretchen 138 Lilac Dr Outreach/Adv La Follette, TN 37766-4660 (423) 562-4559 hakolapenn@gmail.com Hale, Lauri 210 Emerald Chase Cir BD Ordained Johnson City, TN 37615-4952 (423) 341-1687 lauri.hale@gmail.com Hall, Brent R. 12807 Auklet Ln Admin Rev Knoxville, TN 37922-5391 (865) 675-6430 brentrhall@gmail.com Hall, Matthew C. 804 Montvale Station Rd (865) 982-1273 Young Ad Min Maryville, TN 37803-5804 (276) 730-0072 mhall@1stchurch.org (865) 983-5408 Hall, Rebecca 9217 Magic Mountain Dr (423) 892-9363 BD Lay, Congreg Dev, Nominations, Chattanooga, TN 37421-3413 (423) 892-3360 Petitions&Res becky_h@bellsouth.net (423) 892-8443 Hall, W David 9217 Magic Mountain Dr (423) 892-9363 Witness Chattanooga, TN 37421-3413 (423) 892-3360 wdavidhall@gmail.com

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Hamilton, Elizabeth Scott 4507 Timberlake Ln (423) 245-8371 BD Ordained, Discipleship, Nominations Kingsport, TN 37664-2163 (276) 696-2141 eshamilton1983@gmail.com Hammontree, Edwin T. 302 Woods View Cir Camp&Retreat Kodak, TN 37764-2157 (865) 932-4853 thomas@camplookout.com Hancock, Thomas E. 5801 Memorial Blvd (423) 323-8142 Discipleship, Missions Kingsport, TN 37664-4364 (423) 322-7159 drill_sgt007@hotmail.com Hankins, Donna L. 812 River Ridge Dr (865) 690-4080 Communications, Discipleship Asheville, NC 28803-1067 (865) 207-3101 dhankins@Holston.org (865) 690-3162 Hankins, Timothy S. 234 Trigonia Rd Communications, Discipleship Greenback, TN 37742-2046 (865) 235-2775 timothyhankins@icloud.com Hanshew, Jr., Donald R. PO Box 577 (540) 674-5128 BD Ordained, Outreach/Adv Dublin, VA 24084-0577 (540) 674-6205 donhanshew@gmail.com (276) 386-3213 Hardy Cross, Angela M. 5605 Reinhardt Ln (865) 588-3605 Appt Cab, BD High Ed, Ext Cab, Knoxville, TN 37924-1572 (423) 280-7550 Nominations AngelaHardyCross@holston.org (865) 588-3605 Harrison, Sr., Charles C. PO Box 248 (865) 276-6337 Orders Steering Kingston, TN 37763-0248 (423) 883-2774 charliekingstonumc@gmail.com Hartman, Jr., Harold F 9901 Greylock Way Arch & Hist Knoxville, TN 37931-4640 (865) 560-3041 hhn012@msn.com Harvey, Joe 1212 North Eastman Road (423) 378-8854 Personnel Kingsport, TN 37664 (423) 429-7535 jharvey@hsdlaw.com (423)378-8801 Hawthorne, Caroline 133 Kimberly St (276) 669-2241 CCYM, Sm Mem Church Bristol, TN 37620-7332 (423) 968-3568 caroline_hawthorne@msn.com Hayes, Richard L. 2241 Washington Pike (865) 523-0603 BD Trustees, Petitions&Res Knoxville, TN 37917-3926 (865) 742-6789 richardhayes6789@gmail.com Hensley, Clayton 804 Montvale Station Rd (865) 982-1273 Communications Maryville, TN 37803-5804 (865) 457-3292 chensley@fumc-maryville.org Hernandez-Lopez, Elizabeth 809 W Stuart Dr (276) 236-3292 Relig&Race Galax, VA 24333-2604 (276) 237-9215 javiely35@yahoo.com Hernandez-Torres, Javier 809 W Stuart Dr (276) 236-3292 Hisp/Lat Galax, VA 24333-2604 (276) 233-4224 hjavier610@yahoo.com Hoard, Kathy 146 York Dr Personnel Greeneville, TN 37745-6536 (423) 638-2489 kathyhoard@holstonhome.org Holcomb, Mike 3696 Sunrise Dr (540) 980-6977 BD Lay, Nominations Pulaski, VA 24301-7077 (540) 980-1039 gray@psknet.com Holder, Nyoka 130 Beryl Blevins Rd AC UMW Elizabethton, TN 37643-6130 (423) 543-2509 nokiholder@yahoo.com Holley, James D. 440 Bowers Park Cir (865) 215-2515 BD Lay, Discipleship, Episcopacy, Knoxville, TN 37920-7758 (865) 609-9892 Ext Cab, Nominations, Nurture delholley@comcast.net (865) 215-4253 Howard, Lisa 11928 Berwick Ln Nurture Knoxville, TN 37934-4606 (423) 774-4132 lhoward@beaverridge.com Howard, Roy L. 1317 Blocker Ln Arch & Hist Chattanooga, TN 37412-1457 (423) 867-3775 hols1824@epbfi.com Howe, Daniel S. %1st Brd St UMC, 100 E Church Cir (423) 224-1531 Missions Kingsport, TN 37660-3677 (423) 245-1142 dhowe@fbsumc.org (423) 246-1361

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Hubble, R. Michael 133 County Road 722 Arch & Hist Athens, TN 37303-5213 (423) 368-6576 mhubble52@yahoo.com Hubbs, Mollianne R 120 Pearson Springs Park Ln (865) 690-4080 Equitable Comp Maryville, TN 37803-5872 (865) 268-9453 molliannehubbs@gmail.com (865) 690-3162 Hudson, David 503 Blue Jay Rd (800) 938-7444 HC Ctr Wellbeing Chattanooga, TN 37412-4107 (423) 855-4640 drhud1@juno.com Humphrey, Paul Gene 225 Methodist Church St (423) 538-6937 Discipleship Piney Flats, TN 37686-4842 (423) 391-0218 apologist4@hotmail.com (423) 538-6939 Humphreys, Dennie D. 4301 Whitecliff St BD Ordained, Episcopacy, Morristown, TN 37813-1038 (423) 333-6428 Orders Steering revddh@gmail.com Hyde, Bradley K. 323 W Emory Rd (865) 938-2741 BD Ordained, HC Ctr Wellbeing Powell, TN 37849-4318 (865) 223-2576 bhyde@powellchurch.com Ihfe, Gary R. 900 Spring St (423) 928-9222 BD High Ed Johnson City, TN 37604-6846 (423) 303-6851 garyihfe@me.com Ihfe, Jodie Elizabeth 900 Spring St (423) 928-9222 BD Ordained Johnson City, TN 37604-6846 (423) 202-6164 jodie.ihfe@1stchurchjc.org Irwin, Nathan D. 804 Montvale Station Rd BD High Ed Maryville, TN 37803-5804 (865) 982-1273 nirwin@1stchurch.org Isom, Ginger 1830 Clydesdale St (865) 983-4161 Congreg Dev, Discipleship Maryville, TN 37801-3708 (865) 983-4161 thevicarlady@outlook.com Jackson, Audrey 4817 Falling Star Ln BD Lay Powell, TN 37849-5630 (865) 771-1269 Audreysjackson@aol.com Jackson, David R. 525 Cheyenne Rd (276) 944-6841 Rules&Order, Stewardship Bristol, VA 24201-2905 (865) 228-4357 djackson@ehc.edu (276) 944-6248 Jackson, Katie PO Box 1336 Young Ad Min Johnson City, TN 37605-1336 (423) 461-8070 katie@munsey.org Jackson, Linda 213 Fern St Nurture Church Hill, TN 37642-3847 (423) 357-8989 n2087@chartertn.net Jacobs, Christopher (Chris) 822 Rouse Rd CCYM Morristown, TN 37813-3951 (423) 440-1004 Chris@fumcmorristown.org James, Gary 6412 Rosemary Dr (423) 874-2020 Episcopacy Chattanooga, TN 37416-2430 (423) 899-7911 gjames6168@gmail.com (423) 553-6397 James, H. Diane 158 Allison Dr (865) 241-9805 BD Lay, Nominations Harriman, TN 37748-8535 (865) 376-6877 dianejames1951@gmail.com James, Terryl 6412 Rosemary Dr (423) 209-7385 Personnel Chattanooga, TN 37416-2430 (423) 899-7911 terryl6412@gmail.com (423) 553-6397 Johnson, Ken 1449 Nottingham Dr (423) 623-0233 BD Trustees Newport, TN 37821-7123 (423) 685-8999 hkj2md@comcast.net (423) 623-3842 Johnson, Leanna R 1136 E Main St (423) 753-3541 Nurture Jonesborough, TN 37659-5668 leanna@valleyequipment.com (423) 753-3589 Johnson, Samuel L. 1795 Highway 421 South BD Ordained, Orders Steering Mountain City, TN 37683 (865) 705-8836 trumpet47@comcast.net Jonas, Jonathan B. 2 Wesley Way (276) 669-2101 BD Trustees, Personnel, Bristol, VA 24201-2760 Petitions&Res jonathanbjonas@gmail.com

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Jones, Janet 739 Brush Creek Rd AC UMW Fries, VA 24330-3606 (276) 744-7187 Jones, Jr., Timothy W. 504 Golden Rose Dr (865) 690-4080 BD Ordained, Communications Maryville, TN 37803-8104 (865) 690-4080 timjones@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Justice, Natalie M. 710 Grace St BD High Ed Marion, VA 24354-1912 (423) 362-9318 njustice1982@yahoo.com Kelly, Reagan BD Lay, CCYM Pres, Nominations , Kidd, Carolyn L 15437 Briarwood Ln CF&A, Personnel Abingdon, VA 24210-1617 (276) 206-0595 carolynlkidd@gmail.com Kidd, Powell 1795 Island Rd AC UMM Blountville, TN 37617-3918 (423) 323-8738 pkidd@charter.net Kidd, Jr., Ralph M. 455 E Pine St (276) 628-6323 BD High Ed Wytheville, VA 24382-3625 ralphkidd6@gmail.com (276) 676-4323 Kilbourne, Joshua D. 1005 Ridgeway Ave (423) 357-5564 Nurture Signal Mountain, TN 37377-3114 (423) 886-2330 jkilbourne@signalcrestumc.org Kilgore, Jr., Elihugh J. 3509 Windsor Cir NE (423) 476-8221 Appt Cab, Camp&Retreat, Ext Cab, Cleveland, TN 37312-5153 (423) 790-0984 HC Ctr Wellbeing, Nominations, HughKilgore@holston.org (423) 559-0436 Sm Mem Church Kilgore, Jonathan (Jon) 210 Prospect Ave Young Ad Min Galax, VA 24333-3318 (276) 223-8408 jon.kilgore@wythek.12.org Kitchens, Willie 7513 Austin Dr (423) 266-1384 Congreg Dev Chattanooga, TN 37416-3502 (423) 756-5463 williekitchens@epbfi.com Knoefel, Eric 5424 Briercliff Rd (865) 388-9459 AC UMM, BD Lay, Nominations Knoxville, TN 37918-3462 (865) 687-3321 eknoefel@msn.com (865) 381-0454 Lamar, Caroline 2903 Troy Ave (865) 524-3048 Communications Maryville, TN 37804-2550 Lambert, Jeffery L. 214 Cedar St (865) 453-5754 BD Trustees, CF&A, Episcopal Res, Sevierville, TN 37862-3848 (865) 453-5754 Personnel pastor@1stmethodist.com (865) 453-4572 Lankford, Susan Williams 1041 Elizabeth Chapel Rd (423) 538-6311 Native Am Min, Relig&Race Bluff City, TN 37618-1190 (423) 538-7821 pastorecumc@gmail.com (423) 538-1047 Lauderback, William L. 1612 E 13th St (423) 756-2021 Witness Chattanooga, TN 37404-4306 (423) 741-0918 wlauderback@gmail.com (423) 756-8589 Lay, Rick PO Box 461 (423) 745-4100 BD Lay, Nominations, Witness Athens, TN 37371-0461 (423) 745-4400 layco@bellsouth.net Layell, Harry P 17325 Bristol Hwy (276) 395-1064 Personnel Bristol, VA 24202-6556 hlayell@outlook.com Layer, W. Scott 301 Hickory Creek Rd Witness Lenoir City, TN 37771-6901 (423) 748-8788 scott@centralmethodist.com Lea, Anthony D. 329 Wesley Woods Rd (865) 448-2246 Camp&Retreat Townsend, TN 37882-3006 (865) 738-3898 TonyDLea@gmail.com (865) 344-8390 Lee, Chris 1034 Meadow Ridge Lane Personnel Knoxville, TN 37922 Lee, David 356 Courtney Dr Relig&Race Blountville, TN 37617-4828 (423) 323-5063

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Lockridge, Ashley 2633 Barton St Young Ad Min Knoxville, TN 37917-3802 (865) 399-2297 ashley.lockridge@gmail.com Longmire, Paul B. 842 Hackney Rd (423) 926-5083 Rules&Order Johnson City, TN 37615-3986 (276) 284-1306 revpaullongmire@gmail.com Looney, Richard C. 7683 Shallowford Rd Apt 320 Sm Mem Church Chattanooga, TN 37421-2668 (423) 303-6966 richardclooney@aol.com Lopez, Susana 214 Cedar St (865) 453-5754 Hisp/Lat Sevierville, TN 37862-3848 (865) 300-6174 lopezsusana18@yahoo.com (865) 453-4572 Love, Adam T. 1409 E Center St (423) 378-9621 Discipleship, Nurture, Personnel Kingsport, TN 37664-2501 (423) 794-6549 adamtlove@mac.com Loy, Dennis H. 1620 N Central St (865) 525-3715 Outreach/Adv, Strength4Journey Knoxville, TN 37917-5541 (865) 805-5344 loy1701@gmail.com Lytton, Kenneth E. 703 Douglas Dr Orders Steering Johnson City, TN 37604-1920 (423) 283-4996 ken703@hotmail.com Majors, Asa L. 101 E 1st North St (423) 581-2180 Young Ad Min Morristown, TN 37814-4707 (540) 921-7766 asa@fumcmorristown.org (423) 586-9491 Malone, Nathan A. 8645 E Brainerd Rd (423) 892-9363 BD Ordained Chattanooga, TN 37421-4356 (423) 892-9363 Pastor@Christchurchchatt.org (423) 892-8443 Manning, Glenna B. 11020 Roane Dr (865) 966-6728 BD Ordained, Stewardship Knoxville, TN 37934-2916 gmanning@concordumc.com (865) 966-3424 Martin, Carole R. 4228 Skyland Ln (423) 928-1543 Admin Rev Kingsport, TN 37664-2832 (423) 534-1027 revcmartin23@gmail.com Martin, Randall B. PO Box 80353 (423) 629-0333 BD Ordained, Ext Cab, Nominations Chattanooga, TN 37414-7353 (423) 432-6353 randymartin@holston.org (423) 559-0190 Masker, Art 404 Holston Dr CF&A Greeneville, TN 37743-3126 (423) 639-5772 masker5@embarqmail.com Maxwell, Rochelle O. PO Box 143 (276) 228-7095 Relig&Race Gate City, VA 24251-0143 (276) 386-9625 r7max497@hotmail.com Maynard, Charles William 9919 Kingston Pike (865) 693-0353 Arch & Hist Knoxville, TN 37922-6923 (865) 399-2105 cmaynard@cokesbury.tv McClellan, Penny 5626 Upper Possum Creek Rd (423) 224-4744 AC UMW Gate City, VA 24251-5775 (276) 386-3784 plmcclellan@centurylink.net McClurg, Marsheine 3125 Alcoa Hwy (865) 970-2476 AC UMW, Missions Alcoa, TN 37701-3216 (865) 977-6019 mcclurgs1@att.net (865) 984-3086 McCreary, Misti Dawn 100 E Church Cir (423) 224-1517 BD High Ed Kingsport, TN 37660-3677 (865) 300-6104 mmccreary@fbsumc.org McDaniel, Linda Isadore PO Box 21029 (423) 756-2021 BD Ordained Chattanooga, TN 37424-0029 (423) 894-8849 limcdaniel@fcumc.org McDaniel, Matt 4450 Bluegrass Rd BD High Ed Christiansburg, VA 24073-5954 (434) 665-2524 mnmcdanie@radford.edu McGill, Rick 280 Whirlwind Rd Camp&Retreat Greeneville, TN 37743-5572 (423) 251-4007 rebekahmcgill.rm@gmail.com McKee, Charlotte B. 8195 Lynette Ct Outreach/Adv, Relig&Race Chattanooga, TN 37421-1927 (865) 769-7552 charbmckee@aol.com

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McLain, David L 4710 Lake Forest Dr BD Trustees, Episcopal Res Hixson, TN 37343-4633 (423) 876-0701 davidmclain5@gmail.com McLain, Elston D. 6412 Mountain Laurel Rd (865) 524-0289 Petitions&Res, Relig&Race Knoxville, TN 37924-3743 (423) 486-4187 lsumc_office@bellsouth.net (865) 637-9482 McLean, Laura 11300 Stonebriar Ln (865) 690-4080 BD High Ed, BD Ordained, Knoxville, TN 37932-2473 (865) 898-5124 CCYM, Nurture, Young Ad Min lauramclean@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Meese, Millie P. 11012 Crosswind Dr (865) 690-4080 Communications Knoxville, TN 37934-4011 (865) 705-3876 millie@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Meyers, Danielle 384 Strader Rd (865) 974-9649 AC UMW Powell, TN 37849-7638 (865) 945-2536 dmeyers@utk.edu Mitoraj, Tom 19484 Haskell Station Rd AC UMM Bristol, VA 24202-2412 (276) 466-0881 rebs12@prodigy.net Montgomery, Susan 9225 Topoco Dr (865) 405-2653 Afr Am TF Knoxville, TN 37922-3674 (865) 405-2653 smonty924@gmail.com Moore, Joyce E. 272 Beaumont Ln Rules&Order, Witness Bluff City, TN 37618-1933 (423) 391-7522 alphaphijc@aol.com Moore, Vickie 1024 Haggis Way AC UMW Parrottsville, TN 37843-2373 (423) 237-5063 moorevj106@Starband.net Morgan, Tina L. 174 County Road 1150 Nurture Riceville, TN 37370-5810 (423) 368-1299 program@trinityumcathens.com Morris, Renni 4253 Kingston Pike (865) 966-8430 BD Trustees, Discipleship Knoxville, TN 37919-5222 (865) 386-8125 rennimorris@gmail.com Mosby, Donna M. 106 Haven Hill Ln Outreach/Adv, Sm Mem Church Oak Ridge, TN 37830-7940 (865) 482-4193 dmosby1@aol.com Mullins, Terry W 107 Henry St Relig&Race North Tazewell, VA 24630-9178 (276) 988-5077 mullinst@4seasonswireless.net Murphy, Karen 1624 Ashley Mill Dr AC UMW Chattanooga, TN 37421-3256 423 296-3045 k10Murphy@bellsouth.net Muse, Patricia D. PO Box 1336 (423) 461-8070 Missions, Rules&Order Johnson City , TN 37605-1336 (423) 956-2336 pattymuse@munsey.org (423) 975-4780 Nance, Catherine Clark 804 Montvale Station Rd (865) 982-1273 Petitions&Res Maryville, TN 37803-5804 (865) 982-1273 cnance@1stchurch.org (865) 983-5408 Neal, Deborah 130 Nutwood St Afr Am TF, BD Lay, BD Ordained Bluefield, WV 24701-4890 (304) 327-8013 dbbneal@frontiernet.net Neel, James David 1355 Kingsport Hwy Discipleship Greeneville, TN 37745-9004 (276) 243-7180 jdneel88@hotmail.com Newby, T J 8942 Wesley Pl BD Pension Knoxville, TN 37922-5971 (865) 690-2147 tjnewby@mcmurrycpa.com Nicolaus, Micah Joel PO Box 3 (423) 476-5586 BD Ordained Cleveland, TN 37364-0003 (865) 771-5076 micah@bsumc.org Nyaga, Robert Kariuki 311 Lee St Missions Bristol, VA 24201-4326 (276)-644-3154 kariukirob@yahoo.com Ohle, Valerie 942 Knight Rd (865) 851-9314 Native Am Min Knoxville, TN 37920-8015 (865) 579-7653 revsheseesfar@comcast.net

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Olivera, Dhayam 2092 Allenridge Dr Relig&Race Sevierville, TN 37876-2104 (843) 338-3996 zabdiponce@yahoo.com Onks, Amanda PO Box 1336 (423) 461-8070 CCYM Johnson City, TN 37605-1336 (423) 913-2151 amanda@munsey.org Onks, Jason 7 Sleepy Hollow Ln BD High Ed Johnson City, TN 37604-3442 (423) 791-0828 Orellana, Sara 900 New Harvest Road Outreach/Adv Washburn, TN 37888 (865) 497-2839 ssorellana01@gmail.com Ousley, Sr., Larry J. 111 Douglas Ln Petitions&Res Bristol, TN 37620-7213 (828) 734-3867 larry@larryousley.com Oxendine, Ada Prue 236 Country Meadows Cir (423) 948-3341 AC UMW, Nurture Bristol, TN 37620-8378 (423) 878-5741 poxendine@embarqmail.com (423) 878-5962 Oxendine, James T. 236 Country Meadows Cir (423) 968-1353 Equitable Comp Bristol, TN 37620-8378 (423) 878-5741 joxendine@embarqmail.com (423)-968-1353 Parr, Elizabeth 108 Dansworth Ln Young Ad Min Oak Ridge, TN 37830-8753 (865) 271-8701 eparr3290@gmail.com Paul, Timothy B. 1001 Ebenezer Rd (865) 691-8330 Congreg Dev Knoxville, TN 37923-6505 (423) 505-9254 tbpaul@yahoo.com Peace, Karen 1628 Carolina Ave (423) 245-8371 Children’s Kingsport, TN 37664-3122 karen@mtviewumc.org Pennington, D. Layne PO Box 280 (276) 346-2062 Sm Mem Church Jonesville, VA 24263-0280 (276) 346-1127 layne15@verizon.net (276) 346-3200 Peters, Joanne 803 Lacy St AC UMW Johnson City, TN 37604-3727 (423) 928-5806 jredpeters@embarqmail.com Phillips, Joe R. 2110 Merchant Dr (865) 687-1620 Camp&Retreat Knoxville, TN 37912-5111 (423) 464-1619 pastorjoephillips@gmail.com (865) 687-9264 Phillips, Kay 1401 Blue Ridge Way AC UMW, BD Lay Sevierville, TN 37862-6168 (865) 453-6436 donaldphillips07@comcast.net Piercy, Lindsey Almond 4936 Ada Ln (865) 588-6562 Children’s Knoxville, TN 37918-2601 lindsey@beardenumc.org Pinner, Michael 250 Star Ridge Rd Native Am Min Unicoi, TN 37692-6031 (423) 743-8538 mikepnr@mounet.com Pitkin, Caleb 3911 Yorktown Rd BD Pension, Young Ad Min Chattanooga, TN 37416-2229 (423) 877-0503 pastor.pitkin@gmail.com Pitts, Lynn W. 1547 Newfound Rd Orders Steering Canton, NC 28716-3988 (865) 742-2688 lpitts48@yahoo.com Plaster, Laura Blair PO Box 17502 276-669-1134 HC Ctr Wellbeing Bristol, VA 24209-7502 (276) 696-1397 lbpumc@gmail.com 276-466-8471 Powell, Elaine 107 Lovely Mount Dr Apt B (540) 674-3615 Witness Radford, VA 24141-4219 (540) 731-4513 epowell@nr.edu Price, Kelly 8051 Cross Creek Dr BD Lay Talbott, TN 37877-2901 (423) 748-6447 DrKelly04@gmail.com Probst, Amy Rollins 329 Parker Ln BD Trustees Kingsport, TN 37660-6924 (865) 202-3019 preacheramy@gmail.com

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Rainwater, Mickey W. 2508 Old Niles Ferry Rd (865) 983-2080 BD Ordained Maryville, TN 37803-8802 (865) 983-2080 mrainwater@fairview-umc.org (865) 233-0649 Ramer, Faith 4329 Lee Hwy (276) 479-2018 Missions, Native Am Min, Outreach/Adv Marion, VA 24354-6310 (276) 479-5560 faith.e.ramer@gmail.com Rasor, Laura R. 309 E Broadway Ave (865) 982-6192 Episcopacy Maryville, TN 37804-5742 (865) 982-8558 pastor@broadwayumc.net (865) 982-6142 Ratledge, Joseph L. 2910 Kensington St Young Ad Min Athens, TN 37303-5022 (336) 682-5896 joseph79lee@gmail.com Redman, Katherine 814 Fairmount Ave Children’s Bristol, VA 24201-3941 (276) 696-2450 katherinearedman@gmail.com Reed, Thomas M. PO Box 538 Orders Steering Copperhill, TN 37317-0538 (423) 383-3611 tomreed51@gmail.com Reedy, Robert 1114 Sioux St (423) 543-4781 BD Trustees Athens, TN 37303-3335 (423) 470-6108 robertreedy42@gmail.com Reliford, Sr., Mozianio 2983 W Old Andrew Johnson Hwy Arch & Hist Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-3406 (865) 993-7998 Reynolds, Jim 26440 Fudge Rd (276) 628-2372 BD Pension Abingdon, VA 24210-9436 (276) 944-4099 weare5reynols@aol.com Rhymer, Joe 1131 Hill St Strength4Journey Bristol, TN 37620-2145 (423) 764-6170 joseph.l.rhymer@gmail.com Richards, Mary Ruth 1313 Magnolia Ave (423) 857-7150 BD Pension Kingsport, TN 37664-2446 (423) 384-2379 maryrichards@charter.net Ridenour, Nancy 324 Chowning Dr HC Ctr Wellbeing Knoxville, TN 37934-2747 (865) 675-6355 gnride60@charter.net Riggs, Damon R 9405 Magical Vw Camp&Retreat Chattanooga, TN 37421-2074 423 499-4152 Rimmer, William C. 604 E Elmwood St Episcopacy Jefferson City, TN 37760-2744 (865) 803-7862 wcrimmer@aol.com Rines, Billy W. 297 Orr Rd Orders Steering Dryden, VA 24243-8384 (423) 426-4291 srinessas@yahoo.com Ripley, Phyllis 673 Earl Ln Episcopacy Thorn Hill, TN 37881-5047 (423) 733-0146 phyllisripley47@yahoo.com Robins, Ann P. PO Box 26384 (865) 470-7005 Appt Cab, Ext Cab, Nominations, Knoxville, TN 37912-9484 (865) 803-6564 Outreach/Adv, Personnel annrobins@holston.org Robins, Thomas A. 12713 Broken Saddle Rd (865) 632-7034 BD Trustees, Camp&Retreat Knoxville, TN 37934-1329 (865) 805-8350 tarobins@charter.net Rowell, Nathan 850 Volunteer Landing Ln Unit 105 Rules&Order Knoxville, TN 37915-2502 (865) 249-6602 nrowell@watsonroach.com Rozar, Linda W. 46 Brown Ave Outreach/Adv Greeneville, TN 37743-3086 (423) 823-1470 rozarshouse@gmail.com (423) 639-9052 Russell, Jerald W. 1228 Raulston Rd (865) 983-2080 Missions Maryville, TN 37803-2858 (865) 388-9003 jrussellpastor@gmail.com Ruth, Robert S. 203 Dogwood Dr (423) 357-5564 HC Ctr Wellbeing Surgoinsville, TN 37873-5003 (865) 643-1703 ruthrs0@sewanee.edu

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Committee Directory

Sauer, Clair Travis 6314 E Brainerd Rd (423) 892-6446 BD Pension Chattanooga, TN 37421-3938 (423) 664-3300 revclairsauer@gmail.com Sauer, Kenneth E. 1601 Prater Rd (423) 877-2881 Nurture Chattanooga, TN 37412-3825 PASTORRBUMC@EPBFI.COM (423) 877-7155 Saunders, Jr., Rob 627 Baltimore Rd BD Lay, Nominations, Strength4Journey Washburn, TN 37888-4704 (865) 497-2962 saundersrobusa@gmail.com Schepisi, Ila 109 Pershing Ave (540) 231-3161 BD High Ed Radford, VA 24141-3511 (540) 633-5032 schepisi@vt.edu Schumann, Linda J. 642 Heather Brook Cir Camp&Retreat Jefferson City, TN 37760-5019 (865) 567-9350 lindawestTN@gmail.com Scott, Bradley H. 12500 N Main St (706) 657-6170 Arch & Hist, BD Ordained, Rules&Order Trenton, GA 30757 (276) 722-0346 drbrop@gmail.com (706) 657-4043 Scott, Haden 134 Magnolia Dr (423) 639-5621 BD High Ed Greeneville, TN 37743-5429 (423) 639-0590 hadencscott@gmail.com Sharp, Joseph B. 729 Colony Village Way (865) 690-4080 Communications Knoxville, TN 37923-7126 (865) 691-0891 brent@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Shearer, John 4603 Cloverdale Loop Communications Hixson, TN 37343-4414 (423) 650-5628 jcshearer2@comcast.net Shell, Jr., Reed L. 5301 Old Hixson Pike (423) 877-1246 Personnel Hixson, TN 37343-3244 (423) 790-0112 reedshell@hixsonumc.org (423) 877-2965 Shelton, Alex 1946 Pine Ridge Rd Stewardship Seymour, TN 37865-4601 (865) 577-1232 Shelton, William 6957 Riverwood Dr Congreg Dev Knoxville, TN 37920-6025 (865) 579-5402 bill.bethelumc@comcast.net Shelton, II, William R 135 4th St NW (423) 745-2612 BD Ordained, HC Ctr Wellbeing Pulaski, VA 24301-4523 (865) 919-2997 will.shelton@fumcpulaski.org (423) 745-2613 Sherbakoff, Lee 1409 Miami St (865) 777-2479 BD Ordained, Equitable Comp Athens, TN 37303-4474 (865) 806-3337 lee.sherbakoff@gmail.com (865) 675-0636 Sink, James L PO Box 154 AC UMM Rocky Gap, VA 24366-0154 (276) 928-1186 Sisk-Casson, Corrina 1018 Grace Dr AC UMW Johnson City, TN 37604-2904 (423) 762-3838 corrinacasson1@aol.com Skinner, Ralph 12921 Butterfield Ln AC UMM, BD Ordained Knoxville, TN 37934-4401 (865) 675-3588 rski1112@hotmail.com Slack, Sarah A. 804 Montvale Station Rd (865) 982-1273 Nurture Maryville, TN 37803-5804 (865) 640-0807 sslack@1stchurch.org Slavik, Rosa 289 Meadowcrest Dr (276) 669-1772 Missions Bristol, VA 24201-3017 (276) 644-3608 trslavik@gmail.com Sluder, Lori L 3909 Rankin Ferry Loop (865) 293-4146 AC UMW, Discipleship, Outreach/Adv Louisville, TN 37777-3755 (865) 693-8219 Lorisluder@holston.org (865) 690-7112 Sluder, Michael G. PO Box 850 (865) 293-4133 Afr Am TF, BD High Ed, BD Ordained, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 (865) 414-4245 Camp&Retreat, CCYM, CF&A, Children’s, mikesluder@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Communications, Congreg Dev, Discipleship, Ext Cab, Hisp/Lat, Missions, Native Am Min, Nominations, Nurture, Outreach/Adv, Relig&Race,Sm Mem Church, Rules&Order, Stewardship, Strategy, Strength4Journey, Witness, Young Ad Min

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Holston Annual Conference Address/E-Mail



Smith, Crystal Salyers 1404 Lamar Ct (423) 323-7267 BD Ordained Kingsport, TN 37664-2056 (423) 552-4796 cdsalyers@hotmail.com (423) 323-3892 Smith, Melissa R. 2923 Bryan Rd Congreg Dev Kodak, TN 37764-1515 (865) 660-0271 melissa@kodakchurch.com Smith, Norma 330 McFee Rd Missions Knoxville, TN 37934-4515 (865) 966-6253 dalnorm@tds.net Smith, Sherri 8433 Mahogany Ln (865) 689-5175 Children’s Knoxville, TN 37938-4691 (865) 689-6856 ssmith@fountaincityumc.org Smith, Timothy W. 4987 Pipers Gap Rd 276-236-8511 BD High Ed, Camp&Retreat, Galax, VA 24333-5736 (276) 239-9697 CCYM, Witness othy3k@yahoo.com Snowden, Jim 538 Oak St BD Pension Morristown, TN 37813-1856 (423) 586-7140 ssnowden@musfiber.com Spence, C. Scott 475 Island Rd (276) 669-6441 Sm Mem Church Bristol, VA 24201-7011 (276) 669-9390 sspenceville@gmail.com St Clair, David T. PO Box 15 Arch & Hist Emory, VA 24327-0015 (276) 944-4614 dstclair@ehc.edu Stair, Bobby 2511 Ancient Oak Ln BD Lay Knoxville, TN 37931-4188 (865) 531-7635 bsstair@comcast.net Stapleton, Bradley K. 3902 Logan Ave (276) 523-3760 Hisp/Lat Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3928 (276) 594-1492 rev.bradstapleton@gmail.com (276) 523-7500 Starks, Charles W. PO Box 1303 (865) 624-3048 BD Ordained, CF&A Knoxville, TN 37901-1303 (423) 839-4788 cstarks@churchstreetumc.org (865) 521-0261 Stokes, Debra Jean McCard 8645 E Brainerd Rd (423) 236-4442 BD Pension, Congreg Dev, Stewardship Chattanooga, TN 37421-4356 (423) 780-9324 associate@christchurchchatt.org (423) 236-5175 Stransky, Linda 804 Main St (423) 733-4195 Outreach/Adv Sneedville, TN 37869-3863 (276) 781-8020 fullcreel56@Comcast.net Strutner, Stephanie 1937 Piperton Ln Petitions&Res Knoxville, TN 37931-3168 (865) 742-4690 sastrutner@gmail.com Stuart, Ann 526 Elizabeth Way Strength4Journey Lenoir City, TN 37772-4679 (865) 705-9242 ac2stu@gmail.com Stubblefield, Magan 2729 Middlesettlements Rd (865) 982-4799 BD High Ed, Discipleship Maryville, TN 37801-7424 (865) 982-4799 magan.stubblefield@gmail.com Sullivan, Elizabeth 1412 Cloverdale Cir # 609 BD High Ed Hixson, TN 37343-4445 (423) 834-7120 rev.beth.sullivan@burks.org Sumrall, Amy Rebecca 2300 Stuart Dr (423) 288-5837 Discipleship Kingsport, TN 37664-2874 (713) 306-7779 rev.amy.sumrall@gmail.com Swanson, Joshua E. 1917 Northwood Pl (423) 246-6792 Discipleship Kingsport, TN 37665-1317 (865) 776-1805 jeswanson90@gmail.com Sweet, Janet Kay 175 Alpine Ridge Ln CF&A Gate City, VA 24251-2614 (276) 452-2412 janetsweet2015@gmail.com Switzer, Betsy Roach PO Box 3 (423) 476-5586 BD Pension, Discipleship Cleveland, TN 37364-0003 (865) 607-0134 betsy@bsumc.org Tabor, Jonothan David 5613 Western Ave (865) 588-5763 BD Pension Knoxville, TN 37921-3224 (423) 802-3123 davidtabor@holston.org

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Committee Directory

Tate, Nancy Ann 1585 Fort Henry Dr Apt 5B BD Ordained Kingsport, TN 37664-2570 (423) 360-0174 nancytate8@gmail.com Taylor, James Russell PO Box 850 (865) 690-4080 BD Ordained, Congreg Dev, Ext Cab, Nominations, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 (865) 335-9981 Sm Mem Church, Witness rustytaylor@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Taylor, Jane Elizabeth 150 Bogey Dr (276) 628-4421 Appt Cab, BD Ordained, Ext Cab, Hisp/Lat, Witness Abingdon, VA 24211-3606 (423) 929-3137 janetaylor@holston.org (423) 928-9223 Taylor, Mary Virginia PO Box 850 (865) 293-4146 AC UMM, AC UMW, Appt Cab, BD Lay, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850 (865) 690-4080 BD Trustees, Camp&Retreat, CF&A, Discipleship, bishop@holston.org (865) 690-7112 Ext Cab, Nominations, Personnel, Rules&Order Taylor, Robert E 11400 River Mountain Rd BD Pension Lebanon, VA 24266-6761 (276) 873-6942 retaylor48@hotmail.com Teague, James Michael 205 Redstone Dr Sm Mem Church Bristol, TN 37620-2937 (423) 573-1550 jmttcteague@btes.tv Teague, Tawana 205 Redstone Dr AC UMW Bristol, TN 37620-2937 (423) 573-1550 singdancemusick@yahoo.com Terry, Ed 248 Edgewood Dr (276) 745-2021 Camp&Retreat Hillsville, VA 24343-1225 (276) 728-0686 ed.terry@vafb.com Thomas, Jan 1408 Bonita Dr Strength4Journey Knoxville, TN 37918-2802 Thompson, Mary C. 3811 Kingwood Cir (423) 667-8269 Camp&Retreat, Nurture Chattanooga, TN 37412-1625 (423) 667-8269 marythompson@holston.org (865) 690-3162 Tilson, Eva Sue 425 Stoney Battery Rd (276) 706-6651 Arch & Hist, BD Lay, Nominations Marion, VA 24354-6856 (276) 783-4707 esdtilson@gmail.com Tipton, Mary Elizabeth PO Box 704 (276) 328-6826 Missions Duffield, VA 24244-0704 (276) 431-3361 btipton@uvawise.edu (276) 328-9488 Tipton, Patricia B. 430 W Main Blvd CCYM Church Hill, TN 37642-3905 (423) 754-4946 purplepastorpat@gmail.com Torres, III, Ramon D. 3405 Peerless Rd NW (423) 472-9578 Hisp/Lat Cleveland, TN 37312-3431 (423) 790-0425 rdtorres3@icloud.com (423) 472-9570 Travis, Anne S. 319 Sunny Springs Ln Camp&Retreat Knoxville, TN 37922-4252 (865) 470-9373 annetravis@holston.org Trexler, Frank J. 1633 Louisville Rd (865) 982-5800 Communications Alcoa, TN 37701-1660 (865) 980-8022 buzz.trexler@charter.net Tucker, Mary Frances 801 Vanosdale Rd Apt 601 BD Trustees, Equitable Comp Knoxville, TN 37909-2497 (865) 539-6242 mfgvt2@gmail.com Tullier, Danny 5414 Beulah Ave Petitions&Res Chattanooga, TN 37409-2117 Varnell, Sarah 400 Meadowlark Dr CF&A Greeneville, TN 37743-6151 (865) 243-7067 sarah.varnell@gmail.com Vaughn, Michael A. 1617 Old State Route 34 (423) 753-9288 CF&A Telford, TN 37690-2731 (423) 833-2909 m-vaughn@comcast.net Villanueva, Myra M. 4308 Eagle Dr AC UMW Knoxville, TN 37914-2910 (703) 508-6527 marcivholston@gmail.com Wade, Ashley 3641 Willow Lake Cir Children’s Chattanooga, TN 37419-1460 (423) 800-0526 jmumcchildren@epbfi.com

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Wadley, Jeffrey L. PO Box 3706 (423) 349-8401 Camp&Retreat Kingsport, TN 37664-0706 (865) 705-3237 JeffWadley@holston.org Walker, Madge 90 Sioux Trl (423) 638-7521 Arch & Hist Greeneville, TN 37743-2261 (423) 639-4003 madgeblakewalker@gmail.com Walling, Stephen C. 3039 Kingston Pk #6 CF&A Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 523-9191 swalling@mcgeheecole.com Walton, Monty 1615 Price Ave (865) 577-0737 Petitions&Res Knoxville, TN 37920-3332 (865) 306-2726 pastormontywalton@gmail.com Warren, Annette PO Box 209 (276) 963-7065 Sm Mem Church, Witness Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-0209 (276) 963-4455 pastoramw@yahoo.com Warren, Melia 5301 Old Hixson Pike (423) 877-1246 Children’s Hixson, TN 37343-3244 meliawarren@hixsonumc.org Warrick Lopez, Edna 742 Parkway Young Ad Min Gatlinburg, TN 37738-3206 (865) 436-4691 ednalopez1234@gmail.com Washburn, Donald W 3130 Highway 157 (706) 820-1163 Camp&Retreat Rising Fawn, GA 30738-2029 (706) 820-7413 don@camplookout.com (706) 820-9911 Watson, Nathaniel 505 Bingham St Relig&Race Elizabethton, TN 37643-4343 (423) 543-4624 nwatson423@gmail.com Watterson, Mary Lee 1029 Catawba St (423) 378-3722 AC UMW Kingsport, TN 37660-4501 (423) 378-5319 marylwatterson@gmail.com Webb, Kenneth E 1829 Partridge Rd NW (423) 478-9333 BD Pension, Episcopacy Cleveland, TN 37312-2128 (423) 339-2736 sparky2172@aol.com (423) 559-9711 Westmoreland, Amy 533 Green Hollow Rd 540-922-4148 BD Pension Pearisburg, VA 24134-2784 (540) 921-4078 arwestmoreland@carilionclinic.org Wheatley, Velena 1511 Inthepines Cir BD Lay Dungannon, VA 24245-3825 (276) 467-2331 numc@sctv.coop Whedbee, James E. 4635 Oak Meadow Way BD Pension Knoxville, TN 37918-9476 (865) 688-1632 jameswhedbee@att.net Wheeler, Jim PO Box 308 (423) 913-0117 Rules&Order Jonesborough, TN 37659-0308 (423) 434-0468 jim@firsttownlaw.com Wheeler, Marva 266 Leonard St NW Discipleship Abingdon, VA 24210-2712 (276) 628-3387 marvaw@wcs.k12.va.us Wilder, Hugh Doug 1400 Kimberlin Heights Rd Orders Steering Kimberlin Heights, TN 37920-8929 (865) 776-9451 pastordougwilder@gmail.com Williams, Charlotte Shynellen 8808 Heathfield Dr (423) 698-3121 Afr Am TF Chattanooga, TN 37416-1522 (404) 944-6680 princessnzingah@yahoo.com Williams, II, Estel F. 1813 Weaver Branch Rd Afr Am TF, Discipleship Piney Flats, TN 37686-3727 (423) 538-6216 pastorestelccp@yahoo.com Williamson, Byron 4403 Old Knoxville Hwy Congreg Dev Rockford, TN 37853-3022 (865) 414-0203 byron@cruze.com Wills, Travis 2923 Bryan Rd (865) 933-5996 Young Ad Min Kodak, TN 37764-1515 (719) 310-1249 travis@kodakchurch.com Wilson-Parker, Kathie R. 116 Chadwick Cir BD Ordained Johnson City, TN 37601-1090 (423) 477-3285 revkrwp@ls.net

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Committee Directory

Wimberly, L. Knox PO Box 74 (540) 382-4478 CF&A Riner, VA 24149-0074 (540) 998-4848 knox@auburnumcva.org Wimberly, Paige Pearson 5155 Wilderness Rd (540) 674-2536 Afr Am TF Dublin, VA 24084-3931 (540) 831-8590 pastorpaige.umc@gmail.com Winston, Whitney D. 2615 Druid Hill Dr (865) 293-4137 Camp&Retreat Maryville, TN 37804-2571 (865) 970-4471 whitney@campinthecommunity.org (865) 448-3904 Wood, Jared G 1043 Kell Loop Personnel Dunlap, TN 37327-5841 (423) 213-2118 jaredgwood@yahoo.com Woody, David S. 212 Washington Ave BD Ordained Newport, TN 37821-4000 (423) 791-2857 davidwoody@holston.org Wright, Jeffrey W. 1314 W Jackson St Ste 101 (276) 523-3025 AC UMM, Appt Cab, BD Lay, Gate City, VA 24251-3010 (276) 524-4138 Discipleship, Ext Cab, Nominations jeffwright@holston.org (276) 690-2698 Wright, Randall E. 4003 Leaning Pine Rd (423) 349-7831 Discipleship Kingsport, TN 37660-7868 (865) 591-9316 the.circuit.rider@gmail.com Wyke, Bryan Kenneth 5156 Crystal Brook Dr (423) 586-3683 Equitable Comp Morristown, TN 37814-1597 (423) 736-4899 bryanwyke@hotmail.com Yeomans-Barton, Betty 110 Mary St (423) 926-7533 Communications, Strength4Journey Johnson City, TN 37615-2628 (423) 926-7533 bettybarton@holston.org

Surviviving Spouses


Holston Annual Conference


Dist Address City/State/Zip Surviving Spouses Directory



Adams, Dorothy Adams, Mary Ann SM Adamson, George Hankins SS Amburn, Mary W. CM Anderson, Debi NR Anderson, Lori Baker, Mary Nell TV Baker, Nancy HI Balch, Carol A. TV Baumann, Frances TV Beamer, Martha M. MV Billingsley, Betty NR Billingsley, Cleopatra SS Bishop, Barbara Gail Blackshear, Bobbie SS Bostick, Phyllis SM Bowers, Sharon TV Boy, Wilma TR Brantley, Kathleen MV Briggs Bauman, Dixie CM Britton, Anne Hubble NR Brown, Nancy TV Brummett, Viola M AP Buck, Peggy SS Burcham, Barbara NR Burnett, Judy SM Campbell, Peggy MV Carico, Marilyn E TV Cary, Laveren TV Castor, Lee-Lee SS Chadwick, Jane Wilson SM Christian, Trudy HI Clarke, Florence E. CM Clifton, Ann MV Cochran, Dorothy G. TV Cole, Geneva MV Copeland, Mary Lynne AP Copeland, Reita SM Cowan, Margie M. TV Crowder, Elaine TV Culbertson, Cathy SS Cullop, Hazel Marie CM Cushman, Julia SS Cutshaw, Jermaine Reese MV Davis, Betty L. MV Davisson, Carolyn C. HI Diggs, Mary C. TV Dingus, Charlotte Calloway TR Dixon, Edna Dreyer, Betty TV Dunbar, Lee HI Dye, Betty CM Eberhart, Joyce AP Edmonds, Janice NR Ely, Barbara SM



19260 Mercedes Dr 339 Ayers Rd 1225 Trailhead Ct 15292 Bordwine Rd 1139 Bellevue Ln 6125 Perry Rd % Mary E Swain, 487 County Rd 480 218 Broad St 5600 Century Ct 602 Lindy Dr 2255 Kingsport Hwy 365 Wythe View Dr 14010 Mount Tabor Rd 204 W Church St 327 Reads Lake Rd 925 Stonecrest Dr 800 Wesley Ave PO Box 385 108 Charles St % Mary Graham, 223 North Street 502 Ravens Cliff Dr 2412 Lamp Dr 6536 E Shepherds Crossing St 1806 Larry Hinson Drive 213 Sleepy Hollow Rd 911 Two Notch Dr 4931 Hundred Oaks Dr 8628 Flagstone Way 129 Meridian Way 816 S 216th St # 524 538 W Hunt Rd 8518 Nesting Trl 1810 Highway 107 859 Sinclair Dr 3835 Ivy Ave PO Box 188 491 Church St % Ed Myers, 223 Range Rd 2149 Pine Meade Rd 1541 Russell Ln 1726 Albert Ln 31198 Nova Dr 7511 Shallowford Rd Apt 402 157 Sunrise Ave Dewitt Pl. #145, 2131 Walters Dr PO Box 408 1536 Mandrell Dr 300 Roy Martin Rd 105 Nancy Dr 107 Danbury Dr 2095 Culmination Ln 333 Shady St 732 Woodgreen Ln 127 Dove Ln 1766 Thurman Cir

Abingdon, VA 24210-8406 Kodak, TN 37764-2156 Greenville, SC 29617-6223 Bristol, VA 24202-3654 Shacklefords, VA 23156-2178 Knoxville, TN 37914-9556 Englewood, TN 37329-5301 Sweetwater, TN 37874-1813 Knoxville, TN 37919-4105 Knoxville, TN 37920-5256 Greeneville, TN 37745-3558 Wytheville, VA 24382-4120 Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-7937 Smithville, TN 37166-1337 Chattanooga, TN 37415-2035 Maryville, TN 37804-3740 Greeneville, TN 37743-3625 Bluff City, TN 37618-0385 Greeneville, TN 37743-4802 Marion, VA 24354 Ceres, VA 24318-3416 Knoxville, TN 37912-4611 Bel Aire, KS 67226-8902 El Paso, TX 79936 Woodlawn, VA 24381-2605 Knoxville, TN 37920-6726 Morristown, TN 37813-1060 Knoxville, TN 37923-3407 Clinton, TN 37716 Des Moines, WA 98198-6331 Alcoa, TN 37701-1731 Ooltewah, TN 37363-9704 Chilhowie, VA 24319-5422 Monroe, NC 28112-7738 Knoxville, TN 37914-4806 Jefferson City, TN 37760-0188 Weber City, VA 24290-7003 Kings Mountain, NC 28086-8572 Knoxville, TN 37923-1364 Lenoir City, TN 37772-6063 Hixson, TN 37343-4916 Damascus, VA 24236-2522 Chattanooga, TN 37421-2696 Greeneville, TN 37745-3641 Morristown, TN 37814-6903 Georgetown, TN 37336-0408 Knoxville, TN 37918-0946 Johnson City, TN 37615-3126 Flintstone, GA 30725-2427 Oak Ridge, TN 37830-7641 Las Vegas, NV 89119-4669 Abingdon, VA 24210-2231 Kingsport, TN 37660-5040 Max Meadows, VA 24360-3873 Sevierville, TN 37876-5217

Surviving Spouses Name




254 White St NE 18416 Lee Hwy 430 Morie Rd 7101 Bay Front Dr Apt 318 1701 Sunnyview Cir 829 Wolf Creek Trl 4833 W. Lawther Drive, Apt 606 401 Gordon Ave 231 Royal Oaks Dr 2279 Hodges Ferry Rd 501 Monte Vista Dr 3020 Edwards Dr 2922 Shady Ln 2000 Locarno Dr 5310 Clemons Rd # 242 16291 Greenevers Ct 1009 Towanda Trl 4209 Arbutus Ave 2004 Oakland St Life Care Ctr., 336 W Old A J Hwy % Stan Harrison, P.O. Box 1711 2648 Sevierville Rd 1710 Monroe St 41829 Wilderness Rd 7819 McMillan Rd 2715 Prestwick Ct 1932 Raulston View Dr 7305 Sir Walter Way Apt 2-103 106 N Patrick Dr 1103 W Riverside Dr 3311 Black Oak Cir 1054 McIntire Road 3460 Buford Hwy NE Apt M2 208 Hunter Hills Cir Apt 1 1419 Prosperity School Rd PO Box 296 203 N Elm Ave 171 Glass Rd 396 Piney Mountain Rd 2808 Berkeley Forest Dr 4195 Randall Rd 104 Clinton Avenue W. 10001 Gate Post Way 209 Lochmere Dr 217 Twin Lake Dr 1321 W Main St Apt 7 311 Manchester Ct % Joy Blalock, 126 Golden Oak Dr 616 Kimberlin Heights Rd 100 W 5th Ave Apt 35 PO Box 696 153 Virgil Rymer Rd NE 1404 Chancery Ln 1041 Elizabeth Chapel Rd 3101 Midway Rd PO Box 192 3730 Tabernacle Rd

Abingdon, VA 24210-2914 Abingdon, VA 24210-8002 Dandridge, TN 37725-6158 Annapolis, MD 21403-3701 Johnson City, TN 37601-2668 Abingdon, VA 24210-2537 Dallas, TX 75214 Bristol, VA 24201-4106 Maryville, TN 37801-9616 Sevierville, TN 37876-0404 Blacksburg, VA 24060-5409 Johnson City, TN 37601-9235 Maryville, TN 37803-0517 Knoxville, TN 37914-2821 Chattanooga, TN 37412-3108 Abingdon, VA 24210-9695 Athens, TN 37303-2349 Grove City, OH 43123-3141 Kingsport, TN 37660-1124 Jefferson City, TN 37760-5212 Johnson City , TN 37605 Maryville, TN 37804-3643 Sweetwater, TN 37874-1403 Pennington Gap, VA 24277-7700 Knoxville, TN 37914-9059 Kingsport, TN 37660-0813 Maryville, TN 37803-2868 Knoxville, TN 37919-2045 Johnson City, TN 37615-2210 Carlsbad, NM 88220-4028 Chattanooga, TN 37415-5425 Rock Spring, GA 30739 Atlanta, GA 30329-1468 Bristol, TN 37620-5772 Rock, WV 24747-5500 Greeneville, TN 37744-0296 Erwin, TN 37650-1225 Johnson City, TN 37615-4012 Narrows, VA 24124-2822 Columbia, SC 29209-4158 Appalachia, VA 24216-3304 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219 Knoxville, TN 37931-4644 Morristown, TN 37814-2183 Fredericksburg, VA 22401-7036 Rogersville, TN 37857-2308 Princeton, WV 24740-4263 Statesville, NC 28625-8015 Kimberlin Heights, TN 37920-8923 Lenoir City, TN 37771-1800 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-0696 Cleveland, TN 37323-5070 Kingsport, TN 37663-3780 Bluff City, TN 37618-1190 Gate City, VA 24251-5275 Guild, TN 37340-0192 Ethelsville, AL 35461-2708

Surviving Spouses

Ernst, Jeree Farmer, Barbara Fields, Dana Fisher, Catherine Lee Fleenor, Eleanor Neal Fuqua, Mary Ann Gass, Ann Pitsinger Gaunt, Velma Glasow, Erma L. Gonia, Victoria N. Gordon Lundy, Shirley Gough, Freda Green, Alice Ann Hines Green, Jill Greever, Peggy Griswold, Barbara Hagaman, June Hale, Mary Elizabeth Hammer, Arlita Harlow, Nettie Fay Harrison, Helen C. Harville, Janet Hauk, Grace Gerry Hawk, Mattie Bell Hayes, Jeannie Henry, Dorothy E. Henry, Sara Hinds, Anna F. Hitechew, Patricia Hodge, Patricia Walters Holland, Linda Holt, Doris Jean Howard, Claudia D. Hurd, Bina C. Hale Hyndrich, Sharon Isley, Carolyn Isley, Kimberly S Jarrett, Sharon Jenkins, Barbara Jenkins, Carolyn Jervis, Maude Johnson, Karon Johnson, Margaret Lane Johnston, Anne M. Johnston, Margaret Wood Jones, Mable Karnes, Melanie Sue Keller, Janet Ketron, Yvonne, M Kirk, Mary Cathryn Knight, Judy LaDuke, Fredna Lane, Christine Lankford, Susan Williams Large, Margaret Lassiter, Sally Lawrence, Louise




Surviviving Spouses


Holston Annual Conference Dist

Lichlyter, Linda Ruth MV Linkous, Sandy NR Luton, Farrar TV Lynch, Doris MV Lynch, Wilma MV Maas, Sandra TR Markwood, Margaret C. TV Martin, Kathryn CM Martin, Wanda TV Mason, Laura Lee CM Mason, Viola M. TV Mays, Jolinda TV McCall, Ella SM McCoig, Priscilla M McCready, Judith T. SS McDaniel, Evelyn TV McDougle, Margaret S TR McFarland, Martha C. SM McFarland, Mary CM Miller, Brenda TR Mincey, Cora Roseann T. MV Miracle, Carolyn HI Mitchell, Jeannine SM Monroe, Dollie Moore, Dora AP Morgan, Agnes SS Morgan, Maria R. SS Morgan, Mary CM Mowrey, Jean E. AP Neal, Marie E. Neeley, Betty TR Neese, Louise HI Nelson, Judy TV Newman, Geneva F. TR Newman, Jane NR Noe, Brenda MV Nuckolls, Betty NR Orvin, Dora Osborne, Georgia Wilson Overton, Carolyn TV Parlour, Ellen Rose Parsons, Winona SM Phillips, Hubert J. NR Phillips, Louise M. SM Phillips, Margaret NR Phipps, Betty CM Pickering, Ann Lynn SS Pierre, Ann SS Ray, Fay H TV Reardon, Cheryl TR Redding, Gail TV Ricker, Carmen TR Rivers, Sarah SS Roller, Doshia AP Rose, Susan Ann SS Ross, Hellen Jean SM Sallee, Alice SS



604 Gammon Spgs 113 Old Bank Rd 3324 Garden Dr PO Box 683 408 Oriole Dr 502 Caledonia Drive 109 Tate Pt 87 Winding Way Rd 4936 Ada Ln 7407 Tiny Sparrow Ln 2521 Sherwin Rd 7841 Cedarcrest Rd 104 Huntington Shoals Crive 23 Hertzler Rd 8425 Lady Slipper Rd 469 Crooked Oak Dr 2900 Lake Brook Blvd Apt 115 2648 Sevierville Rd Apt E7 1705 Skylyn Dr Apt 183 1748 Highway 107 12 Bramblewood Pl SW 1572 Black Oak Ridge Rd 293 Mount Dr Apt 303 2653 Wesendonck Rd 223 Kimberly Heights Dr 7127 Lee Hwy # 78 4303-1 Tennessee Ave 1908 Southside Ave Lot 20 614 Rose Ln 2604 Freestone Valley Rd 3207 Bristol Hwy Apt 122 2384 Railroad St 715 Cedar Ln Unit 131 1589 Old Stage Coach Road 215 Hilltown Rd Apt 303 131 Mount Pleasant Rd 5240 Empire St 2462 Arlington St 7600 Wilderness Path Rd 272 Springfield Dr 30 Classic St Trlr 31 166 River Garden Ct 112 Miller Ave 2941 Sevierville Rd 1025 N 3rd St 334 Barnett Dr 1417 N Mack Smith Rd Apt 125 518 Terrell St 4513 Brittany Hills Way 807 Xanadu Ct 8501 Raindrop Rd Apt A PO Box 66 5012A Harley Ln 608 Beaver Ln 1322 N Dean Rd Apt 1116 5238 Magic Lantern Dr 4708 Hunter Trl

Bean Station, TN 37708-3039 Speedwell, VA 24374-3061 Knoxville, TN 37918-3320 Morristown, TN 37815-0683 Greeneville, TN 37743-6140 Richmond, KY 40475 Knoxville, TN 37923-5406 Bristol, VA 24201-3071 Knoxville, TN 37918-2601 Flowery Branch, GA 30542-7740 Knoxville, TN 37931-3466 Knoxville, TN 37938-4406 Athens, GA 30606 Newport News, VA 23602-6125 Chattanooga, TN 37421-4394 Lenoir City, TN 37771-7843 Knoxville, TN 37909-1167 Maryville, TN 37804-3643 Spartanburg, SC 29307-1015 Jonesborough, TN 37659-7301 Cartersville, GA 30120-5766 Dayton, TN 37321-5709 Sevierville, TN 37876-3125 Bland, VA 24315-5039 Nicholasville, KY 40356-2009 Chattanooga, TN 37421-6790 Chattanooga, TN 37409-1643 Bristol, TN 37620-4272 Mount Carmel, TN 37645-3637 Tannersville, VA 24377-3512 Johnson City, TN 37601-1539 Dayton, TN 37321-2006 Knoxville, TN 37912-3109 Jonesborough, TN 37659 Fries, VA 24330-4553 Greeneville, TN 37743-3130 Pulaski, VA 24301-7154 Sarasota, FL 34239-3029 Corryton, TN 37721-3553 Bristol, TN 37620-0742 Sherburne, NY 13460-9750 Sevierville, TN 37862-4448 Johnson City, TN 37601-5542 Maryville, TN 37804-2305 Wytheville, VA 24382-1127 Tazewell, VA 24651-1161 Chattanooga, TN 37412-3980 Chattanooga, TN 37411-2819 Knoxville, TN 37938-3299 Johnson City, TN 37604-3095 Knoxville, TN 37923-5649 Afton, TN 37616-0066 Chattanooga, TN 37416-1823 Kingsport, TN 37660-6140 Auburn, AL 36830-7643 Knoxville, TN 37918-8161 Chattanooga, TN 37415-2231

Surviving Spouses Name




727 Lawrence Ave. 1203 Applebrook Dr 7480 Circle Point Dr 368 Back Nine Dr 119 Mulberry Ln 1642 Mocksville Hwy 5477 Troutdale Hwy 3537 Oak Hill Rd 201 Fairacres Dr 5701 Spalding Dr 2312 Middlesettlements Rd 2101 Christian Ln Apt 301 3948 3rd St S 3527 Kettering Ct 2526 Stock Creek Rd 3756 Stanley Valley Rd 92 Yvonne Cir 4475 Village Springs Run 4612 Midlands Grn PO Box 17 810 Wolf Creek Trl 1324 Kentucky Ave 583 Way Cross Rd 23 Preservation Cir 154 Greyland Dr 202 Old Farm Rd PO Box 1099 1476 Highway 126 Apt A4 7 Sunset Cove Dr 339 Craven Rd 6518 Desmond St 29 Highbridge Xing Apt 3414 8458 Gleason Dr Apt 317 331 Linwood Dr 206 College St 3020 Forest Hammock Dr 113 Arlington Ct 1246 Sedgewood Ln 712 Brookhill Dr 8077 Angie Ln 161 Easterly Rd 1820 Brook Hollow Rd 4961 Betsy Ln 5897 Mebane Ave # 2 8808 Heathfield Dr 210 Spring St Apt C5 104 Sylvan Dr 938 Crestridge Dr

Bristol, VA 24201 Rossville, GA 30741-3768 Talbott, TN 37877-9033 Baneberry, TN 37890-4939 Bristol, TN 37620-7209 Cleveland, NC 27013-8909 Troutdale, VA 24378-2033 Dayton, TN 37321-2584 Bristol, TN 37620-6211 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092-2402 Maryville, TN 37801-7410 Johnson City, TN 37601-3252 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250-5847 Chattanooga, TN 37405-1768 Knoxville, TN 37920-7583 Surgoinsville, TN 37873-6326 Flintstone, GA 30725-2216 Atlanta, GA 30338-5678 Flowery Branch, GA 30542-3685 Riceville, TN 37370-0017 Abingdon, VA 24210-2536 Richlands, VA 24641-2541 Church Hill, TN 37642-6303 Pawleys Island, SC 29585-8218 Johnson City, TN 37615-3652 Lenoir City, TN 37771-8461 Castlewood, VA 24224-1099 Bristol, TN 37620-7093 Rossville, GA 30741-4608 Ringgold, GA 30736-7510 Cincinnati, OH 45227-2039 Asheville, NC 28803-4401 Knoxville, TN 37919-5490 Sweetwater, TN 37874-6305 Jasper, TN 37347-3239 Plant City, FL 33566-0384 King, NC 27021-8660 Lincolnton, NC 28092-7624 Etowah, TN 37331-1028 Chattanooga, TN 37421-1902 Sequatchie, TN 37374-3073 Johnson City, TN 37604-7602 Morristown, TN 37814-6726 Dublin, VA 24084-2832 Chattanooga, TN 37416-1522 Blountville, TN 37617-5446 Kingsport, TN 37663-2635 Rossville, GA 30741-5124

Surviving Spouses

Sarver, Susan E. CM Sasser, Ann SS Schnell, Paulette MV Schooley, Sherry MV Scyphers, Ella Ruth CM Settle, Mary Eugenia NR Shupe, Nata M. NR Silcox, Vicki Slagle, Jean CM Smalley, Betty W. TV Smeltzer, Rosalie R. SM Smith, Agnes Miller TR Smith, Frances J. Smith, Jean SS Smith, Sherry SM Snapp, Joyce AP Snyder, Marjorie SS Solomon, Gloria Southerland, Patricia M. HI Spriggs, Sharon Jane HI Statzer, Ruby CM Steele, Marie CM Tabor, Roberta AP Terrill, Patricia B. AP Thayer, Jean Curtis TR Thompson, Gladys TV Tibbs, Freida Hess AP Tindell, Judy H. CM Trobaugh, Beverly SS Tucker, Aileen SS Tyson, Bernice Varner, Marleen TV Walker, Merry Ann TV Walton, Dolores HI Wampler, Virginia G. SS Wansley, Barbara Jean CM Ward, Narmel Reneau TV Weaver, Lois C AP Webb, Linda D. HI Webb, Marjorie SS Webb, Wanda SS Wells, Barbara Jane TR Whetsel, Frances MV Williams, Brenda NR Williams, Martha SS Williams, Martha Ann AP Willis, Marie S. AP Windom, Freida A SS



Holston Annual Conference

Name Address City, State Zip Lay Members and At Large Members to Annual Conference


2019 Holston Annual Conference

District Lay Member Directory

* Denotes attendance at Annual Conference



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Annie Derrick Jerry Spaulding Sam Green, Sr. Mary Brackett Linda Gordon Donna Rowlett Jennifer Kendrick Pam Peterson John H. Wright Patty Seeger Nancy Roberts Jean E. Mowrey Sandra Young Dewayne McGowan Hannah Yarosh Charles Dwayne Carroll Gerald Cardwell Holly German Michael Newsom Duke Dukart Tim Martin Mary Teague McMillan James Taylor Vicki Britton Larry G. Hobbs Danny Thurman Charlotte Brooks LaMerle Francisco Yvette Martin Wanda Smith Patricia McMurray Sandra Hedrick Victoria Burton Linda Woodward Donna Fraysier Jane Burdine Paul Pendleton Terry Fletcher Carroll Bledsoe Greg Wellman Lynn Rowlett Diane Hartgrove Les Wright Robert M. Teter Corey Dean Clifford Jack Parker Carolyn McConnell Odle Grace Scott Irene Porter Joan Parker Cindy King Tracy Dishner

Amis Chapel-Fudges Chapel Amis Chapel-Fudges Chapel Appalachia-Derby-Exeter Arcadia-Hermon Cassidy UMC Chalybeate Springs-Okolona Clintwood UMC Clouds Bend UMC Coeburn UMC Colonial Heights UMC Crab Orchard UMC Crossroads UMC Depews Chapel UMC Dungannon Circuit District Youth Member East Stone Gap UMC Elm Springs UMC Ewing Circuit Fall Branch UMC First Broad Street-Community First Broad Street-Community First Broad Street-Community First Broad Street-Community First UMC Church Hill First UMC Pennington Gap First UMC Surgoinsville Flatwoods UMC Gate City Parish Glen Alpine UMC Grange Hall UMC Hiltons Memorial UMC Holston View UMC Jonesville Parish Jonesville, First-Gilbert’s Mem. Kendricks Creek UMC Ketron Memorial UMC Kingsley UMC Lebanon UMC Logans Chapel UMC Mafair UMC McFerrin UMC Midway Memorial-Prospect Morrison Chapel UMC Mountain View UMC Mt Carmel UMC Mt Vernon UMC Nickelsville Circuit Norton UMC Nottingham UMC Old Union UMC Pactolus UMC Rock Springs UMC


City, State Zip

198 Dickerson Ln 2991 Highway 11w 130 Harding St 184 Arcadia Dr 326 Wine Cir 404 Bays Cove Trl 134 Holly Dr 713 Clandon Dr PO Box 984 421 Hamilton Dr PO Box 1437 614 Rose Ln PO Box 7432 PO Box 374

Surgoinsville, TN 37873-5243 Surgoinsville, TN 37873-5208 Appalachia, VA 24216-2130 Kingsport, TN 37660-7038 Blountville, TN 37617-4313 Kingsport, TN 37660-1044 Clintwood, VA 24228-5082 Kingsport, TN 37660-5036 Coeburn, VA 24230-0984 Blountville, TN 37617-6435 Coeburn, VA 24230-1437 Mount Carmel, TN 37645-3637 Kingsport, TN 37664-7432 Dungannon, VA 24245-0374

306 Clinton Ave W 326 Tipton St 207 Bailey Ln 160 Odell Ln 1572 Warpath Dr 1407 Fairidge Dr 913 Nantucket Ave 1349 Watauga St 1511 Christian Bend Rd 2169 Kane Gap Rd 1212 Main St 27385 Wilderness Rd 4060 Big Moccasin Rd 2444 Wildwood Dr 5188 Carters Valley Rd PO Box 41 487 Holston Ter 194 Clawson Rd PO Box 455 301 Belle Forest Ct 2005 Earl St 320 Orchard Ln 136 Hickory Hills Rd 337 Fordtown Rd 452 Oakmont Dr 542 Carters Valley Rd 6404 Yuma Rd 1001 Colfax Ave 1012 Kensington Ln 1434 Harmony Ridge Dr PO Box 175 240 Genesis Dr 1306 Valley View Dr 588 Hilton Rd 444 Grey Fox Dr 2013 Oakland St 345 Church View Dr

Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-2642 Church Hill, TN 37642-4448 Maynardville, TN 37807-4835 Fall Branch, TN 37656-2222 Kingsport, TN 37664-3361 Kingsport, TN 37664-2010 Mount Carmel, TN 37645-3340 Kingsport, TN 37660-4529 Church Hill, TN 37642-5150 Duffield, VA 24244-8358 Surgoinsville, TN 37873-3000 Jonesville, VA 24263-7114 Nickelsville, VA 24271-3265 Kingsport, TN 37660-4747 Church Hill, TN 37642-7133 Hiltons, VA 24258-0041 Weber City, VA 24290-6908 Jonesville, VA 24263-7591 Jonesville, VA 24263-0455 Kingsport, TN 37663-2964 Kingsport, TN 37665-1750 Bluff City, TN 37618-1160 Church Hill, TN 37642-7115 Fall Branch, TN 37656-2017 Kingsport, TN 37663-2956 Rogersville, TN 37857-6178 Gate City, VA 24251-5637 Kingsport, TN 37660-5625 Kingsport, TN 37664-5164 Kingsport, TN 37665-1466 Hiltons, VA 24258-0175 Nickelsville, VA 24271-2581 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3304 Gate City, VA 24251-2457 Church Hill, TN 37642-3315 Kingsport, TN 37660-1123 Kingsport, TN 37664-5428

District Lay Member Directory




City, State Zip

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ross Campground-Cameron Rye Cove UMC Salem UMC Smyth Chapel UMC St Luke UMC St Mark UMC Kingsport St Matthew-Emory UMC Kpt. St Matthew-Emory UMC Kpt St Paul-Castlewood Tacoma UMC Three Bells-Horton’s Chapel Trinity UMC Big Stone Gap Trinity UMC Wise Valley Center UMC Vermont UMC At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member District Lay Leader District UMM President District UMW President

Sandra Boyd Sharon Rhoton Fred Allison Doug Pridemore Brenda Johnson Mary Lee Watterson Chris Blue Christa Blue Sharon Layell Linda S. Gilbert Kala Bailey Alberta Mitchell Robby Bates Doris Lawson Lola Dean Carol Anderson Cindy Ashley Dennis Ashley Mary B. Baker Joyce Eberhart Ramona Fletcher Margaret Frazier David C. Goodman Connie Hayes P. Roger Herron Phyllis Herron Daniel S. Howe Daryl Jayne Lawrence G. Ketron Martha Ketron Powell Kidd Ashlee A. Kizer Bobbi Love Penny McClellan Ellen McKeigney Laurie Neville Gerri Pierce Joyce Snapp Charlie Sorrells Sharlene Spaulding Teresa Sprinkle Rebecca Stapleton Brenda Strickler Ross Strickler Jason Tipton Margie Winegar Annie Wright Sandy Wright Hannah Yarosh Mary B. Baker Powell Kidd Penny McClellan

688 Willowcrest Pl 243 Cypress St 247 Tri State Lime Rd 867 Horseshoe Bend Rd 479 New Summerville Rd 1029 Catawba St 4828 Sunbright Dr 4828 Sunbright Dr 3225 Dogwood Dr 212 Henry St NW 308 Fugate St 315 Holly Ave E PO Box 2381 5044 Stanley Valley Rd 200 Tanner Ct 1137 Westbrook Dr 316 E 9th St N 316 E 9th St N 12890 River Ln 732 Woodgreen Ln 136 Hickory Hills Rd 1917 Northwood Pl 206 E 1st St S 4003 Leaning Pine Rd 5529 Kiowa St 5529 Kiowa St %1st Broad St, 100 E Church Cir PO Box 175 232 New Beason Well Rd 232 New Beason Well Rd 1795 Island Rd 5230 Bloomingdale Rd 112 Atlee St 5626 Upper Possum Creek Rd 708 Christian Bend Rd 2433 Bloomingdale Rd 191 Hickory Ln 3756 Stanley Valley Rd 237 Castaway Dr 2991 Highway 11w 694 Truxton Dr 3902 Logan Ave 105 Meadow Ct 105 Meadow Ct PO Box 704 2269 Yuma Rd PO Box 984 214 E 1st St S 215 Valley Crest Dr 12890 River Ln 1795 Island Rd 5626 Upper Possum Creek Rd

Kingsport, TN 37660-8522 Gate City, VA 24251-2757 Blountville, TN 37617-6712 Pennington Gap, VA 24277-7532 Kingsport, TN 37663-3128 Kingsport, TN 37660-4501 Kingsport, TN 37664-4847 Kingsport, TN 37664-4847 Saint Paul, VA 24283-2543 Norton, VA 24273-1908 Duffield, VA 24244-9793 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-2972 Wise, VA 24293-2381 Church Hill, TN 37642-8110 Kingsport, TN 37660-1763 Kingsport, TN 37663-2426 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3176 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3176 Coeburn, VA 24230-5738 Kingsport, TN 37660-5040 Church Hill, TN 37642-7115 Kingsport, TN 37665-1317 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-2904 Kingsport, TN 37660-7868 Kingsport, TN 37664-4230 Kingsport, TN 37664-4230 Kingsport, TN 37660-3677 Hiltons, VA 24258-0175 Kingsport, TN 37660-2726 Kingsport, TN 37660-2726 Blountville, TN 37617-3918 Blountville, TN 37617-6635 Kingsport, TN 37660-2002 Gate City, VA 24251-5775 Church Hill, TN 37642-5175 Kingsport, TN 37660-1852 Surgoinsville, TN 37873-6120 Surgoinsville, TN 37873-6326 Kingsport, TN 37663-3566 Surgoinsville, TN 37873-5208 Kingsport, TN 37660-5680 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3928 Gray, TN 37615-4276 Gray, TN 37615-4276 Duffield, VA 24244-0704 Gate City, VA 24251-2574 Coeburn, VA 24230-0984 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-2904 Mount Carmel, TN 37645-3721 Coeburn, VA 24230-5738 Blountville, TN 37617-3918 Gate City, VA 24251-5775

* * * *

Abingdon UMC Abingdon UMC Addilynn Memorial UMC Aldersgate-Anderson Street

Gail Blair Heda Quillin Matthew J. Hamilton John Lussier


18976 Middle Dr 19284 Trotters Ln 134 Richmond Heights Rd 208 Wimberly Way

Abingdon, VA 24211-6781 Abingdon, VA 24211-6775 Bristol, TN 37620-6610 Bristol, TN 37620-7166

District Lay Member Directory



District Lay Member Directory

Charge * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Holston Annual Conference Name

Beech Grove UMC Vickie Mitoraj Belfast-Midway Teresa Smith Bishop Circuit Marilyn Creasy Broadford Circuit Ralph T. Hilt Brumley Gap-Greendale Ronald Dye Carvosso UMC Larry Widner Cedar Bluff-Clearview Randy Cox Cedar Bluff-Clearview April Hess Chatham Hill Circuit Mac Buchanan Chilhowie-Seven Mile Ford Pat Britton Clinch Circuit Barbara Sykes Coleman’s Chapel UMC Allene Yates Dailey’s Chapel UMC Calvin Patton Damascus Circuit Claudine Roberts East Tazewell Circuit Ray McDaniel First UMC Bristol Alan L. Gorrell First UMC Marion Tom Graham First UMC Richlands James S. White Garden UMC Karen Vandyke Glade Spring Charge Rachel Nutter Grace-Greenwood-Mt Zion Kelen Wilson Honaker-Elk Garden Jane Thornhill John Wesley-Charles Wesley Clara Bristol John Wesley-Charles Wesley Patricia Sauve Keywood Charge Preston Brickey Laurel Springs Circuit Teresa McCall Lebanon Circuit Judy Ramsey Lebanon Memorial UMC Pam Breeding Lebanon UMC Chilhowie Gregory Blevins Looney’s Chapel-Grundy Linda Lockhart Madam Russell-Tate’s Chapel Jeff Comer Main Street UMC Danny Coulthard Marion East Circuit Kathy Bowlin Meadowview UMC Mary McFarlane Mt Hermon UMC Tazewell Linda S Griffith Mt Pleasant-Steelesburg Barry Michael Abel North Keywood Circuit Amber Tuggle North Tazewell-Mt Zion Kevin Tabor Pisgah-Pleasant Hill Brenda Stump Pleasant View UMC Abingdon David Scyphers Pleasant View UMC Abingdon Michael Worrell Reynolds Memorial UMC Susan A. Melkowski Riverside-Wilbur Memorial Juanita Hess Shady Grove-Meadowview Tonya Graham Sinking Springs-Paperville Scott Wilson South Bristol UMC Sandra Adams St Luke-Hunt Memorial Rhonda Fields St Luke-Hunt Memorial Nathaniel Roark State Street UMC Anne Wallace State Street UMC Steve Wallace Sulphur Spr UMC Castlewood Nancy Warner Three Springs-Virginia Avenue Mary Santangelo Trinity UMC Bristol Jennifer Austin Washington Chp-Washington Spr Betty James Weaver UMC Sherry Oliver Wharf Hill-Elizabeth Shawn Boucher At Large Member Tracey Hawkins

Address 19484 Haskell Station Rd 258 Whites Subdivision Rd PO Box 39 1928 Swinging Bridge Ln 13185 Cathedral Hill St 19148 Mercedes Dr 94 Oak Lawn Cir PO Box 2163 5732 Valley Rd 2471 Red Stone Rd 16004 Merman St 1190 Sunset Hollow Rd 230 Barn Ave 29206 Blue Spring Rd 230 Albany St 19 Tipperary Cir 223 North St PO Box 1127 PO Box 158 116 S Monte Vista Dr 710 Grace St PO Box 162 324 E Main St 210 Madison St SE 3842 Blue Grass Trl 1304 S Fork Rd 1680 Pioneer Dr 2851 Long Hollow Rd 416 Lovelace Dr 1118 First Branch Rd 127 - 1st Avenue PO Box 576 242 Kelly Hill Rd 19236 Woodland Hills Rd 151 Firehouse Ln 6692 Pounding Mill Branch Rd 110 Dream Cir P.O. Box 732 197 Striper Dr 870 Glenview Dr 16367 Middlewood Dr 271 Grove Park Dr 175 Bland Street 19089 Lexi Dr 1030 Shelby St 326 V I Ranch Rd 608 Circle Dr 133 Kimberly St 101 Rachels Ln 101 Rachels Ln 22585 US Highway 58 108 Broad View Cir 800 Prospect Avenue 19374 Repass St 533 Harrington Hollow Rd 5522 Sugar Grove Hwy 117 Shady Ln

City, State Zip Bristol, VA 24202-2412 Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-8227 Bishop, VA 24604-0039 Tannersville, VA 24377-3600 Bristol, VA 24202-3621 Abingdon, VA 24210-8404 Lebanon, VA 24266-4343 Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-2163 Saltville, VA 24370-4179 Marion, VA 24354-6811 Abingdon, VA 24210-8434 Grundy, VA 24614-6741 North Tazewell, VA 24630-8682 Meadowview, VA 24361-2308 Tazewell, VA 24651-8351 Bristol, TN 37620-3049 Marion, VA 24354-2627 Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-1127 Mavisdale, VA 24627-0158 Glade Spring, VA 24340-2802 Marion, VA 24354-1912 Rosedale, VA 24280-0162 Abingdon, VA 24210-2906 Abingdon, VA 24210-3730 Saltville, VA 24370-4086 Marion, VA 24354-6921 Lebanon, VA 24266-3822 Cleveland, VA 24225-6091 Marion, VA 24354-6463 Vansant, VA 24656-8395 Saltville, VA 24370 North Tazewell, VA 24630-0576 Atkins, VA 24311-3113 Abingdon, VA 24210-9648 North Tazewell, VA 24630-8520 Pounding Mill, VA 24637-3726 Saltville, VA 24370-2717 Tazewell, VA 24651 Pounding Mill, VA 24637-3867 Abingdon, VA 24211-3650 Abingdon, VA 24210-9635 Bristol, TN 37620-1621 North Tazewell, VA 24630 Abingdon, VA 24210-8295 Bristol, TN 37620-2125 Bristol, TN 37620-0940 Bluff City, TN 37618-4006 Bristol, TN 37620-7332 Bristol, TN 37620-5320 Bristol, TN 37620-5320 Castlewood, VA 24224-6113 Bristol, TN 37620-6169 Bristol, VA 24201 Abingdon, VA 24210-8074 Bluff City, TN 37618-2021 Sugar Grove, VA 24375-3353 Bristol, TN 37620-4439

District Lay Member Directory Charge



City, State Zip

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hunter Hawthorne Beverly Hayden Greg Herrell April Hess Fred Lawless Shiloh Lyttle Earl Maine Yolanda Miranda Joyce E. Moore Ada Prue Oxendine Cheri Patterson Charles Quillin Vickie Scyphers Eva Sue Tilson Marva Wheeler Terry Williams Richard Steven Wright Eva Sue Tilson Donna Camper Hunter Hawthorne

133 Kimberly St 10008 Reedy Creek Rd 19328 Stirrup Dr PO Box 2163 4230 Gose Mill Rd 1660 Copper Ridge Rd 18691 Musick Dr 834 Gilliam St SW 272 Beaumont Ln 236 Country Meadows Cir 226 Grace St 19284 Trotters Ln 870 Glenview Dr 425 Stoney Battery Rd 266 Leonard St NW 6635 Reedy Creek Rd 17721 Mahogany Dr 425 Stoney Battery Rd 319 Em Cross Rd

Bristol, TN 37620-7332 Bristol, VA 24202-2920 Abingdon, VA 24211-6766 Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-2163 Tazewell, VA 24651-8433 Castlewood, VA 24224-5557 Bristol, VA 24202-3125 Abingdon, VA 24210-2448 Bluff City, TN 37618-1933 Bristol, TN 37620-8378 Bristol, TN 37620-5531 Abingdon, VA 24211-6775 Abingdon, VA 24211-3650 Marion, VA 24354-6856 Abingdon, VA 24210-2712 Bristol, VA 24202-1903 Abingdon, VA 24210-7913 Marion, VA 24354-6856 Piney Flats, TN 37686-3300

At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member District Lay Leader District UMW President District Youth Member


607 Pope St 2227 Haven Crest Dr 135 County Road 177 154 Franklin Dr 2710 Bryant Dr SW 400 Emmett Ave NW 3669 Sourwood Trl NW 522 County Road 67 994 Armstrong Rd SE 216 Clearview Cir NE 352 Messer Dr PO Box 22 109 Saint Francis St 3815 Woodcrest Cir NW 123 Summerfield Ln 617 College St N 217 McCaslin Ave 703 Lakehaven Cir 259 Main St 341 County Road 782 1208 Woodacre Dr 120 Crestview Ave 845 Halfmoon Shores Dr 113 Sink Hole Rd 971 County Road 550 2179 Collins Dr NW 684 Riverbend Dr 4620 Jersey Pike PO Box 784 % Ooltewah UMC, 6131 Relocation Way 1407 Fore Winds Hl 34602 Highway 72 N 132 County Road 884 508 Hillandale Dr 1205 Red Hill Valley Rd SE

Athens, TN 37303-3023 Chattanooga, TN 37421-2835 Athens, TN 37303-6926 Benton, TN 37307-3608 Cleveland, TN 37311-0824 Cleveland, TN 37311-1731 Cleveland, TN 37312-2032 Riceville, TN 37370-5632 Cleveland , TN 37323 Cleveland, TN 37323-3700 Copperhill, TN 37317-4220 Decatur, TN 37322-0022 Englewood, TN 37329-3031 Cleveland, TN 37312-3814 Dayton, TN 37321-4380 Madisonville, TN 37354-1105 Sweetwater, TN 37874-1832 Decatur, TN 37322-6008 Dayton, TN 37321-1387 Etowah, TN 37331-5151 Athens, TN 37303-2743 Calhoun, TN 37309-5230 Ten Mile, TN 37880-2910 Tellico Plains, TN 37385-5213 Englewood, TN 37329-5395 Cleveland, TN 37312-2263 Dayton, TN 37321-5337 Chattanooga, TN 37416-3148 Niota, TN 37826-0784 Ooltewah, TN 37363-6288 Ooltewah, TN 37363-9425 Loudon, TN 37774-5223 Etowah, TN 37331-5460 Athens, TN 37303-3906 Cleveland, TN 37323-9185

District Lay Member Directory

* Allen Memorial UMC Clara Jane Coomer * Apison UMC Mike McCarter Athens Parish Karen Vincent * Benton UMC Arthur Bigham * Big Spring UMC Gussie Ridgeway * Broad Street UMC Carolyn Franitza * Broad Street UMC Ed McCartney Calhoun-Spring Creek Sondra Guthrie * Chilcutt-Chestuee Mary Ann Scoggins * Cleveland, Trinity-Pleasant Grv Debra Faye Goldston * Copperhill, First-Ducktown Denny Mixon Decatur-Concord Betty Carolyn Ward * Englewood UMC Bill Cochran * First UMC Cleveland Robert Donaghy * First UMC Dayton Rebecca Tucker * First UMC Madisonville Laurie McNeece * First UMC Sweetwater Brett Ward * Goodfield Circuit Betsy Bassette Graysville-New Bethel Jimmy Smith * Jones Chapel-Wesleyanna Jerry Edwards * Keith Memorial UMC Amy Sullins * Keith Memorial UMC Tim Womac * Luminary UMC Linda Monk Madisonville Circuit Patti Russell * Mars Hill UMC Maggie Hoffman * McDonald UMC Rachael Pickett Mountain View UMC Leonard Thomas * Mt Zion-St Elmo Phillis Moseley * Niota-Cedar Springs Ashley Neel * Ooltewah UMC Mary Charles Blair * Ooltewah UMC Ron Pagano-Fuller Philadelphia-Fenders Leland Sparks Piney Grove UMC Missy Wilson Pleasant Hill UMC J. Dale Kennedy Red Hill UMC Connie Owenby


District Lay Member Directory


Holston Annual Conference




City, State Zip

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Spivey-New Providence Spring City-Reed Chapel St Paul’s Etowah-Carlock Tasso-Charleston Tellico Plains Ct Ten Mile-Oak Grove Trinity UMC Athens Wesley Memorial, Etowah -Pleasant Grove Wesley Memorial-Valley Head Wesley Memorial-Valley Head At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member District Lay Leader District UMM President District UMW President District Young Adult Member District Youth Member

Louis Allen Morgan Virginia Bond JoAnn Parker Margaret Hubble Janet Standridge Lori Templeton John Hagaman Elaine Colson

143 Brooklyn Ln PO Box 396 PO Box 804 6591 Hickory Meadow Dr 2041 Fairview Rd 161 Moss Boat Dock Ln PO Box 515 290 County Road 782

Dayton, TN 37321-4455 Spring City, TN 37381-0396 Etowah, TN 37331-0804 Chattanooga, TN 37421-6767 Tellico Plains, TN 37385-4809 Decatur, TN 37322-3062 Athens, TN 37371-0515 Etowah, TN 37331-5101

Gary Hubbard Susan Hubbard Deb Aldridge Leslye Beria Marcia Bolin Eric Brehen Jacob Ducote Barbara Graham Doug Greene Truman Hale Grant Hamilton Sue Hamilton Becky Jaquish Rick Lay Eric Light Deb Miller Tina L. Morgan Randy Petitt Yvonne Raper Shirley Starling Charles Stemmann Evelyn Stemmann Sydney Varajon Clara Whaley Rick Lay Doug Greene Barbara Graham Grant Hamilton Eric Brehen

2166 Timber Trace Cir NW 2166 Timber Trace Cir NW 65 9th St SE 517 County Road 778 132 Davis Trl NW 3405 Peerless Rd NW 6131 Relocation Way 2098 Igou Crossing Dr 952 Wedgewood Dr NW 3805 Crestwood Dr NW 709 Green St 709 Green St 130 Joe Jaquish Dr PO Box 461 8524 Fenwick Dr 1552 Shelby Cir 174 County Road 1150 820 Johnson Blvd SE 1223 Miami St 160 College St 115 Sequoya Dr 115 Sequoya Dr 128 County Road 755 521 Cobblestone Creek Rd NW PO Box 461 952 Wedgewood Dr NW 2098 Igou Crossing Dr 709 Green St

Cleveland, TN 37311-3421 Cleveland, TN 37311-3421 Cleveland, TN 37311-6042 Athens, TN 37303-6317 Cleveland, TN 37312-1111 Cleveland, TN 37312-3431 Ooltewah, TN 37363-6288 Chattanooga, TN 37421-7143 Cleveland, TN 37312-3356 Cleveland, TN 37312-3421 Sweetwater, TN 37874-2420 Sweetwater, TN 37874-2420 Athens, TN 37303-7072 Athens, TN 37371-0461 Ooltewah, TN 37363-1411 Hixson, TN 37343-3025 Riceville, TN 37370-5810 Cleveland, TN 37311-6459 Athens, TN 37303-4554 Copperhill, TN 37317-4100 Copperhill, TN 37317-5452 Copperhill, TN 37317-5452 Riceville, TN 37370-5252 Cleveland, TN 37312-7615 Athens, TN 37371-0461 Cleveland, TN 37312-3356 Chattanooga, TN 37421-7143 Sweetwater, TN 37874-2420

* * * * * * * * * * *

Asbury UMC Greeneville Bales Chapel UMC Beth Car-Watkins Chapel Bethel UMC Boyd Chapel UMC Bradburn Hill-Mt Pleasant Burchfield-Bogart’s Chapel -Lawson Chapel Bybee UMC Carter’s Valley Circuit Centenary UMC Cherokee Circuit Chestnut Grove-Ebenezer Chestnut Hill UMC Christ UMC Claiborne Cluster Cosby Circuit Cosby Circuit

Shelby Sullivan Carla Bryant Kelly Ailey Brenda Reese Carl H Mills Deborah Jo - Jo Boles Charlene Kravec

3890 Chuckey Pike 73 Georgetown Row 3035 Jane St 723 Pritchard Dr 1905 Black Oak St 2245 Dulaney Rd 814 Layman Dr

Chuckey, TN 37641-6201 Johnson City, TN 37601-3183 White Pine, TN 37890-3628 Morristown, TN 37813-1962 Jefferson City, TN 37760-1536 Mosheim, TN 37818-4541 Dandridge, TN 37725-7406

Ned Ramsey Penny Reynolds Phyllis Helm Susie Phillips Robert Butch Carmichael Hope Sibert Barbara Hodges Jim Murphy Sue Clark Melissa Williams

125 Hillcrest Dr 2450 Brown Springs Rd 3117 Federal Blvd 145 Rolling Hills Rd 1212 Ch Rankin Rd 1704 Hidden Hills Rd Apt 408 559 Phillips Town Rd 425 Linden St 3271 Cosby Creek Rd 3781 Pleasant Valley Rd

Parrottsville, TN 37843-3333 Greeneville, TN 37743-1526 Morristown, TN 37814-2580 Greeneville, TN 37743-0908 White Pine, TN 37890-4028 Gatlinburg, TN 37738-5826 Bulls Gap, TN 37711-4427 Tazewell, TN 37879-3717 Cosby, TN 37722-2855 Cosby, TN 37722-2730


District Lay Member Directory Charge

Del Rio Circuit Anthony Stokely Ebbing & Flowing Spr-Kincaid Theresa Eidson Ebbing & Flowing Spr-Kincaid Billy Simmons Edward’s Chapel UMC Amy Shipley First UMC Dandridge Marlene McClellan First UMC Jefferson City Celeste Coward First UMC Morristown Jim Snowden First UMC Morristown John Stroud First UMC Newport Tom Inman First UMC Rogersville Jane Pearce First UMC White Pine Carolyn Allen George Street-Grant David Frazier Glendale UMC Hugh Holt Hardin’s Chapel UMC Melissa Brown Harned’s-Parrottsville Donn H Berney, Jr. Hills Union-McCampbell’s Pat Patrick Hunt’s-Whittenburg-Rehobeth Jeff Johnson Liberty Hill-Russellville Don Warner Love’s Memorial UMC Rocky Ottinger Midway UMC Joe Cansler, Jr. Mooresburg-Beeler’s Chapel Connie Fraley Mosheim Central-Ottway Nancy Causey Mt Airy-Economy Judy Joy Mt Carmel UMC Mosheim Freda Hester Mt Hebron UMC Richard Greene Mt Hope - Antioch George Phillips Mt Pleasant UMC Talbott Annie Watkins Mt Zion-Seahorn’s Chapel Gary Park New Market Circuit Marilyn Dyer New Tazewell UMC John Butterbrodt Oakland UMC Susie Rouse Otes UMC Mary Smith Panther Springs UMC Ginger Cain Persia-Pleasant Hill Judy Goan Pine Grove-Hartman’s Chapel Patricia Clowers Riverview Circuit Erica Bramhall Romeo-St Clair-Talley DeAnna Snyder Rutledge Circuit Joyce Daugherty Rutledge-Mary’s Chapel Lois Carmon Rutledge-Mary’s Chapel Anna M. Gaultney Shady Grove - Woodlawn Parish Eddie Thomas Sneedville Circuit Sally Morris Trinity UMC Greeneville Carolynn Kinser Trinity UMC Morristown Patti Allen Wesley’s Chapel UMC Dandrdg Lillie Smith Wesley’s Chapel UMC Greenevl Angie Broyles Bishop At Large Member John Allen At Large Member Leigh Ann Allen At Large Member Phillip Joseph Archer At Large Member Jackie Brown At Large Member Mitchell D. Cain At Large Member Darlene Chatten At Large Member Kim Davis At Large Member Conard Frye At Large Member Mark Grigsby At Large Member Carolyn Grubb At Large Member J. David Grubb


City, State Zip

393 Kelly Rd 523 Bear Hollow Rd 2124 Highway 66 S 321 Hebron Church Rd 826 Hillside Dr 772 Hidden Mountain Way 538 Oak St 1306 Bales Dr 1556 Sherwood Dr 306 Wood Ln PO Box 299 336 Night Rd 3737 Dan Dr 1706 Robert Harmon Rd 920 N Highway 340 1951 Harbor Hills Dr 659 Pigeon Creek 2450 Holston Dr 1755 Hillcut Rd 550 Little Chuckey Rd 5067 Copper Ridge Rd 435 Brian Cir 306 Freedom Ln 1486 Baileyton Main St P O Box 1933 1155 Mount Hope Rd 740 Rocktown Rd 1289 Webb Cir 519 Lydia Dr 1021 Poore Rd 307 Clay Ct 300 N Fork Branch Rd 103 Sunridge Dr 156 Guthries Gap Rd 2020 Little Warrensburg Rd PO Box 214 592 Mount Zion Rd 14650 Lakeshore Dr 538 Dogwood Ln 6625 Old Walland Hwy PO Box 234 1179 Duck Creek Rd 140 Rolling Hills Rd PO Box 12 966 Spring Creek Rd 895 N Wesley Chapel Rd PO Box 12 200 Jaybird Rd 4571 W Andrew Johnson Hwy 1267 Lakeview Dr 103 Sunridge Dr 525 Farm Loop 120 Easy St 375 Economy Cir 419 Angela Cir 655 Pates Hill Rd 655 Pates Hill Rd

Del Rio, TN 37727-2576 Rogersville, TN 37857-6075 Rogersville, TN 37857-5155 Jefferson City, TN 37760-3314 Dandridge, TN 37725-4606 New Market, TN 37820-3245 Morristown, TN 37813-1856 Morristown, TN 37814-6102 Newport, TN 37821-7124 Surgoinsville, TN 37873-6008 White Pine, TN 37890-0299 Jefferson City, TN 37760-3946 Morristown, TN 37814-7748 Greeneville, TN 37745-1152 Parrottsville, TN 37843-2000 Dandridge, TN 37725-6651 Greeneville, TN 37743 Morristown, TN 37814-5971 Greeneville, TN 37743-3562 Midway, TN 37809-4019 Morristown, TN 37814-6751 Afton, TN 37616-4627 Jefferson City, TN 37760-4131 Greeneville, TN 37745-7684 Greeneville, TN 37744-1933 Mohawk, TN 37810-3942 Jefferson City, TN 37760-4828 Dandridge, TN 37725-4842 New Market, TN 37820-4556 New Tazewell, TN 37825-5140 Jefferson City, TN 37760-4040 Rogersville, TN 37857-8317 Jefferson City, TN 37760-2918 Bulls Gap, TN 37711-3522 Midway, TN 37809-4451 Bybee, TN 37713-0214 Whitesburg, TN 37891-2242 Rutledge, TN 37861-4503 Talbott, TN 37877-8307 Townsend, TN 37882-3012 Dandridge, TN 37725-0234 Sneedville, TN 37869-4031 Greeneville, TN 37743-0900 Morristown, TN 37815-0012 Dandridge, TN 37725-4404 Greeneville, TN 37745-8015 Morristown, TN 37815-0001 Morristown, TN 37814-6221 Morristown, TN 37814-1038 Dandridge, TN 37725-4915 Jefferson City, TN 37760-2918 New Market, TN 37820-4428 Bulls Gap, TN 37711-4621 Dandridge, TN 37725-6152 Newport, TN 37821-8839 Mosheim, TN 37818-5821 Mosheim, TN 37818-5821

District Lay Member Directory

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



District Lay Member Directory


Holston Annual Conference




* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member District Lay Leader District UMW President District Young Adult Member

Tonia Hodsden PO Box 162 Brayden Lykens 5132 Crystal Brook Dr Steve E Miller 626 Mount Bethel Rd Vickie Moore 1024 Haggis Way Vana Morelock 445 Cicero Ave Sara Orellana 900 New Harvest Road Marcella Pursley 4250 Pates Hill Rd Jennifer S. Jenny Rickman 1115 Sunset Dr Rob Saunders, Jr. 627 Baltimore Rd Linda J. Schumann 642 Heather Brook Cir Debra Scott 134 Magnolia Dr Haden Scott 134 Magnolia Dr Kathy Smith 2904 E 5th Ave Ron Stroud 1946 Highway 113 John Daniel Taylor 1701 Talbott Kansas Rd Laura Trent 3010 Blue Springs Rd Kathleen VanOrsdel 153 Scenic View Dr Michael Wieting 309 Norris Dr Edmund Woods 456 Rock City Rd Rob Saunders, Jr. 627 Baltimore Rd Vickie Moore 1024 Haggis Way Brayden Lykens 5132 Crystal Brook Dr

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Aldersgate-Jordan Atkins Memorial-Fries Station Auburn UMC Bethel UMC Bluefield Bishop’s Chapel UMC Bland Circuit Blue Ridge Circuit Bridle Creek Circuit Cedar Springs Circuit Central UMC Radford Ceres Circuit Door of Heaven UMC Draper Circuit Dublin UMC Dublin UMC Ebenezer-Bailey Elk Creek Circuit Fairlawn-Bethel Fairview-Sidney First UMC Bluefield First UMC Galax First UMC Hillsville First UMC Narrows First UMC Pearisburg First UMC Pulaski First UMC Rich Creek Floyd Circuit Floyd UMC Fries Circuit Galax Circuit Galax Circuit Gladeville-Mt Olivet Grahams Forge UMC Grant-Flat Ridge Circuit

Leona Andrews Debra Rutherford Billy Caldwell Carol Oakes Ann Bunn Paul Perkins Carolyn Snow Shelby M. Luper Adam Linkous B. Gayle Miller Archie Atwell Alejandro Gonzalez C. Ricky Dishon Emma Katherine Jennings Doug Poe Juanita R. Marrs John McCarthy Judith Sale Harold Eanes Tom Giffen Judy Farmer Brenda Harmon Hali Thorne Mark Haynie Gary Hancock Robert Trent Sue Smith Roy Scoggins Paul A. Porter Sandy Bowers Karen Poole Gwen Higgins Darlene Whisman Olin Edwards


1786 Newbern Rd 651 Bainbridge Rd 3632 Fairview Church Rd 103 Vencil Street 456 Mallory Rd PO Box 676 366 Big Red Dr 176 Hardin Rd 109 Parsonage Ave 2290 Gate Rd 3265 Old Wilderness Rd 110 Hanes Rd Lot 6 3494 Lead Mines Rd 4619 Mountain View Dr 324 Giles Ave 2049 Lee Ave PO Box 43 4445 Bains Chapel Rd 760 Mountain View Dr 713 Tazewell Ave 209 Hampton St 2477 Hebron Rd 615 Woodland Rd 202 Rowland St PO Box 878 136 Piney Grove Dr 5138 Old Pike Rd 1712 Moles Rd SW 464 Turkey Knob Rd 3376 Beech Grove Ln 103 Falcon Dr 92 Diamondview Loop 180 Gilland Rd 551 Ripshin Rd

City, State Zip Dandridge, TN 37725-0162 Morristown, TN 37814-1597 Greeneville, TN 37745-6376 Parrottsville, TN 37843-2373 Greeneville, TN 37743-7745 Washburn, TN 37888 Mosheim, TN 37818-5638 Talbott, TN 37877-3435 Washburn, TN 37888-4704 Jefferson City, TN 37760-5019 Greeneville, TN 37743-5429 Greeneville, TN 37743-5429 Knoxville, TN 37914-4421 Whitesburg, TN 37891-2203 Talbott, TN 37877-3807 Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-3626 Talbott, TN 37877-3850 Tazewell, TN 37879-4571 Newport, TN 37821-2735 Washburn, TN 37888-4704 Parrottsville, TN 37843-2373 Morristown, TN 37814-1597 Pulaski, VA 24301-4202 Fries, VA 24330-3893 Christiansburg, VA 24073-5975 Bluefield, VA 24605 Woodlawn, VA 24381-2710 Bland, VA 24315-0676 Hillsville, VA 24343-1263 Independence, VA 24348-4024 Rural Retreat, VA 24368-2895 Christiansburg, VA 24073-6270 Ceres, VA 24318-3509 Galax, VA 24333-2526 Hiwassee, VA 24347 Dublin, VA 24084-3875 Dublin, VA 24084-3119 Bluefield, VA 24605-1039 Elk Creek, VA 24326-0043 Radford, VA 24141-6029 Christiansburg, VA 24073-4322 Bluefield, VA 24605-1445 Fries, VA 24330-4469 Galax, VA 24333-5281 Rich Creek, VA 24147-9611 Narrows, VA 24124-1724 Pulaski, VA 24301-0878 Narrows, VA 24124-2205 Pilot, VA 24138-1602 Willis, VA 24380-5061 Fries, VA 24330-4273 Galax, VA 24333-2178 Woodlawn, VA 24381-3302 Galax, VA 24333-2196 Max Meadows, VA 24360-3558 Troutdale, VA 24378-2254

District Lay Member Directory




City, State Zip

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Terica Fisher Katie McDaniel Randall Westbrook Becky Gatchell Terri Clewlow Danny Hoosier Melissa Zienius Dorothy A. Taylor Carl Ayers Wayne Bruce James (Jim) Tabor Jack Chafin Edwina Martin Gwenn Akers Janet Johnson Peggy Scott Jane Waddell Lisa Vaught Kelly Snavely Becky Harrison Patsy Wiggins Mike Pugh Willie Lowe Hannah Johnson Maria Jane Mullins Brenda Orey Lyndon Sutherland Ralph Brewer Shelby Hale Carolyn Brooks Bonnie Russell John Wimmer Debbie Alderman Erin E. Bowman Martha Buchanan Linda Burnette Deborah Lynn Carte Peggy Chappell Michael J. Chase, II Lynne Clark Joanna Corvin Debbie A. Emero Mike Emero Pat Farrell Elissa Grantham Duane Hale Delisa Jo Hammons Marcy Harless Norma Haynes Nancy Haynie Gwen Higgins Ashley Hill Mike Holcomb Forrest (Bo) King Mike London Shelby M. Luper Becky J. Masters

202 9th St 4450 Bluegrass Rd 2355 Curve Rd 1253 Greenville Rd 130 Shadow Ln 182 Pinch Creek Rd 5480 Erin Dr 360 Asbury Ln PO Box 498 4867 State Park Rd PO Box 361 226 Aldred Ln 1788 Union Valley Rd 7472 Ridge Rd 32 1st St SW 304 Valleydale St 7210 Clearfork Rd 745 N 3rd St 261 Citizens Rd PO Box 807 50 Churchview Ln 85 Cove Hills Ln 135 Schenley Ave 312 Horsley Dr 323 Old Schoolhouse Rd 5636 Pine Grove Dr 406 Gale Rd 795 Barrett Mill Rd 196 Nottingham Way 1790 Airport Rd 1242 Honeycutt Dam Rd 475 Angles Hollow Rd 80 Lady Slipper Ln 861 Woodlawn Rd 1022 Downey St 1831 Hebron Rd 1503 N Main St 307 W Center St 323 Old Schoolhouse Rd 155 4th St NW 138 Railside Ln 4973 Cove View Rd 4973 Cove View Rd 5525 Lead Mine Rd 3875 Eagle Country Dr 196 Nottingham Way 871 Danner Rd 17 Pineview Dr 827 Fries Rd 202 Rowland St 92 Diamondview Loop 645 Pipers Woods Dr 3696 Sunrise Dr 787 Austinville Rd 207 Fairway Dr 176 Hardin Rd 7456 Deerwood Dr

Radford, VA 24141-3022 Christiansburg, VA 24073-5954 Pearisburg, VA 24134-2163 Galax, VA 24333-2290 Max Meadows, VA 24360-4071 Bland, VA 24315-4615 Dublin, VA 24084-3806 Wytheville, VA 24382-4456 Wytheville, VA 24382-0498 Dublin, VA 24084-5622 Newbern, VA 24126-0361 Galax, VA 24333-6154 Riner, VA 24149-2524 Fairlawn, VA 24141-8836 Pulaski, VA 24301-5623 Bluefield, VA 24605-9437 Bastian, VA 24314-4584 Wytheville, VA 24382-3607 Rural Retreat, VA 24368-2787 Rural Retreat, VA 24368-0807 Fries, VA 24330-4172 Wytheville, VA 24382-4460 Bluefield, VA 24605-1418 Pearisburg, VA 24134-1818 Eggleston, VA 24086-3052 Dublin, VA 24084-3488 Pearisburg, VA 24134-1810 Wytheville, VA 24382-5968 Galax, VA 24333-3402 Hillsville, VA 24343-5259 Woodlawn, VA 24381-3308 North Tazewell, VA 24630-9372 Ivanhoe, VA 24350-3038 Woodlawn, VA 24381-3421 Radford, VA 24141-2620 Galax, VA 24333-5303 Hillsville, VA 24343-1140 Galax, VA 24333-2805 Eggleston, VA 24086-3052 Pulaski, VA 24301-4523 Wytheville, VA 24382-3373 Pulaski, VA 24301-7408 Pulaski, VA 24301-7408 Hiwassee, VA 24347-2829 Riner, VA 24149-2278 Galax, VA 24333-3402 Max Meadows, VA 24360-3305 Radford, VA 24141-3605 Galax, VA 24333-1601 Narrows, VA 24124-1724 Galax, VA 24333-2196 Galax, VA 24333-6332 Pulaski, VA 24301-7077 Wytheville, VA 24382-5537 Radford, VA 24141-3928 Independence, VA 24348-4024 Fairlawn, VA 24141-8988

Grove UMC Grove UMC Hales Chapel-Kathleen Mem. Independence, First-Flat Rock Max Meadows Circuit Mechanicsburg Circuit Mountain Circuit Mt Pleasant UMC Mt Zion UMC New River Circuit Newbern-Mountain View Oakland UMC Pilot UMC Radford Circuit Randolph Avenue UMC Rocky Gap Charge Rocky Gap Charge Round Mountain Circuit Rural Retreat Circuit Rural Retreat UMC Spring Valley Circuit St Paul UMC Virginia Avenue-Falls Mills Wabash Circuit Wabash Circuit Wabash Circuit Wabash Circuit West End UMC West Galax UMC Woodlawn-Shiloh Woodlawn-Shiloh Wrights Valley-Tip Top Wytheville Circuit At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member

District Lay Member Directory


District Lay Member Directory


Holston Annual Conference




* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member District Lay Leader District UMW President District Youth Member

Deborah Neal Jacob Nunn Betty Overdorf Dennis Overdorf Paul Perkins Judy Porter Samantha Richardson Terena Scott Anna Smythers Stitt Joshua (Josh) Stitt Juanita Stroupe Sue Thacker Mitzi Sadler Thorne Margaret J. Wilson Mike Holcomb Linda Burnette Erin E. Bowman

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Asbury UMC Knoxville Addison Cable Bethel UMC Seymour Ed Robins Bethel-Vonore Jenny Black Beulah-French Broad John Blakemore Beulah-French Broad Rob Pearce Binfield UMC Cookie Howell Broadway UMC Mary A Morehead Camp Ground UMC Janice Legg Carpenters UMC John Bakelaar Cokesbury UMC Knoxville James Fetzer Cokesbury UMC Knoxville David S. Smith Cokesbury UMC Knoxville Lala Smith Colonial Heights UMC Knoxville Boyce A. Young Ebenezer UMC Knoxville Rebecca A. Barr Ebenezer UMC Knoxville Victor W Barr Fairgarden Circuit Tom Maides Fairview UMC David Norton Fairview UMC Nancy Norton First UMC Alcoa Donnie Moore First UMC Alcoa Pat Scott First UMC Maryville Julie George First UMC Maryville Teresa Morton First UMC Maryville Pat Scruggs First UMC Maryville Gordo Watson First UMC Pigeon Forge Brian Scott Burnette First UMC Sevierville Brent Atchley First UMC Sevierville Brooke Blair First UMC Sevierville Norma S. Blair Friendsville UMC Bobbie Chapman Gatlinburg, First-Huskey’s Grove Penny Embry Green Meadow UMC Bill West Immanuel UMC Edgar Wilder Kodak UMC Mary Hawkins Kodak UMC Drew Wilson Logan’s Chapel UMC John Skinner Loudon UMC Tim Kittle Martel UMC Sandy Bandy Meadow UMC Patti Fagg Middle Creek UMC Paul Williams

130 Nutwood St 406 Gale Rd 7482 Bluff View Dr 802 6th St PO Box 676 464 Turkey Knob Rd 94 N Scenic Hwy 956 Sanders Mines Rd 782 Little Reed Island Rd 782 Little Reed Island Rd 143 Lick Mountain Trl 1827 Weston Rd PO Box 45 440 Sugar Run Rd 3696 Sunrise Dr 1831 Hebron Rd


1916 Hopewell Rd 704 Winston Dr 2632 Old Niles Ferry Rod 8608 Ball Park Ln 2825 Bella Vista Ln 914 Panorama Dr 642 Kirkwell Dr PO Box 236 4730 Old Niles Ferry Rd 12521 Fort West Dr 9216 Colchester Ridge Rd 9216 Colchester Ridge Rd 228 Mount David Dr 1904 Grenada Blvd 1904 Grenada Blvd 1808 Gator Point Rd 1001 Pleasant Hill Rd 1001 Pleasant Hill Rd 1976 Middlesettlements Rd 1044 White Oak Ave 624 Grassland Dr 1801 Wilkinson Pike 1144 Linford Cir 1044 Saint Johns Dr 1469 Dupont Road 919 Estates Dr 326 Cherry St 505 Grace Ave 333 Cedar Crest Ln PO Box 291 508 Sherwood Dr 1009 Hardwick Dr 249 Huntington Ln 2709 John Spears Way 1158 Martin Mill Pike 139 River Road W 806 Wilson Rd 242 Muscoday Rd 1210 Amber Ln

City, State Zip Bluefield, WV 24701-4890 Pearisburg, VA 24134-1810 Fairlawn, VA 24141-8956 Radford, VA 24141-2242 Bland, VA 24315-0676 Fries, VA 24330-4273 Bland, VA 24315-4656 Max Meadows, VA 24360-3039 Barren Springs, VA 24313-3611 Barren Springs, VA 24313-3611 Max Meadows, VA 24360-4057 Riner, VA 24149-2021 Narrows, VA 24124-0045 Pearisburg, VA 24134-2764 Pulaski, VA 24301-7077 Galax, VA 24333-5303

Knoxville, TN 37920-9780 Seymour, TN 37865-3423 Vonore, TN 37885-2621 Knoxville, TN 37920-7763 Knoxville, TN 37914-9344 Maryville, TN 37801-8960 Alcoa, TN 37701-6826 Townsend, TN 37882-0236 Maryville, TN 37801-0927 Knoxville, TN 37934-1346 Knoxville, TN 37922-1452 Knoxville, TN 37922-1452 Knoxville, TN 37920-6463 Knoxville, TN 37922-6316 Knoxville, TN 37922-6316 Sevierville, TN 37876-5835 Maryville, TN 37803-7366 Maryville, TN 37803-7366 Maryville, TN 37801-7405 Maryville, TN 37803-2884 Maryville, TN 37804-6133 Maryville, TN 37803-6209 Alcoa, TN 37701-1544 Maryville, TN 37801-9609 Seymour, TN 37865 Seymour, TN 37865-4142 Sevierville, TN 37862-3809 Sevierville, TN 37862-3814 Friendsville, TN 37737-2323 Gatlinburg, TN 37738-0291 Maryville, TN 37801-4542 Maryville, TN 37803-6761 Kodak, TN 37764-2124 Sevierville, TN 37876-0174 Rockford, TN 37853-3602 Loudon, TN 37774 Lenoir City, TN 37772-5253 Maryville, TN 37803-6119 Sevierville, TN 37862-6101

District Lay Member Directory




City, State Zip

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Karen Lewis Nancy Hydzik Doug Lynn Sherry Smith Jack Vincent Deborah Nichols Bill Cooper April Sutton John Parham Reggie Jellicorse Penny Morrison Janice Pritchett Kay Phillips Kenneth Parker Dale Phelps Nancy Bass Lori L Sluder Ruth Sherrod Julianne Hitch Gwen Yerger Susan Burns Melissa Coldiron Leigh Ann Frye Cindy Miller Jonnie Odom Lana Snyder Malinda Boring Virginia West Case John Clayton Mary Coppedge Susan Daffron Margaret P. Denney Nell Douglas Glenda Eastridge Heather Fugatt Jim Gass Julie Hamlin Molly Haymore Pat Hollenbeck Adam Hood Cynthia Hulse Hannah Jenkins Lindsey Kizer Phil Large Janice Legg Brad Lunde Sam Major Bob Martin Jennifer McIntyre Millie P. Meese Carole Myers Joyce Overton Jim Petrie Sue Petrie Clay Pilkinton Emmit Rawls Dennis Reid

2819 Sagegrass Dr 6819 Ottinger Dr 6304 New Hope Rd 2526 Stock Creek Rd 2218 Highway 72 1807 Northfield Dr 320 Seneca Rd 2297 Jones Cove Rd 2107 Lennox view Way 191 Big Bend Rd 337 Paint Rock Valley Rd 1918 Serene Cove Way 1401 Blue Ridge Way 3145 Hatcher Top Rd 1549 Tarwater Rd 1227 Dearmond Rd 3909 Rankin Ferry Loop 317 Tracer Ln 1630 Leconte Dr 182 Lake Crest Dr 7257 Old Tuckaleechee Rd 1922 Rommel Dr 410 Cold Springs Rd PO Box 5377 3234 Calderwood Hwy 1808 Francis Rd 443 Savannah Village Dr 1417 Cedar Park Dr 856 Chalet Village Blvd 3579 Spence Cir 2618 Brantley Park Blvd 6933 Riverwood Dr PO Box 198 1722 Ramsay St 695 Church St 617 Gilbert St 1069 Beverly Dr 10148 Autumn Valley Ln 2709 6 Mile Rd 404 Loudon Ave 1011 Parks Ferry Rd 806 Wilson Rd 211 Rosecrest Dr 1508 Claremont Dr PO Box 236 2220 Chesterfield Dr 1413 Mount Vista Drive 1022 Stagecoach Ln 131 Windsor Dr 11012 Crosswind Dr 8161 Cedar Creek Rd 2856 Rhett Butler Dr 8613 Dalemere Dr 8613 Dalemere Dr 12228 W Ashton Ct 108 Caney Branch Rd 107 Wilson Ave

Louisville, TN 37777-3565 Knoxville, TN 37920-6146 Sweetwater, TN 37874-5220 Knoxville, TN 37920-7583 Maryville, TN 37801-3604 Maryville, TN 37804-3695 Knoxville, TN 37914-3738 Sevierville, TN 37876-6234 Maryville, TN 37804 Strawberry Plains, TN 37871-3019 Philadelphia, TN 37846-3857 Knoxville, TN 37920-1410 Sevierville, TN 37862-6168 Sevierville, TN 37862-7915 Sevierville, TN 37876-2339 Seymour, TN 37865-4517 Louisville, TN 37777-3755 Knoxville, TN 37924-3760 Maryville, TN 37803-5653 Lenoir City, TN 37772-3892 Townsend, TN 37882-3815 Maryville, TN 37804-6233 Walland, TN 37886-2302 Sevierville, TN 37864-5377 Maryville, TN 37801-1200 Knoxville, TN 37909-1061 Maryville, TN 37803-8882 Maryville, TN 37803-6787 Gatlinburg, TN 37738-4408 Maryville, TN 37804-4705 Maryville, TN 37804-3092 Knoxville, TN 37920-6025 Gatlinburg, TN 37738-0198 Alcoa, TN 37701-2050 Vonore, TN 37885-2324 Alcoa, TN 37701-2373 Alcoa, TN 37701-1603 Knoxville, TN 37922-4255 Maryville, TN 37803-2743 Maryville, TN 37804-2728 Friendsville, TN 37737-2003 Lenoir City, TN 37772-5253 Maryville, TN 37803-0594 Maryville, TN 37803-6788 Townsend, TN 37882-0236 Maryville, TN 37803-6537 Knoxville, TN 37920 Friendsville, TN 37737-2008 Maryville, TN 37803-6567 Knoxville, TN 37934-4011 Townsend, TN 37882-3303 Louisville, TN 37777-3550 Knoxville, TN 37923-6834 Knoxville, TN 37923-6834 Knoxville, TN 37934-1528 Rockford, TN 37853-3118 Maryville, TN 37803-6050

Middlesettlements UMC Mountain View UMC New Hope UMC New Salem UMC Oakland UMC Peck’s Memorial UMC Piney Grove UMC Knoxville Pittman Center Pleasant Hill UMC Blount Pleasant Hill UMC Knoxville Pleasant Hill UMC Roane Sand Branch UMC Sevierville Circuit Sevierville Parish Sevierville Parish Seymour UMC St Mark’s UMC, Louisville St Paul East UMC Sycamore Tree UMC Trinity UMC Lenoir City Tuckaleechee UMC Union Grove UMC Blount Walland UMC Wears Valley UMC Williamson Chapel UMC Zion UMC Knoxville At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member

District Lay Member Directory


District Lay Member Directory


Holston Annual Conference




City, State Zip

* * * * * * * * * *

At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member District Lay Leader District UMW President

Jim Scruggs Ronnie Shell Tom Simpson Emily Skidmore Allen Tallent Jeff Tuck Liliana Vargas Connie Vincent Jane Whitaker Travis Wills Donna Yeaney Cathy Wimberly Young Glenda Eastridge Susan Daffron

1144 Linford Cir 2166 Aaron Ct 8101 Antioch Church Rd W 138 Myers Road 3639 Hood Cir 1934 Camden Dr 1521 Boyle St 2218 Highway 72 1633 Woodlawn Rd 2923 Bryan Rd 123 Mayfair E 1404 Woodcrest Dr 1722 Ramsay St 2618 Brantley Park Blvd

Alcoa, TN 37701-1544 Sevierville, TN 37876-8008 Lenoir City, TN 37772-5031 Townsend, TN 37882 Louisville, TN 37777-3319 Maryville, TN 37803-6467 Alcoa, TN 37701-2303 Maryville, TN 37801-3604 Lenoir City, TN 37771-7219 Kodak, TN 37764-1515 Maryville, TN 37803-6513 Knoxville, TN 37918-1561 Alcoa, TN 37701-2050 Maryville, TN 37804-3092

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Brainerd UMC Brooks Memorial UMC Burks UMC Burks UMC Chapel Hill UMC Christ UMC Christ UMC Christ UMC Dunlap UMC East Ridge UMC First-Centenary UMC First-Centenary UMC First-Centenary UMC First-Centenary UMC Fort Oglethorpe-Flintstone Grace-Fairview Harrison UMC Harrison UMC Havron’s-Whitwell-Morganville -Slygo Hixson UMC Hixson UMC Holly Avenue-Randolph Jones Memorial UMC Lookout Mountain UMC Looney’s Creek-Sulphur Spr McFarland UMC McKendree-Wells Mount Crest UMC New Salem UMC Pikeville UMC Pleasant Grove UMC Red Bank UMC Rising Fawn UMC Sardis UMC Savannah UMC Signal Crest UMC Signal Crest UMC Signal Mountain UMC Simpson UMC Soddy UMC Soddy UMC

Frances Habecker Seth G. Cline Joe Huber Pat Roza June Haman Alex Ford Jeff Gallaher Carolyn Thompson Frank Silver Jackie Watson Clint Cooper Jerry Donohue David Houseman Annette Reynolds Mary Igou Thomas Laing Steve Barham Crystal Fallensen Rebecca King

5528 Old Mission Rd 4766 Happy Valley Rd 2168 S Shore Acres Rd 6414 Harbor Master Dr 11063 US 127 5322 Village Garden Dr 392 Stanford Dr 815 Brookhollow Ln PO Box 1622 215 Catoosa St 2303 Jennifer Dr 48 Mountain Cove Rd 2903 Braly Pl 6212 N Innisbrook Dr 189 John Thompson Rd 6635 Hickory Trace Cir 7950 Trout Lily Dr 6400 Faultless Way 684 Piney Rd

Chattanooga, TN 37411-3430 Flintstone, GA 30725-2587 Soddy Daisy, TN 37379-8142 Hixson, TN 37343-3108 Dunlap, TN 37327-5600 Ooltewah, TN 37363-9006 Flintstone, GA 30725-2706 Chattanooga, TN 37421-4585 Dunlap, TN 37327-1622 Rossville, GA 30741-2003 Chattanooga, TN 37421-1510 Signal Mountain, TN 37377-2057 Chattanooga, TN 37415-5953 Hixson, TN 37343-3077 Flintstone, GA 30725-2404 Chattanooga, TN 37421-3676 Ooltewah, TN 37363-5701 Hixson, TN 37343-4596 Trenton, GA 30752-2746

Teresa Grainger Will Rowe Beverly Sutton Malissa Burdick Greg Golian Charles L. McEntyre Craig Leonard Dave Daffron Don Saunders Ruth Stanley Ginger Housley Rhonda Higgins Jane Smith Diane Rumley Belinda Daniel James Tricoglou Allison Maynard Kathy Robertson Charles M. Dunlap Marsha Krause Kathy Jones Jane Phillips

817 N Valleywood Cir 6623 Levi Rd PO Box 261 115 Arnold Dr 5432 Alabama Ave 500 Burnett Rd 7 S Prigmore Dr 1102 Asher St 4660 Long Branch Rd 524 White Pine Ln 5260 Lower East Valley Rd 1228 Griffith Hwy 3121 Greenwich Ave PO Box 68 4304 Shelborne Dr 7789 Snowhill View Ln 814 Fairmount Ave 2920 Reynard Trl 6622 Rapidan River Rd 186 Payne Ln 1084 Harbor Landing Dr. 810 Brynwood Dr

Hixson, TN 37343-2448 Hixson, TN 37343-2642 South Pittsburg, TN 37380-0261 Chattanooga, TN 37412-2103 Chattanooga, TN 37409-2207 Whitwell, TN 37397-5656 Rossville, GA 30741-7204 Jasper, TN 37347-2543 Spencer, TN 38585-4083 Rising Fawn, GA 30738-2284 Dunlap, TN 37327-8918 Jasper, TN 37347 Chattanooga, TN 37415-5824 Rising Fawn, GA 30738-0068 Chattanooga, TN 37416-3312 Ooltewah, TN 37363-6637 Signal Mountain, TN 37377-2404 Signal Mountain, TN 37377-1379 Hixson, TN 37343-3398 Rising Fawn, GA 30738-4569 Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 Chattanooga, TN 37415-3304


District Lay Member Directory




City, State Zip

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Danny Tullier Rick Williams Andrew Burroughs Carl Greene Linda Thomas Jean Wheeler Mike Dirsh Tina Carter Vernon Knight Charlie Housley David Smith Ruthie Cardin Paige Walker Nancy Davis Karen S. Adair Dorine Bagley Jacqueline Brown Chris Chance Heather Chance Rachel Lee Collins Lena Cooke Cindy Cunningham Bryan Dantzler Susan Dirsh Willela Douthat Reginald Elder Lynn Ferguson Pam Foster Fred Gault Tony Grey John Habecker Rebecca Hall Debby Hearn George Hixson Gary James Marice Jones Nancy Key Winona King Angela Love Charlotte B. McKee Leslie Messer James Morrison Julie Morrison DeAnna Prather Louise Pruitt Gayle Rathbun John Shearer Nancy Smith Marshal Stinnett Alicia Stuart Dale Tate Ronnie Thompson Claire Warren Dan Young Rebecca Hall Karen S. Adair

5414 Beulah Ave 4631 Kabryn Lane 4 Rivervista Dr 25 Belvoir Ave 907 Rockway Dr 2285 Slygo Rd 4025 Timber Trace Dr 4566 Tricia Dr 3321 Bonneville Cir 5444 Lower East Valley Rd 2414 Cedar Creek Dr 2534 Battlecreek Rd 704 Mansion Cr. Apt 10 2505 Esther Ln 204 Marlboro Ave 1967 Belleau Village Ct 6726 Flagstone Dr 59 Evergreen Dr 59 Evergreen Drive 1018 Olde Mill Ln 6216 Hadley Dr 1543 Leighton DR. 972 Poplar Springs Rd 4025 Timber Trace Dr PO Box 400 4024 Harbor Hills Rd 511 E Spring St Apt 1 3664 Thrushwood Dr 4932 Willow Lawn Dr 1042 Highway 157 5528 Old Mission Rd 9217 Magic Mountain Dr 187 Miller Cove Cir 1107 Linden St 6412 Rosemary Dr 3300 Hillwood Dr 2589 County Road 290 684 Piney Rd 9143 Somerset 8195 Lynette Ct 3908 Melinda Drive 5402 Mill Stone Dr 5402 Mill Stone Dr 2215 Bailey Ave 1602 Milne St no Address 4603 Cloverdale Loop 2414 Cedar Creek Dr 49 Windy Ln 230 Townsite Cir 200 Dogwood Ln No Address 2589 County Road 290 47 Shufelt Dr 9217 Magic Mountain Dr 204 Marlboro Ave

Chattanooga, TN 37409-2117 Apison, TN 37302 Chattanooga, TN 37405 Chattanooga, TN 37411-4502 Chattanooga, TN 37411-1351 Trenton, GA 30752-4502 Ooltewah, TN 37363-1001 Chattanooga, TN 37416-2321 Chattanooga, TN 37419-1301 Dunlap, TN 37327-8918 Chattanooga, TN 37421-2005 South Pittsburg, TN 37380-6312 37405, Chattanooga, TN 37421-1504 Chattanooga, TN 37411-5219 Chattanooga, TN 37421-0611 Ooltewah, TN 37363-8357 Rising Fawn, GA 30738-4517 Rising Fawn, GA 30738 Hixson, TN 37343-2942 Chattanooga, TN 37416-3217 Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 Ringgold, GA 30736-2815 Ooltewah, TN 37363-1001 Signal Mountain, TN 37377-0400 Chattanooga, TN 37416-1809 Whitwell, TN 37397-5268 Chattanooga, TN 37415-4813 Chattanooga, TN 37416-1441 Lookout Mountain, GA 30750-2945 Chattanooga, TN 37411-3430 Chattanooga, TN 37421-3413 Signal Mountain, TN 37377-7706 Chattanooga, TN 37405-3021 Chattanooga, TN 37416-2430 Chattanooga, TN 37411-1033 Bryant, AL 35958-4363 Trenton, GA 30752-2746 Ooltewah, TN 37363 Chattanooga, TN 37421-1927 Chattanooga, TN 37416 Ooltewah, TN 37363-6535 Ooltewah, TN 37363-6535 Chattanooga, TN 37404-3211 Chattanooga, TN 37406-3153 , Hixson, TN 37343-4414 Chattanooga, TN 37421-2005 Menlo, GA 30731-5130 South Pittsburg, TN 37380-1754 Whitwell, TN 37397-6214 , Bryant, AL 35958-4363 Pikeville, TN 37367-3500 Chattanooga, TN 37421-3413 Chattanooga, TN 37411-5219

St Elmo UMC Chattanooga St John UMC St Luke UMC Chattanooga St Marks UMC Stanley UMC Trenton UMC Tyner UMC Washington Hills UMC Wauhatchie UMC Welch’s Chapel-Stephen’s Chp Wesley Memorial UMC Wesley-Lou’s Chapel White Oak UMC Whiteside UMC At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member District Lay Leader District UMW President

District Lay Member Directory


District Lay Member Directory


Holston Annual Conference



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tony Stooksbury O. T. Smith James L Cain Jim Justice Andrew T Morris Catherine Rowell Marcia Malin Richard Abbott Penney Helms Barbara Williams Brian Williams Jane Hunley Becca Treece Pat Bellingrath Thomas C. Hood Olivia Starks Stephanie Strutner Bryon Easterday Joan De Tar Bob Gac Kay Harper Katie Segraves Dalton Smith Sherrie Martin Susie Worley Carol Money Abbie Person Lynn Kirchner Paige Morgan Doug Veum Chuck Fritts Debbie Fritts Brian Hardin Doug Shipman Jim Emile Cleo Ellis Carol Heath Beth Howe-Christensen Tom Morris Bill Grieve Bernice Conner Ashlee Cockram Katherine C. Mays Tammy Thomas Debbie Taylor Shirley Napier Robin Miller Nancy Harper Roger McCoig Lena Shoemaker Charles E. Millican Lisa Morrow Joe Abbott Ken Everett Gwen Scudder Alicia Mills

Andersonville-Mt Pleasant Asbury Chapel UMC Asbury UMC Clinton Bearden UMC Beaver Ridge UMC Bethel UMC Amherst Bradbury-Good Shepherd Cedar Lane UMC Central UMC Knoxville Central UMC Lenoir City Central UMC Lenoir City Christ UMC Knoxville Christ UMC Knoxville Church Street UMC Church Street UMC Church Street UMC Church Street UMC Clapps Chapel UMC Concord UMC Knox Concord UMC Knox Concord UMC Knox Concord UMC Knox Concord UMC Knox Cowan Chapel UMC Emerald Avenue UMC Fairview-Oakwood Fincastle UMC First Farragut UMC First Farragut UMC First UMC Knoxville First UMC Oak Ridge First UMC Oak Ridge Fountain City UMC Fountain City UMC Harriman UMC Haven Chapel UMC Jacksboro-Caryville Kingston UMC Kingston UMC LaFollette UMC Lennon-Seney UMC Lincoln Park UMC Lonsdale - Martin Chapel Lonsdale - Martin Chapel Lynnwood UMC Magnolia Avenue UMC Mascot UMC Memorial UMC Clinton Middlebrook Pike UMC Middlebrook Pike UMC Midtown Valley UMC Miller’s Chapel UMC Union Moore’s Gap UMC Mt Hermon UMC Knox New Century UMC New Life-Hopewell


242 Loyston Point Rd 126 Highland Way 1649 W Forest Blvd 5316 Whitehorse Rd 4747 W Beaver Creek Dr 237 Wells Fargo Dr 401 W 4th Ave 7649 Oak Ridge Hwy 3428 Luwana Ln 165 Old Farm Rd 165 Old Farm Rd 109 Sharp Ln 6971 Little Flat Creek Ln 801 Bluff Dr 4125 Woodlawn Pike Apt C6 7019 Rotherwood Dr 1937 Piperton Ln 7301 Ashford Glen Dr 1237 Timbergrove Dr 10409 Eagles View Dr 838 Klondike Way 10932 Thornton Dr 330 McFee Rd 107 Lincoln Dr 2534 Upland Ave 4450 Aylesbury Dr 704 Norris Cove Road 408 Treyburn Dr 13017 Sanderling Ln 1023 Keowee Ave 120 West Ln 120 West Ln 6800 Ruh Rd 4219 Wahli Dr 715 Clinton St 207 Foust Carney Rd 348 Sharp Acres PO Box 277 106 Lily Pad PO Box 308 7645 Cranley Rd 2301 Mitchell St 4700 Macmont Cir 2300 Merchant Dr Apt 17 255 Overlook Ln 2616 Delrose Dr 2111 Pheasant Creek Way 103 Waterston Way 1224 Kirby Glen Dr 1926 Northwood Dr 324 Woodland Dr 268 Ellis Ln 121 Sparrow 9303 Hill Rd 126 Morning Dr 2105 Belle Terra Rd Apt D

City, State Zip Andersonville, TN 37705-3201 Harriman, TN 37748-8507 Knoxville, TN 37909-1624 Knoxville, TN 37919-9343 Powell, TN 37849-5124 Knoxville, TN 37934-4433 Lenoir City, TN 37771-2327 Knoxville, TN 37931-3336 Knoxville, TN 37917-1707 Lenoir City, TN 37771-8390 Lenoir City, TN 37771-8390 Andersonville, TN 37705-2817 Corryton, TN 37721-3410 Knoxville, TN 37919-6672 Knoxville, TN 37920-4270 Knoxville, TN 37919-7411 Knoxville, TN 37931-3168 Knoxville, TN 37918-9304 Knoxville, TN 37919-8494 Knoxville, TN 37922-5139 Knoxville, TN 37923-1852 Knoxville, TN 37934-2922 Knoxville, TN 37934-4515 Harriman, TN 37748-6212 Knoxville, TN 37917-2375 Knoxville, TN 37918-7043 Caryville, TN 37714 Knoxville, TN 37934-7406 Knoxville, TN 37922-5397 Knoxville, TN 37919-7769 Powell, TN 37849-7014 Powell, TN 37849-7014 Knoxville, TN 37918-5417 Knoxville, TN 37918-1516 Harriman, TN 37748-2602 Powell, TN 37849-7039 Jacksboro, TN 37757-2211 Ten Mile, TN 37880-0277 Rockwood, TN 37854-4768 Norris, TN 37828-0308 Powell, TN 37849-3748 Knoxville, TN 37917-6135 Powell, TN 37849-4519 Knoxville, TN 37912-5116 Caryville, TN 37714-4317 Knoxville, TN 37914-7209 Mascot, TN 37806-1964 Clinton, TN 37716-6356 Knoxville, TN 37923-6626 Knoxville, TN 37923-1307 Harriman, TN 37748-8132 Washburn, TN 37888-4810 Rocky Top, TN 37769-5645 Knoxville, TN 37938-1330 Harriman, TN 37748-5810 Knoxville, TN 37923-1359

District Lay Member Directory




City, State Zip

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Betty McCarty Danielle Meyers Sherry Smith Willa Humphreys Donna Tipton Joe B. Conger Lucille Shreve Cecilia Henderson Joe Kay Rick Dye Mike Slimbarski Charlene Miller Shirley Keck Alan Culvahouse Mike McGrath Brenda Cleaves Deborah Glenn Everett Stewart Sandra Barry Janie McMillan Lisa Atkins Alisha Balcom Jonna Ballard Jack Barry Marcia Barton Johnnie Bridges Myra Buffaloe Elizabeth Chancey Sue Clapp Dan Cocke LeRae Collins Catelee Crow Amber Edrington Joyce Emile Regina Everett Ashley Garren Meri Grant Brenda Gratz Debra Hall Ferguson Lori A. Hopper H. Diane James Alvin Jenkins Patti Keck Terry Keck Belinda Kenny Amanda L. Kitts Dawson Kitts Karla Spence Kurtz Deborah Kyek Mary Catherine Landry Anne Loy Ken Mahoney Andrea McCarter Cindy McGhee Donna McKinney Danielle Meyers Mildred Millican

605 Riverbend Rd 384 Strader Rd 6916 Ball Camp Pike 331 Bennett Rd 1235 Rob Watson Rd 1530 Cider Ln 322 Granville Conner Rd 1125 Brushy Valley Rd 425 Lorne Ln 1522 Autumn Path Ln 135 Skyview Dr 4046 Mountain Vista Rd 419 Alpine Dr 4300 Gaines Rd 144 Gunter Place Rd 518 Dogwood Dr 1916 Hocotake Ln 1028 Foust Carney Rd 4304 Ohara Dr 677 Fincastle Rd 7824 Sweet Ln 301 Coulter Shoals Cir 5228 Tazewell Pointe Way 4304 Ohara Dr 202 Westbury Dr 1125 Adcock Ave PO Box 70184 342 Euclid Ave 6704 Circle Rd 2525 Fair Dr 3703 Forest Ln 416 Mountain Rd 5509 Briercliff Rd 715 Clinton St 9303 Hue Rd 4308 Garden Dr 252 N Main St 5209 Tazewell Pointe Way 5700 Briercliff Rd 321 Creekview Ln 158 Allison Dr 143 Eden Way 7918 Leclay Dr 7918 Leclay Dr 113 Palomino Dr 3934 Buttermilk Rd W 3934 Buttermilk Rd W PO Box 1040 175 Old Ridge Rd 2525 Fair Dr 5909 Weems Rd 2328 W Beaver Creek Dr 6533 Red Ashe Ln 415 Greenwood Dr 1001 Andover View Ln 384 Strader Rd 324 Woodland Dr

Clinton, TN 37716-3412 Powell, TN 37849-7638 Knoxville, TN 37931-3643 Oliver Springs, TN 37840-5010 Oneida, TN 37841-3777 Powell, TN 37849-2923 Powell, TN 37849-3331 Heiskell, TN 37754-2813 Blaine, TN 37709-2248 Knoxville, TN 37918-8452 Lenoir City, TN 37772-6881 Knoxville, TN 37931-1534 Clinton, TN 37716-6775 Knoxville, TN 37918-3529 Sunbright, TN 37872-2433 Harriman, TN 37748-8114 Knoxville, TN 37912-5725 Powell, TN 37849-7033 Knoxville, TN 37918-5005 La Follette, TN 37766-4911 Knoxville, TN 37938-3243 Lenoir City, TN 37772-3820 Knoxville, TN 37918-7521 Knoxville, TN 37918-5005 Clinton, TN 37716-2418 Knoxville, TN 37921-1802 Knoxville, TN 37938-0184 Kingston, TN 37763-2753 Corryton, TN 37721-4411 Knoxville, TN 37918-2324 Knoxville, TN 37918-4228 Clinton, TN 37716-6835 Knoxville, TN 37918-4246 Harriman, TN 37748-2602 Knoxville, TN 37938 Knoxville, TN 37918-3507 Clinton, TN 37716-3706 Knoxville, TN 37918-7520 Knoxville, TN 37918-4249 Knoxville, TN 37923-3010 Harriman, TN 37748-8535 Lenoir City, TN 37772-6291 Knoxville, TN 37938-3029 Knoxville, TN 37938-3029 Friendsville, TN 37737-3149 Kingston, TN 37763-6930 Kingston, TN 37763-6930 Norris, TN 37828-1040 Kingston, TN 37763-5130 Knoxville, TN 37918-2324 Knoxville, TN 37918-3835 Powell, TN 37849-4817 Knoxville, TN 37918-9126 Clinton, TN 37716-3507 Knoxville, TN 37922-7707 Powell, TN 37849-7638 Harriman, TN 37748-8132

Norris-Sinking Springs Norwood-Bell’s Campground Norwood-Bell’s Campground Oliver Springs Parish Oneida-Rugby Road Powell UMC Powell UMC Rocky Top UMC Rutherford Memorial UMC Second UMC Second UMC Solway UMC St Mark-Dutch Valley St Paul UMC Fountain City SunOak Parish Swan Pond UMC Trinity UMC Knoxville Valley View-Heiskell Washington Pike UMC Well Spring-Cawood At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member

District Lay Member Directory


District Lay Member Directory


Holston Annual Conference




* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member District Lay Leader District UMM President District UMW President District Young Adult Member District Youth Member

Dorothy Moore David Morris Renni Morris Sheila Morris Donna M. Mosby Sharon Price Susan Shipman Ralph Skinner Ben Smith Ella Smith Michael L. Smith Norma Smith Kate Bledsoe Spencer Bobby Stair Sherry Stair Thomas Stubbs Mary Lynn Tabor Brenda Tate Mary Frances Tucker Ron Uglow Debbie Webster H. Diane James Ralph Skinner Danielle Meyers Thomas Stubbs Meri Grant

213 Roane St Kingston, TN 37763-2534 4601 Cobblestone Cir Knoxville, TN 37938-3208 4253 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919-5222 4601 Cobblestone Cir Knoxville, TN 37938-3208 106 Haven Hill Ln Oak Ridge, TN 37830-7940 1136 Poplar Springs Rd Kingston, TN 37763-4114 4219 Wahli Dr Knoxville, TN 37918-1516 12921 Butterfield Ln Knoxville, TN 37934-4401 401 S Gallaher View Rd Apt 143 Knoxville, TN 37919-6518 PO Box 88 Elgin, TN 37732-0088 1807 Nantasket Rd Knoxville, TN 37922-5723 330 McFee Rd Knoxville, TN 37934-4515 2561 Moss Creek Rd Knoxville, TN 37912-4484 2511 Ancient Oak Ln Knoxville, TN 37931-4188 2511 Ancient Oak Ln Knoxville, TN 37931-4188 1313 Kensington Dr Knoxville, TN 37922-8062 616 Whitesburg Dr Knoxville, TN 37918-8966 PO Box 4 Robbins, TN 37852-0004 801 Vanosdale Rd Apt 601 Knoxville, TN 37909-2497 2300 San Lucki Way Knoxville, TN 37909-4705 2916 Ellistown Rd Knoxville, TN 37924-1209 158 Allison Dr Harriman, TN 37748-8535 12921 Butterfield Ln Knoxville, TN 37934-4401 384 Strader Rd Powell, TN 37849-7638 1313 Kensington Dr Knoxville, TN 37922-8062

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Adams Chapel-Hulls Chapel Austin Springs UMC Baileyton Circuit Bethesda-Eden Bethesda-Eden Blountville UMC Bluff City UMC Carter County Parish Carter County Parish Cedar Grove-Ebenezer Centenary UMC Erwin Chuckey Circuit Chuckey Circuit Cokesbury UMC Johnson City Cross UMC Edgefield UMC Elizabeth Chapel UMC Fairview UMC First UMC Elizabethton First UMC Johnson City First UMC Mountain City-Trade Grace UMC Gray UMC Greene County Parish Greystone Circuit Hermon-Pleasant Hill Holly Springs-Bethel Jearoldstown-Union Temple Johnson City Parish Johnson City Parish

Jacquie Dishner Anthony Mills Nikki Pierce Larry Keplinger Betty Range Sally Blackburn Lelia Perry Eddie Bales Lori Langlois John McInturff Angie Georgeff Denny Ball Morgan Million Cole Morris Margaret Elsea Sam Reed Elizabeth Ramsey Kim Woods David W. Deal Anna Kapoor Phil Littlejohn Susan James Michael Bumgarner Lucas Wiggin Amy Rose Haley Laughlin Myrtle Barnette Paula Cornell Terry Bailey Joanne Peters


422 Highway 75 186 Old Embreeville Rd 3188 Gap Mountain Rd 202 Tommy Campbell Rd 1438 Mill Springs Rd PO Box 487 466 Egypt Rd 275 Blue Springs Rd 1024 Lakeview Dr 1902 Wilhoit Rd 420 Gay St 90 Nursing Home Rd 3648 Clear Springs Rd 400 Sunset Dr Apt L55 188 Cross Community Rd 641 N Austin Springs Rd 1664 Hatterdale Farm Rd 611 Horseshoe Bend Rd 245 Meadow Glen Dr 114 Blue Bird Ct 759 Johnson Hollow Rd 216 University Pkwy 3 W 301 Sunset Ridge Ct 610 Jud Neal Loop 505 Ricker Rd 1511 Valiant Dr 145 E Sevier Ave 115 W Pines Rd 120 Ben Wood Rd 803 Lacy St

City, State Zip

Blountville, TN 37617-6043 Jonesborough, TN 37659-6167 Greeneville, TN 37745-8518 Jonesborough, TN 37659-6543 Jonesborough, TN 37659-6215 Blountville, TN 37617-0487 Bluff City, TN 37618-2415 Elizabethton, TN 37643-5503 Butler, TN 37640-7366 Chuckey, TN 37641-5937 Erwin, TN 37650-1722 Chuckey, TN 37641-5578 Limestone, TN 37681-5030 Johnson City, TN 37604-2473 Bristol, TN 37620-1518 Piney Flats, TN 37686-4712 Blountville, TN 37617-5360 Jonesborough, TN 37659-4557 Bristol, TN 37620-9519 Johnson City, TN 37601-5315 Mountain City, TN 37683-8032 Johnson City, TN 37604-7363 Johnson City, TN 37615-4379 Afton, TN 37616-4034 Greeneville, TN 37743-6225 Greeneville, TN 37745-6445 Kingsport, TN 37660-3727 Afton, TN 37616-3447 Johnson City, TN 37601-7036 Johnson City, TN 37604-3727

District Lay Member Directory




City, State Zip

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Angie Huffine Sandy Knight Brenda Snyder Harrison Miller Lisa Frazier Sandra Rowe Judith Anderson Scott Beck Dianna D Cantler Edie Culberson Lauri Hale Barbara Ledford John Starnes Bruce Brocklebank

129 Hales Rd 804 N Hills Dr 1414 Harbin Hill Rd 1725 Highway 107 3841 Highway 81 S 174 Jarrett Rd 1109 Estate Dr 1 Woodland Ct 1911 Sherwood Dr 5 Clarks Ct 210 Emerald Chase Cir 164 Woodland Cir PO Box 56 641 Pleasant Grove Rd

Jonesborough, TN 37659-4648 Johnson City, TN 37604-3090 Mountain City, TN 37683-6088 Jonesborough, TN 37659-7307 Jonesborough, TN 37659-7145 Limestone, TN 37681-3338 Johnson City, TN 37604-2953 Johnson City, TN 37601-2669 Johnson City, TN 37601-3234 Johnson City, TN 37604-2196 Johnson City, TN 37615-4952 Jonesborough, TN 37659-6331 Piney Flats, TN 37686-0056 Limestone, TN 37681-2112

Pat Moore

490 Cockateil Rd

Limestone, TN 37681-4783

Lois Ann Cox Becky Cross Drew Edwards Margaret Wallace Kim Ogden Nathan Dugger Lynn Mason Arved Harding John Anderson Joanna Baker John D Baker Amy Blumberg Jennifer Boarman Lynice Broyles Nan Carver Dan Cross David Frost Andrea Gates Dell Gates Dan Gill Emily Harding Kathryn J Huffine Reagan Kelly Sandy Knight Jennifer Mongold Terry W. Muse Andy Nelson Amanda Onks Kristie D. Osterberg Joanne Peterson John Rambo Steve Reis Brian Salyer R. O. Smith Hugh Wallace Peggy Wansley Betty Yeomans-Barton Nan Carver Joanne Peterson Reagan Kelly Brian Salyer

PO Box 385 1262 Glendale Rd 1308 E 8th Ave 315 Culver Rd 147 Springbrook Rd 144 Jade Dr 379 Springfield Dr 282 Blackburn Rd 1109 Estate Dr PO Box 5273 PO Box 5273 16 Chaucer Ct 436 Peachtree St 126 Mesa Dr 188 Sparks Rd 1262 Glendale Rd 106 Ben Jenkins Rd 1260 N Austin Springs Rd 1260 N Austin Springs Rd 2049 Crossroads Dr 282 Blackburn Rd 360 Blount St 151 Country Garden Rd 804 N Hills Dr 1049 Mill Way Ct PO Box 2201 3312 Martindale Dr PO Box 1336 64 Bainey Broyles St Lot 68 214 E Gilmer Park 403 Bethany Dr 2806 Sumpter Dr 244 Bart Green Dr 1105 Pine Root Branch Rd 315 Culver Rd 3919 Greenwood Dr 110 Mary St 188 Sparks Rd 214 E Gilmer Park 151 Country Garden Rd

Bluff City, TN 37618-0385 Jonesborough, TN 37659-4258 Johnson City, TN 37601-2704 Limestone, TN 37681-2638 Unicoi, TN 37692-6432 Elizabethton, TN 37643-5383 Bristol, TN 37620-0745 Blountville, TN 37617-5413 Johnson City, TN 37604-2953 Kingsport, TN 37663-0273 Kingsport, TN 37663-0273 Johnson City, TN 37615-3208 Johnson City, TN 37604-4457 Gray, TN 37615-5409 Johnson City, TN 37601-8137 Jonesborough, TN 37659-4258 Johnson City, TN 37615-2400 Piney Flats, TN 37686-4647 Piney Flats, TN 37686-4647 Mountain City, TN 37683-2003 Blountville, TN 37617-5413 Jonesborough, TN 37659-1372 Johnson City, TN 37601-5269 Johnson City, TN 37604-3090 Jonesborough, TN 37659-3070 Johnson City, TN 37605-2201 Johnson City, TN 37601-9228 Johnson City, TN 37605-1336 Greeneville, TN 37745-1611 Johnson City, TN 37604-3891 Jonesborough, TN 37659-8608 Johnson City, TN 37604-6313 Johnson City, TN 37615-4609 Bakersville, NC 28705-7418 Limestone, TN 37681-2638 Jonesborough, TN 37659-6256 Johnson City, TN 37615-2628 Johnson City, TN 37601-8137 Johnson City, TN 37604-3891 Johnson City, TN 37601-5269

Jonesborough UMC Marvins Chapel UMC Mountain City Circuit Mt Carmel-Seviers Mt Wesley-Embreeville Mt Wesley-Embreeville Munsey Memorial UMC Munsey Memorial UMC Munsey Memorial UMC Munsey Memorial UMC Munsey Memorial UMC New Victory UMC Piney Flats UMC Pleasant Grove-Valley View -Milburnton Pleasant Grove-Valley View -Milburnton Rockhold-Enterprise Sulphur Springs UMC Taylor Memorial UMC Telford-Asbury Unicoi UMC Valley Forge-Roan Mountain Wesley Memorial UMC Wheeler UMC At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member District Lay Leader District UMW President District Young Adult Member District Youth Member

District Lay Member Directory


Holston Conference Connectional Ministries

Phone Ext.

Michael Sluder................................................ mikesluder@holston.org.....................................................4133

Director of Connectional Ministries

Associate Director: Connectional Ministries for Discipleship & Childrens Ministries

Associate Director: Connectional Ministries for Youth & Young Adult Ministries

Executive Director, Camp & Retreat Ministries

Administrative Assistant to Connectional Ministries

Susan Groseclose............................................ susangroseclose@holston.org.............................................4139 Laura McLean................................................. lauramclean@holston.org...................................................4151 Mary Thompson.............................................. marythompson@holston.org...............................................4134 Charlotte Riggins............................................ charlotteriggins@holston.org.............................................4141 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Holston Foundation

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 900, Alcoa, TN 37701-0900 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 Telephone: (865) 690-8124 • Fax: (865) 690-3162

Phone Ext.

Paul Bowman.................................................. paulbowman@holston.org..................................................4122 Executive Director LeRae Collins ................................................ leraecollins@holston.org....................................................4152

Director, Communication

Director, Stewardship

Accounts Manager

Chief Accountan

Office Manager

Administrative Assistant

Richard Edwards ............................................ richardedwards@holston.org.............................................4124 Brenda Mills .................................................. brendamills@holston.org....................................................4121 Sharon Watson................................................ sharonwatson@holston.org................................................4123 Rita Broderick ................................................ ritabroderick@holston.org.................................................4120 Tina Hamon ................................................... tinahamon@holston.org......................................................4160 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Holston Conference Smoky Mountain District Office

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 905, Alcoa, TN 37701-0905 217 South Rankin Road, Alcoa, TN 37701 Telephone: (865) 982-1427 • Fax: (865) 981-7470 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Holston Conference Camp & Retreat Ministries Telephone: (423) 982-2156 • Registration: (423) 929-9037

Phone Ext.

Mary Thompson ............................................. marythompson@holston.org............................. (423) 667-8269

Executive Director, Camp & Retreat Ministries

Administrative Director, Camp & Retreat Ministries

Office Assistant, Camp & Retreat Ministries

Director, Camp in the Community

Ruby Brown.................................................... ruby@holston.org............................................. (423) 929-9037 Cheryl Killman .............................................. camp@holston.org............................................ (423) 929-9037 Whitney Winston............................................ whitney@campinthecommunity.org.................. (865) 293-4137

continued on back cover

Holston Center for Wellbeing 2507 Mineral Springs Ave., Suite B, Knoxville, TN 37917-1549 Telephone: (865) 692-2390 • Fax: (865) 692-2393

Kathy Heustess • Director, Holston Center for Wellbeing • kathyheustess@holston.org Donna Felskie • Administrative Assistant to Director • donnafelskie@holston.org


Holston Conference Colleges and University Emory & Henry College PO Box 947, Emory, VA 24327-0947 • (276) 944-4121 • www.ech.edu Tennessee Wesleyan University 204 E. College St., Athens, TN 37303-3604 • (423) 745-7504 • www.tnwesleyan.edu


Holston Conference Related Institutions Asbury, Inc., Home Office 5285 Westview Dr., Suite 200, Frederick, MD 21703-8521 • (301) 250-2100 • www.asburyplace.org Centers Asbury Place at Kingsport, Baysmont • (423) 245-0360 Asbury Place at Kingsport, Steadman Hill • (423) 245-0360 Asbury Place at Maryville • (865) 984-1660 Holston United Methodist Home for Children PO Box 188, Greeneville, TN 37744-0188 • www.holstonhome.org Telephone: (423) 638-4171 • Toll-free Telephone: (800) 628-2986


Other Contacts Cokesbury (800) 672-1789 • www.cokesbury.org Holston Methodist Federal Credit Union 6207 Highland Place Way #101, Knoxville, TN 37919 • www.hmfcu.org Telephone: (865) 558-3117 • Toll-free Telephone: (800) 782-9257 Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center 91 North Lakeshore Dr., Lake Junaluska, NC 28745 • www.lakejunaluska.com Telephone: (865) 558-3117 • Reservations: (800) 222-4930 United Methodist Communication Information Service (InfoServ) PO Box 320, Nashville, TN 37202-0320 • Fax: (615) 742-5415 www.umc.org/infoserv • Email: infoserv@umcom.org


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